HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 8A
Our etc*. of Wan Paper
Olio spring le au fieeh and
eweet, Deconetieris. Wo
eau Marmite° yteli beet
value for your money
any paper oilmen.
Viiff wise baryes /move
that (Waite' in paper stock
agoli ns color is what
eferate in Wall Paper.
We Stool Belied Our Goods
Satisfactions Guaranteed
The peblis'egocetine at earlow on
Thineeley eeeeice Lire wee a big sue,
eeee. 1.coeo f . I.gbertcun preeided t .. .. A
ar.d captained that the reason or the
meeting es -as that the council wae
outlining the ropey of reforestation
on a emelt scide. Thie being the iirst
Osceola!) in the county to deal with
Miss' Ethel Brown bee gene to Tor-
• Nis3 Hamilton. bus returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Aequith, o Auburn,
Pot up e•GU' troublleo pea, f.44_4
Lit bag and lay.
Everitceiy will be made seeleoeie
eit church on Sundey. The paster
will take as his subject "Shamej
Mrs. Hoover, of Cinnrose, who has
been spending a holiday here with
her mother, Bfre George Currie, left
the forest problem. congratulations wohloww 'for her home. we
were due to the Colborne people for wish her bon voyage and an early
their progressiveness. er turn.
Mr. Richardson, from the Forestry
Department, Parliament Building* Mrs • Murphy talked about her
h although h b d
Inishan so mue , e a
been dead for twenty Years, that
people remarked that Mr. Murphy
WAS more alive when dead, than be
was when he lived.
There is a song entitled, "You
never miss the water till the well
runs dry." We often are in posses- - -
!non of things but do tot appreciate Mrs. Wm, Watson, A very enjoy..
what we possess. It is after we- able social hour was then spent.
losea friend or a thing that we be- i One item of interest and impertance
gin to realize the true value of flint wetthe statement that the bale
which we have keit, which usually was sent to some In -
Toronto, gave, a lecture. with
viewa1 on the work of reforeeting,
starting with a brief description of
eerie) of the nonesgricultural land in
Ontario, or where drifting sands -ov.
-red up good agricultural laud. Re-
foresting with pine, spruce, willow,
and other fast growing trees, is doing
a good work in breaking the sand
etorms, besides making a permanent
Mr. Richardson spoke briefly of the
farm wood lot, -the value of which
the farmer had discovered long ago.
But usually the farmer was satisfied
with the feeling that he bad sufficient
wood tinwarm his home and did not -
pay enough attention to protecting
his wood plot as an inheritance for
his children.
Mr. Richardson gave the plan of
reforesting, showing a -view of the
farm where they gait millions of
tree- from seed, keeping • them in
nursery rows for two yeaes. These
trees farmers could get free of cost,
if they would follow the directions
from stock, etc. If the farmers or
owner of non-agricultural land would
take advantage of this offer it would
assist he insuring the older part.' of
the Province against a wood famine.
Mr. Geo. Laithwaite spoke of Rural'
Credits and said it was impossible
for a farmer to make a success of hie
business if finances were not avail-
able. ;Lots of farmers had to dispose
were tOwa on Sundt**, of their live stock before it was a
The old war-horses in the „Liberal finished product because of lack of
petty naturalist preferred May. . finances, and Rural Credits were in -
Mies Ethel Glenn is -visiting lier tended to 'solve this difficulty.
parents, ?Mr. and Mrs. David Glenn. Mr. Laithwaite said he was inter -
Daintily Stamped
for Embroidery
Regular $2.75 fOr $1.60
Thera is awls something wrong .,ested in reforestation also. He had
with a man, ae t ere N with a motor 20 'laves of Y°ung nuiPlea which he
bad experimented with for Hi years
when lie kuocks eontinually.
Rev. .Canon 1 otheringham, M. A. which hied proved very satisfactory
and .was making a growth return of
formetly • of Godericli parish, Was re
ereated Archdeacon of begin by the
Lord Bishop of Huron,
• -
Govenmwnt progress reminds one
of the sudden evolution of heating
ayaterns at home. First it was hat
air attt. 110W it is hot water.
Dungaltuou and St. Helens played
`hockey at Lueknow last Saturday
evenieg and it gives us great pleas -
etre to congratulate our local fans.
Tice aeore was •54.
During this Lenten season divine,
• service will be held in the parish
ehinWon FriddY evenings nt-rP. nz,
The first of these services Will be
Friday, March 10th, •
Francis W. Ray* of • Listowel, is
• now leader of the Liberal party in
Ontario. .Mr. Ray is a cousin of Mr.
Frank Rogerson, of this town. Both
gentlemen aro good climbers, for both
have been successful in his own way
of getting to the top of polls (poles).
will hold her •
on •
Saturday, March 18th
;Intl following Week
r. K. Revell said the Rural
Credit plan would be a good thing if
itewas properly managed and not a-
bused'. If everybody worked harder
conditions would be better for both
rural,. and urban eitizense Some
claimed the farmers should not be
assisted 'while other classes were ov-
erlooked, and if the farmers took the
bankers into their confidence they
would get more assistance from them.
Rev. 11. Royle, of Nile, 'voiced the
appreeiation of the audience and-
to the evening's program.
J. /t Keinighan also spoke in
favor of the Rural Credits seherne.
It was suggested by some that a
test vote be taken as to whether it
would be of interest to bring Engin-
eer Caster here to discuss- Hydro at
Carlow. The vote was unanimously
in favor.
: Asitrinto -
Mr. ('.has. W. Alton, general nierobant
et Lanes. announces a great 15 day
sale of dry geodst Men's turnishiogs,
Wee and shoes, groories, wall ,paper,
hardware, etc., commeneing Much 15th
and continuing to the end of the month,
with genuine bargains In every line. •
Sem Flee Before IC --There are
many who have been afflicted with
sores and have driven them awe'
There is eirarCh in this commun. disn was. this srear, sent to.
ity, spitedi
numbee of pool* live relieve distress in Toronto. • From.
within reasonable reach of it, but ;some aceoluitt it was learned that in
never Or scarcely ever enter it on the Queen City considerable poverty
Sundays. They can go if they went misted, and in some cases there was
to do. The day will come when they
will not be able to go, however k,much
they niay want to do. It is thenltat
they will learn the value of the thing
they spurned and neglected, viten
they might have used it.
even destitution.
Services will be taken at Bethel at
11 a, in. and at Zion at 2:30 p. rn. as
follows: March I2th, by Mr. P. cnn-
Tbe meeting on Tuesday telon; Mar..19th, by Mr. Armsteoug;
night was fairly well attended. Mr. March Anth, by Mr. W. S. Bowden;
G. M. Elliott, Superintendent of the April 2nd, by Mr. Cantelon; April
bild -Shelter work, gavee aneaddress. lithe hy., Mr. A. Robertson; April
on his work, The address - was II; 10th, by Mr. R. 'feting, April 23rd;
lustrated by means of lantern slides by Miss Bailie; April 30th, by Mr. G.
thrown on the meet, The collec- Jenkins.
tion of just overe34 was passed over •
to • Mr. Elliott for the c ild shelter GODERICH TOWNSHIP
work. Mr. Alexander Sheppard pre.
sided over the meetingi Miss Olive
McCann read -the Scriptures; Mr.
Lon* Pentland' and Florence Royle
-rendered solos.
On 'f Friday the• Sunday wheel
workers lied a big day et Carlow,
when the Auburn District Sunday
School Convention was held. Rev.
Mr. Fleteher, -a Sunday school tra.
veiling secretary, addressed both af-
ternoon and evening sessions. Ari
essay writing .competitiose" on the
tate of the cigarette, had been pre-
viously organized, and four of the
best essays were read at the meet-
ing. A gold medal was awarded to
Mr. Frank Raithby of Auburn, for
the hest essay of the selected four.
The audience paged the meeits of
the essay and decided the Winner,
On Wednesday bvening a few
from here attended the lecture on
Reforestation, given at ,Oarlow
Mr. Richardson, a Government s,pe-
cialist. At the same meeting Mr.
Stothersr .District Representative.
gave an address on "Rural Credits."
Both addressee -were well received.
One thing we all learned who were
there, and that was, that we did not
know much about Rural Credits. In
our ignorance, however, we thought
that that system of helping the
farmer Would be a strain on the cre-
dit of the Government and a tax on
the credulity and fidelity of the
farmer. But anything that would
help the farmer' should be given a
fair trial, for after all, what coal is
to Newcastle, and fish is to New-
foundland, so the produce of the farm
,to Caned&
or 4*
Scarlet Lodge L. O. L. will 'meet in •PAnne, : ' lb
o orne e:4 C „..... cors,„ cl
ro0GacilneStiOt TanteadOarr.gMearen1:°11eth,lleot. 8181! SRI:s7de8n6ce"236 do ' •
The Verniers' Club will meet in
. .
, . .
.the Greece Hall on Wednesday, Mar. — * '
16th, when an illustrated lecture will Dela aririejegianClarlaiCOSICallatherielargiglanalenaelanaan
be given on the subject. Chicago"to ...eq., ,..,
or 4- 4.14. 4" • 4' ,
THURSDAY, March 9th, in2.
4, A' 4,
L Watt "VIE ROUSE OF RELIABILITY" Stallard fawns
Tito Cash Store . More For Your Dollars
New Spring Lines are arriving in Really.to.Wear and ,
Piece' Goods. The newest that fashion has created is offered
by Us for you to select from; Be sure and see our lines before
making your selections.
A range of. Gingham; in the ne west patterns whleh comprises those -wonderful smart decks
which you are reading about, Also broken -checks and plaids. While they last at .26c a yard.
Just arrived, * range of Voiles in the best des;gne small patterns. They are 36 iaeies
wide and new. A limited supply at 390 e: yard.
The advance styles in coats have arrived. Thy are called Natbury.
Hire Is the type of octet that tope the mode with the outdoor won= who has a. penchant
for tailor-roades.
Developed on the long lines of the E'nglish 13urbury. all wool English and imported heather
mixture cloths, in single and reversible plaided weave.
CA•on mannish lutes, with all-round belt, swagger raglan sleeves, slasinol bie tst pocket.
inverted -Week pleat, or tailored vent, buckled cuffs wittr protecting wind shield, leather buttons ond
pleb or insert neekets.
• . This is the Natbury Coat •Be sure aiad see it. - a
The W. M.. S. held their reg..ultir
meeting, on Wednesday at the home
of Miss Minnie Currie, A large and
enthusiastic number of ladies -were,
present. Besides the member*,
there were many visitors, including
seine from the 6th concession and
from Camrose, ./Albertie JAtfter
with De, Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. A quilting, a missionary meeting west
spnilarly troubled should, no held, presided eVer-lisr Mrs. , Pent-)
time in applying this splendid rem. land, in which several ladies took
edy, as there is nothing like it to be part. Mee. Rutledge lread the Scrip -
had. It is, cheap, but its power iin tures; Mrs, Hetherington and Mrs.
no way expressed by its km Price. Pentland et•eitd, papers as also did
California by Saute Fe Railway."
Miss Gladys Saults is acting as as-
sistapt to Miss Lewis in the library.
Rev. Canon Hill is in Brantford
this • Leet assisting, the Venerable
Archdeacon Fotheringham. .
• At a reeent meeting of the Wom-
en's Auxiliary of St. George's church
Mrs. Hardy was made the recipient
of a quilt made by the auxiliary.
.At the meeting of the Church Wo -
hold Lenten servi--------- uesdey
Stites Orain.Growers have
A. —•.L
a membership representing over 110,- •
Everybody welcome. .• 000,1)00 buehela of grain, which will ,
• • TiPPERARY be` marketed co-operatively.
Our phones are still a1l out of or-
der; wcr.miss them.
Mrs, G. A. Cooper returned' home
Monday from a vieit to her soli and
daughters in Toronto.
St. James' church, Middleton, will
evening through Lent, man's Guild of St. 'George's church
We are sorter. to • announce the
death. of Mrs. Ben 'Pearson on Mon -
•day eventng, March 6th. Wunder -
stand it is a case of taking a dose of
Miss Fanny S. Graz 'who has been
time, returned to the home of her
father last Wednesday. She is still
very poorly.•
Copeland Flour Mills, Limited
8 Per Cent cumulative Preferred Shares
Price $1.00.00 Per Share
With a Bonus • of 30;- Per -Cent. Common . Stock
You are being offered an opmtunity to invest and share
in the.' profits of a thoroughly well organized Milling Company
with every advantage and indication of complete success.
There is no reason why Copeland Flour Mills, Limited,
should not repeat the performances of other well-known suc-
cessful Milling Companies.
Investigate this offering now.
E. H., HILL & GO
Government, Municipal and Industrial Securities
Ma nic Building
Goderith. Ontario
on Tuesday afternoon leirs. R. R.
Durnin was elected president in place
of Mrs, W. L. Horton, resigned,. and
Mrs. ' Thos. Murphy. was appointed
first vice president in place of. Mrs.
' Services in Knox church next Sab-
-bath-conducted-by-the- minister. 11
a. m., third in series on •Pael.,„„the man
and his work: "Prtriltpostle." 7
p. en., third in series on Things sure.
Ethel WaSringirteln, of •Goderi• SabbathSchool
. and Bible Classes at
13Yebeeiolicekv.ed; "Was Christ Diviners
spent the .week -end with her friend.:
Hazel Young, Baptist church, March 12; Set.
•vices will be conducted by the pas -
We are sorry to report that Mr. tor, Rev. C. N. Dewey. Subjects, 11
James Glenn is not Improving in n. in., 'The believer waits for three
health as much .as his friends would things;" 7 p, in. "Three steps to the
wish* . lost." 3 p. Seiwoh__ Men -
Miss iiehanan, of Goderich, has day, p, me B. Y. Pe U. Topic will
been paying a visit of several weeks be taken by Mr, J. Campbell. Sub.
with her sisters, Mrs. A. Young and ject, "Things to pray for." Wearies -
Mrs. John Clark. • day, 8 p. me prayer service.
Mr. George Bone's sole,"'which wa; The regular monthly meeting of
held on Friday last drew a large Victoria St. W. M. S. was held on
crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Bean are Inge. Monday afternoon at the home of
ing to Goderich this week and will Mrs. PoStlethwalte; twenty-seven
be mueli'missed in the neighborhood. members being present Four new
A number from our neighborhood members were received, making a
attended the Auburn District annual roll call of sixty-seven members this
Sunday school convention held je year. Mrs. Downs gave a most help -
Smith's Hill church in the afternoon ful. Bible reading. • A. public enter-,
and evening of Friday last, and tainment is being arranged for, entit-
led, Honorable Mrs. Ling's Con -
" The
found it quite As interesting and pro- This entertainment is to
..Eyesight Specialbit• .Optometrist •
•'READ with the aid of RIGHT
glaabee., protect your oyes ag-
ainst STRAIN. Have them
examined yearly. • . •
See trs
Masonic Temple 0 Goderloh
Vitest Street-, •I'iaone 13 .
fitable as the former eonventions version.w".1
hae been.• be held about March 30th, After -
•noon tea was served by the hostess,
Westfield Public School assisted by Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs.
Report of
public Scheel,. ending Moore.
March 3rd, 1922: Sr. V. class, total Zit nv:rixo ni essBi 00:arrays ostotett it': toe; ttahnet 1
415—Leila -Staelthouse; 853; Douglas
Campbell, 829; Grace Redmond, •297; United States and Canada set aside
Norman McDowell, ' 290; ' Elwood
VriclaYlillareht h Ird, as
a d a3ri tat! 1:11 I Ilis a
va r so al 11
Stackhouse, 195; Edward Rodger, prayer and in accordance w
102. Jr. V. class? total 357—Grace almost one hundred women of the
Mason, 251; Mary Bell, 203., Sr. IV.. different churches of the town mot in
class, total 627—Warren Bamford, tbelecture room of ICnox church on the
376; Mabel Walden, 312; Norman afternoon of that day. The meeting
was presided over )y Mrs. Redditt,
Keating, 350; Sara Howatt, 192; Eva President of 'Knox Church Auxitiary,
Cook, 163. • Sr. III. class, total 517--
and earnest and helpful prayers were
Joseph Bell, 303; Melbourne Keating, enema by the following ladies: Mrs.
304; Lenofe Million, 252. Sr. II, Strachan, of Knee Church; Miss Gould
class total 557—Elaine Bamford, and Mrs. Girvin, of Nth St . Church;
445; 'Mary Rodger, 354; Harold Car- lars,liumber and Mrs. Mutton, of the
ter, 311; Irene Carter. 29e; Edna 'Baptist Church; Mrs. Aiiin and miss
Walsh, 228; Madeline Walden, 22,4; Haern of Victoria St. Church, and Mrs
Edgar Hewett 188, Hanle and Mrs. Carrie, of St. Georges'
R. It. RED MOND, Teach", Church, Mrs. Hatuilten read a thought -
Ltd paper on Prayer and also gave a, talk -
AMONG, THE CHURCHES on the International Leper Mission for
which an offering, amounting to $13.00.
The Sunday school library at 'St. was eeceivea at the biome. The spirit
George's church has been re -opened of the meeting wee very fine and a
for the use of the scholars, having delightful time was spent.by all present,
been put into firsteclassecondition. North St. Methodist church, H. D.
Moyer, pastor. Sunday. March 12.,
Get Busy by Working A Nice
Centre Piece
Towels, or
Day Slips „
•Something' new for your home
Or hope box. • • We have some
nice new designs just in..
i; • Everything in
St: atrick's Day Cards
and . Novelties
Smith's jirt Store
at, Phone 198
("get your,
1922 Permits and
from J. W. MacVioar
Geo. MaeViier's-Shoe Store .
North Side of *an' Cisieridi
0.°11ox 414
0 Yor CanGetDouble
I0 0
For Your Money
0 by getting your
* 'Household Furntiure nod ..°
1 Effects •
.6' •
FURNITURE EXCHANGE • -WEST . " • - . ' r '
0 .._ • . . O. . .....' ! .
- on the broadWay ot •Godetiotr • ' , : . •1..
"`irou're the:Judge"
Drop in and see '
co •
0 This is your Store
4 .
We have the equipment and
the experience which enables
as to get the best results ftpm
all kinds of pictures.
You wilt 1* ,surptised to see
• what. we cari get from a faded
photo or af poor titt type.
TO a. ni. and 7 'pu lic worship.
Morning theme, `Our Daily Bread."
Evening, "A Poverty-stricken Church
, that was Rich." 10 a. me Claases,
•Mission Band and Aten's Club, The
club topic, "What use should we
mike of the Bible in our homes?"
will be introdueed by lir. W. C. Pride
ham. Sunday 'school at 3 p.
The Epworth League will meet on
Tuesday evening. The Meeting Will
be in charge of Miss Gould. We.
Reyeraft of the Victoria St church,
Will give an address on Missions.
The cher& anniversary services
will be held on the 19th, when Rev.
Dr. Rutledge will be the preacher for
the day.
The Saults Coal Company
"The Yard of Service"
We SeII Only The Best Coal
• All Sizes to Suit Your Needs
When you need Hardwood, Mixed Wood, and Cedar,
Get Our Prices
CO42111.3R3E11-ir la= IIES
3510.e.:Xalixtei mn
in 1912, a nerentbi pre-war year. Municipal Bonds which ere •
• now selling to yielalfrom &II. to 61% were sold to yield but 43.•%.
.This means that in 1912 a twenty year 6% Municipal Bond
would have sold at $125.00 as nompared with to -days price of $100.
This illustration emphasizes the fact- dist notwithstanding
recent minor advances, Bond prices are now unusually low. For
this reason careful buyers a Bonds are taking advantage of prevail-
ing cOnditions and buying at existing prices.
• Here are a few we own and offer
S 35,000 City of 141elv• Westminster 6% Bonds, interest Pa9ahle
half yearly in Canadian or AmericanFwds. Clue in 1941
Price 99,42.
5,.000 City of Calgary a; Bonds, interest payehle half yearly
• in Cantediaevor American Funds,' -due 1939. Price 100.
Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 230
M -S -114 -11•S -N -A
These eight letters, as they appear, will prob-
ably mean very little to you, but, properly ,
arranged, they spell
which means the very best a shoe store can
offr in, up-to.the.miuute.goods, lowestpricest
courteous and efficient service.
in all its branches, undertaken by a capable
and efficient workman.
The Leading Shoe Store 'Phone 158