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The Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 7
THURSDAY, Marcie 9th, 194? SULPHUR CLEA1IS UP '' R000HJJIIIIED SSM SAD Slums ATTACK$ 1 your tongue is colons!, your breath gni;, your eyes yel;aw, your complus* sallow: if sat here sick or bilious head, eckeit,'variable appetite, pain, under the apps shoulder, tloatiug specks before MieItyes„theuyour liver is not order. Atli tilts troubles which come ire the Waite of. a disardeted liver trey'be strictly relieved by using Pace, Hoek 'toad Arms Emily Made Smooth, Says Specialist Any breakiltg eat cf" We 6htta tact fiery, itehirg ccrema, tan be ellickly overcome by applying a little Menthoa Suiplwr, delores a noted skin tartlet. jata !'hearse of its germ destroy ug Jtt''gtpertttoi 113:1$ sulphwr nreparati n Fi=ginS at oMGe to soothe irritated skin and heat erustienii Soots a' mauk ping ple and dry, worm. It., seldom fails .to remove the tor• meat and di5agurctnent. and you do not have to wait for relief from ent- barraesment. Improvement quickly shows. Suferets from slap trouble shogid o bi i asma!t jar of Menthes, - • , Sultib r from any gootJ druggist and ns6 t like ceid•cream: slack -"Aly ideal wife is one who can snake good' bread." Madge~ -113y ideal husband is one • who earl raise the dough in the hour of knead." g N Spain will shortly issue a stew ser.: les of postage stamps, LAXA-LiVER -PILLS• 14ii s ItIo. 11. Croke, , nismore. Ont., .writesr-"Last fall I was troubled severely with my liver, artd oeeasionally Iliad bad bilious attacks. • I tried sever- al medicines, but until I began to use your b7alburu�s Laxat*River Pills I found ao relief.", . Price,' 25e. a vial at All dealers, or trailed direct oir receipt of rice by Tice T. unborn Co . Limited. Toronto, Ont. CREAM CLEARS A.::-. STUFFED4UP HEAD Instantly Opens Every Ale v,passage- . Iears.Throat Too. • WINTER TERM frons JAL 3 CENTRAL • If your nostrils are clogged and yeti? head is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a littWpure, antiseptic cream into your nostrils. • It penetrates through every air Passage, soothing and }paling swollen, inflamed membranes and you get instant relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely's Crean* Halm at.any drug store. Your clogged nostrils open right up; your head is clear; no more hawking or Snuffling. Count' fifty. All the stufi'i-" ness, dryness, struggling for breath it time:, You feel. file, I�AVY MEAT [ATERS HOVE SLOW IIDNEYS Mat lest meat if fed Attoks cby or Itovethlasliter tgotzble-r'sks,;. No gran or woman who tate meat. rebus laxly can make a mistake by Swilling the .kidneys occasionally, says ,► well-known authority. Meat forms trio acid watch excites, thekidneythey become over. .worked from the strain, get sluggish d an tail to filter the waste andpoisons front:' !the blood, then we get sick. Nearly. alt ". . rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, otervouenesa, dizziness, sleeplessness sand :urinarydisorders 'come from' ialuggith, kidney a. k The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidney+ ar your back hurts or if the ' Urine is cdoudy, offensive, "full of sedi- ment, irregular of passage or stteuded by as sensation of scalding, atop eatingmeat and get About four.. ounces of .fad 'pelts from any pharmacy; takea tablespoonful in a glass oi. wat4r before • breakfast And in a few days your kidneys will act line. This famous salts as made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with lithia, and, hes been used for generations to flash and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the arida •' in urine so it no longer cantor irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. 41J'ad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; awakes a delightful dierveseeit iithia-water drink which everyoa, Amid take now and then to `keep the '3idneyie clean' and *atilt, and the blood ••vpplre, thereby avoiding *elope kidney. • .ttontplit+ation.. . A .. SAGE TEA OHKENS�:. HAIB TO ANY SHADE 8TR11'rIrtaars. *suit Western' Ontario's 'beet comnter-; fiat School with ' Coli rnerciai, Shortliud and. TelegraPhy depart. meats. We give individual instruc- •tin, no , o die o "Entrance" laps Acct; standing is not . necessary.. iGraduatea assisted to post'tldus. et ouv free catalo- gue for raga and.other particulars. 11. A. McLACAN, !t'r"inelpat. CR'' NO TRUN Rall waw i\ SYSTEM � � r Improve Train � Service y .. itgT CPL''L''L+T. God e� `T r�c and aro Le. Collet -kb, No.28.6.00. a.m., Aly, ex. Simile'C,v. Stratford, . 7.45 a.m., Le. Kitchener,. "• 8.25 a.m "' Lv. Gueipb. " 8.$0 a.rn., „ Ar. Toronto, s, 10.15 a.m., . " Lv.Toronto, No. 37, 6.10p.m.,Dly, ex. Sunday Lv. Guelph, 7.40 p.a., .,. ,t Kitchener,.,,. "8 11 a to , " a Stratford, -"- _ 3.0$ p4 ., " " Ar. Goderich, . t". 10.30 p.m:. "', . • "• Buffet -parlor car and firaf•alxss veetiklule.coseisto in. eacbdirectioa.. Entire train rues taru, n7 change.. F. P LAWJIENCE & .SONS. fawn • Passenger and 'Tleket Agents 'Phione al.. e. Now the Udder cif -.a valuable cow was saved Ch.r..x......„r. of CLeip,•ne'Fiyhit; Yacaputb. NS., wakes: -- "A recent experience 3a' rotfaimin; • ,at: ins suppo be .lost section of a slough, COW'S en has decwn strafed spin the : est worth of y Un M twa Liniment. can rem it in the Micheal terms to an who five *heal of cove, :For years l have nerve ceuiideied my • tbuusehol storkos cowithout a bottle of N nerd's. FomininsAnnists. • ajwa hosthissa.arefulIfaiasitexcels. And I know of no batten remedy for a same cold: "i thanks l ao. aafr inesking antimafia tea the patent toeduinea therele none 'that t coven..ilu,caltufef of wrtulneu JIImard Litahotnt. A rear trona-Goddfodilsar sad Swat•." i' pn't stay . Clray! lgeere's an Old-time Recipe that Ally- body n body can Apply, The use of Sage and sulphur for to. scoring faded, gray haiir..to its natural ,color dates back to grandrotbcr;'a time. She'ueed it to keep her bar beautifully darks Mossy and attractive. Whenever , her hair'look' on that dull, faded, or streaked appearance, this simple mixture Wes applied with wonderful efeel. • But brewing at borne ie mussy+and oat -of -date. Nowadays, by asking at 411111 drug store for a 50•cent.bottle of` "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," • 3ott *ill get this famous old preparation, improved by the addition of other in, grredienis, which can be depended upon to restore natural eolor and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown drIenglst rays 'it daricens the lair e,n naturally and evenly .that measly can tell®at ltas been applied. You Nimt,lt• dampen t sponge or. ft brush vitt it and ,draw• thisy through tour lobe. talsinn one strata nil' a# a time. 13;; morning. tier gray hair tits• . appears, and atter another :+t�l'biesaticn ort two, it; heco/nei be:miiittl!'- eons Mull glossy. ,sttye1h'*: St; i and $ulplvr t:ott,yuazlrsel le a delightful toilet rereasit" for tisoae :mho dtaire a snip ;anthill! eeoc+;ir i:i,:e. Itis not intended. fur the stat,. r"Ait:r. tine er prevention Of dimmase. OUCUI ACHING JOINT BUB REUMATIC PAS t, 'Rub Pain right out with- small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs 0i1." Rheu11aatism is ",pain" only. Not one ease in fifty requires inter. anal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing*, penetrating "St. Jaceb3 011" right into your core,, stiff, aching joints, and relief contra instantly, "St: Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheurnatisast liniment which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a+small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at -any deliii; .iota, and in just a moment you'll be fret fi•eu rheumatic pain.soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! elief *waits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as geed for l- attice, neuraIg►ia, luinbav, bncitaeke, sprain*. Vannouth,litlla S WS TOPICS OF WEEK portant Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. he Raw 'lW orid'a I appentugs Care - tally Compiled and Put lets Ha nos and Attractive Shape for. the !Reader* of Our Paper ,... A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TEE.SD4 . Ontario sends good wishes to Prin- cess Mary. Ghincso armies on march to llf;lst for vain Italy and Stalin may unite WO. terraut:in Ott'te. A young Belleville: ettttplr wire or- reoted Its Toronto. t 1 I'M Brantford pollee probe is at • r0 0 l1 t ,n•� qqlJ 4' 4' brOtt,,itt to cl©ase. ratted States will save bitl;ous by naval linittatiou pact. Probe' into Guelph liquor chargee Proves uunee n! ary. _ Canadian anal n Lrsbor party pietas einiltli- Cication Of organization. Legislature, passes resolution die' mending lower freight rates. • Hon. P. V. Rios sten 1;:, to county road superviliore and engitneers. Ngva Scotia miners conferrin:t with company on wage dispute. Canadians exchange to the United States Is rapidly reaching pna•ity. hrance'e girt to I'rtncess Mary is: tribute to Tirithill "troops by Foch. - Londoun Is full of visitors to wit- ness princess' wedding ceremonies.. T1to, questiou of the ban on, Cana- dian cattle le up in the Commons. Aura Leg 3uniore beat Collingswood 3n the Q: 11. A. semi-finals! 2 to 1. The Canadian Council of :'#grieul• tore plans formation of Eastern wing. • -Stea sht m m p Ma ledo sa Manes Port after fourteen days' batt'te with storm. • Belleville' interreediates' tied the round. with Niagara. Fa11h by winning 7tob. "Samtuy" San{low 'otitpolnted "Bobby" Ebor of 'Hamilton. at `Detroit. ' . Whitby College a mnatrs. have re 'ceIved _ ,Rosati • elaife-raving Society 'awards: • Woodstock won their group in the Western 'Ontario In terse holastrc. ',League. • • "University of Toronto sc ior e ft n- Jsheii'tee O. H, A. senior schedule uv •beating 'Argos. •8 to 0. WEDNESDAY. Tallness Mary'einarrfes Visebuu`t •Laseelles. _ Egypt is declared a eavert•ign shite by Britain • Canadian Government Will rise a loan in London. -ilr •s" tee Stuff r+s macre inea in Dail Meanie, London gives wedded' d eotielr "a. great reception. • J. G. Lethbridge. M,1�.P., cdefruds ,Drury hydro boliey: Presideet • • Hairdieg 'ravers divert' rc 'aid to U. S. s i to . S h Pp n Judge Landis retired from U.S. Federal Court Bench. Premier Xing. olfer:c natural. "re. eourees.to Prairie f'rovitiees. Itaisuli, Moroccan rebel, will sere render tri pdivei' of Spaniardes. Ottawa excited over rumor that eeeiprocity paet le to be revived. Granites beat Aura Len,' 0 to 2, 4u the • first O.H.A. senior play-off. Queen •City rinks won ,the. Ladiets'' Ontario Tankard from 'reroutes. Referendum on liquor situation proposed in Manitoba Legislature.. Prof. C. R. 'Fay gives public lec- ture in Toronto on "Immigration," • Iroquois Falls beat, Canadian Soo for the N.O.ILA. senior • champion- ship. " • 3. 1;:. L. Boss; miring for England, n.nnounced • he. would self: twenty ..racers. German Government. makes fifth ten-day •payment of t Z0oO,0o0 gold nark$. • ' Northern mining` men •subrriit amendment to professional engineer- ing bill.. Big Montreal power sebeznes may - be checked in Quebec Legislative Ctlruneil. • A ""still". reached by underground Panne from a .Well' found near Windsor. Miss Robineen, women's shatin; champion, again-eompeted at unsanc- tloned meet. U. S. Ambassador Harvey attended the wedding of Princess Mary fn Court dress. • : , Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister of the Interior, was elected by ,acctama tion for the constituency of Argon' teuit. • Unrest in Punjab. is causing. grace alarfn. Premier Lloyd George threatens to resign office. Ontario Liberal women hold a bril- liant banquet at Toronto. Germans reach Toronto on their' way to Chino seeking trade: President Obr'egon may accompany Metrean exhibit to Toronto. Get Weil Quickly 14"x WIIrCARNIS build you up W. renew your wan strength -tone up your system. Wine trnis is s venceutratted food .-'ak nerve tozue, if .e. Saila, OA WIHc4Jfl/S all Proprietors: COI,LritAN #t etre .Littoltad, Norwich, Est. Canrdien Outer: 47 Portland St,. 'lbrente ,, ikstek 3. WI. /Wildcat m$eetor. *IUaton Churchill promises seenr- ity to non -Jews in Palestine: Sir Robert Horne deals with pro- posed Government economies. Lindsay woman given damage!) by jUreAgctinat too tat:de- letito:r_, e _ ,Graysoti's team boon 200 -mite don Derby in 24 hours 61 nutmeg. A lire in' lauebee arsenal preeeente awful hazards to elty's Srenten. Niagara, fruit growers a t art rs le c. g 1 ar at h p .l i} for bettermethods of marketing , New Cabinet. farmed in Egypt will ne go� agreement slate a r an with g m t 1t li•: it 1 , F an A. proposed bill Iaa the Legislature aids at helping' small min' -owners; The heart of Montreal tete laced by a blaze which starts In a ;thou attire. l� ielding's trip to: vatted :hates -rotates nnticrpations in two capitals. Niagara Fails beat laall'vilic., li to 4,in t).1 -1.A. intermediate semi -Anal. 5t, Pats beat Ott. wa and Lana- inerts .0 n u Irons tlatnllton t,tl the dlritain' will retitle° he; st.auding array by 24 battalions, awl navy will be cut to 98,000 men. MISO, i•Robinson, ar .td $v?ai l` N yun amateur chili-maoti e,kated behind .,Pre" mice at I+redcr'J•tout. kiaarold, the ria-yerteold •torn or Fred . Knight.. tiingstoat, was---�tact�llei when aa,•sieigb, loaded wit!! LAY. lean A : woman was injured tiitiQ' her chile killed by an auto in Taroti�to. 'three party' leaders address gold orcty-:r-roe ds-binemi t tti 'reroute i)4at anatla porde rlgriettttnral Trade ComMbisionera says! nun. miming herty. .Nova Scotia and Nov Iirettertvici: ,o'i.egisiatuees, a 7 opened. Manitoba IA ready., to arbitrate in the platter 01 her natural Mysterious. Welland county fatality may be.' tragedy:.' of rum -miming. Hamilton Board of ;Education, op- posed to. cliange 'tn . school tax dis-. tribtition The Dali Ie.ireaan adjoureeti for six weeks. The ' Palnee of xWattes was given t toysti' fa_•t u:r'li NC:leaving Lahore„ The Pain in tbe.Coalition party !n. Elritain is being bridged: Arthur _.Griffiths threatens trade boycott on Ulster. • • k:wyPtian -Premier lir( .ontt' liar of Cabinet rnentberl. Iidian , Legislature • will 'inere se cotton and salt taxes..• Lady Rhondda gains right to sit. in the lfoust of Lords, Harry Wills 'knocked out "Rid" No'•follt in the Recent' round. • Aura Lee jnnio boat .'!oiling- °wood, itntl inept . Mary's. in the• fin, 1I. 'Tot t t, , , Ori s.i�o r, rs have a •e �lai me ad teams in the npovineittl volleyball. championship. • lar"ltislt 'Government .paid L4,0,400,- 000 to l+'t•t r,ee :for nee of tr ensures .F. W.12e,r le the new leader of the Liberate in tin. 1 egialatnre ; In less . than fire wee!:% Coburg. loses five old' inhabitants. APoland. new, form of 'fuRuensa apitears in . • : Maior 3. B. 'Thomas, ]Dominion resident of the Imperial. War Xret erann in ,Canada, is dead: , Mr, and Mrs. Augustus Berri* neenntlednewennwinirawwwwwwwwwwww CANADA BUSINESS. COLLEGE , MIFOSD . Plant I28 »o V013' KNOW That we have Lower cost of Tot - tion.: That we have Wider Rance of Sub- jects. That we. Have Courtesy combined • with ,Service., Mat there are Just one-half ea many lessons In Gregg Short- hand as in d'1triannlo4' That Twentieth Century BookkeeP- ing Is fifteen years NEWER then AMelittosn,.Y That we iaave tiventy-ilive young people successfully,taking tour• ses by mail T • COURSES Gregg Shorthand Twentieth Century Bookkeeping Touch Typewriting Pitmannio Shorthand McIntosh 'Bookkeeping Secretarial 'Vont and Plane Mtsio... TUITION IS $i3.00 PER MONTH Typewriters for rent or sale. �u� 'iOIREN IIEWIrr, Pres. T. MARiS' 'Bus, Livery tea. Hack Stables " 'Montreal Street Just off the Square 'Busses Meet all Trains and Passenger Boats Passengers nailed for its ray part of the town for alt trains et O. T. R. or C. P. R. Depots. Prompt Service and Careful Attendance, encellevie Our Livery at$d Hack Service will be found 00-teadate in every respect, rss Vett r'Puttr.bage SosliicitSolicited'_ 1 . SWAB l S Phatre tot • ,tteeltreat Street • , , fTHII" SAH Mt Sitnliile ia1Ml1 ,atilt listsl#I *, Cosh ifs Ceitismissit to restore nomal breathing step vetsgashedn r in the braneblai rebel, gilts. long nista of quiet sleep; centaurs ae habit-forming drug. $1.00 at dreg - gist's, Trial free at o1) ragewc� writs empleton*, 142 Xing V4I Tbroat*. Local Anent -. 1f.•C. DUNLOP Belts on 1nfr Goloshes is Latest 1"arinian Fad -When t;<.tt 1,c ar slat• familiar tr and of sleigh Lila thew teiater dap), it is net a v 'nal for j;atU to Sump out of -Om tea,' it tsaerely 'tn pout -we: the fart that a fair ,Iritrel its rolar'Itg with hells Ofi her Eoloalacc. ea M. vaat'tit alto'. •alt i)tatt1 vial; r,<dddcu u' 'clding. ♦1faauile at sass ri. +t to own itisore: I +'cin t. Wyk township ps eLase to to fl: ;"at secession. A general election ill :,ata. bee ie pa, listed, it t e:�r• Ea oaagry at An;<,it>-Freneti n ,,i,tf! I.i.^'1)1. Republican soldiers. cittatluc�6t 13ea;, al Blab. . 1+.Jtiet•. Baia i9aa l''r e State bill to up In the Iii itis"+ House'. 1rFt'Jitlent Ilart34nc will halt cut Iet crow and navy. Sir Donald Mace -tooter, lt, •st, iZ.e., 1).(1.1*.. i5 dead. Mt;eutine will inure Manlove - t'ona cru at Vene . . Rt. lion. A. J. ltalhuw stet at�n limit lit. of the Gate?. ?. Japune a 1 !tor et•f;a,, .t.a aaaeae G e v..� intervene,. 'Cts t't1laQa. • Court dcelulttts t11t rete :£3 tt:C` retire ire' of racini; at New ttr .:'at. Protestant eira.. t i.t s s. t day, dor • "Save the Children" cosh's tionu. Stratford teat! wins )ot i i the 1 a i nail • eliar,tpionubip for l n't aid toil. tion. 1)out.af1 3a ainieettel real na I from Ityliro-1 ketrle Cuivanlsstru Guelph Royale won the :Maple!!* • Mahoney trophy from Lakl'view. Annear to City Hall. Montreal. was burned; lose about a million donate). Filers of 'the marriage of'Princepta Mary are en the twuy to this eonntrr. Gloucester will: build tt>:e• selloon- ers to ellattenl a for the I� iehernrera'u Cera. DoodnlUn 7Retiilitietit ei'y[st`ttltraittn;- 1n tater of eloser trade Mattolfu wait. Belted States. Granites beat Mira, i+oe, 10 to -3. and • win the r h O.dl. aorta :dual A r tint round, to - un 16 b, Kiteheiter. ' Intermediates toot: ' a four -goal • lead front Niagara • Fella; score, 6 to .: :•. Imperisal War 'Graves Coriniesion refuses application for removal oY' the bodies of soldiers f:out. France to Biltain. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS EVERY SIZE, STYLE. AND SHAPE MADE CARBON LEAFtQFt AUTO(NATIC AT a REDUCED AT "THE STAR" OFFLCI lfatthely Bullock: the negro o twito is twantcti fit North Carolina, was freed Friday. No witnesses arrived from the South, Alexander Grathaan Bell, 'inventor of the telephone, celebrated his 75th blithtldy eat Friday lits attends his worst: regularly. George Wediatte, mayor of . Brant- ford, who collupsetl in the withers. tioxc• giving v l �vltll t; evidenct to she. pe- nes probe, dial on Friday, MONDAY.. British .Cabinet crisis a :still• in atiu acute Mage. • Confidence , ntitu ..te-a:rt'sted for .Winnipeg police. `Kemal Pasha • re-elected bead of Turk Nationalists. THE HOME OF GOAD PRINTING ALL ORDERS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY Collins and Griffiths addrepn great 1 gatbcrittgs its. Dublrn. Ste ling at: 'I pronto; $4,:, -> •a Ott Ikr1v Y t•k z n 4. 40 r• 'ghree of foal' lanelife) cup ties on' ;Saturday w(I•o drawfa. Huge veteranas'.'',meeting •undo-qea rehabilitation scheme. • • Religious outbreak ill Del feat ta 01a_ na a nttnlbtr of vlcttanti. t ucp;.'t. tri . 11 ,+i;, itrtlt li the' .1,eaaltilat it tial. ,tv.'♦lt. • St. s,•' S.yatt.t-� t. r .l . l , •4 �' Itll. the t. i a . t .,,r th U N. 1.' •-oft' t I L, .•a ft with tt:�1y; T S 'a "Bagri Ian Ruth . aligned t 1, t,..n tl a sire= i Year cotttradt with the K1ltten.' Balmy -Ileaeh beth Toronto :in the Toronto T. upsitootinl; League. ' British trat,i-la prevent blondsteal d bettvoen ant' •Jit; 2rEsh fartlan.', Conservative eteni aero• :inti ea - members meet behind clot;t+tl dooms. Alinont 1,001) t;nceer players have re;iattrcd itt hi; T. and i).'state tie. A , youth In Termite tletimi;;ta;a taturekeept>rs by Matting rtltl'tt bale. I3r1da,1 bua•g intoning, rttyl+teti •v .a.,, trains unsorted in .Matte of linnet", probe. London, Ont., t8rl 1l detects de t1 plot bobtail -COI.- t;cralttelrattl'ti _mineness, tuition. MON,. ,, Rath i 1t.irT:n "t t� Englund 1 v ti opts dire I' 1 %' tatr tt"tbu a,' DHitlliO :ton of r. v tt d { t,ty e'r bowl:' tv • cannot Be � GatlztJu, by Iocal a�ii dtcationr, ar they cawart: , 'carr► the 'sltsnared porter at that r+r. I3a11; 111'. 1 itltIlia returns to -day ..ntarrhal Depfnetis re�quser. •e hien- from tics conferc'tlees on eloser trade tiaras treatment. , attleu'8 CAT .A R1i t•elatione. Da catarrhal ie► a sontltrtu reused au d united States .'Vahan'.1) tamed (audita Deafness is muted by, etre Jor (audition of the When thla tub 15 slty track teams stet• cta•ratttfrlua; ant the ' T•:ttstachiar Tube. '�Yhen this tuts► Is nal • lnternitttilottul,cdnlpetittou. i latimed you have a -rumbling sound Or . .. Imperfect hearing. and when •!t 1a entitle- [ elesell,Xleatnesa_.Jn .tha_reautt_ Bawls A rola' In the trend, s. }vorric� iharr t ie :ntttammation two in the feet. hearty: lie be rsducea, .erne !t Pial+. ,� destroyed. fonoree. `: ltALl.13 CA•T.A3la.R 31}2IdicINiy • acts gtgprthrough �ho blood on the.:raucous err'.• tat•+.'1' . • X does tares. of the sretem thus to ";ss:For Over 30 Years Sanirnatto and rretorinreducing 41- Ikare ale .n.../t aorta: �. e roue!^ 51Rnoture C ter ular sf ro. Al e r 1 ou tet' g ar Hemet New Wes thlr"'iftit .IlakiCSMitoks UR 1tW ektet Y ��lsAt and #loratslt•. at.,,,,,srRrN OIMk gear ectal Inisi lr. Writ, for Frsa Sync Cees Book. tisarstrattsaaIrG»t1rwNisiktel*C Jibes Funny, but you generally hear goitre ; homely old ntaid' talking about the utthe;tlthinesa of kissing. ' Worms cause fretfulness and rob. the infant an ant of ul c e ,�, the greatatonr- lsher. Mother Waves' Worm tie, n terminator will clear thestorrrst�.-la. and intestines • aaai l i tatohealthful": re of •F.. . vi!enoy .A co.. To edo: Ohlet, �llillii 1.01lM 1011iiililiMM iiiiiM MNi MM ii i i i a ii M N i l 1 i 1 iMI ilii i I it I MI M l i iilM.11MMl illil1ilitiilMliiiillMMM�liililliiMill ilii. i i Miliii . l i I i lil�iitii�PMil C o • THE C AT VALVE. Trfir :.MARKET'S =. Mame- �i a Reduction in Ford Prices The•.li ew paces ord tars, efeCt1 4 January :.6th, pate this famous car down in . price "below pre-war prices, and con- sidering it. 3 Cin the improvements onthe ht: o !� Car 1' � r t) today over the Ford Cat of ire -war clays purchasers are given even greater values than ever before. THENEW. PRICES BITIIOII] $T**TER ( WITH MUTER MLA. QEUVEREB. AT. E.O,S, BARBED AT No: II$CMRICH ; MD, NORMS ! .535.0 $575.00 $620.00 $660.09 e495.00 530.00 80.00 62045 840:00 889.0 630. 555.0 575.1 ,012t00 665.00 700.00 Tout Car Runabout Sedan Truck w. as CARS DELIVERED IN GOUERICH'' HAVE FREIGHT AND SAi.E TAX PAID , Considering the high quality of the Ford Car and its many advantages, such as services low runningcost, etc., the Ford offers values equalled by none. Call Inti talk it oGeer with MA� WAN 'GA RAG HAMILTON `ll tt a._ ODERICH .r QUALITY SERVICE PRICE THEY'RE ALL RO MiMNiiiiii #iliiiiM wiiiiimitili MMIMI MIIMI0IIIIiMII#illilililinfillillliilllillililMlillllM MMili li milli ii illiiti .001.001 O ▪ 100.1. 6141. 40.115. 11.011011. .10001. 41.114111 AWN 41.1.01 «. tel.