HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 6,•••••,••• THURSDAY, March 9th) 1922- • A Revelation" in Green Tea IDS so SWEETLY PURE, 96EAIST AN» DELICIOUS 11 !IAD 4,3 _soDi le *old on merit *nal merit alone. -127' It once and von wilt never go back to jepania. At ell grocers. the Coallitionias vino bad a, majority! a 3000 in the last eleetionelaity hew added fael to the fire of disgruntle - emit. This reverse, following the in. cet triumpha of the Labor Paety in by-elections haa natursilly renewed the talk of an curly election. It .would be a disaater ,for Britain if at this time circumstauces eompelled Lloyd Goy& to ,step out of office iand enter into the etruggle of a gen- eral election. Ile sheathe be free to . prepare arid attend te the Economic '' conference in Genoa, Where his driv- ing form is, needed. SCHOOL REPORTS u. S. S. No. 1, Colborne The following is the report of U. S. S. No. 1, Colborne (Ni_) for the month of Fehruary: V. -Sylvia Se- gusee 008; Ruby Kerr, 502;_. Calvin Rutledge, 472. Sr. IV. --Florence Seguss 482, Jr. IW-Floreneel Boyle, '531; Mabel Smith, 450; Ame- lia alellwain, 425; George Currey, 421; Elgin Rutledge 414. Jr..III,- lqrle Gamble 902; Marjorie Heth- erington, 675; '" Jack Boyle, 630; Al- lan Currey, 522; Myree Gamble, 468; Murray Hetherington, 346. 1. -Al- vin Kerr,334. Sr. Pr. -Amy Royle, 630; Carman Kerr, 585; Charlie Jones, ,180. Jr: P.-Merele Kerr, 155. GRACE A. PLUNKETT. IS. S. Na. 7, Ashfield. The following per cent. shows the standing of the mils for S. S. No. a'a Astitield, Ifor January and -Feb- ruary. * denotes absence for part or all of the exams: Sr. IV. -*Olive Black, 79 (honors). jr. IV. --Stella Johnston, 88 (honors); *Victor Black, 58; Howard Johnston, 42. Sr. III. - Stanley 'Dennis, 60; *Lei= Pearson, 57; James Brown, 35. Jr. III. -Ruth Black, sa (honors); Eldon Johnston, 58; Alex. Johnston, 50. Sr, IL - Hugh McWhinney, 88 (honors); etVarner leleIntyre, 56; *Harvey Mc- Intyre, 44; *Charlie Simpson. Jr. IL -Jack Johnaton, 66; - Attie. Brown, 47; Jean Shields, 30. Sr. L -Clay - tot Dennis,. Earl Dennis,Eimer }Becky -Mame Johnston. Jr. Le - Nelson Pearson. Pr. -01111e Brown. Total number on roll '23. Average attendance, 20. MARION G. TIGERT. R1,11.EVETS. THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. • C*10(114111‘ Itollar Steadily Climbing To Perite • For Canada this moment the • ne.st of news is the steady climb of 'it e dollar toward parity in the New Yorl: enarket As this was 'Written it -hat reached 'the -neighborhood of -99: That is the nearest it has come to innity with , the United States dollar since 10111. There are a number of t4116e8 wbieb improvernen L. attributable, One Is the improve - merit in sterling exchange with its consequent reflex on Canadian funds. Another is the signs of renewed • fin - pond strength in the old land which mauifesting itself in the efforts of London basikers to secure foreign and and the country now bus complete autonomy if it desires to accept it. There Is little doubt of thie, though some agitator' may persist in dis- turber:0es on the ground that the terms. do not accord full sovereignty., 1-Fer the -present and -until the Egypt - 'lens have organized their government 1 and taken control of the public ser - vicee •Britain will preserve the. eta-. Brine)). Empire loans. New York believes that a new Canadian aeon of *100,000,090 to he floated thie sum- iner will go to London. There is 110 statement on this from Ottawa, but it would, not be surprising if it were osifirmed by actuality loter. A sign of the times is the announcement of Seattle traders and store 'keepers that Canadian wormy will now be oc. eepted ot par for the first time since the unfavorable Money conditions treeted by the war and its ofteratuith. Germane' Is tileeting Her Iteiretion Payinents Iterence to money matters chile attention to the fact that Germany, despite great deal of preliminary .nlastering, 'maim her payments ander the nevr Arrangement for in. ilemnity or reparations. The recent tennponery schedule voila for a Mini- •.ber of payments at ti -day Intervals. Tbe fifth Of these has Just been puid. --IC totalled... thirty-one minione_gentit . merlon se gold nitric being worth a- bout 24 cents. French newspapers eatientste that since the arirlistice 6/11111.11), has paid a net total of six arid a half billion merks in gold bt eparatious. Most. a this has been absorbed in the expenses of the Mille tory ocouPOtion Germen territory. Does ever pey7 ' • Protector' te Over Egypt tun quo it: respect to defense. In other words ea government begins whenever the Egyptians are ready. Safeguards to toecominunicatione and foreign interests and eontrol over the Soudan are maintained. It is felt in the old land that the coneeeiliOneto Egypt may result in a renewed age. tation hi India for u full measure of "home rule." At the 841110 time those who know both countries well aro agreed thet the experiment *Mai te• e-eee„ • .-•1..e• eet rfl 4Q,„3 ewe. lee Tower at Ottawa -Erected, in.couneetion- with the winter earnival- AQta to/ Canadian National Railway. • of. no, A.".••••%••••••,e But it at lean -does show growth. At gathering were removed and the com- given Egypt practical freenom, could the seine time it Ca1180.relloatiorts as inuniention referred to oboe breathe net be sittempted, in India without to the futuve. There is talk already ed the very essence of brotherly love disaster. Gandhi, tbe leader of the of gt,eti to renew immigration on a between the two natione. Ti two Indian Nationalises, is said te have $011101ift at wider scale than has iiitti.. premiers it was asserted "feel parte. fallen in the estiination of lug feht ette been the case hitt with mote cutarly nonvinced that no differences lowers because he has again success fully objected to piens for a wide- spread armed upvieing. * Canada'a 'Wet Claim for a Ali hei P0111111% for -Rallwity_ Materiel ection. If the wrong classes are . • ,Allowed being brought in and cannot prae Coincidently, the British House perly assimilated, educated and train.- Commone revised n war elaim made ed in good citizenship, numbers are a hy Canada for one million pounds detriment stral not an asset. Based for railway Materials supplied in on the cerieus figures quoted the next 1016 for lute on the western front of Parliament Sleight have 245 members ila operations. The claim had in the House of Commons, or ten diserimination than in the past. This is a more important question than that of mere nersibers. Masses of people do not elwayli mean that a coiintry is krowing in the right din. „Alio abed In accordance with promises made Mealy And crystallized into agree, eaent, Britain has declareil the pro- islieterete over Egypt to be abolihed, been Owed owit: to the titinty ae to whom it was to be paid to hi view of tho cbanges in railway lerrimmilijpin this country. It was ueged by thaiFinancinaBentaiWy-to the Treasury that the claim should Ins met imniediately and the House concurred in it as soon as his explen- WW1 WAS made. • • 11> J* OI • • The Comes and the Questioa of Inv. migration Ottawa sends out revised censits figures showing the total population of the Dominion to be 8,769,480, tont- pared with 7,206,643 in 1911, .or an increases of 1,562,846. This is not gratifying to many who had hoped that Canada would showeerimpulotion in the neighborhood of ten millions. Double action -Goes farther -Try it and yoe'11 be delig t wit t results. more than the number now ere. A World Wheat Corner If theraisetri be a world wbeatcor- ner, there are to signs as Yet thit those who claim to be originators of the idea have advanced very far with their project.. Canadian and Ameri- can interests are 'credited with the Scheme for a- corner too gigantic one of a political character will stand in the war ef the two nations working together in full mutual confidence for the economic reconstruction of Eur- ope and the consolidation of peace. On< one matter there will be some cendosity in Britain. It. is contained in a ciente) of the communication which declares that the premiers ' en- eirely agree on the "(niece' guaxan- toe 294; below pass -O. Barton, 261; tees to be secured. in order to avoid G. Horton, 231; B. Chisholm, 221; J. 'any encroachment4 either fai the Freeman, 2010 Jr. III. -E. Freeman, rights of the League a Nations or 201; K. Morris, 227; Chisholm, upon the treaties signed in Fratice -Horton; 177. Morris, 345; 4.F. 277; B. Freeman, 220; *M. Morris, 163. L --E. Horton. Ad. -E. 'Hor- ton. ' Number on. roll, 18. Average •attenthnittce;1. K-EMPTON, Teacher. U. S. S. No. i, Ashfield and Colborne The following is the report for Ashfield and Colborne, S. S. No. 11, ending the month of Februarys Names are in order of merit: Jr. V. -Edna .Eby, Laura Graham. Jr. IV. -Frank. Vrooman, Elmer- Graham. Jr. 111. --Jean •Lednor, Alma John - sten. Sr. IL -Clayton Foster, Lloyd Brindley. 11.-eRoy. Eby, Mabel, Fos- ter, Ruth Foster. Jr. IL -Richard Cousins,- Margaret Foster. Jr. I. - Mary Lechion Pr...(A)-RalphFo- ster, Pr. (B). -Isabel Pollock. Re- gular attendance during January and February: Mary Lednov, Ruth Foe - ter, Edna Eby, Roy Eby. Best con- bliuolett.-•poEudnoca Eby, Laura Graham, ha - k. E. SOWERBY, Teacher. * • • -•••:§Entitneeneetettete S, s. No. 5:Colborne ' The following is the report of S. S. No. 5, Colborne, for the month of February. Those marked with an asterisk miased one or more tests: V. -G.' Bogie; 107: *lowish, 357; J. McCann, 331; F. Hor- since the peace, or upon the rights, of the Allies with regard to 'repave tions." This probably means that so ,..alif_Erance_isconcemegi she has made her lost concession in respect to arrangements with Germany, end that she may have some agreements, with othersthat some of the Allies might question. • However all Europe is looking toward the conference with would think to be successfully pu more confidence and hope than was into a.- -Some British papers take the project rather seriously. previous Y the case. They attribute ineteases in the pri.ee _ 4' * • 4.* in ...- . ces of wheat .and flour to the mere t vissit of:Hon. W. S. Fielding to suggestion of such a corner. Auk., . 'Washington tralians are also supposed to be in- it is 'hinted that the viait- of Hon. Wrested in the plan while Argentine W. S. Fielding, Cantida's Minister of is pictured se fighting it. Without Finance, to Washington, Lhas to do the cooperation of the latter, it is with the attempt of the government claimed, no attempted corner could to make effective the Reciprocity pact be a success. If the corner is formed of 1911. This report will be viewed its operations must be earn ' • through before the .Indian wheat *be- gins to arrive in .the British market some time in.June.. It has been es . Mated theta successful corner on the alleged lines plauned 13y certain ine in varied lights according to the uo deal leanings a the men who are in- teresWd in it. It is not likely, eten if it were still on the statute books a the United States, that the pact 48 agreed to in 1911 would become • tercets would net $85,000,000 in pro- effective as it stood then. There Ate for its operators, which is a fair- would probably be a demand for woo- ly good reason why failure of the at- difieations frone the United States • telupt May be 'mediated. where there have been some import. * * ant changes in the tariff laws of late. Difficultiee . in title Viray of Economic Perhaps also there might . be some, .4' • Qat wanted to • reenter into negotations. anomie Conference of the Allies have rangerneut ------- been similar lines, would 214 (missed several examinations). been smoothed away. The date has be a matter a importance hrespeete Sr. IL -honors -Margaret Ryan, been postponed and the • gathering ive of political parties or fertunes. 557; Erma Roach, 511; pass -Marie will not open nntil.APril 10 At 0011011* its 'broader sense the idea seems to Ryan, 473; Dorothy Allen, 448; Cal - A remarkable conintuniesition WAS it- be that it should be possible to reach sin Mettityre, 407; below pass -Em - sued at the close of a conference bee an understeriding for the free pas- ily McClure, 342; Stanley Omer, 339; Omen Premier Lloyd George and sage of farm products from either Ronald Pentland, 338 (missed one Preraier Insincere of France, bola at country, or for at least merely nom- eexyainKL: 2i1 41i oe ;,Ccaalrdiwwel Walden, Botilogiw, at winch the preliminaries Ina duties on*.so.ines.of *them. Moore, 281. Jr. IL, total 250 -Nan- ; 217; George the Genoa conference were discus - tied, The meeting between the two The Marriage of Princees Marx Has lan Reid, 197; Arthur Brown n,urlb9441: tested for three hours end it may be • Teethed the Hearts of the People Eavoreirient!terEniserrotingcstFi,4 L -Virden Mow. surmised that there was some frank • Prom the sentimental point of Caldwell, Arthur Duff, talking particularly on the part of view there has been nothing to touch bray, Eldort.Ciffbert. Primer Class - the British premier. In 'any event tile hearts of the people of the Em- Ruby Errington, Kenneth Mowbray, mane, obstaelo to the Economic pire rind a very great outside sec- *, Um of the world, like the marriage • Peitteess Mary to Viseount Las. NEARycelos As one writer put it the ORDER FROM YOUR+ NEIGHBORHOOD OFtOCER Grace Young, Roy Errington. C. ,Class -Wilfred, .Pentland, Benson Park, Harvey Mole. Nuinber on roll; 38. 'Average attendance 30. O. M, TICHBOUNE, Teacher. int,‘vous. Conference of Allies Smoothed changez• here if the United States ' Dungannon February report of Junior Room, Dungannon: jr. IIL-honorsa.-Mary Anderson, 664; Lily Reid, 622; Alan Pentland,. 573; pass-Vecil Begley, 5131 Frank Savage, 487; Blanche- Caldwell, 485; Raymond Walden, 484; Ray Duff, IC)ACHES COULD NOT OLEO* RIGHTS When the nerves became unstrung the hands Shaky; you can't sleep, and you are practically on the verge of ner- vous prostration, then is tile time to tke, 480; Mary Parks .473; belo • pass - Difficulties in the 'way of the re. The renewal of the pact, or an are Benson Mole, 41.*5; Evelyn Culbert, MILBURN% HEART AND NERVE PILLS illey replete, and -stimulate the heart and strengthen and restore the whole 0av WySteld. • - • Mr. Fred W. Watson, Newport. N.S., writes -L liave been troubled for several yesui with nervous bead - Aches and filer were bad I could not esleep at nights. My hands „Stke so *airy could bardlY hold anything in them. A friend told nie t� try Mil - burns Heart And Nerve Pills, so I got a boy and blginito get better, after had taken them. I continued to Rise more, axid now I an2 no npre bothered with n 0115410s:=d WOUId recommend them to any one who has nerve troubl," Price 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by, the T. Milburn Co., *United, Toronto. Ont. • ELECTRIC WIRING We specializein Wiring et all kintle. Let us give you an estimate for wiring your house; or garage. •PRIVATE TELEPHONES, MOTORS, DYNAMOS; ELECTRIC BELLS ait4 BBROLARALARMSYSTEMS ALL WORK CilitRANTEED • COOK, IRON and TOAST by ELECTRICITY' s' 'We have ah assortment of the best Electric Inane and Toasters maac in Canari. ROBT TAIT • Eledrician West, Si. Phone 82 or 193 AMIONSIM.S.Mar For thoprIce of. 100 lbs. of Sugar two years ago you can buy today: 3oo lbs. Sugar 20 10aVnn Bread to lbs. Oatmeal - 5 gals. Oil and 4 lbs. Cocoa J. J. McEWEN Phone -46 dream of tte ages, the marriage a a . brave commoner to a Princess a the cinblood has come true. The public has HER followed every detail a the event with sympathetic hearts, rejoicing in the fad that a beloved Princess has • married a man of her own national- "1 Indeed this point has been "I was so weak -that I stressed by many British commenta. had lost interest In tore who are thankful that the union • everytlun 4i0e3 not involve diplomatic al . g p licence, tor wee it contracted for rea- ons of state. All reports agree that the Whole wedding ceremony. was a delight to the eye and the senses and that the bride and groom seemed to be most happy. A feature of the ev- ent was that by means a wireless vessels three hundred miles off the British coast, heard the wedding mu- sic re: played in the Abbey. There will be records in moving pieturee end of other kinds that will be eager ly followed or listened to for year to come in connection with this cer mony. • The Prospects of an Early Election odui Britain Now For A Clean Sweep . • • 0 • A, • Look for this Trade Mark when Yon Buy Kitchen Utensils Would you buy a can of mdmon if it hitt no Ial)el? Or s, be of 6our? No. • certainly not! Theo be just An rueful when you are buying kitchen utenils. Purelmse only those articles of 'Etta- meted Ware carrying the SMP trade- mark. It is your safeguard, and your giarantee of quality. Mk for PiltIOWARE Diamond Ware Is a thrte.otea aka. meted steel, sky blue aid white outaide with a snowy whitebait'. Peed Ware is a twocoatd enameled steel, Pearl grey mid vildte inside *d out, Beeause ,itfra....leteCireor let hr self become run dome react Vil4t. happened. "Lite a great Many other Twole who cat the 4'flit"0. few years reeoetelio write," it left ist a weenened, rim down condi twn. Nothing second to bring brunt . ray °Id streneth afal energy. t tired. all the tune IL lied no apptite. I had dall rebel el: 'bee 711 body. I Battered enony hedalte. I evcae despondent and tool; no in tercee nethin. was nertou. I was irritable end was always lootine for elaste. tve...4 losing wei ta. rais mtek a uervmet n-eaLrted. fun down menion, Coat last srier; rot pneitanosin. nly faminv didt think I Would live and Ine lo eor told itio efts rearde Celt it vale olOv bleat:ea* Lid a strove tly the time I Vet.'0 (re of &sneer, Conservativea in tlie .wao so '.14 :d t0( '1 I '.'1 who conetitute the government party. et intexcet thin every t. A trred Thia eviug is in fever of returning to. nevertil preparations to• twa Ink the straight party s.. '.t4 It .13 up bet nom ea theta 4.) ti 1,10 4,53Y, 11004141`-t0 Charies Younger, chief nt ot. One tetenn w110 inut government whip, tot its guide. Oth. evAll (V.> 1111 tenn 111 rt'am er Conservatives are vet; much mp. tooting tile 111.418'n °I 3.44'34 4 4 50.11 t44Youtger's tietivItie. They Seer* a ez DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDER IN PA.. Mile CP OLT .4 TOWN MEDLIN'S e•- .• 42 • ,..•e•1 ...•••••. • •ded FOR SALE AT C. P STATIONS LAIC DOMINION ExPPESS OFFILLS 1 *1 A lot. of. new Brooms on sate at 35 cents, 40 cents, 75 cents, 85 cents and $1.00. Allways the Best and qieapest at Leach's LEACH Phone 180 • Oer.,Montreal St. ind Square Exeltem has, been caused in Dr'. tisla political eirelea by the announce- that he 1 -('un if intriguee moat rom, Premier Lloyd George i gainet the government are eontinued. Th ee signs of diseatiefaction aro litant ttat neseafeel theatiels. generally 'confined tIItof the 2.2.* ••• 4.2•• 2. • 4 ef.. • • 2. 0-`31:111 list what alln had hETtl 411-a car that if Loyd.Gerge dotei, resign gith beeetlf te look S0 wen and fat. he will form new, party to Irhieh Shin said thnt eatnallooltan ° ICT5/14' will being the pregreesive elements iko 'for tICV "Al of the Conservative patty, mst of it. A`-4. the levidilwe 91 "'Lot' °II'the Liberals now in the Coalition and led,doue for toy friend could 110G smite of the ram inaerendem bo licnid, deeide11 to 1°11"7 1" Liberals who art folltercers a Mr, advice. trdo,7 Gni& Vatiif1 the aseuith and Viecount Gry. Austen Chamberlain who is tio leader et the Conservatives in the government pat - ii Iiiiuseif opposed to any break. Jug away froni the 'Coalition and it to him that Vitimice MO George bus addressed a letter --the context of which is igto fa i keg secict. tire. ing• that there nitiet be an red to in* t1nisreg. The renult of On 134 -elect tin in Bethune e4wan, .iche most vomit prepain world. It lis' mule 'MOt‘/aappy, healthy, eenterited women. (tenet is ea' by ;tiOtt Etragr,t, and if :snit cart eons'cicuioOF aftsr kW, tteca it4 est it been% done 1,14't an!? good, ,retiirn the ciopte ifnitt!e, tOt Itifa t tetaid :«iotte moary. Dan: Libel -al wen a ;eat hithette bad by 41, lways, Good Every time you buy "SURPRISE" you get a big, bright, solid bar the highest *trade household soap,