HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 5THURSDAY, March Sick„ 142.
i .. FREE
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Phone 90 The Square
Council Adopts Resolution to Ask Water, and
Light Commission to Sink Test Well and
Get Estinate of , Intake Extension
r •
The regular meeting of the town
council was held on Friday night
.. last, with all themembers in. attend-
Library. Board Wants Increased,
Grant for Needed' Repairs.
C. A. Reid, chairman of the fin-
once, committee of the . Public ,Lib-
rary Board, requested. a grant of •,$2,-
000 -for the use of the Library Board
for 1922. He wrote as follows
Thelibrary building, since . its er-
ection, has had very little money
spent ou it in the way of repairs.
The board has been putting off the
repairs from year to year, and now
we are at a point, in orders tp _pre
serve the building and its reputation
certain repairs are necessary suck
1. The overhauling . of ` the heat-
ing apparatus, putting the system on
a more economical basis, and the
saving of fuel 'which is at the present
time one aour largest expenditures.
2.'The-decorating of the walls of
the interior pf the' library. and the re-
finishing of the woodwork. This is
3. The painting of the' woodwork
of the sacterrorofo the -building,
4. The procuring of storm wish
for the north side of the building and
the tightening of the window sash in
the entire building.
•These, with other' matters, that are
being considered by the Board are
-.the reasons for asking for alarger
grant than usual.
The Board hesitate in asking for
this increase; at the, same time. we
feel that the library is one- of our
valuable assets and should not be ne-
glected in the matter of repairs.
This request was referred to the
\finance committee.
The letter from the Collegiate In-
stitute Board, left over at . the last
meeting, asking for : $11,000. for G.
C. 1. purposes for theyear was tak-
en up, and referred to. the finance
committee to obtain an amended re-
quisition, it being understood that
$10,000 would be sufficient.
The Standard Paving Company:,
Ottawa, submitted sample of as halt
pavement taken from Main street,
Galt, laid in .1916..•
This was referred ..to the public
works committee.
;,The following applications for
building permits were referred to the
fire committee with power to act in
urgent cases: From Win. Strachan,
for :garage on Bruce street; from IL
Davidson, for addition to . chicken
house on St. David St.; from Angus
• .'McKay; for .garage on Victoria St.;
from Fred Hunt, for chicken• house
` on Market st.; and from T. G. Con -
non for repairs to veranda, barn,
etc., at his house on•Cobourg St.
Council Ask Commission to Sink Test
Well and Also Take Steps to Find
Cost ef Extending Intake. '
Reeve Gallow made a very explicit
report of the visit of himself and the
- Deputy Reeve to Toronto, the sub-
stance of which has already , been
given in The Star. The Provincial
Board of Health insisted on the town
taking action on the Board's order
for the installation of a filtration
system. After . considerable . discus -
mon the following resolution was in-
Moved by Reeve Gallow, seconded
by Councillor • Hill that the . Water
and Light Commission be requested
to take steps at once. to sink a test
well with a view to obtaining a suffi-
cient supply of purewater forthe
town and have their engineer secure
measurements and' prepare. estimates
for the extension of the presents
. take pipe, and that the' Pry ,uncial
Board of Health be notified of this
action. Carried. Councillor Hum-
ber voting nay.
Finance Committee. Settles Jardine
Claim at $20
The finance committee reported
that Mr. H. T. Edwards had 'filed his
declaration of office and had . com-
menced his duties as assistant asses-
sor; that, in conjunction with the
plublic a.orks committee,'they had in-
terviewed Mr. Geo. Jardine in con-
nection with his. claim for damages
andafter due consideration had made
a settlement with Mr. Jardine by the
payment of $20, obtaining a release
from him; recommended no action in
the matter of paying membership
fee in the Ontario Municipal Asso-
ciation; recommended that the Col-
legiate Institute Board be paid $1500
on their 1922 levy, as their account
was overdrawn; recommended that
the 33rd Regimental Band Associa-
tion be paid $100 on their 1922 grant
onthe understanding that the town
receive in return the usual number
of open air concertia_recom vended,
the paiyments— of a number of ac-
counts, and inthe matter of the let -
Ter from. Mr. 1). S. Clutf with refer-
ence to the Goderich Mercantile fac-
tory,;that he be informed that there
are no returned soldiers charge -of
the plant and that the town is in a
position to deal directly if necessary.
This report was adopted. -
Mr. :Cluff bus been looking at the
Goderich Mercantile factory with
soxne idea of using it for industrial
purposes, but wrote - that he would
not have anything to do with, inter
fering with the •rights, of returned
soldiers connected with concern.
This was the reason of the last
clause in the finance committee's' re-
Model Theatre
' WEEK of MARCH 13 TO 18
Monday and Tuesday
"The Lone Wolf's Daughter'
t C. A
Christie ome y
'"Nothing Like It"
• 'Wednesday and Thursday
in the Paramount Special
`Tee City of Silent Men'
Council to Obtain Entire Control of
Mercantile Plant
Moved by Councillor Holmes, se-
conded by Councillor Bailie that a
.special committee be appointed, .con -
slating of the Mayor, the Reeve and.
Councillor Hill, to treat with' the
Goderich Mercantile Co., its' succes-
sors and assigns, with power`to ob-
tain entire control. of the plant, so
that prospective purchasers must
deal solely with the. council of its re-
Moved by Councillor Hill, second-
ed by Reeve Gallow, that, all ,commit-
tees bring down estimates for 'their
expenditures during the forthcoming
year and that these estimates be ta-
bled for • the . consideration of the'
council, such estimates t
u h es n a es to be tabled
by the first meeting in ApriL--Car-
Moved by Councillor Bailie, secon-:
deby Councillor Humber that the
present 1921 collector's s r fl
at 'next mooting with list of arrears.
Moved by Councillor Hill, seconded
by Councillor Story that the prepar
ation and distribution of a circular.
about Goderich be referred to the
special .committee to report.—Car-
ried. ,
The sewer on Nelson street is too
small and Councillor Moser recom-
mended that it be relaid with larger
pipe. This was referred to the pub-
lic works committee to report.
-Moved by Councillor Humber, se-
conded by Councillor Hill, that the
Bell Telephone Co..be asked how long
the office in to be closed''. at 5 o'clock,
as it is a great inconvenience to the
public. Carri . The reason of this
moti0 9 that s it appears, the Bell
office ha Ben cloned early, and,
while the service to subscribers and
from pay stations was maintained,
the public, had not the convenience of
the office when waiting for 1 di -
Bahy :Daughter of Marquess of Blandford Christened~ -The Marquess,
Who is a son of the Duke of Marlboro and the former Vonsueio Vanderbilt,
looks .suite pleased, doesn't he? There he is just behind the babe which
was,christened Sarah Consuelo.
of New York Pershing Sq. and 42nd
Street, New York. City.
The Annual At Home of Huron Old
Boys. of Toronto Was, a Very
. Enjoyable Affair
The, annual "at home" of the Hur-
on Old Boys' Association of .Toron-
to was held on Thursday evening
last at the Oddfellows'' ,Temple on
College street, with a goad attend-
ance, Mrs. J. A, McLaren, Mrs. E.
Floody, Mrs. Wm. Proudfootand oth-
ers received the guests as they ent-
ered the assembly room and a good
_social time was. spent. '
After the • crowd had pretty well
gathered a very interesting program.
was given. Among those on the.
platform, -in addition- -to -the -officers
of the association, were Mr. Alex.
Saunders, of Goderich; Major Joseph
Beck,. formerly • of Goerich; and Mr,
Robert .I1 lmes, formerly of Clinton,
The committee in. charge of the en-
tertainment had secured Will J.
White, the .well-known entertainer;
Miss Edith Walsh, soprano. and Her-
man Floss, pianist, and sheets with
the wordsof many popular songs
were- distributed-among-the-audlenC
Mr. White started the ball moving
with--a--community sing-_ - .
soon had the crowd in good humor.,
After commenting on the reports he
heard of the good musical abilities
of the people of Goderich and also, of
Clinton, be designated one half of
the hail Goderich and the other Clin-
ton and set the ,two rival sides to
singing different songs at the same
time. Neither Goderich nor Clinton
was to be outdone by the other, and
the madly was not unmusical. In the
meantime a good number had come
in froip the lobbies and were stand-
ing at the rear of the hall and these mood when it helped fashion the
Mr. White designated Saltford, oth- wildernessinto this charming spot—
erwise Slab Town, so none were fol;- "Huron's Golden Gate"—and the
gotten. But the climax was reached early settlers with visionary :fore -
Hall Room Boys in
"False Roomers"
Friday and Saturday
Harry Sweet Comedy
"High Life"
Matinee Tion. aid Wed, at 4,15 p. ail
Saturdaf at 3100 P4 iii,
Two full shows every ?aap,ht ton
rlieraitie at. ° .,v€1 p. r .
tance calls.. •
A deputation from the Old Home
Week was heard requesting the coun-
oil to handle the deficit and agreeing
to hand over he banners to the town.
This was erre ; e finance com-
mittee. '
O Ong le
president; toast, Canada, W. A. Mc-
Donald and W. A. Cantelon; song,
Mrs. Johnson; tonat, Huron, G. F.
Gibson and R. Spading; song, Mr,
1 visors toast, Vancouver,. Wm. Mc-
Queen and G. R. Gordon, . After this
program tame whist and dancing.
A list of scone Huron Old Boys in
Vancouver, who have attained sue-
cess in their sphere of life is given
in the souvenir program in which we
notice the names of Dr. W. S. Turn-
bull, Dr. J. - L. Turnbull! and Mr.
Ralph; formerly of Goderich; Dr. T.
H. Agnew, Dr. W. Carey and
Dr. O. F. Courtiee, formerly of Clin-
ton; Mr. R.Sparlin , Mr. Wal. Gov-
enlock, Dr, W. K. Feare, Mr. M. -F.
Lawrence and Rev. J. S. Muidrew,
formerly'"' of Seaforth; Mr. Wm. Mc-
Queen (city clerkt, formerly of Ash-
field; Dr R. D. Shortreed, formerly
of Exeter; .and Mr,_H._Day,-formerly.
of Gorrie.
Aa -very well -Written article pn
Goderich, by Miss J. Cantelon,
pears and in another article on how
tradition says various towns in . Hur-
on received their names, we note this
under the heading Goderich: "This
sounds' Iike a legend more than an
actual ,fact. A party started from
near. Hamilton'on Lake Ontario and
ent-en-foot--to.•Lakre_Hurnn, nrriv-
Ing at the shore near where the Melt -
and River` enters the lake as San-
un-day• 'morning. They were •weary of
the woods, and standing looking. out
over the waves, felt that 'the weight
of the great forest had been lifted,.
and they were now in GUTS' Reach
—Goderich:" •
The Article by Miss Cantelon, to.
Which reference was made above is.
as follows
Beautifully situated :on the banks.
of Lake Huron and the Maitland
River lies Goderich, the County
Town. Nature was in a happy
when Mr. Alex.. Saunders was called
on for some remarks and 'Mr. White
had the audience singing (to the
tune of Hieland Laddie) "Who's the
best man in the town? Alex. Saun-
ders. Alex. Saunders."
Mr. McLaren, president.of the As-
sociation, presided and made: the pro-
gram pass along nicely, and Mr.'
Floody, the secretary, read a num-
ber of lettelit and telegrams of re-
gret from some who could not be
present, among' them greetings and
regrets that they could send . no. re -4'
presntatives, from the Huron Old
Boys'Association of . Vancouver.
After the program, dancing in the
assembly room -and cards in the' room
below were :the. order, Townsend's
Orchestra providing , the music -
the dancinA: balloon waltz and a
Lucky Number Dance were interest-
ing features, the lady holding the
being, presented with
lucky number b g•
t intermission
vin dup. A
a silver loving p
a choice 'supper was served down-_
stairs cafeteria style. ,
Huron Old Boys' Association of Bri-
tish Colombia Hold First Annual
Banquet and Dance.
A copy" of the souvenir program
and menu of . the first annual ban-
quet and dance of the Huron Old
Boys" Association of British Colum-
bia has come into our hands, and
from it . we gather that the event
would be a very interesting function.
The event was held on Friday, Feb.
24th. The menu was . all that could
be desired, then came the feast of
song and reason in a toast list which
included the following: Toast, The
King; address, Dalby T. Kendall,
Wants to NI es`, Canadiaus-
. in the '' etropnlis
The Canadian C b of New York
is the centre of activity for Cana.
diann living in New York and vicin-
ity. •
The Club is constantly in receipt
of calls for relief for Veteran Cana-
dian Soldiers and other needy Cana-
diens in New York. All worthy
canes are being promptly eared for.
For instance: A fear days ago a,
young, Canadian girl from lova Sco-
tia. penniless and without friends in
New York, was found dead in a
rooming house, having died from as-
phs .iation, The Canadian Club fool:
-charge of the body, gave her a re-
epeetoble funeral ' which several of
the members attended.
We are endeavoring to get in Con-
tact with Canadians in New York,
not now members of the Club, and
request that those having relatives
or friends living in New York City
and vicinity, alto New Jersey, cont-
munieate their• names and addresses
to the undersigned in order that they
may be invited to enioy the privileges
and advantages which the Club af-
fords. Address: THOMAS D. NEE-
LANDS, Chairman Special Member-
ship rominitte.c, The Canadian Club
sight planned with Nature in mak-
ing it one of Canada's beauty spots.
Differing from other towns Gode-
rich has no "Main Street." Its cen-
tre is a large park enclosing the
Court House. Surrounding the park
are the stores and from this park or
"Square" as it is commonly Balled,
radiate eight streets. These streets
are crossed and re -crossed by other
streets until the plan resembles
somewhat a gigantic spider's web,
Its streets are •exceptionally wide
and beautifully shaded . with maple
trees. The people of Goderich have
a natural pride in their pretty town
and their gardens, lawns and boule-
vards reftectit in their. appearance.
Cooled by the lakebreezes in hot
summer, -Goderich affords a pleasant
resort for the weary city dwellers
and now takes. its place as one. of
the most attractive of summer re,
Goderich, ` the county town, also
has other.,elaims for distinction be -
Sides its beauty and its summer re-
sort, - e
It forms an industrial centre with
itsfactories, grain .elevgitors and
flour mills. In its early days the
county town was especially noted for
its salt wells. which were o he first of
their kind in all of Canada. Gode-
rich is now the fourth port in the
Dominion in the amount of grain
which passes through its doors.
—We are proud of our County of
Huron. " We are proud that the ban-
ner county has such a worthy -coun-
ty town. And we, who claim Gode-
rich as our own --"our native home"
--are proud indeed of the honor.
vogue of the season is for the brighter
colors, and where black is retained a trim-
ming of contrasting color is used
However. large the hat thetbaek is invariably
short, and however small the toque there is a sug-
gestiort'of brim. at:'
Noteworthy is the predominance:of many
materials. Cire, Moire Ribbon. Baronette Satin, ' a
Straw, Braids, Mohair. Lace, and Tulle.
You are cordially invited to visit our show
roans on
7.hu,rsday, -Friday-and-Saturday,
Mauch 16th, 17th, and 186
and following days '
What' is perhaps the largest single
shipment of automobiles . ever made
in . Camp leftyttt -Studelniker fac-
tories at Walkerville, Qnt.,Murch 4,
for MontreaL •
1'he shipment consisted of one en-
tire trainload of Studebaker cars.1
The train was made up of 28 automo-
bile box cars, which contained a total
of 80 .automobiles. The value of the 1,
shipment was nearly:. $140,000.
A. very active market is reported
by Studebaker, which would be evil-
denced by its record-breaking ship-
ment to Montreal, and the fact that
the Studebaker! • factories in. Walker-
ville are running full time and have
been for quite a while. 4
S. S. No. 1, Ashfield
School report forthe month of
Sr. 1,V.--14oward Quaid, Carman
Hayden. Jr. IV.—Willie Richardson;
Jake 041111on'e Widow and Her New Husband; William II. Rohrer, of
Chieego, photographed on their honeymoon. It will Ire remembered that
the murder of Jake llanton, politieal boas of Oklahoma, a year ago, creat-
ed a sensation. Mr. Rohrer WA:: formerly a member of the odvlsory com-
mittee of the Ilepublicana Natio;;-,i Committee. ,
Get ready for your spring
house • gleaning by ordering a
Hydro Vacuum Cleaner.
See our display of electric
Washing 1ia.chine4 at.
North. Side Square Solaria
Ivadell Hoy, Edna Murray, Grace
Green, George •Ashton,
Clara Willis, Vernon Willis, Melvin
Dickson. Jr. 1II.:_Vests... _Murray,
Bert Crawford, Annie Green. II.. ---
Hugh Bennet, Florence McKenzie,
Margaret. Ashton, Leonard Crawford,
Clarence Hoyy, Ruby Dickson. 'I.•
Jessie` Hoy, 'Esta Quaid, Violet Ash-
ton, John Green, Edna Crawford,
Primer --Ernest 'Crawford, Benson
Murray, Clifford Huy, Jim Ashton.
Children Cry
Number on roll, 28.
once, 25.2.
ge attend
The row in the Cassell' twillauea to "a-
gate the roaysriatloa of nasty sf our
ta'wu people aril various aptness ars ox
Outsell hot a vsrykdr is- of the segos
that ,SALLOW$ cannot be surpaued in his.
sessilos as a l'lotofraphsr.
Call and Sea; Him
E 5TA>'JLI SHEb. 1e'7 Z
TtheHE Bank of Hamilton
friend` of
wants to bete ,
the' farmer.- the fruit grower,
and the producer. in. the fin-
ancial development of
- .
mate enterprises rIes it is ready to
take its part. All transactions
carefully handled, in strict con- •
agr GODEIUCii1. BRAWL' A. 4. McKay, Manager.
Martin Tailored Clothes
.. 1 .
are of unquestioned quality
and-re�'liearbiliity. ' ,
Let. U s Make Your Next
a it