HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 3THURSDAY, Marti w *HIM WORD GO CLACK Ili FACE AMD STiFFER MORT OUT Mother3 should never reeleet whoop - lag cough, and on the 'first sign of thia disease we would, advise the use of Dr- 'W'oaisNorway 1?ineSerup. Thisfaauoas remedy will clear tine broached tubes or the collected raucous awl Fihterul, and jjn this way ease the wraetiug cough and in a shed tune ruake itis' appear entire- ty. A Ave. 25 -6th Um, , J. W. DMortimer,.� 5 t Fast. Vaticauver. B.O., writes:•• 'Why tny it ktte girl was born shewasnot very 5txottir. and when she was three mouths old we moved into a damp house. A few Jaya after wewere setttedshe became very Ile. I called in a doctor and lie say ranch t tis. and b badcough a whop cute whooping g P He gave rate medicine for iter, but still 9 saw no chance, int fact see seethedd to get worse and several times I thought she was dead as she used to go black la the face and stiffen right, out, and I was steady crazy for fear she would die. A friend of mine asked me to. try a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway fine Syrup, as she had three children of Iter own, I took her advice. and after giving iffy lit tk" girt half a bottle she was quite a lot better, and when the bottle wagfinished •he was well again." I, woars NOWAY VINE. sYR1P Price, 35e. and 60e. a bottle; pat -ftp. by The T. Milburn Co., Limited'. ent%'Ont. CATTLE. MA•RHRTS TOIRO x•/i I114R1C1F'I5. lltsalreha Wheat las stere Vt. ttiltiiadsi) No. 1 northern, 311,64, No. n northern, net Quoted, No. 3 northern, not quoted. >Ksalt.t.a Oats 4 . start Wt. William) No, 3 CAF„ rte. No. 1 feed, teed, 69c. sssaat.ba leerier (la *tore Ft. MPUs* ) No. $ CW.. nominal, Aaeeteawpd%decease, Fr at blg i.) No. 2 yellow, .9?se. No. 3 yellow.77?:e. No. 4 yellow, 76,Sc. r ht erlt■ a} d'Iat t. i t. • OR s cacao at rl. O Out.lde). No. 2 White, nominal. • ■ t t Oat•rlp'iiitRt (1F:•.4. Shipping s I'etaa 4 Atte/die& to Freights.) Nominal. Howley (Act.rate& to Freights Dotage) No. 3' erttra. 67C to 60e. #taelnvkaRt (-O*telde) Freight rt1ht Neighborhood News Nuggets Picked From Our Exchanges Exeter Old Rey to Bo A wiat(td fudge -Swale Block, Brussels, Do - %bier, a Former Reeve of Exeter. Dies at Buffalo Marriott,. Deaths, Etc., about the County. Mrs. Jas. I ,rbout. Seeforth, Ines and ri:turned home the previous Fxia The death wear cd iii Seaferth on day in geed health un sfarits, but Wednesday. March 1st, of deny Mil- ot1 Sunders complained of internal lar, beloved wife of Jame:} harbour, plain end„her condition was found to d 68 y earns and four .lna�nthg a very serious, strayed by Fire -11..0. opeIiat Creamery at Whitton -A. O. age Sustained la Setoff* Stroke Messrs. Sproat l3eaforth +f°litled to Calgary lairs.. Wm. Verity. of Brantford, of ie 'axd Mrs. Richard P >a slaughter of b cal I2 liir,• Irons Sproat and his father: , Mr. James Sproat, of Seaforth, went Exeter,- has recently sustained anntla M Calgary last wove, called thither er stroke of paralysis. by the setnouci 111nelea of the formers sister, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. H. A. \Dixon, Brussels, Loses No. a. 78e to $00. Father lair. Geo. It. Larsehe, London,laths er of Mrs. E, A. Dixon, Brussels, died on Friday Nast, Feb. 26th at Victoria Hospital after an illness 'of three weeks due to a stroke of para- lysis. - He was born in Switzerland and was in his 67th year. Death of Mi'. Jatanti �clntosh, Tucker-' After an illness extending over two years Mr. Jas. McIntosh, Teeker- smith, died at his home on the mill road on Wednesday, Feb.. • 22nd, aged 73 years,._ He was a dative of the township and about eighteen years Liao was married-_ to Miss•..:efeCloy. who . survives Kan Irritth ,three sons( John, of Seaforth collegiate, James and David. Smale Block, Brussels, Destroyed by ' Fire Rye, No. 2, '860 to 88e. Maaltoba l Lore First patents, nominal. Older!. Fleet (Prompt 8klpaleatr.) ea per cent. patent. nominal. Id llfted ((Tar Lt.ota Delivered.) • Bran. per ton, 528 to 530. , Shorts,;$0 to $32. .1s, •'.Feed sour;;1.70 to 51.$0. . N4 o. Hated Ka7.'4-•'a•1 Extra No. 2, 522 to 523. -. '1 , 00 Mixed. 518. . x" Clover, 514 -to 518. , Strtaw. Car lofts, per. ton, 512.30 to 513. • Uneftictal. quotations -^Ontario No. 1 commercial wheat, 61.50 to $1.35, out- side. Ontario No, 3 oaks, 40c to 45c, outsidiK- Ontario corn, 63e -to 60e, outside. Manitoba Flour -Tat patents. in cot- ton eaeks, 58.70.per barrel; 2nd patents, 58.20. • OSTEOPATH' reN. A. M, HEIST, Osteopathic. #'ltysl clan. Graduate Des 'Moines Still College of Osteopathy, .Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards. Speelal din- tention to diseases of Women. and children. +Consultation free.. Office corner Nelson acid St. Andrew Sts. ' Successor to Dr. Ileilemann. In Sea - forth Tuesdays and Fridays, • hMUSICAIG 4 S. J. G. CAMERON. .131 Teacher. Piano, Theory. Pupils prepar- ed for examinations. For terms, apply res- - idence,.Gibbons st., opposite Victoria Pub- lic school ,,,or 'phone 2521. • GEO. KENYON. - • "L. Mus. McGill University" Teacher's Diploma Piano and Theory, Teachers Diploma Shilling " Pupils prepared tor examinations, Fore terms apply Studio, Montreal St., opposite, Fublic Library. . ju'LSTC STUPID. 1aTi1 to Mule Stud Goderteb Sbclety Orchestra D st , entrance. between F. Ii. Wood's and J. 13. Lauder's stores.._ MR. C. V. HENRY (violinist), tuition riven on violin for beginners and diose advan- ced._ For lnformatlon apply at • strike sound - postsViolins repaired, bridges trued, posts set and violin , bows rehalred. etc. Godarieli society Orchestra, 5 meets (Protessionall D. IL WESTON, L. L. C. M. emanate London College of Muale. Eng- • land. Organist and Choir 'Director of, North St. Methodist church. TEACHER OF 'MLSSIC ,..Pupils, prepared for examinations in. Can- • nection with Toronto University. Toronto Conservatory, .etc, Every pupil entered' • !or musical exams has passed, snag with . honors.: For terms apply at residence, Wein St. (first door • west of -skinny rink), Oodertcb. • LEGAL CARDS /'tfiARLES BARROW. Barrister, .Solicitor, . Etd. Corner Nor= sweet and square. tioderieb. Ont. TORONTO ores STOCK. TORONTO, March 6. -Live stock re+ ithe Union Stock Vre1ngtforomay'amaretwe53 care --Cattle. 2,400; calves, 270; hogs. 3,000; sheep, 2,450. WI:miPI4. LIVESTOCK. WINNIPEG, March 6. -Receipts were exceptionally light, consisting Of only' 28 cattle and 46 hogs. Owing to the light offerings, therewas very little trading on the cattle market and.. the sales completed werebarely sufficient to establish a price range, On the hog market the ,handful for disposal sold steady at ;12.60. No trading took place on the ahesp and lamb markt due to lack of . re- ceipts. CHICAGO LIVID STOCK'. CHICAGO, March 8. -Cattle receipts 500; compared with' a Week ago: beer' ateers, mostly 16c higher, with spot on good kinds up more and extreme top for week ;9.40; better grades fat cows and heifers, 26e to 40e higher; lower grades, canners and ,cutters,10c to tie htgher; bulls, steady; gooto choice stockers and .feeders steady; common, kinds, dull: veal calve, sharply lower; moistly 51 off. t Hogs, 6,000; uneven: moony stead y with_Eriday'. average; shippers bought about 3.000; Holdover light; top,., $11.36-; bulk, 511 .to 511.25; pigs,. slow. -Sheep: -500;^.-eompkr-ed-•with--a_-ere ago: fat lambs and yearlings, tic to 59c lower; yheep about • 26c lower;• shearing lambs steady. . Ew...re .O LIVE STOOK. Bi'IET).1.0 • N.Y., March O. -Cattle re, ceipts,.200; steady. Carves, 276; steady; 53 to $13,60. Hogs 2,100; slow; ate dy to 15e high - 4"tllAS. SEAGER Barrister, . Solicitor. Notary nubile and 'Conveyancer - Omee : Court House, `Oodericb.' ( c. HAYS ;Miens 83. earrlster, eoiictlor, Notary Public, Etc. Otfce Hamilton St., snarl g'Bank B1ocir Goderieb • - Real. Estate. Loans, Insurance T10NVEYANCINO AND NOTARY ' GEORGE E\,ciREENSLADE, Bayfield, Con= veraucinir and rows Public P•�,ROUDFOOT,` KILLORAN &. HOLMES, C Barristers.., Solicitors. Rotaries P uc, Etc, OMee--On rtia Square, 2nd • doer. fro10 Hamilton street, Goderien. 'Private funds to loan air' IOWes9 rates. ✓W. PROUDFOOT, 11. C., - • J. L. 'K;LLORAN, DUDLEY 11OL:tl S, Jur, o •AUCTIONEERING THOMAS OUNDRY. •LIVe Stock and General Auctioneer, liarniltOn Street, Goderien. Sales node everyWhere and alt - efforts. made to give you sattafaeilon.. • Fanners' sale notes discounted, LICENSED ACCTIONEEf, ' er- 'heavy. $11,50 to 511 -?5; - yorkers. 511.75 o $11.90; light yorkers, 511.26 19.50; stags, i;4, to 56.10 60. $11.26; roughs, Sheep and lambs, 1,400; lambs, =-40e higher; lambs, 18 to $16.76; yearlings, $10; to 14,50; wethers 510 to 10.60;4 ewes, 52 to 59.50; in xed sheep, 59.50 to 510. • The Smale block in Brussels was the scene of a -bad fire on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, and after the fire the front brick wall that was a menace to pub- lic safety, -was was down. It is said that Mr. Smaie had no insur- auce. The block was built by the late S. 'Swale in 1878, following What is known as the "big fire" of 1870. Mr. Smale will not rebuild. • Lose Their Tittle Son ..e- Remick,%�, Mrs.Albert and Mr. r, ter, have lost their little son, Ray Ed- ward, from pneumonia. He was six months obi. Former Exeter Resident Dies in West A former well-known and esteems ed. resident of Exeter in the person of Mr. Wnt. Henry Cann, passed a- way at the- home of his daughter, Mrs. Vail, Assinboia, Sass.,., on.Feb. 10th, at the age of 75 years and three months. Mr. and Mrs. Richard, Stephen,. Lose Infant Carman Parsons, the ten -months - old son of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Rich- ard, of Stephen, died Feb. 28th after a few days'illness of pneumonia. Wingham Young. Man•-Marhries A ui,�t wedding was solemnized in St. Paul's church, Meaford, Feb, loth, when Miss Janet. Tuck, of Southsea, Hampshire, England, was united in marriage to Lorne Aitche- son, of Wingham. Hammor-Carruthers Exeter Old Boy -Be Appointed Judge Exeter Times: Hon. Wm. Melville Martin, prefer of Saskatchewan, an 01(1 Exeter rboy, was in Ottawa re- cently, and .credence is given to the report that he is about to be appoint- ed to a newly created judgeship on the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals, and that he wslLbe succeeded as Pre- mier by Hon. Chas. A. hemming, one died in Toronto on Tuesday, Feb. of the ministers of his Government. Seaforth Boy Cut to'Pieces at West 28th, at the ripe old age of 89 years. Toronto ' d seasMic-Woods George Patterson,. a former well= The ' tnarliage>• a Miss Margaret death in � f Live Stock and General Auctioneer, 'Pere - bred Live Stock a .speCiaity.' Satisfaction guaranteed. •Terms lowest, Live stock bought anti sol(1 on comiinfsssioxRtCK. Goderleh, Ont. ' INSURANCE ria . FIRE INSURANCE DAVE IT ATTENDED TO xflE WEST WAWANOSH-yIUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. E' rAnd.t',HED 187$ 115Trit TWISTY OENTS pia NYNURED DOLLAR$ MARRY L. !ALKELD, Agent and Adjustor• I I'CHII4LOP MUTUAL FIRE l)1511RANCE ifaaJrm and Isolated Town. Property 'Insured. value of property insured up to January, .919. 53948,076.00. OFFICERS -James Coneolttvlce Pre$ 1CatJ dederieh ,• Jas. Evans, deetnivood ; .T. E. lfays, Sec: Trdas., Sea. fopIiIECTORS-D. F. McGregor. Seafartl:; J..0. Grieve. winulrop ; Wm. 'term, Con- staneo • (merge McCartney, • Tueiceramith ; iohn, Ferris, Hnrlork • John Bennewise. dhasen : Lialcolm iairew n, Drueefelal, tri Clinton • r Wm. trnesney, Seafo e t he i took c a t �Iu'ot wedding t o la Win tram Presbgterianr�manse on $ y -Home' Rccldenls Feb. 22nd, when Miss, Jean Ca-rruth- erswas united . in marriage to Mr. Ey, Hammer,loreside for The the present flycouple wi in Wingham. Wingham Girl Wigs: Dominion. Medal Miss' -Dorothy' Snell, Wingham,°has h highest forthe senior medal g won theh n standing in the Dominion in senior department Sunday school exercises in connection • with the Anglican church in Canada. • Mrs. Allenby, Formerly of Wingham, Dies Mrs. John Allenby, a former high- ly esteemed resident of Wingham, 3 e Mrs. boy,metter o daughter known SeaforthWoods, younger ug West Toronto a short time ' ago by Mary A. Woods, of - Lucknow,• to. Mr. failing from the;top-of a box car -and Albert A. Gammie,.,1 Fergus, was maunder the wheels of a passing freigh solemnized_of._.I.uelt#los!L._manse��Feb._ train on.the C. Y. ft. tracks 3ust wes 22nd, by Rev. R. McCallum. . . of the ICcele street subway. A Family With a Record for ; Loug- h. O. Opening Creamery at'Wing- evIty -- ham the Fulton 'faintly of,'Walton lo - ~The 1j. F. a7. Co-operative Co. v.'. cality have a record worthy of note Wingham has put in 500 tons bf ice for longevity. Their parents, John and it is their intention to open up a and Mrs, Fulton of McKillop bound - creamery and butter factory. any passed away twenty-five years or Former ' Wingham Resident Dies ` f Seldorfl does a day pales without someone hi your falnllyllappe:ling an accident Houeeworb means no end. of bruises end knt sks. Ironing time suile in cut burrnsand lds while the children. are "always in the wars., dbonsequently, every wise mother imeps a bog of gam-Uuk close handy, For the sprained ankle or wrist, the cut finger or bruised forehead, the burn or scald. antiseptic Zarn-Bus is the sate ideal first-aid. Zani4Suk endo smerting`pets: and soreness almost instantly. It soba disease germs, cleanses the broken tie -sues, end g?O 8 fine new'sltitt. .Zam-Duk is a pure highly -- refined balm, of Nature's herbal. oils and easence8. Its timely use has averted many a teetered hand, poisoned knee or crippled leg, common results of haphazard trait - :rant with impurefattyointments and salves, - There's) no truer saying than that "Daily Mishaps• Make Zam-Buk a Daily . Need" • IForpatraaalhLaUrltt reanea,dla lta1N11Mid ewe aid date et /as) 1. taileaeh Ca.. %pad.. WO thi1ra. KN. OHMI tar *1,11. flflfiUK DAILY NEED >rAuL `i'SISIOi A'Coai, Strike pis not only a pausiliility tut we aro sorry to arty an ultimate itY You can help to avoid it 47 carrying full coal bine. So now is Me time to fill isp with MUSTARD'S COAL it anatomic* Leo burning QU1at#alt • Di& W ScranloiCoai The Standard Anthracite l,et us hear from you, eco faro just at the abet' end el( •hour telephone roam sour sets}iso is -free. JOHN BM MUSTARD OFFICE; Foot of Attgioarlt $tr.ot 'Moo 9B Io 1 DIES ERS STR'' d HNINE` Mrs. Ben Pierson, 'Coderich . Town. ship, Takeir Dose:POUOWIUW Ar- gument With Hurban AVo are inelincd to think that the commercial. traveler who gave us a cigar yesterday is an •anti4tobbacon- 1St'... _ No surgical operation is neeessar4yr in removing corns if Holloway s The tlragic death of Mrs. Rett Piers Gorr Remover be used. son, 8th concession of Godericlt. township, has been the subject of Mauch comment the vast couple of RIIEUMATISlit days. ` She died on Tuesday morning nr s �� after taking' a Anglo -Canadian's Death. LONDON, March 6. -:Press. refer- ences . to Sir Donald MacMaster's death are general and all : of then; of a generous tone. The Times re- fers ' to him. as a jurist of repute and as a Parliamentarian 0lao was mark- ed for the faithful, untiring perform- ance erform ance of the hard detail . of hie work. T. P. O'Connor, M.P., in a very sympathetic sketch in the Daily Telegraph, says: - "The *bullet that killed the son killed also the father. He was very brave about It. I never heard ` him Mention the subject, but the lace spoke where the •.. tongue was silent. This spruce, .alert, ewer, middle-aged -man turned into an old, feeble - being, apparently dying on his -legs, with that awful look of wistfulness in his eyes' that without asking demands sympathy" Library at Famous Canadian. MONTREAL, March ....6. --The lib- rary of Louis Joseph Papineau; lead- er In The 1837 rebellion, was on sale Isere on Saturday, in connection with the ' winding up of . the lsapineau AGENTS• -J. W. v'eo, Goderlt b • Sandy E.ei r , 8. Policy Senor 3'ollCv Holders' can pay their assessment • stn If. Cntt's Stere. •lcderieh, A. J. I(or- rtsti s Clothing Store:• Clinton, or 3. FI. theid's Iiaydeld. ^. _ 'NOTARY PUBLIC, L1'C. WM. BAILIE. i'� NOTARY pram General Conveya;ieing tione Good Companies ttepresented Phone NO. 2''-. Goderieh, Ont. Fret -RV. DIRECTORS estate. A large number of universities had representatives there. Voltaire's com- plete works, published in Paris in 1785, sold at $33 a volume ane were Purchased by F. O. A. Jeannerei, •tif Toronto, who represented the Uni- versity of Toronto. 0'• ° Workers Leave for, Canada. MANCHESTER, N.H., March 6.-/1 Sixty , families of mtil operatives have left - this city for the''Province of Quebec since the sturt of the strike, which has kept some 20,000 employes of the Amoakeag and Stark cotton mills idle for three weeks. Most of these French-Canadians have foie that.tlteir departure was merely for the purpose of visiting relatives and that they would re- turn later. - Mr. WM. G. Nicholson,• a former resident of Wingham, died suddenly at his home near New . Scotland on Thursday, Feb. 23rd. - Former Exeter Reeve Dies at Buffalo Mr. A. Q. Bobier, :i, former well- known resident . of Exeter, .died in Buffalo on Saturday, . Feb, 25th. While in Exeter Mr. Bobier was in the creamery business and for sever- al years he was -reeve of the town. Latterly he bad been residing in the West, principally at' 'rince Albert, and came East last fall and had . been, living with his daughter and two sons ih Buffalo. New • Conductor on London+Wingham Run Conductor A. L. MacDonald, of Petrolea, etas been appointed to the Grand Trunk run between London mid Wingham. dose of stryehtalne.. L"UMDAG0 She was in good health and a ar- NEUItITI$ vs. t had RC ently tri a saneGondition,bu h, .hit #�IrrIATI�A Some slight argument early in the i Have you gloom se's Move morning with;her husband over their i raaiigtwd. yawt+sl,t{ to.that *14 15 -year-old daughter, as Coroner Dr. Smith states in his affidavit to the Crown Attorney. The followintlg� is a letter she wrote to her husband her fore died:aho it Dear Husband and Fam y, To save'any trouble after, X write this note to say I stn dying by my own hand,because I cannot stand the fault . inding any longer. I hope you will get along better without nee. I Iove you all too well to bother you any more. Good-bye alL MOTHER. �lni dt her bur- ,.:_�,..-. int clothes before she took the poison. Cyclopedia olees the Dominion--"500alion bushels of ryo during March. pacts AboutCatiada^�-wiU be wrarml y. welcomed by the public, which yretards s tall at a o s nl indispensable e bookl , it s 5000 FACTS ABOUT' CANADA Mrs, Pierson even d o . The 1922 edition of the popular ittle t Norway .still • require nearly a tltil ; of !neat as a cocoanut," t19 tee WIttiiy # texpressed•-•iit;its-eotnpi)er,-- Fr-ank... Yeigh, is widely known ae an authority on everything Canadian. and it le .a marvel. and ' model ot oondeneattoti, with a feet in a sentence. The new issue is enlarged and improved, and • its contents will prove a revelation of the growth of the country, not only le a single yea'r,.but in ` five or ten yeaar More ago at the royal ages 0 99 and (period. Over 50 chapters -ranging 98 respectively. Some of their child- alphabetically from Agricuiture to ren still survive in theenjoyment of Yukon -provides bird's-eye view of the a good. degree of healh, as follows: • .Dominion from every angle. No better Smuel Fulton Granton, oged 92; advertlement of the country could be John Fulton, Walton, in his Doth had, and many use it in that way to • year; Mrs. 'D. Crawford, Brussels, enlighten the ignorant as to the wealth,, 84; William Fulton, 82; Thos. Fulton, prosperity ; and advantage of this i. Shakespeare, aged 80; Hugh Fulton, Britain of the West. Copses,:may be Walton; aged 75; Mrs.. • E. Hewitt, bad from loading nowadealers or by: Exeter, aged .69. • Mrs. John Craw- 'sending 30 cents to the Canadian Pacts. ford, St. Marys, died at 84 years.` Pub, Co., 588 Huron street, Toronto. The combined ages of the .surviving brothers and sisters total over 750 Worms are :encouraged by .morbid years. conditions of.the stomach and hew - years. and so subsist. Miller's Worm I Government' Savings Bank to Be' Op- Powders will alter them: conditions ened at Seaforth - almost immediately and will sweep i The Ontario Government has start- the worms away. No destructive ed into the savings bank business. parasite can live in contact with this On Wednesday last branchesf:were medicine, which is not only, a worm opener in Toronto, Aylmer, St. Marys destroyer, but a health-givi ig niedi- and Woodstock. Subsequently bran- c)ne most beneficial to the young ches will be opened in Seaforth, St. constitution, Catharines, Owen Sound, Newmarket, Ilton Canada has marketed 200 millions bushels of wheat, but. there is still probably : 50 millions in farmers' hands. ° Charge Went Through Store Door Walkerton, Brantford, Ham , While Mr. Saxon Fitton, Exeter, Listowel, London, Stratford, :Peter - was examining a repeating shot gun bozo, Belleville, Porth,. Brockville, in his' store one day not long ago n , Ottawa, .Lindsay and other points. shell accidentally exploded and went, through the lower .panel of the door` out on to the sidewalk. No one was injured. . Hensall Methodists Honor Nonagen- . Arian ' The congregation .of the • Howell 'Methodist church' and friends of Mr. Alfred McTaggart surprised him °by'. giving hint -a birthday party in the. basement of the church on Monday everting•,. Feb. 28th, in 11•onor. of/ his 90th birthday. • B400011%,BrOS : the Leading funeral DlrestOrr and Embalmers ardor's car°elully :ti*tondedr td5 at tall Ilcarara-•=-ttlghh ortiey. • Negri Comedian Dead. • NEW YORli, March 6. -Bert A. Wiliam, the negro comedian, whose doleful mirth ltan delighted a nation, lay dead in. his Sevelitn avenue home to -day, and races mixed in' paying hint homage. He died late Saturday from pneumonia.. Ile was cent home from Detroit, following his collapse on the stage there, and a blood transfusion prolonged his life only briefly. Danish Prince to Wed (:reek. COPENHAGEN, March 6. Icing Christian to -day announced the be- trothal of Crown Prince Cbrlatlan Frederick to Princess 'Olga, eldest daughter of Prince Nicholas of Greece. A. J. LAYTHWAITi Electrical Contractor Agent for Blue Bird Weaning Ilfacllinel. Cimino lino ni Electrical, Licenses eariiiC(I ill Joel Ohl Colhoree hotel Corner Phone 2:51 • • `I "inghatat lady Dies Wingham people . were greatly shocked on Thursday horning of last week to hear that Mrs.. Carlyle Gunn had died. She had been spending a few weekswith friend in Saginaw Attacked by Asthma. -The first fearful sensation is of suffocation, which hour by hour becomes more desperate and hopeless, -To .such .a ease the relief afforded by Dr. J. D, Kellogg's Asthma' Remedy seems nothing less than ..miraculous. Its help is quiekly apparent and soon the dreaded attack is mastered. The asthmatic who has found out: the de- pendability of this sterling remedy will never be without it. It is sold everywhere. • fn Switzerland, when the cows are. driven to• the mountain pastures for the summer, the leader, which.wears a bell, hos her neck garlanded. with flowers for luck. • tore iivs t >l paha t cause von Clifetgo .Hnrt' 1et4/ or tails �soltpsaaaion *mow most that tyou have a oilier oRaati . hurt ases► cttaa...idsr'sd lhopiisss,:triodd Ctrl► Ski , baths,, sr solau' tetchy, w fooatl( . %Wag T. R. C. sa {'t'�.A w Ithoosastic Capsules). It home e' tkstiaaads 0! tutors that b.yoad. dooht•.R'.C. a to F . hoot *tactical and o soosi1td Riaslitaaticrssrsd ta.Md. frog- <M $5.00 per Mos. Poe roes »t .writs Toomisiat.s. TDMat !Weil Ateat - Nt C.IIENLOP APRYP4RS This is the SPACE • That carried the Al) That gained. the . "REP"'' That <made the SALES. That yielded the PROFITS. . That --built the BUSINESS That "Jack,, built. A Advertisement Addressed to the wife with mind distrait. Its news dispels her troubled state. It shows the pikes that she scan pay • • And Where to.go on shopping day.' ••••••••• SO lunar of course, she'll patf(inizt . • Those firms who wisely AC)Vf RTISE:. Shop Where You Are Jevited-ta•'Shop • bellied by Canadian Weekly Near;paperee Aesoriaitii ti. Head Mire, Toronto,. ('artada. • rt<idow. of Japanese I'r'emier-MM.ae. Tania 1arhi liar. is 111rt sen idatte 0l1C?ltige, MI tan altar in memory of her 11unb311(i. iia f ,teilivIr meat ter hone. Premier liana Was fan:':192i6;tltcd haat Noveitlba•r. JIiiiitill ACS PRINCE of, ALES CHEWING TOBACCO agitegoBacc° d ttandnird sines 1858 liuIUliIIIIUIIlIIIU b •