HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 1*,$Ibustiki The answer to this imparteet 41111111164141 hood in the advertising *Awes Tike Sear. Ten ow save many dollars hy Wu* that curet* Ott!' weak iin Pliakiets Aim* a TO Ng 'OrATIETH UAL NO 8-teel WHOLE' ?WNW •3Ite, Uri 4000121CIL ONTARIO, CAMP THURSDAY, MARCH 9 1922 tar 44•4447.1•4414 THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE You consult your doctor regarding matters of health—your lawyerwhen legal problemspuzzle you. Yet do you consult your Danker -the logical - financial authority—as often as you ought? You will find the local Manager of the Ster1h4 ever ready to render helpful. advice of a cial or investment nature, or Obtain, if pen.; information along sthene lines which we do „ net possess. . Is I AUCTION SALES A rCTION SALE -Ole. A TaiSliaBLE 11AlOW„ AIM 1 1-3 ratio' or land. 411.'• SO sinceecre lot aeross the road, with a rieW tran1 stable Mae. belong eMtit CAPT. ellAaik JOileteiON 011 SATrIADAY, MARCH eelh collarnencing at 1 fleeted; 'M also at e Sante Otte all the housented furniture and effects Win be Sold. FUll particulare in next week's Star. I T. (SUNDRY. auctioneer. AtIelfildN Seet,E E CONV.s. MESSRS. J. A. NICHOLSON an J. MAIO will sell by PUblle Mullen at. Aulnirle HMS% Auburn. on eolnineneltig at tele le itt. sham, usi rot. lowome TitunsnaY. MARCH lette 5 vows, Mu% to freehen Mile Of sale; cows, due to Ireehen an Merit; 43 cows, dile to freSliey April; 12 ,steers heir - ll ere, astock gotiO, cessation. TERMS. -8 onthe, credit will be given on tuInIlItlIlt IMPrOWed JOInt MO, or 9 per cent. per ennunt or tor cesh, J, N191101,10111,, .15.1rANIIDEritt..pkOportioenteeresr: CILEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM '•-•0 STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND Hattie: - HOLD FURNITURE. aill.IL REED Will sell by Public auction at lot 9. COM 4, eesheeld, one mile Wen of DunitannOtt, on eOnlIllenellIg at 1 ceclecA Sharp, the follow - tug 'aVEDNESIDAY, MARCH 15 1 good work horse, 3 years eld; i gener- al purpose mare, 10 years; 1 drIvinitenoree, 0 years Mg;1 new ealleh eew, calf at root; 1 Jersey coWe MO in March; 1 good grade cone (IUP May; 1 „heifer, 3 years old, milk- ing: I heifer, one Year old; 3 spring calves; Maseey-Ilarris binder, 5 -ft. cUt, in eood repair; 1 Massey -Harris mower, 5ft. cut in good repair; Massey-liarris hay Vette inessey.tiarrls Oltivator. IS teeth; 1 Mi- xon seed Milt; 1 steel land roller; t Per- rin riding plow; 1 Verity walking plow; 2-rurrow gang plow; 1 set narrows; 1 iteavy Bain, wagon; I set 40004b, slyness; 1 Man stock reeky detimerat wagon; 2 seufftere; 1 entting box; I wheelbarrow; 2 1-2 h. P. gite eneine; .145 ft. Pay fork rope; I set double harneSs; 1 set single harness; 1 buggy; 1 cutter; forks, shovels, chaine. doubletrees, 004 75 hens and Pul- lets; 1 cream separator; I Daisy enttrn; Imperial Oxford renge, coal end wood: 1 parlor cook stove; 1 Wood lieseert I organ, 10 chairs, 2 complete bedroom suites, I ex. tension dining table, several tables and stands, number of sealers and ether toUse- held articles. Everything will be sold without reserve, as proprietor Is giving up the farm. TERMS, -All sums o1. sie and under, cash; over that anieunt Oven months' ere - alt will be given on furnishing approved joint notes., A aiseount of 6 per cent, al- lowed for Cash on' credit amounts; eteeB REED, _T.OUNDRY, Proprietor, AUctioneer. 1 SittLifiAssuranceet.oteanada . Many people are being forced to exercise the moat rigid eoo�- omt1 and demand the highest poseible amount of protection at losv. est net cost. Tne Sin Life has clAised a new jubilee contract (1101e-Perticle- ating), which representsthe most efficient low-oost form of proteo- tion yet offered to the.publio. • Cionsult us regardiug rates, ete.. of this policy. ° H. R. LONG, District Agent E LAND Of_ PROMISE" MUSICAL COMEDY" underthe Auspice, of The Arthur Circle —•wiftbegiveninthe LECTURE ROOM of KNOX CHURCH - 011 • THURSDAY and FRIDAY March 9 and 10 at 8:15 p.m; ADMISSION - - 35c INSIMANCEAND'REAL ESTATE. Hi:tunes—Houses einde for •saie or to rent at very' rea- ;tenable prices, le you require a good home drop In and see • PJ. RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance. ILLOUGHBY FARM "-.AGENCY getd ravm Agency in Camas.) Has sold through their agent, Mr. C. C. McNeil, The Sohn C. Durst Farm on 'Maitland Con ,tiolborri To Mr, Wtn. Dust of Colborne To get possession 1st /Cyril We bave other good farms rang- ing troln 60 40 100 and 200acres for Ziale, close to railways and town mullets.'• We Would be pleased to show tifese listings to any ono looking. for a farm at auy thus. C. C. IVIcNEIL Brame Street . SPECIALIST Dn. r* 1. II. FORSTER. EYE, to, NOSE, THROAT. Late. Hotta° Surgeon New 'Tort; Ophthal- rnie and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moore - field's Eye Hospital and Golden &Mare Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. 5., Stratford Tele- phone 267. . • • At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednesday, April 19th, at 8.00 p. an., to Thursday, April 20th, at 1 p. n5. • 1 music' miss LAURA JAeKSON, A. T. C. M., is -111. prepared to•take pupils on the piano, otal • For ts 'apply 50 MISS -JACKSON, above Dunlop's Drug Stere, Kingston street, on Saturdays, 12;30 to 4;30 le -m. CRA1GIE'S insarce awl Real Estate p • • Now is the time to secureth hotnit. Don't, wait for the Spring rush. Call and see ,our BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLO J.W Craigie • • CARD Or THANKS °Atte THANICS.-We wish to exteitil kJ our sinhere ;banks to our • many frfende-and eaequaintancee for their kind-, nos and sympathy in oineelsereavernent. C. TWEEDIE AND FAMILY. NoT1OF-.-eeee MEETING ("OLDEN GATE It B. P.110. 1031, Meets k•st firer Thursday of eaeh moth In For. esters'. Hall, (tedericlt; -'• Visiting Sit Knights welcome.' J. hieNEVIN, • , • IL tr. MEW. Registrar. W. le NOTICE TO cRAVNiirg' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. • All persons havitig-Tecritinte against the 0. W. V. A. kindly submit. same at once le A. P. snarly. A UCTION SALE OF FARal STOCK, 151- 4ale PLEMENTS, ETC, MR. REG. FOWLER will sell by public auction on the Dretnis- ese-Lot--4.,-Gone-Se-Colborne-Township,•-halfe- mile east of cariew, on TUESDAY. MARCH 21s1, 1022 Commencing at 1;30 o'clock re me sharp: Horees,-1 teem Mack matched drivers, rising 7 area 8 years; t roan mare. 12 years old; t aged driver; I gelding. Mktg, 2 years old. Cattle. -4 cow, 6 years old, due April lst; 4 cow, 7 year% old, due may 1st; 1 eow, 4 years old, due to calve in June; 1 cow, 7 years (Ad, with celf at root; 6 fall calves; $ Polled -Angus bull, S months old. legs. -e pigs, weighing about 75 lbs.; 3 sows, due to utter about April eat; 20 hens. Iraplements.-1 Deering binder; I Deer- ing moever; t Deering hay rake; i 11-110e disc drill; t set iron harrows; I steel rol- ler; I etiltivator; 1 stock and hay rack, combined; 1 roe% punter; i wheel barroW; 1 post [(hinder; 1 walking plough; 1 Ham- ilton riding plough; I grindstone; e buggy poles. I rubber-tieed buggy; f waggon; I aet waggen springee.e•set eealee, 2,0041 les. capacity; I rutter; 1 rune; 1 Imperial Heat- er; 2 lanterns, Items Nearly New. -1 set Adams' sleighs, t DeLaval cream Separator; I Daisy churn, 1 Tudhope-Anderson manure spreader; 1 Corona range. Harness. -1 set brass -mounted team har- ness; I set double driving harnese; I set plough harness; 2 sets single narness; qtranstity 01. ha and straw; humerous other articles. • Everything M t be sold as the proprte: • \ tor has rented t e farm. TERMS. --Hay and straw, and art sums of WO and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A di,src.ou6nut:orR:,Pee cent. allowed for cash on reedit emanate. REP(1;;pk.rPeNt‘orrr*.E11' Auctioneer. The Way to Save It is ilso Asot0000& regolority wilt you mike alma *posits, TOW thorn tims occooloasi banking al considstabl. arsowat. Boot Moodily ItutWis sqo solostosititi SotoscioilsocItioi. Ost tho 144 of dew* 41,00410**, Three dollars orsvosi sway with Wore* nt 3% it twit riga , amount to 41841.02. UNION BANK OF° CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager Mull jinn in IN. Ids Real saws of opportmoitios to Koko tie Boossitokl Thom, stretch to tow tiro roloiroosoots to the hot ailvontoss. ISMI Ibs livatiaseuis is Tin tior PubOallad WRY lituredlre-Olea • Yesr ir e tr 18 Arrows. Veteseerejt it :dente . puldie places erel against a young lanart named Taylor of furnishing the !liquor, Vatistone and Steven* plead. led guilty at Gerrie on the 24th end Magistrate Reid iraposed the fine of $10 end cots in Vartstones ease, and ;IN and coot* in Stevens" ease. j Taylor defended himself in the • Tehlitioeoceassegt. iwnsatt htirtinedart: hna:t31111.i:n'illett:- • stone, of Wingharit, sts hi* counsel. 1 28th ult. before itlagistreteReid tinil argued in Gotlerieh on Friday last. Taylor was found guilty,' *MI a fine of ;200 and vests was impoeed. '1 Note* of the Work of the Children's Aid The reguler monthly nreting of the Huron County Children s Aid So- ciety was held on Tuesday afternoon bet, with . an improved attendance and deep inteveet shown Ill the work. The Lusted current amounts incurred in the management of the Shelter and in travelllug were :nosed, and then an hour was anent in hearing reports on eases and discussing some of the problems which arise in elm work. Some of these are of a char. acter to cause anxiety, while others give sidiefitetion, as they show ap- parently A happy owing of the child * IR 11 teeter home, and the report on the progress of those Who Ma' be. - considered as definitely settled in it t new environment. There are two. or f three cases in .whielt efforts are teeing - enacie to And good homes for infants whose mothers are not able to pro- vide for them. Indeed Willey Tweak' that almost every ease has its own It difficulties, but with patience and e good judgment these are usually eat- - iefectorily. solved, During the past n month five children have been pliteed Y in foster homes on trial, and there 5 are now six ebildrea in the .Sheitert - e TOWN TOPICS Finals of Town League Tonight The final game te decide the tier& of ,the silver cup in the town leanly league will be played in the West st. rink tonight, between the Drew-Mac.s and the .0. P. R. The AUCTION, BALES tDesa:se are e.venly matched end a fa ganneiseexpecttel. - - Local Orchestra% Holds Succeesful The first of a aumber of weekly dances was held last Thursdey even ing in the Masonic Temple, by the Star Five Melody Mixers. The mu sic Was very lively and presen enjoyed themselves. The next o these dances will be held on Satur OLEARINO AUCTION SALE. (W FARM day night. sTOele IMPLEMENTS,. ETC. • Tennant Drennan Has. Second Fire MR, BIGHARD TWAMLEY The home of Tennant Drennan o will sell by public auction at, Lot 4, Co 9, ea, e E. n. Ammon. an Bayfield reed was again th MARC!! 1011, scene of a conflagation on Sattirda commengs a1'. o'ctotoc p. 111. The fire department responded 9 IlorsesMa; Itorse, tO years old; t horse, time to put the lire out without an Years 1 delving Mere 6 years old. Cattle. -1 cow 5 years, due to rreshen damage to speak of. The alarm wa mute to; cow 6 years, to freshen Mann turned in about five -thirty last Sat ere t cow 7 year, to freshen April "lay afternoon. T years, to rreshen march ee. 30 hens. crumoellye. a s causqhdi tab ylinaz odeifkone :th r, y cove, 4 years, due• to freaten May 2; 1 cow Implements. -1 .14cCorMielt binder, 6.11. cut; 1 Noxon mower, 3.11. mit; 1 McCor- Now for Baseball Illicit hay rake, 10, It' eat; 1,111se Ilitrrow; .set or Diamond haeroWs: t-herse her- A meeting is announced for nex proioNsuIchl; Fletlry plough, No. 21; 1 earden toning enill; rain drill; 1 Wert pulper; 1 cutting haY rack:, t fednesdaYB, March 15th, at 7:80 p ewe in the oard of Trade rooms fo leCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. aVM. J1 IIALL " will Fell by public auction at lot 31, eon. 2. Mayfield road). Goderich tow11811/P, On • FRIDAY, MARCH:Nth, 1922 commencing at I o'clock the following: Horses. -1 horse eising 7 years old; horse, rising 10 years oltr; I mare. rielog 13 -years eed; .1 _gelding. rising,' 3 Years old; 1 colt, rising months. - Caltie.-1 eow, newly calved; 1 farrow vow; 1 Holstein. COW, glIppOSPa to be In elfe 1 eow due to freshen about the time or sale; 2 'leiter +routing 3 years oitr; 1 heifer, genuine e years old; a yearling's. 1 Yorkshire sow, supposed. el ,litter 1(1 April. 6 • 'WIMP Wyandotte rocirerels and .1 bronze gobblee 1.1 not previonely sold. .Implements. -1 Maseey-liarrie rertinzer Mse drill, 0e5r137 new; 1 Deering' cult'. %Ater, nearly new; .1 set of bobsleighs,. neerlY new; 1 set or scales, 2000 t 3 1-2 IL I'. wasoline engine, nearly new, caned. shapley and Muir; 1 wood reek; 1 light wagon; 1. gang plow; 1 garden drill, nearly new; 1 walkleg plow; anti a number orother artIcle:4; Also ee (ends, of hardevieel. le inches long. • TEltals.-- Ali /eueie or leel and under WANTED -A gentleman or lady repro. sentative in Goderich to bonito Wat- kins' Products. Alt' or spare time, rine opportunity. Write for full par. 1 . tieulars. The j. It. 'Watkins Com. pa.ny, Dept. H. 7. Hamilton. etereerrele-.Two op three furnished Try rooting. Rive full patticulars to p. 0. Box 13e, eloderien. — —- NIVANTED.-Local ' representattve „at Clederieh to repreSent "The Old Re- liable Fonthill .Nurseries.." and, cover surrotinding eerritory. Splendid opening for the right man. Exclusive territoeY, highest -coMmissions paid. STONE 41 WF.LLINOTON, Toronto, Ontario. WANTED.--een A101111 MEN TO FILL PO- l'I SITIONS IN EARLY SPRING. NO experienee necessary, 8125 ta -8e pet' month. Operating gas trailers, driving motor trueke, cars tend farm power meek - mere., or auto and tractor macbinery, city" . Mel eoitntry mirages. Steady work. we have a plan whereby yeti can Work in our shops to pay for part Of your training. Ender MIS systern you ean Oen be train- ed, readY to aeeePt ono or 1110311 nig paying' lobe. This, special oirer is geed for a short tirne Only. Day and evening ses• siong. Don't delay. Write or eall for full partieulare inunediately. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL. 163 West King Ste Tor- onto. .i.=.k.......o.....a..A.A.W.,"-..,,o d....*.a. 1...100•110011111•00•11101111 1111110101111011111* Make Your Plans Now Por alterations or repairFi to old homenr for the now home you thought of. Prices aro as low n.,4 the., ran go or be. ifeffil spring seell here, building operations will open U. • Stochs throughout the country are low and the slighteet gentatul will teed to inercaeo pricee. liave a our plane made 40 prepired to commence when ,eni-in opens. • • We doella Du ant, litiotnfation 06DERICH -PLANING MILLS COMPANY, Lid, .0horts 47 .110x 1* turnip drill; a Nwagirone; t democrat j the PUrpOse of discussing town lea waggon; 1 set -sleighs and rack; 1 nay gue baseball and organization for th ranr, rope and. sump; Prz ernes; 2 sets corning season. A number of play double,- -harness; 1 set awe harnees; 2690 lbe. Matrorm scales;.Jftnper0ilerearn era have been arriving in town re separator; Daisy Omen; et weed•eeeteret cently ready for the season and th sap kettle; I *wheel, narrow; 2 cream prospects for sonic good baseball. fo VIM; aralper pail; t spindle. wheel buggy, nearly, new; I commute reline thesummer look good. plough, new; I eeidennerit forks and slut, , -yels;-othee•-artieleeretoo-41UMerousetoemen- 0 a 11 e tion. The Goderich Elevator o. w 1 TR S, -A surns 'cash; over that arnotint e months' credit it is expected, ,Ptart to unload th win be glyerram furnishing* aPProvett Milt Martian thie week. The Martian ha notea. A disceunt orameunee_s per Ont. allowed had grain stored °In her all Wirite for _Oen on credit . gverything win be sold %%getout reserve, The 'Pug, which is being overbore 85 proprietor has disposed' or his ram. ed this winter, will be ready for ac RICHARD TWAMLEy, T, 011NDRY, tton in the spring. • proprietor. auctioneer; Several of Abe engineers for sem of the boats in the barber ore expect ed in town this week. The elevator is 'unloading the tail ings of the grain from the Yorkton payton arid Canadian Engineer.. Stoddart -Booth r. FOR SALE OR TO LET • UEMSTITOHING Arai PICOTING AT - 1 -11. TACHMENT, fits any, sewing marnine, pries_ 142.6n. Pereonal chseka 10c. extra: uRIDGMAIN S SALES AGENCY. Box 42, St Catharine9, Ont VORSeed . SALE. -Pure White BJNOloseonn. Clover The•nAople of Gederich will h for saleApply . AMMAR- TY, R. R. No. 4, ocesitios, nouiern Intlen 1.11„tereeteet in the rinuouncemen muniemat- Ito. • to. of marriage of Mr. Carman Skid T rot'dart, only son of the late Mr. Davi ss FOR SALE.--Fratoe cottage, with winer arid bath room. aPPIY Stoddart and of Mrs. Stoddart, of De to DEO.ANILL1A31S, on the premises, Pie- trott, Which took place Saturda too st. Feb. 18th, at Pittsburgh. The youn lady of his choice is Cora Boot daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boot of Moundsville, West Virginia. M and Mrs. Stoddart are at present r siding at Pittsburgh but will mai eash: over that amount seven montioe. eredlt on furnishing approved Joint notes: A deteount of 4 per emu, straight allow. - ed for eash oft 'evert!' arnottnta. Weie.E. HALL, • 3110S. Or NUM', • • Proprietor., • ••. Auctioneer. -• riLEARING AUCTION SALE 03 FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. f MR. JOHN C. DritST win sell by Pointe anrtion at 1,o1 es. Male lend een. 're. of' P.olhorne. 2)11 kirEDNESDAY, MARCH ee eommeneing at one 0:leek, the 22(1102', 1113: lierses.---i filly Mille 11 3e113, 5113011 by Commodore; -1 tayelesdale stull colt, rising I vear, teem imp. stock, Sire Commodore; I telydeettale , etud Pelt, rising 1 year, Sire Dunure carer. 1 Percheron Miy, rising e years; 2 Clyde colts, rising yeere; 1 good driving mare. Cattle. -1 CMS 7 years red, due . in May; 213W-42-y-0,3r,4-43g,-.111te-41143121-atiVii ft 731113 013, due In April; I ow 3 yPtIVA dee in April; e Meth e0279. 2 s 7'ea14 otd; 1 aged cow, in calf; 1 fresh cow 4 year', in calf again; 1 cow 4 year, fine In 2211127 711010 cows are all In calf to the Dual Purpose Shorthorn buit..''rentirion; J204302(.I purebred Shorthorn bull, about In menthe oldCI : heed heifers and :deers. rising 2 years; 10 fall ealree. P1e9.-1 brood gone with 1(l3: I reg. Yorleltire boar; 1 purebred lierketure bborearedrintre yvouunrig:milleegl:ksh.lre s.ews. 1113 31 York boar; a numeter of Pik for About White Leghorn and h. Muer kens, 1 year1 - 110101011111,alq. -Maeleey•Itarrie bindete ft. yet new: I Maseey-Ilarrie hay Peeler, nearly new; 1 Mrteeey-Ilains mown.. speeader; 1 eltiesey-Hartie 6•110 eut 11102243'. liMeeey-ilarrie oulthator';1 Maseey•ilast rie 3031121331 seed dein. el•Itoe; 1 bee rake: 1 relief': 1 team NAM seoiller; 1 po- tato digger; 1 liamilten Walking plow; 1 wagon and rack; 1 set 51013115; 1 %%Moat and eombination rark; 1 new wagon hot; tticLaurenin bossy; 1 Gibson ralo filler, nearlymette; e tireat eettoete; 1 jton 01111/1,, 1 fanning 111111; 1 stietioir pump: eft Clent imm truck scalee; set teant 1111)48; '31 einele brienoe: 1 bag trent, 2 bay fore WIld.illoglIlliner‘.giletee7all'451aellfr1104111743411101fillig:1110-1 lia,Y ai111 faraW; all0141 210 buenele N... '2,4 2, A. C. oate; a (inantfty or lied fuel ledoee 1)11312)13 sWeez (levee 000)1. Ileueelsold Effeete.e.1 eeteneion 1 4431(3)13) 181110. 1 bell and spring.; 22 bootee. wsaing niaiiiine, a melee 01 lob lieu bairn I1V1 110414041010 1113304' 11ettree4, Eeeeettiener 13411(711 11 ssllt bo teld 1.431 rezerte 31 reprieler (3* the Wet tuat le leaving at tater,. 1.111Me --All eanta Ale atel nude), (An; 62/41- heat ahutuat 0g43 Dieleibe° rid %%ill lee elleell feretteleing 33 41(11 point eetee A ritecomit of 3 14 0144. ,12111001 a311,nol ftra' Va:'t4, eeell 13 rewire 1,171,[,+1 taut'. 2 dA 31111V, 441t1,ACI-1. ;MIN la 114. VIOR SALE. --Brown Leieborns and 1'004- xatut nevrefn;1 igeenota's1 (()Niiheieleitatele.eoAailvoltit stovo OFFICE for address. Von leALE.-eloicerne tied ned Clover hay, either, baled or. In 'bulk, Price. Mt-. sortable. Apply . te. HAROLD mo:sroost- nay,' R. • R. No. 40)41411cl', or 'Plione gar res. • VOR SALel.-- good refute 'louse on OM .11.: or the best street% in - 31520 house eex30, kitchen Mehl. eontainine 7 rooms all le good elate or repairs:el-4. acre .or choice earth, 1 land- and small friths, also garage.. Tine, property will be eolti at a' bargain, as owner le leavinse town. Ir you want a ;wed home eheap, see 1111,4 rieht away. Apple to. Hoe pis, (unwell: teerNI4SS DPPOliTr NerlEe. Blarksmith shop and ',entente at Porter's Hite neer Goderleit; 1 1%2 storey franle Imildinfr save, cement foundatien, in good rendition, used as snittey; alert 1 1-2 storey - frame infuse, seVeli rooms, woodsheu, sntiouig filunideastsTri, Ir-teitillary, in -14 peg:1pp? try laanneue ehattels ror sale at reasonable lieure,• Ap- ply 'rite IMPERIAL TIll's'rS COMPANY or GANAne, 13, Rielimond et. West, Toronto, Main ell. • /41011 SALE.-lhenttiltelling and Pleating /May11113214, rite any sewing machine, price 82,30. Personal checks 10 cents ex tra. BRIDOMAN SALES AGENCY,-Itox 42, St, Catharirtes, Ontario, • , rine! lent SALE.- 1)5) aertls, east t • • .hall lot 4, on Die artt von, of Agitated. A two-story brick house, witli (voter); kit - ellen, cellar Under Douse. Brink barn 51x111; straw shell 50551 stabling under all, in - eluding' root •Imuse, heti Bongo and pig pen, delve house; aetesiati well water In stables, and water in the itottee, also a good well at the house. 2 acree of 01" ('11531, the' land is an under graee b112 aeres. one mlle from school, two ntilee from ehorett and store. MRS. MAMA NeWHINNEY, It. R. No. MIMI' paraton. Phone ;Mr% Dungannon. TelOR 31 011311 railti; line buildinge, 1: horsee, poultry. 1 1'00N, FalCep, Ve• 'Idek, itiatennely, Mote, bay, maw. en - glitter., 1100 bushels ode, etre, intended; In 111gli state eultivation; convenient to s21- 11131-: 00 acres fertile, loamy tillage. (‚111111130 1.0 tons env au •arre• seater -watered oagtore. g acres woodiandi-to vow treeq, onto, to •tv kb he iel kl delegate. other fruit, berries; ment lionee, piazza. river V1PW; good ell eXv'elle"t 7"r°°nI ri' . addr.ess 17411 be giveri 113 .2 Rev. T. cow •basement barn, lightning rods, stile McCullough, Itt, A., of London. free Martine and poultry houses. Owner uti- tory for the Western ilittario die,is able er operate. 86300 takt•s alt. part caali. roe, Of the Social Service Council of fl 'easy ternrs...Colne mare. be reailv - spring, Cataloeue free. W. 'f. MILLER. • Wingliam, Ont., Canada. their home in New York later on. - • People Help Themselves to Library Magazines During the past month or so one or more people have been taking inti- gazines fi•om the reading ioom of the library and forgetting to return them. These „periodicals are bought at no little cost by the library board for the readers and can be obtained for a period of two weeks free for the asking... The people who have taken these have shown thernselves to be pretty small, and it is hoped that they will note repeat the offence, am there is a temeroltar fitivif caught, - • • OBITUARY MeEVOY.--aMaOwen J. McEvoy, a well known and highly respected citizen of Ovedirrich, died at his home on Cambria Road, en Thursdasa Feb. 2.7th, Mr. Mcbvtay was horn in County Monahan'. Ireland. in DM. Ile married it English girl In the fall of 1871 and the followieg spring he emigrated to Canada, where he set- tled in Goderich townehip, moviux to until his death. Mr. McEvoy's, death Godereh in 1901, where he resided was caused, by a stroke, eomplica. ns tiosetting in, and he died shortly after. He was hurled from St. Pet. mos eltureheto the Romen Catholic eentetery. The pall hearers were II. A, Tufted, A.IIiirginson, Phidelto and Demi. Thia Was an %tenoning Meeting The following account of the last meeting of the G. C. Literary So- elety has been handed in by one of them, who, we think our rodent will agree, has quite gift of humorous description:, In spite .of the other attractions for the public a few people attended the "Lit" last Friday night. Doug- las Wilson had charge of the evening and announced that a piano solo by J. Maimed was to be the first item. This was followed by A call for stump sPeedies by Miss Agnes Fraser and lernest Dbak. Neither of these cone, plied.....withathe-shaixinetaarequeat, however, and so he let them go. Miss M. Clark was then asked for a stump . recitation. She responded with "Jack and Jill." A stump de- bate was then asIced for, to be taken part in by Mies A. Hays and Miss De litookombe--"Itesolved that Latin is more useful in after life than Ancient History." Miss Woolgorobe, who took the negative side, was claimed as the winner. Miss Adeline Nivins, after much persuasion, was prevailed upon to give a shinty solo, nettle. er did she nor J. McDonald, her ac- companist, know edam that they beth knew, or at least they tried to Make the Audience think this, though it looked to the audience like a good way to get out of singing. Max Rey - croft was the next victim, and he ree sponded, after a little persuagion by those sitting on •either side of him. When he returned 'his persuaders had removed his chair and Max, uncon- scious of this, took a rather uncont. fortable teat on the floor. Tom Cutt completed the stump part of the pro. gram with a couple of "elushy" love stories. Miss G. Sparr then gave a reacting, which Wa6 followed by an exeellent "Journal" by Miss 1,„ Brown. To iniss a little time after this was over, some singing, Wart started, but as the boys refueed to sing, this soon died out. Tom Cutt mounted the platform after a run imam for his doll, And under the cite cumetances,.gave some very accept. able ventriloquism. The Malone! Anthem conipleted the program aa usual :and the vast erovnis ( pereed. It he to be hoped that *the next meeting will be still better than this one, and as there Will 1101. 120 many more of them before the Easter va- cation, when they ail discontinue till next term, you had better talo' your chance now and he there nest time. There its absolutely no charge for other than members of the sehool. The W. 151. S. of , Victoria street Methodist church announce int enter- tainment for the evening of 'March 30th. Particulara later. Collegiate Board Committees APPOillied for Coming Year • At the regular statory meeting of the Goderich Collegiate Institute Board, held on March 2nd, the fol. lowing offieers and committees were appointed: Chairman, J. J. Killor- an; vice chairman, Rev. J. E. Ford; property eommittee, (chairman) Rev. J. E. Ford, Dr. Fimmerson, In, II. G.. McDonnell, Rev. J. Hamilton; eupply committee (Chairman) Judge Dick- son; 11., J. A. eletwan, J. J. -Killoran and Art FraserOncluatrial'cominit. tee. (chairman) IL J. A. IticEnem, J. IV. Fraser, J. I. Killoran, Dr, Ere. merson, J. IV. Taylor, C. A. Reid, J. Murison, C. K. Saunderg. 8°048er...cite Secretary Coming The Citizena' Social Service Lea. gue will hold their annual meeting Thuraday, March 1611), in -the Temperance Hall. Rev. J.. F. Itey- ,raft Will give his report of the pro. metal tenrranee vonvention in Tor - A n I). re - ion 812- 11413. This will be his first vieit to 'Goderiele and as be le thoroughly posted and is a foreeful speaker, there° sbould be a large attendant% at this meeting. Women's Ingtitute TWEEDIE.-.1anet Campbell, be. loved wife of Mr. Charles Tweedie • died at her home on Elgin Ave: on Friday, March Crt). She had been sick only a short time end her death was very unexpeeted. She WEI 62 • years of age, being born in II township, Bruce County, bet per ts later moving to Ripley, where met Mr. Tweedie. bront Ripley ei moVed to Clinton and later to Ciesie- rich, where they bave resided Ifor the past thirty-two yeare. Tweedie is survived by her husband. Mr. Charles Tweedie, four sons and two :daughters, Wm, Tweediee of Toronto; J. St. Clair Tweedie, of Ile - gime; Ephraim, of Columbus, 0 io: Campbell, of town; and Mrs. A McDonald, of Port Arthur, and vs. .1. Knolls, of Hamilton. rs. Tweedie was buried from the Bt. George's .church, on Tuesday. Much 7th. The poall-bearera were H. 1114ek, J. Leach, W. Leach, D. Thoin_pitort, J. Stewart and J. Swafileld. The der - vices were conducted by. the rector, Rev. Mr.- Hardy. There was a lenge attendance at the funeral, widetprited sympathy being aroused by the sad event. With the exception of Mr. St. Clete Tweedie, of Regina, the family *ere all horee for the fien- eral, ERIN Go BRAUGIHI EUCHRE and DANCE under auspices of the HURON ENCAMPMENT FRIDAY, MARCH lith 132 =FELLOWS HALL LUNCH IRISH FEATURES SPECIAL MUM Gordo "kin sharp Adresliiskto, 50c Nommilor The regular monthly meeting of the Goderieh Wornen'e Institute was held at the home of Mrs. (L M. El. TYPICAlt IRISII CELEBRATION Some women *re eVell too gener- ous to keep a secret. A HINT TO BOTH CAPITAL' AND LABOR The muere deal b worth a good deal;• that is what everybody ets who buys his clothes -from Friel the tailor. "To your measure ott 'a Henna ethtfeentlfercbterth- DAMAGED GRAIN FOR SAM A. J. COOPER'S WAREHOUSE. is RAZ -MAH for Rheumatism. e.. The hest remedY .known for Asthina is Pr. R. Co. Both are sold and g r- anteed by reliable druggists every- where, Ask IL C. DUNLOP. • . SALE REGISTER "• sale of lam stock. and bripleine te FRIDAY, Mar& 24th-Atieln at lot 41, Gravel Road,•Itullett, c mencing- at 1 o'clock, O. 1(...7 ER" • RATT, Proprietor. JOHN STALA. ER, auctioneer. , .. , 4 •GUNDRY*S SALE REGISTZR FRIDAY, Mar`Ch 24th-.Aiiction stile of farm stoeit arid implements at lot 31, conceseion• 2 Mayfield roa ).. Goderich townehip, commencing a 1 o'clock. IVAI: 1_,•!. HALL, proprietter. THOS. GUNDRY, auctieneer. THURSDAY, March 1 Oth-Clear. lug auction bale of farm stock and implennts at tot 4, con. 0, E. ID. Ashile d. eimmencing tit 1 (eel k. ;KOH RD TWAMLEY, propilet T. GUNDRY, auctioneer. I TUZSDAY, March .2 Ist.--Auct n t gale or farm stack, implements; e ., property. of REG. FOWLER, lot 4, tett .7, Colboree Tie ti 1'el miles e et of keeelow). ." TUESDAY, March 1.18th:-.C1 auetion sale-, of farm etock, ments, wail, grain and feed, ot Ire con. 4, (loderich township, o meneing at I o'elock sharp. B. AVILSON, prOprietor. T. DRY. auctioever, Two nights,eMarch 10 and 17. in St.. Peter's echool, transformed for the .oecaesion into. the little North St. •theatre. Munical voinedy and dram; in character: Stunning effect: by ..ateists. •A ma3e of • georgeoug costemeg under the glare of fabn lights. Irish fairien in revel. A le. glen of little gide sow and drills. St. itatrickii Dee 'parade. The-hoye • • •--B(HtN- 035. 21.11.13 03,1.. tit 111. 'and 111 •e r113 1.5 'melte r et 22 1111'!. I Int . 4.4 •11 1%1110104 .1011 (11 11.11x Unit 11.1,1311101 I 13) and VI's. it. 't 3N1111. 111,111.34 11, it 13. 2.131ri.2 14.3t1 t. %It l'elt In fee writes . 11 041, 3 teal; VI'. Mid 51- -.1/firIe. 1132 111 .3. a eeterdite, I ' :nth; MP nee, r. • NIARItlEt) • 51., 4 2 11 .N1.5 -1:1 lefie Will 144 Oti ilitegli, • ;meter of eerie kir4620 iSt 1.111111•1:111ToVit N13,321tii.v. 4.2 par 12. fro( tip.t IN ad 841.1111 310 Weitilit eon of 1130,;. 1•11t,,1141,11• 11.:1: 5111; irt,tteis.,::t.:11• 1,411, iNufir:i.yalneir felemee.,•er nehmen 13111.- tit *Wm • teoletiu, net • 1.0111) 122 Ekow 1,31 Maul) (id Vc:/. 30101141 L3rooliell, toloVelt %to, et 111. halite 211 vette,. i106' ,e PLO `‘. • m• tie ?if nril.„?,?: '5,1(11 er„LiiiIIIraztli...r,. 41114.2. 11021 Match "rill 3V 11, front Scribbereen in burleoque. A • '2,3 dead re eee, 1 eontinuoure provocation to laughter. 2.4 eel, 211.1 jr.,tc: Tkkets, :50 cents; children, 35 eents. A.dinission by ticket only, Oft capacity awe-mini:41.a sena , .41321 Lo limited each night. Sale ot tiek. 1 ie. re. f, t• .1 ets open Saturday, llth, at J. -It. ewe., ome Hew, nee. Lauder'e Drug Store arid I). M. 0`. ego Fee.. Brien'e meat elem. 4.4424.0 4, ,-.444,-* 4 J., .44,- • 141,-, 4 4 4 - THE LIST AND THE GIST Ote NEW A I) V EkT IS E M EN TS • , IN l'HIS W HEICS S'I'AR v . Bead what Gray and Cartwright I Louiee (Baum, Thema, Meie.,1ffin 1.12.4111 )1Y chopping' pricee to the 8114 Hoot Giklor:, at. the 31.efet next • 3 week, page .... 5 lkuTutti'e 01* 3030 Ladies' Readeete. • Varioue Opieions are i•epressed Wear will continue their exhibition fallout the row in the teemed but all liott, with a good attendance. Miss of spring samples for another are agreed that Sallow*: cannot be •7 eurpassed 132: a photographer. See 'M. E. Salkeld presided and the disa 1 va"' '.4- - • I lag announcement on page. triet president, Mrs.' A. lii. Kirk; fratil., ,NeW "441)11314% tomb • in iteadY-tte an inetructive talk on institute work,' a/Ateely: Til. (litrince,rn(;:ur (a•r04.'1/21. Bead tee, themselves from 0!. I. etre% by arriving A. T,. Cole nikiVen people to pro. ' 0 /biro. JOs. Salkeid eave a very inter- lo having the right relaesee, page. ... 10 eestirig paper on "The Moral and Pity - I eieel Harm of Fault Finding." • Aire. about them on page What Martin Tailored ClotheNew Sitting Stelae GE4' Ready for IC. Black ,gave a splendid deieonstra. ream; Is Tersely Told on page.... 5 Toniorrow'e Opening at (e.rniiekl's ,tion of eaten:Mlles. The geeretary Pet an Fallargeinent Free with new gene. Read the ad. ext. page...I reported ,e77.70 proceeds from euchre .yo,utr nTe:ct film developed at ramie:: a , AlhritomsWftawatseilavil.%$/ettalr13()).01:egtiwr.1 , and dank held, Feb. leitie After b("en e'llItt '1.4"re• l'°3(' t noniination of officera the hostean I . Mis'q ,Mn‘'Vilar II" 311 tnu'll'qtu'larv". 330 • • • ,cerved luncheon. The nest meeting 1313 ('Ilat• a" 5301113 iniiHnPrY ''1°'' (*aril of That11“4' 4.' TV"evdie alai I - Will be held at the home 4if Mre. j. , and annotmeee her 01)0241113, on pae e• gfamily. page .. 1 'Neel Cameron announces leer "Auetien leak .19 rept. Vraiall : Marehell April 4th. millinery opening for Saturday, Jelmetoree Iltaneniew. !nee •• . 1 Dispeneing Home 111021 In 3100004101011match letti, pf,,,, . , , , , , , , to (*leerier, Attetier Salle Itichard a Cently Itagtime i Setae Sales and l'e'ew 1.39t:214':1 b:., Twainley• page . .... 1 ' Back on Eel,. 10th there 273,,, a thy Winoughby Farm Atlen.e. te ' Clearing Aintiee Sete, Jelin 4'. public deuce at Gerrie and lenne t'. 59 S,, le.nre ..... ... .. .. , .1 .Iniret, peep . get three 7eoung men into trouble.. •Iubilee eontract. Ivitli ite efileiteat Satre Agency.1..age 1, brow was in evidence cuilleientl,y to Read about the rale Sun 1.1fe Ifemetitching. brekeerae ,I ^ ouvor secil ,.r• ,*4.,, Jehn Me. . made to Inspector Pellow and that M. labels Selig Men' d Wont' but ' (lute pciae .... .. : . .., ........1 (aver Weilit DTA to investigate. The luo vinuctiiiirir, to nay alisiut klub,. Atli 11(41 :kilo,. J. A. NU:eel:7:0.e e*e.e Complaint of the conditione wee low ewe proteetion, page. •• . ,..)4 etiteorsto WW1 that 3 Chaele0 Wee laid ering 4.15 page........... — ..... 1 J. Medi, Cago against Harald Vaestone Of beim in. Five Hundred Men Wented. Reuse fee Sale. Gee. Williarne • toXicated, against A. Stevens of 11a11'eValter Renee ad. fee parti. page . „...... _ „„.., ...,.,,,,..-:.1 • drinking inteXicating liquor in a cubits. tei paiee, ... ..... . . .... . 1 Maleie„ t‘lirra Lem eeeletolae. Imgt I