HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 10• NEW SPRING 1 ihx) '-•cai•-i3. 1 peaTe.:;c3 going bak,• tame. la:maven, to -gl-,..T.: tt nr..other trinl, We wit Elm 1:ctler .a.Tcorla tIni,a. . : WALL ' PAPER 1 • Meta 'MOO, April Shwa, 1 ° Dring forth May Fiowera, ' A lady wo,:i lashed how she Rhea Jier kitchenette. Her reply was that awe Iia d se room for oveniaint, The subject to be dealt With in the ebarch Ent Sunday. March 4th. 'ill bo, "Separate Sehocie. Tear Cu lima Harold hlellwain hurt kis leg, in : bush a few days az, and was eoutined to his hen*. •Lie has very mucli gra.. proved dace and will soon be .all right agclii. ° . The vr'ers of WW1 Paper Ig o sivt %o.'S Lk, circa), You, siU o scd tlio unibrr ot, Cee3 well tri beautiful Vapers we aro chew- ing and the rennitahle Low • All Ole New ravero are '39 inches wide. We ItvoInspection. ena want giveicu every passIble usiatatur we in from our featly yearfi Cirerifttne3 In aver tiee,orating problems, „. .„ seen, Wm, Crawford, In°. Mer.ea3,i • WESTFIELD • J Kew; heel. atioilahCoQfltCCr epert en' public school •• IVebaria Joh enclieg Fe; 21th: Ti -e sealiNra' Acearz v.% URSDAY, MULCH Uri, INS. Spring, the time of the singing at the birds, is at hand. This remintla us that DUNGANNON May 24th is a big day at Nile. Ali our C. Cl friends will regard themselves as ea. nr. 'Id. %a, eirewa Vent the weet•elia gaged for that airy, vieiting relatives near Exeter. 4::ficad OM utotbu et Messrs. Ja,.-alcasn Litr.aelhoitse 274: Gi,•-aeo and tiullivau. itedmond, ,11.73; Nornaa McDowell,' Paid oil motion ot Wads, Jamieson and Sta4house, 90. Jr. V., total 4.300- li ibiliven: Tweraley, gravel. 113.401 mery Ben, .ane; Grave mason, Jas. Lane, groat $5.40; %Xl hot nifeluir.ed. sr. toto 425_ranhei wodev. *ieZeatiPeisU*'fill22.54°O;; -pen AW4alinaulal, '1";y3:11;ien'94r,thlOr, NGwotattasii 3K2e5a;tinWit,T7e71 suPPliee.110•10; A. Joulast°°' Eve Coek, 40. Sr. IIL, total 450- $160.112; Goderich Star. Mititilig.*M.4 Joseph Ben, ,ot Lenore minion, D. McLean, ilalatir su,dit" ;014 B57; Melbourne Keating, 003. Sr. $14.30; Vint^ I"c‘ art2Y:,Sa.firiy 111,, total. 525--Eliiine liemford, 4: os Olkaltor Sud "La,' I Herold Carter, fir.iti; Mary Rodger, "Wed' bab allarY aza` 134381d!4. 3513; Madeline Walden 318; Irene 'Ilte following acceunts were Ordered 272. riewilas camphen, no; Etwana (1* 51rDaaa3)1* "Pell-.3ca "343Ylla1 Carter 293' Edna 'Weide 276; Edgar road, 118.50: Total $37,:-..= • : Howriet, 1 The council adieureed ow"' March R. R. 11.EDMOliD, Teacher. 1ath at 1 p. ra. on motion of Messrs. Jamieson end Parrish. Chas. L. Mo. AMONG THE muNcHEs PouggiAtelerk. otroomp....471114.4444.44.46444,47r To see the trees on Wenuesday was The L. G. 14..;1604ial held in Alien's to get o vlow (it the nature of _things-, 1 hall last week was a decided sneceaa., which at .first night . is parialoxical. 1 EvetYh011Y bad a good Ono. Things ere not what they seem. The' The social comnxittee of St. Paul's bea Mai la often a atsguise for the church would inform tho public that trige aml-destructive,- A geed looking -contraryle.rnmore there was no 41Une• face is often worn by a ilesperete Wert. hag bele at erif hentie party .wider 'the ivas based en- ."The Sermon oe, the The wether seriously interfered autPlece of the ohltroh• • , Mount." . with the proposed competitive concert Mrs. W. F. Campbell is improving b 'The services in Knox church next : set down for February 22nd. As UV health. We hope • soon to see her Sabbath will be . conducted -by the Elliott will be giving a lantern leeture around Again, • . . minister. 11. a. m., the communion on Child Welfare, in the basemeut of Miss cdpseries on Thinsurely• believed, eetima. is eau eentieea te will be dispensed:, 7- p. rn., second in Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Morning subject, "High P.eseiver evening subject, in the aeries on the Ton Commandments, "Thou shalt not eanimit adultery." The Rev. S. S. Ifenly WAS the t reacher at bath services in St, Oeorge's On Sunday. In tbo morning he spoke Jn support or the relief fund for famine stricken Xmas,. • evening sermon ga• the church en the 29tb, and liS a lecture the house. b orelleforestation will be given in t - town ball on Mar.ni let the afore. atTouh: rots:r01218f"astrea. making OvePar. March eth, au being wen, I --- lieughtoa is v s lier Mr. *tam. Cialbert, formerly of boasts that a d011ave. 1$14000.00041 - mentioned concert will take place on i tun , SHEPPARDTON daughter Xra.liogerson. • The Golteirjs" Magazine Chicago, ' Crewe, *Afield tp, who has berat IWO) will, be spent on and because of comics TOWNSHIP port ten years is on o visit to- this this waste monCY. 100401404 it i" 111111"d" " atout three idles el during 1024 The tIIP people of • Iron the Montan boundary tor the ,,Alca will be reSPOOsible for most of me. Geo. Sowerby left Wednesday tion tbis .Anter, ire ia visiting may exolain also , the differenee be. Mr. Harry 'Salkeld is agin buying id* John Cantwell, a $iimput1tw3, tweon that the producer gets, and cattle in the vicinity. sitpziient. Mr. Cautwd a -o thewhat the Prodeger, al's for 'wheat %lid Miss May. Chisholm has returnd Maar lileaSelit call lust Saturdtiy, front a visit to London, • • other necessarieS life. The money. hogs in higber life sem tO eonecience Ter the millions who sweat IIftFC 110 and they were pleased to see him Xis:3 Minnie Johnfiton is attending iliall to now. i il .., the home nursing classes in Gode. bleiltli. PresPeritY ban net favored awl Ouch' ta wake a mew livIng .here rich • • and Conlaniriation service; 8 P. mo . blisat very well in the West; he re. °4110010111,ellinDeToktitiuotow.uplves; lawous i w :miss pearl Amy visited with Mrs, evening prayer and sermon, the first epos practically no, ersilis , the last it Ts sometimes sam th'at tuna ift is D. Martin. of Goderich, for a few or a series of Wednesday evening Lexicon addresses on the Gospels, by • days. * monotonous, dreary. We do not find Archdeacon Jones -Bateman. Mrs ROA, Davidson is in Water- Vo4 not be so for others, ber0 s the Pre" la° viltb her atig ter' Is' - o'clock. , Baptist church, Sunday next:, Ser- vices will be. conducted by the pas- tor Rev. O. N. Dewey. 11 a. ni., subject, "The Lerd's Passover:" 7 ta m., "First Things First; p. m., bie School. Monday evening at 8.00, B. Y. P. U. social; Wednesday even- ing 8 p. ,prayer service, • Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Services were held at St. George's church as fol- lows: 8 a. in, Holy . Communionl 10.80 a. ire, Morning Prayer, Litany ab- anediegblee• Oleads:nes g. ISTRA.CTINGLY POTTY is the Way to describe these bets of grew and beauty , for caid.seasou wear. The lines are unusually graceful, the guaterialsrlich in-tolor and texture and itaVelt. 4441 diStinotion iu every model. , • , It is it pleasure to its to imVe you' try on these be. tenting Shapes and• loch over our LTA ss Madiar KINGSTON STREET it so ourselves, and to slow that ft need, . d h irs Elwyn. I grata or outstanding events at Nilo for Audvtson. f this. week Veb, 26th, to Mardi 3ra., Mr. Geo. Wilson has sold his tarn Tuesday. Illustrated lecture on Child1 on the 4th eon, to Mr. Bert Orr,, Who During the Lenten season services will be held, on Wednesday and Fri- day evenings, the Friday evening ser- vices to be It series of lantern talks on Church ^History by the .vector, Shelter Work by Mr. G. lit, Elliott: geta , possession May 1st.' Rev. Mr, Nerdy. WedneadaY. Vtr.U4 St 'meeting at 1.4109 Misli, Elizabeth Sowerbi, of Lee. , z1,:artb„ Eit, ketheatst ehureh, 21. D. lecturer On Reforests. len at• CavlOW et and Mrs. Reg. Johnston. a. vs4 and 1 P. al, rob le-Worsh-lirThe 1 Friday, Sunday School Convention ar . Carlow, sessions to be held at 1:46 and visitingattheh t smr aunt and 7 p. in. Resides this social gatnerings en- ei t. and lilirlessf 4)eo. Sowerby. iu private Italics are Many. 'No one Mr. and Mrs. Win. JObilsten* Bucl'i. need be dull and lonely here. ` Patdtbn, ate stiending a few days --""-----•----.^-"" with Dlr. and Mrs. Robert StAverby, • • 4$111FIELI.3 Miss Nary Nifatson*--Of - CollsOrrie . a study -of -oblongs -two and tbrece of ashileld cotincit met Feb. t1th as per has returned home after spenduig a ,the book of Retaliation. The litst one adjournment all members Preset:it. weelt With. Mr. and iVirs. Geo. Sower-, will be, "Have 1 lett toy first „love?" Minnie Currey's at nu; illustrated burn, spent the week -en with Mr. Moyer, pastor. Sunda? Mattel Stn. 11 Miss Pearl Amy, •if Burford, 'is nastor's merning !theme Will be "Thy P. In.: Thursday, choir practice; Itteildorncome, " fourth in a series on "The Lord's' Prayer. I' At night he Will begin a serio•t• of Sonday evening Lenten sermons under the general them 9t"My Chutcli and my- Religion tinder the Searchlight." . This will be Tile minutes of the January mei-thug by::^-,--- 0. were read and approved, Ou mI otion of Ae a result of the lightning Sun. Messra. .T. F. Campbell and 4% 1). day afternoon two telephone poles Fattish. - „ on the 4th con. were splintered to Moved by MeSsrs. Jamieson and Sni- the ground. liven. that the claim or "aatnages " Mr. and. Mrs, Geo. Falconer enter- . March meeting. end that he be notified wine., n dirge number of friends and totsaaseSelen• • • M. Duruin's ear be left over until tire ...4 .1 1 totte1111 " • n°101b0r$ iti4t oi pawrty latstuv, obraaledrayot Tuesday night,. Epwprth League: Tonle, °Better Mimeses, " will be taken 10 a. un, ,Classes. Mission Rand' and Moira Club. The Club topic."What can the Chnigia no for Laboe2 " will be introductal by Mr. Ernest Pritchard. 3 p, Sunday. school and organized classes. The Bebop! is- growing, Don't The Reeve raportetl letting the print. 1 ing• antrAct to tvho star. t evening% ..unch was served at Bylaw No. 3. appointing tie following atter svilleh clanging 1/as tmeem was atay passo; oerh,, °hes. restifned till mein, when the guests eavein treas.. W. • P. Deed; itasessor, th"(gighIY en -eyed a nights David 1$1, jolinsten, Richard Johnston, tertained the young peoPle of the vi - Rabb. J. Webster, Robb. Drennan. einitY TecedaY night and Wednesday trims, oarvey sr.. rag Amide Johnston. morning. Owing to the ice storm retired to their homen after havingE. D• AteDelkadlit collector, 04 C. Trel. aas, inotigbituz, sheep valuators, Mr. Ad Mrs. Richard Burke en- by Mr. C. M. ItobertSon. Miss Mildred tieWbiliney will preside. The Church aliniveraary will be held March lent .110v. Dr. Rutledge of Hamiltoe *will be the preacher. . . On Monday evening the . Northern Lights.and Unity Bible °lasses were tbe guests of the H. O. N. class. The boys and , their teachers were magnificent hosts and everybody liad a delightful. 1 0131=312113 COLBORNE'S ILA Corsets "TM NOM OF RWABILITY" Studied Pattern Sale of • Silk Dresses Every dress in the store has been reduced. Silk Dresses in navy and light blue, Mach and brown at. 80.96. $12.50 and $.19.95 each. Serge Dresses in navy blue, black and brown at $9.96, $14.9,5 and 416.95 each., An opportunity to buy a real dress at little money. Ready -to -Wear Blouses Georgette Hlouses in all sizes colors flesh. white, black, navy and the buoy colors at $4496. Crepe de Chine Blousen ihz. all colors and _the best styles at $4,96 • • These are all reduced itt price frotn very expensive blouses to $9.95. • Middy Blouses Navy Blue Fianna Middies in all sizes for ladies, misses and children, 'reduced to each. Winter Coats Every 0001 in the store half price. The eta of the season moans a clean up and to accomslish it quickly we have waylaid all our coats At half price. Fur trimmed coats or pain oloth coats, also plush coats all at half price, Don't miss this opportunity. An opportunity to bay Ready -to, Wear at real bargain*, Phones ; I Colbotne 8 Co " Resicknce 230 • • 8 A. •Corsetf " [MOE OF Q,UALITY" . anuanuannanananamotinanniseaananarson ms•nucT GLEANINGS Clinton Men Narrow Escape ' from .4kaphytdation • the guests were unabletiwe. OW ON * time. There were about fifty present. *teen, N. G. MeKenzie, Prank Scott, i to return home until daylight, So An interesting meeting of the League Thos. Irwin. and Petri& Moran: fettee dancing was kopt up til 0,8%. was hem on Tuesday swerang. rays., viewers, h.% J. Alels.'enzio, Mttn. d.13lack. , young! triazi.who nail to take a round, 110WardRebertatiii presided, Miss Mary Bat, Davi6on Jas., Lane, Thos.1 about route arrived henna at nine o Howell gave a line devotional paver on ' anti darkness lc Dickson Itobt.'"Pitzgerala, Jobri Fin. eok. AU report -a good time: "The ratherhood ot God. " Mr, W. T. Pelloq.nave ma address on the0. 11110111100111illlilililM111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIIM111111111111111111111111111MIIMMIIIIIIIIIIII111111 iniiiiminicoolms rine its enforcement. • It Wag an inter. esting and informing- narrative -of -tile • • , • -= prO4res8 Of the temperance Movement, -E especially in tho' county of Huron; in =.; which ho Shelved that a gratifying •ig advance had been made in the reduced consurnptien of lierior and consequent runkennesk. LA motion trespassed ex- pressing tire audience's appreelatien of the Splendid Services Of Mr. PelloW, Mt-. Seager, County Crown Attorney and Mr. Chas. Reid, County Vence Magistrate, itt the-caforcernent of the Act and their administration of jilatice generally. The pastor, Rev. 21. D. Moyer, in supporting the resolution staten that while he bad watched many police court trials various Citic: an towns he bail never Seen the law administered, in the even.handed, kindly spirit of a real British justice as it is atlininiktered in the Goderielt pollee court. • Does Indiana get her pink slippers from the "Land of Promise?" Come and see. "Don't count your chickens. before they are batchecr-a moral of the Land of Promise. U. S. Chant, manager of the Clin- ton ;Utilities, and his assistant, Ern., est Dumballt had a narrow escape front asphyxiation at the waterworks pump house on Friday last. On tic. count of the power'bemg off an aux- iliary -gasoline engine was put into use. langineer ,Seeley had been ,as - ed to look after the pimping while the others continued repairing lines, and when he arrived he detected the gas, If'd• at once threw open the doors and called to the men, who had weeds? inhaled considerable gas and were affected thereby. Mr.. Seeley thinks that both would soon have been asphyxiated, Miss Ellen Mnutateastle Survives Her Sister Only Six Days Early Monday morning of last week Miss Ellen. lVfounteastle, Clin- ton, died, just . six days after the death of her sister,- Miss Eliza, ' Miss Meunteastle was a woman of great charm of manner and a keen inte1- leet. She had. a well -stored mind. keen perceptions, a kindly disposi- tion, and a natural dignity which marked her oat as one eluting many. She Was a daughter -of. the Tate Sid- ney H. Mountcastle, one of the earl- iest settlers in Goderich township ,and was horn on the family homestead on the Huron road on August grd, 1824. For Many years the two sis- ters lived' alone in their home on Huron street, Clinton, "The Wig - wain" as it was called. ' Clinton Hospital Has First Nurses' Graduation Ceremony , The occasion of the graduation of the, first three nurses of what is now known us Clinton Cornntunity Hospi- Copeland Flour Mills, Ljmited 8 Per Cent. Cumulative Preferred Shares Price $100.00 Per Share With a Bonus of 30 Per Cent .Common Stock 1.1 wivwdrokowtvw,"4"04.40,40.0 ABOUT COPYING PICTURES We have the equipient and the experience which enables us to get the best results frotn all kinds of pictures. You will be aniprised to see photo or as poor tin type. what we can get Weir a faded J. T. FELL 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, a, 41. Miss Margaret Mustard, bliss Annet- te Sinclair and Miss Fanny McKen- zie, who wore white uniforms and carried armfuls of roses and Mlle. tions, At the banquet Rev.,. D. • N. McCallum acted as toastmaster. The toast to, the King was proposed by Rev'. S. Anderson, and rePned to 11 Rev, C. L. Bilkey. The toast to Clin- ton Coninaunity, vas propos- ed by Reeve R. J. Miller and respond- ed to by N. W. Trowertha, ws.rden of the county.' "The Coinmunity" was proposed by Rev. G. Burns and re- sponded to Ity 1Vlayor David Cantelon. A toast to the nurses was 'proposed Dr. 0. W. Thompson and respond- ed to by Dr. J. C. Gandier. The management is looking forward to the establishment of a nurses' home, and negotiations 'have already com- menced. . ° We have not been counting' the' spring robins we have-, 50011 yet, but a sure sign of spring is the 'return to town of Joe Lindsay* one of the Gode- rich star baseball. twirlers. 'And there will be others of the team a. long presently.. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS get ybur. 1922 Permits and Markers from J. W. MooVicar at Gee, Madiear's Shoe Store North Sale of Square Godorielt O. Sok 414 til brought together about 100 citi- SPE'CIAL Daintily Stamped Gowns for Embroidery Regular $2 75 for $1.SO MISS S. NOBLE sor - oacyiloor=alr0 DOLLARS have more a . . CENTS. .: a .. at 11 HAROLD_B!.ACKTONE'S 00 .F,:c11 :::::: RQ. E.:: :I:: : w i. 2: .", ,0WEt013 70 0. 000 • 522.00 ' 1 Bedroom Salt ‘.. - ' $25.00 o Flooltey Roots and Skates, 0_ , Chairs of all kind, a couple Dail on the Dreadway, of G-oderich Baby Sleighs, your choice!, $4.00 Reeks, -aIso Piano Case Organ, 6 • WaNTED . 0 - Drop in, this is Your Store UOIZtO 01:Mvit ' e . . • . zens in Wesley' Hall on Friday night last, .,when• a program of suitable ex- ercises :was put on and was followed by a banquet. The address to the nurses was given by Dr. J. W. Shaw, the diplomas presented by Dr. W. Gunn and the pins by Mrs. W. H. •Maniting,, .first president of the lios-1 pital board. There.were also special i gifts to the graduates, presented by Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, the of the, board. Rev, 1 E. Hogg gave an address as "the minister of the' nurses." Ir. R. E. Manning acted as chairman during the exercises and Miss Marion Gibbings sang very tie- ceptably. The graduating nurses are 1 • NEW- FRAIVIE. MOULDINGS Antique Cold Mahoosny - Circassian, Walnut' Antitieu Silver Grey and Ebony have time very best line of mouldings, and make the fraMes to suit every kind of picture, Bring in your "pictures, and have them framed artistically. Alt small cost. Slid lirt Store et. ottensitaa 1 '3P1 04.410.131Maler4JEll"•COW: • ' 3tari.kt.lims xz4i- • • . GOVERNMENT, PlIOLNCIAL :AND. MUNICIPAL 3010.zalott$ _ BONDS tWIENTY 00111111TS LOWER 11119-4.2, a normal piewaryear, Municibir113onds which are now selling to yiel� front ki% to trio were sold to yield but yil(g,. This means that in 1912 twenty year 6% Mtinioipai florid would. have sold at $126.00 aseompaVed with to da) price of $100. This illustration 'emphasizes the fact that notwithstanding meant =nor advances, flood, pikes' are now unusually'low. For tbis reason en:feted buyers of' Bonds are tingadvantile of provail- ing conditions and buyit:gat existibg prias. fierce aro a, few we own and offer-: • . • 15,000 City of llow 'Westminster 6% Bonds, interest payable , half Yearly in Canadian or American Funds, due in 1942. Price 99,42. 6,000 City of Calgary 6% Bonds, interest payable half year] zn Canadian or American Funds, due 1939. Price 100. M. flash Kildonan 6% Bends, interest payable annual- ly in Canada Fonds' only, due Nov. 1st 1041. Price 97.10 16,000 City of Windsor 5i% Bonds, interest payable December lst, .1941, in Canadian funds. Price 00.60 $ 10,000. City of Fort Witham Ilona's, interest payable April 1st, 1933, in Canadian hinds only. Price 02.00. Bank offenuneree Bldg. Phone 230' You are being offered an opportunity to invest and 'share in the profit e of a thoroughly well organized Milling Company with every advantage and indication otcomplete success. There is no reason why Copeland Flour Mills, Limited, should not repeat the performances of other wdlsknown suc- cessful Milling Companies. •€) investigate this*offering now. ic u I "' H. HILL et Go. Government, Municipal and Industrial Securities Goderich, Ontario The Saults Coal Company/ It "Th. Yard. of Si*" We Sell Only The Best C.01,1 All ,Sises to Suit Your Need* Wien yair Meal ilariwool, Mind sea Cellar, Gat Our Priam ratiophene 75 Godorich Mogam. AaSIN.A, These eight letters, as they apPearovill p -rob- • ably mean very little to yout but, properly arranged, they spell SHARMAN$ which means the very best a AOC store eau offer in up-to,thelninute goods, lowest prices, , courteous and efficient service. REPAIRING in all its branches, undertaken° by a capable and efficient workman. Leading Shoe Store 'Phone 1 • ,