HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 9WINTERj_E_R_Illfr, Jai
sTRATFOptia, Ore
aVester ii Ord -Vitae ' beet 000110-
eial School with Cemoserelal,
Shorthand. and Telegraphy depert-,
Matte, We ttive instruee
tion, beneo "Entroneda *tattliflg. le
net necessery. Ore.cluates assieted
to poeitionS, Get our Tree eatalo-
gine eor rates ana °thee Partiollisaia
AS laeLarafaalle, Principa
the Rashers Proper
Solid Iloar's leetjtatuent.
T Valetta:a%
A new revolutiou broteri u
in Portugal,
Cauadiau dollar 1* etal tdvaroares
in New York.
NSW international ter.saetton
meet iu London.
alat..Gen. Ble„gar was bora-lea tao
Neeropolia Termite.
lrieh factions to *gat era irotto
issue: in convention.
la S. troore talial out in tefeate
etrike in New aereta.
Monsieur Pao -defends Pronto, in
hes postewar ettitetle.
Two Toronto Liberal Aneelnaxo
?let convention deiegate,
- An atternot artfied. Men to to al
border Mail ear is. frustrated.
. Twelve teams haves entered tee
200 -mile Manitoba Deo; Derby.
Hoot. a. 3. Baleour is the ioteot
the Pilgrim' Society in Leedom
The Alton Cop atow ilea been rs-;1-
vise& leaetern teaele are tifectetto*'-
11Tinisters oe Iteilways intak
tie office preporing rallwar
•"Caltailian Soo agele teat Sudbury.
to 0, and willomeet, Iroquois reale,
• Port Ataborlealneter stages, thrill -
:trig roeCtle of team caught under
The Government evill•be lake() for
•$600,000 tor selentlile resemeeb
Charley NV -tato .beat Willie aaekeon
Sea itiglit and will meet eChempion
leookhebore in Wapareported to la?
.• j)-1atireing statiglitiff Of alma helpieso
enembers, • e
A large quantity of exaloeivee woe
oiled in 4$11. bins iti liatiltyarde in
angeest on. Hamilton suicleo itea'
iournea to hear eindenco-of the man
Gen. Sir Arthur •Currie,. prineteal
.of MOM Itramalteo left 'for Phile-
RfiEumkrism I J ,...,4“::":,%,.,....2%,.%.. so 4. te j, osooes , fete , eV. *us sreto r
nit *ki.il 0,i% lit' wt
Ihir.itt) liki1t#111110,:4 se oo a 4'..•I
viaaielnit of lee boats tea.
tie 'ditty
.roup ln littiain.
"":! Wtri.t:' lc.' Ur:'::'
V. t .1 i
Lill COrkit rtiti,:*the PUtt op, botgt
IN:14211 UZI'S
1*11140.11ily Itot We TAX:0
treanamet. Keay
cued away Isearkedle
koins000t esset wet
tkielleeles. The beadeedesiturs
thasealal Islitere fat ear Ines gem
that T.R..C..•• kayo secommitisilr
treated Itkalmaattaase Leaskeges
Sciatica sad saute
an Wads. Oat the
le your ewe sepatlessou
sr we wrist route tr/
loareaturd iinaiviiktarieste
rellaseclgt m ogur Oxpenna., um*
stets ooli T.31.0.** ii.atulet be.
FOC rye* TrlialfrtitOTIR.C4 114
CatIrocas Rt.* Teresa%
•l.ocal Meat IL DUNLOP -
=nee s 111**elhatill icoom
ea' od :tea 1;a„il
te WU V.
Ilea:auto lei Itstatile
cease:as eepelatee. ie seaSolate9.
• 'to o au* eitirdi.ro (aeon *t leee,
east, Irdand.
Istoid t;c3rigo row ,e,!',.1•:,:ro"Ju‘ •
eith Poitteare.
lace Stew police is &elate 4
Ietlaed is in the sale of veal* Oot
Weal:bitten iiene,
A tieneillite tatiiceloo !o'er Obleseo
eauses big dautage.
Diets to- Peinecea Morey vicos io
Duelaneliara Palaeo.
Aura 14'- lost to tile Moay
tiewita4 to a. Toronto cofloe' 7 to 5.
Palace see Wales acts great vela Lew Teraller WOu rout "Heinle"
dome in Vella.Gold in ti e eleattli wean
arice or breed iteLendon Were:teed I ease for Nara is presented before
a •
by rise in flour. . the tattinet in Ottawa.
• Allied Premiere oro to .hoId etietee• t aoy Trowel -we es se, ootea, Noe.
• t
fereneo in: France. • „.. ledrowned at Oakville.
Electric brealalmen paralezee TO"' • iknv wag thrown en tee
'POW elm000ttan buskin • to re. •momeno coo paw viroct,,
splendid . appetite for breakfast MO ,,,,,,oaao....osseeee-...aoseoeoo-ea-Paae-e,a-
It is toad to be but a littlewialo pair
tbe roses begin to apnear In the
cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone
s. phosphate Will oast very little at the
drug store, but leeufacient to Make
anyone .wto le bothered with' 10,1101is-
teas, constipation, stomach trouble or
rheumatism a real enthusiazt oa tite
-sutlect of internal ganitation. Tr"
it and you are assured that .you wili
look better and: feel better in, -every
Improved Train Service VALtInt-1)xvoineorrIrr
BETWEEN. -tite ltnievezety of Penneolvanie.
Goderich and Toronto
eavy gea. on At antie m.ct b,
tVa6olericie No, 28, 6.00 a.m., Div-. easanelay litters. .
Lv. Steatfore, " " • French stildler in .ehbOttl•
nor, " 8./.5 *an., " ." German pOlIceman.
Robert a. Glissou of TOroeto dies
tee. Glee „ n,
' Ar. Tomato. 1015
- - ' . .1.v.Tornnto, \No. 37, 6,10 p.m., Dly. ,x, Sunday
TLLUU lAr., Guelph
KIDNEYS Ly. KS:Lair:1T '\4" , 89..01; p;:mm.'
..*o...4.4..*,.... .. " • Ar. Galeria', " 10.38 inns.. -,
700 a ss of Sbefore
•' • Buffet -parlor csr_and t-classv‘stiblule macho
glaalts breakfast
in each direction. Entire * !Ude tro,, no ebsnge.
• bothers yo,t • -, - V. V, LAIVREN &SRNs
„ cetwn, ,Bassen.cer 'and Ticket Agents
*Phone 8' ''\
if year Baca hurts or Mader
The American men and etootert must
guard Constantly againet riatay trouble,
because we eat too much tood. all oar:foe
is rich. Our blood ie tom). with. ;140 -
acid which -the Iti'ddrys *trite to tater
out, they weaken from co -cram*, heeelne
'sluggish.; the etinfinative last/teeter; aud
• the 'result is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline in health.
When. your kidneys feel 111-e lurnpS 0
lead; your back hurts or the urine is
etondy, full of sediment or you. aro
*bilged to seek relief 'two or Gam fames
during the night; if you suVer with alek
be:4nel* or dizzy, nervous spells, acid
Stomach, or you have rheumatism viten
the weather is bed, get from our phar.
=twist about four ounces of Ja.a. Balf4q
-take a, tablespoonful in a • ,gitsa of
water before breakfast for * few days
. and your ladneye will thee set inf.,
This taus mats is meets froth theist:id
of gripes and lemon Jule.% 'combined, slit
titbit, and has beensused for 'strontium'
to gods andst.insubste clogged ldobteSs;
'to skeutreliratbo Olds in the oriee lee it
no longer is sr. sours of irritation, them
ending bladder disorders.
Jed Salts is ineirnsive• cannot %-
• tare, rakes a dcbghtfuls effervesced
Iithia-'water leverage, and *low in
every home, because oebody, mut wake
a solitaire by having/. good kr&sy, Bush-
ing 1411) tilt**
How the 'Odder a
valun.ble cow was
Yarmouth. N.8 wcitsa--
-A resent experience in reclaiming
.• what was mooted, to be a lost *C4tOn'
of a valushls cow a udder has demon-
atratd again thei vett worth of
Minaret's Liniment. t emt recommend
it in the highest terms 10 111 who have
a herd of cows.
'For yew(' have never tandderal MY
hmwthold Meek complete without a
kat* of Minuet w For burp, brukas,
' • . frottbitaateehtlblanwitextela
And 1 know of PO boter remedy for a
ammo cast. _ .
Winkilem oh tay$0g that wrwwg
all the patent medicines theca it none
that nowt ao lupe a field of usefulness
as 400 Micaas Liniment. A rad
smiataCesee APR MIL4.110d Beast."
Yaielissettishit$S, 8
ronto for eiz hones, iloor of .the attpanese Diet.
build 3.000 eitureloss. it were Urea on in Indite
Pour eleantea wore ill:owned -oaotite Now ilounswie'a worker, CtO
eoaet of Newfoundland.death id:digester at pule mill.
wielelo tile eame week. elearing away debris of storm.
Claugdat(5 tv"-(/ 8raallac3t aliiaaas lila Western Gletarlo cake anti towna
Whole ol Wea'ar•n.Ontario to evia Probe .of Hamilton fire renulto ill
An airplane will sf,futt tar settle in Da Ray pointer. Toronto. lama
dieeloeuro of remerkoble recora.
et relentless sleet storm.
the Atlantie, to alta sealers,- - •for Peru- to tiu aolttolt there.
Winnipeg reporte that provincial Nova. seoua menet* to woo oke ea,
general election la planned, - opening of n.egotiations oa wages.
The town of, Vaudroull, near Mont- •Sir Robert Falconer oddressedfl
• AT
WE Wew t4e3
R.......RAZ.44141.ina eltr,garr.ttifot
real, menaetel by coed:a:ration. * employes or the City Ilan. Toronto. sumitimr,mh.„.....-__ iota, EyLitRptorninaltroody.
Portlier Labor leader Leginia- Henri Desire Lanern, tbe lerenelt t wow $ clads rissole •
PI 111°21 Cl°v"Illtwnt' Id cavalier must be ntoreeh to restore itennal loathing, atop tiltisittiitiallyCoolLattelialkatl.81*110
Hamilton on the lattor's lee, 6 to a..
itt ture attaelot Drury Government. "bluebeard." Wits tO-do.Y. tgod fteeseeemetlesiateleas CAW PIA Illaltbyi
La.bor leaders Dave big Pet of de- ate, Repingten speaking e.t Buffalo RAZMAII is Guam's •writo tor Wee bite Vire Ilea*.
tuatolo Tor out t says go
St, Patrick% were defeated lay Tommy Atkats will not leave Ire- gatbesing* tht btOnebtal tubes, 11110
bah tfortstitig dxog. $1.00 fitOurdrdg.
&ova 'reit free at outagencies Orlfcrltsi
'.401111000, 142 Ring
W. Tocoste.
land Anent BUNI.U1P
land until otter the pleblecito tau niglits of quiet slum contain* ate
peenittieel, neehatitten. rad
Britaiu pay a ebort vitot to TOrnntO.
A draw is anuotraced tor the
fourth rotund of the Engle% eoecces
euto •
• elem. Mr. Fielting enejure as
• to the tee, oa Gan:Wayne ere:vise; the
• Dr. Neve. of Roeltoster addresees
Society et Cheniieel Itedustry at
Meudeissolm tonetattee tee- • forence treaties,
Goal Toroutoe lid. rscordortak- Mrs. Margot Aequith %felting ; Valera reetanen eatupalen
Iflg ceasod, - Toronto, o against Irish troaty:
Stun Fein eenfeeence taaeoet? Searehere at Oultvilleetail te loeato A. huge Atter taill Wa0 !u,•1;,,ed o
atfreement to potepone trial election*
British and •Irish Governments
agree to detrae owe expeneett for Der
settee injurlen. •
Premier Drury and M. ;Mad-
ill:11;o situp encouuter prop88481.•
es. Mine. jean Beptiste Dufresne, aged ot,orgo fay= too yeara
1.06 years, is dead at St. Agatbe dee pea'ttaln 1301,01,, •
• • Monts, Quebec. U. S. Senate to ratify Alone
• st %mu
sudeieoly in, Bernthal... . , for three months. ..,., _
eoniine typhus to Itueeia.. leitiate.ehtimpionship by beating the "Mahatma" Goiliilla outiallee ble .14"A44.1.100!junioren won the round
Nations League to make. egfortis. to ' Guleon'S %Ilion% won the Ietereoo aork, $4.4t Si- . '
• Meeting in, London. or Inter -:tailed Ittliversitrof Torouto. . . . Indian. oolicy. . ' ' 1 .i trent Ititellent V. 6 to 4. • , ,
Conanisaion to aid latropa . • . love passageo to Canada eurieo. .,,,,,,,ILit.M.T.0,,nisZon the �! *3 A. 'tattier Seven youths err:agate for compile.
Lord Biriteulaad rosette Lomas- the last ni'- mon
were greeted by . -esooeitooaiesose ity in border hold -tam.
itgainst increase Irish ilatvol. pritish Government. to 079 fantlifere. ' lit;* Our Griffiths rebates:4'0ln Low, Canadian. manufaeturerteato 1, alio
Sinn Vela Coefereoce . tidlourned • • - 408toIreiallea
Tuesday without taking a vote.... • FRI1)1/3r^ ' ' ' Catiatia, lies again clutlionged tor
Thirty-fottr peoalo kiiird. becreeto . repave. retaine the hat Olamitaido the Dols Cup, -
of airslaa at Norfolk, Virginia; , - e Sir Adam. Deck ' has . Attack of .. McGill won the lutereollegiate
game ttont ArgenantS, 7 to. 3. ' ' in N,V1,(7.011;IntoLs.. Vrelsb. •
rteriel is itt eession basitettall title, _ . •
Kiteb.en,er seniors- woo a liatlees brouchtus.
leraece has made .tat entry in the =ulna= wage for telephone °per-
iDa.vis Cup tenure° coSupetitioie• , Stezerea Wall Sereet analtehuve be -
Liberal policies outlined at -1,,a- 00310 insartTat,_,..
polute banquet by Premier labia. Porttiguoso Goveenneent Will Move
Police arrest gang, watch puts ap,. nationals Capital.. . • .
end to West Toronto Ourelaries.- , Sir Erie a2Ktdvn resigns seat lo the
Heated \debate - in Leglslature be- riritisb Otennione. • ' . •
,Peemier and Coosetwatiye Imuler. Queou Alen:2)1(1re a seriously 111 at
Rt. am, A.rtbur Meiglien .bortquete .afarlborougit 11.3 10
tett by.Toronto Coneervatiee wonteno Big blieeard Weeps aerota tur:th
We'lera 'Ontario . gathering de- and. weetere Outarie.
Mattconals ,Go!'ernment leave ' Hydro St. 'Maar 's Junior? -v.von tleeround
Aura Lee juniors beat Iiitchener,
.8 tO 1. . LitidsaY ikort St. Moors,
•2 to .1. • . - - - . •
-Wiadek . abyesko &Natal • Joe.
Steelier, former world'sacharapion
wrestler. • .
• World control of wheat supply 8 -
peals to leaders 0 SaSitateheuratt
agrarian narW.
• tarinPlad of 19.24. will be Irene -
*erred. from Paint unless Prance red-
qr.% assistanc6.
-.Striking printers ett -Quehee leave
returaed to work .so that the Legis.-
4ature.may proceed. •
. Doulehobors Manned to kill ola old
people and children so that they near
roam about as vageoats at protest
against taxation.• • • ' ... .
• Japan Diet debates manhood sof-,
• frege, ' . - .
New Brunswick farmerfeetreeready
to organize,
••.Ottewa defeated Canadlens at fate
y% body.•u. or t
Sterling in. Toronto, $4.52; in N'te: Welland tadito beat Pe Ile -tel•'
Try Grandmother's Old Favorite.
Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows Out Setie Tee
end Sulphur. properly eompoonded,
brings back the natural esisr and kstro
to the hair when Wed, streaked or
gray. Years ago the Only way to get this
Atixture was to make it at hobo, trilch
is mussy and troublesonle.
Nowadays we simply ask stt tuty drug
stort' for «tvyeth's taw aati Sulphur
• Compound!' You -will get 6; largo bottle •
of this old time recipe improved by the
eddition of other ingredienta for about
60 cents. ',Everybody lists. this prepara,
tion !Mt, becalise no ene ean •r -1,';t- teu
tbat yea darkened yOUr na it aoes
it So naturally end. eYenlo. Yea dampen
* sponge or soft brutal with it stia draw
ibis through your 'hair, taltie one email
*read at a time; by tineroeug the groy
bar disappeare, and after norther apple.
ostler. or two. Iota lair toternes beauti-
fully dark, thick awl gicolly oral eou
leek eears eroueger. yetlea fleet, 51111
SnIpaar Compoina is at deliglatful toilet
requisite, It. is not intena*ol fa the titre,
mitioation or preventien of &acne's.
/mutat Relief with a small
trial bottle of old
" "St. jacobs 011."
• Kidney cane Backac1e7 Nol
They have Ile Bence, therefore tan
aet cense pain. Listen/ Your beck -
robe is caused by lumbigo, soeitities,
or a strait, and the quickest relief
soothing, penetrating "Pt Jambs flit"
Rub it night on our painful luck,
surd instantly the Floteness, istiffneis
and lameness disappears. Don't stay
4rippledl Get malt ttial bottle of
-"sr. Jacobs Oil" frau your druggist
avid limber tip. A motneet softer It
applied you'll *Older whet bettarte of
Ilickache or lantbago pets.
Rub told, honest t. Jacobs OW
wIrenever you have viatica, atwarebtle,
sikentnotthltrt or sarsies, es it le t
lately harmless sad doesn't burn the
STUMM Phone 12G
That we have Lower test of
'That we have Wider Base of Sub-
abet we bave Courtesy combined
with Service. •
That -there are just one-half as
many 1dt3SODS In Gregg Short-,
hand as in Piturannte?
That Twentieth Century Bookkeep-
ing is lifted] years NEWER
• than McIntosh',
Tliat 'we ditt'Ve twenty -live° yOttna.
people successfully tatting emu-
ses by Mail? ,
Gra.:: Shorthand
Twentieth Century Bookkeeping
Touch Typewriting'
Pitsnannio Shorthand
McIntosh Booktectoing
Vocal and Plano Mule
Typeeeriters for rent. or sale.
f,rbut Lidsay, 0 b ....
4 men In Toronto,. lest*a4,000 in.
old -catilidence" aline, '
Britielt independota falbernin ap-
peal for leetinn fusailea e
• ' Arthur Ceitlith will go to Lotolou
Instead of Michael Collins. .
# Pitted threatens in t.codon rut, le,
,breelts op on River Thamete . .
• Both .Irieh fictions eatislied witb
ag-denient at litiblin conference,
Univerzity of Peoneylvallin rowing
erews 'are rareedy ett the water.
Tito Britioh -Government will mit
• Cto twiny owl 'navy antivettes.
tiontiolan Irish grewers ((Petite tie
new plan ef f-'17,111/4; Oanatitttll 111}1):00.
• ,A, Windsor raiser teller conreeues
• to hoid-ual ot lacunae:et potantaoter.
Ititclietiet, . intermediates ilaVe
drawn a. bye in the 0. II. A. serlep.
tintversity of Toronto Co -Pole beat.
lite Queen's 4,140 at basitetball. 28
Ito 13, •
• Canadian manufacturers visit Ot-
tawa an4 recommend changes I
lug •Kingstqu. Jean.
• 11,ea0e prt•voild °a the reontier of
North and elotalt Ireland. '
• Canada's armed farce* to be redueo
ed sita Minister tit Defence.
Swift** nutting bonne, Turoutb,
theaatertea y en outteey.
• \amnion, Cetario °
el!pninn. eehris rant aorta. •
• teremptoytel in' Iternittottepropoee
total &minion. 01 priveto owneelthiP.
eclantion and elie4LOItilY" la elOgar
.edoPted by 'new Minister of
• Lapyt1 4.10014%-% awl Poineare reach
an agreement on the alenoa. agenda.'
Catholic National llniorts in Que.
bee endors' etend. of Premier of
quobee. ,
•.* The *albite% loet tho era :of their
tiar-alt 1(1111*,3 Iroquoie
1 to 3,:
• Ma Geo. Sowgrby lett WesinesdaY
• for Burford.•
Pot' Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
wiwa$8 benrs
Signatiue of
t!14 4 • "
COMM Deihl* Cisustot 111seirsd 1 Imes P01 ILL OM I Nuts TOPICS ef WEEK
ay wad apolseatlosta. se *s amassac
reams dm isisaass4._ _ wows al Via.=
Datiamenat 11."11.0411
X la a toassaadalwal noweet.
assairson or use sis000ya.
Essatissia he ammo' lothiasa-
Tribe. 'tram ma la
=re a rIbIg *t 0e
s. end
marzz“ cigt roma. Imambs .
emo• ea Ow
moo se tes system, team =Aces
meeatiaa sae reetorber
ceradoess free. Dr
T. Z. Clime' eit co. Tigribble.
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
()Pun alutess of the epitome siae'h
Morning' and wash away the
Polsofeetiss etagrolant matter.
BaiwocirtuP:ccrtuarnrtetlEgunrtistiiWthheicWh gHlr.
ISLOODThe Rosy Alto...Ors tiameoillsgfc
Ins fully Oosstpille41 arid Pat Into
Kandy sod Attractive *Shape tor
"Moog 14014,4 thou who sieve writ -
test 10. * Mr. A. Heulior,„, Seoteleoo
Aka. He nye la hie letteroon have
been troubled with dyspepsia:foe some
years. I tried several medicates. but
only got relief for a short time. fald-
eral with pains in my stornaelt. Wel as
smothering keling after eeturg, and
toted not eat ROY meat at seil. I got
roll down end 'wee eery weak iron rob-
bing the stomach of Its neeeesary wants,
alio suffered from pains in my neck
whale would run up on both sides late
my head esasiug terrible headaches,
rsed several bottle% of Burdock Blood
Bitters, and :slowest coutpletelyrelievedae
B. B. B. lets been on the market for
it 42.yeata; Menufactured ogler by
The T. Milburn. Coo ahnited, TOPA%
Those of us ore accustomed t Chit
teel dull and bear llama we arise. -
Iteadache, titular from a cold
foul tongue, n*aty brevet, achl
stortmeh, lame back, can, insterte,
both loolvelled...teel an fresh an ordain,
"elwaYe 'by welshing the POW* And
trestles front the body vitt pbbspletted
hot water each. Motabillee
We should. drink, Were breakfaitt,
, glutei real -hot Water with a tea-
. apoonful Of limestone PhoePhato iti
it to littSit from the idOmach,
Iddneys and ten Yards of bowels the
Drovions,dare indigeatible. waste, sour
bile and poleonous toxinar thus cleans -
Ing, raweeteniug and purifying the
entire alimentary UM* before putting
More food into the stomact.
The action of Iiinestone pbosphate
end bet water On an empty stomach
Is wonderfallY Invigdreeing. It gleans
nut all the our fertnentations, geses,
waste and' acidity' and gives ono U
• 7*. SWARTS*
'Bus, Liviry an
• Rack ,Stables
• Montreal Street •
Just teff the Square
'Bosses Meet all Trains arid
PlagenNer Boat.
Pasetagets celled tor ifiltIgY
Part/of the tows for all
tralsa4t 11.T. R. or C.13. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
nor 'Livery as4t Sock berries
will be Woad Mal•te*drista
let avers* fitilleCt•';
leant Patritgadte SaUclt
Phase 107 Meares, Street
The new prices for Ford Cars, effective January 16th, puts
this') famous car down in price below pre-war prices, and eon-
. sidering the improvements on the Ford Car of today over the Ford
. Car of pre-war days purchasers are .given even greater values than '
lever before. --'- ' •
F.0.8. 4(111E11E0 AT EA.
• FOOD SODERICH • FORD 00041011'
Touring Car .* $535.00 $575.1)0 $620.00 :$660.09
Runabout - • 495.00 530.00 580.00 620.85'
-Coupe - 840.00 889.00
Sedan - . 930.00 985.00
Truck 575.00 . 612.00 665.00 700.00.
Considering the high quality of the Ford Car and its many
advantages, such as service, low running cost, etc., the Ford offers
values equalled by none.
Coll and talk it over with
Whes tire Weather Gets Ws:rnter thro *re ih-c.m in VIT61,' mod lavozolammosammommill Numilimmoutamonmummiummoviimmos
ims 'wig be the tbing.