HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 8seretv, ° While emelt 1 a+vc'r itg notet de- aereine for E tee .shat t.Lletitio.;sal ret, Liner, Ir ulli tr. free:vCein l °dee a done e ati-Ceetery. all the 1 a 1vereieitee ae. evert oho foltawitie gi dill°ateitt, ? AUinileRt cr,Itt.nrf+ t,. fin .iS$} £, iGiil:.• • riot: : tar t reelit t31) Kr cent.1 at the ' IIt•iii;::6' litttoleu1:t11at. l afarainat4ai-in 4is-ti eof 1 °ell_•?:, pallia, 1 retts•ia, .. lge- - iea awl Bella tie• 1;ee°li or tl�'riretti , e,b teeere•2. !'133s i i cool t°iaeeti:b ZG',ti. or l' obi At least i a. p:4,7 KV, tit the s I'a Matrie'nlatben le:? atuinatlten itt e•1te n of t:mv feu° of the twelve lc_tpere reettiteti eore at leaet r,c, roe e£ a:t Se I &eg tt of tine • lle of tate twelvee eerier t i with udjta ement 1�i'Saitt• dine tea time 1 th, $ .t i i :wire„:: ?;°mutt} mote oletliiite'l} known. tet ee-stitta:itt of having completed the tenneek sit -tri eenttirio 'Normal ` elites tin adIitioti, Of rotor=c•, to 1'tL:: :4lctirienheion i. .t. :Co Politer $t5' will announce any Ienwer I1aiatititeztlonr as sieacptablea wbilit there lii,tg ben te,l,eti•ral intimation that 1 other e'vi4l,e0: e may he submitted for conslderatian and. idea that eandLt1ates of mature years may he admitted tvith•' out other .than Vase Matriettlation' standing, • 4. .Attention is zinesvn to the fact that ranil11 iteee m iy be admitted to the• I.'aa t I'our':I of the Second Tear by presenting .eert.it.atey of credit ehe tabled 'fitlite-iliiiiiiite llattl+eta'latieri ar [tpgt_'r School Examination. In brief, then. there arts, avis differ.: elft avenue t Joe eater�.lag .he Fist eat° in on Ontario Itolveraity, tint, with at least two Honour blatrlrulo floe ettbjeete In adclltioii to I'aes Ma• •triculetion; fleeond, with pass Matti - relation intludUng'id per cent. Sn any four 'papers; eliirel..'tvlth radsUr: tricu- lotion inclttiliiig Ott per cent in any site ixipere a rotted►, with a Second Class' professional Cell:licittt in addltion•to s1'ass atatriculatimil fifth, ILK a etude1at of inatiire years with .pass diatricu.a tion Only. • .A cfrer'ul'stutly of: the above regula- I•kionY will show that 2 (b) was quite of vkmsly ttt4olttoil • (o that the smell (ontinn.ttion Heliools; of the Fmvinee will be just as welt able to, prepares, )tedents for aIle Universitiesas w1.1` flue larger High Rebook and: Collegtato Institutes. Title. Is the answer to any suggestion that the 'Changes might in- t s' rolve.ilrtea ed coat: ° •Nee do these regulations ineolve an rcpensiiture eft any .additional time., Tile dense already referred to does require that the student work hard! °nautili to eecure a really good stand. in •ou his year's work. - Donee tides Meuse le really whiled at "loafing:" advantage of s Another. ae . �trt �©this. same clause ifs'tleit, ehould,it 'student fail to %wore the necessary standing at Ids first at. tempt, he .can .continue Tor another year in tile ':tome school.. e. .. t"ltuw 2 (e): exemplifies the purpdso qE the whole change, viz;: that the ratrtture student its sought.. A tcaeher, or ,one who dee. completed the work necessary for, as ,Scconei Class profess i.l l cep 1 nt ana t fie, c. weeds atgtitilig in id- ilt oto 'a8sitfal :cutodon etcePt his cher's .ror'ttflente. Renee it isora- lt~e3tiiee +ret Waith Calcutta, Cakutta-'.iiis Royal iia 'esI is ,here shown at the g tea of Catcuttaa, wberif he opened 't ice V ctorta Memo MTV Vid.; TRA t QUIRFKEN ► Ht tit ill'bdett 'by W. A. Director Calvet* lty Extension t1 Iiireetor, 1'nb. pita, ttidter'-ity of rooto. 'aXb *lie 111I7 rte intcl'reted in trees WbieIi lrtl' ex tl r lit inet tee in eutranee re ajlitrtstdefata stn. the 9F'actiltks of'..Arts in. f1•ttitario Iiniversitles. It often .ltnp pea that the purpose •aetwating' is�e nstru . f is xti o ed. rba e) tl."s In i C will i w !. X *<11 it .is b er toot bemuse Ittihad he found that the chanes made :ee* eent17 AM milt to, the great ndr.nn. loge o! the ttv0ralgo wady Or girl. tem - log f'hin this c0lt1itry to iY ilnivereity. One of the "dlfllenitles with widen any university+ lots do contend, is -the tart" that Moreau, tt geed many yonifg peopie who, aro mote interested in the. nodal than in tlit' •acaslemlt life esf it itairer tty.4i iattidents'rarely came from country- or village hotes.. The. eeountryr loop and tile'rntibtry*0ott a 'by ztttOi:tl:iuco otzlectures. in the tint eutlivertilty' cto snide and thee. tat ndy. 1?aeed .with the dilemma ttliiclt-the los °!meet tees' ofstudent pro.lutees, recce/ ais'o with the fact that litcrnlly. °aware° or saint etudente 17111 each °oar in their examinations, ftllo 1.inivt'1attlps of Ontario are driven to the noressi,yl el'' raising their entrance standards. lint this has been done solely for the Purpose of barring Dii 1 e student who is too immature 0r whose pre- vino edneatlon 119 leo meagre to eat- able hltu to tale advantage nt lits Pres-_ 012-' stage of the work ':Belt the [loll- xereity has ,to• offer 1t1m At a conference of the four Culvetr sItie e theI3nirereity of To r on to, oct a University,.Meltster thtiver+ tt, and Western' �ntver9ity.Vill; representatives of tht' Oiituri° Deport• utent of i;duc,;tion the following con. rlitions of cntrame to, the I irse Tear Were unftnimrtttelymeet: eflsoa) le ta!}'tf effect In 19281: t 1'�' fbr zl of to• the 1. amlh ai: � n nils, nit I'ass course of the Pirst Tear ivi11 be it'quireti slot only to 1t:;re :eontplete Pees itletlriculntion,Init nlro *o present additional evlelenee of fitness to profit the nettle+ of the new organization of vlen;: titer the tiettttre *indent 1,3 the student that the 1 1lccreity 'o tuts. feteuee :t le len additional indteetl',u of the ate-, cles2deraturn. lieloiibt'.etlly the ctisugn i • sa the itite're to of de. nie racx 1: it intended to protee•t. Otte mien° to or bil' s-c1tttit of lite 1 rciya inti} by mutate: it worth -their while •'i ..1117y hare mettle they Stave the ele portuzaity. la: htv£i.ces no tuiditionttl s :: •. ' to the average parole, no ine'rtsee Sea TRc'• Llogth of tile• £Imes.'. In tarief.; ii.:a fine tc,i: la f tandard is fa=t such ti rej;;'-tido est any ".teat:° parent s`eithl molal tvl:o eaw that ids child- ren were not Studying as welt es they should, Any 1'nfversity, no matter How large et nate be, tvelven .tt1. 'ie.it-r of the inti►• -1i Inns type. Nos' will titer;' .°'liana °s involve, In stew of tile recent reorganization of the high ,t'leed citrefetilune, any hard- ship ea far as ettltls°nts prtaeeetling to I'as.1 liatrierul:tion are c'otirerned. Previously enrh etudeitts studied for flint wrote twelve papers on w 171di they were rcanireol to see'ure a total -mirk of Wat tell(°t the new reginations of the 4I.itario Department of Education, nine paper° Will be the nmaximum num- ber that may be t;tken in tiie year. '1'ht industrious 'student will eery probably be aide toobtain without )uneh dlfileulty the, same total mark on lite year's work as fader former conditions, which would mean an aver* age of SO per rent. Ilan nine papers. and Fuel). :t sttptling is mueh higher thealethat-Xmiuire l- foenntrance-tc the: University. (clank, - (4)above.:' %lee burden an i the student, f It can be considered a burden, lee thereferQ, for thestudious boy or girl, very IlttIe, if any, Heavier than it was 'before.. Moreover, the change se made by the universities come tis 0 Hatt}rill tOnse- queue° of the change wide, teat Qum. mer inthe wont laid down by the-De- pertinent hoIse-pertinent of Edncattoxr• for the wood cs° lThese, nes were wide. -try boo s. chi g dQ 13' approved because -thee theyi provide op. txtirturtit3 for more ittttenslve study and bolter teaching; consequently, they provide also a 'Menne of reaeldeg the new - intiversity etantlatds without mach' greater efe"ort tliau was required under* eche former con.Altions to wee)). the former astandertls. lt'is. perhaps, only natural that new' entranee retjuii'ements should, atfirst. be enbjeet to' a certain amount t o erltleistn but it is felt that, when the new scheme is thoroughly understood,. it will meet.. •Willitieto unian.inou*t ap,- ofo rinterested th n -who tr ed in ap- prove,. 11 oae b a .C'+st welfare of a i h this T '-nee: ',r 1 rc' °clue t o� I'xavl Emitters of this bpiletin are invited to study its • eent0nts carefully and, should tiny point be not elearly nailer- stood,- to write to the Department of , i. n i s i Canivet�ity ,zttensio , 1. ii ere ty of r a i Toronto, for eine further l itf o m t oil that may be, desired. University of Toronto, y February Xtrt11, 1922. .x � A husnd saiddhe eves now letting n g his whiskers grow since his wife be- gan buying his •neckties. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S °ASTOL R -The New Studebaker Cars; nowi:- - on display, . insure a continuance of. Studebaker leaderal►ip, itt motor oar VALUE. itt the New BIG -SIX you tet the :wonderful performance of its6O horsepower motor, the ,roominess' *Pits seven: passen er Studebaker. built body, its unusually easy bear shiftin, and steadiness on the road at ell speeds. There is distinctiveness of ap-. pearance in its beaded edge body, tailored top, massive, lead 4mps, iraceful cowl parkin lamps, tenet. Loot: for These F, e, ttuT' OO'ii. P, 371 r 5•ita. motet, with datochabla hod. td. Dry plata Also blotch wbielt stokes the Ahiftzn of tem Mnwiiallr aloha and easy. Intermediate trenunission, ° A, new sevaa praaealter idly. `loouated onat *tardy thesis of !'Hili. wheelbase, Neith heavy headed Ake. Wraerful c;snvl.bedsit and- .• hither hood; tlhu. col plete in 'tulebakee plants. , 1a+tr ane.prrcerzin.pr,lez v iii -"hull that Pives greater vision. Witteleieel1 wiper. _ eirsl perking I,7ht,, miniatures ct headlitllty, in corners of rr tniailieltl. ' rout* 243 THIS e tear vision, one-piece rain -proof windshield. Suit basically, the New BIG -SIX is the same ependable car that contributed much to 'multi* 1921 a Studebaker Year. If you payITIOre than the price of theNewBIG-SJXyountaybuymore weik,ltt, but is is impossible to tet finer materials or better, workman- ship, Its litht woi,lit and the use of the 11i6lhest quality Mate1'iltiS, con- tribute in makni \ the New BIG - SIX the ',reatest e-pasSeIty� or auto- mobile; value on the market today., $ in the Now B3i •Six Cowl ventilator, operated from deli. Coareesy 11!11# en driver's left, Toalnew li lit with eXtett'iptl Corti. wow* Arid ettistic bettelliai'ts with improved defletitnti teed 11ill'uiint lefties. D eep.lttturlaos cushions npholster*ain hand.buli>. cdt °nine leather. Lute plate Mats window in rear of tailored top. Tagil i}it in packet tat le!;: sicla t*t driver, lucks i 'refill carat key that tiro t4'aasatissian lablcfen3 iltlititln switch. elvite heli cord tire*, T F. II LLA ND ' East Stows* Garage Gederfck, theta IS A STUDEBAK R.. YEA • Atdcx THE INt1.1S11AL aUTl l *With in Better Shape tihaa Many Other Towns—Loral i)lianwfavtur. fere Optimistic for the 'wear Future. t`loc.erieh is in better Aare than: nearly tiny other town in Ontario, its far as employment is eonetrrned. All of the mills and 'factories are, work-' inti. and moat of them expect to bo, going full strength before she spring is very fee ladvanczd. The town council hag plane for the introduction of a. new industry and itis hoped that they will be suceessfui. The following paragraphs axe Osununary of the general outlook of business and employment as given to The Star by the various firm*: The Ilr'e tern Canada Flour Mills. Co. This company is the biggest ante ployer of skilled and unskilled labor in the town, liaving on its payroll over olte. hundred and fifty then. It has been working full strength for the past few years. During the past winter the compatny has employed' as many as fifty extra laborers, doing work on the ice and boats at its 'dock. Mr. Fraser, the company's local man- ager, is very optimistic for the fut- ure ailirthinint that we shall shortie° be back to normal times. Goderich Salt Co. This concern has done a larger business than.. -ever- befor eduring _the - east year, and at.different times it has given employment to as many as ten extra laborers during the winter, its exports have shown an increase of nearly two thousand tons over last year's total. • . •Goderfch. Elevator and Transit Co. This Elevator Company leas ship- ped more grain during thepast year than. ever, before, It has at present, some fifteen men working in the ele- vatdr'and about forty laborers work- ing, en the. new :additions.:" These will :Increase the loading' and,. unloading capacity of the elevator by nearly fifty per cent. Goderich Organ Co. �yyThis firm's business depends large- on etbuillding that is going on g o the country. It has em- ployed twent�yy*five men,all winter, working forty-four haws a week, Now that, money is beginning, to loos- en up end. people are beginning to 1001t an bo tfor sui to bid' la e p e. s to build new homes, . the company's business naturally looks brighter, ns it as largely it manufacturer of sanitary woodwork, etc, Dominion Road Machinery Co. This tiitrtn ilas given' Steadym • ep- ment.la y to' fifteen to twenty: men all winter, and has, as its sales man- ager says, good prospects for the coming year. Everything points to an early spring and ai 'earlystart on roado work, - Orders are .beginning ta, come in owing to the fact that most of the towns are. out after good roads and want an early start. Goderich Knitting Co. This company reports . that it has worked all year, employing twenty- nine p g. y nine 'girls' tiside the: mill andgiving employment to some ten others by 'letting out home knitting. The man- agement look for better conditions following the spring -spool clipping. ' Jackson . Mfg. Co.. This firm has been working stead-`' fly fpr the.past year, giving eruploy anent to abouta quarter of their re- gular stair, bat they are beginning to work back to normal, and it is hop- ed that they will soon be employing eighty hands as of old. James ' iliyd & Son This firm is the largest wholesale house in Goderich and is therefore in a position to know the general f non," cial condition of the people, And as their business, is beginning to pick up theyare of the opinion: that we are coming back to better times. Goderich Planing -Mills The Planing Mill has been working with about half of its regular staff', for the past few months, but, like the Goderich Organ Co., its business 'de. pends largely on the building that ia` being done. ,,:This; company is one of the optimistic ones looking for better times' shortly. Perfection Flax Machine. Co. This concern is the only one of tt,hhe factories -which is not expecting afty great improvement in its business for the .coming year. They are at present employing six men and will, t is expected, keep glom on. steadily, G. T. IL Railway The Grand Trump reports that they have been working tiiilt strength, and that they have taken on st,number of firemen Who were laid off last year. Their freight department has begun to look like of old. Although the in., 'crease in freight has been slight, it also hasbeen steady, and two of their largest shippers, the Big Mill and the Salt Blockhave shown increas- es in theilarge r .shipments;, The gr in shipments have been Just abou e same as last year. The incoming freight has shown steady improve merit. . C. P. R. Things on the O. P. Vit.. have been tinnitus steadily, gradually working back to something like old conditions. All of their men are working, includ- ing the few who Were laid off during the winter. The freight orrice shows that there has been a steady increase in business, enough in fact to war- rant Oonsidfrable hope for the future.. 5000 PACTS ABOUT CANADA The 1922 edition of the popalsr ]idle Cyclopedia tit: the Dotailttlop—."5O04 Facts About ('a Ueda" : --twill be 'warmly welcomed by the path°, which rairgardit it as aurr inctispersaalbles booltktt, "as tail or meet as a coma*ut," its one wittily' expts ' ed it, Ita eomp..e r, Prank Ugh, lit widely* known az an authority 4* a etymInl; thissidian. and it is a' inearvel and model et i'oa>,t1O±afta+ttoia, Mick ai tact 1nat a mien.. The nes, Uwe * ia! ealarged *7dimp s w`sd, and ite. tamateslul Will prove a revelaiioa of the grtiwtll of the ebuntry, not Oily in aiiagleyear. but to a five or ten year perked. Over 30 eb r*--ra*gtng alpaabetically from Agrkenitare to Toho.--prorkle * hitiriesye siert Or the Daiwdaaieaa trott awrery sande, No betteir advarthinmat of the oea'aittry we'd iie had, sad may use it In that Tray to dalightr4 the ignnrimt ars to the wealth, Ititiiia ot t "VOproaperi*ad L ay' may bad few learibssi newrsde.lerts or by weeding 311 ara*t.s to tine Canadian Fats tab. Co., OS Kona street. Tomsk*. Miller's worm reWdere art era thorowathly haat steinitehie and Wes., hinal worms pat's front tithe eland vrithctut bring uotierd awl without, iit,. etttternietrt a to the sufferer. They are neintess and perfett ia,: attics:, and at all titnc+s *pall Is, foetid as total, thy medialis,. etrertithtrning the in, Until. *tomtit and aririltitnhraine it fat r'ilrisra** ssperation. on that lostidas Woe an effeethey itis: andfilth glvI n their IMO Ji,` t Mlkttt'R Mut iMt. The 1922 GolfG f1A knitted sportort suit' pi' : nusal 'weave in mixed _ ,_ blue andwhite colorings is one of the, features of advance f.'f:shions note feeing shovm. Wingham4 a Curling- Club Social :A,athma-140.-Longer lire deli. `l'tic } one of the la est gatherings of dread of renewed attacks from astir- •- Q rg $` i; th. .kind ever held' in 'Win ani was ma. hes. no hold upon those .who. have e8'h Club euchredance learned. to upon Dr. '.i. •'D. Kel- mCurling , and n e learn drely p n1 on Frida " night in the armories, to 's, Asthma Remedy. So sate: do Friday g ys Nearly' 3Qp sat ,clown to the. tapes. they feel, that complete,reliance i The danders ranged in age frons 16 to, placed on this true specific with the John Quirk, .89, who showed the , . c teinty that °it will Always alwa ys do a l l younger generatio how to dance the that its makere elaim, If youhave Ln e`ers. tnot yetlearned how safe you are ' with this preparation at hand get t ; ADVERTISE IN THE STAR today, and know for ydurself, . Ii 1 � r r � i i l I t'1E111 I I' I� I I I I I I �: I � 1I f i ,�� 4 ,1 1. i� l' i iii If J. 11 r II �, I i I I, i .I , �e..l >n, I 4 r I l. Ill it l f I: `��` >!. , it l l ,, I d l l(! i IC. III .f ,il,l I t�,l l i !. if� �.LI�Il. ,I.ru �f.,ll►,.�L�(,.,. ,..,E„!, G�I.C,,! .... r .1_:II111����119 i �i.i'�flt,�,lU � IIG i � . l :fill�il�Il! • `tr rise the Bell. to Sella' :ave a oBig Store: n a SmaII Town Long Distance Will 114 You nri ° r.. such stores, th t 'h. 11 RE `a, as, su hold a d t e trade for :rules around, some of them built up without largely increasing capital. The • merchant buys small standardized stocks. a the very best sellers, the sable styles that are being shown in the big cities. He is particular to get the styles that are advertised, that his customers will look for. If it is wearing apparel, he probably does not carry the very small or veri large sizes, piefer ling those for which 'there a will be 1'TIOSt tloI` and. When well displayed, an advertisement in the localaper starts them selling. The tlooks upon the, lnanufaetur.�er or jobber as his warehouse. Once a week, or oftener, he cheeks up what new stock or +odring sizeDI�it'ansy hece. yneeds, .awl orders them by Lo Shipment is often made the same day by express, parcel post, or freight. Quick” delivery becomes possible. Customers are enthusiastic to find they can buy what they want in their hntnt town. 'Reputation grows rapidly, and the yearly turnover in. creases notably. Ey designating an,experienced employee to handle ont of -town r messages, their cus- tomers' calls are pelade at the low Station* to -Station rates. THE BEL1, TELEPHONE 'VAPOR' OP CANADA