HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 7ere
MeittieH end, nee!.
— - .--
wheel heart* isi the town alai neigh -
i boring towneliipe, a school tune, bite
invert eiegaged, whoth* WSW ill lko
Li, 4ON'Utimi W the heattit ef the thee,
fen in the ditereat eeheeie ihrough-
oet the WWI, nit ewe of eilet)
•witio doomed by Over *teen r towerde
tine wortbe cauee, WO have al•so,
,eontritenett teuia 145-.
support 1.1 4 1‘'reacil orphan, the,
• being the half yearly sem needed foi
this purpose. 'the sera of $73.e6 hes'
been paid to Alexandia tiepeil4 am
Marine )to:spina for the year vett naddition, the sum of $10 wear votee '
for Christina's cheer for the hospital:
Cinder Bricks Used, in Construction of $100,000 HouseeeCieder bricks,
the invention of 'Frank Cordon", of New York, are being used in the yen -
struetion of a $100,000 residence in New Rochelle, N. Y. The bricks are
made from, ordinary coal cinders and chemicals, and are from 30 to 86 per
eent. cheaper than the ordinary brick. They are also non -conduct
heat and cold. In the pietore the inventor is driving a nail into one ilf7Ee
bricks, showing that woad parts may be attached directly to the wall.
ARMEEK CHAPTER, I. 0 D. E. Our revenue has been drawn for
E. this period from much the same our
ces as usual.
In the month of April, the Chapter
held a 'euchre party at the home of
Mrs. (Dr.) Gallow, 'which netted us
the stun of $27.22.
From the sale of Chautauqua tick-
ets (Ind the co-operation of' our ef-
texts with that of Mr. Lee in July,
we realized the sum of $70.05.
In the month of August, our Socie-
ty held a most --successful bazaar at
the home of our regent, Mrs. (Arch -
(1 e 4 .4 o n) Jones -Bateman, which
brought into the coffers of our treas-
urer the handsome ,suni of $99.77.
At a sale of home-made baking in
September, our funds were increased
to the extent of $11.30 and at a very
enjoyable euchre and dance held in
the Masonic Temple in January, the
sum of $38.35 was realized. •
The disbursements of our funds
have been altered somewhat, owing'
to changed conditions and different
demands Upon our hearts seed upon
our good judgment. ° • „
At a meeting held in May, it was
decided to devote some of our ener-
gies towards Child Welfare work
and, in conjunction with the various
• Annual Meeting Was Held Feb. 20th
• --New Officers Appointed
The annual meeting of 'Hui .Ahmeek
Chapter, I. 0. D. E., was held on
Monday afternoon, Feb. 2Qtb, when
,the following *Mors were ..elected:
Hon. Regent, Mrs. Jones -Bateman;
Regent, Mrs. E. Carrie:, 1st vice
Regent,' Mrs. J. M. Field; 2nd vice
Regent, Mrs. O. F. Carey; secretary,
Mrs. It et A. MacEwan; assistant
secretary, Miss Hays; treasurer,
Mg. W. F. Gallow; standard bearer,
Mrs. Geo. Noble,
• The secretary's report was as fol-
lows: - -
In presenting our annual report of
Ahrneek Chapter, L O. D. E., for the
year 1921, we cannot help bet feel
that the year just passed has been a
very, satisfactory one in every re-
• We have held eleven regular meet-
ings and three special meetings dur-
ing the year, with an average attend-
ance of " eleven, which is an increase
over last year of about twenty per
eiemiiimed frora ii'1
Hail Lusted at Toed, S. te,
in renewing hie eubecription t.. The
Star Me, W. J. Rutle4*e writes iee.ei
•Tritie it 4'., using the letter Puller of
"The (kW Store, Dry ilea& eirtl
'Ready -to -Wear:" sad esiYie -
• "You will notice by *Wye he.atiiiieel!
that we have acquired a neat little
• ireegoode and ready-tiewear bueinese;,
' n iinI. Be C. This city ie called !!
nurses. IVe have 41144) eontabuteri $eti •Smoky City. It situeted •
to tbe Soldiere Tilmorial Fwd. seitli tulles from Neon on the Columbia
,ffie earnest hones that, ast en early eteert which is a very 'swift and re -
date, the ,conueittees who have this pfd raver, net suitable for small craft
matter in hand, will, at least, get the tor which the Kootenay waters are 4'
favorable. Smoky because here we
have one of the largest smelters in
the American coutineutereeeiving ore
from. all parts of the Wed, and tIS
far east as Manitolm. They menu -
facture lead, copper and zinc. Ship.
ring fields a ready market abroad and
in the Orient. Trail is a city of 40e0
people fend a, very eosneopolitan eitse
elite have a pay roll here of $150,00
nelug Made, and before a evar'e time
r month, and Into extensions are i
it will reach $200,000, ;so you RC4 it
looks ti good' prospect here for us.
.We feel .we could not do without
The .Goderich Star to keep its ine
touch with the good old town,,,which
am'glad to eee still hold'- its own
with the towns of Ontario.
Wishing your paper eantinied 444.
eess and the old town venewed prose
peritee •
Yours truly. •
New C. P. R. Superintendent of
LondonDivision •
The ..Cenedian Pacifie Railway
Celnelitnee annoinwea the appointment
,of Mr; Fred M. Rutter to the :omelette.
tendency of London% division, with
headquarters at London, effective the
25th instant. )Ire Rutter, stteceeds
Mr. R. McKiltop, who has been trans -
fared to Toronto, where he will have
the jurisdiction over the compeny s
• work even under waY. The emu of
peeas also votedito• Prineess Mary's
wedding gift fund.
Uur eash balances now on hand as
shown by the books of oar treasurer
are itit follows:
In special aecount.4115elte in I. O.
D.R. account, 4/343.
During the year the Chapter has
suffered the loss by death of two of
its members. namely Mrs. J. P.
flume and Mies Skimings.
At the annual convention of the I.
O. D. E. of Onterio, oar Society was
represented by Miss Carrie, who pre-
sented to us a very interesting repel
of this meeting upon her return. It
is with much regret that we have to
place on record the resignation,
through ill health, of our treasurer,
Miss Naftet, who has reedered such
efficient service for some Yeas past.
We would also like to place on our
minutes our appreciation of the kind-
ness of the Goderich Board, of Trade
in platting their rooms at our dispostil
for our lootings.
. Also in closing our report, we' feel
that our best thanks are due to Mrs..
Gallow for the use of her home and
to our Regent for the use of her
house and grounds for the bazaar
°and, to all our generous workers
whose ' big-hearted efforts have done
so °much for the godd of our Chapter.
We trust that in the coming year,
our interest shall not 'languish but
!than flourish as the green bay tree.
All, of which OS respectively sub -
Seely' Alimeek Chapter.
• °
Winter is a dangerous season for
the little ones. The days are se
changeable—one day bright, the next
cold and stormy, that the mother is
afraid to take the children out fee the
freali air and exorcise they need so
much. In consequence they are of-
ten cooped up in overheated, badly
;Ventilated roords and are soon seized
with colds or grippe. What is need-
ed, -to keep the little ones well is Ba-
by's Own Tablets. They will regu-
late the stomach and bowelsand
drive eout colds, and by their use the
baby will, be able to get over the wine
ter season in perfect safety. The
Tablets are sold' by medicine dealers
r by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. 0
Mother Graves' Worm Externama-
tor will drive worms from the system
without injury to the child, because
its ectimi, while fully effective, is
Bruce Division.
Mr. Rutter is an Ontaxio bey, here
ing been born and educated in Toron-
to, end is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Toronto Class, 1902. He en-
tered the services of the Canadian
tern Canada from 1902 until 1915. s o ; a e ega es o remit n
Delegaear will lobe hesiteehame
I Sem"
leave U (C., N.
*gusts Pest.
It.) ea at le
* nese. The ie
Mee. awe. H. fl.ir *10 Daly
St., Ottawa. to whew um*
11141444 ableteld be aims Api4 1.
Loral A exIlieries phew taker este of
Oils. at *Meg ui andhe madame the
1 bleulesary lideaesepe erineslain
this ;mike may be We.
• Sells for elediterratteatee-ffiss Isabel Roekefelihr, daughter of Mr. and
5frs, Percy 'Rockefel r, of New Yorleegrandniece o.t John D. of that ilk,
hotographed 411 t) Oteamer Carmen, Just before sailing for a tour of the
Pacific Railway shertly after gra- retery and treasurer; president or el.
dilating, and was engaged in the Cont- Meted substitute and one delegate
pane's Engineering and Construetion from tacit Auxiliary; and president
Department various parts of Eas- or 'elected substitute from tech BandMitt-
Ju11 di t t
Since the latter year he hes had until the close of the convention.
Presbyterial Pruitt Seentarer,
A man 'mid his ANS WU* SWIM'
wen. out and he woehl wen be ea hit
feet *gain.
ell 0
NW Yeilt
( cAtirr
.... are trembled with. weak
44 *I heat; others424talit their arm
neettunt, but whatever tlet mew*
Broken Out Skin and 'Itching
Eczema Helped Over Night
For unsightly skin eruptions, rash
or blotches on face, neck, arms or
body, you do not have to wait fpr re-
lief from torture or embarrassment,
declares a noted skin specialist Apply
a. little Menthe -Sulphur and improve.
ment shows next day.
Because of itegerin destroying prop-
' erties, nothing has ever been found
to take the- place of this sulphur prep. -
ration. The moment you apply it heal-
ing.begins. Only timse who have had
unsightly skin troubles can knave die
delight this Menthe -Sulphur brings.
Evenfiery, itching eczema is dried
right up.
Get a small per from anygood
.druiegi'st land use it like cold erea
charge of the operation of lino
width radiate front Termite to Owen
Sound, •Teeswater, Elbra, the flusite,
ka District and other points. The
experience thus gained makes him
well fitted to take over the duties of
operation of the London Division
which is Oneeded to be one of the
heaviest railway traffic sections, in
Canada. Mr. Rutter's new territory
includes Canadian Pacific Railway
Lines -operating through Galt, Wood -
dolt, London, Chatham, Windsor,
Guelph, Goderich and other import-
ant industrial, centres in Western
Presbyterian W. M. S. Will Hold
ProvincialeMeeting in pttawa in
The eighth provincial annual meet-
ing of the Presbyterian Woman's.
Missionary Society -will. be held in
Cluelmene church,. Waive, on April
18th, 19th and 20th. Board meeting
Tuesday, 18th, at 9 a. ne General
session commences at 8 p. in. Those
entitled to attend -are Presbyteria1.
president or elected substitute, sec -
ittAirr AND P411001. PILLS
eller the blewing of sound,. eafreabieg
• sleep- by Inviipseethef Oft hut% 4441
Yea and toeing up the W11.01411,14114.
)111., C. E. 13441/404 Norwiehe Ottte
writeses-"I have used Pule twos bow
of 1111bune's Hetet and Nerve Pills mid
katromeiebledtheywihthevemdioauserte good.ond boost waixi
in my heed. 1 could mot slue eileittae
and, sometimes could hardly st MY
breath. The doctor helped ese to a cer-
tain mid it wee heart. I
want to thank you for etleil year vest,
medicine, has tiossie foe VAL
Price "50e. a bee at all d.slssi. ear
nulled direct On INSIPt Of pnce by The
T. flilburti. Co., Ideated, Toccata,. Oat.
Here is a Real Bargain—the Greatest Value
Ever Offered in Canada .
The Godeviela Strife costs $1.40 yeer. 'The irmity Herald *04
Star of Montreal costs $2.00 a year. We tioW offer full yeses eubsertedlon
• •
to boil, papers for $2.75. • • .• .••
An Excellent 'Premium
With The Family,. Herald luti Weekly SNP included s eePy ot Kew ....
Canadian Coat of "Arms in the heraldie- eaters, eke 14 eV Mehra., Tble
beautiful plate should be found in every Ca.nadlan home. Every by m'4
eke should be taught to describe the 'Canadian Cost of Arms. A telly will .
be sent free to alt whoeueept thleaffere ' •
• e
Send. Your 'Order to Tho Godoriok Star .
The Select Ladies' .Ready.to,Wear Co. cordially invite all the ladies
in Goderich and vicinity, to their Grand Spring 'Opening on.
when they will have on display the latest, smartest, most 'stylish,
and iv -to -the -minute range of Spring Ladies' Wear of
All our entire range of samples will.be-40N EXHIBITION FOR ONE WEEK.
Cone and be present at the most important event- of its kind for Smart t:tissers
and Thrifty Buyers, if only to get an eye -fun of the latest Spring ideas. The de-
signing that marks thisseason's models embraces welcome changes. There's an
easy smartness about the garments that sharply distinguishes themfrom others
being shown elsewhere, but of even greater importance is price and quality--quat.
ity of material and donstructiion. By placing your order now your purchase will
not be duplicated in this town again. A deposit will "hold any garment in GO
store and the balance can be arranged to suit your convenience.
The Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co., Goderich, Ontario
Branches: Goderich, Wingham,
Headquarters, 448. Queen St. West Toronto
M. •014 •