HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 6eiSL SI%
sures alin Tea Quai
106% of its I.uII.$.211.311 Costrr
ttee fieti eeroe trenntin eplendialy vige -
°nee.; eaten:. et, esee t• eeene
0 lee eneateet .ei,:_:.--:, eurestee see-Seetesee. •
ieeesi eetec teLan enecee iti tie, tee's.
1 tese es:seesn teel teen weenie eeeite-
cc.l. Thee Wk re rata ceatterci
• rturiker of palate, bed raueli
e. ::;%-, it
ie the Tatty :of lin4.3 OY eoremanteatieril
eel the reke. Dueness &weary .eigbt; •
net -tenor* bad been et-lei:tinge the
i:cet in voriOns areaa (Ind {luring. Feb* :, •
coney the. militate, 'had , been veiled
thien come thiety Unites for suit
peeve. There is no deubt taut he will1
f,tet 143 relUeSta reinforeemente.
. o o 0 .
South Afrieen Government MA Pc. „
brit of Twit Million Pouuds Stern. •
..- ing....- -
-Labor ilieturbativea in temth Afri- •,,.
eti,whielt threatened to aeaume most •
serioua proportion% have- taken. al
turn for the better. The government
°•ef General. Smuts, wheel bee had.
•enarite. anti veep '.grave peobletas to
deal • with, ..'t& -ii;' to be smpressieg .
the ogitetors with its.- earnestness for
improvemeut in !fiber conditions eel!
employinentpreblems - generally.°
The South AftleareParliament to now
in session, It bas- been inforMeol
that the Country is faced with a bud- -
;get deficit of nearly lo two million
pound.sterling on the financial year.
Mat is not a .great :deficit AS deficits.
gothese. day, hut it does Mean that, •
in a •-.countrn with -.so- much still to be,
done' in the way of .ilevelomunt. that •
there wilt. have to be great care' end •
•.ettution In eounnitinents to nevi. elite •
erpriees. - - - . •• • .. • .
• , . . . • or lit, .4 O. . .. I . '..
ICitiSkele,0' Of Christian Raceesn Nat,.
lentil. Turkish Pastime.
t q s
pereisteney th* they:have • • -
Web Free State Considering Itetinial
Irieh Free 'State offleiele are cora.
'6iderlog a tam eurrenev. White
reckoning by pounds, r.liillings and
petwe will undoubtedly continue for
some time, it is expeeted tbat the de-
. finial eystent wilt eventually be a.
doptetl, and that &lines and tents, or
their Gaelie equivaleuts will ultimate.
ly tune tbe place a the. etexiing
0 0. •
eel ceetinued to dip radly
pi. Finally
I she etruel; a high voltage wire on the
ettpetimental field. This caused tui
1'4! L' flre, -Mint turned the yes-
es, -.1 einuist eompletely over. A ter,
tide enplesion followed and a maus of
lathe coutnientei the charred bodies
rof mente men landed on the field be-
im. The accident bee (emcee; a re.
limed demand for tbe use of keliuni,
!the meninflembiable buonant- gale, to
t be renewed with vigor by all iiikereat:
ed. Helium diecoveriee of greet im.
Ctutailian Setentistie Helium • Diseoe. portance were tnade byort group of
trio Mould Make Aerie! Nave,
gallon Even Serer.
iter navigation is rentatimbly
tote eousidering itsi moderness, find
becomee more so et, da i it
of sunk trestedieti uthat at Nor olk,
Vinginia. which 'cost the livc: tSeine
thirty-four United State* Arnie?. men
rind ci.viliau'- They were part et the
ereW giving the big ninny ditigilne
Rome its first trial after its rtes.
•emulating on arrival from Italy mid
the aubstitutioti of Aniericim inotors
t for diose made in Italy with %relic*
the veiteel was equipped whea turned
over by the Itaiirin govertunetnt from
whotn it vA:; iiiiiecl. Iw wai
- • -the largeet dirigbite owned- by -the Un-
ited Stet., her gag bag latriag .t en-
• neeity° of more then a
feet. It ie believe(' that the elevat-
ing Ounce, the vertical control,' were
• tarried away. The nose of the dirig.
• hle began to 'dip. In unite of every,.
thing that the rem could de the VOS-
Canadian Scientiste Working under
the auspices of theBritisb govern-
ment during. t)k: war. Tile preetica-
bility oth
f e eeoverice regeived se -
vere testa w kit were successfully
pessed, They -have not been lost
siglit of end there is every reason to
believe that helium Will be used for
other purpose of every day life than
the inflation of airships (IL' balloons..
Commander of Britieh Ferree In Ins
elite Asks for Increased Military
Following upon Premier Lloyd
George's declaration that Britain
would not,' under rely conditions, it-
bandoil here India, General
Uri' Henry Rawlinson, commander
of tbe Britihsforces n that. country,
has Mini some reesens for hie de.
mand for an increase in military
kltrength there. m
' Tribeaen who heve
heen causing disturbences. he says,
could if they be combined, put into
For the price of
100 lbet. of Sugar
two years ago you
can buy today
30o lbs. Sugar
o hares Broad
zo lbs. Oatmeal
gals. Oil, and
4 ths, 90ost
Phone 46
. Have you noticed \how everything 'else
just fades into obscurity when the spotlight
is focussed on the leading lady or leading
man on the stage? And how vividly_every
detail shown . by the spotlight remains in
your memory?
Many a business man cart draw an object
lesson from this.' Is your business, for in-
stance, in the public eye? Do you regular.
ly throw the "spotlight"of ADVERTISING
on your store.
ADVERTISING will enable you to tell
the story of your business to ION in this
town and district ADVERTISING breeds
confidence, Buyers go naturally to the
store or business that • is "in theiimelight."
Get th' facts from "The Goderich Star"
The Wise Shop Where They Are Invited
-exit lay Otteeeliau Weekly teceveitaece aeseefation
!Rea entire. Tenotto. Canaile
Soilslist for Wow s 011014.11-1s is* thsdISONIIVIII
Prange lady is a renal* relief ter alt disorders of women. It la applied
brolly end le abeerbed late the sePeriivt tissue. The titled waste *atter
in 0, ,,,nriged gegen D' expelled, giving linrotAilate mettle% and Phildtal
- - tenet; tint blood Newels and
nerves ars toned and strrnallv,
ened; and the circulation hs ren.
demi to tomtit M this treat.
inset Ls based on etrielly WM.
Isle principle', snd sets on the
Nal /oration of Mt. -Aiwa* it
•tnnot help bet do good In st;
forme of female troubles. What
in (played and painful ntentarw
letverhees, falling et the
ix Anat., Of'. Peet rer het
_ etintei isSainkat tor o•ne
1 Treatineet. enotere fey 14 days, wimih
11- /41 be sot File '14* VW it; ark* W.0004 ho etut rilend *se her *Mit*
lasts* 4 stererg sod *dims, Mn",1.11111k W. LAM, Weelters Mit
10111.11 f,NAIW!"1 1/ftrfhil513 rvrevwttrar
• •
never shown in better 'causes the
Turks continue their - massacre of
Christian rams in territory under
their swoy. The Turkish National-
The Youngest Professional Model in the world is Scudday Sullivan of
ists are" tut adept at thin /ennui as the
gnized Erooklyne aged eight months. For five months attests have been using him
Turks who are reeo
et r. con. until he esequite en expert .at holdi pose s •
etantinopleeie -Witte the proper
eminent of the gountrY• Neither
Nationalista nor the "regulation
Turk" eeein to care one.whit for the
threats of the teowertf. They have
long ago voile to tbe coneltision that
no one is going to seriously interfere
again with ;one of their natural pas-
times, while they are convinced that
the failure Of the Greek campaign a-
gainst, them •has been largely due to
jealoutdes among the powers which
.cannot b healed. Perhaps the world
is getting so used to massacres on a
wholesale smile and the determine -
tion of -the Turks to wipe out tne Ate
menian and other racee, that it Ott
end such erimee and to conviete the
Ward Off Brain Fagno lellger take a &operate resolve te
Turk that it is in, eernest, YOU' need iltertethillgt to renew' •
• * • * * your over-worked slid under -
rest Powers Going Ahead: With
Plane for Rehabilitation of Europe
Without °Coniperathut of United
While the United States still holds
aloof the other powers allied in the
wet. are going ahead with their plans
for the rehabilitationof indigent
Bur one. Delegates representing
great private financial enterprises in
llritain,'Prange,JtaIYI Belgium and
Japan hone already held a first meet-
ing, in London in connection with the
work of the inter -allied committee
eppointed -at the repent Cannes eon-
fereneit to arrange for the establish.
meet of an International Corporation
• nouteohed vital tomes. Take a
toibleapOinifill of litttitcrernis three
tinkle* a day;
tit pr. Bottles; St.r4 •
for the reconstruction or Euro_pe.
This organization ia to have a capital
of twenty million pounds. It is said
that this money will be forthcoming
the moment that the plan passes be-
yond the academie stage..Su _NO'
iary corporationsare to be formed in
every, partieipating, country. • 'The
idea 2$ to undertake the financing of
trade in eountries whose purchasing
power prevents their takieg, proper
steps unaided to get back into the in.
ternetionat trading cantons. ' It is
expected that private interests in the
United States will actively partici-
pate in. this 141 ri. dless of the at-
titudo of t e shin
Germany earning--ts Negotiee
ting Arbitration Treaties.
Germany is learning. D. Iteth-
erian, her newly -selected atiniater eif
foreign affairs, has concluded a trete.
ty with Switzerland, which the Reich-
stag ie being *eked to ratify. In •
explanation Dr. Rathenau states that
it es the first real and eomplete trea-
ty Germane hes made with the object
of avoiding differences between pea.
Ace. The idea is .to remove the dif-
ficulties, anticipating them if pos-
sible, before they eesolve themselves
into metertai for eerious trouble,
At AV britestone
Prverlitets t COZMMt * CO.. Itiattad.
bawls,* anteer 6741Partlar4 'St,, TOIosto•
• il'Osk 8. mlt. leepiiioat Dhoetor. st
He recommended the treater as one
that -would. lead the country into a
peaceful future, and he hoped that
siinilar treaties could be closed iteth
other Countries. In other words Ger-
many hopes tone series- .of arbitra-
tion treaties with other nations. She
is On the right path there. The spirit
that seemingly aetuated thegovern-
znent An preparing and presenting t
trenty with Switzerland would ha
saved Germany from the nuttiness
of 1914 end her present position as
beaten paver, carrying out as, beet
may the terrue of the victors.
Bill Introduced in Legislature to
boyish Appeal from, Ontatin Cour
to t'rivy Council.
The Attorney Genertil .of Ontario
has introduced in the Legi'.,Iature. a
measures that seeks to Abolish the
right of direct appeal from th
courts of Ontario to the Privy CO=
Of eoinne midi a nteastire,, if
approved in Ontario wituld tot affect
the right of appeal from the Suprem
Court of Caned*, where eases ar
carried so far. But the direct apnea
which is Made in Many big cases in
Ontario tsr the Privy Council sitting
in London, England, would be, abol
islted. The question was dealt with
in the Ontario Legislature two sea
stens ago. There was a good deal of
opposition to any measure being pa3.
sed at that ti140. and the', govern
Meet's hill was withdrawn. It i
said to be the intention to prose i
through on this. oceasion. Sueh pro
posaliralivaysineet'with more or les
criticism from the zany who regre
to see any of the formai ties betwee
Canada and the Motherland sunder
ed. They, seeM to bee afraid that
such steps indicate an intent to wean -
en the bondof Empire. One may
venture the thought, without bein'
dogmatic, that the bonds of the
pire while Invisible,: are nevorthelee
more firm than would be the on
were they purely formal or by agree-
ment. They ilO indeed constitute A
golden ehairt of love and reepeett of
mutual support and consideration,
that is worth all the paper einnpacto
that could ever be embossed or writ-
men will reciprocate by beeping offl-
cial out of elle contest in
several ridiegs which' are regarded as
Liberal in tendency. It is *denied by
both Liberal and Labor that there is
any formal pact to avoid theee-eorn.
ered corttestssewhich it is contended
• were fatal to these two parties in
many instances in the 191$ general
eleetions: But ther0 is evidently
eni. coeiperation of very close kind.
At this distanee it would appear as
eltotteit the government Will hnvc
troublous times. in many etrong labor
ridings. eithen an election is. decided
upon, or if b3 -elections are found ne-
ceeeary. Unemployment, the stag-
gering burdens of debt that Britainis carrying, and the impossibility:Of
tnedmit. eneney to meet all the de-
mands of labor for the relief of the
people, tell against Lloyd George
and his colleagues, as they would a-
gairist any other party in power.
Oat it is long step yet between the
present government and one itt which
the Labor Party predominates. There
are not Wanting .those who predicts
however, that if' Liberal -Labor e0111-
bination form thenext British
government. As Mr. \Asquith. used
'to say "Wait and 'See."'s
To the Editor of the Star.
Dear Sir,—That interesting letter
of hit. Laithwaite in Feb. 9th issue
of The Star en "Hydro on the Farm"
will show the possibilities along that
Brie and X ani sure will axons rite
est among faritiers of those districts
iTtevaurglihecritich Hydro -Electric energy
It. is interesting tit note that it is
possible and quite practicable to gen-
ve eral electric power for local use on a
er Mall Seale. Thereeare hundreds of
• little fella scattered over the eountrie.
it which could be put to use, Pig% in-
stance, we have in Dungannon that
hydraulic power required, all we reed
is the dynamo end switchboard. Th
result would be the deliverr of pliwe
capable of deing.the was frig, iron
beg, light cooking and similar opeo
ions hi the.rieighbothoode° The sem
generator could be ..ue,ed for, a hun
e dred or so incandeScents for .stree
„ lighting and in our 'bonzes making 1
A better place to live in. It is th
fartners telephone line idea expend
ed and is sindlativ feasible It is a 4
e scheme that would - be worth trying
Where the conditions are reasonably
- are, without a doubt, the best %ler
regulator on the market to -day. Oier.
e 8, quarter of a• century's 1301114atu7
proves this. '
t Pelee, 25e. a vial at all dealt/a#.01'
t mailed direct on receipt of price by
e The T. Milburn Co., Ipiniited, Toronto*
' Oat.
F13 It
• !„
,111tit !WI tCr reCid
: • ,
ttser Peeire feel
in All
\Tour Baleincs.
' , .4••1••
None -Such,
• iniment /-
Joao. orBea4Ertemai orthierna
'No Cie• onlamdie & Son Gkd
Windsor; Ont,
flyozzlidederktsnigwewili send
Rundles NoneSuch Liniinnt
prepaid to your ac/dress Jar110-
Money back I not 8ati8fied
favorable and in Dungannon I think
tbey are,
Dueg•aenon, Fele Ilth. •
YitiettERTISE 1i Whet STAR
Mrs. Ernest P. Ttitimer, Waideck
Line, NS, • ,inites:—"rity watt= wet
greatly run down, my head would, pain
to I could not see, by Pells. and I was
so dizzy. at tunes, 1 would have to Ile
afsht down. 1 was also terribly troubled
With coaatipetion.
1 sot a viol of Iglilburn's Zusia.tiver
Pills, and haven't harl any trouble since.
r feel that anyone who suffers like 1 did-
-en get relief by -using Your pills."
.9 felt so ill and wretch
ed that 1 didn't care
whether *lived
or not."
lebi was Ur& W.'s OX teem
If you are not feeling well you should
read every word of her letter. Fate
eve% "Uttlese Fon heels itetually ee*
perieneed what it. Inetins to be ill,
really al, you don't now what side
tering le. 1 fat ill and mieereeeo
th Lt t did't eare evhether 1 lived or
not. I AM Metterag "of en aetite
teMpft:ittWat and as a, result 1must
ItS•1:0 ol.ers.lurksd bC4'411F--•e•I
bt.,Nallt to left tited am' weak after
the leaet excetion. At, time; ray fare
took on. a deathly -pallor. 1 0.13 sort.)
all °;i'. X w3i3 tretthica whit 111411
5L'1 whisli &it tinter prodaced mite
ece. Aly laxly felt *3 if somebody
id licut,,fivoadtoe tt• aevety bit of
it pained. When 1 leitl down at tilde
tertiti not get into t.t. etm4C1-.13'
;Ilion mu} the kmiSe4tik AM 4AS
got very lit% Orel% !rho peiae,
eldelt followed aleeping in ono po.
aition for any It!'egth of tinse.yme,
• me frightful ilmattis front at kVA L
weak etta perspiring. I con>
aultcd de,%tels And they tol,t1
that, I was e,:opl,'"xly run down
rind tweet& onnettiag to Attila me up
lIL it presetie i3i$ only betped flll
for a while. ,ttao they 1 found a en.
{utter &emit teursol and thp *at1.
ments iv% it, mended en honest anti
trno and fret from any msseration
that,.1 deeid4 to try it. In werks
iittce taking e -'t both1 was It
as et, er. If arke one had told MI+
Met Vernet would do what it :lid
for sue 1 would's' t hese belitted
t'sritel is mid lo? None denge,'.
owl if Non reii rissisewstiassly •
oftcr Nest hat os tried it. shot la hooves•
deee Not no' tood, re, n'.no 'Me f,180.
IN? f•tetiloet tL441 efo4 Ins welt r44u114
n4(!mo 7.14Z
sgt..,. At l'..1)111Iffkl."!* fulfill !II" lir a
Lord Listees distlivery .anti.
t, septic sur. -r: has sayerl the
n 'world a lot of lires, but it has
hepn left to Zam-flith to bring
Into • nulhons of homes the full
bz.neats of andseptie healing.
garn•itntiF. the ‘gleam,e antiqenne
.!ac Al.”' the amid has over Iowan
1 'rum (3t a natterat %egareble
- Z1014410 (1, 4435, t Witt 3114141404041 t 411
Lloyd George Government May Have
'Proublous Tinto in et General El-
ection—Liberal Labor Combination
May Ile Next Government.
Based en two .SOVO10 by-election re.
VerSOS for the government, Britieli
political sharps ere again predicting
an early gel( tat eleetiou. ?render
Lloyd (1 (i14' and hr; adViserS'aWili
na dolibt embark upon that sea at the
moment they believe to be the most
auspielotri In the interim the Le-
bor Party will make the most out of
the two Viet -k -1.-'.o its credit. First
was the eateyhig of the Clayton di-
vision of Maucheater, the Laborite
polling a big 4141 41I' over his Une
mniet oppoilent. A Unionist retried
the seat in the last eleetion. The
ttame was true of the North Camber.
well (London) eontest, * Unionist
seat being transferred to Labor.
The teturn of Field Marshal) Henry
Wilson, tomer Chief of Staff of the
British Army for North bin, with-
out opposition, does not offset the
other two lame*, The apt, one et
the- seats, wag held by a VIrt.
ionist when the' by.eleetiers was ne-,
eessitated. There are other algal.
rant by.elettietts to cense its erne t)f
the British industrial distriets,
her elated by the ',interim above re --
corded is eerifident of together seem.
*et. A feature that itt regarded au
*vim * doge bearing ort the sellers!fictionrampn, fiction eampaign, when it 4ses be.
o.i* that the Independent Liberals
that is the, Liberals who follow As,
sifts and inter -did net attoreni in
it * rergThiate in the field. 'Nor will
dr. so, in Welterbewipten, adore
retelttist 44 also in progress. 1Alsoe
. ragin over (41(1tnitterat ointments
Zani-Iltth iv a 4:mar:al-and highly-
. retitled }weird tulip enth an. atIliiepitY
'• TOWN' wane eintea •greetter. thou Lha, -
of am' tirdinay can* Cir ointment.
Zane -Mei ,:kall• and. re-ddz
a,e .dietase
/rerun. and Outantiv allays paiit anti
evritation. • It fits; clealoces a.sore place.
an4 then unow3lner it nen - bealtity skin.
a tiraleitl elmsing tor inittriea, and
01 438410L7.4 in ranch ennoble:sal eczema.
uie-cra. ringworm, ableec:'..ei. poi:meted
trounde and pits. •Zatn.flith 't mai the
evidd over. It bag -Ili' logli otalosNr.-
Mont of IVt. :'indreev °‘1,it..on' and other
a MI. lama tt dotto.:a. amp:M.4MM tont"3.4..1.
J(Jt'!7).1t, ii for qt.d.i. 4111
• We spoei*lize in Wiring of'
all kindse telt us give you ap
estimate foreviring your home •
or wage.
. •
We• have an :assortmeet of
the best Elect& Irons and
-Toasters made in'Canada.,
nedrielaa West St,'
• Phase 82 or 193
Now For
A Clean Sweep
A lot of new Brooms on sale
at 35 cents, 40 cents, 75 cents,
86 cents and $1.00. -
Always the Best and Cheapest at Leach's
• 3. H. LEACH •
Phone 180 Cor,,Montreal St, and Square
Colds atul ratardt yield like magic to
soothing, healing, antiseptic cream that I
penetrates throinth every sir Inmate
and relieves swollen, issfiraned mewl. I
braem of nose and throe. Yser deg- I
Bed !10 (IR epea right wit and You out
breathe freely. Ihwitiog and assenting t
sto. Delft stay stetted vp snik.ntiser..
Itatin-frons year
r.eL* sawn heill4torn 0-7441 i
little kt the nostrils get hilted to''
lief. • Mason toilers" !lag fflIlMy
Imerris for sews thew Aft, slam
s Good
Every time you buy "SURPR IS.
you get a big, bright, so
the highest grade househt4d soap.
feilliftliliONIMIONONIallitilltaialiiiiii**11.10111.N01011110*** vititattstese.;01a
: • °