HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 4THURSDAY, MAUCH 2tui, iJfl.
Do You Remember Forty
or Twenty Years Ago?
led on her that afternoon mud present-
ed her with a bandeaus chine tree*
cream jug toet sugar bowa emt a me
addrese. * * PIP 4,
Our welleknown resident., Cot, A.
M. Shepherd, has. been nottfied of his
appointment a* commander of the
steamer Saturn of the Gilettrist line.•
The vessel carries NOW tons of
* • * *
Hockey and skating .in very P0Pu'
ler title winter. The old game of
curling, however, has not ene iprt-
• 4 sentetive in Goderich today, not one
men to ehoot * stoner to the T., that
for the lest quarter of a ceutury was
guarded by euelnthusistete as the
late M. Hutchison, D. C. Strachan,
i ert Gibbons, Dr. J. R. Shannon, end
F y Tors Ago Messrs Dowaiat awl Woliup Rai Gana id* tartser.
ship io Shoe 8411110011S in 6041.rick awl Mr. Wm. Melon Hool
°puma &dam Slap—Mr. S. Platt Was hi Ottawa. With
atiou of Solt Maufactorsto aa i Mr. R. Raicliffe Was Atte
Dolicatiou of Masonic Tom* in beim
Mitts Millar sad Mr. Wytille MUhar
Leaving Goderich Received Fre.
seetation from Employee..
It is * matter of generel regret
• that we are shortly to lose Xis* Mil.
lar and M. Wyville Millar es resi.
dents a the town. for they and the
otber member; or the family heve
been among our roost esteemed resi-
dents since the family came to town
_sixteen years ago. When they came
to Goderielt there was raore °pewii.
don in their line of Mutates* than
there is at the present time, Messrs.
Reagens Bros., McKim and Steed
being in busiutes in addition to tbose
who aro still in the drygoode line in
Goderieb, but the Scotch Store belle
up a nice trade, by straight forward
dealing and reliability and the mem-
bete a the Millar tunny made many
fast friendships. In many activities,
social, patriotic., et., as well 44 in a
businens wee, they have taken their
part, and it is a very cordial tie that
ts being eevered by tneir vowing de-
By those who 'worked with them
• they were deservedly esteemed, as
is shown by the following address,
which Was presented to Miss Edith
Millar and Mr.eiteville Millar at the
Scotch Stove on Tuesday evening:
Twouty YOSHI A Or* Ilion Wu Taltia Proceedia s to &mat Banker Firellay, T. N. Dencey Rob -
tommillors, grimy owl Koox—Mrs. au, o * ist,
Away, Aga 104— fl. Gmlorielt Kemal Club Held Rua so the
Situato—Aml There Were timospiam of the Axe ani Saw.
FORTY YEARS AGO Jamieant Reid, all of this' town, were
joined together in the 'holy bonds o
matrimony. The ceremony took
place et the residence of the bride%
lather and was attende4 by the relit-
tives and friends of the beide and
'45110g ht Mr. David McBrien, Goderich
township. has bought the farm a,
Donald Bruce on the second cancels -
Mon, for tf3,609. •• • .
* •
With the help of a Wog saw, 128
cubic feet of maple wood were cut,
split end piled in 80 minutes recently
by Jas. Strong and R. Gibbs. These
,knights of the axe are willing to
meet Mr. Morris, a Garbritid, or any
chopper in the county for a wager.
The above feat Was performed in the
Feint Vertu woods -
;From our files of 1%fareli 4, 1882)
Flank came in tike lemb, or nesse
hfrias. Wm. Ithynae
O 0 44 ,
Mr; and Mrs. Weleli have returned
from their wedding tour,
* * 414
Mr. 'imps Grateiti, of Sbeppard-
ton, artist and outlet, Is hole* again.
* * * .
Mr. Hayhurse. of Pelmezton, was
the guest of his fetheairislave Ala S.
Platt, lag week. •
414 4. *
Mr. 4,, R. Miller, P. S. L, was elect -
ea Grand Master of tbe A. . U. W.
at the recent annuel meeting in teeburn: Thit• rein i3torm on
* * * * Tuesday prevented many Vora are
Hamilton. .
fir. NV. U. alurney, a.. Goderielt, peraoce ,Lodge on Tuesday. bas bean been elected Deputy Grand Mos- ever the program Was gone on with,.
ter a the Royal Blaelt Knights of and the readings, temp, e.„ were
0 41, well applauded. The lecture on
Mr. . h ened a r
"Backbone" by Mr. T. McGillicuddy
eived good attention,. and at the
beteher shop on Hamilton Street, and Mose a -vote a thanks was moved by
bee placed it under the maPag,emeht Mr. Jobe Clutton ' aid emended by
a Messrs. Cox end Andrews. ene Cowan. Mr. J. Linklater emus
* * * pled the chair and sang a couple of
Vin. Archdemon Elwooa left yea- oapita songs.
erday for London, whore he is ate • . „ * * *
tending the quarterly meeting of the We are pleased to 'learn that leen
standing committee of the Synod. R. Ewes has withdrawn his resignes
• Oen as curate of St. George's church.
* e ii
Harry Johnston, 4 little grandson gep bee been offered and has accept -
4 Mr. T. la. Vattevery, who has been ed the position of assistant rector of
ill for some time from tongestion of this patish. The choice of the con -
the breiv. la Progeeseing Moral*. gregation a a. George's ehurch is a
• * si, *
ArsOng^ the tAirrilrtai$ a' t the at a"(1 one. * * * ,
jetties Hetet. Published in the Winne. The seeonh parIor eoecert under,
Peg Sun on Monday, Feb. 20t1, hve the auspices of the ladies of Knox
observed the name of Mr. Geo. Major, thatch was lield at the residence of
cloderiele • e• Mia. Haysent the evening a Tuesday
last Although the weather was ex-
many other lovers of the roaring
game. The curling stones are in the
rink tuilsy as silent motorists of a
gem° once popular ineGodericb, a
sort of connection between those
who, loved tbe obi Scots game and
those who have toreaken it for the
loom fashionable one of golf and
* * *
ik very pretty wedding took plaee
on the 25th inst. atthe home a efts.
Jane Moir., St. Patrick ht., when her
daughter, Miss Nellie (who has been
eligaged in the teaching profession)
was united in holy matrimony to Mr.
Chariot Peters, of Thieteetown, Eta-
bieoke tn.
tending the open meeting of the Tem-
Mes. A. J. eitteles.y left yesteraay
a week* visit *Tomato.
Ki 11 Oleaughliet hes been ootatined
ta boa owing Se ea bleared knee.
Mr. E. Virurtelle hes gM ene Chat-
ham and Detroit on business.
Miss Aileen Fellows hes been laid
up at her hone for the pad week
errs. Chiot f3heehard, of Pena i
vieitieg tier sister, Mrs. W. F. Willow.
Mr. W. E. Atelerson has been out
of town on line work for the east
Mee Agnes atiatlieton Mt Cat Monday
for Kew Yore to enter ou *mese as
Miss Belle MacEwen Jett last week
for *Abort visit in Ilamilten "with the
Miaaa Reid, 40 West Menne.
Mr. Harry Anderson has been in
Teeswater and Wheat:sin for the past
week on businees for the Bell Tele-
phone Co.
*a H. J. A. MaoEwen ana Miss
Edua,efeeEwan aro ,on a few wemei
visit with relatives Dundee, HaMil,
ton and Termite.;
Mr. Andrew Bowler, of Asittiekl. bas
vaunted. from London, where be has
been owlergoing an operation in $t.l.
Joseph's hospita
* • .*
One 0 the pioheers of Unroll, the
noble band of veterans who rescued
its fields aud homesteads from tbe
original forgets, is Mr. Gordon
Young, a Colborne, who last There -
day celebrated his 81st birthday.
Yesterday MSS Ethel Roberts,
daughter of lobo Roberts, of town,
and Charles Watbank, of Birrainge
ham, England, were joined in wed-
lock's bonds at the residence a the
bride's mutt, Mts. alePhersoll, Aug -
loot street, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson
tying the nuptial knot.
Mr. S. Plett left for Ottawa. yest. tromely disagreeable a large au-
erdsiy. Ito, will be accompanied by dime VMS pement The following
several other telt numaactures and prerrem wab gene through with in
will tak for a further' pentection on pea style; Instrumental solo,. eliss
ealt Carey; sole, Miss Cleve Mellish;
readings Miss Oliver; duet, Muses
. 0 4
Mr. It. Itadclige will be present eit
Trainer; reading, ler. Strang: son4,
theededieetion-of itiasouineTem- jeonrwellaeluet, Miss B. •Trainer
eIe at London VI the eth inst. Re and 4itsfs muud suittrita-dwg,
will then vielt, Tomato, Ottawa tiod Bond; duet, Misses Ferguson and
other relent before rettlrning lUnne* eieldrunt; recitation, Miss AL Seeg- Results of Combined Field Cilip
' • miller* song, Miss B. Trainee; Na- and Seed Grain Competition
Dr. Clark, secretary 0 the Gode-
rich Industrial Fair, has received the.
following report from R. Berry, St.
Marys and . J. W. Lennox, Toronto,
judges in the combined Reid clap and
seed grain competition held in con-
nection with the Goderich Industrial
Soeiety. The grain was MI Battier
CO% effee
Score P• fildBfiScorelir' Total
Bell 54 84,4 88.4
52.8 32.6 85.4
I Glen •
I. G. Schanz 51.9 32. 88.0
John Kernighan 52,2 30,6 I12.8
Ditae Hetherington 534 28,8 82.2
Robt. Anderson 49.2 82 81.2
Thos. M. Snowden 52,5 28 80.3
Mrs. Deane a Ashfield, 4104 on
Monday at Kingsbridge after having
lived in three centuries', having been
born Itt 1198. The centenarian was
one of the Ora settlers in this part
Huron and passed, through Goderich
when it was emetically unininebited
by White 'man, and had lived in the
neighborhood •of" 'Itiegehridgee ever
e* *
On Saturdad Mr. F. C. Haldane,
To alies Edith and Mr. VayalIle Mil-
It is with feelings of deep remit
that we realize now that you are an
S0011 't0 leave 4$ employers, and not
ouly as employers, for we feel we
are lotting live 'staunch kind and
trusted, friends.Yon have lath loviegly ingratiate
ed yourselves into our hearts and
tho,ugh we shall be separated one
froM the ether, our remembrance a
the very happy business aril friendly
relationships at the Scotch Store will
Winer with us for many years to
We sincerely hope and trust that
whatever you May decide on for the
future and wherever you may ;Tele,
health, joy and haimittess will aecom-
pany you,
We would ask you to please aceept
these little"gifts, net so mum for
their intrinsic value as for the spirit
0 love with which they are given,
assuring you at all times of our leiude
est thoughts,
Miss Millar and Mr. Millar leave in
A few days for a trip to New York
and Atlantic City but will return to
Goderieh to Mose up their business
before leaving Goderich for good.
Mrs. Millar and her other daughter
are in St. Petersburg, Florida, at pre-
sent. •
barristor, die at hit home in Wind -
sore. titter a long illness. in the
seventies the deceased practiced his
profession in Goderiele hia office
being over the 'present 0, P. R. Once.
* *
Dining thyme week Councillots
efureey and . nOX have been served
with legal notices at the instance a
Dr. Holmes, of proceedings to uneeat
and disqualify them, on the ground
that they violated the statute in vot-
ing for a bylaw to borrow funds
youd the limit allowed for the town
teat Year.
... • ' 114
•---(eontirrued fronY-pages- and 43-
Mrs. Ray Buraball and. Master .Jacit
were up tram LOildQU visiting at the
reeidence a Ur. and, Ms. Harry
Edwards, They lett on their vaunt an
Dr. Y. T, Egener. has been in town
for a few days and was heard with
delight at the organ Ensx church
at tile comert folloWing the bigh tea
on Tuealay etronipg.
This 'week the big poplar tree on tionaeAntliem. cempany.
tae •preutiees of Mr. Streubel,•Ilamil--
'ton streetwits' felled. -It wee ova TWENTY YEARS AGO
10 feet in, length anti fully' 4 feet in
diameter. and. wile One • of the lande
yukrka ,of me. tom (FroM our. files 0 -Poly. :28th, 1002)
st, 0, • , Tien 'Allen left this week for Kin-
' A big 'black dog jeuntped through eardine and vicinity to buy horses.
One Or the 'glass FOAM in t114 door of , • *.• * * ,
Welsh's jewelryestablishment on Chas. W. Ball isnowshoe4 it from
Thursday morning.- It will take move Clinton on Saturday evening, the
end dollars to repluee the Smash, for roads being in good comae* for the
the glass Was heevy and valesible. , tramp. ,,,,e••• •
• • * ,* *
The 'seventh annual spring alto* • la McDonald has been appointed' to
under the .auspices of elle West Rid- the magistracy of Huron and may
ing 4 Huron Agricultural •Society now attach J. P. to Ilia name. Be
will be held on the fair grounds, wears the UCW honor with a Judicial
Goderich, on Ftiduy, April lette gravity becoming the -eupreMe
We regret to learn that Mrs. Ches. Lest Friday evening a number..of
- •
Girvin, jr., of Nile has been Goderich young folks spent . a, pleas -
very some thne'Ir°11's PtIver'i ant time at•Zion when they were
aervoue prostreition. hotmitably entertained by Miss M.
• Million. '
Misers. Downing *4Weddup, the *-
fernier a mtiriber of the let° Orin of Mr. John M. Shannock, of Mani -
E. orki 3. Downing, have entered into total, who hes been the guest of J. W.
'ptirsership asboot and shoe makers egetele Auburn, has received a letter
and have aeeered a 14111:11t 011 Oh, from bis Northwest home to speed
Bare* in the 'premise* fonnerlys oc- to the West . as the people 'there are
eluded by Home Newton.. They putting in the grain.
open out immediately. • * • • ,
• * .* • • DOstald Patterson, Auburn, and a
Mr. Dean Swift, an old and well, number of employees have gone to
known resident a Huron, Ma Ilor- Hayfield . to hike out timber for a
chased the groeery busdnesas receglY hero. A No. 1 building is a vertain-
tarried 40„by Ur. A. Phillips, on v1t- ty. •
tortaatreet. • - *, * • .
• •
* 1'The'clitilleuge isetted by C. Protege
A row octurred•betweers pertY end' it' rAnnprey in laid week's Stet
*ambleri on beard 4 G. T. R. train at has been accepted by W. G. Cook and
tratford during which One a the R. Iv Veen& the contest to take
blaeldets was wounded hy a ball ewe in George Young's woods or
free% a revolver. The bullet lodged • 20 a side 'The Bayfield road teem
neer the spine, and the wound '0:44..4
moat dangerous one. Dr. Taylor, of
Gesierieh, whowas returning from
Kaattobe, assisted hr extracting the
ball. Three of the gamblers were ;sr-
reeted. '
* *
On Wednctday laet Mr. Walter F.
Sherman, eon of Mr. Wm.' Sharman,
And Kites Mary Reid, daughter of Mr.
„ , . ,
Ii a Pleasere to view the
beautiNi 8aow we, bun hod
but if sot wish to see some
thing that win 1oso.tho eye
at -any at of the sear atop
into Sallow:I' *Studio ata
get your pinthe taken.
For White Teeth
Healthy Gums and
Clean Mouth use
Matzo Dental Creme
Mertz() Liquid Antiseptic for combat.
ing germs. A valuable aid in the
treatment of pyorrhea and an excellent
mouth wash and throat gargle.
The.. Rexall Drug. Store
where she continued to live until a,
ter the death 0 her Inisband, which
husband, Mrs. Cook secured a cottage
in Clinton. For sortie time she had
been alone and on becoming ill she
was taken to the beine of Mrs. Can-
telon, where she was eared Mr until
nee. and Mrs. W. j; Scott led for the end. She is survived b one $18;
Wierton ou Tuestiay morning of last ter, Mrs. Kyle, of Brandon, n., and
' four brothers. Williaiu and David
Cantelon, o n, a y -
Ion, of Watford, and Adam Cantelon
of Goderieh tovmshipeena Ave stepe
sons, Fred and Henry Cook, of Cline
ton; Joseph Cook, of Colborne; Geo.
Cook, of Seaforth, and James Cook,
of California, and three step.da.ught.
ers, Mrs. Gordon, of Goderich; Mrs:
Vickers, a Essex Centre, and les,
(Dr.) Reive, Florida, also survive.
Mrs. Cook wise women who lute
Week and Dir. :Scott induction as
minister of Ms new '•cluirgo took place
on Wednesday evening.
Mr. Th s. bBreelithiesrle4nevairligleitihrilsinwgtoeenkto visit his .
He may make his future Itome there
but will be it visitor back to Gode!
rich from time to time.
Toronto toalndet3awherk,lia'cwcollinpwa.nictelivetibvtr°bInis
fattiet, Mr, O. Johnston, roturne,d tote
city Met Saturday. Mr. 'Iohnson Sr.,
• remaining Ill town for same time
Mr. and Mrs,. Wel= Steep, Sanford,
announce the engagement ot their only
daughter Mary. to Ala jonathan
Miller Fisher. son. of Mr. and Ilfrs.
Charles Fisher, Colborne, the roximriage
to take place the Middle a March.
churela auditoriums the attendance
was emalleeln the neighboring town
•ot Clinton, we understand, the course
was tegoodennancial success. Can it
be that the peopee of-Cloaerielieare
less appreciative of good entertain -
moots? . •
A Seaforth Wedding
New Trotting and Pacing Association
Formed in Goderich
On Tuesday evening an enthusias-
tic meeting a horsemen and others
Wee held in the town ball, at which a,
racing eesocietion was formed with,
the following °Mews: President,
jamet Connolly* vice president,
Dr. Z. 13. 'Whitt secretary, Dr.
Park; treaturer, E. R. Wigle; exe-
cutive committee, T. Gundry, Albert
Goldthorpe, John Hall, Wes. McLean,
Joao Salkeld, J. W. Smith and Al-
bert Stevenson. It was decided to
hold a two-day race meet this year,
the dates and purees to he deelded
later. It is the intention to get into
tither the Northern or Southern else
euit ahd if risible arrange the meet
to follow Stretford, Winthant or Liss
towel. A total of probably five races.
with purses ef 1500 eisc'h seemed to
meet favor. Wath thre•e races the
filet day snd two the eecond, if one
of the first day events -should not be
tompleted the first day it could be
finished the second day and metre
two days' good *port. With the see-
eess of the race meet itt conneetion
with the Old Home "'Week last suet
ma before us, and with me track,
!stabling, .ete., in good /shape, it flocs
seem that a owe meet in Gmleriels
east be made a very tsucceesful event.
With geed purses such as proposed
and by getting on a, eireuit, there is
no denht there would be plenty of
good horses to enter, and with good
'weather there will, be "the 'crowd.
And weather %WOW!) could provide
against a possible bad. day.
A, Real 111,uidcal Treat
The final eoneett of The Lyeliem
eouree brought here by the Oddfel-
loWit WAS given on Monday night in
the Oddfellov.--s" lIall, and proved a
very fine treat. Miss Josephive Mur -
tilt" justified the high expectatione
whit h had been fotmed. Miss Mar -
W) sang before Caruso, Gettieett.
Sem end Ale*. Umtata, three of
New York's leading rouged figures.
All predieted a Wonderful enter for
the young eireger, and -the greateenor
did more than praise her work. Ile
ectelted tor on eeveral of the operatic
wieli to say that the tree they cut on
Feb. 8th was maple 34 ineht$ *MSS
the stump and 2 feet through 80
blocks from the stump, which thews
their work was pretty geed.
A speeiel meeting of the town
council was held last Tuesday even-
init. The first, business was the pas-
ting of the bylaw appointing B. C.
Munniuge assistant assessor at ;1.75
per day, the understanding being
that the work would be completed in
about 30 deem. •
* * *
Arrengements are being made by
the Gederich Kennel Outs for deg n-
ee?. Weather permittine they will
be held next week on the Square.
* *
elise PaisItht resignation as a
teacher in the Central school took et -
feet on Friday, and to mark her re-
tirement the pupils a her elites welt -
Many in Goderich will be much in-
terested. in reading the-folloWing-AC,
count of the wedding of Miss Evelyn
Greig, 4 Seaforth, as she 1$ a grand-
daughter of Mrs. Wm.' Acheson and
a niece of Mr. R. J. Acheson,. of town;
One of the prettiest weddmg$ ever
solemnized in Seaforth was held in
the First Presbyterian chum') at high
mot on Wednesday, February 22nd.
when Evevlyn Louise, only daughter
of Mt. and laree.le C. Greig, became
the bride of Mr. Urban David Clark,
of -Whiellieg. CM of eta and Mrs. Da-
vid Clark, of Cornwall; The church
Was beautifully and artistically dee.
(anted with evergreen arches, boughs,
flaffodile and large baskets of deep
pink snap dragon and Calla lilies. Be-
fore the ceremony, the ladiesquar-
tette, from the surpliced choir, wider
the leadership a Mrs. J. G, Mullen,
sang' the hymn, "The Yoke That
Breathed O'er Eden," with full choir
meompaniment. Then to the strains
a the Lohengrin Weddieg March,
most* impressivele played by Mr. IL
Livens, the ehutch organist, the bride
leaning on the arm of her father, en-
tered the church, preceded by the ush-
ers, mt. wot. Greig, Seaforth, and Mr.
Kenneth Greig, Toronto, and the
bridesmaid, Miss Jean Chidley, Tor-
onto. , The bride, party slowly pro-
ceeded down the aisle beneath theeev-
ergreen -orates to the Altar, 'where
'4* .
Week people ao not think beyond the fitat cost. They was
reartoottotiopo as par yid forgot, for the time being, what their
otos exporismoo has taught them in the tel. other 'commodities.
All car merment4 are tnyle in our own shop by !oral mechanic!.
Us Ws 111.11 Mk Ms
vow* woo
Miss Olive Tabb returned home re,
cently having enjoyed a west pleasant
six weeks visit In Chicago with her
uncle, Mr. Albert Vanstone. iler stay
in Chicago Was during the Grand Opeia
seasonand she very muck enjoyed
several eveniugeatr the Opera and was
particularly over.joyed at baying the
pleasure of bearing the world's most
Moons soprano. Madame Cralli.Ourci,
and practice 'Monday night. All
memberot the hand are asked to be
on hand.
ICeep March rzth open for dance and
euchre in Oddienows' Ball. Portico -
f 01 to • ix Can e
they were met by the groom and
groomsmen, Mr. Cleve Hopper, of
Toronto, and where the solemn wed-
ding eetemony of the Presbyterian
ehunth was iterforme4 by Rev. F. H.
Lerkin, D. lee the pastor, the beauty
of the ceremony ing accentuated
ley the low organ aceompaninietit
At the completion of the ceremony
auici.during the signing of the rotes
ter, Mr. J. G. Mullen tang, "My
World," most acceptably,* The pea-
ty mod popular bride looked radiant
len gown- of Ivory georgette, with
court train a ivory attritional.' lined
with pale blue georgette, her veil
being caught in a coronet of orange
bloseonts, and carrying a shower bou-
quet of bride's roeve.eoveet tie" for-
ket-monot and mignonette. The
bridees cousin, Miss Jeaft Chidley,
looked very sweet in pretty gown
a Ale pink georgette eMbrOidered
in French blue. She wore a Meek
lace pletere hat, and carried Sunset
roma and marguerites. The.groom's
gift to the bride was 4 platinum ring
of eapphire and diamonds; to the
bridesmaid, a. rope of peals, and to
the grooniernau, gold cuff link% Af-
ter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Greig held a 'reception at their home
on Goderieh erect, where the bride
and groom, standing beneath a large
belt of evergreens end spring flow-
ers, eeeeived eoreenttulation% from
the guest!. Mr. and Mrs. Clerk Ieft
on the 3.12 trek for their honey-
moon in Chicago end -Minneapolis.
They will reside in 'Winnipeg. The
out.ef-tewn guests wows: Mem. Phi..
hp Ilerten, Breekville; Mrs. Tack
&boor, Goderich; Mr'. Thee, Jett-
e•on, Clinton*. ..1grs. Mr•.• Greig, Mr'.
J. T. Clark, Mrs. A. IL Sirepton Mies
Jean Chitties., Mee Jean Greig: Miss
Mabel Clark, Mr. Ken. Greig. Mr. C..
Hooper, Toronto; Mrs. W. A. Ilolt,
New York.
gurar loottengeotthiechildrenes
Alt Soeiety tor March will be held net
Tuesday, March 1th, at 4:15 m. in
theieourt house.
Rev. Dr. • Bastin; fornierly pastor o
North street methodist chureb, Gado
rich, now of Listowel, has received a
tall to Blenheim
The Annual meeting a th'e• Gado.
eich Bowling Club will be held this
(Thursday) eveniug in the Board a
Trade rooms at 8eo'e1ock. '
The Country • Women's Club -will
hold A sale 0 •home -cooking at Rob-
ertson 1Vinarrc°118.7 4tgrh7lierYt p. m. " Satur-
The ease of the Crown, vs. Alex.
Taylor, of Gorry, has been adjourned
until . Friday, when the arguments a
the defense and prosecution will be
heard before Mr. Reid at the local
police court.
The Grand Trunk yard engine broke
down the day of the stoma and owing to
the condition a the telegraph wires
they had SUMO little trouble gettiug
"ftGoryolilletne; neorlch on eng,oueo.nreenntlinteab5rywri3lhatiat fiv :bra, t tea.
.The regular meeting of the water
and Light Commission was held. on
Thursday night, Feb. 23rd, where it
was decided to get •prices on Mack
coal. It was 0130 llaSSed to make an
inspection of water taps for leaks,
etc. And the Commission heard the
news that the Provincial Board of
Health would insist on filtration.
(Additional obituary notices on page
s percent. DISCOUNT
on Flower and Vegetable Seeds
Take advantage 0 our 14 per cent.
February and March discount, and
buy year seeds right away.
gereatad and trusted"
are guaranteed to have high germi rt.
ating power, and are selected:to pro-
duce the bardiestulants. • •
Write fpr free 80,page‘ Garden An-
nual and, Seed Catalogue.
Address Department D.
Doolinlon Seeds. Limited,
OnegiOnd 18*4
119 Minden St. • 0 Market Square
London, Ont:
many friends. She was pOaSeSSe4
an unusually sweet „spirit, kind and
sympathetic and was inuch loved by
ehoite who hnew her well. She was.
a devoted member of Willis cburen
and when health permitted was eel -
done absent from the means of grate.
The world is the poorer y her Pas-
sing by one kindly, guileless ,heart.
Sophie --"What do you think of a
folow who makes a girl 'hluSh 'I"-
, .101.22=2 think he's a wonder.'
Don't wait till you want your ear
to have it oierhauled. See US 4010
it at once. gna be ready for the first
. good weather. .
East Street Garage
Phone 243 '
i*'*in is using on her ,reeent
tour. lier stendid eentro the
sweetnetta of et voice and the moo
with which 'he takes any nate in her
Anse are features of her singing.
Monde Lem% the vielinst et the
petty, hat Espiesulid ability anti Miss
ilerenee Jane Stege, the atterapan.
1 iet and pavane has also exceptional
I ability. It wee a high elates program
threwtherst. The tonetribiy room of
1 the Oddfellows1 Mil. 'where th6 On -
cert ottis held. Wet filled, but were ee,
as court.' litket holders *War allot,
•ed th being * guest etitte them to
make 'UP ler the mined ott the tauree
Iffift air/celled, the attendassee
did AO 41,Dregeht resit* proposi-
. tion. Vie experience ef the Oddfil--
Imesn briegiter the trestle to town
lite net been very tstip.ify. Mem,ary
ettch event* militated Malted the Iambs* per lb........ *
eially. The leek ssf e geed *II fee releens, Pull!. per lb. 2 to ft
PUCC4401. of the venture, bufeveo when Hideo- lee to 3,00
the exente were pet est Mete Sheep. . 3 to 4
COM—On Tuesday evening, Feb.
21st, Eliza Cantelon, widow a the
late William Cook, ef Goderich town-
ehip, passed away at the home of her
mistersinelaw, Mee. Peter Cantelon,
Clinton, at the age of eighty-five
years. Mrs. Cook was a daughter of
tbe late David Catitelon, of Goderich
The/preset:a unsettled conditions wbich exhist ;n the
Anthrecite coal` market are important factors in deterni-
ining the selling price and make it necessary for frequent
change in quotations. 'We therefota submit our price .
list of Maroh, lst, and call attention eo tee reduced
•Ptiee on egg and pea coal,
CHESTNUT, per ton . $16.00
STOVE " 16.00
EGG " " . 15.50
PEA . . " - 13.50
Subject to change as conditions warrant
The Dealt Coal. Zottipany
Aok! for Ola Company's Le
" The 'Cent thiit Sinn* Longer
Phone 9,5 Go e
les time to seethe tailor. That
means US.
We will fit you perfectly and
make clotha that show at a
glance they .were made for you.
tevmhin. where she was born. and
1.15 to Inn
Flour, per tWe. family 3.'75 to 100
Flour, patent.. 04 to 4.8't -
Pan. per ten...—ao.00 to 31.on
molt", per ton 32.00 to non
Oats.- — 40 to 45
80 to 0 65
Buckwheat • 70 to .70
Hay - ... 15,00 to 15.00
Putter per ib P*"' 30 to 30
Egg*, per . 25 to 27
Hoge—. -....-12.50 to 1,.,''t.L50
Cottle, lAtehtrI8 trA 5.09.
Cattle, huteitetes ordire "
0001101000000**110110101010101000100 *Rassoomommoossi
/ ,
r New Spring Goods Are
Arriving Daily ----gloom--
.0001111111111000. -
Come and see the New Goods in smart Ladies' Suits, )0(
Coats, Dresses and Spring Millinery. Also Mees and )1(
Young Men's Suits and Overcoats for 'Spring. - -
, Ari Winter Goods left over after our recent sale Will be
offered 'at big reductions to make rooni for the Spring Goods.
Watch The Pipers For Next 'Week's Ad
7 Wet Side of Square 1(11
MUM NMI* 11111114111111
..The New Store
111)1111(11011(0010111011 SOO