HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 2GRAY & CARTWRIGHT SuccossoP$ to 0. Ag l LL AR & SON COME TO THIS SALE WE 1 fL.L. VERY GLAD TO MEET YOU THi3KS1? a, Jammu 2nd. 1922, GRAY & CARTWRIGHT urate*sOre to D. MILJAR & SON in bear in�� the fact . that considering the values weoffer this event, please Highest Quality, Merchandise was stocked at i ar s. �riday MQrningSharP at 9 o'cl e the Story Bought of a ate G e Dollar in Millar's entire stock at a low rate on the deliar and we are . now offering Unusual 'arga n s s were very fortunate In securing a a , s -Ionise .far.ntsh ngs.-.Ladies Ready -to -Wear. No matter what you:., need for in all lines o � eae�r rs t o�l� family your: home, we urge yon to come to this sale and see what we are doing with this higw,grade stock of mer- you a ��.�� � or o � tl . chandise. ''We guarantee absolute satisfaction or we will refund the full purchase --prise: S. A. GRAY CHAS. V. CARTWRIGHT r e 6 Navy and Black Serge Jumpers, ►,. special $4.25 1 only Black Georgette Dress regular $00.00 � V.�V5 8 Duchess' and Taffeta Silk . Dresses Colors brown, navy -anrl black for OPENING SALE BOOSTERS Pullover Sweaters A big variety of color compin. atone. ana styles. all pure wool tarns, regular $S.00 for $1.49 3 -only Winter,Coats Good style belted back, sizes 1S to 20 years, $7.50 5 only Hain Coats, 95c 414410e, nrd Misses' Rsineoeta, sl eeia195c Plaid and Serge Skirts plitid a .a Serge Skirts, cell weA wort;h up to $19. for $3.95 204 yards Print 1Lisht stripe ;all floral ratter -n, u'a irClr€s wide, epeeial 27c yore ...C`eck and Plaid Gingbarns =alt t'.e <°lac.'1;3 OVA p1:tia , 22 1.2e b..11,& :4.5 Z Velour Coats Colors, ronna and navy, sixes 1 'und 36, $#a7 for $9.98 6 Ladies' Plaid and Serge 10 Silk Blouses Long sleeve , bead, _sin£etuerny tvrimritsoty ardaddOea, aiftoltco ecmhboroosze $8.50 ?.89. A REA4 OPPORTIINITY TO 13UY DRESS GOODS AND SILKS zoo,yards Serge and Gatbardine, colorstgtsutpe,. tart and 7Ec brown, $1.25 for zoo yards Coledottiau Serge; 44 in., navy,, reg. $t.5o for ..;.:. 89c 20 yards Brocades, Serge and . Gabardine, navy, grey, tali $C ,a c;;„.;.. ,and brown: S4 in., special per yard, r oaids black' Argyle Serge, all 'wool,•S4. in. wide, reg. at $3.7$ per yard for...,.....,"�.....,�.:...,.,..-...,,..�. '►4.J, o yards Plaids dark shades, Sate special: pet yard&. . 79c 3 pieces 54 Y Coating, to clear at per 6 llOSIERYUNDERWEARON SALE 100 pr. LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE, all wool, leg. up to $1,25 and $1.50, for 95e pair. 75 pair 0IIILDItE14'S HOSE., hieeek. and . brown esehmerette, all sizes, reg. 40c, for 25e pair. ' 75 peir CHILDREN'S HOSE, black cashmere, fine rib, sizes It to 7, worth up to 70c for 58e pair. 50 LADIES' VESTS, high neck, long stoves, reg. 760 for 59e mai. 190 LA"D1ES' UNION. VESTS and DRAWEES, reg. $1 for Pc. 76 Ladies' UNION COMBINATIONS, reg. $1.95' for $1.59per attic 35o yards all wool Serge, colors navy, sand,' Burgundy, to) 79 brown,.°Copeu and delf, 54 in. wide, reg- $3.75 yd• for • 5 pieces Fancy Coating, 54' -in. wide, to clear at per yd $1.49 5o yards Tnssa silk, rase and blue stripe, pe*. yard_..._.. -w 65c Zoo yards colored Shantung, 34 in, wide, in rose, Uydro-tut blue sand, delf and pink, reg. $1.65 yd-., for....- i , .;5 yards ards Pailette silk, four°shades, reg. $1.95 yd.'for $1.39 75 yards' Silk Serge, 36 inches wide, four shades, brown,1 myrtle, Burgundy and. taupe, reg. $2.95 per yd. for . STAKE. DRY 000014MA4wA1tg$ 100 yards White Flannelette, 25e yard. 200 yds. Stripe.rlannoletto, 36 in., 29e. 250 yds. light and dark Mints, 25s yd. 7# yds, Huck Toweling, 24 in., reg. fide for 540 yard. 150 yds. 'Stripe Toweling, pure linen, SOo for 42e yd. 150 yds. Toweling, tea and blue. border, safe price 190 yard. 4200 -yard. Spools for 95e. Hooks and eyes, black, white, 3 for 10e Home Fasteners, black . and white,: 3 : cards for 100. Rlack.and white Tape,' 3 rolls for 366. Pins, 3 pkgs. 100.1 Hair fins 4 pkg 16e Safety fins, 3 pkgs. for, 23e. Hair Nets, special, 4 for 26e. Sport 'Veils, reg. 15e, 3' for 25e. Ric -Ric-„ Braid, colors tea and white, and blue and white,. 10, yards for 25e. UNOLEUIVIS-01LCLOTHS-RUGS-CURTAINS-CRETONNES • la foot Linolcums, o splandicl variety of block and floral pat. ,.Crus, „fialo price per square yard $1,01. Brown and ween. Cork .I,inol- t3t7r.9, 2 09. wide, 3t;Q4' v1er3ao yard $2.30. • Oileloths .0 ft., ¢a ft. sod %vide. A big range of block and floral patterns* iter s'1 yd. 58e. Oilcloth and Linoleum Rugs in all sizes, at special sale price;. 1 lsnlinetor Dug, Italie, $lU fon' $13. 2 Wilton Rugs, 9s12, $60 for $15:000 2 Brussels Tapestry limp, 9212 $00.00 for $43.50. A big variety' of Thins, in. all sixea and -color's. at specie) prieex for this sale. 12 ,pair °Laco Curtains, $1.39 for 98c pais. 10 pair Lae Curtains, worth $1.50 for $1.15 pair. 10 pain Serine Curtains, fancy borders, reg. $3,50 for $2,25. ;a onlyiiaiss cream Marquisette Curtains, i`ea. $6 for $3.75 pr. 300 yds. Cretonne, light and dark shades.. A choiee selec- tion of patterns, regular 50c for 39c. 150 yds. Cretonnes, light and dark shades, mostly strikes, ref;. 75e for 55e yd. Velour Kimonas Assorted patterns and shades; regu- lar $2.06, for OPENING SALE BOOSTERS Heather Cashmere Hose 50 pair 'Pure Wool' • 'Cashmere Heathers, . sires 9, 9+i and ' 10, brown shades,_ 1.25 for 960'' Woo[ Serge Dresses 7 All --wool Serge Dresses, reg- ular $22.50 for :$9.85' 20 T'ricolelte Blouses $1.9$ A splendid variety to choose from in colors of sand, popen, rose., tang, flesh, navy, black and white, regular $3,45 for $1.95 Coat Sweaters ' Regular up to $10.00 for 00.95 An unused large assortment of styles and colors made of the best wool yarn, worth up to $10.00 for $2.95 Children's Hose .100 pair black' Cashmere Rib Hose, sizes 4 to 7, sale price 58e tore. is Brim Fu11 of'Special ilafue�--8e StreTond Siete. larly:o FRIDAY MOIINING$his is an Extraordinary4OpportftftitJ for You to Save Sale Starts March Sale Endi March 18 Sale Starts March 3 PLEASE SHOP -EARLY Sale Ends March 18 0