HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-02-23, Page 8' 401130L. Your DOLLARS* have!imore CENTS ��++.� T . Gilr,� S tit THURSDAY. FEB lath, tilt. Back to OLD TIME PRICES 17eci3crie can l' ave as 1'ie;;t c?a :3 ribraw titles r deora niers +il It jag � Ste the iiselay is edolr witldvw Ikea maks the trice 85 cents Zane !Grey's The Alan et tl:e rCresta Desert Qf `Miceli Besot 60(1. Etc. )amos Oliver 'Cwwdod's lrivcr'rs find Tim Golden Share Kazan, LW, Frank Packard's lappa ale Man a limey Dale Who Devils, ]'ate. A11 these' Deka void at 91. 50, Sl .and a:" neva. to be tempt BSc 8Sc 85c acrelacs, Ecv. 11 J 11.:7--i3; ^ Ca x rt 7 Cil➢larC CSlll iipc t- n i c 7 tii^_-a nintaneaa 1.!BURN l <, ,� c1cE?i. aa tba aTr. ii1i1➢s, ot Auburn, f;1u� t tho R aw: i0°d'fii13a t= 'D �S^..➢1t)r `.1 .!70. n _�fi4f11C@] 4t;c(il➢ (� D{o yC u➢@StA"rfi4 @0 .('� > S:Ii�➢i SLSEFI+E.'S aril 0. ' t➢ae, b` ]193D s_„J�y (~,t=i1 au 1aa�eae 57rs> �l�:ai 1't,ll sal 8n $1-r" fear ¢ a1 +4 U. MOO/CA ti^ra'''Dev 7.i..r l'49:a1(": ii.c3J> *mu', =at mica am fracar.la 111 tIl3ia F:' t,tlit3,idlL+til iCl l:agilL'a4i pt latrIltalit. abcca's Aflau 1 .••AU, !Wont t t ¢ Pure- Cat Offerings �S.1G, � t3CC- `]3ti¢tcaticcial ti¢i3 WCtii. et EviaugC'ilsm and pace:.' WO Ara .rrCiaareti Gler,>Glrlp is very pair r, cr0 at preheat.,4layrAles. t utti tierli]eti,elact. eat lair nal 11 A I for it by Wafter. tralaiog." �1:Cv., W. la Fannatlay'g rale tvti; tis. tu0st at thi, 1 Fletcher; 4.00, 1:cpt,1t of iSsinda, casaw• li, aha odvrctorna tat vera; MAI -Snail Sir. 1a t.liddGri and seri f: red are , r .tali n,'1 ",l,l I a�ftiGLle et t1i0 ii.6fiiiClati©1i, 4 v Table t;.onferctice; G.00, Banner. 3- &nitag ssi;u: 7.00, lievoticual }:i'.ercisca.•liev. Mr. Eciait1; 7.0 Ile rt Of Noamuatlpg t'cuimittce; 7.4a. ll hOyu of alas As act Ey Const ou the Cigarette," up to 21 yestraaetFite'• A prize will be given for that best essay; H='•iI, AAdresa, "Thi 3 is my Task, Bev. W. r 1'1iteber. Mr. W. W. Walter Is the president of the association:*Wl Geo. lleitbby, sec. tasty irossurer. Visitor* are requested to taring re• frcahuients;supper will he in rbar,;e et the Yapping 1'eopie's Classescf Smith's Ihelltil Sunday School. Trains will be pari intron McCaw will heloteerniissbcil by the e v Smith's Mill church. , Gn EOFi ilii lamllt far- cr r� vieltiu tl]c1 ui for a month. Miss Link. IHerten,'in in Stratford at;. present: tire. peat sat her sister. Mrs. Gavin Clinton. Ura. Ipomea r lutten visited aevcra, Jaya last weir with her patents, Mr. and lairs. Janice Adams, Sanford, Tim W. M. S. tact at the borneo Sim. A. 1I, ' Clutton on Friday. The weather was. ver cold and sternly. but tine ladles turned out in gOOtl ¢lumber. The many friends of AIr. E N. Shaw were worry to hear of the accident be had; In coming down the stairs in the baro he taped ifi some tray and had several' of his vibebroken. DUNGat,NNON Mr. Jag. Fowler is visiting in town thin week. • A. great sorrow has come :lata tris ,tenni Of Mr. Banti Mrs. it, 1if. Young, Carlow, to the deathof their daughter, Rupia lave>iy'nt. which -men-trod en' Sun day, Feb. Bah, at tad early age of twentyill.0 years. After attending Glodetich Collegiate 1natitite, Rath took a business course attStrattord and for ever three years was cinaloxed in the Grand Trunk oilleei in etbat city. Hoer was tapered when hbe camp home at ¢➢iIa time ef arra year. ar. William Waite, of esioderieh, visited in talo sl lago Aids week re. dowing olducqualntr.ACCs and calling Gni carnlpanaa :n�a o4 lass ye •tthfaal dos. Mr. Jahn reviler haat rather a RAM adventure in kb() village last Eatnraiay. lits horse ran away; break. hi; the cutter ba+-lly, and yea of? home. Mrs. Malhow, eat the West, who has been visiting Allende gra .this totality leaves for tier bows Wu u week. She will be accompanied by ties sister, Hirai. Lawson,s0u. Mr. James Barr, of Edmonton, a former resident of Blyth. spent the latter part. K Part -Of tact % elz end the former Part 01 this week visiting friends ill t hi neighborboexl for7tet (,'brlsteiiiaa tiollalayu in December papist, and itt,spi toth 1 e ovin B caro and at- tention 8110 �, �,�.,..,..+ �► tecel%Cd , al to C onti nue d to tail Until cathrelieved berfrom hes 1 bI CARLOW Tee annual . convention of ,Auburn 'District pinion Sunday'School Atisoo4►• Lien wilt be held at the Smiths Mill` . chteKclr: on natality. March tiro. The lnregt stn as drawn. up iW ea 10110We; Afternoon Session: 1.4 5. devotlonal DISTRACTINGLY PRETTY A .4 �ili . : is the. •way to describe tileae Atha rif grace and '+. 4°ho 1 beauty -' fo, .. miillseaeai wear. The lines aro 'unusually-; 1;L ceftll, tieMalterialsriell in elo101' and texture, ani lit of distinction an d a3 111 in every modal. is•.a- aleasure4o-ns --gam ht�ave Vol: 't1*y on these he; coining .,shapes ani tool. �y y over r �Our }y • ttlittai (Jai{14.ry • Miss cV icar a�' IiNGS�N :STREET. anfferlug, She was a Intent, ova e girl, the centre of affection in the home and among her: associates, t0 whom she tvaa greatly- endeared by her patio, cheerful, helpful Spirit. 13e8i41c1 her parents, ate leaves four .alstera, (Fier' once} Mrs. E. V. r'aawson. anti the Xis? scar• tan, Isabel and Julia. Tho Inner *1 not 1i01tt on Wednesdaay sttwrn00. and the numbers that' gathered from n ail parts of the townkbip a0e boy wore Stn nutmeat demonstration of re• aspect fol - the .departed young womaen. and ot sytnpathy wtth•the member's t. the bereaved Home. Bev, It. O. 'Ross,. t Vidor of Smith 11111 church, condi c , Ill 1010 stsrvlces and tbo pail bearers were Gordon Mabee, W. T. Sailows, Thos. and Gordon Wilson, Elsner Robertson andJolr S.1Cernighan, The'interment was made 111 CotbernC colnetWry. • Wong 'those who were present fort d funeral Were Bev. Dr. Colin Young, Toronto; lairs. A. T. ilendersan, of Aar- rio; Mrs. Geo. l�"atterMOn, of Tomato; Mr.. Etton Fortier,. of Stratford. and nth• er iriendb tromNow'liamlrarg, Moncton, ea ndthe iltrattord >1114trl01, 1lopreeenta. tires front the G.P. 1t staff at Strad. ford also wore present to pay their last re arsects to their deported comrade. A- inong tire betauttitut flowers we noticed a, bids; a d rc tact an O . 1 err of lilies large til g 1 inrd. wreath. from'' the Cl, T. li., i3trat , broken circle. (roux the Colborne coma oil; broken otrole, from tire Mornningstar ;t{ra trona alio . a y A,P. & A. ; p ,��o C. 1 .r D. Class, otwbieh Ruth was a remember. and many atlaera. The former part of dais week Mr. A. Asquith received a carload of T.Vestern. oats, disposing of mem all off the ear. The 1?arnier t;iftir- received a •ear flour, minute and bran. ¶J dings were brisk at the Station • last Saturday Mr. John Medd, Mr. Watson. ot Blyth, • and Dir. McCabe. of Nest Wear/mesh. each shipped a darldad of cattle to the Toronto market. Mr. Mama'» A. Hewett, wito intently d' his f isleaving lir the- early Bev. McCollum. Of Lucknow. (vas 10 e,wail-thin-Weelr.-- - The dance at air. Mole's was well attended last Friday. 11ir. dose. from (be West, is visiting. bas brother, M. Fred Boss. 1)unganuott played hockey . against Lucknow on Tuesday evening last, ' sol ti arm leaning We area .gia.11to report Apra. W. F. pert of Starch for his now bonne at alampb ell meal improved aftpr tier the border of that village., Ile had a . The funeral of rho .late. Sir. Samuel. sale last week disposing.af his surplus Thompson took plane to .L,ue)cnOw. stock and Implements. Tbeto was a minatory last Sunday large attendance MOgcod Prices wore A company of "`Negro Songsters" realized; will take part iii the program to :Allla's Hall, n0!4t Tuesday evening. Wednesday, Noel].1st, being Ash -Mrs.l9nataell Is vialtitig Mtss;Atinnlp lreceileld having • bow ht a farm ou 'recent Hitless. Wednesday, "divine Service will be Currie. held in the pariah church at 10.84 a. 'tn. Bir. Earl Wilson is away at the hospl+ There will bo a house party tat Davie tal having»iiia knee attended to. ErrffgtOu's, 4th con: W. Wawanosh, on Mr. /ones, o : Unsex ennnty. has per. Friday evening this week given . under chased Mr. Merges Ryan's tarty and .rho auspices of Sc. Paul's church. hopes to aaprriVC there bar March' lat. Aarangamonts bave been made for A dance took place at' the ' home• of Mt., sleighs or cars to leave the Library at and Nes. Alex.: Watson on Thursday. between 7:30 and 8 p. ant. Pomona en Those, deaitiees olway's break up earlyf wishing to go by tilts mean's trill lee that ie,.carly tq the morning. : hand: early.. Everybody of " course is The session of the Literary and Atli. welcome so •eaino along and have a letio Clubs hold in tea Orange 'Hall on ptcasa0 01.0niug Great. A'grand box social under the auspices or *tercet ety waging attended,i ° .:of L U L 'tIo 824 Dungannon, will be dr iatereSt lg being shown 1n this instl tenon. Mr. George •ktyaa has :petit lisle farm In A.sbftelci. and ig now busy woviug. We appall miss Georges from the communitY very touch.. /notwithstanding, ere wish hila and bib , olr and prosperity in his now have. ea Dir. G. M. Elliott, County Superinton• dent et the tlhildren's Shelter work, work. , s te't1b ni pros 1 a d sit 11 nulntr will et 9 n e ne meeting r L a � at tbtr Epwd tb g Feb. 28th.. A..collection will :bo. taken nit: for the Work in which. ho is engager/. We- ask for a large :attentlanee and- genotous collection, la tear took a junnp during the weeks ri tiro only .apparent reason for rho s being , that'000 of flip Gliobd editors wrote that Dianitoba.8ow: teas inP We .Shall have to got titter that editor. It` would not be so bail If the farmer.. wind 4woaats.and slaves to proda00 the grain, Lot the benefit'' of the rise,. 110: g 33 does:ndt, and it a Shaine that. he time not. ry that Gode- IE Ys'a pleasure to observe . rich. ear flourishing suburb, is' plan- ming tor'a larger and a faller lite. Any town Which :can attract. manufactories, retain develop thein,. is and then a anti P board soon to be knocking at the door of the higher form of Clvie beings. the forte called city. Go: to it, Goderlch, and may yen soon be a city!. AUBURN On Monday the -Farraler'S Club shipped- a _ear of hogs to• the same tearaet.. .. Mrs Stewart. of Detroit 1s vlsittng Iter brother. .Me. .l. ltobinson. of the leth Cancel:0On of Hallett et'Present. lair. NViliiatu Mills assessor of the township. of Mullet, is 031 lila yearly rounds .spending last Mdnday in t he village. . �Dir, William gb1 t,dith1'North West, wind at one time a resident of the COPELAND FIOLIR Miu.s, Ltd HERE are 'three main : points to which the.careful investor il recta his attention and investiga tes care- fully in purchasing 'hares in any industrial issue: Management Supply of Raw Material Market for the Finished Product -- Examine these essentials in,relation to the Cope- land Flour Mills, Ltd. The management,in the hands of Mr. Copeland, With years of experience in succeasful'milling, assisted in an advisory 'capacity, by R. j. Megaw, late of the Western Canada Flour Mills,. and backed by a Board of Directors composed of such .men as Jas. Playfair, D S. Pratt and D. L. White, all successful men 'with enviable reputations. The supply of Raw Material, secured through close co-operation With the Great LakesTransportation Co y, pany,and • the Midland Elevator, with 3,000.000 bushels capacity, the Heade of which Companies are also Direct. ors; of the Copeland Company.. ' The established Markets, brought by A. E. Cope- land through three generations of Milling operations in Ontario, with also an extensive`exportt connection. And, ><n addition= The newest and most modern Mill in Canada- ,lectricnlly ativerr--Erected at pre-war cost. Cheap Power. , Ideal Transportation facilities by both rail: t17,lter, A Sales organization second to none. Now in Operation and telling Flour for March do livery, .. Low Overhead costs. eau To bo interested ip your .nelghhhor- hoodis agood thing. Vor that interest. n1is.1 t ikindlym..014°8,10 1 Inr to expros$ (tap out's inlurtn1st by better, tactful enBut Go gnir les. tolioWeal and supported by generous" helpfnidesia is toad be a friend indeed. t f an. bc 7n '<Vyb not>a • '+X want to Bit . efttahe' roadster;; And 11(1 u friend to MOW' A very .excellent peeve, :on the W • M. S. work. in foreign fiels, .was read by Mrs. r.11. _Pentland. at. the > pwortlt League meeting On Tuesday last. The paper WAS a brief but interesting re- view of the work being clone 4n Iaidift; China, Japan, Africa. Canada and the Wanda of the Sea by that noble band of woanoa, who form: a,. most helpful auxiliary to thegreat missionary secie• ties of the Christian ehureb. D. et L Carnets Sale of Wear, Pstts ■1, Silk Dresses Every alress In the store has been reduced. Silk Dresses in navy and light blue, black and brown at c$9.9a, ,1«i,�.1R snit $13.95 each. serge Dresses in navy bine, blade and brown at 49.95, $14.115 and $,11,05 each. An opportunity to buy a, real dress at little itgoncy, Blouses e"all siz a and itn-colors dC�orgtitto T11ous fl in ep fro h, kkvhite, black, 1U?*VM and the fancy colorti at 44.95.. Crepe. de Chine Blouses " in' all colors and tlui best styles at $4.9t These are Tali reduced in price from very tziexpensive blouses ta..59,9,l. Middy Blouses Navy Slue Flannel Middies in all sizes for ladies, misses and children, reduced to $3.5(1. each. Winter Coats° Every coat in the store half 'price. ,'dine and of the season 'paeans 'a clean up and to abconislish it quickly ever have marked all our coats at. half price. Mar trimmed coats or :plain• cloth coats, also plush coats all at half price; ° Don't miss this opportunity. Ano opportunity to bury Ready -to- Wear at real bargains, Phones Store : caColbotine f 30 i title: e2. sd tY 86 `•Tfl r HOUSE "OF QUALITY" _ O Harris, Mr. James Stirling gave a party to a large number of friends Friday evening. ' The Misses Elia and Lizzie Soworby were home over the week end. .'They aro •teaching in Ash field. 0 a ns an � gave o t. and Mrs. Ise Jb g Mr. laI g dance on Friday evening. The hionse, was tilled and everyone reported -a good tiole. Mr. and Mrs. John Stirling and Airdrie returned to their home in fort bete in .Allen's Hall, on Tuesday even- -Bradley* after spcuding a 'month withr inu,Tali,28th. The prosram will con- the former's .auhts, the Misses Me' list of delightful nnmhers.. uch as flag'« you gall, Gut Line. ,... , - s nd R ' has had a gtr,e seleptions, 'a playlet, fiong a Dili e3ariier s hires' rnau readings,. The ladies are requested' to vairy #tad spell; cl iazler is , his name, bring a dainty basket and gentienneia He went unconscI0U for two days .and will pay 25 cents: Everything' in con- nection with this social w1•11 be made in. Canada. PORT ALBERT John '4'igert, dor, generh merchant, supply . has been busy putting up 118° r. 1drstieanmrna+a Tho proceeds;. ot the fit. Valentine's box: social that: was beta. in the. base- ment of English church amounted to $34.10. Alex. Denbar bad a "bee" cutting wood ono day lastweek and a dance at night. All enjoyed themselves fan. tnonsely. We aro glad' to revert that Hardie Mao- Eenzie, who has been in the Goderioh hospital tor the pastfew weeks, is back to big horde looking match Dotter. The many friends 01 Tommy Dickson Jr aro glad to know that he is.. ima proving nicely, Tom, was lucky to :get ,oft with tho loss of one finger as it might easily 'have reanited is the loss of his whale hand. WESTFIELD Born -To Mr. and Mrs. retest Vin- t:ent, a slaughter. 'Congratulations. Born --To Dir. and' Mrs. WARM Aiason, a daughter. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wightman re• turned on Wednesday. tach a viStt with friends in Toronto. Tho Bedmond orchestra supplied the itlusie for a aueeessfui iiiainee in Del. grave on Friday evening. Mrs. IIop'Farrow. arta yeung daughter are spending 'a mw alaya in .Aub'xrtn with Mr. inn Mrs, Jag. Johnston. Dir. Chas. Loekwootl' had the tads. Cortone of having, his nose broken, While he was splitting Woad a part struck him in the faou'with the already mentioned result. Dr. Dandier took .him to Clinton .hc pital. Be is at work again. rhe `members anti congregation 01 Bethany church met at the home of Tbonas Battless -ot Tuesday and pre. . seated 'Mr. . Battles with ascarfand .neokti0 as a token of good fellowship. Tht3-0'vening was spent .in games and music until a late boor. for appendicitis, 'anc1: 1.10 are glad to re- lioit that he 114 40111611401Y. a #lope for a speedy recover. 1a sto e: rig sou of'°.1(eaben Mr. Gilad eG „gn , • Grigg. who has, been .laid an with an at- tack of pleurisy, is able to by out again. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs.. n Reuben Grigg in their sore trials, fele hope they will both be all right again Soon. Tbe•box social of .St..Tames' .church, Middleton, ou Friday night, was a do - aided success, the proceeds t,eieg- over a$9. T!heiperforwers go to hayfield en Friday neixt with their play to help the library. Don't fail to, ace them:; its a great treat. TIPPERARY Mr. Arthur Cantelon, of Clinton, spent Monday repairing air, Jesse Gray's house.. • Mr."C arles Cooper Is at present laid. up with the cold, which is so"cot0mon around here. , rs Mr, Bruce Grigg, son of -Reuben Grigg, is at present rip: Go4lerich hospi- tal, where he .underwent an operation The financial report .of Christ Church Guild. Fort Albert for year. ending 'Zan. matt 3922,shows receipts of $102.50. and a balance on band et :$90.59. The i lv hi o awe e h e tabors ote,t s a tai p 1'34 Y beg Soren Meetings were held, since . last "March also .two socials and bazaars. One quilt has' been made, 4' baptismal font has been placed in the church In WHO 1 on +av d of lis of loving memory Mrs. Allison the Bev. W. Allison, former rector. The Guild and coiigrogation thought this a fitting, memorial to show some slight: degree their apprcoiatien of Mrs. Allison's Belt denying •service to this. church during tier husband's almoners overseas as Chaplain of the Canadian Forces..Dirs. Will Foster is' the •Pres. and Mtge Elizaosterir Sec. Treas. PORTER'S HILL • _ (tntonded'',tor last Week) hiss lisle Moriougail is getting over tact attack Of eo1a1. William Ilenderson bas -.gone to London or Springbatnk.• . Mrs, Jag. Harrison and sora, Pette, have been laid MI With the cold. Tilts Dotes Hurls spent Sunday at her home: on the 7 con at Mr. John FaRV p (� 0 R AR Y. A new line of Tally Cards Place Cards • Scores �. 'Bridge Nut and Candy Cups Navelties for Prizes and Fators Brad s art 9tura Mast fit. Phone 1 98 rA COLE. Eyesight Specialist Qptemottiat Bring: ydu r bi lensea en k o tans. We can replatle ens' • • 'lens in a aliortest 0 retice n .1Jasonio Tetiaple Goderich • West Street' • Peons 13 At ' 'OMVMOBIL.E OWNERS •. -.ant yrtrna ._..: : 1922 Permits • and Markers' from' J; W. MacVtear at - Geo. Maciticar's Sho'e'Store. North We .1 Square Wench P;, D. Box 414 1 SPECIAL Daintily Yl Stamped ted P GO*118 or Embroidery Regular $2,75 for $.1.50 MISS S. NOBLE . d0 HAROLD LD BIACiCSTON E' S Fl1RNITURE EXCHANGE WEST ST. • . on the Broadway; of Godericb m.. Hockey hoots and Skates, 0 11 , S;;ro-to.53.50 0 1 only xkuebee .Stove. with Oven O $22.00 1 Bedroom Suit' $25.00 Baby $leighs, your choice, 51.00' WA14TED Chairs of ail kind, a couple Halt • flacks, also Plano Gass Organ, 0. 'O. O„ octave.. rt 11 Drop�in, this MYour Stone , ' o oto a t4tc- 1 1 A meeting of baseball .. enthusiasts was held at Mr. 'Fred Cool's 0n Tues• day everting, Atter much discussion an. election of otneerS followed. The Executive for the • coming Sara 0 con, sista of the following:--P'res., '•Mr. . Wim. McDowell; Sec. 'Treas:. Dar. Wui. *carter; Board et Managers. Messrs. La kwoctl,.Ilenry7 Dna gook: Captain Mr. It. Carter. It was decided to hold a Box Poelal5 and aono0rt la the Bear future. deport of Westfield 1'.iblic Sehoof, ending l'ebrilary,17.1922. Sr. V, total 375. Elwood 1taekhouse,201; Lelia iStailrhoase. 270; Grate Redmond. e' 1; 1,� Ts i war Rodr, 1855.. tJr V class total, 500. hlraoe Mtastn, 373; Mary Dell, 165. Sr. 1V. class total, 400. 'Warren Ilatnf'*1, 02; 118(,; llcavaatt, Rr'2; Norman krattral, 203; a IIIlht130J»ll1Ts0. ephB211. Mclbonrrne heating, 112: tenor* Mil. hitt, 9d. ' Sr. 11. dux tat*l, AM)'. Value ltannfortl, 444, 1laxolin ('tarter. On Eva 14W htttlab, SC; Eales tV'aI h, 31"; Mary Itoel to r, 336: IOW llo att. Ti37; beat, Caller. WC > ailtltac Walden. mow. R. R. Rodatoa1. Thither. Thou are advantages which cannot be ignored, and give every reason for successful operation of this Company, We have nothesitatian in recommending the pur., chase of the 8 per tent, Cumulative Preferred Shares of Cop+r!'and Milling Co., Ltd, with.ira Minus of 30' per cent. Common Stock. ASK FOR A PROSPECTUS E. H. HILL & CO. INVESTMENT SECURES (Hamm REDUCTION - PRIcES £Xi1L As agents for the only original Lehigh Valley Coal We wish to announce that owing to the drop in exchange we have decided to snake a reduction of Fiftycents per T on In the Following Sizes ABOUT COPYING PIES 'We have the equipment and ha experience( which enM,k3 n41- fiat the beet xtiwgltS from saIt kind& at picture,. You will be itemised to 'e what est rte cern 1100,1 to fadedllllnt,� E"1` i1 T tin tsps. ELL J. T. F New Prices Chestnut Stove Egg Pea r. r 06 $16.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 We also have Ebony Cube Cannel, Black Joe Mock --tea popular soft coal for domestic use -and Georges Creek Sleuthing Coal. i,' a havee Hirer `'re!tixcci'4 In wood Distal ,Slabs andair, all ilx tweive'incll lengths. The Sauits Coal Compatiy "The Yard of S+ereica Bxddwtive Agate fir digit Mallen► lel Sake Ce. r h a 75 Goderith MUNICIPlii RH:MENT" PR�Vi'���b BONDS rWENTY-.POINTS LOWER- poi sal sv ' ...lis 116i2,,, �� nari>ldti pri0. t�+ar-'yea�C. �i�ttt; p Pearls�. note selling to yield 'keit 6 % to 6't% were sold,. to yield but �4 .% • This means that in 1912 a twenty year 6% imicipal flood a` would bane sold at $125.0(1 aecompared witln to-daysprice- of $100. This illustration emphasizes the fact that notwithstanding recent ` ,minor advances, Bend prides are now 'unusually low. Far • this reason careful buyers of Bonds are talting•Cittatitae of prevail. ins conditions and buying at ertating. prices. Here are Et few we own and offer : S 35,000 • City. of New Westminster 6% Bonds, intei est payable half Yearly iu Canadialn or American Y unds, due in 1941 Price 99.42, $ 5,000 City of Calgary 6% Bonds, interest payable half yearly in Canadian n or Am 0 ricatFunds, due 1939. Pli e t100, 2,000' It. kit. T:a9t Iildonan G%.1ioads, interest payable annual. ly in Canada Funds only, due Nov", 1st 1941. Price 97.19 $ 16,000 City of Windsor 51% Bonds, interest payable December 1st, 1941', in,Ca:nndit.rt funds.. -Pipets 99.50 • $ 10,000 City of Fort 'Within; 5% Bonds, interest payable .April 1st, 1933, in Canadian funds only. Trice 92.00. • Bank of Conunerce Bldg. Phone 230 4t,tonottoottootommtottommomi NIS.R- -14- N -A These eight letters, as they appear, will prob- ably mean very little to you, but, properly .;lrranged, they spelt SHARMAN'S which means' the very best a shoe store can offer in up•to-the •minute goods, lowest prices, courteous and efficient service. ,REPAIRING im all its- branches, undertaken by a capable and efficient workman. SHARMAN'S Leading Shoe Store ' Shone 158