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The Goderich Star, 1922-02-23, Page 7
• • • • ON PUT AU. 111AY, RACK ACHIM AT NIWO Wooten try to hear the logy burdens at the houselield, but heiag cla the 51111e AU day Icor with the continual 401$1010F,, beading and sever -ending strait it le *Allender teat. sootier or* hibir, the beck OM out. Al weak beekeci. %interline women elende use Doves Kidney Pigs on the firetsiipe of **IN& WesIMO* and theft- s toiovticit toe* aerie** kids*, ttottbk Ure.julia Wetmore North. Seduce, N.S., writesie-t WO Kt troubled with pat in my back I did not know what to do, . I was en SAY lett lilt dee and ray back ached- so et night I could scareely welk up one flight of stairs. A friend ad - me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, end after taking, three boxes I am es welt es ever, and can work front Morning till night. I am Always telling nlY Mende of what "Doane" have dooefor me' See that our trade mark the"letanie Leer -appears on the oblong grey. bees None genuine without it. - Price 50e. a box at all dealers-, or direct oT. Milburn Co., Limited* oronto.Ont mailed on teceipt offiee by The r NEWS TOMS OF WEB important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. Vhs $aay Wocid'eIllappeseinse Tweatreix Unteuists thee- tedly Complied sod Pot Iota needy med. Mtractlire Shape few the Reasisira of Our Pallet 11- Solid Iderer's Eisieement. 41il• VIINTEATE1111t tiktL 3 CENTOAt '14; tierteAlerterteto Oteer. a• Western Ontario's beet Comeler- old School- ' with Commereial, Shorthand end Telegraphy depart - Monts. We give individual instruee tion, lienee "Entrance"' standine is net_ necessere, sOradnates assisted to Positions. (let nn free %tato- gue for rates and other particulars. o. 4. IlicIACRLAN, Principal. TUESDAY. Vole meted In bus *uWeek THE FooDS 0 NTS ot Owen Sound, Loot* seeks to rut Reel sewn but Tretsity oPPuscile • Mati hitudits on Wider believed to have made getawaY. Balfour was the Refit of Brittaii Cabinet et luucheen, kidnapIeed ' Ulster aro released. Like Hama Belem They Need a Balanced Ratko, Poor Plaid Growth Without l'illreeten There Is a tuoi,e on. foot to merge -teelhte Akio Umpired for treat British railroads. i Beet Iteeelts...tebe woos ee Winston Chuteltill moves adoption Plants Explaind. e Aura. Lee best UrAtattli. 4 to 3, in (ContributeAgriculture.). d ee Oviterio Department of ot Irish Free State Bill. Rotel re . TorontoQ. H. A. senior game. Fleets, like euireale, reileilre toted. t note hold see - tileuriter Wier returos le tiry sraa- tiwr, In It* illeae tut -Mabee *side lehleit tele to beets impetigo plaut food IOW QAMIghle et/edition, Views are stroug EatezSilii SO melee • wietitteet 41 tee teed, NW* COW o__ Irb• are la„ otse woeaaVIIM POW. oat kaa tuuelt gm* taws s=7114., TWO 'Wit Prat.. *a WO sig is * awais. fio but they lies mtee illiportarice or lelleeteese teeeenietemat Verging eatell cope to plouell deve, 1.1,14,%1L14;illeet.1411tArlfidiglalgliothreolesilk an faqueatiy as peeeer.bie Ina rOU7. , the ukba.i upossimsr *041tenng vatillommt. 0 ot • tba body. Iliwo sese 10111046 rowarutit wiino onunlieee. a. Cteettocrt 11101_ 3. Clow is cst. Tem% tam thee A legume 110.1k3.114 erep. but where Ole is Mit possible, or tem expenettei greyer ne. tone. or time crop that wet teratsla ergeuie relater to the go% Phosphate Abu a Neeeseare Food, The elemeut next to ultregeu to bupor;ance la pheeptioeur, Nitrogen Prince et Wales reeeltres welcome their At .Agra. - cesstut eonvention Toronto. .Their tood contests ot simpler s Vi111 got troth, 4ler Uncle etie Calinea to quit U. S. 1 Seekatchewati Orain Groweie de- blues Plente. leee stances, but ft is none the less toe elde ou plan of politicel action. . eupple in the feel call Ise euPPleuteuts public lite. Tleirteeu deaths, in Belfast during the week-eml. Gaudhea aim recognized a* open ineurreetion. Pollee seize 3eil-galton still In the county et Yoric. Michael say*, de Valera Atlas at coup d'etat. Cenventfoa et ARetellere opens et the Zing Edward Hotel, Toronto. The.stage in set tor opening orthe eixteenth Legislature; heaelquartera beeleged for help for rural deliatete. . Sarnia, ma* Murders father and brutally aseaulte hia Oster, Brantford deteetiveo enter explicit deniele to charges in probe EttrOPeats are beteg armed as medal conetables in Madras. Hatellteire -municipal Hydra Leers - Vices show large turn col Year, RANO TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTE.Ni cemetery. general faxen practice** ee only by edeltig some term ot lues, Jack Parry and &Idle ea ed a 10 -round draw lit Hamilton. do not teed plants; but We grow Ruled Short Course at Univeraity them in te, selletrom white and' Um liveldre brecolers aedressed ilYt 4 surrounding aireeve expect them in et Toronto concludes with baneuet. new Federal Minister of Agrietatttre. s ðer tbelr oe . In nearly every. Idiehael Collins emelt mezeage to lisetauce there le au abundence or Britain *eking fair play for t -eat'. feed ermine the plantoteat it is not Babe found en usb. heap at To- etyma to a teem ;bee it can be do jury. t sorbed. Sometime* there tellY be rento wee murdered. saes eoronees Estate of Arebbishop Gauthier will en abundance assn ot the feed hedonorte routes steu .or the prieet- coustituente all I' little ot OthErs. ' r We 'recognize helllortallee of 4 thitariet. matte lett fair to Flatter of Lonean. has been appointed to - the Suprentee Ceurt of hshtheed dtht. thr''' Allan, Cup dates are announced. treo:litsueetphiciatuti.t la lust uts important ' ee etunes A. Mulligan, K.C.; SudbeivY', I FerthhIMIY" wh1141 14"43 no sated. of sunnieusenting tho gen- - It b Miler, bright, elert-ev go . au are elettelie The first game in ire:mite 18 ea `Thee -Soil Must Rave Nitrogen. March letie or fertillam,. The surely to the .111111111~•~111111,111111.. ..10vonr.1.1.11•••• ie re generalle is foment. behind N-Qtt In the InOvitk NigIO dotes% basic it is tate ;idea dram. cy,dtomottliCaall.M./1‘a sseno" - le Ore tor leer *Tors isesseteet ef ion is cemparativeey ernalleeand iv , naturally' betel in eu insoluble terra. eo that lessee bY leeching utile be rediteett to a minimum. So firmly te the eleueltherue tele, that In our study ot the sone ort the Previuce, eve find that atter :demo). no plant food eoustituent that may bo elided rein glee 40 deeldedle gooti results ithoopliormi. This Is eepecially true when applied On the tercel grains one turnips. On .tan wheat, 40e pounce) et acid pleutpbete Kr acre haS doubled theyleld, wad beide Mae on eeavy voila bee reveit Wu bet- ter results. On sells fairly rich in vegeteble matter, and theta well sup - lied with. nitrogen, there Is usually floes Women Will Adopt Ibis Habit As Welt As Men Otos of het water oath Morn - big beige us took and feel chum, gout, fresh* Grand. Jury returne true bill In Coen 3r o ht "to vivacioua--e good deer seine e fiat. appointed Judger nt• theCarleton- els nuinben ot esseetial Parte to 0 oral manuring with anYt Ahrens murder ciele at teltener. McGewan tit (lineage limn the ite only teree or four 'diet it aa Two leading neemiters ot Wel- terna.tionol outdoor pre. • seating eulty getting, and., ot these agetin bal4nce4 diet ° -1"114114 sPt.svi41),:elat* ttlEre:WItt:ir age! -170 a:n:4:1 -4- eel /eZel t'etifenYtketstry_111. r 1 t • blOOd. IL t4Ul 4"17 land's Italian colony are murdered.. Canadian delegates. to Catholic' Pereetere' Convention M. train mock. Wellington Hay; acting Liberal there are two tea t are eliampionsitip. leader, epees debete on the speech (Meetly deOcient than ethers. Thom it en mut phoephorie geld. e tro. Osgoode Hall, 7 to 4, On the' round. . T. "Herbert Lentiox. K.C., asks the ° There la a great store et' the for - Etagere Palls intermediate*, beat from the throne. . . "Curly" Wild= has. been offered Government concerning the enforce. mer re. the geseoue form in the air a match tvith Joe Lynch at Madison " aa Inuell tta APPrOXIMatelY Square Garden, e e St,..''' 'Well .iiiniore beat ' et. An- drew's 3 to 1. in the tint of home,: and -home games. Italian forces fighting, rebels at Mieuratae Tripoli, have lost 25 killed la he g in a cold backward erring. Then womee, end likewise eversr Dean eon t au application ot. "nitrate et sode et realize the wonders or -*110 morning, neho rate ot 100 to 140 eoueds Per !weft high, one a eratiteitte elle tio acre on the letterer parts tee field !Would titles Place A Ineteatt or the thotecude Or eielate Turnips have Antiquity in ahserbs Onselutc•looltlect Mem 'women- awl - will usually pay well. Ing hoophatee, hence oltiteugh the girls witie Verity 4W tuuddy comple ment of the O. T. A.. acre gretuue is usually well Manured, tor low Instead obi! the multitinice Of . MellilereteanIshiles are *frozen in this crop, it will hoy to mid 'three "nerve/ wreak%) °Imeloleilew “bralle the ice in -the leetteea.t and The ot land; Yet; because the plant 70,000.00'0 Pounds over over/ Tte tate tee see awe tope of turnips per tecre we have An inelde bath te ad by erineinee, PA 6 U( wiltist Have Your Car Overhauled New Then yon won't be de- layed when :the first wing days come and the spring rush is on. 1 boo taken over tite xepair department of THE PEOPLE'S GARAGE VICTORIA STItZq and am ready to dealt forts of repair work, ovesitauling of eats, eat©. liatteriei stere4 for tits tet two. kept. in good shape. Glee Us A, Call L J. BAKER Sour In the liaatic,Sea. takes Ile netregell ill a ecolehle term or four bautdrecl pounds et aehl tags" and pessimista Sheitild gee d the told live tons by the two each Morning betore breakfast, 15 t r Vith a tees and ebout 100 wounded, Steels exchanges were closedibe the. United States yesterday, it being an- lateersary ot Linceln's birthday. • Merles L. Gould, of Toronto, and George P. G. Mann, of gontreal,, have epee elected. non-resideet Mem- bers ot the New York Canadian Club: WEDNESDAY, Flour goes up in price in eltuneae IA. Stratford, " 7.45 a.m.. 44 polies Improve ram rvice BETWEEN 4 Goderieh and Toronto Cy. Omittich, No.28, 6.00 plit. ex. Slunk • ei I.Y. Kitchener,' "a.m..' "-* " Freltell Labor split- into two Guelph. " 8.50 e.m., " " itt4Teronio, " la415 *4064 " Allietl experta -.o etrrilnge Genoa phosphate per aere. ground Viet optiutistie throng- et roses* UATURDAY., " through thee roots ot the Plant; thie (111 watt rich miough to Grow twenly-tive elteekee people eeertwhere. Lenin not likely Co head eelegation inert, gatieous uttrogen ot no Use ASTH RAZ -MAH Ns San Jsst Swallew a Camtsfs RAZIWAH /a Gssostittaaol to restore *ousel breetbing, Mop *mews tethering* in the breneltila tahNo.gtv logs nights of quid" slots coostalaelen beint-formiag dreg. 41.00 at drug. ghee Trial free at *inquiet,* ern** Teplesone. 14$ Wag NV*. Tercets. Loot Avid - ILC. DUNLOP to Genoa. • e • %call, It is ta. Retail furriers toneleteed Yeterly roudered available Among other r8,18e Y ot three betadred pounds ot acid glees ot real hot 'we. convention. • methods of gettine this nitrogen into epoottut of limeetOtto telosphate In it - Ex-Peesitient 'Neilsen favors ratify,- ;the soil, nature has pro'phosphate per twee. - 4 growing ot leguminous erops. anti cleansing, SWeetening and fee SCIATICA • .1. the entire aliMantire eanal heron,- Howe You litvierk tiP I nave You 11EUMATISM Pri oiotz to ue I. In mind aro to witelt fretre the stortmels, liver, idsl. Jag tteaties. • i ere grow eternises, such ema clover, that while Altrogen is so valuable neys and ten Yards of bowels. the Withal market, . I nitrogen beat into. the plant. Then there is i vary SOPP11/ in the vides eley's indigestible entste, neer LUMBAGO air -w111011 Call be got through the formentetions and poleax thee rinnarris C s Franco- on the decay est• the aCCUMUIated Canadian beef brings good, price ea peas, etc,, we will get sonee of title T R Russian negotiations. e vegetable extetter from these on Ili thee, the phospbate, for vat ous rea- Berne alarmed at reported. Lloye George deniest double lan- other plants, theeitrogett le left eone, have a pecaller Noluei wbeu Plante morel toed into the stomach. guage to-Irbill leaders, the form that is of elm eta' plants. Wter in thoefarnx house" should cotne either before or. lust after-the-limeatone pliosphato at the drug stove teavlieerrobeeittnitesielbe antentobile. aro . cogetipa ed very , which, will exist but a trifle but 13 urged to obtain a quarter pound, ot• tritite .revhae c Guelple alternetipe? out peaty of available nitrogen Wo sufficient to demonstrate the en weatitev this winter that, we are told. mid appearet e 141Itta,wneitlitttel!ttehelleleget. rhgeolltie 'Clt*Taatdits). 4 have cannot get the abundant growth; of There has *been $o niece summer and remarketing% tton Nvo must thOUSanda of lettere that cove resigned, ;;ito that old, • used tereuilleetnent good general ma. Those eubleet to lelek headache, bie gnawing pain that notblotoneate louring aod good oUltivtAtlatle-Prof, infinell9, nasty broth, remittal:me to ifitlieVO 1 Do yactaisk ba.. • . made in the Nultol Carte. - • % matter is the soil is the inatn source Robert leareolirt, D. A. College, (*oldie end partieulary those who lervo. cause you can't uototrot 4prlagi • An ad.ditiOnat arrest has been This eneans that decaying vegetable Mon. James Murdock scores timely- of nitrogen as a food tor farm envie a pallet, sall complexion and who e merentetha ketomveouexbrieavuesiv:0 treat. i . organized „workers' party, ' , - other than legumes. We may be j. Z. Mor •ison prediete, downfall of I quite sure that it the soli is lowein decayitig vegeMble matter there *will be a small amount o ' '. With - bv,Tor to, No. 37, 610 pm My, ex. enmity "Vett' ' two-party estent in Canada. 1.1. Gatimpit, 46 7,0 " --ng Shade and Britton boxed fifteen' s in Belfast giow in 1 Kitchatir, 8 11 p • ." number ." route's to a draw at New Yore. • er.e5eatford; 9:05 p.m:: le e* ea Wheat takes a big adveace ht Irieh Free State Biu receives se- . 141.3Q.p.m, if C4 hietiga,•4.• cond. reeding in British Como.tores. • apq Baretlgtot gar mai firstAN yestibble maws Quebec printers strike for the 44- lea.f ana stem. Diet Is necessary; ne- e have y d hopeless, tried tha, italtrital thy* and -recovery 1. . Mem Wines ' practice interne '0.141 beyond. doubt to the Suelbure mad Soo heve been or- cessaxy, becattse it IS in the leaf thee 11/ moat practical a• nd succemstul dered to reelaY their receueganie. • the carbon dioxide taken fromt tthhe thr d,,ealerelle a _big Iyesince . remember Met Weide eleenlinese it tacit diration. Entire train runs 1,es, no change, '11°11r 'Week. • • . Hon. A.. J. Balfour is givee. a warm. t;• etre Passenger . and Ticket Agent* - Sevetal railrogAs ui 'Manager of Madison Square Gardens. P. te. eAWRENCEerSONSeee- . 'Phone It be electrified. ' e....... -e---......-.. , Torontees school tax rate lies been I , liew the :Udder of a . valuable . covit. w.as.. _ _. . saved ue m 1 Tee Lewis .defes,ted George Gem- air is built u.p ,into segars, a c OL like nature, C 1111 dr en. Ory rr oue round at London, Brig. Andl/ther corapounds o cad Ahre-ans emeteoloogenty of- thatanYtialmthat limits the size FOR FLETCHER'S 0 -S t the teat just as surely linilts the murdering Ids twit e at KingstOn. Atlanta. ability tO -Make and store • . Texeltielcarel, has been ousted. as cb...w.go.o.socpighehortio Potnt; Yaneouth. eta.. writes.- rA recent exp.:flown kr "canning what Wilt *ovate& to be &lost *edict' of a valuable unit tackler hat tletuen- strata again the great worth of Minoan L1nimettr.4 I can "ecernmetrl it in the hichmt tanzt to *II who hate aberd of cows. " "Ft* pant 1 hare toyer considete4 Mocha& week tootpleto without bottle of 1Yrinairrs. 6For borne, bees 111,00"/ frOttbitec.cle chiPolabutit excels. And 1 knwor of 110 be*: remedy for tt think I am oak in sayinschationonu „all the Intent nweelicinet there at .no • • that coven A* lust * geldnituttAto* at does Mininfs Liniment. A 'ear thorn -Good foe Whin and Beast." l'• set at, 11 mi s. Ouebee hotels are allotved to sell beer by the ease, , Conine will go to London to confer with Llotel George. tiniVersity of Toronto beat Nitch. easel. seplere, l to75. • Senator McCoig advocates drastic rofOrM of upper chamber. • • 4. Ahrens trial opens in Kitchener amid intenee public interest. Wiarton end Kitchener interie,cde se- 1 varimiuth. N.S. CANADA BUSINESS , COLLEGE STRAITOldi Phone MR no YOU arrow That we novo ,Lower cost of Tut. tion. Tbat_sse live. Wider Range of Sun - Sects. Shot we have Courtesy Combined with Service., Mat there ore lust one4ielf est many lessons In Oregg Short- hand as sin Pltmannie? That Twentieth Cettat7 llookkeeP- ' ing is fifteen. years NEwpa. than te3Intosti, That we have twentiellve young People successfully taking cour- ses by milt COURSES • Bill will be introduced in. eg s leture providing for Alienist Board. Saskatchewan Grain Growers un- animously support eloneT, A. Cretan, Social sero ice -starts -at- wrong end, Toronto (lector tells Montreal meet- • . letteeteity of Toronto beat McGill 6 to 4 in Intereollegiate or seater hockey. _ • Lee Collingwood and Renee ates are tied qn the round. vile won their 0. H. A. rounds on Quebec eas, securest control ot the Friday niglit. tidal fisheries in that provinee. „ Judge demands adequate proof ce Freight- rates fight opens before charges againstfugitive negro, But - Dominion Raitway Coraraissioulook, who is wanted by Norte ("aro The Legislatetee was opened Tues- linIl police.. • day by the LieuteitaneGovernor. WAND Ay. Saskatcb.twan irate erowers hear Typhels stalking through Russia•. - suggested reprisals for cattle ens- Murder plot in Egypt agains t bargee Gregg Shorthand Twentieth Century Bookkeeping Touch Tygoivriting Pituannie Shorthand e McIntosh BookkeePing Secretarial Voeal and Piano Music TUITION IS 03.00 MONTH Typewriters for rent or sale. tom.. T. SWARTO 'Bus, Livery fa Hack' Stables Great smote offstillS convention • Princees Mary to spend honeymoon Toronto, • ' St, Mary's won the rood front Se . -ro taster wohattu who yaks ,lotte real as being implicated in murder 41“.irew's juniors. holy can make o Mistake. by a Fatter Delorme arrested in Mont- . _ 416 Irish captives in ;Sister releesed by the kidneys oocasionani, so a 'en . of his brother. order of Viceroy. enoeseauthority. Meet forme urlo add Oakwood won the western'. Detect Robert Marling, well-known To- which clog, the kidney pored, ao they ot the senior rvxies of the M. S... rent° merchant, le dead. aluggishly filter or striven only part of hockey league. Preece is seeking a IMP& of Latin the waste and poisons from the blotel, Sir Robert Falconer of Toronto, rates at Genoa, COuterence. then FA get,. sick., Noir. 17„sa eilelloles Univereity speaks plainly 911 litotes- Committee of the Cabitiet to arrive thm, boadsSosa over tomato, narrow- eorspolitecians. l . atlilan of Ulu:migration control, acM, constipation, dizzino, eleeplooneme bladder disoriers some from sluggish' kiele Edmund Lamy broke a speed- Ham limes Murdock speaks from skating record established by himaelf a Methodist pulpit ih. Toronto. Lees. . . fifteen years ago. e Sir David Watson; commander ot _The mono= you foci it,. soli act, fil the Construction of the extension of the Fourth Division, dies at Quebec. itidullT or Your batkhilrial. Or It the the main line of the T. & N. 0, Rails The negro Bullock's frieods rally Ilrole lll &edit email% MI ef_sede, way trete Cochrane to Oil Can Port- to tight his case against extraditfon. EMI' inerlsr,_ .03__,11100440_0r, _attolided„_ age, on the Abitibi river, will start The, Toronto esee.B.A. team won ee_seensji en siesttaweeagnitrt.elate next week. its group and will play tendon itethe eerheastineeue 3 'ea` %Taco"' oba""mtabarimott'Ttri; Coorgressman Teneyck. Democrat* final. of Retail Merehants Association eat at Florence. e • more llneportaut then meet e, Illicumetic remedy *old. At drys.. canoe .tho skin does not absorb ImPlite ities to cantaminate tbe bleed, wbile $1.00,„Per box. For rraa the Doren in. the thirty. teet ot bowels "root write etoPtiton."toroato. o Leeitl-Agent--e--11, c- ODIVI.4)/ big leaf and stem, growth, hence Its great 'faille in erolt PrOduction. 1111111111111001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111011111111111111101111111111110111110111111111111F-; The decaying vegetable matter, ..- r ' ` • these compounds. elltrogert forces however does More than furnish =:TIIE GREATEST CAR VALUE ON TilE IVIARKET tcli°easier to Wore. It inceeaees the abil- - • ec; r tte:; 01P itigr 1:111V08, t gh 131 aY 819ka Jinni ity 01 the soil to 'beid teeter. thereby , , • • • • . SALTS LS FINE Ell KIDNYS, 111111 MEAT Moth Dm Minos at ono, 'whin. Rick hurts or Bladder bothers -Seat forma uric sold. Mortereeelti Steam& Just oft the Square -464111.40 • N 'Busses Meet allArrabse sad Pitseenger rows Patuteneers caned far Illecy • 'art Crt tkil tow* for all trains at 0.1*. R. or C. P. • Depots. Prompt Service and Careful Attendances Oar livery and Hack Servici WM be tested tatb.tc*ilata la *very respect., 46.4evra, Year loatresules Selletteet or,,'SWAR113 plata MO etantriet *WO MOM 011••••• ONO* 0,1•1101 UMW A glue of water before briaklast for a of New York, proposes to buy, ail snelgoatiningoninn cdoerkV•aaglearianstaAddurgelsoteierisba fie: days saariamoviyour iddsitroseite isitilauthiutrouksok Canadian terrienry *meth of the St . Lawrence, withstight to. develop alle- treaty. . . '" '1 se : . tbs add of traps' saVA UM* idea, 01E4' ut.ilize' half of the waterep0terower from el eeng oi0Sett* at 011)111,0 A lima 'dui Bug.. sa4 be. ben ossa fee The river. -. ' $4.62W. • and at New 'York at geaeratiote to Intik deeted idano0, aid Jr WEDNESDAY. $ 4.37 . , , ' stimulate Oen to acetvity, oleo bo riser .., ,A A.,,,,,. triirk, „,,,,e,,, op McGill beat the ljnivereity of To- trent. tes owe ta *nue se ter se Lowe Poland and ''''"" - - --- .`..l."."- Tonto senior basketball team at ones breettketo toss *alas elude eke pact. . McGill. orders. ly trial. . 1 3 Granites defeated Argonaut son- Jad 8.14 11 iscoptosivo and a* Father Delorme erayee for an ear I Mrs in at et. II. A. neuter fixture. not heirs; mak.' a didigWil Om* Ottawa tied "nth Canudietis n vesemt lakiverater drisk veld* all rot overtime. .. 12 to 5. 4ittees shiver under an unprecedented then to keep the Witty* deim isei the told move. s • blood pure, thereby avolihig sirloins kid- $ I I " ° evera tier otts aecident el (1- nee oomplieetiona, Mg two deaths, occuered I • es A convention of the work( tee F is ToRNING IR on Sunday. Party. Is progreee in the Labor France to negotiate secret treaty . heilld teke funs end with Russia. Chancellor Wirth wins a. vietory in .... Gernaae Reichstag. Craig and Collins agree to appoint Border Commissioes, George Cyr in found guilty of raur- der near litintsville. NOW Etrunawick will heve Govern - meet control of liquor. litiontevideo ellows honor t Sheekletoiteriaemory. Textile men, 800 streng. gather et a banquet at Toronto. British Govertiment.restimes even- iti re of troope in Ireland. 0 young 'estinate county woman towline suleide in Hamilton. • Oakville celebrates the 100th birthday of Rev. T. M. Sefferbe Canadian golfers Vetoer St, An- drews' rule harting freak Clubs. Armee robbers. secure money Poses from Tecumseb postmaster., Eleven dog teams leave entered the 200 -mile race at The Das, Manitoba, Premier Taethereati entree Print - ern against international union ton - trot , Gestates! (Toronto) beat Ilemiltoe vtattopm., ta to 30, 10 District COP final. The stearresbip Wcst CarnlfoX, e00 Innen Ott Halifax; reporte she le short Of feel and food. America's prohibition cay meet efeties Bogie exported to the 11. S. fa returned to ouelielr thirst Of Canadituit. Eastern Ontario aud Maritime t$ro- alar tom broke two world% skating recorde at Mies Gladys Robinson of Toronto GRAy llsE sAGE TEA Temple, Toronto. the Ilinghamptou meet. • Who disetvered that this business . of rolling down the socks vsas going oesire ttranallozner .ttecipe to on anyway? -Manitoba Free Press. •Darken and Beautify Faded Hair. . GOrMan budget nubmitti Dietitians ROO RHEUMATIC PAIN FROM ACHING JOINTS Rub Pain right out with 8E011 trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." Step "dtesith' Ithementiem, It's pain only; not one case- in fifty requires internal tratment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" flight on the "tender apot." and by tbe time you gay Jack Robintiotteetelt corner the rheumatie pain and distress. "St. Jacobs OW' is * berndees thee. ralititen liniment which. never disap- points and doesn't barn the skin. It Wise paint eerestesse and saffron from aching feasts wroecless and bones4 etepti eciatka, Itimbege, backache an Metal Buffet° finds eiVie werk for tale of l'oluttknel: bonestt „stilhittcobsitn"totliti5„ to Alliet. Sark:: nit teirptra. _ ten:nriorothWeet lIrderadials fads flrtrie,*ynlentirsbegeseellte"froa ni"pdaiiiine Alsen('hes ie mid ettNnee, Pont auffere Rub igrance deniers noet54..4tIns wittz rheumatism mssy. tty I •-• c . , ......;„1.... • ----so- .. Zeit bitutiiol, „even eleade of earei, 1.I.°: ilit;I: guSleY; eeehtladu ! itgeltifrt: our ger is your c rm. t ruslice or LI mare the fee. When it, fades, turas gray or streat.el. just an application or two of Sege end Sulphur enheucee lia appearante I Inuldredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mixture; you an get thie lemons ohl cesille ifle proved by tile seldition of other ingreele eats for 50 tents a large tot*, all ready for use„ It is edict eVeetles Sage ant Scepter Compound. Thee ran glove. be ee mullet upon to beteg bask the naturel solos and luetre of /our emir. everybody use* "Wetlefie egp end eie peter Composed now liesiuto It desk, tea oce eatttralle reed e;en:'ethat weedy sae tell it bee beee applitd. Yee simply extenreh a sponge or ,eft booth with it ot,a, draw ibis Omelette it.,T hei, tehing oae small strand at st time; by teerniel es& tIrty hair has disappeared, and, after snoi%Pr spplkation it bomionats kt. fletti• fay clerk sled appritrae giosay mid lure trees. This reedythtiees ptteretatiese io e eclighthel toilet replete for those Ow desire deft tear gad a 'Medial apper eve, It is riot intended for tee cace, mitigation or vc,-.(stio.3 oZ descre, • • • ' • • • . • . IUUUULUU11 111 •u -- The new prices for Ford Cars. effective janitary puts farnsisui3 car down pricy below pre-war prices, and con- sidering the ituproveraents on' the Ford .Car of today over the -Fora Car of pre -War days purchasers are given even greater values than ever before. • . " NEW PRICES WITHOUT STARTER WITH' STARTER .011. OELIVERED it FAH; OEUVRES At. FORD IODERIOII 1010 SODERICH Touring Car .° - , - $535.00 $575.00 $620.00 $660.09 Runabout - - 495.00 530.00 ,, ,,, 580.00 420.85 Coupe- ''.. . 840.00 889.00 Sedan - . . . . .- 930.00 985.0 Truck - - - 575.00 .612.00' 665.00 mop. CARS Dail/EKED IN GODERICH HAVE FREIGHT AND ,SALES TAX PAID . , . Considering the high quality of the Ford Car and its many advantages, such ,as service, low running cot, etc., the Ford offers values equalled by none. e, . 1 Call and talk irover with P. J. IVIAGEWAN GARAGE - HAMILTON T GOD1ERICH VAtitY SERVICE PRICE 0. THEY'RE ALL RIGHT 11111111111WOMMINMIIMMIN