HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-02-23, Page 6•
01 Pulau_AsMServi
of the hi mot order* stands heath%
even, pay et *old,
WI 4114,_
taimatsmbtottioristionesegasit zeigaupt
You can use sweet milk, sour milk,
butterrilk or water with:
'OrEtz FROM - YOUR NE16/1
- , -
t. -11e11115 Wmfort find, C'Javeluer,c,
for the Farmer's Wife.
Wetter Indoore aniumed %even Oute
door to Do tl:e Job
-e-Vp.toedate romps Se Time
and Feuergta
(Contributed by Oratorio Department oe
Agracaltore, Toronto,)
The writer recently described
that hew to SafegOord the
',farw water supple agalose Ceittconina
0 200 barrels. Ju 'U.S.A. gallons th
capacity would be 1-5 moi", or 7,600
ga oils. To build he cube.shaped
IP. elatern i (10x10x10) it would require
en g
13 cu. yds, of concrete, the WSW*
ationMI will mama that this
sir* eetrfouncai levo bttill
a Same Mae but Ob104$ in for*
(a 2-3x16x10) for exarePle.Tb
eyttudire %aria Vac* even leea ma-
terial Blau the cubical. bye it may
be a, little plower and har4r to_
build, Sometimes Bee bottle forma
is constructed, Either the cylindri-
cal or bottle type is usually built of
brick laid a rich couerete mortar
and Suelly well coated on the inside
With a rich mixture, of cement, pref-
erably super cement, and fiue sand,
The 10x10x10 size will bold 0,2611
Imperliti Willem:, or approximately
Be prepared i Oet Zanbbottomrasa tobeinsix ingheaEuk
1 ter should receive foreliMat attention. to.day I! Prove for yourself how, thick. eyeing 0, e.e mixture
fireetily ibis magical herbal harm, take approximately 16 barrels ot ce-
In tliis and aubsequent erecters var., .
loim rustle for getting the water. 1;0,11tritii, rail tsuorcatigIt'aornhflafitnantldidinQar Itrenrcyl.litirVanba,Pe°Lif retvotiel, taker
whether well, spring, lir cistern uisappear told healing :Ants. abont 11 one yd. or material. and
winter on tap is the farm borne will .24°,474'o P341'6°0144. diteanee for the oblong shape (6 2.3x15x10)
bo deacribed. In the drat Pinee A ilir5eVactielillIgsulauzllet:11 et=greF.9wert. abaut' u Cu. id4° "4 a knawledge
ileeire to eroplousiZe the feet that it eminle euprenne -whether regarded iabor, it would bo an easY matter to
of_ local prices of niaterial and
tri a &lewd for simple injuries or ' estimate the cost et a 6.000 to 7,000°
Buy mond Ware or Pearl Ware kitchen uten-
sils and save work. They are so clean, with a dint -
hat* 111400th surface that wipes dean
like chlna.
:No scouring. 'no neming .or Polishing. lust use
soap and water.,
Bray cnnetitable pet mid pan Is Wide, in tither Pearl •
or. Diamoad Ware, the two aplendld quality SUP Alfa-
.1014 Wares. Diamond Ware la a three -coated enamieled
etneo MA* and white outside, snow), white Wide,
Pearl Wart eminieled Wel with two coats
of grey *ad white enamel -inside and Out.
ZItItet Were Will give long service. Aak.fer
Dianinfil.4 Wat
higrAL Paouut-rs
For the price of
100 lbs. of Sugar
two years ago yoU
can buy today:
300 lbs. Sugar
20 loaves Dread
• io lbs. Oatmeal
-gals, Oil and
4 lbs. Cocoa
is frequently as very eommon g
for VW, ferment' Wive$ to earr,y the
water trout the pump over tho well
to the bowie, where the pump could
be located nside the bowie, and all
the bor of earrylug water avoided
expended an pomping. a-Toognraeiled_ane_eedge 111)1).4 °Pea lar be large and rirovidedewitn goo
anaewithent Very Bttle_incro,.laher , •
imstalce of Homo rump from waf., twalletrehilretolttlnaila,1,,t.ibLI:touiniiittaartigr. drainage ter the OTerlicaT of the als-
remedy for obsenate Man diseases. gallon cadent.
fl. Nagar, ,jr Edmonton,
ssys:-"Zatn.lissies speedy beeline The Locetion of the Cistern.
inattine,butireammenditeTcrywhere. The noose cistern may be located
°One day I wes opening pineepple' in the yeller, or outside uatlergrotnatir
when 1 vo ear slipped and the according to conditlons• wit the eel -
Note Ode queitiont Whet* can the Wu d simply spoeted, hut. to .6ult *5-9 no l'6144.0:0:40e-
" llarht* a box of ZanieBult handet lar1.1 the 4rgooP%ie tairiumtn: ent*
;Minn be loctited to 0110 Nide of tho
well, and how far away? If the water
,auPply is no more than 160 or 200
feet trent the house, end the level
of the water at tUe eutiPlee sae- t,e •Ooluals 2.am.liuk leaves evcrythiug else ibuilditige may be connected up to itia-
Well la teacr Moteother tiatern at these buildings and
thad, 240 . or : tar bahimi." Also Forest.enia,e9.bl•sores,
feet: below the level of the ground b.42_,Iegl..41.1-c_,,ers' alle,g,r",„; P'43::;.:,:ji , 'tle tw'o cisterns ^connected for Mat
level at the houee,'the pump too, be 'n,"'"" Pvisnac'w°n" '"'"- - service if tieceesary. In this -cage
waProbably the best arrangement would
put ifisidnthe house, and the ter .,
• quite eatisfactorily. It be to build ono v'ery largo under -
drawn in ' ground tank, 12 or 15 feet square
would not cOet very much to make
ohs Obalige intbe pump arrange-• and 10 feet deep, at a point where
d. and tonitider what a great masa rain water from both house and
ding inconvenience,- barns would and tollect,
of labor and time, i
and` to Between the bares and this olotern
exPosure t0 bad weather *
be elleoted, by merely moving the it would be advisable to build a
pump inside. Perheretyou have neaer . settling baitin to intercept dirt from
thottate pf ,this moter. new about idled. 1,7 =tett. be looted inetnocel-
it? Then, too, tlie well Can be more tar or any convenient place inside;
humediately psphed some, and to my large enough to collect euflicient rain
great rel.ef Ohl yias quickly ended and
watet for the water service of the
blevding, stotTed For sores and home, the roofs ot barns and, other
3. J. McEWEN
Phone 46
1 one be troubled -With terns, he
Will find in tiollowayre Corn Remover
roofs. The water system. would be alineva6P8Puligeaertimong.thae will entirely re.
connected to this large cistern 'to
supply the house or bailees required. If things don't come your way -go
'rho same water system. could be used utter them.
to supply' the house or barn with. the
water from the well or other soutee.
used for drinking and cooking
purposes. •
Iu building a Cistern de' net maim
the serious mistake of making it too
small Then install some. form of
Water system in order to bare the
sota water, both hot and cold. on tar,
throughout the house. In subse-
quent artieles will describe various.
types of water systems for the farm
1:10°.:e(11, Guelph, Ont., 111 prepared tc
The Departmeat Physics,
dviee you without charge regarding
ing sewage disposed, ate, la. R. servo strensthenia ond rested by
seenrelY guarded from surface con- no dry well would be necessary
tamituttion Oita `when the puma i*.
direttly over it. _
The Majodty of Ifttelle Are Shallow.
la many dietricts. of our 4outitry
the ottiority 000 wens are ebailow
efaa within lima -distance of the
bottle, and rettdily lend theMeelves
- -the pumping syttetri describeil
this case. ‘`k.
Have At 000 QUItUty a PUMP.
Even the leittatert pump would
serve the pdrinese very well "re
somewhat heavier in construction
and better eleaignedethan the cheaper
°nee of this blase: -Another -type
would be the senn-rotary eDamp
It.11*.tbe nearest approach to which is battened securely to the
'water on tap. end the spittle...8110,11d .wall of the kitchen or pantry at one
be fo more common in the rural aide ot shila It le .operated by 0.
districts than Pa It in the future. short handle moved back and forth
some time tto up-tO,date 'Water sYs- in -a, senti-cireulat tanimer. The same
the water line from the hoinie to SS for pumping Up'the water
from the cistern by having a three-
way valve inStalled, in the pipe line
at arpoint Just below the.sink, When
tbrifirvit eet %me wear-thta-Well-
water can be pumped into the 'house,
when NeptiOsite the cistern or soft
lobasised. These are The immt in this short • article an endeavor
temshould he installed to the' hate% pump et Abe- kitchett oink may be
the ,well would be already install°. •
told • no changes in it would' .• be
• ,,,
Hints on installation.
Before Salting one* few features
oncoming installation ot the water
pipe to the vit or suPPly should be wati'r cnn be um
quality Of gallgeJtiZed pipe ilteuid be ha; been made to explain a fey,
deed, the 101tatt In the line should lie nifriPle aud'illenPellidege means of re-
ahoule be carefully inspected to see house without
ehould be deep eueush to be alwate into the farm home, in others to fa.' that they are rat and mouse proof. / went to my druggist and asked him
ping to et my brestth,
absolutelY air -tight. the pipe ibie duehag the labor of getting the water
ee sottifir%turlomtofwroasrtdosththe:Iwinteisi,lio.aun144 trslllocre w . Our
College solicits' ahriuiries regarding ' pronticeble2:„_.4............„
dealt ' with. Department at the buildings is advisable whenever it for ''' it ear °rye #
and as soon its I badataken two boxes
urn' NII t and I/ Pills
pe low more up-to-date systems will be A concrete foundation . for storage -,,,m)
shoitld be a Cheek -Ultra and strainer' e farm .2 got teller., I wish that anybody who
‘ sold f 0. eis troubled the way I was will take Nin-
on the bottom of the pipe in Vie wall tiogY problems of oquipPing tho '•
bopie with water systems, plumbing, Why *45,000 BullVas or Sti
In order to maintain the tillte line burn's ilemt•and Nerve Tills."
and to keep back sticks. °Yeteras* When a tartan. farmer a few years Price 50e. a box at all dealers, Of
ago sold his registered itolstein buil maned direct en, teicelpt of lies by
full of 'Water ule te the PrimP Itself .80Wage (118Posal• lighting
Atono$. tto., etc. Write fru% a eOPY of Bpletin Isle.
installation dof ,evater Oster/1s, phlinb-
- Shortness of breath is one of the first
symptoms of heart trouble. and when
the heart becomes affected the nerves
work in tontipathy, and it is necessary
when the heart becomes weakened and
the nem* unstrung to see that the heart
is **dated and sthaulated 'andathe
mmeane, Gael .
. ,
Every farm and country home
should feed. atself, and to dq this it
is necessaya for each famil$' to grow
goad= vegetables and small „fruits,.
411 corn cribs and grain bilis
tate Casey., LePreaffe.14334'-
writem--"I have been troubled with
my,ii and nerves for over five years.
oteWalle over to my neighbor's
that knight Clog the pump valves. The 207: it la free. ---It. R. Graham to his local butcher no recorde had The xaburit or, Limited, oronto,.
Oita ot the rine (inside diameter) 0. c6uoge. Guelph. • been made by any of the bulre • Onta e
A. should he at least one-Italf the die-, • ' daughters. Within a year eleven of I r
'Meter of the Dural) cYlinder, the the daughtere feeshened at the ages
Aunt. Ada's 'Axioms: Seoneene bat
greater the horizontal distance Water` eald
a home attached; but the beat far s ot two and three. Records were
that a farm is a business -far
is drawn the larger the pipe. The Made of milk and butter -fat Ptoduc-
to the aetonishment or
typo or pomp two& may vary. eon. are homes With a business attacned,.. utioon;
eiderably. The ordinary out-of-iloors Earn, Thallie. °I' even nut'trees and overyboda the average milk produc-
higleweae. The oblectiod to fruit and ::nal.is 14,602 pounds lend the
i ourap would be 1 ted in the wood. ntriltitittrtetrese810 at:0g:: ti:aypibalelibra0174 rrearapgoeunbdust.ter-tet production "was
'Pump may be need In this came the
abed. for instant` '0,11(1 inotille4t'Ver down by over-zemous collectors et
a dry well, TWA Consists Ot ti, shal-
low pit uriblieel up securely, in willeu, .tfett.-,..,,ATIoilneLs ..,lot,,,,,Ap.4,t'tehihaLven if available the bull was dead and his
But betore these reaords were
the pump cylinder is located, and it 4--+ - ---'„,..=.........'" "; eneaelee6aattY• hide had become leather. Because
, haS a tight top lie an ordiaery well. ' - -- _ . there were ne records, a $5,000 boil
It Writild be a mita easier matterlto CISTERN had been aold for 560.
repair the putnp esituder
theft when THE fARM .,
•eo 4 e 0 se o 1 ,
On Saturday. February 25th1 the ladies of Goderidi and
announding.eountry will be treated to the most, amaz-
ing sale ever witnessed here. \ .
We me cutting prices almost in half for your benefit.
If you do not take advantage of thig nolo You 'will be
losing money. Every garment in the Store is on sale.
Here are just a few items from the many we have
on display.
Bolivia Cloth Coats, French Beaverine Collars, Silk lined
throughout. Regular $52.00 for........... .$35.00
Dres s, regular $1430 to$39.00, for. 46.50 to $19.60
Skirts, regular 4.95 to $12.50, on sale at $4.50 to $6:75
waiststguiar $295 to $630, kr ,.$1.75 to $3.50
Two rake for 35. 2 pairs for 75e. 2 pairs fo
and 2 paha for $1.49 •
atch For Our Big Spring Display Announc
meat Next Week, Opening Day,
Saturday, March 4
J ..$1•••••lik
The Square Goderich
pomp aver the well, arid much • WINTER HARD ON;BABY
freet selere winter weatlier. A p The winter season is a hard ollit
easier 40 ptotect the pump /cola
A Good S p ky of Soft Witer a -
Single or double actingdolan iiosseitoid Boon, on ut the baby. Re is -more or less con -
tae l be fined stuffy, badly ventilated
on 131'164 ' Trter tun taght 'fl,n Wit erooms. It is so often etormy that
fce punipoilltnilar tO the type used
Elie 'atm" a e and D auhter
a -the mote .
et does not: get lam out,. n
Valle Appreciate ita-Locetion of
PillABLE WRECK SAVED'. - 3tteci:tzrni:tdrce-Givc.11 lot.
ant nt and croas. To guard egaiust this,
(°)rktrit.ittt.,IsIrlebullt?nTlt4r'14::121r)Ifn . the mothea should. keep a box of
the fresh .;,ns often as she should.
, gse°sittiognitilichanrtet<411Pg
Ilesys tceamt
• out of order and he 'becomes peevielt
Bi -
fRom EARLy GRAfl y
Lucky indeed is the farmer who bes Own Tablets in the I:louse. Then
can 'boast et a Amer -falling simply of regulate the stomach and boweTs, and
oll oe breale..op colds. They are sold:by
44n't sleep. ray oar. s h. wi
Piing on . te va
. • intro ann tresh water from trmedicine
tante a bdealerIebyDrntatlintltanigs
ox front
Icouldhis premises
were'kull unst rung, cannot be reckoned. up in dollars
I was litoa.dily , and tents. Aeother eouree of water
• •
sqkly husband i; 0, aneehanieand
wawa" writee
0",r11',1 igootI (111(1 to.
annu. :We bake SN thiltirect
twee* the ?t -'I 01 .even and fifteen.
Both ray hteibend 4:ilftemyeelf have
denied OUralvc4 nethal
t,0 tIOUr Children tbe bmt ceb00d.
stIptilY oft the farm is the rain water
eaught on the roota, of the bul age
and stewed in lave undergrounti.
tatilm, called cleterne, itis tom-
monly . called eon water in cataract
to thti- hard _wine!: et %voila taut
e •
A Simply of Solt Water a Boon.
Every hounewife who 15 tertWeal.p
C7C, esuid afford. 1 often commit to have a Plentilul supply of
etteeeed eip all ninht Muting clothes •
foi, them or doing mend . Deeitlee • :Et water for Vasintig
Vin, I Itcym alwaya demo the Nvo3b. eloth03 'aud woodworn, and for use
ing and ironlog for the eialit et ma la the batia, Ispowe well bow inueh.
tat el a lot 0. 'noel), mad t OP
atiota aro more easily ended out
d the results more aatiefactore.
T &leo do tho sera me
ereanua. 'lite outcome of this nes
alma, 'wee doing MOTO than any
`-ifern-i"-emuld. stand and so
1 h stiperior it 11 to bard water. It
bloke down. .1 11' •-' a comedete Tule valuable etanay 02 water cornea
nervous wreck. I wall Icauvoil dolma from 'the cameo in genie* Coln
to a ekeieton. I Wee irt stieh ma. lona amounte teenta Tey ta0Uth, and
vette, high strutrs condition that ti a eeeta Bottling except a entail outlay,
Icaet. excitement would etere nue on arobahly $150, once 111 aa lifetime
crsinig lit wbielt eettidul control. eaa eayeareaesaaa. and 'a s',,orage
Tide breakdown lucent keeliing ray
f4dItiren from eelmol to help' In tito
lotwowork, hrt•ntre, 1etrat.11.1. tin
anythieg It the leash ceeetion Kit
nie 0. Wreck. I V. the, hurst, ne!gertia
ale of eottodeto nervous break
time that Stitt ever emir. Every,.
thing was witentewitit inceal couldn't
eat, 1-cOlitiitet fiCTP.. I heti that
dei Orel *can feeling INA I .tene
tiot deecrihe but, entt only be. tinder.
eteod by those the- baete had it.
knee tie weak that I wan ready to
retail atiethiug drat 'wed
I tri. -.4 tva-tral lit wagons istanoto
i.t m Aid no, any good. One
dev catee and &IA,
tent.. or cistern.
Ovea Ontario the average ralarall
, teem Apxtt to 21' lQ about
inehes Per moiatfa. eel. if ell the
bulalleas Lot 'an • averagoeeied farm
were provided with eave.trougbing,
110 let3 thto
an ur barrela og water
t'31 day, on the -aec.rage over the
whole *Oar would. be cola-T.6i. Title
rit.18.13tilY of water will serve eine:lent..
1,5'a -featily 13;71tivieg in a borne •
equiierea evith %.teele t If-italtJact;
tuccs. cot " itaw ciao exile or
• laird water. eaorie - weal tho
CriteitUt „reduiren for driultlua caul 1
bIedicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A husband Said he was now letting
his whislaes area?. since, his vaife bo.
an haaing his neckties.
cootieg ptirposea.
c"If-rki 4'` 1/14:1*Itt.i°111 in .*1111Ki-vPE31'(1 . A waned Cistern a necessity. -
celled 4-:+sroci. N'o. eli.ttlkordinary ,
Octane •
aro mede for it and I !mail 'ro. eafeAsard tIntliust a .41efinne
ea ides it might do ySs ea owed. Mae; et 63ft water i'1 tEtaen e2
doenfta a ...yeal ally ik,,,,s1 1 e%'7 e. in r.lit) are acittaca ti) Cetera Stiottld
,-fimi. ,nr auenent i tacieee net large. entnegie to held t Ole er
Dye MA bentlie ittoti weelet *la li :•treleiee a storac, tank a.. the vete
eaertea teeing Camel 1 no dears -Viet la feet Eltt.v.-0 are) Is) tett.,
#P.;,"114 VITVA: 'Pl,r.t I hit OVe't dene kieep, or its ttriciaalcat in dintereet di.
t FrOte., end tete teener ettoniar Mei% :En taere. or two cane:ea tanks hale
Ean t%ether zedel carte:alai, it sell
1 ina-..t UM, itt my Ste' Is.tro.„ r.
u) a.Lielftt305" 1! 1' t7.10 t&':.bailt its
ieree!eae ..aott.1:ta,,a, bs.,,.;1,4 eateene nee .enletid to:are ,eete 1'!I" 0" i3
eloint:con t trt bettl„•,, fin 1,-• tr (MA Outing the 'eager czaeon waea
iltst *d'i'e of riy hueleentre axe, d tante montlts° sepPle. Tine would
1. •
We Specialize ita wiring of
WI kinds. Let us glare -you an
estimate for wiring teme house
or garage.
14.ELECTRICPRIVATEOTRs 0B y :Al sm0 ioa lEs aS:
-GM( IKON iiitTOAST-ly
We have , p11 assortment ot
tile beat Electric Irons and
'Toasters male 'in Canada,.
neetrician Weet St.
Plione 82 or 193
., •
Now For
A Clean Sweep
A lot of new Brooms on ' sale •
at 35 cents, 40 cents,. 75 cents,
85 cents iind $1.00.
A1altay, the Best and Cheapest at Leach's
Phoe'180 Cor.,1VIoxitral, St. and ST:me
' g
it 4.
fulliasize, itweight, solld b-ar
of good soap is "SURPRISE."
Best for any and all household use.
Lor use in washing ntAebine, ;nave or olie3
a portion of the "SURPRIiV.," tar dire.tet
to the nutchine. It wilidflt work..