HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-02-23, Page 3TRUIRIIIDAY. NUL A VIM OF 11110112ITIS RESAI friii Aims Sregaltittia is stie seine afficauwatiate ea the mucous istemsbireas luting the stir tabs* e of the lunge, raid begins with chilk fol- lowed by fever, tightneet et a:satinet:hest, culty in b.:tattling, luaattenete,„ . am. 4. * eirsa harsh. croupy cough. wince. as sie- cesseed la wet weenier stud by ever)" ilistit cold. This cough:woes on SW' 10/4041170 is swrajly worse itt the inorta kg, and koala, relieved by rising, freely; Tire matter reared is at lest white* le _nu atiltivbat later bmomes of a &mum ory . islecolor tied is sometimee Weak - ed w bleed. (et the first aim or bronchitis you should check it immeffiately by ineme DR. WOOD'S ,NORWAY PINE SYRUP t therebta Prevent* it bcoiniter chroolc, and developing auto some rations lelia noublet Mr. olixt n. Root; 4a adapivil.,ve. Hantiltoti, Ont., writes:. -PI was ..bled with bronchitis, and -had* very baci cough a hadat AO long was beginning ter get afraid of other developments. 1 tried all kinds of cough remedies, bet without, relief. I 'was advised, bee a Eritrea to try Dr. Wood's NorwayPine *MP, sell got a bottle. It Convinced mete believe that. I had, et.last, gotten, _ the right medicine. r toed several bete Gm and am epraetimity welt.1 Ira xeeommended ,it to others since, mai good results followed. It is certainly, a wonderful "Broncbial Cough pernedear $OXTO la taidarre. liestaleelia WM** ilus sows Ct. Wallaara) No. 1 aerthers. 61 Mita No. $ aoribeen.not owned, )(0. $ sortitern, itou eotesi. Ilaisieabos eel. (Es moo, koonere No. CAC, Ole. Nitro 1 feed. 52e. No. feed, 66e. Kayla. larieir stere lot. WHIRtati Nu. .. W.. Dknaina), £111•010111 Cow (Twit. Teruel,* Prompt SIgassitist.) Ne, 3 yellow 74te. . No. $ yellow: 74e. No. 4 yellow, 73%,e. giestswin Oslo talsoieldiag ij • Oatarle Wilteat Aetsaskireg No. 2 wtitte. nortorial. sometery (Arseardisag to Firelgiatet 0.01140)No. 4 extra.; sec to Vie. Itarkwarat fRoweeersloomistel te liertight No. 21.e.720 to 1010. *70* N. 2. *$c te , • leastiteTsa Fleur. IFIrlit patent^ 27.60. • •Secona patents. V. Ontairle "Or *&1!0** *t1 • Price 35e. arid 60e. a bettle, se per cent. Went, tale. Millfted (Our Leta Rellorstred4 Bran. 123. Shorts', 180. reed dour, $1.70 to' $1.80. • *oleo saw. Tract( Toronto., Nd. 2,221.60 to $22. Mixed, 613. Straw. Car lots, per ton 82. CATTLE 'MARKETS TORONTO UAW STOOK VMONTO, Feb. 26.--RecelPta a itv• Stock at the, Union). Yards for to.dase calves 232; tome, T,808; sheep. 600. Dods News Nuggets Picked Fron es 1,10da, iltAtirfit of Itov. D. Larkin. Stefertis Dios is Primo 141- wan' Ishuol—Kiocanliso OR Soa' SOW* Will Net So Hell TiS 192$ —Kr. mg Mrs. Jas. 'Walker. Is Soak .1 Coady. Cele irate Galles Walliog--Vaterao G. t L Coast:tor. Do. Coe Retires—Whkikaa Maims TkreeDoty telelorstiat for Jun 29, 30 and July 1—Soafertit GeV CIA Will Erect Club Heise-- Horticoltstrat Societies is Comity Aro Active. and le part of the propertof Mr. Them. Dodds, within II shorty distance c$ the town of Seated% M. J. C. Greig le president eef the club, and Mr R. M. Jones secretary -treasurer. Kineardine Boys' Reunion ea play. The course eovere Oh scree; Dr.&eta. of Seafortb2cele. will not be held till 1923. orated his 80th birthilay ell aloaday, F b 13th market were 161 caret Cattle, 2,747; "CHICAO0 .141VR wrocu,, OSTEOPATH ' CHICAGO, Feb. 20, -.Cattle receipts, --"--,-.••••••...."-",--*-`•-•-• 800, omPared with a week ago: Beef 1,11, A. M. ROST, Osteopathic p ys clan. Graduate Des Moines Still ' College of Osteopathy, Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boardis. Special at- eention to diseases of wOneeti stove, 36c to 4Re meter, commop and inedtuni grades up moat; canners end cutter* and lo'W.prieed cows, weak to 26e lower; fat stuff. active, steady to. *trona; spots. higher on better grade cows and heifers; baleen* hulls about eteady; fat bulls, 26e to. 50c higher; veal calvea, unchanged; stocitera and feeders, mostly 26d'btgbet. Hera 6,00Q; market fairly active. .trong to 100 higher than Feder* everaite. mostly 5c to 100 higher; 'thin- ner* brought about 8.000; good clear- ance; top, $10.40..ou 140 to 1$0.1b. aver- ages; bulk, OM to W.35; ohm steady'. Sheep, 6,000; to.dasSii receipts practi- cally all packet% direct. Beat rat lambs, blg, dollar higher; other fat lambs, big. dollar higher; other fat lambs and Yearlings, 600 76c• higher;.fat, tuned *sheep,: 25e to 30o, and feeder mostly 23c up. • ehildren. Consultation free. (0 ce. • corner Nelson and St. Andre's,' Sts. • Successor to Dr. Reileratuut. In San - forth Tuesdays and Fridays, 1PIANG TUNING Aricitz tiOnitele • • Piano Tuner and 1 Repairer. ApillY ' Kingston, St., Ooderich,' Ont., Phene' 237, orders promptly attended to. musloat. vros. J. oaceneaole. as. Teacher Piano, IlseorY. Pupils prose, lid roe examinatioos. For terms. apply res- „ idente. Gibbons Ste opimslte Victoria pub 31c school or 'phone 293. GEO. KENYON. * "L. Mug. isinversity“ Teachene Diploma nolo mad TheorY Teacher's Melanie Singing • Pupils prepared for eXaminations. For terms app_ly Studie. Identreal opposite Public LibrarY. The deatk occurred in Toronto on • , Feb. 2nd of Mr. J. le. Smith, u forma 'pieta *A 4'04 Bride hhaaled la St, wen -known merchant of Seaforth. eta, Seafortit - A very *a and sudden death tee. curved in Soden% ea ThUrStbiF BO. so Ring, Feb. 9th, when Mrs. Jiteob Weber pasaecl away in her 67th year.. She was a daughter of the late Val- entine Boehler. one of the, first set - dere in the village of Egnaondvillet where she was born in 1854. In 1873 she was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob Weber, theirs ,beinir the first wedding to be solemnieed in $t. Rattle Halleway, wife of Mr., I Rittetibury, of Teterboro, died NN nesday afternoon of lot week, her, infant !Abe. Dr. David Jamieson,. who fa a number of years practesed his pro- fession at Whitechurch, died at hie home in Barrie Feb. 10th, Mr. W. J. MoZWatt, who mealy returned eta Clinton from the° West h his biother in the tailoring business. $ mope STUDIO. ' entrance between oodei and 3, Lauder's stores." • • 1412. C. V. HENRY iviolinist), tuition given on violin ler beginners and these advan. For Mrormation atply &nadirs. Rtsderlelt„ Society Orehestra,„5 pieces Goddieeli SectetY prene11. wa None seethe 11. ha tt gone into partners p , Zeroes' Roman Cetholle chureleaSeii- Mfa. J. G. Treragine, Detroit, sis- ter of Mrs. John Long, of Brussels, prowl away on Monday meriting, Feb. 13th, after a long filmes at Tor- onto. Mrs. NV. V. GloVer, who pesseda- way at her home in Fingal Feb. 9th, was a SiStaa,. of Miss .Mabel W. C. Harland, adopted daughter of. Mr. W. S. alarlande,of Clinton. cd. ' • • - 'Vienna repaired,. ridges trued, sound. •.,• posit set and violin hovv.8 rehaired-etc, . • (Pratessional) 9, WESTON, L. L. C. *2. •- Lteentiate LOICAOTI College or Bugle. Eng- land. Organist and Choir Director or • ; Methodist citurch„ Ptipils prepared for eXamMations in con- &Meilen with Toronto University, Toronto conservatory, .etc: 'Every pupil entered 'tor musical exams has passed, many with honors. For terms apply at residenee, , wag st. (irst door west or skating rink), 4 >A • • 00110 0*. RED 09 Music \ lilliFFA1,0 MVO STOCK. BITFVALO, reb. 20. -Cattle, recelote, /11.-S 100; 'teddy. Calven, 100; ateady, 63 to I.Orti on yteune&usaY, e ••• ;es, • Janet Evelyn °reek, of Southsea, Rogs,"saoo: slow; lito to 25o Hampshire, Eng, to Mx. Lorne Alt- Mr. Donald James Mel)onaldt son of Mrs. MicDinaild, of Lucknow, and a 'brother of Mrs. F. Malcolm and Mot. It. T. Douglas,died in hospital in Vancouver, B. 0reeentiaa• Mr. C. D. 'Bouck, late principal at Cantina has purchased a residence on Standish Ave., North Rosedeae,. Tor. onteetand will remove his family to the city at the Easter vacation, The lune al of the late alias Har- riet Manning, dmightee Of Mr. and Mrs,. ,W.• N. Meaning,- of London, whose death occurred the previous Wedneaday,atook place ttn. Saturday afternoon, Feb. llth, iron the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Manning, of Clintooe• • Aitcheson•Tuch forth. Teo Tired foe Arortlilast !PH s bat Tomo tit exhinist- ...4 tielt and lassitiado Is Wiwassals. 41. *est mem et Wiesitaile, 'mew eesreaseger loseeseer ,- *ow It * reeteemilve, Wm* sober Use Ism feed. 11411.4 Wit at At Preesidos; CeOlataR itentiels, Beg, Ceosedista WWI Parliasd 114.. Tereales. Freak IL AWL Ilasishat Throrder. Brother of Rev. Dr. Larkin Dies in 11151111rEl°1 est riving native of Goderich town. ship, and who has been a patient at the Clinton hospital since before Christmasi the result of a fractured hip, due to a fall. 'She is at Wont very ill. WHAT DOES YOUR • A Coal Strike Is *sly & poseilolity but wo aro sorry ao uttlast* prolaiikty You pors help to /midi it by carrying fon cool Wm, So now is the Onto to fill sip with MUSTARD'S COAL it ansuoirs M. &ming woollen It L. & W. Scranton Coal Tho Standard Anthristito vow telephone dila AM! eetvieeja free. Let us hear front yott, we ore attet at the Other en il of JOHN & MUSTARD . OPTIC& Peet of Meow* Strost These 41101111Mal.01011111111101111 Prince Edward Wend r 1)011't 111 bearing 1Viertiao, the linage that he a letteck.otlt 'With thO Capt. Wm. Larkhreether of Rev. cerebrated I lien serene, Mondira, ladies. ha IL Larkin, D. D., of Fleet Pres- ° MIRROR REVEAL? . bleb. 27th. T is Will * treat. djed Does it Tell You that YAM Blood Is The on y t ing that WM feWar easeewasareeeeeetesemewaveneweeeee riteman eburch. Seafort , has his 78th year, He _weir _AS resident of Prince talward • Island and was • welt Iola favorably' lament through- out the province and heyontl its bor. The 'marriage took lace in 'Med- dem. For many years he was in awe of Government dredges about the shores of the province and at all times rendered capable and efficient service.,lle retired from active etre vice ten or eleven years ago and since that, time had ,reeided quietly at Ale beton. higher; heavy, -steady to 104 lower; cheson,.son of Mrs. Aiteheson heaVy. 210.26 to $10.50; mixed. 670.65, to $10.0o• yorkere. sicso 'Co $11; light vv ingnain. Winter School at Wingham stags. $4 to $6. ,do, and thros, $11 roughs, 41.60 to, $8.76; LEGAL CARDS ' Winghant Aerictiltural Society r4 Mr. W. T. Booth has been elected wiee treatment n cases o Oyster Supper . , Thin and Watery „ • -1,Vhen a growing girl becoMeit complaints of exhaustion, dizzy spells, headache and stomach trouble, she should know that these things. are eviderices of enamels or bloodies*. A glance in the mirror will tell the steer., There is immediate need for a tonic, a systeirt builder Oat will completely restore the missing qua- litieg to the blood that every pavt the body 'will share in the beneilt„ A good eltaill le of the vestelt of to taltnthe place ofabir. :A.. G. Smith, is given bY 'Matta' Geeerge It" flleietb' a . If your nOstrila are eioneti and Your •who reeigned as secretary -treasurer QueerlaTPati an Se vtue aavel a een" head etuffed begets* of catarrh et * a -meeting of the newly-electedtold, get Ws Creent Baird at any drug of the TurnbereeaAgricultural Socha net Taw(' pr• Williams' Pink Pille cers end director „and their velvets, dauglater, Edna, at the ageRt la. 'be- store. Apply a little of this pure, anti* ' ty. This appointment Was made at too higbly for what they have Ilene for my three daughters, My eldest sepaearrm destroying cream intoyour i carne.run tlownt and I got ber three outfits and let it penetrate through i every air passage of /our head and nds -than a wiert lot the ma who • _ Cream Healing uream 'Stops Catarrh Nagai ppou at •onco.—N040 and Throat Glom sheell ante uteibee 2,000; steadi, un- About seventy out-of-town. dela, changed. gates attended 'the % winter school in 'WINNIPEG 1,31/B STOCK. conneetion with the Epworth Leegiees wenNiliDei. Feb.'elte-Recelpts were and Stinday schools of the district 115 cattle and 218 hogs. ' wleich was held in Wineitam .Metho- aide were absOrbes1 at fairly good dist church on Friday, Sata-erda_Yhand The handful or lolling cattle avail. , prices, but in view of the *email offer- Sunday, Feb. 10th, lith tad tat . ings. . as very light volume of trading . Wu no..Wroy • e handyweiget killing ..eteers which , A prkty 'wedding tookthe A. G. S. gets,a glee e place at the ber of ic coin Was. transacted. The few •slestrable ^ . . while the fair kinds of butchee COW' KW esiderice of Mr. and Mrs. V Mole, testier* o trial bulbs and the Wing - toiled an outlet were Priced at ...aoht.within rs.nge of $3.50 40 64. rSeefOrth, at the hour of 5 o'clock on ham Society will plant those it re - On. .. tho hog. fearket bidding' was Arm, Friday -evening,Feh,_10the when Miss ceives in public gardens with a stake &selects weighing up at 612.5o. Bessie Wray and Mr. Jacob Vaurini showing the name, for the benefit of Netrading toolt place on the sheep CO., anyone wishing to choose tae best and tepee market. due. tr. tack :tre foreman of Merner and Fee Flex were united • in marriage by Rev, bulbs for his own garden. The,r10W- . C t Edwards. • ,. er Grower.. a monthly; magazme, is and at the conclua n bf the bus nese alt 'repaired to McKay'e; restrturente Wingham, where ;writers etursitO them. President Wright acted as chairman and short addresses were made by Mr. Booth, Mr. Tiplingt Mr. W. J. Currie, Mr. Itottert Coultee, Mr. Williams and Mr. A. G. Smith - Horticultural Societies of County are Active boxes of the pens, and by the thee membranes; instant re tef. she had taken them she was in give How good it feels. Your head fo health, arosx is now a healthy married 'clear. Your nostrils ere open, you woman. Iny -second daughter, Mare emelt erupt No more hewatoa or titan, aaotvintheana4gre pale. 116n, twaaest she ina;agittl. Conoldnalasitsidy catarrh always been a delieate child, but gra- choked up and miaerahle, ReliOt dually became worse. At last slie could not go upstairs without having to sit down and rest, and couldno The Exeter Horticultural Society even do any kind of light workeewithe has chosen the "Zinnia'? as the Civic out being greed/ fatigued. Finally Flower for Exeter. The Society 38 e gave her D. Gnaws" Pink Pills, anxious to Make the flower popular and after taking hem we found they and will have a supple* of Beet' to be did her more 'good than all the other sold at cost. The membership is now medicine *be had taken, and she, is over 100. The Wingliant way in good health. Then,my aoung. ural Society has joined the Arderlean er daughter,Greta, now -15, became Gladiolus Society. Every new mem- so run alown that she had to stop Kolbe to. school. But - after taking eight boxes of the pills she is noW big, healthy girl. I feel that after hat Dr Williams' Pink Pills have PBARLES °ARROW, Barrister, solicitor. ,stc, Corner riortt 'Street and: Square, 4-411AS. SEAGEB • Barrister. Solicitor, notary Pelee • and LonVeyancer OMR, t, Court house. Gederich, " Vial .V=14' Wedded. ...-...PARIS.-.011t.r.Feb.-20,Surrottad-.... ed .by their family and friends, Mr. and Mrs. William A. C. Franks, of Elgin etreet, celebrated the anniver- day. Mr. Franks was born in Lon- mr wan' Jowl D McLean became the.bride of sary of their goldew wedding Satur- e . $ don, England, 7a years ago and came 4 . - • • to E. It'athwell. The groone to Canada whoa a lad of 14, Settling resently destroyed by fire at in" -as we proprie _r..o ..the a ee op f b k b at Caledon Mountain, near Toronto. horn. 14. feW tears later he entered the or- ' vice of the Grand Trusit Railway in Conductor Dan Cornell Retiring the machine shops at eteatford and Conductor Dan. Cornell, one of the me. wale r was bora aa a Tara on Mount Forest. Later he was MOVed oldest Grand Trunk conductors in the the Credit= road in Stephen town- _ te Port Dover, where he wirrked for district. is retiring fromanctive° sere ship. Mrs. weeeeeee maiden llama the .company for .lorty years, coming vice, owing to ill health, and the tam was Meg Clark aho being a resident , to Paris in 1915. Mrs. Franks was 'which he has had on the Huron and of Bay ld. They were , united int c HAYS ',Phone 88. a natfre, `of Maidstone, Kent, and Illruce 'betweeo London and Wingham marriage at Seaforth in 1872 and came to Canada when ten years of for the pastfifteen years will be tale- they 'took up their residence on the on over bsr Conductor W. J. Wearrisr fartn on which they teside. Shortly es4Istera solictio. .Ndtati Pubtle Etu• age. The esteemed couple received otnce minium st.) Sterling Bank illocir • , Real Mate. Leans, Insurance the official organ or the A. G. S. and RathWell.McLeart will be placed on file in the Wingham • "•k-quiret-.4v-eadino. took hlace Wed- publie_lebraeye The Soddy is bold- nesday of last weelaat theaWingalfaiii mg a public meeting 'ataieriatle.plans Presbyterian manse, when Miss Peat'. for a membership campaign were to L delight& Of Mr. and Mrs. beearroged. Brussels, Horticultural Sogiety also active. ' • 18 A Golden' Wedding ...-- done in MY home there can be no dont* of - their valeta, I hope someoneaase will beneat from our ex - pomace. • • ,, You can get these pills through any dealer in Medicine or brattail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six . ace. for 52.50 ftom The Dre Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • xeter Tones: Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Walker, ot'the London Road. south celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wed inn an Tuesday, Feb. 14th. 1* sure • • h many valualal.e gifts. after they rented the farm and mov- • • Balla (10,10manists. •.* C• iONVEXANCING AND NOTARX OEDROE E oP.EENSLADE. BeViteld, Con. veysking and Notary Mlle 0110CDFOOT, SILURIAN St 1101.51ES, earristers. Solicitors, Notaries Pan. UC. Etc. ° Onice-On die *Square, tact eloer from santiltori street. Cioderictl. private funds to man 'et lowest rates. W. pROUDFOOT, "K. a., • • SOMAS ()IMMIX. Live Stock and General Aucticiteer. Hamilton street, (loderich. acted, the Labor aarty would soon* e merst ale notea discounted. • be calleif to govern the tountry, made to giVe you satiaraction. LONDON, Fete 20. --Publication of details in his fossesidon regarding the eubsidizing by Russia of Com- munist extremists in England was Promised by Sa IL Thomas, Labor leader, speaking at Sheffield. Satur- day night. Mr. Themes dmiounted •the methods of the Communiste. Iteterring to the by-election la Clayton on Saturday, Which resulted in the return of a Labor member, Mr. ThOillaS said this victory wait 4i sure indication that, if the tactics. the Combiuniets could be counter - of wfog.hom. A Wingham Wedding , ed to Centralia, where for years Mr. Walker was engaged a IOIV At the NI/Ingham manse, on Wed- nurse buyer. They returned to the nesday morning, Feb. 15th, Miss Min- farm•where they have. ever -since re - Me J. Saunders, seeoud daughter of sided. They have five children live the ',late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saunders. ing: Edward and George, of Stele - was united in marriage to Mr. John hen; *Mr, Downa of Geond Bend; ivies. eohneee,4 of James_ Mrs. F. Kerr, of Crediton, and Misr. N. Johnston, son of Mr. Geotge and tom. Itev. :Dr. Perrie performed l'ilaatiet at home. one son, Williams the late , who served Ilia country in the late the • ceremony, war, was killed in action. They have School Num -for atringhaul end four grandcbildren and one great Brussels ' grandchild. •Among those -who were The, Wingham Dominion Day present far the occasion were three Sports Committee has (leaded to hold sisters. and one•beother of Mae Wal- e celebration on Thursday, Friday ker, viz: aim. Forney, of Wingliam; and Saturday, June 29th, 30th aria Mrs. Emily Peck, of Bayfieldi tare. July 1st. It is most likely that horse Kllen Armstrong, of Toronto, arid Mr, races will be the chief attraction foe Lanty Clark, of Bay -field; ale° Mn;. two days and game e in the town Wm. Clerk and daughter, of Varna. park the other day. Salea made everywhere and all efforts or later, and in. hiS judgment sOoner, -Bandits rp Train. • 'FIRE 1NSVHA.NCZ DONVER, Col., Febee 20, W0 • holdeup men boarded train No. 116 it Anssonts 112 THE The difficulty of getting a. five started on a cold rnorning eauses tut to wonder howe buildings ever burn down. oe la prime leiresoting for Wounds.—In mete factories and workshop carbolic acid is kept for • use in cauterizing -wounds and .ctits sustained by the workmen. Far better to keen on hand a bottle of. Dr. Thomaga &lee - tele Oil. It is jest as quick in action and does not scar the skin or burn the flesh. WEST WAWAtiOeit MUTUAL BRE INSURaNCE CO, • of the Denver and Rio Grande at ustantienso 1878 AIttmOatt, Co., Saturdax,Right, enter- eareerristrre Pears Pelt HUMMED DOitaitS ed the express aar, shot down the • nesev 1.. SIMKO-0, Agent and adjuster eapeeez ineeaenger, Coniez, relieving him. of in. genii, ransacked the ear, 51diG1LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUROCE • went tbrougb. the paseenger femtellee. Oardi end Isotated Town Property insured. robbing the passengers of many thoti. share or property insured up to iailuarY, sands of dollar; and other valuables. oemease.eamee ozone. president, Steeping the train two ladles out, the veto, $3,00.10.00. doderieh I las. Evans, Yiee•President, men %imam' in the swamp lamat b. teeareoed ; T. E. nays, Sec.-Treas., Sea. Oome2 was taken to -A- hospital turtle funncrons-9. lecornfair, totrorth, Alamosa, wb,ere It.LWexpected he will g. O. atieVe, Wrin, Cott. die, AGENTS -1. VT. Yee. nodertell Sandy Ord., leeb, 20. sweetie Philip Walsh, a welleknown and mid Llinion WM. Cnemey, C. Ilinchicy, Setter*. tisk'S •Cfntiting Store, Clinton, Or ale gun Was carrying to discharge. stance t GeOrgis mccartn7,, Turkersmith ; areedhaem : Malcolm /*Ewan. truceneue Charge Shattered Iland. iolan Perris, Undo& ; refintWitge. dle•aged resident of Tyadinaga, *Idle Policy noidere can pee their eseeeetrienta iteare, Ilk; left hand and wrist were ahat- NOTARY' PUBLIC. ETC tered sixth a manner that ovum- . _e ea------aa-*a'e-ee.-----a-e----ea talon was necessary. - • n. Cutra Store. imderielt, A. j. WA. hunting, !Slipped end fell, caueing Death of' Miss Eliza Mounteastie • Early on, Tueadat morning, Feb. Assistant Postmaster a Exeter Re. slgns Mt. E. J.. Christie, who "has keen ton, one of the oldest nateree of t • aSsiStant postniaster at Exeter for 1 district, passed out of this life at the ed of ei Years* ttu 11th Miss Eliza a ountereale, Clin- okr. o 1•••.**404i.•••••••••••••••••••••,.. 110.TAIIY prom Giolitti to torn% Cabinet. LONDON, Feb. . The Rome Good comprader Represented Dr. Young Cowan, in her 83rd year. Genera Conveyancing dOtie eorreepondent of the London Tirciee mono elo. feee, eoetertele, out, fiends the "report that ex -Premier Dr. eind Mts. Cowan resided in 1,11m- i Otolitti hart been charmed by the kluge ter for many years, later untying to t _FAIAL IBRECTORS to terra a. new Mhaistra. London. where the doctor practieed I, -----aa-----*---aa'a" -'a-----"---a-e-- ai=.---' - - --- until hie death 'sixteen menthe L. ranee which time hire. Cotvaa hoot 1 A. 3. LAITHWA.ITE abeen living in Exeter. t ' Seaforth Golf Club ttoutict c tub', .,....-........ 1 ontorth uoig and Country Club in t Homo Electrical Contractor i Agout for Ingio mra 1,v0,,,Lirat; :, ,,i'ar,Itoa;.0.,,,ad,vail,!,gt Zia lructorall, lactAitliel. Choieeeline el t ` ,• ado at tile annual taeating on l Illeetreeel Viatietei del Feb. 10tb. The erection of the caaried ' in oteete , many yearS, resigned on Feb. 14th, and Itlisa Pfaff,..sister of the postmoter, is to. assiet in the of - lime, On Tuesday evening Mr. Christie was presented with a nicely - worded address and a choice pipe by the old members of the ataff. Was Brother of Cate non. Thomas Green y montbe anti twenty day. She vain a daughter of the late Sidney II, Meunteastle, %elle came out from London, F,ngland, in 1839 with his young wife and two children. One of the children died on the way up here and was buried tat Dunclas. Mr. Mounteastle bouieht the florin now • 11 owned by Mr. Gilbert ate the Huron Itorid, just west of Clinton'. Rev. John Greenwaye retired Meth- odist minister, and a brother of "r Huron mid bad iust been open.1 • late Hon -Thee. Greenway, formerly ed end what ia now. Clinton wee tee Premier of Manitoba, died recently hia home in Nelson, B. c.. after a prezented by a log shaky tavero, Peter Vanderbur% the prolonged illnes, at the age of 81 i owned by forerUnner of the Rattenintry House. detya near Exeter but the greater for many yeare coriducted by the Itattenbury family. Tire town was yer. Deceaeed spent his younger part of In, life was spent at Crystal little more than a .ccorners" in till City, Man. ' - 'weed, even when the nubject of thie Mrs. (Dr.) Cowan, Exeter, Passes sketch began to take notice of thing. The death oecurred eorly Monday There were twelve in the Mounteentle MOIllang. Fele 13t1r, at the !tome of family the only eurvivitie raetribe alt. mut Miro, Samuel alatite'F.geter, now bang 111i139 Ellen, who ig the old! tl ine leite relict of the late BrODII611 BrO. GODEfiiCki The Ltadhlp fnnral Dirattort • and buthainiers Oztiora cuofully ramified to tot all bout. a --nicist or day, Old Colkorne Hotel Cor Phone 211 eiub- house le made possible to it , great extent by no generoue dora Con of the flotei Patron. Mr. noloq E. Cresswela of Denver, Col. A magnificent .ntiver eup, one of the fat - et trophire La the country. Lae alco d 'Leta bre Mr .Creesteell awl . ".„0a will lie competed for yearly in tarell. NewAutomobile Paint Shop 1 tun prepaeed to do`'allici di* of Automobile Painting an: Finishing aim SIGH WRITING 'sal •,S110W CARD.NORK ATI SWIM Ot.kBAINITn111) Fred Seabrook Kingston St. Id Conti). any's ehigh The Genuine Anthracite Coal Burns longer and -bolds the fire better than the ,so gulled tree burnivtg or semi - anthracite coal, therefore it is more econ- • • magical and more satisfactory. Ask your neighbour who buys it. Send us your next order. The Dein Coat Company GODER1C1?hone 95 Near G.TR 1 Offis • ce--Mbert St. t air for NAVY CUT CIGARETTES lafor 5 for 3 i• Me.tre, Tobacco for the Money • cl _PO Canada it c.)0671; by - the ECONOMY Packa ;min 17 1