HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-27, Page 8enleseriberswbo do not receme their paper regularly will please notify us at once. Apply at tee emua for eavertieleg rates, THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THIeRSDAY„ MAY 5. IStia„ Shot end Shell. - --- Guilt has a bard pillow. All de-sip:item Oroin the devil. Funativieras fat aimed sur Wheu yeti have meting to do uever lo ate r help. The tlosil raver Rae to vreete any bait to mime a mitten eoev feiene rale an old enemy will bath temr wateeieg. Teuralt teal foe weet you, are, not for wieit meter reema mite Preyeeg Rs ale -eye eatey, when we tamng me nee. limy :tea respenalerety were rear- riee tee, eleree e." Liam. 'Mime ee tire it,• emsetes of time. the ages are teese mereity, eierin,e oteer ppe,'s faults zaever Lit, them, eine:, 0.1,-,F sweeter. teesonsite gives tee great mtee chi:zee te sinew Leta great be lio.tweyer high a 10314 may ceimb Kest eavieve etart teem the greund. It (ehrist is to be the life et Fehr Seed. int' latest beeieue the seel of yeur iite. (let where tleil ean trust you to handle 1110keY 4144 Yk.14 Will never tiud Tour petetet empty. life of the Cbristiun who cleat not tove his !table is never taareetl by elegie tesesehlaime to Chriet. Every Suudey le a. link *t gold it% the eltaiu of time. J.. blessed eternity ie au en,ilets chain, tied all etit in are those et geltle-lianes Home Long Ftuger Nous. In Nubia the long nail is regarded, as Indicative a good breeding. Tbe aristm =sits constantly subject their Anger-tipu I o cedar Wood Are o ineure a good growth. le both bine mid Siam the metal at leieg :mile wear metal, caso over them to preserve them, meth) a gold or silver, wad jeWelod. Melo lomr, nails vs not re- gareed as sizigulier ta himi they are timely znet witla except ea fallacies med pedantic ezholars. Among. the fakire in Hindoostett a ',calleustout is that of hololing the hand rightlr clenched and in weep:mitten so on thee at last tbe nails grow throegh the palro, emerging at the, batik si the hand and growing ;hence almost so tbe wrist. When the wasted muscles refuse to eupport the arzu any louger it 34 bound en position with cords. The eiatuete hold the long finger nail In the smite reverence we bold tbe family tree. tNiany of them never have had their zniis eut from the day of their birth. On the erot linger the nail is of moderate length -three or four inches -while on the other lingers the nails grow oecasion- ally to two feet. The thunab nate which Is allowed to grow Ione,. after reaching a certain length curves around nice a corkscrew. There never wae. and never will be, a universal panacea. in one remecav, for all ills to which flesh is beir-the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and difterently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient -what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious 33y its gradual and judicious use, tbe frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the intluenee which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshine sleep - Imparts vigor to the velem of the blood, -which, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby 2alaking activity a necessary result, strengtheningthe frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance -result, im- proved appetite. Northrop So Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quitibee Wine at the usual rate, eind, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market All druggists sellit. A Silver Lining. Mr. mad Mrs. Cooper do not get along 'well together. She is not to blame, for he is always saying spiteful things. For instance, when she happened to say that a murderer had been sentenced to 20 years in Sing -Sing, he remarked: "Well, he is in good luck." "How so?" "He will have a quiet time of it until he gets out, and. then he will be too old to inarrv,.”-Tjo r "Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Bickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the danger avoided, This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, keeling and curing all affections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron- chitis, etc., etc. Reassured. She -Why did you start so? He -Did I understand you to say that 'our father is failing? She -Physically, I mean. He (settling back) -Oh, all right! It was afraid •it was something serioue.- teeto-Date. Quickoure for Burns. 15C., 26o., 60c An Meant Di:mimosa. Ftither--/ou've been calling on my aughter rather frequently of late. Are pour hater:tient; .serious? Traith-Yee, indeed; Pm trying to per- snade her to buy the make of veto' 1 earn ageat for. -N. L Sun. Einard's Liniment for sale everywhere. The best thing to do with your !roubles is to introduce them to your Quickeure for all pain; 15c., 25o., 50e. What a career the Almightyr ether chose for is Beloved Son! *Mardis Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, CEPEA'S. . -CUB4N COUP, The Spanish Admiral Has Gained a Great Point, CLEARLY OUTWITTED THE U., S. At Lease, Thet I How New Yore: Feele ou the Additionally Complicated Situation. - Admirals Sampson and Schley Have Now Started Out to 11214 the Spanish Armada, New York. elay el. -The general feel- ing here UOW is Ilia we have dean com- pletely outwitted. 'Elie Speniards have shown euperior strategy, and the Care Verde fleet ts safe, while Schley's squad - ren is in great danger of Cervera is at eantiago: echley and -amp- at Key West. When Sampson sailo to meet Cervera the Spertiartle will sell round the other side or the island. anti either reach Ilavane sefely, or swoop down on and destroy Schley's small emu - Mend at Key West. and then go to vana with supplies, et. The sitliatien IS MUch copeelleated. GOING OCT TO FIGHT. Sampson and Settle.), Will Get After eerveraM Fleet Right Away. New Yore, May 2M -A Washington special to the .Thernal see's: .A.1t1ough the Navy Department refuses all information, It can be stated on the highest authority that Sanipson and ehhley have started to engage the Spanish Mew at Santiago. by way of the Windward and Yucaton paos- ages, respectively. The lighter ships will still maintain a close blocked° of the nor - there tease, while swift despatch Nate are held at Key West to carry bin:or:ant ehangeo of the enemy's plans to Sampson and echley, A. Washington special to the Journal says: The Oregon, Marietta and Buffalo have pieked up the Harvard off alartin- ique and all four are hurrying re join Sampoon. Seerinare Long said yesterday: "We shall undoubtedly hear of a Mg naval engagement within thirty six hours." Left sarittago, Madrid, May 20.- telidnightel-It is asserted that Admiral Cervera's squadron has left Santiago de Cuba. THE POLICY OF SPAIN, Pre2X1101. Sagasta Says Spain. Win Fight 'Until Peace Xs ocured-The senate eongratuluteo eervera, ?Madrid, nlay !IL -Yesterday the Minis- ter of Marine, (L'apt. Aunon, remised a despatch from Minitel Cervera, in aim - mend of the Cape Verde Squadron of the Spanish fleet. It read; 'Sit/Miami de Cuba, May 10. -This tnorning I Nene without incident, entered this port, :to- companied by the squadron. (Signed) Cervera," The cable deopateb says Admiral Cer- vera did not sight any American ships during the voyage. He announcethat the crows of his ships aro in perfect health and enthusiastic. Continuing, the despatch seem: "The blockading vessele quickly left on the approach of the squadron, whose tualval )ms created the greatest excitement and enthusiasm at Santiago de Cuba. Im- mense crowds of people thronged the quays and cheered our sailors. Havana's relief at the safe arrival of the fleet is very great, as it was feared the Ameri- can ships which left the blockade had gone to intercept the Spanish fleet. It is now believed the Americans fled in order to avoid a reverse." The Minister of Marine immediately went to the residence of the Premier, Senor Sagasta, and communicated this information. Re then proceeded to the palace for the purpose of informing the Queen Regent, but Her Majesty had re- tired and the news was conveyed to her by the Infanta Isabel. Captain Aunon then went to the Ad miralty arid cabled his congratulations to Admiral Cervera on his amend. at Santi- ago de Cuba. IN THE SENATE. Spain Will Fight Until an Honorable Peace Is Secured. Madxid, May 21. -The Ministers, in full uniform, appeared in the Senate yes- terday. Owing to the circumstances the new Cabinet is already named the Cir- cumstantial Cabinet. The Premier, Senor Sagasta, explained the Ministerial crisis, and asserted that the new Ministry would continue the policy of the former Ministry. He related how "Spain did everything to avoid war until America, violating all recognized diplomacy, attacked Spain with an in- justioe unprecedented in the annals of civilized bistory. and compelled Spain to respond with war to war, which Spain would continue to the utmost, until an honorable peace is obtainable." "This," the Premier explained, "is a strong policy, and the new Government Will also energetically conduct negotia- tions with Europe and other states." Congratulations to Cervera. Count Penaramiro proposed the Sen- ate's congratulations to A.dmiral Cervera on his arriving safely at Santiago de Cuba "and cleverly dodging the Ameri- can squadrons." Captain Amnon, the Minister of Mar- ine, responded in the name of the navy, highly extolling A.clmiral Cervera. The congratulations were voted. unani- mously. POLO'S atitatio LUCK. His Coal Boat Foundered in the Atlan.. tie and All on Board Are Lost. New York, May 21. -The Maritime Exobange received word today that the French brigantine Granville, chartered by Senor Polo to cameo coal to St. Pierre lefiquelon, a French coaling station off the south coast of Newfoundland, has 'beetz lost at sea with a crew of 20. She sailed from Cape Breton a few days ago with 2,000 tons of coal, and one body and her stern beard have been washed ashore at Miquelon. The disaster has led to enquiry, and it transpiree that Polo bas arranged for many big shipments, so the next squadron from Cadiz may re- plenish tbeir bunkers. There is trouble ahead for the owners of the Granville. War's Heavy Cost, Washington, May 21,-Seoretary Alger bas sent to the Seeretary of the Treasury for the transmission to Congress supple, mental estimates of appropriate:am aggre- gating 08,038,840, required by the War Department tor the support of the regu- lar and volueteer armies ot the United States for the first six months of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, in ad- ditiou to the amounts appropriated in the wee of elarch ;25 and May 4, 1898. The principal items for which appropriations are asked are as follows: Signal service of the army $114.000, pay, etc., of the army S1,017.801, pay of volunteers eiei • 516.166; subsietence of the army $10,219,- 635. regular supplice, quartermaster's de- partment, 0,000,000; incidental expenses, quartermaster's department, $2,500,000; horses for cavalry mei artillery 000, army army transportation Se0,000,000, clothing and camp and garrison emtipage $13,0U0,000. THE CIENFUEGOS AFFAIR. A Bombardment That Ended in the Death of 300 Spaniards and Several Hun- dred Wounded Soldiers, Key Wesr, May 21. -The Spaetish loss during the recent engagement at Cien- fuegos is now known to bave been much heavier than was at -first reported. Three hundred Spaniards were killed and sev- eral hundred wounded. Great dinaage was done along the coast. Scan after the engagenant the lehited States cruiser Marblehead Ineked up sev- eral Cubans in an open boat, some miles down the coast, including Calorie, Lieut. Olvarez and three privates, from an in- surgent carap near Cienfuegos. They re, ported that the Spatelsla losses and the damitete -wrought by the shells from the warships were heavy. The hospitals at Cienfuegos, they said, wore full of wound- ed; and fear prevailed everywhere that the American warships would return to complete the work of destruction. 010 Slimes and 2,000 Shots Fired. During the engagement the Marble- head threw 455 eve -Melt shells into the Spaeish forces, and 700 shots from her secondary battery. The gunboat •Naslxville threw as niany more shells aucl, 1,500 sbots from her second battery. Fifteen hundred Spaniards were sta- timed in an improvised fortress on a neck of land, anti it was here that the most terrible destruction was wrought During the heavy ere of shells and just after the lighthouse was blown up, five Spaniards who 'were running together, in an attempt to escape, were picked off by a shell Mom the elurblehead, the gunner being ordered to fire upon them by En- sign Pratt. They were torn to pieces, The men who manned the cutters did so under instructions, 011u they withstood the galling tire poured upon them with the utmost calmness. The Cubans were sueplied with six thousancl rounds of ammunition, and all but one of them got ashore, Russia Sees an Opening. St, Petersburg, May 21. -The public and the press here are evincing great in- terest in the future of tbe Philippines. Much hostility is manifested towards any sthome by whit% the United States, Gieat Britain or Germany, indivianally or jointly, are to retain possession of the islands, and some of the newspapers urge the Russian Government to endeavor to obtain from Spain a lease of Same of the Philippine Islands in order that they may servo as a Russian food base in the Pacific, From. 15 to 20 Spaniards Killed. NOW York, May 21. -The Now York and Porto Rico steamer Arkadia, which sailed from St. John, P.R., May 14, ar- rived yesterday, and reports that sne was In that port two days after tho recent bombardment by the Rear-Atimiral Sampson's fleet. Capt. Lloyd said that from 15 to 20 Spaniards were killed apd about 60 wounded; inany houses were damaged, one of the forts was destroyed auci two guns were dismounted. EXECUTION OF TOM NULTY, The Brutal Murderer of His Three Sisters and Young Brother Died Like a Stoic -Disgraceful Scene. Joliette, Que., May 21. -Tom Nulty, the young man W110 murdered his three sisters and young brother in Noveznber last near Rawdon, was hanged in the yard of the county jail here yesterday morning. The drop fell at 9.01. Hangman Radcliffe and his apparatus did the work well. Otherwise, however, the execution was a disgrace, so muoh so that Radcliffe lodged a formal complaint. The whole thing seemed like a circus. Some three hundred wore officially admit- ted to the execution and, of course, these appreciated the solemnity of the hour, but nearly a thousand laughing, jeering men had secured means of access to the roofs of the jail and jail sheds by means of ladders, and then spent the time laagh- ing and shouting, entirely careless of the awfully tragic deed about to take place. eTulty was stolid and apparently as un- concerned as when on trial. He walked up the high stairs of the scaffold unassist- ed, and with a firm stem Part of the time yesterday he spent in writing letters, by proxy, of course, Mr. Rivet, a young lawyer, writing them for him. One a these was to his parents, in whioh he frankly owned up to the murder, and asked their pardon. He said he was crazed with love for Miss L'Heureux, and did not see any other way of being able to marry and bring ber borne. Nulty's father was at Rivard Hotel, the most unconcerned man in town, and -would have witnessea the execution had he been permitted. He took ebarge of his son's body at 11 oeilock. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. The trouble between the Canadian Pacific Railway and the uock laborers at Fort William has been amicably settled. The Grand Trunk has arranged for about SO excursions to the Guelph Agri- cultural College from several parts of Ontario next month. The jury at the Toronto Sessions In the ease of Adam Wilson, charged with seducing Isabel Ashque,b, an Indian girl, failed to agree and the prisoner Was bourid over in the sum of $400 to appear at the next sessions. Miss Jemirna Hunter, late of the town- ship of King, in Lloydtown vicinity, was killed in Chicago by an express train. She stepped aside to get out of the Way of a freight train and the express caught her The remains were interred at New- inarket. MID CONTIRED AT LAST Mr. Gladstone Borne Off by the Gri m Destroyer. DEC, 29 1809 MAY 19, 1898, The Last Hours et the Dying statesman - Pen lecture of His Appearance Just Before the Great Change -H. he High- ness Expresses His Sorrow -AB Britain in Mourning for theA...10ed, uritahl Hoi," Her Great Dead, Hawardon, May 10. -Gladstone is dead, He died at 5 o'clock this morning. THE STATESMANes LAST HOURS. The Weary Vigil on the Night Before His Passing, At 10 o'clock a.m. yesterday Mr. Glade stone was still in a comatose state, appar- ently haverieg on the brine of death. Only le' the feeble beating of his Pulse could it be told that he was still alive. An night long a weary vigil was main- tained. The wbole family was in and out of the sick. room, Mrs. Gladstone remain- ed throughout the eight at the bedside: ett her dying husband. She could not be iti- dutod to leave him even to Mee refresh, meets. The sou° at about 4 o'olook in the morning, when it was supposed Mr, ellatistone's last hoar hadcome, was moot painful, But be again shawed his almOSt superhuman vitality, fought death away mid relapsed into sleep. His Favorite Hymn. During the crisis et 4 o'olook, Mr. Gladstone's breathing 'was 86 to the mim tate, and the members of his family were summoned. The Rev, Stephen Gladstone read prayers and hyznes, including Mr. Gladstene's favorite "Rook of Ages," When this was concluded Mr. Gladstone was heard to murmur "Our Father." eirs. Gladstone's Devotion. The weather is fine and the window of Mr. Gladstone's room is open. Dr, Dobai, in an interview -7 aternoon. said: Mrs. Gladstone deee not leave the bedside. S1io3 is always holding Ur. Gladstone's hand. Although extremely distressed, she is bearing up with considerable fortitude. Any attempts to administer food seemed to bore hire. His attendants kept bis lips moist with spirits and eveter at intervals, Mr. Gladstone's strength has been sus- tained in a groat measure by bis extraord- inary constitution. Most of his internal organs aro perfectly healthy. HAPPY RELEASE From a Trio of Afflictions. Paine's Celery Compound Saves the Life of a Lady in Seam, Man. THE TERRORS OF RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA AND HEADACHES ARE BAN- ISHED FOREVER. Health and Happiness Bestowed on All Who Make Use of Paine's Celery Compound. WELLS & RIcHARDsow Co., GENTLE/SEA :-I ant very pleased to be able to tell you of the great good that I have derived from the use of your Paine's Celery Compound. Before using your valuable compound I was so crippled with rheumatism that I had to crawl on hands and knees from one place to another. I also suffered from neuralgia and dreadful headaches, and could not get more than one or two hours sleep each niaht. I often thought it would be better to die than live and endure ray terrible agony. I was happily advised to use Paine's Celery Compound, and atter use of six bottles the rheumatism and neuralgia are banished, and I now eat, rest and sleep well. My present improved state of health is due entirely to the health -giving virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, which has done wonders for me. My hus- band is now using it for dyspepsia, and it is doing wonders for him. My neighbors to whom I have recommended Paine's Celery Compound have been greatly blessed. Yours truly, Mits. Amur R. COBB, Seam°. Man. The life of the Christian who does not love his Bible is never marked by close reserablauce to Christ. GENTLEMEN, -While driving down a very steep hill last August my horse stumbled and fell, cutting himself fearfully about the head and body. I used Minard's Liniment freely on him and in a few days he riias as well as ever. J. B. A. BEAUCHEMIN. Sherbrooke. Still Deeply in LOTS. "1 never knew a honeymoon te lasi as long ae the Browns." "What makes you think It has lasted?" "Why, I go dawn town with Brom' every Morning, and he hamlet yet reaci. ed the point where he forgets to mail his wife's letters the very first thing -Ohicago Post. WH EAT UNSTEADY. rounicting raetor-a at "Work influencing the Price of the Cereal -Toronto's 1:11 l'ilet'ariSdatoyel;vilientalOkge, tel. ay 20. "England. wants 45,000,000 bushels of wheat in the next teu inoeths. This is more than prospeetive anilines." The above eable Muni London was one of the bullish factors in tile wheat' market to, thee and others were reports et Injuries to Europeeu erop, and oe an extension et the Emma wheat auty suSpension until Oet, 1. ee, wren these influences, however, there were the lower eables, an Increase in the Argentine shipments, line erop weather in the 'United States and finally large recelptS ill the Northwest, Indio:tang a probable in. Crease iu the visible supply for the s%. Aeling under these Influences wheat ..v.ts erratic on the Chielloo board to -day. May fell 5' over nigh( but elkotts1 nt yesteraare emit figure. July sold down to s1.051,4, and easel a; eitosm, itee higher than yesterday, 'Tile September pinion advanced to ropresenting a gain ef ele for the day'. Little linen:aeons were no:image on the other Ameriean boards. At Liverpool July wheat fell 21id, svP- tember 11/d Stal December ,;4...1 beloW yea tereay Mot QUM t1011,.. English country markets were easy. At Antwerp whetz was unehanged. rad the same may 910.01 - Cally be said of the neirhet at Pans. Imete flour rose 10 to 70 centimes during the TthrolAvritai.0,1101Txtrro_4.0,1r onto outario wheat was a little for a cent more, on the tot. Lawrenee mar - 81 45 NewYork .. .. ..•.. 1 50 firmer, $1.1,8 middle freights beitt,,,, all 0,0' No. red. A few zransattione went nuouga 21 atis ligtire, but holders as a rah. sitwit solno 11101dred. (if red were dls- posed of at 31.12 to St, Loudo la le)7:30g1Qt Ill'oarl(1)Int :NN9i.).1111111411.. •'1)-1 14'ealrlotawniligeenatrtevse:losing prices tw.lay at Duluth. No, '1 Northern1 55 1 55 Leading Wheat Markets, irtetod '''''''''' 1P(AR•oitute. Cash. May. 1 25 1 "24 Quiet anti steady. Straight roll. ers In barrels, middle freights, are quoted 0:\AS'tela0t-1'.NI 1.91511.24. s at the visite offered e1.08, middle freights, for Ontario red, ow sumo transactions toot place- at that prime but the majority held out for a cent mare, awl me safor $1,10. Spring IS quoted at 31.04 to 31.10 an Midi:tad, aud, goose at 31.03 on Midland. Manitoba hard remains at 31.44 to 31.45 on track here. Barley -Feed at 39i, to 40e north and west and No. 3 tetra at 41e to 42' west. Oettse-ehoice heavy white tooted at 311to tomi5c west. Beau sells at 311 middle freights ansi aborts at 812.50 to 813 middle freights. Corn-eanadlau, Sole west aud 43e on. Meek bete nYSiUk-uN'Ic'teluttitn-uNtotulnal at 40e to 455 west. Peas sold at tifle nililOte freiziqs. Tovonto et. Lawreseee Mark**. Tee receipts of grain to -day were larger, 24e(t5ttebetlilt'thiliiens ear1,1 h"!id. obushels selling as f+.1. lows: White Pile to 31,051g. rvti $1.12 tzo 1.1tarlitygollorsineell..(217001obils1Clis'l balts1-11Te. to 40e. Oats firmer, 300 bushels selling at 33e to 3°Peas Arxner; 200 bushels sold at 0$e to C5e. Hay -Market dull; 95 loads Sold at $7.50 to SO per ton. straw steady at 3A to 37 per ton for 1°Ialire'ssied bogs Amer, selling at 30.15 to $0.311 fon light, and 35.05 to $6 for beim. potatoes firm at 75e 10 sni, per bag. Wlidam Pace, $t. Lawrence elarket, who has gone into the flower business, eael a beautiful display of plants. Toronto Live Stock. 'Butchers' cattle In fair aemand. Buyers from Montreal and other outside pleees were on eanti. PrIees fairly well main- tainal. Choice picked lots sold at 31 to $4.12,,o loads of good 'butchers' cattle, $3.80 to $3.9.0; medium, 33.65 to $3.75; eozinnon, $3-00 to $3.70; inferior, $3.12iii to $3.4e; N-4..1.7 Inferior small rougb caws ana bulls, e3 to $3.20 per cwt. Competition was keen amongst the buy- ers ot Buffalo stockers, whicIi sold nearly as high as the beery feeders, $3.80 to $4. Heavy feeders were being bought by Ontario farmers at 39.80 to $4.122it. AhOut 20 milk cows sold at ‘$.25 ITO 340 bre tarieh. Clini $0to es sold at $3 to $5 eare for general extra heavy cholee Teals woula 37. Sheep were plentiful, tame being left un. sold. Prices were easier. Ewes sold at $3.50 to Mee: bucks, 33 to 33.95; dud year- ling lambs, $5.50 to $5.75 per cwt. Spring lambs, $3 to $4 oath. About 2500 hogs were delivered. Prices unchanged and market easier. Prospects lower. Best selections sold at 34.90 to $5.10, only very choice brouglit the latter price; thick and light fats. $4.75. One load. of 000d butelers' cattle, 1100 lbs. each, sold at $3.90. East Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, MOy 20. -Cattle -Receipts were about all consigned through. Market was dull and weak. Hogs-Recelpts fairly liberal; market am tive and prices were higher on all grades: god to choice Yorkers, Vale te $4.40; fair to gooa light Yorkers, e4.30 to $4.35; mix- ed packers' _grades, $4.40 to 34.50; medium weig'hts, $4.4 to 84.55; heavy hogs nominal; roughs, $3.00 to $4.10; pigs, $3.70 to $4. Sheep and lambs -Receipts light, only a few loads being on sale. The market ruled stronger for ail grades or god stock end the general tone ot the trade was firm. Native capped lambs, choice to extra, $5.15 to e5.30; fair to good, $4.85 to $5; culls and common, $4.25 to $4.757 yearling fair mixed to choice wethers, $4:15 to $4.40; native eimpea sheep, choice to selected wetbers. 34.25 to $4.30; good mixe dsbeep, $4 to $4.20; common to fair. $3.60 to 33.90; culls to common sheep, 33 25 to $3.50. Cheese Markets. Perth, Ont, May 20. -On the market to- day there were about 250 boxes 'white cheese. Prices were ilat, being from 6%e to 7c; Bissell and Webster were the buyers. British Markets. Liverpool, May 20. -Spring wheat Is firm at 115; red winter, no stock: No. 1 Cal., no stock; corn, 3s 91Ad; peas, 58 90; pork, 57s 3f1; lard, 338 63; tallow, 21s 60; bacon, heavy, Lc., 35s 60: light, 35s; do., short cut, Ms; cheese, white 40s, colon 42s. Liverpool -Close -Spot wheat dull, with No. 1 Northern at lis; futures quiet at lOs 31. for July, 7s Med for Sept. and 7s red for Dec. Spot male° quiet at 3s 90; fu- tures Se 8ie2 for July and. As ArAld for Sept. Flour 35s. B. B. Osier Attacked by a Woman. Toronto, May 21. -Mr. B. B. Osier, Q.C., had an oxoiting interview with a former lady client in his °Moe, Freehold building, yesterday afternoon, and the lady made things very unpleasant while she was there. She is Mrs. Sarah Bowen. or Stevens, and some time ago, it is said, Mr. Osier unsuccessfully conducted a case for her. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Bowen, or Stevens, called on Mr. Oder, and after a stormy outburst attaelted him with a chair. This was taken from her alad she then sailed into the renowned lawyer in a pugilistic manner and struck hiro a 'vicious blow on the left eye with her clenohed fist. The infuriated woman then dashed from the office, caught the eleva- tor and got a start of the employes of the firm who were pursuing her. She got int° a rig in waiting, but at Ream= Street it was stopped. A policeman quietly asked the \vomit her name Standing up in the rig disappointed litigant shrieked, " e man Oster robbed me of $10,000, bur blacked both the nigger's oyes. 'T see the ambulance after him In a• mina to. Tbe woman 'gave her mune and her address was 63 Alexander .street, Mr., Osier swore out an information 4tg,ainsi his assailant charaing her with assault. TAKE YOUR CHOICE; We A.re Sure You Will Select the Diamond Dyes, There are several kinds of wretched inie itation and soap grease dyes that are sold by some dealers for the sake of large pro. tits. These dyes bring consternation anel despair to every inexperienced housewife who uses them. The results may be summed up as follows: mixed, Muddy colors, ruined garments and materials, bad temper, end it shower of wrath on the dealer who has sold the deoptive dyes. For loug years the women of Canada have bad before them the celebrated Dia- olOnal Dyes for home colorieg work. These chemically pure dyes bare carried satisfaction and delighe ma all who bave, used thorn. Old, feded and dingy gam ments have, by the aid of Diamond. Dye% been traesforined into new and beautiful creations; niouey leas been saved. and the happiness of families increased. Where directions have becii faithfully followed, um a single failure bas been recorded. II you are a novice In the work, of home tlyeiug, you bare now presented to you the yaried classes of dyes that you can purehase and use. If you desire success, profit, an unruffled temper and home hap-. Pluess, you niust surely decide in favor of the Diamond. Dyes -the only warranted dyes in the world. Yon cannoe be de- ceived if the name "Diamond" is round on each packet or dyes you buy. Book of directions end ova Of 43 colors free to any address. Write to Wells & Itiebardson Go., Montreal, P. Q, .A1 u. ztverikyleN111:71.3:matt egit,:ugs own Mrs, Gadway-Going shopping, dear? here to an employment °Mee, Mrs. (ladway-tloing to select a PARE girl. 1 supposo iefelhury-Noi; going to try to get a servant to select me.-iialveston News. Dyspepsia nue Indigestion.-C.W. Snow GO.. Syracuse, ,N. Y., writes: "please send us ten gross of Pills, NVe me selling more of Parmelee's Pills time any other Pill we keep. They have a great repu- tation for the cure of Deepelielie And Liver Complaint." Mr, Charles .A. ;entitle Lind - ay, writes; "Parmelee's Pills aro ele, excellent medicine. ely sister has bees. troubled with severe headache, but these have cured her." ------ - More Parontal Wisdom. "Bobby asked me what a philosopher was,., "What did you tell bluir "I told Itim a 1110t4Sopher Was a per. son who could trutup.up civq.ens of good reasons why othyr people ought to be perfectly satisfied with their lot in life." -Vuok. TO CritIt A COLO IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Beale Q0illli.ge 'Mints. 11 m Druggistsrefundtheuney if it failsteenre. 2 to Ni Fool. Though Noah had shortcomings, In this much he gained, Be knew Quite enough. to Go in when it raffled. -Up-to-Date. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. 4 They Never Fail. -Mrs. S. M. Bough. ner, Langton, writes; "For about two years I was troubled with Inward Pilaw but by using Parinelee's Pills, I was com- pletely cured, and although four yearo have elapsed since then they Lave not re. turned." Parmelee's Pills are anti - bilious and a specific for the cure of Lives and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos. tiveness, Headache, Piles, etc., and will egulato the secretions and remove all bilious matter. Envious Comment. "He proposed to her by letter, ant she accepted him by post card." "By postal card:" "Yes. She was so tickled she wanted even the postal clerks to know that she had caught him." -Chicago Post. Quickcure for Toothache. 15o., 25o., 50e. That Dear Child. Little Tommy -Sister Lillian Ilkss te have you come here. Mr. Simpering -Ah, indeed! How de you know that? Little Tommy -Weal, people always like what makes them glad, don't they? Mr. Simpering -Generally. But how do you know I make her glad? Little Tommy -I heard her tellin' one of the other girls to -day that she jest had to laugh every time she looked al you.-Oleveltuid Leader. A Handsome Gold Ring Set With Genuine Garnets and Pearls FREE! You pay nothing, simply send yourName &Address, plainly written, and we will send you se packages sencln I (Scented iu cloth, a new discovery which far surpasses all other perfurn- ertes for thelastingqualitien of its sweet and fragrant odor) to sell for as (if you can) among friends at xoc. per package. When sold remit us the money, and we will send you free for your trouble the above described ring:, which is stamped and warranted Gold, set with genuine Garnetsand Pearls. Send address at once, mention this paper STA.= THAT YOU WANT iiennninll and we will send it. No money re- s.)G tl attired. We take all risk. Goods returnable. Handsome premiums in proportion to amount sold. Send° Agency, 84 rIcCaul Street, TORONTO. A NEW WHEEL AT SMALL COST. The rainy season makes it very uncomfort- able riding with tbe accumulation of mud and the chances of being ridiculed for appropriating city real estate, sole prepared for emergenoieo and arra yourself with one of BOECKH'S BICYCLE BRUSHES which makes your wheel look like new and does not Scratch the enamel. TUVE YOU TRIED THE NEW LAMP WL The Water White is as good as Ameri- can -Cheaper, and Laosts Longer. Your dealer should have it. TRE QUEEN cater Ole 00., xamitritia. Samuel, Rogers, President. Toronto. T. N. 11. . 168 TO TAP' YOUR •T!.LACE AS a useful, progressive, prosperous an suceeseeteithee, by taking a thorough tusiness or Shorthand Caws* al THE NORTHERN BUSINallia COLLEago OWEN SOUND, ONT. Write for Ass ''''''''' to C. A. FLIDSPINC6