HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-27, Page 7Imp THE VM' ti r talacate Ina published every Thursday Morning, et the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the -- ADVOCATE Pllst.iSHtrlgti GGM1'ANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid ire Adyanoe $1.5() if not eo paid, .l.'t,c'l,n•ez•,c.:sz,G,• " vatata baa - aepa"ca- t„oza• No paper di seontilined until all arreaeages ere paid, ,ldvertisements without arecific direetione will be publialied till forbid and char ged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeieut advertisements inserted for R Ion periods. Every description o.TOB enmens Q turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Qheques,molten ord- era, aro. for advertising,subscelptionssete-to be hada pa vablo to ideas. IL Sanders, s, EDITOR aim Pitot' T Pr f sional Cards. 9 R+t3 RINSai 1 L. D. S.Da, J. R. KINSMAN, 1J). 8., D. & t1,, IIonor graduate of Toronto university, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. OMee iq .Fanson's Block, west side Main. Street, Exeter. fR.D, P4LTON ANPERSO:L,(D.D,S.,I,.D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto laid- reity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ceteris. Teeth extraeted withoutain. AU modes of Dentistry up to date.Uifiee aver Elliot & Elliot'a law oface—apposite Qentrel Hotel—Exeter. Median Dra, J A. BOI.I,INS est T A.. AIMS, it Itesidonees, same as formerly OFFICES,Speakman, building, liJainSt. Dr, Rollins' *Mee; same as formerly—north deer. De. Amos' office, sante building—south door. May 1st. ts:ee J. A Ranine, b[. D. T. A. ,A,utas. ;iS. U Dlt.T.l'. McLALTHLIN, MlthiRER OF the Oollegie ofPhusielans end surgeons Ontario. 13hy'etcsan, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. QOlee, Ia lellwootl. Ont. Legal D H. COLLINS, BA1311ISTF,R,SOI,IQIT- JL. OR, Conveyancer, ;rotary Public. Orfioe—Over O'Neil's Bank, I; faeter,Ontaraa. !honey to Loan. R H-DIOKSON,BA1u ISTEIL +OLICITOR. • of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, 8,e. Money to loan armee—Faanson's Iileek,Rxeter T L,I,IQT ar (}LADRN. BARltiSTRAS, ilia Eta.. Convova' e,•ri. mad Money to Lean et 5 and:,'i per cent. B. V. Bitter. E. W. er.apruAt.. Auettonee re T] BROWSr,Wineuez$0a. LieolnsaaAuet- 1.1. ioneer ter the Conn ties of Perth And ¥eddiesex, also for the township ofi'aboree eoleearoaosi3nhaSeleraagto terms Win- ntsurane e.. E ELLIOT, Insurance kgent. Main St. Exeter WA'NTI I), IIEL.L . Reliable man in every loeeslity, local or travelling, to tntroattee a new di,eovers, and keep aur show card stack tel up on trees, feline e: and brI.lges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commissicu or salary, See per mouth and expenses, tons money de- sioular3twriite" rite WorldsMedicnl Electr c Co.;" London, Ont, Canada. 2-2 ;fa THE AMMO S. HA.RICI$ON Business and Shorthand College Cor. Young and Collage Sts„ Toronto is an absolutely first -°lass Business Sclhool Individual instruction 1,y es1aerieneetl. teach- ers bolding highest quail&eatione. Goad re- sults. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now. Nitnnro F.N,P.S. Jas. Harrison Undergraduate of Toronto University and S. of P. g. Erin Ile rre. After. Wood's P ioniJZlod!no, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists In Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. az packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all affects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 51, six, 55. One will pease, six wilt euro. Pamphlets free to any address. :Seto Woad Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodtne is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing, druggist. . FARMERS! .. You will find at Bisset's Wareroorns the felt -owing line of Agricultural Implements . Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince, ... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. _ .A •0 s and Gurney stoves and furnaces s. The Chatham Wagon and a full lino of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL." MADE MEA MAIC AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURL dLLNoruotse Dcseasee-Failing Mem, . ory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, eta. mimed by Abuse or other Excesses and Indic• cretions They guiaokty and sweaty restore Lost Vitality in old or young: and fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumytion if to en n t tine. Their nee shows immediate improve- ment and effects a CURE where all other fail In-• get upon having The genuine Riaz Tablets. They have cured thousands and will cure you. We give a POS. Rive written guarantee to effect a euro MI PTS in . each case or refund the.money. Price i per package; or six pkges (full treatment) for $260. •By mail. in lain wrapper. upon receipt of price. Circular 'free. AJAX REMEDY CO., 7a oaarFac w. ' 'uloid in Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist ,. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel.. 51 08 to 1.10 Flour per ewt 3.00 Bar40 Oats 33 - 3 t35 o 84 Peas 3; to 02 Butter (2 to 13 Eggs 5 Potatoes perbag 75 to 20 Has rer ton 7,40 to as oO Dried Apples per lb 4 Healthy Baby When Born Iu Three Months Manor Spread Over His Forehead. Into His Eyes and All over His Hands Such Itching, Burning Torture-- How a ire--How It Ended. When a child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation of eczema or salt rheum, it is no wonder that words fail to depress the joy of the grateful parents, and that they gladly tell in as strong terms as pos- sible the plain story of Buffering re. lieved and health restored. Many testiuianittls relate the wonderful sue. cess ot Hood's Sarsaparilla in auclh cases, even atter all other prescriptions and medicines fail. here is one: ae 0. I, Hood fk Oo., Lowell, Malts.; "Dear Sirs: — Our boy Harvey will re' member the good hood's aarrapasille did trim as long ss he lire°. He was a bcaltby baby when he was born, but before he was three menthe old a bregking oat ap- peered on both sides et bis taco. Pbyei- cia.ne did Jxlm little good and said but for him strong constitution be could not have livedthroueh his dreadful ettfferiug, Tho humor spread over hie forehead, into hes eyes, and came out on his haadl. It was Indeed pitiful to witness the poor child% suffering. It was very paitaful for him to open or abut his eyes, and we lead to tie his little band% to prevent him item scratching the Itching, horning skin. My mother urged us to try Fleed's Sar- saparilla. We did ea, and a abort time atter be began to tare tbia ntodian:a Ivo ear a change for the better. We con- tinued until we bad given hien flve bat- tles, and then the eczema had entirely disappeared, and he has ever lino* been perfectly cured of this dreadful disease. His sufferings extended over two and a half years. Peopie for :unfit around knew bis dreadful condition and know teat Hood's Este:marina oared him. Heir now a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and has the anent akin of any of my Ave children." Mrs. L. graveartr.Dmt, Collegeville, Pa. Roadie Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug- gists. v.; nix for lid. Be atire togetHood'a% �E� FOR� � Y SEVEN R `�E�tg�'r DUNN'S 0 THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SM.E IN CAh.ai'D... At Montreal Francis Donnelly climbed an electric light pole to look at the river. He touched a live wire and was electrocuted. Some of the peach trees in the 'Siaa- era district are affected with' curled leaf, the loaves curling up and finally droppi';s off. It is feared the crop mer b.ee injured thterehy. 'c K K & K K & K K K• K K QK ret K K & K&K. K.&K K&K g DRS1 K& The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cured. WECURESTRICTURE Thousands of young and middle-aged men are troubled with this disease—many unconsciously. They may have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting paihs at times. slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility—they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you. by 'tutting, stretching, or tearing you. This will not euro you, as it will re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; henceremoves the etrioturepermanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexual organsare strength- ened. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. WECURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Diseharges, Fail- ing Manhood. Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken `Eyes with dark circles, Weak Back, General Depression. Lack of Ambition Varieoeele ' Shrunken Parts, eta. GLEET and STRICTURE, may be the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they bave no experience in these- special diseases—don't allow Quacks to experiment on you. Consult Specialists whe have made a life study of Diseases ofMenand Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively euro you. One thousand dollars for a case we accept for treatment and cannot euro. Terms moderato for a cure. CURES GUARANTEED VARICOCELE, d SYP ITIEMISSIONS, STRICTURE IMPOTENCY SECRET DRAINS UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FILM BOORS FREE. If unable to call, write for QQUESiATTMEION NTB. LANK for ROME I1IE DRi]. KENNEDYa.KERGAN Cor, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. • GREAT BRETAIN AND fNwNCE Paris Figaro Says They Have Settled African Differences. The Ao reeutent Will, It Ts Said, 110 Satisfactory- to Both tiations, and Will Involve tete Ceding of Jlroussa to Ea ;land, 'While prance Will Get Nikka,—Papers Will De Signed This Week—Tbe Line of Demarcation. Paris, May 22.—The Figaro publishes the important announcement tbat the delicate Niger question, which threateneai TO lead to an Anglo-French war, has been settled and that an agreement between the two Qoyey'ilplelirs'vill be signed this week at tbo French Foreign Hk. �e a A �' ti A . nr,PaKiap .. (ll? hsOt. ,trRSO Veing veCeeaeca' 9 Del Al t. . at "'ear"' G, ie3o A3-• Q lar g r fa THE 1)I# 15t'TEI) TERRITORY. Office. The agreement will be sati -fac- tory to both nations. It involves mutual concessions, the chief being that the WWII of Uraus-a, which the French oerapied, but which l nhlend claimed by earlier treaties, will bts given to England, while Fran° will retina Nikki and two towns in the middle. The lino of dentate cation titans from Plo, ore the Niter. and runs southeast, leaving Nii:iit inside the Frenelt sphere. The importance of sheen se lies In the feet that It le the highest town to whieh the Niger is navigable. TUN CASTS A Dt)IIIIT Cison the Genuineness of the Report al the Paris Figaro. Naw York, May 23. ---'Tho Linden correspondent of the Sun, referring to the report sent by hien Friday last to effect that Great Britain had served the sue e notice on Franca to get out of Louth Africa at once, says: "Nothing further bas developed regarding the report that Grunt Britain insists that Frauco shall abandon forthwith all her eiatins to the African Hinterland. Moat ot 4110 Paari9 reports an this subjeet aro pulite, whtlu those from British sources tiro quite the contrary. It Is probable, at all events, that the French Government wishes to avoid as crisis an this subject for tete present, both on account of bar own Interests, and because Russia does not desire a collision at this moment, Tho Menob attitude is that of temporary conciliation, which does not satisfy the British Government. Whotber the latter bas seen fit to Clement' tete definite with- drawal of the French pretensions In West Africa is Impossible to say. But If this bas been done, it by no means follows that war will result, for It is maro than doubtful if Russia would support France in refusing at such cost. "Indications multiply, however, that Russian hostility to England has recently become so heap and implacable that the change involves tho Czar's personal atti. tude. According to the latent reports, Princess Victoria of Schleswig:Holstein, who spent the winter with the Czar and Czarina in St. Petersburg, is quoted as bringing interesting information on this point. "The Princess says that the Czar could net have been more friendly towards England than lie was until. January, whin bo took umbrage at the action of itngiand in China. Ho is now furiously anti -English. It appears that His Majesty expected to have China left solely to hips. Ho thinks that if he does not interfere with England in India, England should not interfere with him in China." TWO DROWNED 121 ONE DAX. Joseph Salamsky and David Freeborn Were tlse Victims in Toronto. Toronto, May 28.—Sunday added two to the long list of drowning fatalities in Toronto Bay, tho victims being a little boy, who went swimming, and a young man, who went out rowing. The first fatality ocourred at about 2 o'clock. off the water works dook, foot of Peter street. The victim was 8 -year- old Joseph Salamsky, who, while swim- ming with two companions, dived in the water works slip and did not come up again. Some hours after tbo body was recovered by grappling. An inquest will be held. The Second Fatality. David • Freeborn, an employe of the Massey -Harris Company, who boarded with the Martin family at 14 Mac- donneli avenue, Parkdale, was the victim of the second fatality, which occurred at about 6 o'clock, in the lake, between Sunnyside and the Humber. The young man, in company with Fred. and Irvine Martin and Robert Devine, a young man from London, who is visiting the Martins, went to leiaw's boat house at Sunnyside early in the afternoon and hired a row boat. The four than rowed to the Humber, where they spent a por- tion of the afternoon. When on their way ius,k the boat 'Wee overturned while the oars were being changed, and the four young men wore precipitated into the water. They all clutched for the boat, which would hardly support their com- bined weight, and Freeborn started to swim _to the 'shore, which was about three-quarters of a mile away. •Ho bad only covered a abort part of the distarioe when he became exhausted aid sank. The body has not yet been recovered. • { 300 SPANISH KILLED AT THE BOMBARDMENT OF CIEN- FU}EGOS. - several wuudrea Wounded—Tke Li„r,t hoes° Destroyed by the American Fire B• S. Cannot Get Atitlseattic Nears of the Slovemeuts of the rSpunisb Fleet. Key 'West, May 21 --The Spanish loss during the recent engagement at Cien- fuegos is now known to leave beau much heavier than was at Drat reported. Three hundred Spaniards were killed and sev- eral hundred wounded. Groat damage was done along the °oath. Soon after the engagement the rnited States cruiser Marblehead picked up sev- eral Cubans in an open boat, some miles duwse the cuast, Including Coloriz, Lieut, Olvaroz and three privstces, frons an in- surgent Camp near Clcnfaegos. They re- ported that the :iponis11 lassos and the damage wrought by theshells fro m the warships were heavy. The hospitals at Cienfuegos, they said, were full of wound- ed; and fear prevailed everywhere that the American warships would return to complete the wort' of deetrection. 010 Shells. and 2,f400 Shot* Fired, During the engagement the Marble- head threw 455 five -inch, shells into the Spanisb forces, and 100 shots Iron, tier secondary battery. The gunboatXashville titres( as many aware shells and 1,500 shots front ber second battery. .Fifteen hundred Spaniards were sta. gelled its an Improvised fortress on a neck of land, and it was here that the moat terrible destruction was wrought. During the heavy Are of shells and .just after the lighthouse was Wive up, live Spaniards who were running together, in an attempt to escape, were picked off by a shalll from. the ;Marblehead, the gunner beint; entered tin Are upon them by lin. sigh Pratt. They were torn to pieces, The pearl who nhnnne'tl the cutters did so under iu'truetions, and they withstood the galling tire paur)tl upon thous with the utmost calmness. Tile Cubashs Were su'tplled with six thous:lnd refuels of ammunition, and all but one of them got atshore. 590.000,000 Already. New Yore:, May Waehingten special says: Tweuty-nen+' days of war have cost the United Stetc.9otghty million dollars, or nearly three million daily. Tbat Fleet is Lost Again. Washington, May a:3. --The rumors of a great naval tattle current .'.'aturday night were disposed et by the Navy Department early Sunday in the follow- ing official bulletin: "No truth in the published statement concerning an engagement oft Mole, tit. Nicholas, Hayti, In which 13 ships were This was posted, not only from general Inforinhttton, but else to quiet the alarm among relatives and friends of those on beard the American ships. This indicates that the omUetal Information is such as to warrant tiro statement thus the Ameriaau and Spanish squadrons have not met. Tho Charleston Sete Sall. San Francisco, May 23.—Tho Charles- ton is well on her way to Manila, Tho big cruiser passed through the Golden G.ata at 540 ,Sunday morning. TRH jatiioi s MATE. Mr. .1.'E. Seagram's Eighth Sueeesa in 'Monism Rea 3talesty's Onlueas—The Hina Moms 'Mich etxrted. Toronto, May 23. --The annual spring meeting of the 0, .7, C. opened Saturday afternoon most auspiciously. The weather was puled, the crowd about 10,000, and the closest rated for Canada's blue Abbate in, recent Queen's Plato years. As in the pest seven, Mr. Sea- gram's colors finished in front, but Mr. Dylnent's good silly, Maritima, made a gallant struggle for the guineas and prevented the Waterloo 'Stable from run- ning 1, 2, 3, ns did the Wicker In '0S. The track looked perfect, but was a little heavy. The time was good, and E. Corrigan's Sir Andrew's 5.013;, over the short course steeplechase, is a record for the Woodbine. Bon Ino did not have to extend herself to win the Plate. She led all the way, under double wraps and won by as much as she pleased. Maritana IL, after running In the position from the start, was nosed out in the last jump for tho place. Vireo of the six favorites landed the money, Roe Mitohell was secured with a running start in the 3 - year -old event and beat tho favorite, Sugden, by a half length in a hard drive. Harvey made bis first appearance as a 8 -year-old, and tiptoed a smart field in the opening dash of nix furlongs. Thirteen started in the stoepleobase, and nine of thein finished. Corrigan', Sir Andrew won easily at the end from Black Jimmy and Sir Lawrence. Alfy led his field to the last jump, where be failed. Jodan, a 30 to 1 shot, won the Hunter's Flat, the favorite, Strathroy, finishing in the ruck. Nicholas, at 8 to 1, annexed the seven -furlong race, chased out by Aragnol, the favorite. Twenty- four books did businosss in tho ring, and the vohuine of batting was large. .judge A. S. Post of New York presided in the stand, while Francis Trovolyn of New York anted as raoing steward, and C. H. Pettengill handled the flag. Tho crowd was large. as is usual 01:1 Queen's Plate day. The Queen's Plate Baca. J. B. Seagram's br f Bon Ino, 4, by Maurauder—Bonnie Ino, 117 (Wil- liams) 1 J. E. Seagram's b o Dalinoor, by Louts XIII.—Lady Dalmeny, 122 (Mo- Qlone) 2 N. IJyment's br f Maritana H. 3, by • Courtown—Annie D., 101 (James).. 8 The Tar, 119 (Sullivan); Jessamine Porter, 101 (J. Shields); Leading Lady, a, 117 (T. Walker); Bristles, 119 (13rooker); Springbok, 123 (Flint); Lady Sinclair,, 121 (Randall), finished in order named. . Time -2.153. THE Dolt WAS DEAD. .Little John Cousins Pell Into a Grain Iain and tVtie Billed. Bradford, Ont., May 23.—John Cousins; son of Isir. James Cousins, a young lad about 10 years of age, while looking in the shorts bin in Mr. Samuel Luke's flour mill, lost his balance and fell into . the bin. Before he could be caught be bad disappeared down the shute and, not- withstanding that it was immediately It 1s understood that the Mato D'Aito opened at the bottom, the little 1aa was alioCcirthy oarried 575,000 of life insur- dead when he `oalne out. (Great synapathy anoe, distributed in various .companies. is felt for the father of the boy in this sness le caused by torpid liver, which prevents diger• tion and permits food to ferment and petrify is the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache THE PALACE 11 oma_• WARM. L MAU insomina nervousness, and,11 e not d poisoning. so, biliing. fevefever 1 I or blood polsonfne. l;iogd's ems.stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, core stipation, ete. 25 cehtt5. Soldbyy alt druggists. ',chewer only dies to take with hood's Sarsaperiflt. The+ L ate t News S. 131 1270f, Two lives were lost in a fire at Bat Portage. Levi Swayze, a Thorold fanner, was found dead in bed. At Bellviile Asa Wallbridge,aged 81 ieas died a result of a self from a bicycle, John Cousins, aged, ten years, fell in- to a chute in a Bradford mill and was smothered. J, Lalonde had his arm crushed in a rolling mill at Collins Bay and may not recover, David Feeborn was drowned in Hum ber Bay and Joseph Salamsky, a boy, was drowned off the waterworks wharf Sunday afternoon, At Ottawa Henry auatriscane, while dancing his fourteen month old child, let it fall, and death resulted, August Bernhardt, a Brantford foot hall player, had his cheek -bond broken inn a practice game eel Monday. George Goodale has been charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of Wm. •Hemstock at Ham shall, The little daughter of Mr. Thomas Copeland got hold of a bottle contain. ing carbolic acid and drank some of the deadly stuff;. She may recover. lllitehell ;. The death of Eliza, relict of the lata John Linton, of Fullerton, took place on Wednesday evening. Deceased was a native of Ireland, but came to this country when young, and resided in Fullerton upwards of forty years. She was of a charitable, self- sacrificing character, and highly es. teemed in Mitchell, and in fact where- ever known. Il'or bushand died rather suddenly a year ago last month, and the poor woman sever recovered from the shock. She mourned day and night and refused to be comforted, and now, there is not a doubt, she is with him in the better world. Seven sons and two daughters survive her. ill JPunY,,roo. Children I Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, in puny child? Its muscles arid a! nerves are so thoroughly hausted that they cannot be ex - elk <whlipped into activity. The fit child needs food ; a blood - malting, nerve -strengthening di and muscle building food. (1! 41 A1! Al eitm iT Scott's Emulsioii of Cod -Liver Oil Is all of this, and you still have a tonic in the hypophosphites of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to thein. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. tai w sv v i9V W to 5oc. and $t-oo, all druggists. is SCOTT & ISOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. ei t feeeeeeeeeee:esseeeee ee' . ,t . RELIABLE OPFER. Honest Help Free To Men, The Exeter ADVOCATES is authorized to state by Mr. D. Graham, Box 183, Hagersville. Ont., that any mars who is nervous and debiliated or who is suffer- ing from any of the various troubles resultiug from overwork, excesses of abuse, such as nervous debility, ex- hausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural drains and loses, lack of developement, etc., can write to him in strict confi• dente and receive FREE OF CHARGE full instructions how to be thoroughly cured. Mr. Graham himself was for a long time a sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain many advertised remedies, electric belts, etc., became al- most entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided in an old Clergyman whose kind and honest advice enabled him to speedily obtain a perfect and permanent cure. Knowing to his bor- row, that so many poor suffers are be- ing imposed upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers it his duty as an honest man and a firm be- liever in Christain sympathy and kind ness, to give his fellow -men the benefit. of his experience and assist them to a cure. Having nothing' to sell, he asks for no money, the proud satisfaction of having done a'great service to one in need, he rightly considers an ample re- ward .for his trouble. If you write to Mr. Graham you can rely upon being cured and upon absolute secrecy as well. Address as above, enelosing a stamp and refer to the Exeter ADVOCATES. No attention however will be given to those writing out of mere curiosity, therefore state that you really need a sure. A man must consider his purchases well these times; he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits ;9,80 Overcoats 8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our 820 blacks beat all others at $2r, . COIlle and see for yourself, +TAMES B. GRIEVE Bic1 ccs r Bicycles I j. Bid les T 11 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bieycic pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. 'We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prima Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby sear riages, ete. etc, Perkins & Martin. THE t.k1RAL Dec STORE. Try WINAN'S COTIGII BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Manufacture --a WINER'S LINANIENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses .c. and Condition Powder for same. SOLE AGENTS NOR DIX LUNG SYRUP. C. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the DIM things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all the study of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can command. S. GIDLEY YSON Furniture Dealers & Undertakers.