HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-26, Page 4TIIE HURON COUNTY COUNC
11. P. 0. Mentors Try to Chop System of Setectisg Warder, Rs
Make No Programa -E*Wsrios Covesteek Addresses Om Ceased
4 •
*um Users. MeNsIdp Erwis Are Goad Read* Cosonisti
Douglat ad Clerk Holosa, A. Porterfield *aR niggle*
Are Appilated Auditor* of tie Various Acosta*
'The January EVE3Bl0118 tit the 11u -
on County Council opened on Tues-
day aftersoon at the Court lIeuen
The folioed)* is the list of the mem-
ber's, those marked with an, asterisk
teeing members of the 1921 council
*and those 40t EU marned (twelve in
nunther) beteg new men tbis year.
Aithfiehle-te %%Noon.
1)eputy-4. Jandeeonn, •
Ileyfield-A. E. Erwin*.
Brussels -A.
C. Beeker.
Blyth -Jas. Dodds.
ClintoneeR. J.- Miller*
'Colborne -C. Roberteon.
Exeter ..IJ. W F. Beaver
Goderieh--Dr. Gallow.
Deputy -J. J. Moser.
Goderich Tp.. -N. W. Troweirthee
Grey -J. leiclenibbe.
Deputy -01e
Hentialle-A. Smithen
Hay --E. F. Moose.
J. SPotton..
Depunee-Those Inglis.
Hullett-M. Armstrong*.
licleillen-41. J. McQuaide.
Morrie -Harry Pear.
Seaferth-le, Parke.
Stanley -Geo. Heiden.
Stephen-nA. 11. Recto'.
Deputy -David Webb*. .
Tuckereraith-4, -INteNaughten*.
Turnberry-48. Porter*.
tisborne--Wm. Coatest,
Wawanosts eSuchanap.
Wavninoish Rotor.
Wingham-A. TiPling*.
• Wroxeter -et Douglas.
The election of wooden was the
first business, the honor going to
Reeve hrewintha of Goderich town.
*hip. Reeve -Erwin of Hayfield . wasi
the only other o.spirant.
It was, moved by Mr. Alex, Smith
-aceouded-iiy- Mr. M. -Aemstronge that
Menem. A. hipline, E. Klopp, Prank
Collins, Alex. Nceb and Writs Spot,
ton be the etriking committee.
Moved in etriendment by Mr. Jas.
Porter. secanded by Mr, R. J. Millen
that Metiers. Coatea, Spotton Mc-
Quaid, Beavers and McNabb, be the
'committee. •
The miginal motion carried, and to have prisoner's confined for -
their recommendations for the fences against tbe O. T. A. classed
steneme committees for the year
were tempted, 48 folloevse
Executive -John Douglas Prank J.
McQuaid, , Arno hiking, Sohn•:
• lieeNaughton, R. P. lopp.
notelet -B. W. P. I:leaver!, Dr. W.
P. Gallow, A. E. Erwin,' Jetties
Dodds, Frank Johnston.
Penance -Wm Coate. 13. W. Naylor,
.Thos, S. Inglis, Jae. P. Collins,
Geo._ Hanley.
Education -A. Smith, Chan A. Rob. 'York County is in favor of a situ-
ertson, R. G. Parke, Alfred C. ple form of Bible study nt the pub.
%weer* J. row, tie schools and asks co-operation ,in
lined and Bridge -A. IL Isleeb, Jas. elm Immo.
C porter, ne J. „Miller, D. Webb, The County of Halton wants to
John Jamieson. have tux exeMptions repealed on
•• aceount of the heavy taxation.
unty 'Property -John -McNabb, Messrs. Heavers, illoNebb and Erwin
Robt, Buchanan, Moser, W.
spottan, Be. Armstrong. -are Good Roads eorandstioners
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and John -
Moue of Refuge -W. sr. SInition,.ston that a bylaw be passed- appoint -
Am" g. 'Cayenne A. ing oho member of this ouneil a
R. Erwin. eommiesioner to Act under the On-
, Warden's Comtnittee-M. Arm- tatio Highways. At for the county,
atmng„ H. Neeb, A. Smith, such bylaw to define the commission.
Wm. Coates, J. V. Conine. ,berei 1. duty and remuneration, and
ooil Roads Commission -IL W. n'n that the Reeve of the various mini,
*severs, John McNabb, A. E. *Mantles act in conjunction with the
Good Roads Commission in so ler
JO* Ditenlais and the Clerk Audi- as level Problems Pertaining to the
teire of Crinoline justice Accomete. duties of :said commissiori are con -
moved, by mequidd, eee. terried. A vote belt* taken, this
owed by mr. 0„ park mat mr. motion wee declared lost on a vote
of 18 to 11,,
A. E, Erwin and the county elerk be It time then moved by lifessrs.
auditors of eriminel Justirn 'ace Elopp and MeNitturtiton that lifes.
"Anatit.vad in amendment by un, J. rm. Beavers, McNabb and Erwin be
trointed the Good Roods Commis -
1r1 that Mr. John Doughy,* e Moved in amendment by Mame.
auditor *lone with the county clerk, .7araieSori and Webb that Moses.
The amendment carried by 'Vote SpottNeeb end &Witt be the
ref to 140 • . Good Roads Cerarniselon.
Two' applkatiotie for the position The MOtion was declared *deleted
of county. auditors et other *counts by a, vote of 16 tel.
were reeelved. Item Mr. Alex. Porte Moved by Dr. itOW,'seconded by
erfield and Mr. Robt. Higgins, and Mr. J. J. Moser that this council re-
ts.* tentlemen received the sp. fund to the Town of Goderkle the
oeinbaent. auts or :sow under the eirovisions
Itialeter of Agriculture RIKAPAIIRMIS of eubaection V, of see. 5.• of the Pro -
Adviser, Ceeneettets to _Dietriet vincial Highway's Act for the im-
leepreeeatative • - movement of the streets in the said
A, letter and eircular from Hon. 1OWn are connecting links in
Msoirdng • 10oherten • renommending the Provincial Highways sentern,
the sopointment of eoUnty advise vie., Victoria street item Haydeld
eery council to eo.operate with the Road via Gloucester Terrace, to the
Altiiculteral RepreeentatIve. was re. reittrity bridge et the top et Sanford
forted to the epeeiel -committee. , •
The move for the appointment o4 Referred to the Goad Roads Com-
mit* vommittees was Started Year MisSion.
ago and was tried out in live court- tie In O. Members tioveCLikes Perky
tie*. Report* Phoned thin the ex- Caecus
periMent WM very satishictory, and An intereeting feature of Wednes.
now the euggestion was to extend day afternoon's seseion was the mo.
the system more widely., The mem- tion introduced by Reeve Johnstott
lens of such it coMmittee eauet be of Ashfield, and 'seconded by Deputy
bon* tide farmers. Renee Jamie:son also of AishiteId
There are a Jorge number of an- that the method of selecting the
;diadems for grants before the county warden et present in vogue
emote% be diecontinueil as no longer midis.
Tbe National SenitarIunt Associate factory end that the warden be se -
time wants $11,552 as the per capita leetee in sopen
share of this county of the mon. The mover end seeonder t
traction of the burned buildings at be neither Grit ram Tory, Mid accord.Grairenhurat, figured at tie cents per ing to the pion adopted decade's ago
n a population of 46,212. the Warden _of Huron County is
TbaSolution Army aek for et tinted alternately from emit of the
grant for their Redemptive Home in old poetics, the man to be nominee-
leseen. A grant. of $375 was ask- en being decided in caucus of the
ed. C-onservative Or Grit side of the
The tnestern Fair Apeoeiation Mime according to wheSe terra it is
asked for * grant to aseist in con. for the honor.
ducting 4 'calf sine vesiling feeding
The Hospital for Sink Children
meted for a grant
Mr. A. M. Roberts's" on behelt of
the Chiklren's Aid Society, *liked
for a grant of e'2,000 to the Society
for 1022, the 8atne amount as was
paid in 1921.
The Childrenn Memorial Hospital
In London asked for the peyment
over of a grant of e600 passed in
1920. The building had been erect.
ed and the heating installed.
The Ifin•on County Pairs Associae
tion ask for increased grants to the
AOricultural Societies of the Conte'.
The Canadian Navy League asks
for a mint ,
Two deputations were heard 04
Wedneeday morning, Messrs. E. J.
Hill and Major IL C. Donlon mak-
ing a 'strong appeal for ;insistence
toward's the work of the Canadian
Navy League, and Messrs. WurteIc
and Geo. Williams PresentInn the
case of the National Sanitarium As-
Motions favoring the Dellowlog
grants were referred to the execin
tive eoramittee:
426 to leach public library.
425 to 'each Horticultural Society.
' ;25 to each spring stock show
and the seed show held &Clinton.
$1500 to the Children's Shelter for
1e22 (nieved by Messrs. McQuaid
and Klapp). • '
e25 to each school fair.
;1200 to each hospital in the
county (moved by Wore Tipling
.e15 for flowers around the Court
House. ,
bet100 to ench spring' and seed show
d an Clinton, Seaforth and Hen -
814 MO to each Agricultural Society
len ding fall fairs (Moved by inessre.
Johnston and Jamiesoe). • •
Other Counties, Ask Aid of Huron
in Memorializing Government
The 'united counties of Stormont,
Dundas and Glengarry are movie
as Government prissmera instead tte
as 'county prisoners awl. the expense
charged. to 'the Province instead of
to the votinty Sas fines collected go
to the Province), Huron County is
asked to co-operate in this move.
The County of Perth *sots the
Government to 488UUte the.-
cot of construetion and maintenance
of Provincial Highways and asks
Huron County to co-operate in pe-
titioning for this.
Some clothes are buUt to
appeal to the parse only.
While ours are built to
appeal to intelligence.
Service must Ist Suitt into
the garment. It can't
simply happen. You can't
folio.* it into existence.
ith emend Fhattariag Li Sass
rebennity ef TWO MIM m�seUsw
a Tax Itatse-Pays Trieste? Se
Ilisugesseat Chthlrea's Matte
sad County Boos.
Reeve Trewortha of Goderielt
township is %alien of Hums Coos.
ty for the year 1922. He and *sive
Nrwin of Boned were the upfront*
for the position), ana the vote in vett.
us of the Conservetive *id e of tbe
house stood 6 to 9 in favor of Mr.
Trewertha. Mr. Trewerthe hes had
geed experience in municipal affairs,
hiving held the position of clerk of
Goderich township for seven years
and following that he has been reeve
of Goderielt township for the ;met
four years. His opponent, Mr. Er-
win, hes had six years' experience as
reeve of Hayfield.
In eouncil the motion nominating
Mr. Trewertha was move4 by Mr, A.
E. Erwin and seconded by Mr. W. J.
After the time for receiving mon-
'Wiens" had elopsedetlin eounto clerk
announeed the election of tin '1're-
'sera*. fix -Warden P. P. Doig con.
ducted him to the chilly and
His ibm-
or Judge Dickson administered the
oath of office.
In congratuating biro, on ele-
vation to the office, ells Honor said,
'I sure your election will eneet
the approvel of the public, as it has
of your fellow members of the
coupcil, and I therefore return you
all the congratulations- that 'alumni
be • offered' to you. The very fact
that you etin defeat so 'stalwart an
opponent is 4 matter of congratula-
tion, and am sure he will be the
first man to extend to you congratU-
His Honor indulged in a few pleas.
entries and continued by reminding
the nowlyeelected warden that the
office -earried with it heavy duties
and responsibilities, and as to bis
determination to perform those du-
nes and discharge those res nabill.
ties there was no doubt. he oftice
of warden was the highest and best
°ince hi the fat of hie fellow elec-
tors and no doubt the position would
.be filled as worthily and as ably as
in the best teaditiotia of the ()ince.
"I congratulate. you, sir, and wish
you all suceanien emecluded His Hon-
or.The newly -installed waraen ex-
eessed his • appreciation, of_ ale_ the
kind enmarks • of His .Honor judge
Dickson. He eornmented on the
number of uew men in the council,
nearly all of whom were young men,
Mr. Jobnston had difnculty in
framing his motion...to cover the
ground correctly, as the clerk point-
ed out that there was nothing to
prevent further nomination being
made in 'council, After the nominee
of the caucus had been mimed, and
that the members would caucus in
any event; in fact that all such mat-
ters were determined 'in c,aucus, the
unwritten understanding in this
county simplypreventing ueseenny
tote 'of party strength in open
counell and preventing one party
being able for a succession of years
to elect a warden. It was also Win-
ed. out by one of the reeves that un-
der the old system, the system Mes.
ere Johnston and Jamieson wanted
to bring back, municipal elections
were far more likely to be run on
politicai lines, the eon. being to get
greeter party strength in the eounte
Reeve ehleQadd ecommended the
sagacity of the man who devised the
plan of alternatine. Grit and Tory
wardens. He understood it was Mr.
Thos. E. Hay, a reeve of Dtaill,014
some 40 years ago. -,
Re" IhnielPoTrtoaltarY NY"' a
Reeve Jamieson pointed °out the
difficulty of men in his position
knowing where to go whenthere was
it caucus on, or (we, suppose) wheth-
er to go or not to go. Reeve Hanley
of Stealer said, "I hope I will ne-
ver be in the position of not know-
ing where to go," and followed this
up by telling a piece of advice his
father had given hime when a little
boy, "Never throw out a pen of dir-
ty water till you know Where to go
and get it pail of clean water." This
brought down the house, as the say-
ing is, and when the vote WAS taken
on the Johnston -Jamieson.
only the mover and seconder were
found to be in favor of it. •
Ex -Warden J. M. Goventoelt Addres-
ses Council
Ex -Warden J. M. Govenloek, M. P.
P., was in the council chamber and
was invited to *peak, which he did.
The legislation as to rural credits'
he did not wholly improve of. It
was too cumbersome and it took too
long to get your loans.
All to the Provincial Ifighways
Mr. Goventotk said the Departmerit
was considering taking every county
and seeing that each got its fair
share of mileage. In answer to 'a
(motion he seid there was a possi-
bility of the Government taking ov-
er the Provincial System entirely.
Biggs' toad policy WAS Arlit
he thought but meaty rose* were
rotting more than they should.
Mr. Govenloek was applauded as
he restuned his seat.
The servieee Eno* aura next
Sunday will he conducted by the
minister. Subjects of sermons, tl
it. nu, seventh in aeries on Joseph's
character one 'cuter "Joseph's Vin.
dicatione' 7 le nu, "Poteneies of the
Unseen!' Sabbath Sehool and Bible
Classes at 3 o'clock.
Services in North .it. Methodist
ehureh next Sunday will be ronduet-
eti by the peetor, 11 it. m. and 7 nem.
Morning thente, "A Bowen" evening,
De not mit! these "services on et.
count of bad weather. Should it be
cold the 'services will be held in the
'wheel mem. 10 a. m., Miesion
Bond. Clasent and Meents Club. To-
pic, "What are some of Went genet
prints?" taken by Mr. Gerald New-
ton. Sunday Sehosil at 3.
The Epworth League had it nye-
eially fine meeting on Tuesday even-
ing. It WAS in charge of Mr. How-
ard Roberteon. Mr. A. M. Robert.
on gave a helpful address on "Cott.
version." This wsoi followed by an
Meta by Mr. G. M. Elliott. eeere-
tai of the Huron County Children's
Atit ociety, illustrated by a la
u ber of lantern viese. It proved
* meet interment* 'dory of the re.
mance' of thild.reeeite work that
gave the atedienee it new vieien of
the value ef this excelkat °twina.
lion as it factor itt mitten buildi
Mies Bonne eunerlittenitent et the
Home, vale preeent and was given it
lenity grettitee by the audienee„
The ',eagles exeretive are enthu-
iaetically iirrelopieeg their arrange
merest fee the errio Rotted the
\nettle **hid they will sire the can
zesie of Goderkli Valcetinen
eight, Fen, 14th.
1. 14.1a work very satiafaitary HOSPITALS RECOMMENDED
--ilkandiag Cementer* ef P. B. paatig oNt inidequicy of prolate
soiga":AnoilnkPt::"lita 1514"titimi Jere at Loot Genera soosi000
From the report of Inspector heel Gupdee:skeinitinHe:tPibtylii..the
tenetbeetribir isee enedcht,"Pal eb°4.,4ente 4tnle Grand Jury •at the •Deceinber sesswo
beennin "- nen i* of speeiel interest thi* weele on
eccount of the strong reoffinienda.
rece2t ImchePtirgfestheelee7Idridleetihriurengitatilsedi e"iterotegle .tthnee heo°u*Paitty4eseuunfelib,e'ansieWnsithtlr!
aomPreoperoormpos. inter* are eniluireil for I iefoxries eiranWt eto ImhedlperstotartlearneadyYtehVeirt
Caretakeee work givers to be!' nadoderri4cebY hi)eieptithael buildingsmasstcletlitoe
Ifotnework is setiefactory. NO litihsehiregjewn''thttr 1374feenitItarn4V'OwtetbaereGrPaunbd"
'carefully none.,
unautherized textbooks used. Jury to show how the coudition of
that body of men :
affsursorasktnathjeuri:oRspolotaml, appealed to
Court House, Goderich,
To His Honor Lewipseellet5rtyklerck2sio'n.
Presiding Judge of the Court,.
of General Segesions of the Peeve.
isoftwhtinsh;egaGorarttidthiasurcorosurtit btehge rper4epseeentt
fully to report and present as fon
1. We thank your Honer for your
most interesting and lucid charge to
us upon the duties devolving upon
the Grand' Juree_ana particularly as
to the Alexandra and 'Marine Hopi.
tal itt Goderich and the Children's
Shelter there, and we most heartily
tend -wine %tllbwit _regularise eolinco7 u°sbsaentvdatthirpsumbliacdeinbYregYrrd
The exereiso are carefully 4onee to these most useful and necessary
The elitesanswering is approved, eistitutions which bave been eaten.
All ther divisions sing well, belied itt this part of the County.
Progress has been fair to good. 2. We have visited the county
gaol, finding everything in perfect.
condition and the institution most ef-
ficiently concluded for the safe keep-
ing of those committed to its eustodO
anti for their reasonable comfort.
There are a prisoners there at the
present time, and on interviewing
them We and no complaints made of
any kind whatsoever.
3. We also visited the Children'
Shelter, There are eleven children
there, of Whom eight are attending
school. Everything about the insti-
tution we found in most perfect.con-
dition-clean, eomfartable and sate -
they and everything possiblebeing
done .for the tare and comfort of the
children whom we found to be hap-
py and 'comfortable.' The institution
is admirably conducted by the mat-
ron,Miss Healy, who especially
we,e-pialified and fitted for her work
au looks after the children in a
most motherly way. -
We cordially recommend the Shel-
ter to the liberal support; financially
and otherwise, of the public ; and par-
ticularly the municipal boards of the
county. We understand the county
councilbas been, liberal in its support
of the Shelter and we cordially com-
mand their action in that regard
which will no doubt be liberally con-
tinued. We eoncur hi the opinion
that the money expended ,itt that
connection is well worth while.
4. .A.'nleputtition visited the Alex-
andra 'andeMierineellespital at. Godee
rich, 'which is doing an admirable
and necessary work under very ad-
verse 'circumstances owing to inade-
quacy' of the present 'building's and
of the inadequate .financial support
it receives. We .strongly recom-
mend to the people of this County a
more ,generous support, through the
County'Council and enmesh*, 'of the
hospitals iri this county.
5.. We have not considered it ne-
cessary to visit the Counter Home at
the present thee iri view of the ade-
quate supervision of it through the
county omen's committee, •
6. In connection with our visit to
the Gedericit Hospital we would wish
to mention the unique fact that we
found there a patient, Mr. Neil Mc-
Kenzie, who recently celebrated the
attainment of the age of 100 years
and who is suifeting from a broken
leg. We Wig], to convey to him, a
veteran citizen of the Township of
Asinield our best wielme and, hope
eotnhis recovery to beelth and longer
We have been requested bythe
vete. Ancient and zealous agent' of
the Children's Aid Society, Mr. G. M.
Elliott, to say that there Are itt Pre-
sent in the aelter it number ef very
interesting and lovable young child-
ren for whom adoption in foster
homes is desired.
All 1416 is respectfully eubmit.
ted. . •
The repaint started in August a
not completed. Some of the doors in
the hope -closet need repeiring.
Rquipment, library, piano, maps,
charts and .globes 4402.
The grading and seating are satin -
The aseembling and dismissing ate
Teeching is diligent, interesting
and faithful generally. The pupils
must be kept alert and attentive to
get good progress. Enthusiasm be-
gets enthusiasm.
Diseipline is approved in all the
divielone. The pupils are orderly
and attentive.
The • average attendance has been
lowered by a few irregular poplis.
All pupils under 16 years should at -
.tion it make* for more generous stile•
The veadion of several junior pu-
iStrom4e pupils do bett.er than others.
conduct are atis-
pita rieetie review and special drill.
division. The as-
sembling and dismissing are pleas-
• Tne lighteng is not satisfactory in
any of the class rote. It is the
poorest in the Fourth Class room.
Neither teacher - nor pupils should
face bare windows. Changes may be
made that will improve the lighting.
The upper class rooms when fin-
ished will be- much improved. It will
take less fuel to heat them.
Oral arithmetic untt oral composi-
tion Should receive special attention.
This is the best means of teaching
both tbese suhjects.
Singhig is token (elite IA all the
The work of the sehool, nurse
should itnprove thee health, progress
grounds are kept clean and tidy.
Victoria School
At Victoria school i some of the
ceilings need repairing and re -nut-
• Some new nums are required
showing the changes mussesl. by the
Caretaker's work is well done.
Homework is satisfactory.
The classes* are. well graded and
Five teachers attended the Teach-
ers' Institute at Exeter and one -at-
tended. at Guelph.
'the classes are well. graded and
seated, More attention should be
given to ,neatness, method, diligenee
and accuracy in some classes.
Equipment *301.. •
Teaching is diligent and faithful.
It is stronger and more insetting in
some divisions than in. others.
Bright, energetic questioning and
answering by _MIA's and teacherbring setisfaetoxy resting.
Discipline is fair to excellent.
The personality of the teacher deter-
mines the quality of the discipline
and, the progress of the pupils.
The assembling and dismissing
are approved.
The kindergarten classes tette to
reduce the percentage of average at,.
tendanee -
The pupils' exercises are generally
carefully and accurately done
In an ebusses special attention
should be given to the form the pu-
pa' answers and to the use of cor-
rect English.
Progress has been fele to good.
Some pupils have not been • doing
their best. The teacher's that create
a love for their work canting the pu-
pils secure the 'greatest reel pro-
gress. Enthusiasm begets enthu-
siasm. everywhere, ,„ •
The order and 'conduct of the pu-
pils are fair to excellent. Where it is
wean the matter Was discussed with
the teacher.
In the third and fourth classes
special attention should be given to
composition,' both oral and written.
The correct forms of letters and en-
velopes, addresses of billsand ac-
vounts, of receipts and notes and
eheilues should be taught and fre-
quently written by the pupils. Theo
exercises will give as valuable prac-
tice itt writing as meaningless exer-
cises will. Alt exercises should he
eorrect in form and "spelling and be
neatly written
More time should be given to oral
arithmetic which is the best medium
in giving the pupils a clear end en.
curate k knowledge of the subject;
The pupils that do not 'like" eritli.
this side of 50 or 40. This was lit
keeping -with the times, when the
greet demand was for young men.
"I Always deigned," he 'aid, "that a
nun can't be too young to get into
=uncivil affair'.
One of the large iteme for the
counell to eonsider was the question
of finance& The taxes tad been too
high. The past year hail been a
poor year tor qui fernier and prices
were nom. and it great uany rate.
payers were beginning to feel herd
times. There were a large number
of retuned soldiers trying to make
goon. We wanted to remember this
and not make the eost ef living in
the (loyalty of ;Outer' tee high.
Prom what he had been told toftes
the finitnees of the county were the
best in • neare, there being tt,Iarge
ratrririlie believed it wsu1d bit
poesible to reduce the general there
by tit Inuit two
There was 40 county better than
the County of Huron, in the Province Whilliktial
Shelter which was doing great work, illeClitatCA
or Ontario. We had a Childrenns ,s.
alai he 'strongly advised the new Hese yea ewes. op I Ilatte gout
members of the council to visit the ra.lga.d eateell to that aid.
Shelten, which was one of tlie best
inetituteme Then we had the relltgvellel yDo ilietthilif41thiarealibeo
House of tRefage or County Ifonte tate* yeataa'tgotallot
nst flik *hissed tbe rew men 'hi visit et tAiNk Nose **petiole* *tea
this inetitution alto, and they would oast that aims base aro same
MA there the beet management in elterentiest Wa halo sofeatp
the Inevinee of Ontario. The pest AS*00 ItAillAklarAd Toopagroor tided
ecar more Ione had been purchaeed evetythioisir bathe, serveso.olker•
for the farm and the returns trinn trkitys eve. %wad oteoweep
fhi poitibir would make the iresti. Wale Vale Cragle1111110.1.0
union needy eelf-sustaining. Ildheeesetie CIJIMANW. it%Aft
dr Trewernia seketi the membere • Itikomasiwit at ketedreA_ MAO VW**
4he touneil to girt. their best at, Wised deabt MILO.% *olio SU
tt etion and best Judgment and whets biltgat ~kat mod .11.0001.44
welting to subject to make their Illeitnalliententmoehr *eke *A
ee n
remarks as totteiee oetrilile; end Nets' toe bee. fedi
te trip to make this seer the best TANI lefrit• Tompleteoplaiwailio
year in the hiettity of the. colleen. betel namet IL C. SIPA*
Billie Burke
The 041-fashionde- Kind
Pound Box 70 cents
Two -pound Box - 1$1.25
The Rexall Drug Store
rnetie would soon become proficient
in theetubject if the wok were Jere!.
All the *lessee should sing daily
for it few minutes. The principal
should arrange for teachers to ex-
change 'Moms for singing if fleets-
54Ffie 'things that need inieroving
were -discussed With the individual
The caretaking is well done. The
grounds are attractive and, beautiful
in summers
Standing 'Committees
'the following standing carmine
tees- of the eitiblie 'school were ap-
pointed for the eseee
Contingent --A. D. McLean, T.
Gundry and R. R. Sallows.
•Finence--W. Wallace, A. SAWA-
ders and IL J. Acheson.
School Management -T. Gundry,
A. D. McLean and W. Wallace.,
Gtuurids-R. R. Sallow, A. noun,
dos and I. WCraigie.
1111 may be near; he inay
be fat away, Eat a good
Portrait of you win siva-
iy be appreciated and
may bring one in return.
R. R. Sallows
• t tierrest-Seet Shoplift Week
,ust Arrived
15 pairs Women's Brown Calf Oxfords, B, C and
D widths, Cuban heels, Goodyear welt soles, for $6.5o
x5 pair Women's Blank Kid Oxfords, 0, and D
widths, Cuban -heeis, Goodyear .welt soles, for $645.
15 pair black Patent Oxfords, C and D widths,
Cuban heels, Goodyear welt soles,,$6.06.
15 pair Winnen's Kid, high Boats,
regular $6.oq for $245.
These our lines are priced below spring ,values' and
are extra values.
• • . • . . . •
I1 .- ..
*snails"' money is about the easiest thing /AA de. If Yoe inonorolte •
ansi deposh your money REGULARLY in our Christmas Mr you will
sOom Nuke moor,. Why not .tart?
• . The following table* explain the 4ifferent Clubs
Put In le, 2c. Sc ar 10* the fleet week. INCREASE your deposit
le• 2c, lio Of 100 Nth wink, In 40 weeks: _
le oh* pay* $12.711 5a caub Peri $ 4.3.73
2a club pays 11)28.54 10a CIO POP ;WM
Start with 0141 largest sum and DOMAN :fair deRaelts so"
0404 Th4 Is a very popular plan.
Put In the SAME AMOUNT **Oh weak. In 60 weeks:
2$0 Chao PAYS $12.01 MOO Club pays $2110.00
-60a Club pays a25.00 . mos Club pays 1800.00
11.00 Club pays *50.00 420.00 Club' peel $1,000.40
AO Club Pari $100.03 ISOM Club pays S20500.00
You *met Had it any hardship to deposit a DOLLASt each weekend
mon December that d50.00 will come in howdy.
Jolla ta-clay.• ligna ia all tit. FAMILY.
• We will Welcome you.
We pee 3 per teat. Interest en Club deposits.
If you have use for a Winter Coat,
Suit, Dress, Skirt, Waist or Hosiery; why
not take advantage of Our.
Clearance - Sale
Sample Coats
Something new in saltiple coats„ some with French
Beaver collars, others with collars and cuffs, beautiful-
ly •trimmed and lined, $22.50 to $27,50.
Frocks for Ladies or Misses
• Recent additions to our stock makes this showing
of particularlinterest, $7.50 to $21.50. -
New Skirts
New skirts, iancy trimmed, box pleated or plain
serges and tricotines, $4.50 to $7.50
Blouses greatly reduced, in slipover style, plain
or atop stitch patterns, in trieolette, georgette, crepe
arol silk, braid or bead trimmed,' all shades, $1.95
to $5.95,
Children's Coats
Children's coats, 4 to 16 years, $6.95 to $12.95.
Children's Dresses,
Cashmere Hosiery
In black and heather MittUrtit at 95c, Other lin
2 pairs for 39c, 75e, $135 sola $1.59.
Select Ladies* ReadptoVear Co.
44•44.444444444 •••••••.,.•• 4444-