HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-26, Page 2"•••••:.. Do You Remember Forty HEIR SIGNIFICANCE. 71" cOliantglanks. or Twenty ears y The Dominion's Will Not lie Auto. the Allies tee victory, ebbed to lUit., In the maze of despatehes respects v-ampr°ralse5iii The VimSton Lou florants Horton Was allaynr C p R 1 there 18 dlocelldbla a es because it too test the spirituel Anglo.Vrench tiegotietions and has ncoatt geo usarniap to netrotrt "ally peromroleisei Was le Ow 1 h end the I OH no ALL DAY, *ACK ACHED AT WW1' , Womea trY to bear tne daily burdens ? St*r British Agreement were content to accept patchwork hew yeas As. The work& u 0.4 tuna t. New officas_no matically laeladeg in Fringe—. tunes& t e tonat ono mb ps trete of relief, es if a erisie had been glow in omeh it wen. It has bon Ohio onee more entered uPoto though some good has Uhrlau 17 1104" ate et soroo tougli 8r48 01 been Accomplished. But the nations tire roed tnrougb thi:t valleir, but are to build at least one or two great ree h 11 eons of two nation() to help each ether across their capital ships ere to be wrap - those, stending as they do on _the peel. The submarine is still to be * threshold cif the Economic Comer- weapon of warfare. True it was a- we which will spell 4 new atart or greed that it ehould not be used a- continue/1 chaos for Europe, there is gainst . merchantmen. But as the cave, who suceeeds Briand as Proms what a merchantman is, the. orees and the Pleasant Valley of le eiesppenoment in =any rsibmta fo of circumstance coupe the post -Jutland vessel:), t eug *teed for tonfidenee. Raymond Pains nations are to define for theineelves ier of France, was a ,keeii and per.- ment on this point le of doubtfufva- sistent eritie of his tiredeeessor's Poo' lue. The Germans had no difficulty Ucy. lie now professor to be loo oleos to continue Ohe negotiations with Britain. He ineists at the eame thne err "couelity." Behind that is the determination of France to Maintain its attitude it the ques- tion of a large submarine ileet, iota to continue to demand that Germany ' shall be treated as a onquered country. There seems to be, no doubt, however, that an arrangement wilt be made between France and Britain by which the latter will aa - sure Joint action in tbe event of ag. gnomon, by Germany against France. ittingly enough there is in the ne- gotietions now progressing, tacit aelmowledgment on the part Of Brie • teine that the overseas self goverfl- ing aro free nations. It speeitleallo stated in London 04 Coned& and all the other Dominions wIl l he excluded from any agreement in tersuading themse ves LUs tan's, was a war vessel. Recog- Nit. a Live esistion Twonty Ago. --111r. Wm. Warnock as Growing Iftsmeoth hastaissa—Tho OoR Poisoosr Was An- tivo-7-E. R. Swart. Rol It Pair of llusultiag Roisters The reproduetien of Reds, from TWENTY YEARS AGO cot our flies of twenty Tows ego which was sterted in our last issue is prove very popular popular feature of The :merit)" Year & Age A Site for the Star, and this week we have decided, t ilosPitet 1i, a Lite(beaten for the interest, of older residents ti! Twenty years ago the -question of add some extraett from The Star of a site Our the Goderich hospital Nos fatty years ago. 1 a live one, the e*Me as it is no*. We notwe m _repoyt of the town FORTY YEARN AGO council proeeedingti in our iesu. of ... ..e.. 3411, 24th that the Daugliters of the niling as one is bound W do in any —• Empire asked the town to give whet study of world affairs, that hope Mr. nereee llortole Woo nitro was known as the Old drip. sheet pro.. would vanish if the United States And the rest of the the, speaking The first meeting or the 1882 petty as a site for the proposed mar - world fell out, it 113 nevertheless time town touncil bad been held. _ His Inc tospitel, and promising to begin that the failure of the former to take Wotthip liseter Itorton occupitsk the work in the optiug find have the hose ber real pleas is primarile respon- elixir and the following councillors, pitrd in readniess for operation twee sible for the bulk of the troubles the hevinee qualified, took -their seats: world is now trying . to„, get away Reeve, F. W. Johnston; 1st Deputy I from. It has lion pitbily put by Reeve, VOM. Campbell; 2nd Deputy,1 to $1.32, turkeys $0e to $1.50, geese one reviewer in these word: • Mr. Hutchinson, and Councillors 50c to 00e end chickens •per pair 25 0 t iia "The 'weakness of the 'whole case is what it has been since ' the war ended—the unwilling - nese of the Unieed Otates to as- sume a share in world manage-, melt equal to the frontage she tiecupies, on the main street." . . The refusal of the United States to enter a League of Nations has handica ped tluit• bOdy from ,the of the household, but helot 00 their feet 011 do loug with the ceetioui4 0000* bowline end never ending Ostia it is no wonder that, sootier or War, the back gives outs All week backed. sutteriag women *hyoid use Dosies Kidney Pills on.the fast stool arty beet; weeknen end there. by Prevent some serious kidney trouble bad* to fellow. Ofroejulie leleKinnou, North SedneY, NeSo. writeseell *es eo troubled with Pain in my back. I did not loaow what to do. I was on my feet all day and my back • *clod so at eight 1 could FteaxeclY walic up one flight of stairs. A friend id - rued me to try Doan's Kinney Pil1.'. and after, taking three bone I am as well so ever., sad eau work from morning till nield. I ani always telling ray Went% of whet "Doen'e" lie.ve done for nue" dee 'Oat our trade nook tite°14faile Leee' appeers on the siblow grey box. PilicEwen's Specials Men'a Overall at $1.60 per pain Men's Ileevy Underweer veducod Flees Serge, different colors, $1.00 per yerd ,Aprons, Allover Apron a and liettso prOeseo, rattling horn e0e, All -wool Yee°, 2 and 3 ply, different colors et 250 skein. A new supply of Floor Oilcloth, 1, n and 9 yard widths at new prices. 2 Um. Coe,cia. for 25e albs. Black Tea for $1.00 3 lbs. Rica for 95O Fresh Eggs, 450 dozen r Rhone AG and have them delivered J. 3 licEWEN Phone 46 None genuine without it Centralia. was In the chair, and a Price $0e. o box at all &Otto or good deal of routine) busisess was nulled direct en xeceipt of price by The cleaned •up. Speakers of the afternoon T. litilbura Co. Limited, Toonto. Ont. were Mayor W. M. Golding, of Sea - forth; R. J. McMillan, of Willett, end yest.:_ 717! request Isle re!orre,3 to Janis Wateon. of Searaette a COMMittee. t For the Dominion organization °III- , owans, paTnicuag ,noauiters , , : &crust, eivire.resiwe,sootinatosrifolittleoseespre: sPidreensite, by Holloway's Corn Remover. It bee a power of its OViti that, will be found effective. "E. R. Swarts" spanking roadsters O. eeiger. asall; Secretaryi mr„ POrr, bAMPACOver a dog on Hamilton St. syth, Tuelteramith. For the provincial Dewey, Humber, Edwerde Bingham, en the other day, and in consequence assoeiation the officers are: Preefdent, Mr, Swarts liveryman Jas. Ilays J. eforgan, Osborne; •vice president, night watchman. S. A. McGaw . and A meeting of the shareholders of acted as a strong snoW plow for,.a- or Zurich, will aet as trecourer tor and Stemma saucy, Seventy; Nieholeon; $11.00 to $'10.00„ hideao to Ole chnts, left the rig quichly and fereibly, Blee Air. Fritz, Zurich; secretary, T. G. eustoni in the past hate been to autoniatically start. t offers the best machinery that 1$ entered into, e inciltde - the Dominions in Molt or. i yet devised for tlie attainment of the ideals the United States proles- rengeffients as these. ,ttnw no Dominion will be bound by Downing Motet to Oslo any part in the are eangentent unless it expresses a' de- sire to be keit his- is-ena_ofetho fruits of the. conterenee of E'nopire premiers last, Mimeo when there was *mule •plain talking on foreign relationship, and :mine 'frank criti- cism of the attitude or France.° It hats been said hetore.that there is no vOld enthusiasm on the pat of the British people as. to the proposed a- greement. commentate" on their attitude toward such matters in these days, is said to be turn -Meet in the, view. of British mothers who feel that they de not euro to raise sons to he sacrificed for France and other countries es they were in the past war. Whether those who ad- vance this opinion Are *erred in theft analysis of the British Moth- ers' attitude -in the Matnit it is rea- eotiably tertaio. that eolarge =either of womeo'bold such views. Govern - anent by the people is becoming more, than ever an approaebable stanclaro 'rather than on Meal. - • Britain Promisee Aid to the Full A - es to have at heart. More an MOre the opinion of the thoughtful American is turning to the view that his country. made a greatonis- toke- in staying out, The tremen- dous ovation to former' IhOsideats Wilson on A procession occasion duv- ing the armament tonferenee was on illuminating. acknowledgment of that. More reeently a big deputa- tiope demonstrated unexpeetedly in front of his resiheuce in favor of the League. So touched was, he that he found strength to utter a brief speech retiterating his belief in ,the League And in its triumph. Isola- tion is as impossilde to day as living in * greet city without any other meats of transportation than legs *would be. The Economic Confer-, mice will be the final test of the at- titude of the United States toward the rest of 'the world. If .she still rentaiits aloof there will be nothing fortheother nation:: to do but to work together' *without her. to the end theirs will be alt the glory and the gain. • • The Case of. hiatthew Bullock and ordan. Gabriel Iliott was Pork $7.50 to $11,00. Swarts held on to the ri bens an ,. 1 w, iruckersmith. • J. Pieter, Andrew Waddel were town. auditore. the Wroxeter salt well Was held to bout fifteen rods, 'when his nefve both organizations. d t Ivo u or to o a- and stre gth st,opped the ligleen lig • Ma have been relieved of vorne reform% to'the proposed removal, of head and it was decided unanimous- stlipersfi • Many The Mayor, in his opening address, dee! whether o g ) ,g Mr. John Wiitson s agricultural lY to continue trilling. A depth of e gto h do poisoneei clepredatieris . geinst 'Atittlicke on Belgium While the eyee of the world have lieen focussed on the sithatior: as be- tween. Britain and .France, Britain andVelgium have quietly agreed on the ternis of a proposed pact. In this Britain promises aid to. tbe full ainet attache on Belgium or the elation of her territory. Britain oleo foregoes her claime to first eill 011 the reparations from Germany to Belgium, which were pledged as se- curity for loans to the smaller tom - try. This will be * very great aid in • 'the tomplete reeovery of Belgian Silence" and industry. The little country has alemady. made more pro- greeeetewar4 readmetnient. than .any other eouritry that Watt :severely rav- aged by the war. Irt) her Mole as in the ease of Frame the coast line is too near the British Isles, to permit of InLY. eOlintrY hostile to the mother- land 'being &lowed to obtain footing there. But it does seem as if Britain was assuming loads of resOotedbilie ties and trials that slieuld be .hared 1 t‘o rtiou by Othello. works from Ayr to Woodsteek. The 1430 feet. had been teeebed. were a lea re .of eurrentliistory in inducement askea by bfr. Watson W. P. V,atiatone, the Brussels mil. Godoiche20 years age. Among the I "Was a, bona) of $15,000, verg mod- ler, !ma shippeci 500 sacks of ce. week's slain recorded an The Star of I, 12 A E ' orate one His Worship thong t„ and lebratedliour to GlasgOW. San. 24, 1902, was r. ., • oenet •• PP ing him to come Goderich. • Noted for Its Tea Meetings the Sanaa breed he hart loot in three Tle. Was St- Bernard, "Kaiser, the third of • he had written to Mr. Watson invit. Union 'Church; Goderich As Scarce as Holy _Water In an A very socceseful tea meeting Yeeeavs..„.• . • Orange Lodge ' had been given by the 'Union church oar- Warnock alatsmathr Squashes er A breezy gem of correspondence Goderich township. Tea Was seeveei in the school house opposite the from Bayfee Oonveys the intelli- gee-MO that, "Mr. Thomas Markle. had church, and. "when everyone had re - a very valuabledog shot by a party rd. errith. sense having Alone of drunken roevdies liist week outside en dein: tr dent, in the baskets the village. He tried to .get redress, Yet unopene some sufficient or a- but th -4 hundred.Th Juetiee is as scarce here as holy wa- Justice Shallow bid himself. no ere audience thee _ses,ted.. in the church, Rev. Dr. ter in an Orange lodge," ure.toSat r chairTbhe 43ixog4,1r. Wliatevet May the future of the The ease of Matthew Bullock, a negro .of Norlina, North Carolina, under, arrest at Hamilton and eiders ed deported, bas aroused intense hie tenet in many parts of Canada: A year or so ago Bullock's younger brotber got into an altematian with. a white Mast over the sale of three apples. A race riot followed in which two white men were wounded. brother and another negro were arrested and lodged in jail. A mob broke into the jail and lynched both men with the attendant Atroci- ties that lynching affairs have tome to be associated with. Bullock him- self ded the town and made his waY to New York State. Thence be tried to cross into Canada, but not having the mohey required by the immigra- tioo "awe vae refused. admission, In Marth last he -made his wait into this tountry across the ice at Fort Erie. He got to Hamilton and worked there, maintaining himself in apparent respectibility until a few weeks ago wheri demanci for his extradition was received from Caro - i:. lia•ving broken the immigra. ewe:este o a reading r. • •ToWnshlh Iiams. of Leeburzo, addresses b,y Rev. The Colborne Township .council Franeht, Mr. Thos. Mcceillieuddye consisted of Win. 'Young-, Reevee An* Mr. Jas. Mitchell. and Rev. Dr. Wile th,oriy Allan, Deputy .Reeve; Patrick lima. The choir of Knox chureh: Carroll, Archibald Malloy and Jos- under the leadership of lir. B. Arrn- eph Beek, councillors. Raby strong with Mrs. Armstrong at the hams and Donald MelYfurchie were organ rendered several beautiful an - the township's auditors. I •tIterne,- arid geldraio and Jen - Imes Patton was'olerk.of Gede- ale Ferguson sang sleet. A . social tich township, and the council include was given to the children the .follow- ..eJohn Cox Jas. ViThitely, Jas. Pea. in. evening. . cock, Jhs, 'faithwaite. Wm. Wake- C. P. R. Was Building' field was'appointeel iesseesor hittl'Wro. o on er stee end John Connolly were auditors. bridge over the Fraser River on con - Prices in GoderIch Forty •Years Ago tract 01 of the C. P. it, and for the Potatoes in Ian., 1882, were quote construction of that portion of the ed at 60 to 52 cents a bushel; butter. road between -Pert Moody and'Ems 17 to 19 cents, eggs 18 to 20 cents, ores bar, a distance of 86 miles. wood $2:15 to $3 a cord, wheat e1,25 The Esefuessoopeside of Goderich • . Forty years •Age • "lViammoth squash seeds saved from' selected specimens, weighing ftones 400 to 400 lbs. Packet 'OM seeds)* Competition Card and Mr. Warne:des secret-OhlOw Grow Big Stanley was collector. .1, E, Roinee$ constructionTenders were being eagnor ked for the Seteashe 26 ceatee Thio is how a Toronto :madman was boomiug busi- ness, and he was offering ten $10 prizes and ten $5 prizes. Mr. War- nock was very active in Horticulture those ;lays and ,his .big squash made a fame which extended far and wide. The Business Community liocigens Bros., Smith 13ros„eP. T. Halls, MeKenzie and Howell, W. A. McKim, F. *Dunham Allan and heaver, N. D. Rougvie," J. Bropleey and Son Sturdy "and Co., W. Acheson and •Son Porter's Book and Paper Store: E. Hick, G. W. Thomson and Son, W.. C. Goode, RhynaS and Cornell, Geo. M. MacSweem Wilmer Smith, A. Munro,S. U. Colborne, T. G. Tlpling, Wors,e11, etee, ;were in business in Goderich W. Glen , Cannibell had his musk, studio at Emerson's bicycle and music house. N. Dietrich ex Son Were ...h0Yiug wheat, and G. N. Davis had settle stoves. to sell. • ne oeve world, and. Whiehever nation isition regulations he was liable to de - to be the star in ite firmament, Brie tain le *till the mainetay end the • prop Of the old. *, ,„ Terkel Left Gat of Economic Cons brace i and the press of the country ham take F Won but TurIce is to beg on up the Instes case. Rig orreiloo-- or at least the ofpnets of leading* there are'n number of publicly own- The. aleertisernents in a paper of ed railways of varying guages. The forty yeas ago are no less interest - Federal Governthent has been en- ing than the news items and in look- eleavorieg to get the states to agree bur over The Goclerich 'Star of Jan. Us, a plan for standardizing the guage 20th, 1882, we notice that William and linkfng up so that .there will be Mitthell was in the grocery business a series at connected systems on Hamilton street. D. Ferguson throughout the country. Both from Announced that he had just received a commercial and a defensive view * Splendid assortment of fresh gro- this would seem to be a very neees- eeries, some special bargains in teas sareehlan. But a recent conference at 26 cents a pound and young Ily- a the premiers has side stepped the son at 50 emits. "The Cheapest issue after a discusssion lasting for House Under,. the Sun" . was the three days. .Tentative plans were as catch phrase of Saunders! Variety, greed to for a big scheme under Fed- Store (stoves, tinware, fancy goods eral auspices to promote settlement and valL paper). Reid and Sneyd end provide work. The settlement were advertising a grand clearing plan includes an elabotedion of the sale of winter goods and C. Detlor klea of. assisted immigration of the and Co. announced great bargains in best and most carefully selected dress goods. James lintle, successor kind. 'Ole British Isles will be the to T. J. Moorehouse, was enaicing a recruiting ground. bid for -trade echool. books. Jas. * * A.. McIntosh was looking for 1600 Chinese Statonnan of Vision Don't cools of wood for the G. T. R. sta- Want Interference of Foreign tion, W. S. Hart and Co. of the Gode- portotion *firma. This has been ordered but has been stayed * week on appeal to Washington. In the in- terim colored and white folk "alike have subscribed to a defence fund Invited to the Economia onference. The probabilities are that the Turks will worry lees about the gatherieg and its decisione than any of the- not tienalitiee to be represented. That in spite of the faelsethat decisions orlikh ovill affect Turkel as Pth- foondly as Many other notion% are likely to be reaehed. * The Eceitentie Conference .the Flael Tett of Attititile of. United States Tewarola Rat a the World There is a- poesibility that the third of the greet conferences held plate the Armistice, will neve more bontediate and beneficial results than either of the other two. The NU), 4..."-ortferetlee dragged its weary way through the months wbilf' the exaltation of spirit that had carried i In the various states of Australie race riot which 14 4 eg riga hire—is an extraditable one under treaty between Canada and the Un- ited States. The tibia for consider- ation Whet guarantee is. there that Norliria /elks will not treat Iiini as they treated his brother—loneh him. Ile maid be sent beck to New York State as one who had broken our Inimigration Laws, and that state and North Carolina could fight out the question of extradition. Should Canada surrender him without 44 guarantee that the United States will itself become reeponsible for giving him a fair trial? * • * Sig Anatolian Scheme to Promote Settle:meet and Previte Work Look for this Trade Mark . when You Buy Kitchen Utensils *Waal& you buy' *can of saloon if it haAl 'no Mel? Or bag of Sour? No. „ certainly oat! Moot be jot as mend when you awe %oft that% %demean. Parchaan Indy time artklos ot meled Ware turryhte the QV trails. A.A. it ywar safsguord nal yow ustrantio of qmslity. Ask for ti P gilICOWARE 11111 01141114411401 10111* nteleal ANL sky bine sod with* *staid* witk vartawy rout Waco is * stool, pond trey And. USE ASTHMA RAZINAll NO Susig3aa-114 Son Jost Wilma COW'S - RAZ•MAS 11/ Guarcintimitf to restore nornisl broth:ling, stop emus therhigs in the _bronchial tubes, gese krn nights of quiet deep;contabis a. ha Oforming drug. $1.00 a Your drug_ - gist's, Trial tree et our agencies meows Toopletems, 142 Xing W., Toronto. ;Acid Agent — 11. C. DUNLOP Bargain in Newspapers e. is a Real Bargain—the Greatest Value Ever Offeredin Canada The doderich Star costs •$1.50 a. year. The FamilY Herald and Weekly 8tar of Montreal costs OA a year. We. now offer a full year's subscription to both -papers, for'Se.e5,„ $2.75. An Excellent Premium With The Family Herald and Weekly Star ie included a con* of the new Canadian Coat of Arms in the heraldic colors, size 14 x 17 inches. elas beauefful plate should be found In every Canadian hone. Every boy .and girl should. be taught to describe the Canadian Coat of Arms. A copy tvill be 'sent free to .411,who accept this offer, Send Your Order to,Th,''Goderich,Star ewers rich Mills (late Piper's) were pre- 1.pasta to do &listing oft shortest no., Chit* doesn't seem to lee at all 1111 pressed with the latest proposition Ike- Wal' Acheson harness and olePot on Hamilton street. S. Scow. advanced by the miller had purchased .the Goderich endorsed by BriUnited Statestain in respect to foundry and was fitting up the prone herself. It is that the Armement e Conference Make the "open door" it, ipelosvneferhemanufactureantdagrioutu rfitopit een.thielnleg the Fer.Faist a fact instead of e mot- on a large scale. Wm. Mitchell was toot. brenneunedniuceir tahnedertchactiongroaintsi sigghereo for the Goderich Public advertising for 00 verde of green monopolistic concessions to foreign- WS:11)04oIs. Abraham Smith Oaf door ers. Mr. Balfour for Britain sug- to j. Bond, druggist) had opened out gested that a further step ahould be Sports Twenty Years Ago The Goderich Juniors defeated the Clinton Juniors at hockey. The Jor- dan Block team defeated the Signal block, and a match between the Way Backs and the Would Bees was an- mounced. - Court Maitland 8091, A. O. F., an- nounced an oster *upper and, con- cert. Commander Spain of the Fisheries Protection Service and Chairman A- dams of the Steamboat Inspection Board had been appointed to investi- gate the, circumstances surrounding the drowning of four men oft Gode- ti I. They were in 4 bare towed • the, steamer Marino City, •The new tugs being built on the harbor island were both -finished as. far tie outward plinking. Ineitatione had been issued for the fiddrellowe annual ball. "Mrs. R. W. Logan, our one time resident, Was in town on Sunday, being the organist of the company that pre:tented 'The Holy City." "Mr. Ed. C. Attrill, while at the hockey match on Monday. evening, slipped on the stairway and severely injured, his ankle, the result. orwhith will coMpel him to remain indoors for some tinie." i • "Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lee and Dr. Turnbull were guests at Mrs. Geo. Taggarts' party in Clinton this week." "Thos. D. Hawley ‘retttrned- from his Chicago visit on Saturday."' • the getting up of internattonal nuith- 'a good 858attmeat c'f tweed suits. .Thst inety designed to enforce obeervaelee e bankruptock of John Stoty,West -ents-.1)elng offered for of the open door princiarea. ple by China and the other powers. China is at tsablaet. 4 0Ww. at 0Cp e. iii, uNgs :feta inantnhoeunneeewd war with '4 i2 see toe Albion bloek, corner Kingston street many opposing fres in her oWn and the Square, with a well selected bountlaries. But those of her statear men who ilave vision end under- Sittr.ksIttedpriragrl,sehhealndiesIteltoo"idsgurpt:lieer; standing have clone their best to at the lowest rates. Hugh Dunlop serve her interests so * whole. was lbusinose• i ie n tailoring- biro They do not want any InOre interfere . W Eernock WAS in the millinery oleo rom for 4eign eowrs. , * 4, * husineSS On Hamilton street, and fe Mrt Marr Winksto was eying un LT. S- Pootooloter-Geoend Ito -841810 ' businees is a mill -iner.Mitsl-Wilklis to Become Read of Movie zoo suceessor to Mrs. Copeland, had Association everything seasonable in millinery Public life does not offer rewards and mantles at the "Chicago House." that bear tomParison to those of Mias Jessie Wileon had millinery, commerce, industry and° amusement lace novelties and fancy goode. Wit- -especially the latter, which is now liam Key was in the drygoods bust - becoming a highly sPeeialieed tem- nese R W. MeEenzie in hardware,' metelal ime. It is offi. cially an nonneed at W. II. Hays, Postmass ter -General in the United States cab - is resigning in March to become directing head of a moving 'Adore association. The salary eie reported to be $150,000 ,A year. e, Swami PropotesAtuaning All Trains By Electricity Sweden ethere water powers as bowed,. iee undertelcing a very wide expanoon of eleetrifieation. This in. eludes 'plans tor running all its trains by electricity. Ohe section has already been completed and is in operation, of a high powered elec. trie line through the centre of Swed - from north to eolith. Huge modifies of power will be available or industrial plaits not already 18. ing it se well as for the tailweys. * 0 * et Cabinet Miaistere Given Acclaims tioiss The Ste, Rad Staved to New Oakes Cansehen (*billet ministers coo Mitthelleena Carey were publish - t cerned in the by.eleetiene lett INCtile,, eie of The Godetiet: Star and the fol. were fleeted hy.toolhratition. towing announcement is of interest: "thir friende will beam in mind Pepe Oreediet NV. MA that The Star office has been removs Pope Bettediet XV. ISM at the Vas ed three doors west of the old stand, '4., ,'• Rowse ells Sander. The tense betteeit tieo li. Joheetoreit intone of death ie elven ne malignetit rneu. woe office and Storyh: tin Oboe The motet el' it partieelarly iefettioue tow minters *lee us one of the neat- tspe, liereeee of the infectieue ose, est and mort convenient officee in the lime of the Otereoe the. fimerel ars eowtrs, and we 41ndiallv invite a taastmenta have bees huried,The .',1/1 from patrorte toed faced!, Eee oinclave of tardiest,* for. the election en poet* ami reehenge fieede will be of a new Pope wilt ateremble ir: Rome allowea to take a peep. Pot to ere en *toeless is Me, %het the f4' j' are like." . Rhymes and F., Jor- WINTER 'BARD. ON BABY The winter season is a hard one on the baby. Ile is more or less confined to stuffy*, badly etentilated roorefe It is so often etormy ths.t the Mother does, not get him out in the fresh air as often 88 she :should. Ile catches colds which rack his lit- tle system; les stomach *Ad bowels get out of order and he become:" peevielt and -cross. To guard a- gainst this the mother should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house., They regulate the Stomach and bowels, said break up colds. They are sold by medicine dealers or lei mail at 21 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. JIM Wilton Geo • South Huron Liberals Considering den in the Arug business, E. Downing re8te't in boots and shoes end Wm. Camp- bell was advertieing a great clearing tale of boots aud shoes. Lewis and Lewis, S. %Icemen, E. Campiou, Garrovs and Proudfoot, 11. L. Doyle, Davidson end Johnston, H. W. C. Meyer. were in the legal bush; ness, G. l.. MeDonagh, J. Ilutchimon and J. F. Cassaeley , were medical praetietioners. Marriage licenses could be had Men Rev. C. Fleteher. Seaga* and Morton had InOney to lone Geo. B. Johnston was doing inturaneW and money loaning. • Radcliffe had an lour:thee, real es- tate and money loaning agency on Vet street underneath what was then the Star office. John Beeler told the eiebrated. shadirot pen for the, holey graceful writing, Pit- ratea Phonetie books and holideO goods, 11011,b Liberals, at their an- nual nicetinO at liensell on Jan. Mit; , discuseed the advisability or protest- ing the feeleral eleetion In the Ming. A r,Mrautat recently held gave :Willi= Mack, Progresalve, a plurality of ei, with a total at 4,105 MAPS. as against 4,00, east foe R. .1. Ofeeilltan, Int2.000 for J. J. Sterner, Conserva- tive.. The trotter wee finally left in the hands of a eommittee 41 sis. There was a fair attendance of Lilo crate from munleipaliiies of the riding as constituted fal• hath Itliriinelal and Dominion houses. Presideat Essere, ulf 11114111111,1111 soN, lirligE195 "Uie the Bell :to Sell" z Ova'. .oyeeaeow, C A , • While others wait you sell ! by Long Distance A LAbDIN rubbed his lamp and summoned anyone to his presence. This samething is being done to -day --only Aladdin's lion0 has.chartgea to a telephone.. Call the Man you, long to do business with, by Long Distance, and he is virtually 'in your presence :when he lifts the receiver to listen.. Practically, you are face to face. LongDistan,ge makes him ore accessible than if he lived next door. The man you might hesitate to borrow a monkey -wrench from greets you Cordially when you call him. While others coOl their heels in outer offices, waiting, you sat him. He is in a receptive Irate of mind. His curiosity is appealed to. He realizes the conversation will be brief, and lets down the bars. And where a salesman knows his goods there is soniething in the tones of his voice that carries conviction—puts over the deal. Your goods go through doors that were formerly closed to them. • We were satisfied with the pony post, until the railroad came. The mall and telegraph answered every need until the telephone came. All means of communication have their special uses, .but for speed the tele- phone is best of all. Long Distance reaches more places than tttere are Post Offices. Because of the very low rates on Station - to -Station' ealls after 820. P.M. Evening and Night calls by Long Distimee are being used more and more for business purposes. It only requires a little planning. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY.