HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-26, Page 1Wwrqp-w.,�qw,v .911;P71.1 -71 17.?_1 -,-- , I
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11078'04�muw Avoll C"Ok TRUR - - _.
riT, Witfillf, N)INVER 31W. MIMCNI, ONT . WAY. JANUAItY 20. 1"2
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� � I—— _ :_1 � - - _ 11 __ ���
r- ,- - I I . I _ _ _
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I 11. ..1___-___ -- I-- ------- _ - I � _________. � � — ------- -_ - __ .
1 . . 1.11 I..." 1. - � . � � I � __ _ - ___ - 11 IT INUST INCRUSS ME UST
. * I 10-,*AK9 A SHOW
PIERSONAL , Acquire the Habit 'A ora" $t**d..N*W0&-Witst
I ure U Alt 4 fX1111;
BA>UUNG SMVICE Doublow you kbow pw*xw wfw� "A*W4"W6&Ajr Aryway,�M=4111� Mr.
!� ,
Sternft Bank savko j* *tot, bwt *W *Iway# it *M0 Works, have Moft suw"twi savaw O*A "We should spe - "a some money on
Pet'sowone. I � YOU. . I ,he Prize, list if we ever want to.
, make a Phow", said Mr. John Sower.
D1 lks"b"* foir orwit, fuxu4buq . it is 44 fri'sou" dw "V;" 4" pwsiow.0 by at tile annual weetifut the,
I lkuft !V_U4_22 d IMbity ' I
1 zV1,5:0ja obtoboft-�Upoodbla-� -**a pw f4voo *=Mt,*Y*W'W9sk foi Gloderieh Industrial Fair rd on
i I'll ___ a custowim " fiiit Y0111% Wid With i4t4ro* sit 3% . y ,afternoon last. "We have
...... ... quit*14-- . to have it grand Stand. What tuture I
these a I oth4w UWWWAOU m4lo a per. I "Wrl"Ai0k, yow bdotil� %in tow *IX010,1044-04 is ahead of this fair anyway?" he,
. 00031 40440 lwbkh MAP mom sotAdOctoxy � 1. � . ,100 asked. "The sehool f1drs, *To said to I
mults. . 1. be better. Is it worth while for all
I I I UNION BANK OF CANADA the nxiculturat ed"0iort we 'get
Our RRAMW will beilad to vafttOoa—to die' . � . . . :from itt Can we tompete With, the,
I I eve$ your pum for 1,94"t sw,v t1mv, - 43 � I . . ' school fairs?" . r
. I All thlit e4iiae up 10110wing a quor$
I GiWeAch Brimch, F. Woollcornbel. Mana frontRayorl .
-1 I . �, I Or - Vitleastowhotherthe
, . . ,
____ � � - �, ,U I , . I fair board felt inelined to, make a
I �. . I I � I . . - - 1. I _. I � � I I I woolowook � further contribution towards the ex.
� � I ... =,`�: � �; 11 �- - _ �� wwavow I mses of u
I I I—- I I-— _____ 11 . --- - F== peel) of the grounds and
I _ . fin .1 I I � .
I I _. " . cuildings, he toV41 owns the
I 0 joriG . . . Tin �Satiirday Jan g8th, has been ,can. �grounds, an4 bulldinp
- .AAWN TOPICS _ _, ,And the re.
I Z__ - telled. he I;st ej th6 anto.rtain- Vairs made jtgcc$siry by tile Storm a
. .
i I . F.-SURLI . - 7 I i - ., . inents, bovever, Announced for Feb. few sears Ago, and the fact that a
1, . . . . I I ��' ' .1 � I Rebekah 94�hfe stail 0401ce '27tt will be -a -concert-, of -exception- ROW 9_rAAd stand, is needed, have
I . . � � I � I . , The euchre And dance given byj the *I lorit Josephine Martino, the ,1oW0dPV6Plo ... tk--consider the matter
I ,6F.CA0A0A RoNpkahs -on Tuesday night WAS a isinger of tha'party, is 8,4 Italian of finauces. Th - ' " ------ gil pgS-
.. . I=- , _ - _ � .- _______� __11 - W.- good success, 4,14rge attendance be. soloist of ex . coptional irifts. She was 0 town e4tal
i . no - - - -----Wp - .-- 'I sell a resolution 430me'thne ago that
7, . � I 11 . P" . ing livesent �ud having a good time. 1. a relative And 4 pu,pll of the great 411 organizations using the. grouudx
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliililimililillliiiiilllillillllllillillI ... 1111111111111111111111111 ::;: " _ 4
.11 I . . � 11111-1 1 .L 1jelleves '111ble History $holtid be, Caruso. The other entertainers are And OlkarginK a :tee should be asked
11 WA" I ----I 00 OR I 1 I � i i t_ 0.00"101- - I 11. 1. U111111t io Public Schools - ..� A violinist 4114 Accompanist of high for tell per cant. of thati. t
. - , -1 . .. , : I ColptS t$ a sort of rent&,* ga a To.
. . -4 ,Into So a
.. L In a .rvjew rocently, On edue.j. attainments, Vitall Poddiky and a to
I . . I . - tiopal matters inspector Tom g4vtw,it Mifis JOKOPhitto Braigher. . 13rovJdo a fund for upkeep and repair
. 1. - as his opinion that Bible illistory D, i I Pit . of buildings or A
'� , - I 'a Assuea ce Coll wr vlair lie$ Anti Doing -Coment now grand stand,
�,: . 'SUR Lif 0 , of cana'da , shoula be taught In tile schools. At ol.k At Ae'vIlitor' L alict so forth,' The a,xhibition boa
I _. .... : --- ____ — L _ Elov- On rd
. I .. OnB U1116, he exys, the. pt*..Ile %chool � The work at the .4oderich 1144 'a good surplus their 1920
. I- ,�.,_ - _______t__ �___� I- .� I readers- jr,ontalned � such . a,,, hlstor�*., I.tor is rogressing lalcol tali -and handed over the smin of $400
� , L' I I t : . '' . . 11__,� 1. Piles a
" I � I . . , Add the lack of knowledge. of Bible bein - ' to form - he - basis - 011, I -to the town - which went on account
, riven
. . . . 11 Our IuMloo Year just.,Waw tai'se , I �1� fThd , Airs-ft-thebullah
I, I .. ". , I on many now rea- . history Is Wry ,notioeable among: pro- i Ound2tiOn, f0V the tower to be 0 TO
l I , . I d establi�had. '� 1. I .*a dom.
I or 8 ,�. sent day school children. .' I created and oerout work�oxt the liop. 49ed in t a Wind storm. The % -
I I I I ... �� . I L half a I Our msumtloes, in foroo now, exceed , Lots of App*4ats f � 0,101C of bins to goin 9 fin 0
1 ,, bil;jon dq�l�rji,-, ()Ur ausets, ,� �r )1russels r I,, g alolig.brisk- 0141 statement of, fast year's show
I L I I .now amount to, more �: -L post I I I I .1
- I . J * 11� I 1. , 011ie* y. There are over forty men on- gives a surpluo.ort hand and the dis.
I I �L_l I
,-,. I i
I 41 , k4f �, t
I .. I : " I I i I
t I I W, � : I
I _' ' _' "
M_ N E l! A 'M'M'L L , I OI& I �
----- - -_ -
a mvw ffislinam
. I.... - -
Ad"rtis*n ip inw&" *H,P,, aww"
no,000Y-44vise batrjoim
� It pays to to" tk* &dyertio�ftft
I in Tho Godowich 3tar. I
4111.0 4f
, , � . . L � ' - _____
4 Alti="-"�.%Wlt-l&*Ttl*x)tZ*000r.tlltl;
� _...
iewil by fvessrf� wftl� *Ixl Elaott xv,
"' , 1 Ah � - � 'Wo ! , ..._11---"
X'nnk�yl 1)n ht'r "i'Arft to Vst%kQuvk'r-
jAeut. R. J. Miller and Witt
r4liuddaughter of Mr. wad Mrs. It.
11�11ttXlt JAP.
� XD
. �
cmurchle) sailwl for Xura row -
ow Vork or& ThurW*V, Jam xvthl,
1hit" Uvotwilsta of t%taty
, a
Yffft 4 ,h9W
8* 'Rikkk We at# %9W
on 4k 1 'Wili
three onthe trip. We
thtin lat 14404 nt vivit gild 10te re-
viawwlkl * W"It to w"k
Jim Timowidek War is (as
turn, .
Mr. Joseph Mollough, wbo has
t1kAt ft WOVA to'bo * ytry ##.
War ~. A* a vallaple of t1w
been the st tWo Y04TS in AlWirta.
Way tbU fffallilreL ill ojettj%$
gild BritisrVolualbro, alid 1* now ati
his old box* in 114"galloon, W it in
WKk Ulter we are x0jair to
gote just *at letter that we
town this wvtk renewing Olt aco
ovo rocelvot t
�Vlallitllllleqx� *114 01A41C a frit'lldly
at the 4&4�.
I N*W York, Ian. 213t.,,1921.
"" 1 1 1 1 � 11.1'."�
Godorick Stair,
L'olialtlivrelol OVA Xatk***tIe*t Chill. I
oft Havo 14Nvol, pro"aldiki"It
('004kritli, Out.
'entlesteftv-1 want to VLO�.
Start*. Jam, 31, lipioe Naraing
. p0bruary 204., 1
pratalitte you alk your decisjois
to, publish fr9la now on in the
The, o.ommettlat and mathematical I
Star k1kopeni 9 of tweitty
*X4. It of,
Aasses, havp alrendy begun at tho Col-,
kelate, and meet oil Tuesday and
�Vtars _ a. the Most lit.
Itte0lait irtaillijkli
r I have eve
rhursdoy et'Mittga at 7.*30, but the
rUV04%Y tVe"ilW 18 Open tQ'Vh%0X0
1`0111441 In the Goderich Start #r
L "
I 4ball look forwart each week,
.. � .
�o Manday. The commercial ,elafin is
� greater satielpiltion thalk
telt"eltorore to receiving
warly ftll�d but a tow 1* Inittera In
look -k" Vj
, pill it students
- *ry ittUrtatilix �paper. Kloj-
cat rtgarda and beat wishts.
h shofthallt can lit to, 'a VeL The
nathemotiest class tit "Olt for 4 half
. Yours respeat"lly, �
JoSeft or ftloj%_ L - .__ _.:�_______ —
I .� : FA�, R."LTWEROM,
. .-I- L
Mrs. Vgllorw will begin juesday, �
- 11 .
.: . � - 77� -_ I , __. ___..___
. - I I I . - 11
.11. at, At 7.30, and
W01%1411A j4k Friday
?cb. 3 afternoon at I o'clock
"this. Week We .Are addlat
- � L I*,
., aua
'velking at 7t$ and will continue 02
hese days unt?, org�ulzation is
8 0110 ate Altin "otti of 09
forty I ""
4dOl"go In Goder j:h and Vicinity
. I
A .. �' .
llete, 1
),04T11 mo, believing thla ,
will be fully as popql*r is tho
. I
tommittee haa Pleasure in an.
koun"(010C the formation of i0lassolt In
hews of twenty yeara. 0
. go.
I .
. I ,
. L
VR97 vuj�!llax .21144kv the InstruotloA I--
I.-- �, . r .J,.'' I" 'i. l'ILIL
— . . I
R, ,
Felft, . . . It'
"t -
'We I . I .. 11
*411111� __: . - I IL
. L 4' - . L . . O Itiort of this was what started, the -Ipal will be rosont.A. half X441411111111TIOU Ina Uy Mr. fluil= I .
.IL I . eau
r I . f u Oft llulaareq and tweat 8114 , - The Ortissols .Post L ""�'salon. The Mayor thou * hour biforo the beginn ag to receive *1 expprt for *Atii, .
I . : . 'L$fa of CaAW4. I Y-IIVQ� willions. The . ... inise Of P. S. ,So skys. *4jn tho de- saged on a work. -. , - Sise The print. Ft. , formerly Optic ;
," .. . l I has now. Paid Out to. its p6lio,y hotdors , moterphip bec� Olt� Brussels Post- Organizer at Work portion Of this might prQpely I Toronto, and Henry Morgan A Co., 11
.. 11 . I r�jt be enrollment lee for ,course of la tes. 4 0.
____.___ ��_ - ��,' move than ooehunarea xxximor- aon 11 . � In's Vaellilt, but, If 411 , OrganiZer 104111pbOlt Wag ATOU04 I ., '. Montreal, The best optleit work at I .
. _ .. I ' , _.: ... Aral . I I . get 4he job who hro seeking it, we will the ast. week ganVassing for new hand d or to the town' . I I sons, Ono Dollar. � JOJVOSt Pileas. L I '
� I . I . � . L '� - - _ - _ � ", L _r L . I I I �, , , -bp w(Ill looked after. Sore 11 % . I I 11 . FridAy . L - . �
, � I 1: I .,- -_ ' NG"W a 600(t menigers for the Canadian Order of Shoo, la ep the Surplus to Improve . . Thursdai. .
� I . � . .. I . . . I I 'L a4it *ge-4t - -pq'44-tpm"�gy-.,!,t,4-Qrq-�md�p.-.t� '15 'or 20 Forestop , I the Prize I L OUT Oult PRICES., - And Saturday, Feb. Oth 10th and I
I , . . I � . ". R. to lit L _� 5, Goderlob Court No. $2. A Aot - .. , . .1
. 1. � I I . . I Ilk -q. � ... I I al)Plleatlts -and _iqmc; hustlingt--on- Ithhc -number. gif and Mr, 1. Salkel Be sure. and got �Uf prices 6n beef 11th. Come Oarly� SMITir"FiRT . L I
. . __ � I I . -Young men were initiated On other hi I I I— I .
". . I., 'Program, In the mealitime Walter S. into the Mysteries Ojth . . I
I I , are rtin_ Spetfoklmeetj , "rdor,-a mgIntfitned that the monoy shout - N 0 can g ........ ". . 0 � .
I . I I �6004 aild'viii misses litint 3 by thif ..quarter or grk 'by. the side $TORV, Goderich. . . . .
i er I be -before buying. �, L Iva you . . I I .
. held last Fr a tat -_ ---,-- W'tho board �ould choice steer or heifer --beet, 0,-rca- _Two- gOO'd__rcj1jLhj4rW_ipd1es
� I I : , I I . 1 """Ali' so t A ---. ublah
. . . . .. d0rIA9 excellent !service -as -of old, 20th,lor the'-purpu3e! 11 a so a increase In the prize list, jojjAVf0 I�XI14'64f_jjjL fact lower' thun �sults Ave ItaZ MAK-tor --,-, � - ;, - . _ �
I I ; . I . . . JA r , gustautee V( L .
. I I . . ." � Doxt1t Miss -the Upekipy Match. Friday -that some, More 4ombo b a 0 ... 0 a benefit. tli, the tbw,n �r ;;ho 460111111, and UVO40WASO 411il T. Z (1# L
, .
. � , By the defiiilt of the St. Marys In. OF, mitlatod within the no; You have -to pay the p
. �� . w! b� i An t are ha - be�n no grant ., tro -oddle I
. ra Volnes to your door, and we wet 06tu. -thUmb4go, XeWI04 ,. I
L . town, 4 blaeu termediato 0. H., A. team the visit,of week -or. no, � I � I t o n for. Some years,' "llf "'A our ,4104t OUL, rh tot Ithouths L . I
, . etseb �
I I ,oil etc., ate fol 11
� 0 the Goderich teaiit to that L Huron - 014, '91 Ai Homo Will, Re ive A y this Government ,InSpect . �4 by It. C. DuNbOr. I
re, , L 11! - � . , i ,
I . . I awar 0 , tomm was I 1110 . L 11101101 *00,Will never Scale$, Which is all for tho:,lenefit, of I . "I. .. � __ _. - _* . _ "I'll,
... I _.. . , I I . a. It. x ............... , . ,,;,;, �,.,.�. ,...,; , . valle0led and, the'serles in Group 14 . . . I I 1114rch 24d ,� - ., Able to Increase t o prixq jjst�90 ,our customers. a . : : . L , I . , I I
, � .
. , trap, ' � . 0 1 1 I'- ;_ The last game 3n the , The 6xecutiveof The , 4yoi pointed out that the � . NOINN -1
. I I L, L L , , - I I L , _ - I listill'--m ivf�-oa sullday�jamjary illiul, . . 1,
.1, ... NF -i. . . . . I I b I 'ad bore is bil. on old Bo e Toronto Bur- town had.spobt *1600 sit the. THOS, LEGG, to rs. Iteary xerr, � 40tilro . .
. . . WANT01, l Oup series P ' 311, to Mr.And. .
I ETING * � - ""' 'W' 'k;;'idV Ing C*Okavillo .. . I
�,� i , ., 1 17 , E . � I 0 1 �e
. a' Assoc! #on metat the rounds , Sanita , to -
. An"U-&L '4�% 1 (i the year bUoro, last ,'and '$I QQ L last , ry Meat xaruat'. . r (Pilyins or4 0). ., .. ,,, .
. � , OAUDBnS W,,NTU'a.-A' 0 Lbo ' a, it F( Phono .0. � MCOEN.-Id Ofid0i'leb on 1hursd
:, I I . _ , I night, borne Of . r. R, 0, . I , I L p
I . Th I . oWCATe :q, , _ a lit 17 miles 0 12th, to MAI. 4nd All's. Loonard. Me V I I .
I I � , . j L B pply to . mints *hen. eter V411 be It re� he Visit YOut in putting in a sewer, The - . .
� . . a annas, ' I ti r th luenabors JOB MU"AY, N frora, To 1 i � .i, 0 I - twl., % I I . 1,
"I . . . . I . : . Ors have yet to be beateri; and the rilitto, goli; town Leave the Sociolty. the grounda . ConCes"llon, (.0,110riell, Townsalp, 4k, Al� . - - . 4, .
of 4he MW rglQUa? Vir'e' lns0anoer J—VANTED,-Compotent girl - for sone -r Goderich Hornets are all 'Ous to be by' allto" Mr. long is a 'brathai-Of Absolute :free. Thore-vao a'lat in' S"clal lox .
. , At .. curalou,' St. valeutbWe ter, .1 . , ultrj� . I � .
: ' � , " ny will be -held 0 town U411, 'the 3146111ber elect for North Hur�n, TO wimil � 0a -world, j�cep IN ME14041AM , . I I , .
' : ' ' - 0 ," , _ *I L .
� L I _ld V hOUSely0k. Apply ' ZIRS. . GIIAS,. the first. ones -to sting them, The r6. and ,a former -d 11 - I
I " in-MRIP11 I d 0 a . I . . I , I I � �f Z
, .
... I �, . 4forth, Febi 0 01410(llk 6ARRO'%V, North -St, . .. I .., . � rest Int, of Goderi6b. aitto to mind.,. . A1ar1ljLI,PN.,jR lovi"t memor,v I I
I . / P. in. The bushmse Will, be ".ctive ' ----*- ' � 'tul'u match' At 'Exeter'is scheduled It Was decided thought the town should have a -lit L 1. - or Editb . .
.11 I I I . at. ,% I . I d the tie I Wilaoll, beltivqd Wife of John ,M4c,Nj1llt4, " , I I . 11
. d _' ' . U,ho died Jan. ,.15thi 1019. . It
the AnItUal istatement,and Sud 0 NT,61) — for r eb, 2nd. I annual' at
.. - _ what - - Salkeld- said but he I b"t - ,
1. ;R9 3rd, IM, A 9K �
t be
d a I WA .-Local esentative, at - . . I horno Ott the 'evoill money", Which would still leavb a bal. ,r . I �
1. port and the . , . . 'God(Wflob I L to represent - f4ile Old Ito- EnIjAgOMent, '.. I & qf. Thursdar I I sure -and -attend tho euchre and ho'lnooii Anti 141464 are obilking, .,... � ��, . .
. �
I Pleeting of three 0 , 1- - gover I li $,tee to use ,in. increasing the PrIzo d DO . . L .
.. I ,,,,jF,oatlx11I Nurseries,,, an .Uant of Vl�toriau , t Arfisi'a March 211d, in the df4llo*sl H4 , list 1, . I . , 1 911104) gIvall by the Ahniaek Chaptot ()n a, lotio alto Silent WrfiVii. .. I .1 �i'.
. 1. n1r ter it I .. elled , COU090 street . I . I . I , .
; ' . L W nwry. spieviaia, operaftir . 11 . . Mr. Salkeld"a$ked If'it Was L 1, O� D. E. In tile Masorild Tompla on where Ping, witholit drealallljr� - :� , , I . ..*
. hith in it can or 0 ben#llt : .Aii, irtut mail.. xclusive -lerritor,y. The engagement o . . .1 _�4___
. I
i .'I" 'aa� E he Dead I rty WAS givenL not $0 Tuesday evening, January 41st. , _ 14109 OVOW0 rRill(l. not 3.4ve, . -
� / -and Lt 11 Oth usine. tab I .
41-., wo ,audft an . oth
.... .
.. . , Amm I I -the. soilea of �jqo, longer ��_ . for. ire. �,,,�,s ... . .. RUS0.710M., -, I � I
� ,to 't ,f the Vititorian Ikk MeParla that the prope . I I
4'a co a " tiri direct- . GTON, issions. ;)SId. STONE & Artists,,'the -fourth of � - . .-- . --------------, L .
:!� - -I -C * Or$ are a e van , 0 n . rleve &I '; . rolito, Ontario. . will thil happi-6iited creation purposes and :for A Ulfair, - - ..4. � - �__ . - �. .. - . .
. .
. � . k1- -- - - - -- and -John o - - _ ,, 0 -are :0ji.gible To CO11r,sO, Which Was. tDL be g'Ven L 'Oil sang and cheery. voice of Jack Mc� ,$Look at the wsy,the fair advor-w -, top. )LIAT, AN I 0, V GIST OF NEW ADVERTIS0,11UNTS. . -, - I � I . . . I
,. I , ' - __ I
. I I I _' . I ':
I I ,for re -e tio , I I ]D.�-Jk Gen�lenian orl..... .,-,- . -- ----- Parlarfe be' heard Along the stre6ts tises the town," suggested a L . , MIS W BUX'S'STAR L _
. 1: .., . .. �� I . I . . ... V L. ' ' , I . 001109110%� __ _._ � 7,�, - L - . L I I . . . .- I . .
* 11AYS, A) , ,I I - �-�_ , Urno;r Corurnauted t1lat L I L . I . I
. U, Tito - fl, atatIve In.0ode lho - IC NOTICE , . . � . . _ : - _. L . fs �
L I . I 49.,CONNOL ,$. .,� W V ro han PUAL ,A8;he* foes to and fram..ichoOl -and at Chairman X ' I
� . Presidenit. I .� . oeff. I— _ .. sparer NOTIO ���� 4 Sharman's Shoo 1, Some . 664 news -for the' live . , 11
. . . , - " :� . . line. � 'I 4) E_ . I I . .L . I 'Play, or Jack). beloved,by tkil who that did not keep -the tax -tato down. , , % lbeea . � 11 I I
. , , . I I 1, My. - Wilte for I I . I . know him, is an 'unqualified success, but there, l ones. , Re4d' F. it. Marttnls.ad., du . "
141. � I . . , iAx I �,__ .lift rt to tars. THE, j. R. -%vATI�INS L , no mOre� A few days. If .the boArd W61;14'boL half . . . . . . �',
� � I - - "4801ANCO. 410 All apolleath - - genotous are lots of ,bargains yet. ,Reqd .�..41. ..- . .1 . �.�
. . , , . . I . ESTATE: COA-AINNY WDL 1f..7j�,jjamjtta% On- 1ni;!!,f7r 6 pw"ItIo's Of 490 be, had the misOttone to $to on with the toWn-It might bi6bottortor. Mr; Sh4rialans a � ., *n puge__ �. � 'Page .k...O... .4.1; I . . � I'll .
. I .- tario. 4 T.� , I 1. .. Clerk, TkOagtlr,(�r' As�pssd� 'and 'Col. a'nail-whfch #nterW+1�1'foot, I . ft 9 L 7 ,, , ' L , �
�- . . L , I _ ,. 1. I lector, tot, th . . . I I I . - I � �. I I.... �. . .. . . I I
. .
. Tiesult. the board. Old C, Comt Is Lehlgb, Tho -
,O ,
� —Houses . . 11,�111,�!�� L e +OW081110 -of Ashfield ing. in blood ��olsoning, and ye Soaps are back in'the roarket In can al p I - . - .. �. , ,., . - ..
� Houses . I 1 I � - . 07 agp 4 . " � . , *..,*. , I 41,.,
. L
I I . . * . '640 L41thwalte TAOvelf to 'make profiWon. . Campbell's Dru
I . N rl 'Ind women to sell 16 MufA., bP ill Me hands 'of'the under� he breathed ., is just ja . , GL D � . P .. � .. .
- . staiday . .
. l(I's rubb&-lined 8vat salp6led not later flian W,q(jtjesd4v,. the years . I 11. 1. . 11
� . W�%!Vzlnen� to "11+ d' , ek W419 ton A.- grant � of $100 to the toft, ,'Mj., ,% Store Dressmaking, , Home Nursing
. kladA ror sale or'lo.rontj at very rea. eiVroor jIlligbarn Apt= ror. use in ill'; , ,tyL Of 1"k,brUary, 14 . of age and was the adopted Salkeld asked if thI4 would not carries the biggest line of t a -best I _ �.
I . Xb . , easily arn. .8 ' (Signe , .22'. . . son of Mrs. P. McF"innej .Britannia matter for thevnie .be st soaps. .. ., * 6mineicial and � MathenixtrM : I :
. 1P PrIcAs, Ir TOU 1`001" it - good kitolien. � Gait 14 daily an& , A) * page .. ... %I.. ... I--. * 1.5 , I I ,
; borne drop In and see . - .. more. Rapid sener atid ready Xteniand �- - U. H� XODONAGII L road, and his,untiniely d6ath will w board rather than - .1 * OWL , C,Iikas�s, a., 0. T., page ... 1. �..i.l . I . . .. 11 6 J
I p. .1. l%yAjq*_. -; ' , send 75, -cents rot, sample apr6ft and tull �mo -be for the 'arinual meeting. - . F, our lino priced bol spring . L ' : �
. -L Clerk �g., Ash& Urned by many.. L . . ,, . � .. L,,
" Partfeulars. money retunded i . I . . id, , � . L. L.-�Xnox spid'ho wi)uld like to- values that &4 citm VAN& at. - Special Op or, L I . I 1
. �41ijjtb's
i I . Beat vstm mod InsurlivoIN . turned., 13HITISH f sample re. - R. C104` Off . , L . I
. . _R, 0. 3,L,Luaknow, BoArd Of Health Inquiring About - hear from, the other rural r4enibers HdrIVS BObt Shop, page,-....+ 4 Art, .8tor page ......... � .... *....I I :, �
i. I . .— UPGRI Street, montreal. -y' '132 DAted ,an, 18th, 1922, .. I L et L -
., . .. . � . I . Oidergi " I' ChOICOL ' .�
I . - - -,-- . . L . I I ImProv-0metits to Go6rich of the board, He. was !�Ot. In favor Ridiculously low prices tot-. the . .
I : I . _____ -f YOUR SPAR4, TIME. 410 , - F - =' Water Supply . . I Barred Cockerels gor - ,. . I
I. . . I . AT 110ME lb L SpUlulfifir I . of -handling over. the last few. days of stock-taklog -at -' I *1 A
� , . A..*_ to $60 A Week. Increase L your lneoml4t I ,surplus to 'the � . m C. Galbraith, IL R. $0. 1, , .
� I John'W. S = but perhaps- $100 would m6ot Millar's Scotch'Store, a . ,_ 1. . I., . .
t I
. DR� r , McCullough, chief of. . 1) 90'....-0 "I'yeheld, page . I .
L, .� 'T, ii� r -� -�� 1 E.' . R I
,OASTEP ' "*.'##*V,f��:�."�*k L .
'. � ,+4 L the I . .. .
L - The W&LOUGHBY FARM at home In yoursoare time, you can earl) fl�er of health, has written . 'tho� mayor' had in � mind. The Spetiala for Friday, Saturday I At I
I . . 110 too W each week wrlting� show. cards at . I . — L L Ott and Women WhAW-Iiil- . '. I
gm . . .
� - I town clerk as Joi oWs under date of fair was -not it town. institutiow, -it and Mouda Cornfield'S. W I tish . Xtubber Company,. �jonjreaj, . . .
I - I AGENCY . orqualifyinproralsitiOn paying 8 - ; L EARp NOSE, . THROAT, , *". I Atch
. � "Oil salary., eacti.week.- o. estivaiiiing ol . YPI — , , - loth" 1992i I ... jiurely 4n agricultural ilistitu- foil big st y i
L I . . I 11 I. was . ac4likinir ,Sale in Fob.� page ............. .... i ....... i
1 Sol, tion . . . . I -.1 .
I .. . " clunt. We teach You how and su Late Ilo0ag-ft "Slr,�-On the 6th' of May, 1921 . - . IL I '...
ency In cdo You. steady work., Write todair top u, rgeon New York ophthai. - . ,..t
. . ,, Date L , . .
I tx(La mi. 4' P911f, L ' ruaryo 'page ... I-— I ...... 0 � .a of Dr. P', 1. R. Foster's next' . 6
I igoatFa - � ado) rate and Aural Hospital, assista tit 'ITAorn. ;� - Not. GettInK Ahe Z�hlilltors* ' , I L . I
-particulars. NATIONAL SHOW CAnIl field's Eye Has ill and 001 t. the Board Issued an. order requIrl i ' - Clearance. sale of Winter c6atgj vlotit to Goderich, page ..... (I. I * il. 3 . . .
. S�!o ini, Roo Throat flospitg1i lien �:,qtlare certain improvements in regpect'jQ It 'WAS'Ut'thihi Polk tha - walsts and . . I
,/ � a IpArm of loo W ,? .
10 ti�
) %Suagn. 42, 44 Adelaide St V, silitfw drosses, skirts,
. I Ondoft El - . _ t Mr. Sow- .
. . S'.0 I't ,. I
1) � . - 63. Waterloo St. , .5 iltro the Godetich watei'.ga�pjy, remarked th -the d! ffouqos for Sale or to Itento P. X_
.. � A�ro . I phone .067L ,� ' rd Tele4 I I I at scussion hosiery, at the Soloqt Ladien� R _ , . . 4
�L ' . . "Will y0li kindly1et "by
. _ .
, I . 'NL,'.MAN' WANTED,-Valed tander.1 � I I tile know. by yan, page,,,k.....11 ... **.....4*.1
. . . At jiediiim Hotel, (joderieh, from if Laity, buve ,ralsed the'question'. of what future. Uc4d3f_i6.WOar,. pag6 .............. I * �
Well.flitUated 6h the 2114 t!dn' Ll. AVIII b� recMvfd Wed- return mail what -9teps, was head Of the fair anyway. As � I Auction sale 'of Form .8toaW and . . . .
, I I . I by the under- nesday, February both, at &oo p. M,,,.t
ttie Vositioll. of linetrititi. fer yhuesday, rebruary tailt, at f 1). in. a Cards for oeclolon, at Implements, .Njelvin lteld, pago....1 " , - .r. �
. cession, of Colborne Townt.iiii.1p, a L oign Pd. rot, __ 1) bein taken by the 'council of the, Oor. far us* ha� was coidemied he' -was 8 . I .
I Year. for the, '4vlunI4?IMI* Telephone L , � avOZ I . -
'- witWA Art-itore -page ...... __8
. . good brick house of 0 vooms4 banic System, Tow%ship at .Goderlebw Ten- r,7,T:t!:��.,t7-�nZ===== , POratIOh to give e0act to this order," 1110 out by it The prIzea. one I parqgOl !lost, Stal'.061ce., pa O...l * -, , , '' -
I , . POlt SALE - Olt " fXT, .. t'L , O, stating ill(, Atro, Program, page, � �5 - Girl . Wa- L e4- .
baria 55%70 with good stabling, qatUrd,jV_, This has boon replied t wonef -tvin -would )lot coulpari�4ta Model The � g . 9, .
ders NvIlt be. repolved Up 'to ', __4�� the 0 eps taken -in subrnitting the by. for the time It took', go thoukht the . Do you W. . . lit , rs., * Chas. (;at- - - .------ _, .
- . . . � L ... , , �
.driving bousc'4Ox22 and hog pen Feb, 4th, 194, the, lowest or any -tvii_ ' 00 IRALE.-Chojoe'Dar Out $50 rioxt Ch' at- , row) Page I ........ ?..t ........ �..l 11 I v 1, 1. .
28x14, a good aflo, This form if$ IF Ittl Reek Cdck0r- law-, anti the result in. Bank. o .4 , , .
I dep not necoss0fly aceretmi, eli, room good laying straln.a.App . -tho.ddiea:t.qf Urrang4pent with the to"'was a M4!4. f L Hamilton, 'P 4, 01% . . I I
In a good stttI6 of oultivati6t, iau4 1. , A.,)�,k_-j No, 1, j; age'.. Board -W.untvi;l�, WrD.. Joe. ,' . . ....
. _ .v � . IG D. �0. r-ALBRAITH, ft. A. . llcl� the bylaW. , . . I I L . very loise 'one, there should, be a . Get your 1922.,'auto. pormits and . r . 11 . , , I
I . close to , CANNTKU)N, ,Photo ", Clinton. q � . I , L J mii "" P3 �-.,.4..01;.1 1. � I I j ,: ,
: school iuld church, 0 , asurer, L Charge vismissed I better business understanding. ularkers at Geo. MaeVitar'S Sho� . - 'gp '"' I � L-
. See.-Tre, �_____ .
miles from Godarl And, 4 miles. . I Nir. ftlehards Dr. Clark, thb secretary . I . � . I
all .4 miles . R. In. NO. .3. Clinton. S.,ILZ.�-liomstl-tC?-Ilt-lf�----'"— on', who Until L Storv, page. �_,._..... _.. ".,;... 1 1 Beef by the Quarter and. Pork'' . . . -
I . � 4fid Picoldnir recently tile I ,
1. . to StUlon. .. .. . � had an implement, agency board, said he be A. 4, Laithivalte, electrical ,Con. thy the We, Thou, Legg, Pago,(A � . L . I
. EAR-, THE AUTO ' Usl. Attachment, 111t.4 ,any Sewint machine, On Vain". 1111glinal traa�r, . � , I I I .
. L. . . For particulars apply to .. I L th AlOBILE xess at tifloo, " 50' Personal ebei*S 10L ge!314' - �" ton street, recelved,hls acquittal frook illid6istanding -was that the town and .0 Page v ................... rp Iluebre and Dance.. Holy Name - .
ar est best e K ,
. otpped Motor 170. 13 IDOMAN SALES AGENCY. 11ox 42, Judge 01 so _,: -
in the st- Catharines. Ontario, . . Wednesday afternoon, . V. aroy & Son have a talli "I
I ek it. *94culturat soeldty' should Ahura C. .90clety, page '.�#*01 . �
. . Jan. flih, on , ..
� . --C'. C. L school, the i4st e dent instruction I a ehar!.geL in ,VhIch file equally in the _OOLSt Of Upkeep. i 14 'Cole � L , I I
I '. � Mr-NFUL must 'practleva tor . woncierrui Oplap, T-Tousm, FOR RENT. -Part . oil the bond itiarket that is of in- ' '' * F'YQ81ght Spftiallat, LA. 0
, . turTles 'for Yolm ineorpeth" aart 'in, . of :!hou`�e lrornPlaittarlts w6re the Gurdisola peo- , . Mr.. Sowerb "Is ihat possIblk7op terest to Jrlvesto,r,�s, p6ge ....... � .8 t .11
. itel iare iiow Fro, L $e)l ,&j. fr 40 ... ...
. Bruce Street � " lay he -had by small fathily, frgti Ple' of- WIngbarn. initkers of phono. Dr. Clark, "ke can,t do it.- "".,!.-����:,,,,.,:,��,:���,���,;��, � .1 I
, . I ill" Ns I � I W. 10 -1 ,V, �or,retit, for k2ing liouse Mr.. SoWerby�, "We get no I I 11 I . I . .11 I I . � - . . ------,� �7 - . . '.
I I . . karaf;lo or imerviee A � .1 I f� for profes- grap"L 'nl@.y OuPPI10d him wlth half support I . . I
L 116%pir jalking :In, I I I
I -tvi, --- 't�lllne, I . . . . ,�$ L'
. . tile trained man. Willte our ill ,;, - . I . . . . .
I lation , uceess a N Islorlill man. .A dress replies, to. Box a and a lien fro)o the tountry* W6 are not r I .
1, Od ITERNATI " 10, STAR OFFICE. . . ' I
booldet. IN V v4j . . V I . . agroemmt Nvaq signed. The C'etting 1: . I �, . I � I'., I � . L
. I jBILE $0110DI, LTD 9-1 1,1 I . I'll, . maebines the eAlliltors, if tiny hand eup Is .- i � , I L .1
I .
. -_ . . . L . __06 . I. 1, I � ., . Avere t'lold. The (lurinsO14, people, -Pat qu the fair, I 4on't bplieVe it Will 't L * L , � . I . I �U,
I __ _. -- wa""Wo"N" I I - . . AUCTION $ALES .�L - howover, iiald not rei,pjvj,v4f tll(..l stand, What profit'are wd getting? L. I . . I
I WAXIV-0-0 - L MEN -46 to $ft per ' -1� . - . j
. being, 1) , I, won . - . roxw_$�_ ..
, , day aid to.,our su"esithl C ARIN I AUCTION ISALE OF FA11W OY -and 'Mr. Richardson had move* to We have got to tome in nights and, . � . I I I
. JLE NG � . . i , I I L
. PD 11 ,students. Learh auto fractor mech. , -';TOCX AND 1101.9NIINT's. . London, . work'L and . . . . I . —.V—,- - I . - � , . . ., . 1� . I
11600AMIGIE'S. � I . it takeo� a deal of 'Public L . -.&i,:=. .
- ELVIN nptb . ... L " !!,---, - _"H". . , I .
. anics. lie on', auto expert on ignition, mit, 'Al The action that wil' 'spirit.6 . . .... 1.
�� I lighting, starting: learn all'about ovi,-r- %Vb . � S br,ougilt; was , ,The - IL ,� LL . . - ";.", �
!��= _ .
- , 4 - k"A^ W_ --N- - � . . 1, � ..
. a 4ta bauling, re 0 U14,111.4 bartis by fire on $0 das One, Of theft,. but Ill$ Itanar lie.ld that new officers oleloted and the � ' .. - . �W .4'. 4,A�,,j!k__&,:7T774 --.J,4,��.;. I
I . PUMP last, Will Sell bY Ptildle financitil statement will Appear next . , -��., -�;44W-7a-1 . --1 jw--,06'.�-. . -.4
Insurait, iia hd t st p fti( , veed. Tjle , , j " .;. =�� I
. � I 'PaIrIng. driving. ulytorg. got OuAtiont this ,action COU141 not Sue I I _
. I . tractord: WN I AN"a eff, steauy Nvorl�. at Tot ;1, 10, U.' D. A8111101d, an I . .� 't : -s U i �W,467 � *�_ . . . .
. . ONDS L, ataloglii!. 0. _ � POmPlaillants had treated the defend. week. ' . .. . . � **4..t .d ........ i . . I
Write for brautitu*1 frep e, T71112AVAY, JAN, Mat, I ,� . .. .
B eommeoring at I w4qorlt oll4ep. , ant aq an ordinary debtar j7 .1 PEOPLE ---- �.*- L _ - - --- - 1. 041"M - - .- 11 .
The W9 IlehiPlilli-School at Toroatii N y '804dinK I - �_�,��_ _� . L - .. - - - '_ . I
. . - .
. I
. ... Ifte lar(ye.4 and best equip All hl"L farm Steel( alld implements, norp.,.. tilm regular Involve,q, �te., fit p1dee, of WE Y'fjoW . LL .. F__ . � � 'L . - .1 I I I I
. . pAd whodl Milt', Including 4 to -months, old , . � $ . '. L I ... I
Dominion ' , - In Eastern Canada. ]INNIS1 IGVS BM � propeeding.11) Jahe pooessfort. bf 'the, MIS9 Isabpl , Murch 1,,4 - ,vibiting. - I L I I ��$ Ij I L
, t bred Shopworn D1311, A full line 1"12 . I I'd i
,.4(;Ij(1Oj'. if or in � I - A. 7W �,A '1� _,-.,, ..
I - ""I
I AUTo OxAg TRACTOR or %ftem Ilearly now, 11111- inachine8 ea J,hoy might hitye done, friends in1pronto . I - . f, � ,;, I - - ],- - .
W. , King St. West, Toronto. . 3 plements'. 11lost . .. 1. L I I - - I � ;A4 11 ..... I
Provind . --,---,-- ---� . rjuding a vorvar I in sractar, tractor plow, undpr a lien. ills lionor, jl()%VeVer. . L, - . - � I % 4 "I " .. 1. I ,
� --- 11te. Ellidek, the circumstarleps, everything Mr. Vartin -Price f 0 11 . IS .4_._____- '- --_r_._'_,_ . I --- -L
I " WANNEW-4tepresentative for wis mlot he , sold. I ,advised 51r. Illellardson to settle 111.4 VI&Iting at his holoof 0 T rO to 1. L .- @101,1k,"wi ol I I I I I ---L-'-'l I .
Municipal I , here. I � . 1�
1, , " � I . . territory, a self respeetilig jmles- TFIAIK ash; ovor that laecount , a,,; soon, A5 posSalle. Tb` Manager Painons of the Goderrich .. ________. , I
matt, (Experience not, jieees5ari, we'll amount it niont Crown Attorney, prosp j,,11 ,;� I L _=Z -W � I I
� Industrial 11.4' ri'0011 will be givep on ,(,.Ujpd, .,Rn(i Mr. . �-777Z�w -- I . ,_ =� __.. k -- It � � I
� . furallilking approved, joint notog. A ills. Elevator Imm' in� Toronto thi,q %Ytwk, I 'j. ,.L I L
appe , -,! .,' "'L .
I .1, "t" 10110'rall � 'ared. for it[#., Ilv- I I 1 4�1 . - � -7
1 faaell you and give you ,evevy assist- rount of r, ppr - . � ._*,j`1A1j11K; 1, I � -
I k,# LL L . 41
� . � NFLVIN Ittl ' 1 4 .
- tol"r, ""'Nfl' -_ .
� I L ujp prio 2 I ... ---- .. . , ,. I �
, . loy cent. Atraight. tog c(tqh 4#n fj*rj(, - � , ;N , .
,4.. t I k� . I
Ind, '* '�A.1`1`0`
�, "wee). We Nvant 0. Inall whose ambi- .eredlt amnuntz, . . �Mos 'Edna Sanderson, of Clinton, � , 0 r
4, L . in'ViSiting ber. alint, All"
9, it.
.111ldn" .141, 11 I
Sold at Market Price, Ilort Is be ond his present place. You 0, THOS. -1300".lrardsh ", ,
. IMIA1111, 1147 rp eongenial emp . ment I . AUttiml,'4r. of town. . I V, 11! �'
;. F . .. I . � J;
� No Over-riding Coniraissfj�tj With U4 avid at tho same tinke doullie --1 - -;Z ;;; ;,�;� - I At the B ast St. manse at I O,,eloelc Allan Anna Elliott* of 60orieb I I'll I L �
7 z7our ",incoine. We require a man of . P. Td. on WednpWay, Jan. *25th, the I
� I I du -toed Of= t'havalcter, sound In Mind and . wedding wa6 solemnized tormshIP, spent the %yeek-end with k##P* . I . . . I
- . and of strong., ersonality Who Holym Of Philip Mrs. 11tilliday, I . .
I Call and rot tj I """' apprpejatp, a lipe position With . � amasoioletV ClarP 110gia, of Midland# aider gon 1 1 . V V I 'I
� .: *on$ . NV ti�' of Mr. and jktrs. jVm. G. nogia, of Mr. and lZjrs, JVnj. Lawsolh, tif I .1 .0. I our 11 . I ., I *.-
uotats I , a last! owing ronivril where Industr Colborne Tp,, and Grtlee Martha Summerhill. visited lit Mrtil lialli. I I -1 L 1. I
. a rowardedwilb / , :1
Would V( fariabova aV EUCHRE and JANCE Parrish, sceou4.daughter of Mr. anti day's -lasit ThurAda . I
I I'age earrilligs, Afarpled man prefer. I L ... .1 I Y. . I
. W, .. . Md. Some 4,OW already with titis or- I ,on ., "., ' Mx9-'JnO. D. xarrish, also of Col. Mr. Win. D tobinsois, of - ( holerich I Banking Account � I . i
. . Craig,010 'anizatiort In two yors time. Agly borno township. Ilev. jag, Harill. visitc-d at the borne of 5jr. j.#.Nj4,K(q.: I . . . I .
I L -.11 � . -11. I � . !1. K WBITF. Room 4, ordotj B oek ton, 'ft. A., performed the caremorly . I . I I
( W6jne$dgyf F8bpVgt1U '
�� . 'kitrattopil, Ont. I �1 1 I . 1-1 I 1103r, BlUevale, reetntly. . .
___ _ I , - � in thd Presence of the witnesseg. Les. Rt,. Got -don - I)Ougl,se Forevery class of Accou '
11 M0 __.. 1 I . . ..� L lift 'I Uclyol,al 1. I , nt I I
_ , I I I I , . .i
I :::::�� 0 0 11 I - I I - — lie Ethelbert Rogioed Miss `81foa. of Ottawa, oxport pouittyroan Iq u *1 � L �
- -
. __________ I � �'
." - .. . . I - _W� bath MArgul*t (Be I * Farrislij L SI*E;. lookfUg aftCr tllir§ det)arfra nt 'tjr .- �-Cotntnerdal Accoutlts� 11
I . . I I - Oddhellows Oaf' Ide, Lp at 1.11 " I . I �
I I 11 - I ter of the bil . The bride was gfv� ctestlearfa. I 1, ..
t'n In marriage by her gritndmotil r., � . 11 . . -4
� AdmiWon SOc Mrs. Farrisli, of ir,oderich; t3he be e ,eAllse 6tharine Lowig leff oil W(A, Household .
Make You'r Plans Now .11, ' I X - . I Accounts Sav- � .
R90P thig"IMO -open and be nare hOr fifst grandchild to bo warrilcll, suk for Toronto to beconle Coil- I '
-F I . I , ated with hospital worl: conducted 1, Ings � L
, Both bride and simt,er wtrc mil ' no Aocounts�—the fatill- i , . 4
to stvita it be, by the f8istera of SUohn'the Divine, I
. For alterabolia *� rOPI'M to *1d 1101(00 Or fOr thO H4B%V JJOWO� I- - CAI`63110Y Attired, the bride tit a pes. . ,! L! I �.
___ ___ , Wo regobt to knowthat It VAr, totind 11
. 0% 04 A 004 0% 0% 04 %0tW%0hW - - - - cook blue 64tin with aft_*tfl8fje hat �
'i -O" t1loug,ht of. . - - - _ L� . ties requited stre providecl, "
a . 9 L " - -_ .- - - - -4-A-04-04-m-A-0 - - - - - - tO 111atcht-111114,w-ore S eorsago bon. ilft0l"Oty tO t00 Dr- dacklift to �, � � -
I . pr'"' 1`0 as JOW -Vt3 thOY ean 0 or will be. icau siging I 4110t of pink slid whito tarnations, Toroa�tci this Wcak to unaorgo 4_ Got i(urj in the Bank Of Montreal. I
will be Ito". building opox- I I OR"tt", WO hope he Ina have it
� 4tions Will Opon up. . AU I the Uttoi in 114vy blue "faiiii with 9W wortry., y 11
'11111 Orange calored trintmings. Aftor . I . L I
StOeks th"191JOUt thO ,C011114y 4W tow and the sligiltost Ithe Low& werO t4ken. and thO %Tgistpr Mrs. D. W. Carrie, of Goderiell. . I . 1. . . 1� i I .
� -ir Sig" . , the young coupj� took the who hal becit visiting her ron, Rev. "..
� flomand will te"d to inereampt cm. O"MS 'I . . , __ .. - 11 ... 11L -1 .
. 1 '"'20 train f" their fUtUrO h0146 Ill 4. C,SlrriL"# in Now York State, ki flivi . I 111110,011 Ill 1111 I ... I I I——
11'I"'YOUR V39S mado and lie preprej, to cowwcaca,v�jzolj 94 s,,4ar M ndhig c(ime tinjo IV Tor. guest thit Wcek of Urp. T. T. fxekie, � - I— I I L - I .. 7�' "_-_4 Z. -W A71111 IF--h;A 11
� z _101 I .1 I I � ,- I
. ocason 6peaq. - lo$101;)OIA"Vto, C. Way. T 4wj�1103 Quten'S Ave., London, - = I I I is Y
_7AQ ,- t - -1
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. tile horrit C6,1�1101nity go with sts. 4#t Hume leavea i0tioraw 611 1
11 � � ty . . A .we, will glndl,v ful-visil ally infm%nation dflsiveg, . R p,111c.m. I �
I I Ibe
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Mirkers herttturn ta,.Netv yor,u after a vialt fit BANK, (Arl-t MONTREAL
. 11 . , � I I Rapt,15 *.".*. *.~-4.__14. limpe W&ks a cuo var6tol home, and .. US-MUSHED MORV TnAiN iloo YeAgs � ��
00" FUNINO lit I is I 0 . I t Cfillrdto Sunday ftes:t, r�,Vr. *111 W #4coMpatilicil by ber nimtr. Uv�,
ULRICH LLD SOON ". V Atka's Sk" Stm '"t'" SN U-Sullf, It #. W. and 17 p.�m,, NO,�Ulttde, whe will A'.71t her tor a I ,� , I �
A ;.Diblo �k I
V, # I � 1110111, :1 IY, m, Monday, jilit', I f . Woo . . �. 600CAIMI KOIANt,x � �
. . ph"*,47 1"K 10 x"ASk*fA__ Colloki "Oth, & T. V� V. at 8 P, rri. A rAftr 7%11�5 Gladya Mitchell. who wal .
I I--- L' KW-10o*414 I . will be rftd by Mr. A. Wtv,-rt; tub. .apftdinc a f0w weeks With her icait� t V. V. LV-m,41�jt,� ___�, . -1-1 L 43oager,
. I'll 4l___#;.1A LL 31�2 I 1101tv . I
"Wo"10110000==1 "1111=11 "01 sftr, fth Ard tho worno Wcd- sin, un. 363, slaxil"no, ft6vale �, " .
_1001m _-_1____- ffP"v0"~P"! M! a .1 1. A M A A A 0 0110vV01110 - - _. -, - I L -.1. I . I L. I L.".. I 1. I I ,
I day At 8 V- M., 110CP UVOW,, ' has, irtturned to 'Godegich, accon., V-.sn. j -_7:-7---=7-'T='- ---- _ L ,
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