HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-19, Page 7..."P7r1,13157111"'
em pee
111111111MRAT. eeNt" the iiik egge.
,TimotiounD Ft* mums
Wit 411111$TIPITION
I •
bare suffered from cowl
mobs Its years. tried all Linde at mole-
im without eettiug Mire jjyot bare
Imes soberer t all the miseries astuem-
ad wick caostipatem, woomet Y
seasiehe k bierring to be able to keep
Or bowels in a g®1 heeltbYcondition._
awl peevest disease getting a !outages
ori pear system?
Fult Itoperromtatitio Gereerierhi ilea.
trier SWISS Ma,. litholleitere
Important Evora* Which Hive
Occurred Ourleg the Week.
Tho 'boy Woridia litappratase Care
tally oramperd led toot It.
Hoeselle sad •Attriothee Slums for
the Seaders of Owe roper_ A
Solid Monies libeformant.
Text of Five Power Treette lime
Conference 'UI not limit use of
OM le dicattd jun for .4this purpose; Betide le preparing to withdraw
their regales use reliteag tem worst from Irriaud.
come of cesetipatioet. ' Britain end' rrance will irate a
Pink T. Thompson, Bounty. Stoke defence Askance.
written ---"1 bave been troubled for evils Sterling at 'reroute, 44.4S
eritea cosetipatese and teed Vedeme
rowdies whielt did me no toed. I
then tried Minima's Lug -Liver Pills
sold they have dooe Elea workl of good:
they are Weed a splendid pill, ated
heartily recommend teem to all who
renew from constipatiou."
price, aso. vial at all dealers, or
seatihed dime on receipt of peke by
The T. Milburn Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. Oat.
WINTER YRS from W. 3
New York. $4.2%i.
The Sudbury Wolves &totted
North Bay. 12 to 1.
ToweelilennIng eourse_opens at the
Ustversity ot Toronto, -
Many aew municipal councils hold
their eattneural.pleetings,
Secretary teuiltterte Exehange
eay$ the test of building le Mean.
Mr. W. lie Allan iii the new prat.
dent of the Union Beek of Cetiliele.
J'ames Stewart was roads president
ot tbe Melee Lear Milling ComilmeY.
Toronto police believe thee bane
uncovered desiring house for stolen
care, •
Aid, Howard elected Meyer ot
Guellet City. Counell, an serenth
Aura Lee Juniors defeated Parke tratteltritteelele
dale C. C.; .12, to 1. in an Ok U. A. A. man 1fl Loudon? Ungleint re;
fixture.e • gains his reetnory atter four vetoes.
ilunier Nene, beat Junior Victoria, methods of eorappeng eversitipteeees
14ette0. In the opening gime or melte clear. - - •
Siftou Cup eeriest. ` Mr. Bigexplains and defends his
.Pere Atarnuette.„ shops at St. tsystera ot road building.
Themes, closed Dec, eg, reopen for „ _Postmaster Wm. Phemiater, Nia-
flve days a Week. gara Palls, dies at age of 73.
Anderar Serath, Kitchener, dies aa `United „Partners or Maeitoba.waut
a resent Of being struck by a train oill Wheat Board re-establisned.
On a levet tresesinge t tl,
lee death le announced of 'dames
Law, Pert Proprietor ot rite •netese
paper, the "Scotteman.",_
/Layer RaVenr, .Eit, ThOrnana m1g-.
setae that City Council reduce his $0.1.
AlVtroin $1.000 to
Bitterhdetete in Dell Eireann over
syleATFORD. ot4T.
Weeteett Ontario's beet coeuner-
eta' School,- wine Commerelele
Sliortheed -and Telegeaphy deplete-
raents.„,,We give individual instruc-
See, hence "Entrance" etantlins is
not necessaey. eGraduates misdeal
to positions. eiet our free eaten).
tete for rates and other partiettlars.'
D. A itclACIILAN Macleod.
mproved 'Train Service
Goderich and Toronto'
Le, %AAA. la. 28, 6.00 Di!: ex. Selifloi
le. SOON* 7.45 see.,
Lv, 1Gteliesser, 11.2.5 a.m., ,
850 a tin "' "
ArreTtetifdl4 4" 10.1540.v. 4"
GvAree*to, p.m.,Oh. elt:Sroulay
'14.1Cliclamerr, " 8.11 " "
Lv, Guelph, ' 7.,43
%Os rio "
rr.Gederiel.; 10.30
,B&Cfatlatlor car afellirsbillele vedihluls 'Mules
iarsokeimelioa. Ratifier * velure eo eeattga
• e
Wes ended deated $s s
Csasellaa levestigatioa •eleoweile
Timm were not 0141116 ad iafasthosa
Oman- ot emostiongton-of
)oldi They war* cum whore
Pereort lead sustateet eM* QUM
Apia -a eat, &burs,* wimp**
--ASA whore Ur vowel. Wag
Utorght not raker reoughtor ogre
tut treatment, bar, twat argIrerad.
Illoodeeolsoutag and dwelt reseetel.
Whoa yea. or your children sues
tain any inlurY. eneures stalest lee-
factIme by aipplying %i* -Bk. Thl*
balm soothe* Ms path, stops bleed -
leg. aid by destroying ell genie
prevents blood -poisoning, etc, Meer
no time need be lost tram work or
lessor, -ay thins who use diaom. Oa. bore
, „ „
The Gekeerseo etternet eiraage U''t
lie* %see heed on Titoseksk alterieteo,
)eiete toile in the lose kf t.,
iikskierieh t..M10,1610. UiW tall*
Tait. lb
fret the t +trews Enclose of
.betriet. Gostereet. Senustiler ,ot
*fl" whole et tiod.:eielt townehip.
The onieere *ppointed were as fid-
e eine; eititer. Woe J. 'Mein 1,,re.
vteleeted ieetute. Jeer: aottea-lieteritan;
Rev- 11. F. Kennedy; were -
et Foleoner' 310211041 eeeree
et e.
teee. T. Dolman; ireagurer, John
shrrelel leeturer. It, com diuctor*
tst eerentettles. Wm. Jelinetou.
A reaolution WO) atlepted W. be ter -
warded to Premier Drury, protesting
ageinste ittereasting Me *hare ot taco
A(fing tik the Separete schoole. mid it
number f resalutions ot eortdolence to
Noe were atiOpted.
wiees andc\familiea of deeeleed Mem-
t ‘litaveeteellfeals'en foot
Saturday nig
Geo. Melee kills eather-in-letv
Charles Andes, \and. Own himself, in
\Tertian. Vertee. AtUt.
The Toronto team Sete
heir oDenine gas ot the eeas.
trora Guelph. 20 t 8.
Speaking of the Ina el Sits,
plain list when
The Bluebird 141..sher
CA aid s..* 0431T74:.‘ M44011',-.
ittu Ts' -
Ott the ntatket. Wo are
1.ightem tiro druaaVvy hokiiskeepiog 'filth one of throe
ease-leumitig etethitese. see. label,' 3113 reeeeiee iteeltit
anti eaeea torapor.
are the statultra uletoelete eledr2o *VSe have them.
Alio all kinds of Siectricel Go;ais haaie, store,
coke or v;casho.
Esttoattes made ankl contacts. taken for electvia
and other elettical work.
??( 1 1
A Trip at This Sisson
ift in eaeit eAteetiete area
is ealveable (C ..kro A.-•-, 'our csr
meet tee% eee teete ;Fetes teeeng, t*
lie it tip.
'Why tl,ot haw us 01.,:41-2131
irdro eutt sine Vette:at (Neve Nome
is Now a ilea hy Boy
"From a puny, delicate tkl, my.
little Johnny has hec me
•a strong sturdy boy.
Den, awl Vet 'at tett foe rue It MAY
evee; 1.1. datesecatts aecitielt cage f:diVe
14. "u geeiee •APeeee leieek
We tiodoestand ail tireeee atzit do
...Npat wort. la •
REG. wiLuAms
_mot stmkokt 0000$4
$4.0144 *4*
preen eupp)iest in Ihsinient ..--Valf‘re. presses 44 oa the 1e0Ple.
ewe• Dr. Th011iail Eeleetric Gil bee matter in. wnet latitude it may be
found. Re Pottier; ist teeter impaleed.
been introduced increased euppliee is out itt doet "1401,,, skap„
l'aNe Itt
19 t'fl erderdo sh'mhzir that bottles and can be OrvieLl without
wherever le gees this eseelloat 011 be- fear et beetkait', •
One mother .writeet---erf yo bed
seen. my little elation/ tout, month ago
and you were to ece Idle to -day, on
would never believe that beim the $a e
boy. Tem beeeeiglied only 49 poun
Today ne weeps 00 Down', alines
double what be weighed four mounts
• Uvulae' firet started with s.
Mrs. Edntund lo cold, which we never notmeti because
deoWned on beach. near Halifax. he was strong stud tem ell boy $ of his
Georges Carpentier 'knocked out lige occasionally caught cold. After a
George Cook in the fourth rowed. while we 'began to notice that leo cough,
Dominion Alliance organizing cam- instead of getting eetter, was getung
veto, ;or better law 'enforcement. worse, that he west looking pale and
Dr. Ailed' Baines, Well-knoWn To- losing weight. Ile titclued to be tired.
d ortsnutn need. all itteetime, heti oct energy to do any -
ronto phyeician an es?
PO' of Quinn). Conference Winter them. neiore calm
new State. School at Cobourg largely attended. bad uo trouble with bis lessons mid
Britieh trade returns ellow a big High Plitt. curlers beat Oakwood remaised ra theitead of his class witliout;
bt this cold be
•ranote.,„efe, 1)yeight shops in - honde-altid-henie Vinci% stiftly„ ,lint began to notice a
• fi
ltuseirte Iteet chief et may not attend- g clutuge. ;Ie. didn't ecene to care wistelter
Genoa tetrieY • Tbirteenve thousand Daegliters ot „t.ic olept k,ontiot uot:ond.imilng.
Ede down/ten let emeeittieti the EmPire. Alec Prbeeess MarY "reemee l'"rest "Se59"g heti
tine fur.trateltemd so bard at eintitat Isis
. • autiwettura be
G.ertoa onwiel'eneq• Hamilton. • de Ileetehee:/tieood, tinnily. in esPere,
te 1.1.011 y
e-Delninieree-Ore to he Jer4edeto tobbing 'Portent° branch of the Bank .itte 0„„i.h
at St. Thomas, , • Three men were toundegtelitY---a le purer lit a bibed vesset. •
, Ireleed WO la invitee to attend, . ..„
Peovineial Coe/iterative Associa- tion end ass} est eeeort, We tried Camel,
Prank Stserleau outpointed jack toral leaders alreettue°17b4. agile131- dinf$4811pea°rfeet 1,infliislisap7gtbe rAelrar°111
Berlin' will luatease the price of
ewe U. 4. Pl"etlident authcrity to in- interest iateris stutliee. Aed, Meeks to
Al whiskey still eeized. in GosPe S transport Crook. isaritally heelthy as he has ever
Ecori0Mic Congress. tioo Drowse,' an
Thomas .at --Montreal; • Amendment to FordneY bill would elo ana-he was begitimug take
breed.50 per cent. 17. i ereaets oredecreitee tariff. ',Conies be nes become as e!rong and
to The Assizes jury Rode ti. motorist disabled' "hts reach leett"' She
elite of, criminal. negligence;
There Wilt be no Grand Circuit rec.
Windsor next season.
Iwiy" Lalonde hag announced
toe ement fronf imekey,
The a of Sautratello. Italy, has
been eeti tle destroyed by tire.
Contract • its let to Vaecouver firm
for bulillin T. itrlef. O. extension. g
neer and EJ*1
• 'Phone it
Thal at Bobcaygeon.
his LOGO' trocips on board, •
'cime, K. Robbins. of eleeermeeleo
Yannouth.10.. writeSt-,-
meet exPeeic.nte, bit what wan suppo$od to DC alt MC section
-01 D valuable cows lie/ baa demon.
soared again the tot 'Worth of,
Mitords Liniment. on recotoroenr
;thy the highest tame well -who have
. a heti of cows.
"For ars I have never cotiideted, to).
hous.kold sock complete without a
bottle of frtimorrs. Foe 'bum. bruiser,
epraina. frostbites, oteldllitahtsittaeds.
And 1 know of no better,remedy fora
severe told,
"I think I em safe in sayingthatamemt
'all tits patat teedithies there is none
that coven as knit Swid .1 ut.Iuhies'
al does Mknord's 1,..tx1C. A teal
twice -Good foe Witus ateleetae
With e4,00e,000 survine,.. Quebec
Premier OPPOSeff DoMinion-wide pro-
hibition. lie says preset system is
good. ••
B0000truo ruin faellig Rand,
London Is tell et •talk of British
_ Lorinen. neloret Aged'. a 9 . Icalea NelliCW,ti AlairViatOTY is in tiredecie
le Motoring lecident near London. for repalte. , -
eConsidera decrease in juvenile 'Au Oxford latroeste team will visit
delittqueney I Montreal lad year, ' the United Stats.
Granite tleteateette 'University of ' Conference puta ileishing touches
Temente, seniors, 4 to a, in overtime., on navel agreemeut, e_.
Ceeil SmithityAoutealLoreoensteon,i4orstobe2a.t teu
e' nivere-
Sandegeb, wasfirleeetiaOir°1ititgsgeecroil6dt
, •
trfal Galt intermediates; deteeted Veto.
- •
14 ' • • ar for Patience, ,Premier Drury tone/2 to 1. la Preston, •
AdVISets 'nett interested in OnMrio's French. Premier will hold center -
forests,. ' encs with Lloyd George.
Stratford intermediates scored A. new weekly paper, the Nortetern
Stratford's, liret O. 1-1. A. 'Victory of Newts. te be.ertilitished in Cobalt.
the season. ,' , The University of Toronto will re -
An -Irish Cabinet has been clemen ' new Applauds for Government aid.
he Gritlitiz, who was elected President Owen Cougbler, aged 35, (atally
of the. new Vail. - . ,hurt on farm near Willianasburg.
Bon. Mr. ' Murdoelee ressignitieraSteps have been taken to bar freak
„from the Itallwayrneu'o Brotherhood -jolting clubs in the -United States.
has been accepted. Prod. Pulton, drew with "Battling"
- Benders .are planning an -advert's- Madden in Madison. Square Garden.
Ing eampeign to place the 'respelled- No ,cause tor. worry over "du" ite
bIlity for high costs. Canada, says Govertunerit Health mass of leftover wa
A T. 11,. & B. engine crashed into Officer: , . PtOmain-like poisons are' formed and
an automobile at Ilamnton, Tbe auto rialto are Mader way Inc big Oro- sucked into the bloOd,11
anicil IS sold liy your druggist and if
. ,
have tried it, that it liasett done you
you, can conselennously say; after you
-any good, return the empty bottle and.
;he railrefund your money. 1.122.
'When you lay up your car' this Wiriter
what are you going to do with, your Battery ?
Experience has shown us that a Battery
that stands all' Winter in' a , run.down con..
clition, depreciates tnoA than in the eight
or Pine, months of Sumter use and youltnow
-what a season Menne to you.
Why not 'have it taken care of in a gar-
ge properly heated fax the purpose, an& -
ere 'experience has taught us how to take
car of Batteriei. • -
°me around and see our Winter storagquate e
s, or, give us a call and we Will look
after th rest.
All Inds of Batteries taken care of or
Ravi Your Car •
Overhauled Now
Then you won't be de-
• layed. when :the first
• string days come and
the spring rush is it.
have to,kort aver tho repair
• 4epartmeut
• Oa am really ta &fall gores ett
TopaCre evorie etoverirattling. est'
DAtorie9 stored for the Mo-
tor ma kept in,.gooa %hate.
Ciro VS A Call
101100Fle Oben itd
rat We have Lower teoitt Of Tui-
tion. .
That we have Wider Range of Sub -
That we have Courtesy comItitted
. with Service, _
Mat. there are just ono -halt ss
ninny lessons in Gregg Short-
hand arette Meanie? •
That Tetentleth COSMO Bookkettlio
lug Is fifteen eters NEWER
thatti,efelittOeh t
That We have twenty -Ree young
people successfully taking come
ses by neill1
Gregg Shorthand
Twentieth Century' BetarkeePing
Touelt TyPewriting
Pithiatrale Shorthand
eleIntosh Rooltleeping
Seeretariat •
Vocal and Piano. Music
Typewriters fbr rent or lege.
WW1= Pres
no rot" Now •
Ndt Bite Of
Breakfast Utibl
You -Drink Water
Says * glare of
bot lender arra
Phospludo prevents ninon
and keeps us fit,
3est us eel), Wheteit burne, leaves
beheld , certain amount ot 'morn-
bustible material in tile form of asller,
so the food and drink taken day atter
day leaves in the alimentarY gang le
certain amount. of indigestible ma.
Oriel, which if not completly enrollee
tee from the system each- day, be-
comes food for the ot bacteria
which infest the bowels!. Prom, tbis
was rethieed to splinters, but the oc- Men and weetten who can't get leen
'COPIA were unhurt. • ide
We Bev. John Hackney e was
preaching his first tker131Cal as rector
of the Anglican Church at North Syd-
tey, ,N.S., berglaree•proke into his
home and stole $180.!
village Liberal convention n
TOKetito. '
Leo aged 19, almost in-
stantly killed in T. lk N. 0. yards at
North Bay.
, Band plays Black and Taus as -they
° toxins and to keel) the entire
dajes accumulation ot POireons and
march through Dublin on their walp:,
back to England.
A little child perished in a tire at sexy canal clean, pure lied fresh.* '
.1.9trindsor 4:1tie., While Mother le Those who are subject to sick bead -
away from honie. Ube, colds,. biliousness, conetipatiOn•
Over three hundred Ontario phy- others wbo wake up with bee teethe
eicianit have dispenoare Privileged foul breath, backache. rheumatic *tie-
itmcelled by Liquor Beard. nese, or have A sour, gassy Sternlieb
Rioting' encored Madras, on ar- after mttle, are urged to get a quarter
rival ot Priece of Wales. 'rroope- • und or litnestone Idraspbate from
Britain, is .again In the grip "01
influents.. *
St Patrick's were defeated .hy Ot-
teem, 7 to 2.
New• York is lathed by' icy gale of
80 miles an hour.
Britain to give Vrai4er assurance
of aid if attacked.
De Vele:a declares he will
• acknowleeee republic only.
leffterenee at Washington on meth-
ods of scraPteing
League, of Nations to regalate iA
• port of spirits to Africa.
$t. Marys defeated Ithiversittr of
Toronto Snniors. 6 to 5.
Western Ontario Daieymen's Asset -
741atien Meet at Lotidon.
Inlathi revenue oOlcer locates two new Cabinet.
stills itt Toronto bowie. Ottawa Sepators defeated St Pat
• Special pollee guard will protect. • Ticks, 5 te 2.
Naeauee murder suepects, • liattillten Tigero won from Argo -
Legislature ,opens. Pelee 14, and a nauts, "7 to 1.
Hedy session Is promised. •
The Aberdeen Curling Club won
• the Carew Omitting* Trophy.
A, 74 -year-old bigamist of Ottawa
was aent to the reformatory.
The Loudon Ministerial Alliance
is opposed to Sunday skating.
Town planner warns entailer lowna
from following example of Toronto.
Linwood U. P. 0. Club Resigns. ow -
ng to heavy buying and peak prices.
The Toronto Leafe led the loter-
national League in fielding last year.
Howard and Elliott Eirtek, West
DovereN.S., drowned -by upsetting of
Retailton Street RallWety fate,
Dag to get increase of fare. will re-
duce e-rvice.
'Pt-IWO' Ring returns fo Wertz
after visiting hie brother in lienver.
Colo.. who has been 111.
ovate r Briand of France teelene
The Pope le plectra at the Irick
Stratfore MIdgete defeatell Guelph::
14 to 9,
COMM eitmellatenee ationros te-
Sine Teta *labs will runner
Irish i111111*.
Chit ad111111 lembermen
Voiteselre. _revokes apt
ng right must begin to take Ins
baths. Before eating breakfast each
moraine drink a glees of real hot
water • with a teaspotniful of lime-
stone phometate in It to wash out et
thethirty feet ot bowels theprovlour
a a
eduction in Ford -Prices
The new prices for Ford Cars, effective January loth, puts
this famous car down in price below pre-wat prices, and con.
iidering the improvements on the Ford Cat of today over the Ford
Car of pre-war days purchasers are given even greater values than
ever before.
1111O111 SWIM
1.01. DELIVERED Ai E.0.11. 11E1.11iifir
- $535,00 $575.00 $620.09 •$660.09
495.00 530.00 580.00 620.85
. • '
aimed with Lew* maeblueegues sup -
premed the dieorders. ••
el drag etore, and begin practicing
very, little, but is• suelcient to wake
MONDAY. anyone an enthusiest on the subject.
Is raore
internal sanitation. This will CORt
• Hamilton lost to Cans.diens, 10
to 6. _
CopPbr Cliff Public School deetrOY-
-ed by are.
China is on the eve of a,big econ0-
1416 crisls. . Pe
Sinn n prisoners freed front
Meter tall. A
Premier Levine nansevientbef a of
T* SilyARTag
'Bus, Livery an
Hack Stiib1ef4
• eliont matt Street •
I us toil the Soutre
eraser Inert ell Trailer wad
Prisenfter &tad
passeagers called tot le sip
part ot tits tow* ter *0
tribes at n. T., R. or CP. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
Oe LAW, .tliod Meth bervicii
*ill be treed aleossooldt.
let semi" stapiereel
e ele411410
. . A .
Tiler Pitt
nr* I� ileadreet Street
• Souther* Irish Parliameet, ap-
Gigantic, veaterwrer Proled 10
thread mid-Burope.
Sterling at Tolrate. $4.461,, at
• New York, $4.2 ee
• Only two Toronto boxere won
their bouts at Pittsburg.
George Wilkie tells Peel Liberals
he is, not aecandidate for leader/51OP.
Liverpool bave the eetige on the
Ertglittit Pirst Division soccer teams.
Attorney-aerteral aetively We
veningte prOtect viltnesees in lhror
a .
Win. Broadhead, Stratford. de- ..,
epondent because out of work, takcs thouh, is trobleoai. Att peeler Ws,y
his life to get a ZO•ernt bottle of Wyeth's
• JumPa to death before train at all reelyefor use. ibis is t e ol time
e _
Remember Inside bathing
Important thrn outride bathing,the-
0.11643 the skin pore. do not ahtiorb
irtspurities WO the blood, causing poor
healthoevehtle the bowel pores do.
Just as limp Ind tot water cleanses,
Sweetens and freshens the skin, so
hot 'goatee and limestone Phospbate
act on, the stoingeb, liver, Iddticys and
Touring Car
Coupe 840.00 889.00
Sedan -
930.00 985.00
,Truck • _575.06 612.00 665.00 700.00
• Considering the highquality of the Ford Car and its rawly
- advantages, such -os- service, Jow running cost, ete., the Ford offers
values equalled by none.'
he mined Onlplinr vath it to
Restore -Color, 01035.
Caromed gieratn se" brewee intei
heavy ta, with sulpitur added, will taro
grey, estrealted and faded hair bteutifulle
dark and luxuriant. Just a feet applica-
tions will prove * TcveletIon if your hair
is fading, etreaked or gay. Meths' the
Ir4 Tee, elle Sulphur recipe et home,
Lucien, Pelletier. St. Daid, Que.. attd SuIpbur Compound at any drugdote
reeler improved by tielic141itTen of otter
Project to make nonavntore Att. ircdints.
tion.• .2. llMyrreal, letion Station for , wilVe wisPee may. fallel bele not
infall, we. all deete 10 retain oar youth'
The mother et dra,t ewer" wa. 14d opptarateo and attractivettese. By
killed in Toront0 when an ante bit twl‘llin; 1131t riNttl''s Ear5
one, alp Mt' Compeund. no rate cart tell,
• A man dies in oonto, MP result t.'"'"'"" tletsir returellet 1**venli'•
of a beatin, end police *re eeeltIng •Yrdit j"tt (12711" eWr' 432 .861 11116
his slayer. nee lie e .1t ore., tereteee belie
44 t al
'Thome* fee 361g/ins luub*ring at t*I'lt14 41011,a4 4ki, !s,"
vennata, in Gatineau vititey. foitnd mu; e
;40 te‘,. ettappeaAer,
rts, takfm Off limp, of coo. timer, e7..0.'„e,,,e, seitesies ;leen:Lee!.
Rue greet eeteek Tor421,,10
Call and talk it over with
dead in shack. Lee. utter oneil sr opteee• ttion or two, •
• *lie e rt. le c.) (597tlItt- toitet
see ' r?
Ineortorated Iiiquor ;store in • 4''"r"''' ,ank°
!fluor rrndore.