HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-19, Page 5°IISUPSIDaY, Seat thy we. NS. JANUARY is Tim leapt ilmib EK MI no #at t To COUGHS Weal bronchial tubes or weak lungs stand very Iittle chance inkeeu January weather. People who *red sub• feet, to coughs and colds should be well prepared with the beat cough and add remedies they can purchase. thin immediate dose may be taken when a sough or cola makes its appe aranoe. In this way they'll lewd off distress and avoid real danger. Sometimes. how' ever, alt the Medicines in the world can't *top the trouble --••that's when the medicine i$ taken too late. We sell .all iitandttrdizea cold remedies. Order yon} preference. "Try Oar Dry Steres. First" CAMPBELL'SDRUO 'TORE Phone 00?'dish Nagar Stor+rt J(i!it Squarer CoderichheEvensUp. ; Scoresa Win. On Lead 'he chi Monday la a Good, Glalu. lash Game of Nock r7 Lost To C1iiitors. " , • TWIL PIIISSIOTATO TO ILLY. • PAWL MS SST. ' 'S 113TitY IL FOOD: ‘.i .► Okla ist tonne{* t late Wars Liao se tomuil 1rotifer rims TMle Ingather -. - 1 Tit•, Samuel dinnerawl e1e .^lieu of utik•ere of the tionteu Litter Bitit' diner of North St. Methu+llrt eliuri'ti waw • held In the Sunda} :shood room on Muffle} nicht, The. table decoratlen,a teem' nanny end urtistte and the tempting* %tendo tit that an epteier hauld desdre, fur which the soviet ruinulttre, under the leadership of, Mn;. J. B. Rahn rtsotr. recci'ed the eon- gratulation* of all present, 1 The pastor, Rev. IL I► vteaer, pre - .k1• I, stint. after . hearty stag; song as t.ne pr;asrxiu eats introduced, Meese?. Ernest Pritchard Anel Roy stonehouae gave 't(whiles; Sirs. Henderson and Mise Snider: ti11Ji messing, R. Wheeler' and Muycri . ontributed stilets and Mrs. Mair a eon'. :alert Starring, addresses were given.9ey Messrs, V. S. Botvdeu. H. It *,Ung awl C. M. Robertson, sup-' eriiatenaent of the school, expressing their appreciation of the exeelleft twine work intone upon by the s tbiiooI. and its A epeeial feature of the meeting wean the presentation of :a plant" uutviuely Intim with Monetary fruitage. n token of the, clue's gratitude to ttev, J. E, Ford, their teatime. The address, vvineli spoke appreciatively of the In- tellectual vigor and stimulus on well as spiritual value of his teaching. Was read by Mrs. J. H. Robertson And the Presentation %vas made .by Miss Annie Davidson. In reply Mr. Ford spoke highly of the interest the class bad shown in Bible stud' and Rieke,/ for- ward to another year of pleasant .40t1 profitable work. vlesers. Chas, Garvin. president, and 4...J. Dustow, *lee pre•- stdent, expressed appreciation. of Mr. Ford's vvork `and .predicted £ontinued success for the class. The following °fusers were elected: 'Poacher. RQv. J. E. Ford; "assistant, Mr. W. S. +Bowden; president. Mr. Charles +Girvin; vice president. 3r. P. Conte - ion; convenor of serial. cnnl'mittee, Mrs. Wnt. Murney;: eanvenor Of took - out committee, Mr, Wm. Armstrong; convenor of deVotionel. committee,. Mrs,illowell; efecrotary treasilrer; Miss Annie Davidson; assistant, "Miss Allan. s s r The following :is the a ddre pe- scatted to Mr. Ford; To ,Rev. J. E. Ford, ' ' .. Goderich, Ontario.. e • ]Tenn Teacher, --It is a dettglitful pri- vilege for us to exRress ,at this annual .gathering our appreciation of your faithful and painstaking sere lre , as teacher +of ,-the Golden Links .Bible Class. Your expositions of the lessons have been intellectually ': stimulating and . vigorous, 'While their moral and spiritual._teachtnge: bane been so set forth as to mane them speelally; help- ful. ful in the praetieal agairs of everyday life. We trust you may long be spared in health and strength " to continue, thla, frultful minfstry of teaching, whose beneilts .we count ourselves fortunate to -enjoy; and also deem it. ,our duty to give a .wwidet field by our elves and testimony. Be assured' of our contin- ued 'prayers for the abiding blessing' EXETER-ZURLGa• 50 FAR THE 1,1NREATEN TEAM Goderich Plays In St, Marys Next Tuesday. sttd Agoiast;Exeter 27th", 44, The efforts of 'the mapagement, of the Goderich:Hockey Club to providae , good ,hockey team in town titin year are .duly; appreeiated by. the-. fa ns and there was a large turnout Aver 500, at each of the games et the West street rink the past week. In 'the first game with Clinton. on Friday the visitors pulled out a win of three to one; but • they eau thank their goal keeper for the win, for at the rate at which the •• shote were fired in on him, especially during the second period, it would have kineant many goals .had the Ciro-` ' inn gealle not beet on, the lob every minute, tin Monday; 'however, the Goderieh, goal and succeeded 'In drop- ping this° puck in twice. This was in the last period and C!oderich adopted a defensive game,: nturUcy falling back to the defense line am) Pridham going f rward. 'rlie score 1 y.� periods was 1 to O. 2 to 1 and 1 to 2, nlaldna the e h ° ri �. 3 for Code fln 4 - Th JOoderlch players ' are fast and are a owing *good form. Pridhant Is as fast s any of them and made 'malty fast da tea down the lee With • the puck. 11 , of, thc'goals scored in the game witl Mttohell was to 'Itis credit. Murrey ju !fled the txiteetatione of him when 'le was' put in .the forward . 'tal . we . have to ,bell was -different. eine and he was ibrilliant an 'back - L When the score *stood' • .1 • to.1 eheeking and a round' play. Brown - in fav' of, anodeiteh" the fans lee, was doing. a collent--work on the wet"°. 'feeling real ,good, •so were wing. RIurney ge eredit:for one goal the', team; and the fang' were ready to and Silent for .. t o. • flaunter was talk back. to nny 3litchell supporters: good' in noel and Pr barn and Yule nn thdt happened to NI Mng the one the defence gave • a ; • od account of lookers. It began to ,too. as if ,:the themselves, y ltan'ctled the '1' ..; wvould Just •revn.ie the •seers, at Armstrong„ of Tondo .i nine i label --and thea;;, ,accident hap- bell and let nothing. get y ,- - i 4ee was as follows: t ndia ie • 't rs Sea p l tq S 14� '� `"L that '' ltiitehelt'•�Gn'a'i, Cai,anbeil, r.:xf.; Otto; bi atioti�. rem n 1e b tr. r�•r: "n Tl 0 wi r t g, •d er an-CCt3t, e r r ix , %;.anal succi« ;dad Ln get sue ,,•hent 1.. wiug, Blower•; . aihs., est:Buehler twviee in quick rias , r y, one The locals adopted u defen- ,J .son and .Balfour. .gain's; anti .th,,r�e was no more, >� edeas �enYul,• Baenttrct ;lar. Prk. •o • dwnlee; 1. wing,'Snazel; hs. 'So far the Exeter-Zurichngin team n" .;;;ytountain and Senderso,, malting _the ,hest 'showing : the group and the next league game inGoderictl ieh'at Clinton game wit r , on Fridayof next week, Jan. 27th, will, .,,putlt of led, for Jou. 4 and lack of icenlta no doubt; see the, rink packed to .the ••ed. The Mitehelt at Exe rafters. t vvan by Exeter .a to 3. .The gams .with .Clinton on Friday Marls was wen' by I. last was fast and -exciting throiugh�out: ' and all tate players were np tar the bit. Marys. Code be at Mitchell, 1 to a There was very' little. .combination, for Mitchell. St, arys at Exeter a- wiii for Ex e r. St. :vias s at shaking 'The locals ...Were . good . iii mallet - on ° to.Clinton, Clinton at shacking and fast in 'slcatSng but their Clinton-fi+r y seemed, to' be in marksman- Godertclr, 3. to :.1 for Clinton; Exeter whip. asswon°at,\iitclsellt also defeated Clinton 'ship. 'alto pend seemed lee be on at Exeter. Milehell at Goderie1i 4'i to • alis Clinton end •of the ice. mare than . otherwise and in the second period 3 for Goderich, Initehell plays at Cline leitGeoch• in`.the Cilotan nets was kept .ton tonight: Torherr4•w night Exeter Pairly ou ibm Jumps at St..Marys; Next Tuesday (lodeerieh t to cls la n ,Clinton' at i , The scare ley periods was t to 0, pato' at tat. Marys and 1 and 1 to 0, agd on (Friday dP next . week Exeter Munro, sof London. • handled the bell will be here. St. Marys at Mitchell • Mitch Piled egorlie wan nu %w laved et ■t Keeler--1,'Weser* le Goal *'Amor Tea anima vesarY 1014 eueetoRWOalls Ii w eicerrec woe head se 1naseday erwaae•e, aw natter. Rev. ti. S. Mard7, fpr ateliafi is 1sMopesiSea ultimo taw rector t tamaked the teseitaelet. Mover for them valued tesseseamoa + oteeratelseed Iles chorale wsreems. choose uMosen atfit Ortirealsealesei ea skier sicoatt tft work.IMT farutnea is th fah. ala Sorele souls. Thule were 1*1 baptisms (isieludieeg two sdi 1$s.)47 bad hew adiaf*lied fpr tuU t7orateliinlioit by neagiriaatiee and the Wel aufeWeser of ooailrfeeed mashers or tlea collavdogie a' was sat. The woe ranee nuerriones aed ,; church a w erdsacie report was pcesentead by Mr. U.. 1,. Patens Sal showed total rraeipts for the ten months, Mamas tat to Rec. siet.l9*9d11 of 14,175.41 for psroohiel pnrpoweec which had been expeatied with the except** uta MU b+oe of about • 1100. Tbs Meanie of the whine church oreent*atioes were presented. showing the following remit*: Woman's Auxll.. lary. 1906.5*; Church \Voman'a Guild. Ie*0k71;, Pariah I1611 bund, 19108.37; (bureb Gund, 878,49; Sunday school, 1985.118; (Ws" Guild, $}I.i?.141; Mitminit' Bared. 10109.48; (!rlta'' .1Ieirmotey, Club, 121.10;. and Trat1 Banger*►, 53. t. in A groan committee was appointed W tyndertsllj� on everyiuetnbee wage. the work to"be done its the near suture. Another committee. consisting of Mews, G. Ti. Farrsoua, J". t6. Platt.'0. C. Lee, C. J. Harper and Geo. Stel eonibe, was teppointed to deal with the •natter of property reepeire. Judge Dickson and Air. ileo. Williams were appointed auditor•. and blr.'E. 1). . Brawn was Riven the duel peettlon of vestry clerk and envelope secretary. The rector announced the reappoint• meat. of Mrs J. S. Platt as rector's warden and Mr. G. L. 1,'arsone was elected people's warden, The following were . appointed as sidemen" Molars. 3. Brophy. ' C. J. Harper. J. G. Curie, P. L. Walton, 1. Holland~. T. Legg, i. Salkeld, C. McNeil, T. C. Crawford, W. Ti Icing, H Leggett fond F, W. Vtroolcoinbe. et the annuaal After the vestry meeting ccn regadonal meeting was an be Yd. 1) tan wing, 11;c'Donai Its o was. sclted paned on a yet •to be p1a me we Clinton at St h The FYlued Board reported that $810 bad leflete sent to the treasurer of the Synod on. diocesan appointment. elkeld Judge Dickson and M. 1. S were elected lay representatives to' Synod, and Judge Lewis and .Mr. C. Seager, K. C. substitutes, to the. Votes of thanks were passed the rector, .wardens, choir and to all .h organizations to the congregation for their excellent work. The tweeting then adjourned. of God upon ,firs, Ford and yourself anti • your .esteemed family, Bo pleased to accept this plant as a living ,expression ot,• our' • ,undying i hidden fruitage as• a esteem and is hi tangible expresstora of our gratitude, Mee I \ '4v,c �neyer can ten what you want or you 'need, , • net we hope you will like our ••se- lection or seed, - \If you plant it perhaps '.twill multiply so, ' 1 v next. year . you'll have many trees in a row." ti ne on behalf of the. class. ig ' B J. Ii. ROBERTSON, "Trois. MI A. DAVIDSON, See. GRAS GI'RVIN,. Pres. to the .satisfaetlon of all; The line-up was as folicoese Clinton -Coal; ".liefteoch rite M. El- . Batt, �" t,d., Manning; centre. Entsdea in Elliott; 1. wing. Govenlo ; • r: wing, subs.. 'Graham enol Dickson, . Godeerlch--�Gaal, Ba, eller; ted.. Yule; 1.4., Murrey;. tent e, Pridham; r. i s. ' Sze subs,' , r� r ' l..ww.in , e rn v»Ie it Whig, & :Nv g, h fvioDanald and Murphy. In the �tlrst period M. Elliott had a bit of, en, accident which put ting out of the game. In the game with Mitchell on 'Mon- day \f urne was y d the lino -up wa ng; ay e replacing Prldliam as centre forward and ISridham. falling 'back` to the de- fende line. The ice.avelt keen and.the _ game was rash,' and a 'nide ' entilting game of hockey ,was put up. Check - 'Mg was close and the game was p. good, clean ;fight. The pace wag rapid and the gruelling contest showed• -its affect near the close . when the players found difficulty in keeping on their fest. e tis teamagain an G t,kept 'Gods rich the 'play+ in the visitors territory for greater'parr of the time but marks' manship was their weak point. It Was:. only after the score had gone 4-1 than etre Mitchell players' really seemed to be .able. to° turn the tide, and for •a ttiln they were ,playing up to . the same 'night. Jan. 30, Exeter at Clin- ton, Jan, 31, St, Marys at Goderieh; Feb, 2,. Goderich at Exeter and Mttehell at St. Marys. • DUNGANNON •fev, :Nil.: Campbell preached in Au- burn last Sunday. ' We are•pieased to report Mr. R. Dor- n% fnuch• improved. tvir; Die Stewai-t has returned (rain ti visit to Preston, Ont. • Wm. McClure is unloading cern and i eek, i wthsvv t atricGa. ons, Mr.' P. Curtain held a very success- ful dance Inst Friday evening.. and o da % stormy ..Surtdmy,.,tv¢s; anothery y very few attended' 'the eehurehes, The annual meeting of Erskine eon• gregatioh was held on Wednesday v - ening. L. 0.' L. leo 32�t are holding a special meeting on Thursday evening. 'at' 8 • p. m. 'Hobert furnin, who has been very stele the pasta veek, is, we are pleased. toe state,' sotnewbat bitter. "'You "can't heat the Scotch," they w. Home Rule e no wants say: Scotland Well \why•should they not? Rev. 'Me. 'ford, of Goderiehr will. preach • at Dungannon Presbyterian - Model Theatre "' WEEK` of JANUARY 23 TO 28 e tam. Fred '' made .vice.' prx sista of - Mr. Mrs. 'art M Stewart,' Kenzie, Mrs, •Miss T)reaney. ) �an d Tuesday SUEHA�ii K n: A iC,V• ' `where Lights Are Low' Episedd 13 of "The 'Son of Tery,an" "-"Double ;,Crossed" GODERICU TOWNSHIP Several puttee have been held in this neighborhood lateiy, indicating that tiie young people believe in hays ing a goad time when they en. In ' some parts of 'the ' township shooting seems to 110 the order of the:, day. Well done, George I You shot something that time—the goose In, stead of the . sparrow. Look �c little closer and teff a totter' elm The township council on Monday of last week and took the oath of office at the.: statutory nteeting. • Thr old nib- ecrs •Were re -appointed i Adam Cante- lon, elerkt 11. G, Thompson. collector•,'-_: r 1 h'ht Qstvald Ginn, assessor:. J. E. \\ y, • treasurer; Geo. Acheson awl- Tames Johnston, auditors. • j BAYFIELD lxitr.'Samuel Westr ke, had the tuts- . fortune to lose a • valuable horse last. week. - oss. -Mr. Carmpbeli wds !dent. The -Board con - Crawford, � M. a fo riR: W. » Stofliers, Mrs. Mt De glas, -.:airs, Campbell,• and tense, Pentland.. AUB N Tltr Fitrmers' Club hipped a ear of hogs last wreck. Miss ori , G D e of Go der r h was in the Village a short time last week. visiting her brother, Thomas. • st The Clogs• of Do mc. Irld•in l which has ,;been e came to a close last Friday Our village blacksmith, Mr. 1Vaegle, is 'moving his, family this, we k into the house whish he recently ented Dobie. it ab r Mr.'William 1 Il from Last Saturday Mr. John Medd sip- ped,>a carload of cattle from thee Ca- tion and Mr. \Vatson,;ofBIyth, shipp d two carloads of cattle at the ° sem time. r. church on Sunday, Jan, 22nd. Wood, miller flutter and eggs are' t}tlli going down in price with a fair profit to producer. and consumer, inspector Tont visited our Beltool , last Wednesday and Pound the teach - ere work being well done, but the santcs old ttello'ol building, with a poor water supply. ' , lie t alozai non a r,sa t r of the three leading Protestant sections have jellied hands in tete Barrie district, Presbyterians, :vlethodists pod .(lengre- g tionallst� . WeJsesJs r and Thank CORRINNA GRIFFITH ,- . `The Garter Girl" HAROLD LLOYD in his latest tenieely, "I Do" Frl4sy grail Saturiay EUGENE O BRI N "Gilded theater f "Read? to Selene, village On Friday, evening.. January 27th the Community " Club will hold a- pro• gressive euchre in the town hall. • Mrs. George Young had the mis- fortune to fall in her room recently and bruise her hip very badly. At -w first 1 t was feared it -was to alb rolen. Dr: y was called. at once and atter making,an examination found that no fracture had taken place. As Airs. Young has been in poor health for some time and is getting up in yearathis injury will set her back oonsiderabl y. • 'awe. milt +Tigers nary night tens- eareei* tg,othare"a- %gNN fM. MI p, Sleighing'has arrived at Iasi. Owing to the high *winds, many places are rather bare. Saw logs and wood are beginning to .engross ,the attention df rant. r tit present. amen •of the farmers most I', The agricultural classes are very well attended.. A large number of things of.which their ,fathers were ig- norant is Imparted to them, If theory is only put into praetiee no doubt the eonomunity will greatly. benefit from it in the 'tnturr•:.-_ . a. r 'p Ltlms 'Most co who WereWere1 people ,,. Winch: ed consid- erable l CaU9 vrict "little I wear l tit a 1 to enable mt:tter'al damage here, have theitt 'lights" again restored to their proper places. Abraham Cuthbert has installed a heading sfactery in the teaw mill and expects to get a few 'hundred cords of beading blocks to out up for which Ire is paying *".:",i1 per cord t'A incites long. Ole regular meetings of the \'4"omen's institute will be field et Cie horns of :*Mrs. Sanderson'au Thursday, Jan. %tit. at 2:30.. Topics, tvilt be taken by Mr's. privet, "Poultry Raising." and °'Mu. ale in ilto Il,inaty, ` by Mrs. 3. P. t,anipN belt. The xelittel nneg+, Raise Clark •te reainpanie.,t'h I1Il1a Lee. were at ibm tlh taotdr!legoo aseo to he ilTe iy, neat the trustee to get a better Rip- ply of f14-01 41 water fir the Children tea rink. The debate held by the Community Club on Fridi y evening haat was fairly well attended. The subject "Ile,oived That Travel is More EduoatIve Than Beading." The decision of the judges h ch' r a i am ttv ow favor of the in was !' side was taken by ?negate. Colin` Campbell, John McKenzie, M. Bess and John Fraser. The' negative was taken. by Miss Baby Woods, Wm. Metcalf and G. Gillies. Unfortunately hire E. Pollock was unable to be Present -winch was •somewhat of a 'handicap to the opposition. liowever we ,understand that the affirmative side only won by a couple of pointe. 'Last \'t-ednesday, tate lOtli- inst, our village n �Int r�pant , Ir, elan Hill, , had the first addition to the family, circle. The silent have • o1 midnight have verged ?oto another day before the . it lfol sire warbling notes of theo tv y have soothed the young arrival Into calm repose. • , • ' There Is rather a good joke told on e d Idaughter lit r ila r es. Ills g a 1 n 1,f our iti2 rltt y .Claes. attr..ndevi #hn Domesticstia 5cl_nrn prepared a dish, which was highly spoken. of by another pupil Of the rials, as she and her 'husband had t c greatly enjoyed it. After testing it t1o dish. be trade ,rather a wry face, and when questioned by the daughter how be liked it "let him have it." • The annual meeting the members of the Bayfield Public. Library was held Jn the Town Hall on Monday afternoon, w hen the following ofilcere wvere e cted: Chairman. Rev. R. 0, Pitts; ,tress., George E. Greenslade; 1t, ae . fest. McFarlane; * Rev. A ri n bra a librarian, Miss Hilda Yibg,• directors, , Messrs. F. A. Bdwardel, J• H. Reid and Jnoe Fraser,Mrs. Margaret Ferguson, Miss ,Tosca Sterling and Mrs. Meatyr The library now contains about 1200 volumes and has a Membership of over one hundred.•• As the Membership fee is' only 50 cents per member per year everyone in the community should become a member and help along an 1 st e, that isma Y work t a t edacatlonty necessity in every community. { L0.4 wrc3r Wag u good y'•::ar for :b.. library At an *annual tray!tier this w•'« k mons showed 201011 nudist reared, easily -fl'.' new on -A .p1asi.'l'ltpnn N?rl•it<t-S at 5 eel t. of M.. total r• s 1G0 lenitive on hated atter nr'• to,.r r tp+'na'•a. *1211, The Did {itK. One of r'•ur youths, who Ie an inwe- erate snooker, bad quite an raperien e cast week, After enjoying 'his woke he Plated itis pipe ,10 lite picket'and {settled down do ,pina for the future and procure ,work in the time to eonte, Ile fell asleep, but was soon awvalsened to the •fact that the pipe had made more, ventilation than neem€ am Mtge cold days Miller's id-Winter Sale LAST TWO WEEKS F SALE On January 31st we complete stockitakifg and desire to, clear out all oddlots and many special Yaiues are being :given for the last two weeks. FURS FUS Our entire steel of Fashionable Furs all being clearedatr°l'ess than cost price, None must be married over. Fox Sets ()Possum Sets Sable Sets Hudson Seal Sets Coon Sets Wolfe Sets Badger Sets reserve. All frust " o. There is .no xe:sez� b Women's'`%llt e Cash- . �C ' oc mere Hose, � pair ,a zoop .airs of our resider 75c quad' ity White Cashilmre diose, so comfort- able to ,swear: Sizes 8'‘ to io, special 500 pair. COATS COATS a few Coats- left blit they i>rattis- . tt beclu'st red, " You will get thews , cleared. at practically your own price DRESSES DRESSES All our dresses must g .o. ' -All are'. ice` marked at�ju�st cost price. If we have what yon wanr you want yotwill get a bargain. .! Wol�x� Woollen Gloves, S o e, c pair - A clearance" of. - women's warnit woolen winter gloves, regular value un to x.2 air. .A.11 .colors all sues to r � S'P t: clear 5c pair. °. OILCLOTHS OT and LINOLEQAIS rereirred"a ue, w shiPment, of Spring Oilcloths and Linolettnis J.II�st: ..,, p g Oilcloths: in :every width, suitable :. Linolenni, tate ideal fleor covering fUr any room, hi floral and block pat- cones 4 yards wide, in floral aud.lo le terns, special 6s sq. yard, patterns, special per sq, yard $x,x, . R ST ,E B TT`E � EIS NQ � TkIEYt '� Phone . S R A U/N TO1rCil3l1 ° MIN Eyes versaiNid yMaurtelesMi toEPiVenstse. aAemea 9Wit came Ston[ ° t#aMaerSrcr etnsrr aloe1WesflMy Writs fat lair. Ef'a Caral300k. Sheinit,aao. eiree..eGat1111illnfi.Ctkno• re-eknee Wang: (liesirroan, , " . h CR .a::.1 Mt", R_�=-� ce. ,, •lII;' rre enree. or f°'r,,.: �'` ►, n"r- t, 1-.10 The following books have recently ra been added to the, Pub is r- „ „ Fiction- "'ililla of loglestde; Little Miss Melody; " "The Window Gazer;" "To Mint that iiatli;"less of the Rebel Trail; IsWrotet Come; Aa ni n , ,r itirra" "—General r. ' �C B bait en eanCe. coin g C y tears••.••"The Time of the Echoes; " "The "friendly ilottd;" "Campfires and Guideposts; " "Something. E1tto Again;" ntur of r• A Ce V tt I,'ro , rice I m Y p� 11e Essays;" ;y'7Ch¢ 1'•ragtQdY of Lord Kitchener; Life of Queen Victoria; "Mirrers of Downing Street;" "More than Must Be 'told; " "Across Mon. often 'Plains:-.J'nvenile "Peggy; " F. G. ; "Ross Garet in Miner's Camp;" ""Seekers of the thea; - " Tho Captive of the Cedes; " "Written Sia ' Story; " "Soy's Book of Adventurer"Antniar Book for Children; r" "Woodland Weal" "The Boy Kerbank," ....... , • ... `.. Last Wednesday, the lith inst, my' vtllav biaeksntith found the even ten- or � of his way interruptedithta» bright Rant.. Ile ntytinc•,d tit;,* he had dlineardeal lila �ni'Rltt gloats« at , the aurae time an- tt ietncing that a youthful nogg had ar- e -Rea whet elieutei take bis 'IIIAce When• lads richt hand:weal,! ,*lave forgot its • e ttrtning': Inst them was ::Vt'E -o the n ca hrre, Rev. '01'. Ca00011,, of Dungan. 1'n1 �tn e ewon g.Owig Mt th :etfrfl?1a.s ' is trot as par as %A sntieipicted. 'Ingo tea Meetitilt on Mon-. -lets fwat°fting was tery wit attended.. only Clergymen. liarwey McGee, with ti'is enb's, added to the entertaittrnelt of the evening. Aire. Camphenl gave several readings. Thu proceeds a- mounted to lover !140. • TN VSZ RAZ -MAH RAZ -MAH b Gvarllistaki to fkritete s .r s1 bcelMhiag, seep malars ttifitrs in tke Ueatbial theta ..,tf..�.arl.1 +1ii1 Mott:'c. �. iwa ite TVIOL iorraf*.v , Arse. otter lie , •O`& !Levi Alrttt . M, C.i51.X1.IP Ara Embroidery and Crocheting1 are the order of the dray, We .I carry everything in Stamped Goods, Embroidery Bilks Threads and Beads. Start the Pew Year by be- g fan a ginning >x; adios piece ofy work. Lessons free. - Stora - id Srnith's Seat St.. Piton* 108 :(.rand Lodgge Ofilcers Will He Here Tomorrow - - - - tktdtellowe, meet your (irate) ;Winer tomerruw tFridayl evening ire Oddf.et-- .1/o}vs' 'Moil. The first etagree will be nut on and an interesting time. e ,era' of tin' .Grana*: Lodge Meets taCin he Inc.',<eand there Will h" rr is . trienti. 311 of tIfello\vs sitoubi lr• utr hand. la YDRO ELECTRIC STO te Start the New Year right ltw increasing your electric nppli' Undo. - See our etiepIa.y of Electric Irons Eiectrie Washiln+l Machines Electric Vacuum Charters Electric Strives Coffee holsters ° Gr1Ut, Etc. Bay tlydre 14a.inp'y at You1 Own Store. W$TEE AMS LOT COMO iiselk.$+"efe'st $label's llidre lute •.1101.. Special Clearing in Shirts hxdWork a� s a� er Me�n :s..Ov, TO dozen Me;i's Wadi andwhite Work Shirts, made.oEa serviceable shirting material, with attach- ed collar, pocket, full doubly~ yokes and double estitch ed seams, clearing at 890 each. dozen Mens blue and white striped ri d Overalls, s all sizes, clearing at $r.25. Men's Work Mitts, at low price, made of strong p 1able sheepskin with heavy w-arni knitted Wiling, clearing at 89c per pair, - , MRO BINS • CleaBefore Lines --lo. Stili A Few Stosk-Taking •: verys • . gal We are offering some �"� values which you cannot afford to miss. Come in and see the goods. - ear Departments, W Re ad tr1 Bargains ni all y•, including some special lines in Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Smocks, also in Millinery. • ° *Children's and/;hisses' Coats, sizes from 6 to 14 years, lined thraughont,$regular prices were frola $.b.5o to $7.5o for $495... Another lot of Misses' Coats, lined throngont, regular prices from $T3.95 to $14.50 for $ro.75i inspection Invited. r Girls' Dresses, size from ti to. 14 years, all wool serge, nicely trimmed, $5.5o for $3.50. Full line of Men's Wear, Su its , Over coats, Trousers, Underwear, te., all atlelowest prices stocktaking& , we A. CORNFIELD she Spare tr. New say. c.+.td. t 4 44.