HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-19, Page 2• Illesmatie IMiereme W Nom Mow Sat iterimetlities et ItotiPpe. It le Welled 1141*•,,en twenty mot thirty vouotrir wall Ito typo tooted at tiw Evonorolc itionforaore to ne held Pt tlenoa III liarett nett. The larilleit oterwas Dominions; end Iretiret will he tasked 44, mod delesatcs. lt, is the hope of 42/04e who. are responsible for the de - elation to eall %INA 4 conference. elder IL for which to given to Premier Idoyd tteorae, of Britain. that. it wilt Wart the r Onancial renew:v*1Mo of Felt there eStt he Itolsod la 1110e State." by Vole at el 41r4HUAIle Wean anit Indeed all 'mood. otsent to nom whit routs. troops are *Irma etude the military •tout the south. Teas Ilas0 ersailis ler Vali Eireann were imams odd %tonal. They Involved tits oppolition of UM* do Voles. tar *Itacy and ibe electioa thereto :II treaty Ida withdrawal trona Ike nal The latter. with Who* Riest340 fay Sae A aew lamp that ;has as imam roltyerkrittiant. ikon. 'AMU tient. emus than mos or Maegeleity. Ism ham :StrbY the V. Clavareareed mg 35 universities. god t000d se be gra:tit to ordinary ail tamps. II :ithout make ar *OW- oesapiag U. to *ample. tle**. Sum fals air met Cis r01110100 kor aelVeeld-411). weldor, F. Johason, tit Sea* lit.. vo, Montroak le (Marini to aied a lamp ou 10 Elttk trill. Or arrest $0 give one FREE to the first tiger in mob locality mho *AM help him Ia- n. Write blot today for full . .t100 aak him to vaptaltt • 7on ern 14 the agency, am) artrexperteeee Joann mike allel per meant. WO* TKO 111=0*11.11:4„,"64101%**404,44111""ellY4,104.1.0,11.4.41141 rittawel lower tor Tofu dsbitelivA 3 •104h4.1401ti at helselo 4, ort 2111-edie•iidsfS ilt thia weeg oil ilbe *taisigOlt of consoliaated eshools. ou lb. Mt itstiou 4.4 tho true - :goo. tor vomitus of rotatelidatiOU NOW o hoe ogo lia that si0Otitsit. Str. TotaA la a atrong belieser in eau. *undated stenuoist and helietes that 1114 y win play a prolultlera part in hot tole- i tenon life of the timing faits, porn- 1 eularty those In ',mulatto rural illg- • tridt.6 arat ego% in Nill‘ff'S. 8ii tO OW coneolidatted milord Serlieu Pouted tit CO1herne towmatip lit Mk Mr. Two point* out that whet/ lite whook is built and grows into 4 4:W11111041On &yap, %%it t 1111• 0ehoel. 34 it shoUld ht two years. the whole • tood to the *Alton to likely to se hope of au early Plum to artiot,„,,ios. ()avail buoy. 14. 4. Duemia, w be psi* Than II iNer4 'With VIM? laring like normal condons. tier- """ 4 164tnY Win play' a prominent PAvt'iTtichtarTialrektorgitilVtButettle org. in sae senior, Prime Edward 1111 ittl'inf.bP1* i2 and ii, till, Ironed - lions. emitativs, WhetlitI sate will do so or I me Free hosh state. They, over, sum_ =deo ealitled to have boor mem- • or Teim tioited the eonsollinneil *toot me lower chamber. Addition- . at 4;1,301, Rapid*. Ohio. 'ht section are bellig received • eras Wined si ill% !adrift; -the Nit% ituaolt bast been tasked to send repre- '0101enal ealdrol • of the oarilarneat tar , th'•!' "I" 1 eil ate* de Valera and Ids followers wed* or notttute tn. inter- nom a orsnd awitas °lacing vireo , etav-ti its Pottla *" aeuve tiga withdrawn, adjournment of A. 14 "1"lawrirbsyl" lag. however, that if ohe doesoleo to • n ..eas 10 bt 0416111V PUblic oclutol teachers and two con- i te v.ill %how tattled* Hamann *Moot • leachero) •and the ................s000 -o ---- manner hobopc-il 4 r. e 14 0, feel- .• t in been agreed to for one take merely an. academie intereat In .Ineolthei rotriglowl:t 4841"rinithe 4.tittathlooll , rreeaec Eon a leas, than nine eight one -teacher schools or the tOWn- ino -plow to be _eonsidered. 'these 1.04111 4.,,,,, ih, woos ooer of los vows or rid . • ship. .1. line school house wag erect- lloolorrmaoeoenta eletance, atol Europe will sta, its feet. bons. It Is the contention of de Vol - biatitemi 4 ed lit nib% bating every eonoenienoo , IM .earried titratigh. without 'her as- "---•- ofilee preparatory to -the -gut . le * * * MHO* To sot irr strimatat sza varvo2=b4:14,11 olosoisio. Tote' WitsmixaM. IA es. inatite. 080 lobeasie PmaIrml Torealm era and those Wil0 stand by -him. that V.11016e11111° II -11114/11-li Ib000loott• at a 'folk% of SKOOG when 1 CAPIADIAS ramie ne win tight. the &Mons on the bind* M drat thonet to be -on an annual ready for oecupation. In 1910 two of avot.flim, il, eiairas that the visit influenza au now been oforiany section" from another towuship join- deelared Oa have mastied epidemic pro- "Vaneetwer Exams" 1. d not arolependertee. • uPOrtntsiosioossreht aldsuuttwr.)441froartyt doethetodisessers and present arrangement soParto elven& * A • • , „ on the roalt to see.nery with the lolOwiedge that upon it'; Ottitt efforts must LorgelY depend the length of tittle lt tilos to reach the goal. There lo: feeling 140riiik Oartwl:Of the old world that Germany ig destined 'Pt 011 a role of Importance at Om cOnferenee -he- paint anything now foreseen by the erustud, obaerver, and that Bowie, if She Oartielpates, will not be far be - him), while the dominant nation VV111 be Britain. Already a feeling that the long night of charm is glving way to a new down is taking posst atdort of soma a me, suroplan peoples who have suffered as touch slam the war aie they did during its progress.' In what ts left of .Austria, for instanee, Ibis optimism seeing 10 be most no- deeable. * • International Fia$11Ce Corporotion Approved As c•fbirt of rehabilitation plans anti ethos more vital irt many respeets the ouggested eeononne .confer - I itself. is lit;k deei4011 Ot the Su - Allied tonmell Opp -roving of 411 *1 E1tiO1I3l illittico corporation. "raw*, Itallon, Belgian and Japartmie topresentatives at the con - fennel tecently in progress in (Zones, halm ties* appointed a sub -committee to orraugo,the details of this corpora. tifto. It will have a capitatoof • two volition mak, heailquarteror doo, ato boa so' oted aftlitetedovoroos -fittest coo oenkd tot will lee foto-) sestion front another township united pas:angers .14r aare07;r1in Catty; oval ed .the eontailidetion, and in- 1921. one . ith them .At preitent there . are sev- ibul the "Vancouver Express" leaving 'Premier Lloyd. George Said to Favor of in. form. jo ho now ios000ng .. ,Toronto 10.00 P. In. 'daily, most con- „ ' who* ontn a week oe 00 sgo was m en public 'sehool :teachers and tour 1 . a , more 'high school' teachere in pbtee of a•A ,venient train, stopping'at aril connect - *serious 'bane. acute gastric com011es- public school road WV. continuatIon , ing for all principal points. A mat game a pouttei, is 130104 atoms ire hiorepoir.s. in 1,0600o, itc. 71ov° itoto.irasses iiiiiii eeven torse I Equipment eousists of First Class Almost Im.nteallete Appeal to „. ,.} played in Britain just not% It le ••131d oording-40. ileafatelies,„ many peoplr. t date Standard and , none being a feature. The nuoaber .of leathers In ililS„ the PeOple . ' , that Preffner Lloyd George ;and some fall in tho streets sod hove to be rush - of Itig clooest personal friends are in ed to hoopitals. Northern England favor of an almost immediate appeal has the additional mlifortune to be to the people. This tapes not tind fa- otricken with an outbreak of tilphth- vor with others who are in his tong- erla and scarlet* fever. * I dente, however, Sir George Younger, . - c hief Unionist organizer, being a' .. Ten Eleitleas Mt for Web. Sad inmost the dissentients, In a tont- Some ten elections ire on the books and thairman of committees In the veetiou with itir, formation . lot the totioleation te Int`mbers* eandidatf`s for decision tin Frinotary 2m1 in non* galn4t tridiegalutloit of Parliament be- ot..nnhaTatan, ..„1.,..antbsitne.ert.of 11,4111fittaaescatle De -P' I. -miens, eleetoral tidings, lie argues a- ea foret-the 'tisk of reforming the Home "" tenee, is to he oppoped by a Propos- a 1.4rds btIS been °r°111e:ted' Ile sar4 sloe. In South rkliel and there la tollt that. a number or Unionist members- of other roosters,. hei" oppoloo. A are tiONV statipg that if ito7ePIV 4lee' United-FOrnier,Om Progresitive. le alln NU Is forced Anon them they will 12 oppogs isrmer premier *when in stand as Itidepentlents,, This wilt - Irenville. It is not eertain. that the mean ati end to the Coalition in ids towority ot tho.oeto ministers win ho opinion and disaster to the govern- opposed, but it does. look a$ if there mein'. The Premier will not !decide !might be, a larger number Of weighe1 the objections raised by Str Canada following the formation or a electIona {bag is usually the natio in for an election until lie bas fully Charles: In lino last contest. Sir Char- ono. ,,abinet ..............-.;•••-•-.-0••• s credited with being "'" ' , vans eErry„ the pupils to an , school at a cost of 8720 per month for eilV patio oehool and 87 high ocbool students, of whom about '7Zi walk to school, nuking about 82.50 per month Per pupti4or transportation. 'The people, of the • Grand Rapids ennisolidated oecflon," be says, "are more than flattened With their school and the results. The pupas are con- veyed to and from school every day in comfortable vans. Whey are regular in a.ttendanee overt in the worst of weather, Several -of the teaehers board in the country and'rido Lin the vans with the pupile. The pupils are at home every night with their par - long. They get arr education fitting them to enter a noemal school or a universal without leaving their oar- ento' borne*, Tbe eost of conveying nil per year. This is the total east at W- raLPITAT ON I the pupils is not more than VA a aux- , DAL nonsolidated aelmol Matlorytown, OF THE iNEARir conveying the pupils to and front the the County of teedo. o a „ 'This is ocrtainly cheaper and more satisfaetory than gentling the „children away from`homt-s to board with strong - ere, who have, no Interest or control over them. The main oppoaltion ronsolidated •sebools seems to he the. i Icy high' cost of transpOrtation. Thiti should riot deter any community) foon zumber of years, or the Unionist* or the env- $25.00 FOR A L , 9 • `I•os behind the orsanization anq ;alienist* of, a larger Thirteen Prizes to be A:worded In it Mr.Prank Lutes, it Terrace Ilia Gt.i some -preferred to be cal- , to lairned tor him that his CAN VOLT WHITE ONE t • vatives in proportion . ' Letter WritinsOlutletillon lTrantford, Ortto writest-"I have been • than Should have sn, were thus Os- --• • oo I - De , , from providing* sehool whichAvill be- would bother me it 10t. TbUe odOettrITS it On tl) ail tint ebildren in the Oil- troubled with palpitation of the howt s vesponolble for the , mart „ono as , loony •ocars aft tie . Withal o a oo it oildated oeetions. • Even thdafi OA itit°11 ditrt bucelitdlouSi°Pt iehttenecente..Sr4TheiletilThei • danists most Medicine CA), Of Brockville, Ont,, ot- have no children attending sehOol would: get a spell my heart would Pound • irlonoetathooart ttirreed'Pllaisf'virivief'es' 40)ft POrniztallioWforresIttlelo1.1144t should. he in favor of helping to. ge a and I would break out in a perspiratiob, „Iii lettere tiCeeribing the henellto derKed conoolidated Sehool votablisited to and get 00 weak I Would have to alright,' ..thirool-,Vo"- front The We Ot Pr. Williams' Pink Inuellt their neighbors' boys rind girls. dewn.4U14 quit lay 'work: also in the either in the case of the writer The trt,te patriot will 'help to educate night I would wake up and my heart of the letter. or saner member ofollto au oie ehooreit of all the people and would be going, I should soy, about one " o 1,4 Writeett terelly. ifUndrede Of letter?* trout elevate the -standard of Canaillart hundred and twenty beats a mitotic- '"47.-,:, and ' yet thino, Must have beeri thou- s•-•••-?------*" About tbxeP Years ago I got atio* of '-on".,- were onbodtted In this competition, alio, moo, sands of other users of 'the. pine who Children Kettering frone worms soon . NIILIIIIItt0S - nortunitY to whY eau detect 'the presence of these para.- HEART AND NERVE PILLS ' did not avail tier oR the op- stoic; the sytuptents, and any' Mother 'Mother le " • ittl.theSe ' woo '41611.1a' eke% by. filo Writitings and fretting of took them and found they did the job, 01 expelled and .the sys - oud .,t am feeling rum and bave gamed ,., vo, ., - 4 -nit cleared of them, ,the child.,eannot oo:er twenty poonds in, weight." • . 0 '.4I"'", it& ' hegtb:. aliller'a Wornt ' --soatrompt and ettleigot, not Milbutit's limot and- 'Nerve Pith "zeation of worms, but are $0c. a box at all dealers or mailed • .`" ,-f„or ehildren that direct on receipt of price by The T. votoence.4 1 Xilblitil CO., I.,iinit,e.d, Toronto, Ont. • Oonc Tourist Sleepers, Compartment Obser- vation, Dining and Cohtuist Cars. The roost beautiful ricentry In Cao - oda is along the line of the Canadian Pacific. For tickets, reservations and full in- formation, apply to any Canadian Pa - Me Ticket Agent, Or T. M. KIDD, Town Agent, Goderieh* Ont. Wertne do Children, if tfley be not attended to, eause convulsions, and often death, Mother OraNeel Worm. Exterminator will protect the citildren front Mewl distreesing affiletton4. It Is not possession that mattes peo- • ple 'strong, but, action 10 gain posses- sttt'll'11"1"`1"."1"."1"1"."."." • WOULD HAVE TO"! QUIT WORK This new eandyocoated gurn. young and old,, It. "melts in your mouth," and tb.e gum in the center, remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe month, and throat. There are the oilier WRIGLcir friends to c13.00se frora," too: "After -Every • Meal - • 1- 0 tS that tarn 3,nd Dividends 040 itt0P1readati these tribe have Ise Melina Itoyal nobel. Com. wverrinta Defattest 10 the woo II. Gmarral tit* Visited Rohde 'Cosa.. natelvied. to at special eft. 'o 41Ye17 dated Mr la- vb. Ario *mop imoi. •0404034r ost,- waateeps. %Ay- trorpeaegt) of the Itioissio Cosa. MO of sixteen rather thous Wormed mor this miathte rating ot 11 „ s r cow thee* vie of eater the to * 0d0.1 111.0 49•1' 16.40044th 041 tolit g• "n1"6111 FiVir411.151014'01,10,41i+ili 11,! "Oh, It's Your Voice!" rpHE night wind rattled the sash as she • Jk sat on the bed in her drab hall bed -room. Lonely, discouraged, she seemed to have lost her grip of things in the big unfriendly ° Axidthen,--the telephone jiniledimperative- ly. A clieerY voice caXed up the stairway, "Miss Jackson, your mother's calling on Long Distance" ' Uow many of us realize what that means to the girl in the little hall bed -room, eatiig hertheart outwithlonelinesst-tothebey College or school plugging t'n a half-hearted way to make good in "exams?” -to the sliY, school girl surrounded by strange faxes? -,-- to the .traveler deprived of home and dear ones? Why don't you call her or him to.night? She needs the encouragement that only your voice will give. He needs a helpful word, doubly welcome because it comes from you. s A Long Distance chat will give them a new outlook on life -- stimulate them to nevr efforts -- help them to make good. Their faces will glow with the light of a new cour- age, awl, "It's good to het& your voice" will be nityle to your eau -A StatiOn.to*Vation serviee with low EveiAllig and :Night Rates after 8.30, ha ,s brought tong Distance within the reach of every. one. After St..34 P.M. St4tion-to-Statioti rateb are about half the day rate. At mid - bight they become about otteaquayter the day rate, TIM BELL TE,Lernm.r, colrANY O r v4Ato, to Hear Ot, ranging from ,:"10e. st *Ws. • sod wird widths at gook Too for $1,00 Sas. 411e dorm% VEN •- r a • a Ls,'" •e-- sst.f•5* 10. • , 4,;*