HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-12, Page 8- - - 1 alireeaelet- JAN, lath, him 0. NOTE PAPER SPECIALS Gift Boxes sepia 650 otoi 5c,to clear SOC Sadie Gift Boxeu, 20c, 35c ory Goa Quality Lista Fie- Noto Paper and &metopes Ora oil 10c package rt' 1 GREY'S Now Book Jett roddleterd 41.0 THE LAST MAN" Now en We AUBURN **moos Club boa Its regular last. Tuesday. /gm McKenzie, of Heneen, visited Int Mater. Mra. Stratighon, the .10tnaer rola thla week. r. binhile of the Northwerit accom- hy hio family are visiting * this neighborhood at present hn Medd shipped a tallow' of • Tuesday to Toronto. These lead ot' cattle .trorn the Wed, IOW' kb.. Medd bought last rail. • ,111r.ilohn Wilsen Was in Dungannan iloakweekaintitIng the West Wirivanosb boarauste hooks. He has Perfotnied *so *Oy for ever thirty years, Ile ialtaaakt, Abet the company has had .0 - coy oviccessful year. he ev. Dr.Catupbell, et Dungan. slinto preach anniversary, serviceo itit the tresbyterian amnia neat ditabAboth roorutng ane evening. You, kiliaparraningthere wIR In i. Ta zaeet. atmobeit and the resident Alla will be the speakers* urs. Pr, anopbell ot Dungannon will be the oloniar, Miss Deccan, villetler, and ilfr. Illoimor McGee, sollet. A general tu- iiraties ko extended to 0111 old People ollholoava the fifty Wars and children oforter. . • ire are cuthing rapid progress at omeresitk . Our Men Inc busy taking Arartoto In. agriculture, how to kill antatiaerfallowing, klIIIng *hos la' well rooted in thth is morality is to the ideas into practice. The sUc Bolance class la also welt nillonalle*. One or the young students avrefted *put tile theory into practice. *Atom eareful, norusal of the formula everything welt followed closely accord. Mg ea the preacribed form but the nook -am nut have the dellghtful •egteepostaa antitipated. A ceulae tvaIntsnce was. larited to partake of tee areatietem. Tb• IF/Who! took ot me 4,1cautUnre,-ii C.--tc.i' to.bost pm ( t 1.0tatt C,c.ftet. A lulu:nil ateificallier eet baiter tlzy..1 zees-ea:are before the ctiiiits,ino 4 iVallta Mate the etteck. enneeee...e.......... COU3ORNZ my eiel Mee A. te 0.: feria leave ee Vale d bow, folio Vida leenile,e3. Tar feminize' Chili lea:peat a i.‘,IP ct glop., fr,ott Steti:lw :Station ilast wean. I1:0,111‘f., Ili Ilr"bittrril a44,1:11103;;IY,„t?nr't04:317r.11iteN-4:tillt" s6vri.5Pliz,- The amine ,peepte of Colatirne are ,eneiattle tii . el:ellen titecT moositieht teglete. elre, 'Woe aliariele ,•if elteleriele eves •ieitiag ber iteemeti a lire. Cifaa Allah 4Nitre'l.%1414' 1itinit Hill ,iiiitrifti a ear of eattze for eepurt. Mr. A. ARM sitlintett two earl,. ,it logrs, . "4r4,, J. II, rfrcitie ittilocuittt 4, ear of emet and i. L'" of ';i :1. oats. Wen a ear of feat wheat. The PeePle lif Cialrerne extend Mee, avocet eeeneatIty to M. end Sfri. 4;h4s, Mitzi and IVinily In their sorrow. Ileg was one of Norte Zion boys and will riot deep lie torgotten, but stliat le our loss 'b' nit. gain. Quilt, a fftw tail friends and aamaint- anree, alit -urea lite funeral id the late John eletemagle which tuolt Place Jan. ilith iron; !beet!. T. IL, tlederlell. to lailborne centettlty. The dereaseil was e 'nether cif Ma la;ina Melemagla an old resilient of -Carlow, new if Totem- ,ftn'he. felleWing .1.4 ilie vaunt of tie S. tf.'17.albtienc; ter - the lean ending fie, 23rii, 1021. Those marked, will; aft asteriel; •wera alieent for one or mere examinations : Mute% 75 per rent.; pass 40 per ilea.N. (Jess: - Kenneth Attila 73: Keith (laniner, 70:7J 4leaee Jewell. 70; 'Caplet eiastelle 05e. Arthur :WAAL, 4).6, iera IV,. -.Erie elatelner. 70e14; Miele eVaredene. 71.8; cutroret .eenstoee,, 7tt;,4;ourtland Hero. fii; leuniee ',orig., 62.• „Ir. INee-Cietette desVell; 73.8: itegele.. Stet:atm, 70.3; ilaiph, Jewell. fart "'revue' Goode. id; elloy aeliAellennee. 03. Jr, IIL--Dor- oat), \Natters, 67; Ross PitrInimea.6.0;1 Mar' aleWlanney. 011e Selticey Niel- ' *donee 483; litazel boot', 325; 4Laverne, 'Fisher. lea Il.e.neelen4anlee 82; Ntine file Ilona, '76. Tile lentor classea, names ill 'order of merit: Jr. IL-- 111meg Phrtmmer. leabel erelielanney. Sr. Ilehnee-Charies liotOton, Harry Silt, Jr. Prinieta-Fraelt Waiters, M- beetVortetonteaitelen Straegtan. •Fena eOcin Edwards, Effie Jewell, Myrtle' Phelifentea -itivele Anode. __h3ert...111e4 redo', Cordon, .FIsher. "Tote) enroll - ;merit 36; Averaer attendanee- 32. Vit)Lliele, leibleATRICK, 'readier. • • • Goororcti TOWIVSH1P A` meeting of the Alexarnira Iloepilat lielpere Will he tete at -the home of aire. .41ao. Andreevs.' Ilaylield litcad. Goileeleh tovicaship. on Thursday. Jan. 1901, at 2:30 p. m, A ;mated, levitation h; eetended to all. . ;The .41.oderieli Townehip Verniers' 'Club will lield a Meeting At tile ta'allge Hell. itie eon., .00 'Wednesday evening. Jan. 18th. A debate -"Which le the more profitable, beef 'cattle .or dale)" rattle?" is -the Chief feature of Ilia pregame .EVereone Is 'invited. 'STANLEY iov-iraup 'NW are gilt' to reacire that air: Ilitee *elk Taylor has reentered frema a sia veree illness, • • - 1. :. ;tie. Peter ...McGee es stiffertrile from Meilen arm, but We heme lie Will oti be uround again, . eta. Len Talbot met eitse. Eather• pent Sttinlay last at tIm tepee at 51e. filten Jain -tick. iif 'Me Goshen line. . Quite a.nutither of this section at - ended the imolai on the ejositen Line n Friday evening last. Arr. W. Ir. Talbot, Of the Sauble Line Irma laid up, 'tient o.„ sore tack, 0)1 SP hope he will soon. be around i.1II. 0 HINER *Array of Witter •Otts for ALF-PRIC so bat bive bten spec. m onc own work, or bao beau selected r stoek. ate .Clevertr. desift od made °Velvet, Felt ..etyn with trimming ers, mounts and pins. Friday sad Saturday Miss Madicar KINGSTON STREET 1) $ou d Advice hi Fre And fan no string to it 1 tt is a service of insur- ance men who know wur business as this egertcy deo. NVES MUTE' -then INSUR 4ot enly wund, liberal �Ikes. but added exper , prevention advice i eyed you by the Hart, rd Fire Insurance Com, E. H. HILL & Co. Seen* of ma* ow COMM.! MAX , DUNGANNON CHURCHES IR DARKNESS ethedisia and Anonym's Dentided Gas Plant- tor Light -Witt Not He Installed Attain. • Ur. 'and Mrs. Thomas .tenille are one to Port Milan. fortlfe winter, %vbi'ta -they will elslt their, Sen. WM. THE LATE • - IJtb lticAsrtIcti Nalt‘r ui tolibitoralt in lbw 91:4 !Via' :11,11T.T415 of tee 14,4. 10,414'ti,ittt ceelea ee ea Weilneecte. tee ite Tee wallre wee al/elk:au meg pie. venten ai-ape7 feein etterehen eel-- eleee ;Vet titane.seeted wee b..en teem Tho vuviieo la Va. leeee 41411- 1awaP01 at 1.3e to. tn. Mr5 swab fella; ;In fated eteee ,ittnLi turr mot ---ezslieo St,vt1.€ 114i," TW,kr, it ea 11. Reel,, ewe. a, tame aq,been EV(111114 1)31111"13 eateilleteeee "1, gria feught the gam fight, 1 taw little -belt my 0,01,4," 'Me entire 'i 1811&' etewe with 41"V ragret•-tlie p; teeing Or 014 Sgla 111344 Car'o tEl ht4t tafr Wig 1I81I4I!i lint tie graitcat regivel and Janda,' thought. Anu ,Siarean .Dmitt Wai born in Edinburgh. Seetatiliti aver ninety yeare egO. Mel she lived unti the viartt or Money, itent, she weed have been el years of ege, but 11 •was not to be 00. for juet befere the eall ?fear paoltr,1 out. her quiet spirit dee parted. Tto elereaSed, wee brefreht aver to Canada when about two reeve iof .41P, by her parents, whet settled dOven tt atarkliene 3114 ellitleitte or Toronto. Sho eves married to Henry Dade siety-eight y•eara aen. and Or many years these two botIle3 with one Russ susiE loBLE soul 'live 'happily together: Ma. Dodds will be remembered for the act- iuterest with be -took in Nile church and comniunIty In. itie days long one •eirs. Hotta aiway heartily 1trentetalsearenerefeWeeeeannevevetaareesee *ported her husband and ehildren In every good and worthy object. atm was amenaber. _•ef the afelhocifse. church almost all • lier llre. Tilert* were live children In the family, mile three a wheat remain today. minielye Mr. Sneed. of Goderlehe ales. Lewis Taylor. of Nile. and William. cif Nile. To. theseand to a whomanta we extend our deepest sympathy. Nile Correspondent 114ortilizes o • Current Evente Ms announced last week • the pastor rondueled services each /*an Jost week, beginning...with Now "feared Day. Winter weather preverde mane front' attending 'eervicea -held at night, but those who 'attended tlw. services men - Gomel del not make the effort hi vain. wes.. Is able to move about . again,- for Wittell her friceds are deeply arateful. , . And oo the ejeetions- cameoff and the- new eouncils 11111 soon Im aasurra hag • their offices. en. think flint the formers are ujstlfled 10 PreteetIng a - phut thidne-etaxationiees -the Israel- ites or old were jestifled In protesting against iliesame evil under Bebe, jbleann noel' we itope that- the new council will be able to reduce taxation Gild. at tile same time give us good roads. etc. hut, andehowever. Dever- theless, farmers will not be 'mean and selfish, nor even party in tbeir •polle ties.. No. We sincerely Congratulate fee winners and as sincerely eympae thin with The losers. To be able. to. - W MANY BEANS RE IN THE JAR Stiodoni Patties lit the gue*sing contaali which cloFied on Monday everting, actual count a the licanS in the jar oilaw- vd a total a Th* nearest gUeli$wn that of Mrs, L 3. raltridge 1711; the second closest Aft's. E. 3. Farr, i725. Winter Coats All Winter Coats must .be clear. ea quickly.. Every Coat mark- ed down 33M to 5096. All this Season's make. Be sure and see them. air. and Mrs. Cobb, eft Sasaateliewana., re Viettillg At .,:ttra. 401Y11 Barkley's. Nriss, Edna Pentland lett .last Tues- day to lake charge of a Seliool .near Thorold. • The :Methodist and Anielleau eliureh- ‘ are bp legatos:I it for lights. as they Mended tin ehe gas plantullieli will net be .11181311N (Again. The Methodist choir intend tolding (*enem't in" the basement Of the ehurelt on atonliay eVeattlit. Jan. 23r0. A good program le Wittig tireperetl. !Lyre 'Matthews. of Nile, visited Mends ill tate atiere noon. . 'Mem ig Food open ale eleatirat round item Just now. • Chester Durnin went through the leo On the elefn .arld gOt a cold dip. ,I1latri01. ()range linips .inet In the. teraege itall on Tneeilay afternoon, With c.t good attendant". .At n' nu -cling bf the *congregation in St. Miura Tuesday evening, Mr. 47. II. Brown was eleetcd people's war - deo, to convect' rritnnins SmIlley. slain has gonef to Port Arthur. Tito gn- anees of the eluirell were investigatiel end a balanre slioeveil after reevetal subscriptions bail been rceeived. lete 411eleiet ledge of the einem, .19- 9opiatiott lukl its rcgular melding horii Ttvillay afternoon. . 'Mts. CIL 11. Campbell bas r,hturned mine trona a to TOrOntto. niargaret AieNabb has garli‘ bu1 to Zlov f;eliool In 'Whitby. A number of yt,atifor ropto from bete went to WO an ote-trient play in teut,. new this week. atreeitetteldial is eeatillet tier anted". T. lite. Ileaereou. thi ticeefeber elle the lee -penal II. 11 Mon. a Roman tWtiolte iirtrea Neet. revel iiina rit-% atint of. I.:nailed at f1.linies*, rotntleal. Mi Brown It54 xerhintrat nepoq- ;; ton at the telephumh otter, h are pteosed to near that M. t_ 4ifeAllister li ((web improved In hateve Bo this >vow on yore J. T. FELL continue in tareat eseitement .prevalls over thine- eipal rnaVter. It Is as it should be for even if a man be not Interested I the personnel of the .eandidates tor ele ought le dialaterested in the taxes which are leviedaupon ,bleneelt and in tiornenunity iinproveineuls, PORTER'S HILL ' ide4altitirs; Fred ,eurtigo. glen/ Sunday at Jas, alarrieoneia Mr. Will *Interns, local merchant, has returned from a trip to Toronto. ndiss Jessie lateDouatill vlsIted her uncle, Alm aforgana in Cenlerieh mete Mr, Wallace .l'lletiougall, is une ate ter spending tho ilehing eatieln in Pert Stanley, S. S. No. 8, commenced tee duties on ealiss efeDoeeld, the am tfacher for Wednesday. ' • • 'Mr; Douglas Alepougatt, the village blacksmith, was .n Toronto recently en et vielt, • Ste. and Moe, Peter ;McDougall spent New Year's week at Surieblue visiting Mr. Jas, Iluesel; . - Misses Marlon McDougall and Freda Sturdy have returned home after vis- iting at the home tit atr. Fred Morgue, at Stanley. • Mr. Albert Harrison and son, Hen. nett', epeet 'New Yearat his broth teat eteeeae.eue emote and voile wale neat, spent leew Year s at the tome of le to In. manlY, ond to be inertly, is his 'brothel; James.u. Harrison, Kirk - tee next 'step to being 'cavil*. ten. • Winter has .roMe, but let is be as Mr. Ernie Vanderburgh spent New yeara with. his brother, Wes,'N'auder- cold and stormy as it may. there is nothing so cold as Ingratitude or burgh, at leinearaine. We understand thoughtlese bearing in human rolat- bWt!eteishaaoswhieunentiriolvtinN6vitnhiceetp.ondlcitis, lonshipa. . Me of the most beautiful things we - see at Nile le the love ;did regard . Ahlumi. THE CHURCHES winch aged' patents receive froht their children. Surely the eitildren shall Bev. 'Canon loolheringilam,nI not be forgotten by HMI who said. Brantford, a former. rector (Mat, Geer - 'Honor thy father anti illy mother, aeia, rituren, wilt give ' a lecture • in that the ilaYS may be long he the land Goderieh some time In January un - winch' •the Lord, Th v (,od shial give der the aueplces of the Girls' thee." t Dapthst Chureh, Zan. 15: -Bev. C. Mr. .3 N. Jackson returned to Tor- W. Dewey ql Willsouburg wihl preach (onto LIniversIty last Tmeedey, -seitere at both services, 11 a. in and 7 p.m. to is pursuing tbe. course In medicine. Bible school 3 p.m, Monday, 8 p. m. - B. Sulnect:-"The goal of thateptied for last week). India." Wednesday 8 p. m. prayer • Mi. and airs. Harvey Pentlamil re- service* tamed, to Toronto on Mandan; the Victoria St -Methodist elverch; Rev. "etell'hen a man doesn't work, elOW can • J. le Hee-craft, easter. SubJeots for Sunday, Jan. ieth: Morning , "The Village Tragedy;" evenfna, elm second be rest? There Is at least one reward ot a series of sermons- on the Ten for honest toil; tie can rest. The Girlie Guild met at the home of 1:In 1°tliantl("nts*. "all° it;°(1-n echool at 3 p. m. • Sterday eire deo, etutiedge .on Thursday. beina The services in Knox Church .,next ttinerelgueltis i).,• ...'!!lule"18,11,t1,1".", Sabbath, will be eculdneted by the ersenes .-04 stir. 40Sepo uotoor- master. subjects IA -same's, 11 A. 1135t1311° and 'di" aretegion‘v111..bem flab in series on The Character mad to %now that ho is.keeping• falrly end outer of Joseph -";meows even, ' Temptations," 71). m. "Things New Mrs: lames Oliver entertained a andOld." Sabbath wheel and Bible number ot friends from Stratford ..on classes at 8 o'clock. • . • Christmas eve end weal:ear:tie/a with the regular. nal:alai of the Arena. them Mr a short varatiob on 118'.2601. me% Non ea. hem memo lecture room • ale. Jetties, Who is steying at the of Knox eburch on -Mendelr evening, borne of James McWhinneyon the Jae. Nth, at a P. te. ellarp. All mem- Share. One,. Is quietly and -happily pas- leers Are eireestlY requested to be sing his time. Ills bean la fairly present, at eveiting, will be in gOott. • . • charge 'Of . F. eaunclees and Mrs. When The Dominion elections are S. A. MacDonald. . over, and the- mtifficipel elections ere Owingto an amendment lo the ran.. passed, what will the ladies and FM- on, passed at at last meeting of the Omen do to mate 'us (poor eitizees) diecesati reeved, the date for the hold. stand aghast. ' • • • Inge of annual vestry meetings Is Ne•e tope that the 'best bestnese and clienged front Easter Manclity to eitli- rommunity men. two been., omen,. el' the third :dentine- or the third and that theyawIll give the maximum TuesdaY•in •eaelt•Trave:and lia.Areetel- if. public service at a minimum • of Mice -taith this chan8e. the annual east, cenalatent with enieleney. vestry and congregational meetinge• of . arry glea8an.tevening m.as. passed,.;1".eOre,T.ai..eitit)ittirtell. will he held on at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. William -""--i" Ftuntgaie of ittie end eon. of ...Aehiletil elate annual meeting ef lamx &mile On 'Thursday, 011, 291b, witen Mr. PM- choir was held on Friday evening last, higait entertained ioPlaS14 'of hovs when The fallowing 'eilleers wee" an - pointed: lionotery presidents, Mr. J. P. Hume and Miss Rate Watson: Pre- sident, MN. Frani; Saunderst vire pre- sident. Mr. J. II. Marshall; seeretary.• elre. 'A. Tityttirt ereastiret. Me. liege Willi:ens: librarians, 5ire. MacKay and errs. C.:interim: gown eomfultier, Mrs. Thompson and 1SIes, Donaldson; euelat aornmittee-Mta. MacKay, 3118s Hume, StisS Beleitee. Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Wil- son. :thee Nairn, Mee. Dunlop met Mrs Mittel. • In the absenee from town last Sun- day eie Mr. KV:Won, organist one 'eboir director et Knox Church, etre. J. 0.• annieron tad lemma of the'neusice and 'tave. geed satistaetion. At the 'mooing ,SePvice. in aadttion to the lienme and organ ninnbere there vas a duet, In the Garden'guAirt by Ma end Mi51'. Beim% mei tact an. them. "J'esue Levee of Me eon)," goose, cote by Mrs. le ikinuilere. At thil• Oliepitop• GeV:JCS the eluvial num- bers wore the authemellatat ThOU at Kriewne" Monger. solos by Mee P. Faundeea and Mr, Belcher: and a gnat. tette,' "Pee Away," Batiste. be Mn. .„eltatielere, Ates. MacRae. Mrs, Dunlop aril Mese theater. and a. few friends. MP. anti Mrs. nigan Malte• Ideal" host -and hostess.' Galilee, fun, 'feastingnainging and title .family altar, made up a most 08115111- 1»1 program, slut all went away "tape py. Mr. Fluniganet example la ?worth following, and the blies glOWell their appreciation, which was CSPPESSed by te vote of Menke,unwed by llobert itetiteringteie SoCOIldestby Mal. MC- 4,:ano amt pot by lite pre-qt,iont or. tint etas. ilottePt The .tmoner Meet eultably reldieite . The annual nwi7ito of the' eleelors tit Schaaf Seetion neon •Sellool Nii. 1. eine teal en .the sebool mem on Wed. nesely. Decent -live, teeth, at. 10 a. m. ientortnitately lite atterelanee leap. net very large. We eay unforamatela. foe it the patents ef the sehool diadem * not intereet Etentselves 18 „the settee!. 1041 per cent. ciffeleace /in s.eltoolt ntae 1impesalete. flow -ever theta were, besides . t18. trustees, a few interested 4-frnes. leen, It. 'was appelated to elte alaill 'Mr. floss .Taylor was appeinted seere. tar -Fl the ;Melina. The -ecerelara. re:teener then awe tie repeat. which *lowed eta •a,tti'r paying tim CMG Salarrt minus 1!!, auperannua- tten, and meetina ottitr dentsluts, a substanted .eradit batattee. V.38 hitt. 1hnreP0rt et the atelitors .colitirtelea the fixates of the trieteueer. These reports .wero tirioninioplY adoPhl. Mr. Andrew iNfIlwain 'was neelectel sieliter for the etcetera. W. Jamee 07. Fellott, who 41a5; held the t; Atuitcte tor /We yeara, Okla rentkr. cd exeellent serviete wee melte-eat t - I eiee unanincoods, !Obi. ,,ni,iTtry- !!:Met tstilisetiSsion or eelieol matter; the• 'teatime eitemiroed, 14A Pine,It 01 aCtled Sedien fat Vac, Dist S'ex', tyro! Us, fit Elliott, 3. 10. 1' tttn1 ;00-Alev. P. Sheppard tete. 'rola% etesteeeit ,Aertiew *land% •atelitee, eteted thy eirctotsz 104..s onneel meeting of (z1turelmOthall'S at St. George' ;hurtle mate bola on Tuesiley after - roan. When the following offieere S' appeinted fee the 411suinSt Pa?: Pr.'sktent. Mts. 'Mr: 1. 'torten: flan %ice presideot, Mae. Ilutnin: eeemze vice presidoein Mi'. &Ikea" seeretare. NANO; tT-,nsurPr. Thntala3 fir,ma: mottle.e. Mtk4. SturdY anti Mitrat Psrk, 1711, titeld 5;ne,7, ttto let of November. I/30. when filo riev steant heating. ay-stoni 1,i,a9 put fin, bee ral4A1 and paid fkin Brit' pledge e *KM prontNeti towarflA the ea4 PE, he•dEnt. Tito, fhaltd Vit.; I.F.'ht fete nee* eantributal 11541 plv tofeet eleetrie tine PlIroti in tho two of Po Vane' Viet quIttrp. teeMPt1 tho pot Fmir t taVI tith*11. d!,thtittiemtlit, 101.10..06. Serge Dresses Every Serge Dress at $26.50. They ranged in price from $35.00 to $50.00, to clear quickly, $26.50. Hosiery for Saturday Only Men's Heavy Grey Wool Sox, 49c. Special value Boys' Heavy All -Wool Stockings, all sizes, 9804 Ladies' White Cashmere Hose,all.sizes, rig. 90c., for 69ce Phones Store 86 Resedinee130 • Colborne 8 "MR HOUSE OF QUALIIT " 7); &A. Corsets 1:2010300610anagiOnera*Cleallarlearlarlan' =OM Noetti St. '• Methodist Servieee next Sunday Will he as Macaw: 10 a. tatoi•tes, Afelfs Glob allti Mission' Bann. 'rile dub toraa, allow to melte the Most at ilfe?" will be introdtieed Mr. J. Sefferson. artunpastorle morn lug them: will be, "Sins of the Ton goo;" evening, "Complete, in Christ." Saturday, lath, the attestor' Band will give enticed in the school ioom Iron' 3 to 4 p tn. after whieh refresh mentsNVIit be served a la carte. Th concert Admission 18 fleteen cents. On Monday evening the Golden Link ilible Claes will hold 'its annual ban 'cruet andaeleetion of oftleers. Suedae School exeoutive and 111Juttior Adult, Bible Class ttket guest's. ' The Epvitorth League meting o Tuesday evening' will be In elear,ge 0 the. literary coMmittee. The youu niarteed' people of the church will li guests o.t• the Leegue. beat from.Buffalo, JIc, was a member ilanue aouneer on, Nealfrell, a short of the Anglican Chutob and tbe funeral time aga*WaS a severe blow to him. Reeve:xi was conductedby the rector, eirs elder SOU, Hayden. %mews, Bov, S. S. Hardy.. His H60004 wire • '---'..e I • who servives bine, being e legman A poor' mare cm'[ auOrtl 111.t, .0bul. CatitOlie, the bell of St. Peter's Church. he van get InArried• - ania was tono4,..aa:tbe funeral pm- aniarolormositios cession moved aft out of respect for; the deceased, to wham neve Fathee einem made reference the following Sunday atZa an a just tnaue respected, and toe whose example might well be followed. Mrs. MO. Cullough, of Kincardine, COUOill Ot Mrs, Simplon -4's, was here for the funeral. Capt.Shephreed was a member of_the Afatainki Order and the funeral which paiNETO0C10110tiltief PleW sit rut owl moo 51 siege. WOO. traelientias Ittemseb• "Night s. r took place on Felday, Dec. 80th, was under Masonic • auspiees, the Tuli- n bearers being Messrs. O. L Parsons, f John eellatt. Sheriff Ileynoida. Capt. g E. Hohnisoin F. E. Lawrence and Judge Lewis.o As already ;mentioned,- Capt. filiephard was married twice, his he wife being Miss Emily Aliddiettne oh Bayneld. A family of three aaughtete and one Son Survives, NM. Mersa Gattow, et town; ar.s, E. V. Campion, OBITUARY ' Year's day brougtit sorrow to the family of rar. and Mrs. Chas. Copp, of town, it the death ot their fifteen -year -add son, Williato• Copp, lett had been 111 for a fortnight with taphold fever. He hail. been era, plOyC<It for iotue time at the Organ Factory.' Besides his parents, One sister, Verse at home, and four married sisters survive. The funeral was he me Tuesday, Zan, ard, te Clintou cemetery, the settee& being conducted by Bev, J. F. Beycratt. ORN'DERSON.-erhe deah took .plece la -Detroit on Wednesdaze, ,lane Atte of Stewart, widow of the late Alex. Henderson, tormerla of Sanford, thebody being' _brought eo Gotteriet for interment in lite Colborne eeme- iteky, and ehe futieral taking' piaee from the residence of the dereased's on, air. A. Henderson 'Cambria road, lest Friday. Re'r. AirDerned conducted thc eervicen and the pall - bearern were Messrs. MIA. Simorele Wm, Daw, Thos. Anderson and Peter 'llaawan ,Airs. Henderson was born in Scotland 75 yeare ago andecame a eitild of 9 yeatee to Goderich with bee parents, and Goderich and, MAC- prricilacitle.talr eillve"rilaasin1.3cee71 Mr. Wm. 411°Vrnme. Ste•ivert. Godenfell; 31r. ()has. ateevart, of •Manielique, Mkt.. mad a ma.rried sister In atanistIque, are the surtivina members of the family, and Airs. Hen- derson leaves two sone and two daugleters, A. Henderson, of town; John; or Detroit; Mrs. anima, tot Tor- onto, and airs -Cullen. of Detroit. Mr. Hendon -son -predeceased his wife by a- bout eixteen yeare The sans and daughters with (heir lite partners were al/ ilisrO for the funeral. • Bretainenre-As noted at the time one of Goderichaa most blignli reepeeteel citizens passed to hie reward on .5fola. ay. Dec. 26th, 111 tbe death of Capt. A. M. feheohard. Capt. Shepbard had been a reatderit of Geilerich &Mee he was twelve yeaka of age and all his life bad followed the vocation ot a sailor, beginning les career the year Atter Co011ag tO Goderich. Ile was one of the best known criptaine on the lakes mad when he retirett eight years, ago he was in coreirnand of an Amotican of Naayintre, Sask.; Mete T. L. Vase, of Fiske, Sask.; and Me. Fredeaheie hard, of town. His second,,leefe was formerly Miss Stuldie Incleay, of Goaerice. WILLIA 31S.-Ootlerte1i resiildnts, who had the pleaeure,ef meeting U. el ie. Williams, former manager for many years of ibeGaderich Demme of the Canadian peak 0.0yrinneree. for some time laet summer, and vele) nded thOW Innen improved in health he seemed before he left on tie return to Toronto, were 'surprised at the neves ot his ?teeth en Wednesday. Jan. 4th. Mr., Williams while a resi- dent 'of aloderieh took a very Active Interest in. The affairs of •the -town. For years Tie was president of the old hoard of Trate, in the days when twat or three. entiae men did most cat the business, and is .one of those to Whom Coderlet owes A good deal for the , etimulating Of a slairit of progress A. L. COLE leeeSight Speelallet OPternetrlet An honor graduate .of the 'Canadian Ophthalmic College Toronto, Ontario. Eves osamined by the most seientific methods. . „ Our Motto ia "Senior Masonic Temple Ooderleb. Phone 13 ontatin ot.o 'nut SOCIAL DANCE all the MASONIC HALL FridaYanfotery, 13th 'coninteethog eta o'clock '1tnieMa4 Dueell tie by the &embalm Oreheet AtIndiolort. 1St per *red& lEattegtodiee, 1St Vloor litaaager. T. linranan Committee; A. Matta( A. lieGrreetv Nor was it alone In :bluffness matters that lie heterested himself. eves mie, of the tountlers'of tee work or the Children's Aid Soelety 18 Goderieli and of elle Humane Braiaeh and WAS (me ,of the steady supporters. And in the work et t. 01()r10'8 chureh he took aanretive part In efficial Pesitioa and in' giving hie obility in.ariy way. Since Jeaving Goderiet Air. :Williams haft relieved in a number of plaeee le the bank' service and latterly was eetired on trape.rannuallon from the Dank he served so long. The ree mains were brought to Goaerich and the funeral services of the Anglican ebordi were held on Tttursday after- noon in St. tleorge's eburele Ile.v,.S. S. 'lardy concluded the services axed the organist' and Cholrewere in their lances :to assist in the rendering of the ealemn eerviee. Quite a number of old -Hine friends and eseeciates WPre ptyont at the church aervlecs, not Pallbearers were :tresses. F. le Law- reneei Sheriff Marlentaid, W. Lane. 'C. S. J. :Nand and K. E. Naftel. MPS. Wililatris anti 'Mies Ethel Williams Were up front Tomato for the funeral. The death of Mr. Wil. ,SforpyourliOos WeiteforP Cartipala_ ilhafattestsweligeelleasieldelitaiteeloise trihroidery and Crocheting aro die order a the day, We carry eveferehing in Stan -Med Goods, tnahroineey Saks Threads and Beads.. Start the Xew Year'hY be- ginning ,s nice piece of farms' -work. Lessons free. „ s-jirt-utlifB „, *ant 1St* Slime 191 OICZEW (On A Great Opportunity 1 to get bargains iri Efoueeliold Effects at . .06 HAROPILACKSTOMES, FURNITURE EXCHANGE, WOrSt 021 lb° BtodaVary 01Goderieli g • .14 are foie yourseit the monese 0 saving apportrinttlea in household ••• effects. Tids is your etore„. 0 Every day 18 bargain (etc 'here. ftax0t..,,----,..(01zyrazz==1 DON'T LET YOUR. HEALTH SUFFER because your feet are not proper- ly cared for, but clothe them in the right hind or footwear to en- sure warmth and comfort during the period when King Frost is trying to get aquainted. Our stock of Felt Shoes, Moccas- ins, Spats and Leggings, Heavy Sax and Rubbers are all that could be desired and our prices are right, all the time. AN'S SHOE STORE HE HOME OP GOOD VALUES