HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-12, Page 7• itsath. £t). Otte IW,. Nor ONE WOMAN IN TWENTY HAS A STRONG SACK Nu woman can be strong awl bestiary sakes foetidness ere aria The resew is that tee Lioness are to blame. rine *KS out f f ten, for that weaa. lame sad aching asea, tress %%leak they sul- ks so much. ',Niue you find your talueys out of 1 tre'dereshen your lack arias end pains said gives you endless *natty. ern yea leave to do is take*, few 1 xes ia Lean's ik Xidoev Pills. awl you a' find that all the aches and pains will vs le and make ,you healthy end hepay. and able tei en- joy, life to the utmost. Mrs. joint McInnis. Newesatle Bridge. N.B., writesiesalast spring X was so botbesed with my kidneys wail pains in ma bark, I could uot rest cr Sleep at West. A friend ceiling told me abut the benefit Duan's Khmer Pills bad done for her, and advised rr,e to try Them. I only tool: two boxes. and Ivan truthfully say my trouble disappeared and I lame had no trace of •it sittee." , Price, 50e. a boa at all dealers, or mailed direct en receipt of pace by The T. alilbunt Co, Linated, Toronte, Ont. . I WINTER TERN from JAN. 3 • CENTRAL / in? STRATFORD* ONT. . - Western Ontario's beet commer- cial• Selma 'With Commercial, Shorthand and 'Telegraphy. hepart- merits.' We give individual instruc- tion, Irene° "Entrance" standing aot neeessarY. 'Graduates assisted to positionS. Get our free catalo- gue for rates and other •partioulara. A. Mcla&CAILAN. Prinallad• NEWS TINS OF WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred Duties the Week. TM taw wows assaysaassis Owes folly Ceeeptied sod lash tato illeirale bed Atirsethe Shape for the Modem ot Obe Pieper A Solid HOW'S FasjOrnefAt. Pittsburg defeated Galt iateraledi- etes. $ to #7 Ulster niay cense auto au Aleare. hold Union. Prance &WE'S tharges nude b)" Chita liessipu. The Prince of Wales was welcome, ed at Reflation. Kore deaths front ;rioting take place in Belfast Presideet Ebert Ma Germany will hold to demoOraea- Canneii Conference to disensti two reparation eolutione. Dr. J. D. Bissonette of Stirliegla dead, aged about 7Q. Man suspected or raurder 114 Toron- to is the wrong man. Toronto eitse Eicarborea and Pielter- I ing carry radial bylaw*. Prank liarrieitu, Toronto; out - pointed jack Perry. Pittriburg. J. It °ennui% sheriff of Kent for a quarter of a celialaWals dead. 'Bill" Tate was awarded tire deci- , Pion over Harry "Wills on a /out bloetreal Ila,rbor •ComMission eeases to extra after nine years. I. Rea LOwrafes broke the Canadian. 25 yards speed swimmingarecord. "Jimmy" lioereeratt , won the Bloor-lrettruret modified Marathon.. A. man well known in Termini eo- deity is arrested on eho.rge tfraud. Gladys Robinson, Toronto, won the Vetted Stater' ladies* ‘40 yards skat- ingtitle. Two WIMMell were arrested in Via.: aolato in act of holdup identillea as robbers of grocer. 4.hebers Liberals- may 'leek fax the Vestoretien at Xnighthood and otber honors for Canadians. Acetylene plant in North Morning - ton preebterian Chureh blows MS and the caretaker and pastor are in- GRAND TRUNK WsTEA; •3,:ured• •- wEDNisume Improved Train, Service • . _ . BET...E. inirrar kneesoksa.octiritti rales .for sutra if Rtmala and Finland are getting Goderich and Toront 0 ready to tight. Gab leek, Ne. V, 6.00 aas., Div, ex. Sunk Ly. ydr,tes* * 7.45 am,. " ' :: Caleo,go market. / Prince of Wales' visit is a detest liv-Kia 0 " 8.425...*•be :, tor aidian rebels. 4) • - ' ""•01•1 - - Newfoundland will boriues the , Ats T LiaTor •Wiwat dropped 714 cents ,tn the • • " 1035 - • 'building olasertoonerea- - -- Robert Direct won the .2.10 pace at •Dufferin, Park, Toronto. . • Bad whiskey killed 17 people In New York since Christmas. • airiand ot Prance will agree to votalele melee modify reparation Payments hrtt, as Amite, Kingaton barber icebound, trtree weeks earlier than last year. laniverear if Toronto defeated the Agent Harvard hockey. team, e to 1 'Windsor Collegiate Institute boys being trained in first aid work. )• STAR irreeirsTdesiseatiseeit *kW Matte diiir Is to site lbe little einem 0. iPMPO tablets awl thee pre. west eel of the le tablet thethilre anacet. lee Wale thud teaser stems eff pees thowegls the leader beimeti- log pewees, iMelOt beam Inntife" and beim ftemeillige comfort east Pepe 4:014,0114 so sr clime lumashil driwas s its1 ain be givesitesithild(either WIMONtOre111161400•111$60W4010 Math tb4RIPAININMOK, .1 1its benefit. clear the be pesos.. end Onc littlecittrallt *Iht wilt led the little MO 1$ sleep hems- loy coughlag Ste. A Pep 'WM* etiirtleg fee 01001 In beil . weatkee Is Oda* an tayabiable safe, guard Isw the children's threete and chutes All diadem ilk. isms FREE TRIAL . Seed this target., Milne cif piper smile. stamp' ger ester* postage) to Oen Co.* Tarebto and free trial lieekage will be seat Yolie P S • $ Is 1 fi, '116 STOP } (1111.1)S (MU The Bluebird 141-wsher CAI evil sae" sliereessaseren elf the kcal:, WasUaa M.16-* tate market's .WO are saanits. Lighten the dialagere 41mmekeepino with end thois eassarattnieg rraehineS. 5017h €sio labor and pre*erria health and good temper. EDISON MAMA LAMPS • the standard up.tosdate- electric light. We lawe thew. 'Also all lands Eimetrical Goods rov ;louse, tor, oilleo Or workehele. PAU-mates made nua OntrItt!ti taken for ele.etrle miring - and other' electrieal work. A. J. LAITHWAITE ELEPRICAL CONTRACTOR, HAMILTON STREET fer rsourri atria% • A ,professlonal etiecer league is • advocated in. Hamilton. • Peace *Committee is seeking' baste to brealt Irish, deadlock, . • Wet; Langford resigns as Regis- • trar or Vietoria College. • Movement in' St. Thomas to stop "plunapieg" in electione. Pare boas nevi rescued from an ice floe tit the Hedsou river. --QaMaca_Gootwence 'will reduce the German. Oayments in casTi. • - it, Make; Galt pollee magi -stride, •made magistrate for county. Arelite B. faf, cOoig, M. P. for Kent, hat' beesaappiointeds to the Semite, ' soil of the Eera of Athlone May w(" theshetrese to the riu* • Bort Merson re-elected as aresident of• District Trades Connell, Toronto. Inquest reveals black hand work behind killing of Amaro at Toronto. • Wm, Owen. 20. Years et age, hangs himself ,a, barn in Ashfield town- ship. , „„ • Norfolk Teleplione to. and its sub- scribers agree to new schedule aif rates. • . •Use of subs against commerce hips banned by Washington COn- • ference. 1)i, B. Campbell., Atexoodra Bay. dies Saone' 24 hours after his second 'marriage. • Trustee Doublers is unanimous choice as chairman of the Tionoto Beard of Edueation. Chicago bandits murder bank Kee,: Mein' Witlicrtit eying chance rift life; capture $12,000 'oat, ° Leaden. •Builders' Exchange will' asks unions for Voluntary wages re - •duction to stimulate work. .• Mrs. Mara.'iann MacAuleya dough - ter of an Indian chief, died at Kam - amnia B.O., aged 11() years. • m No, 37. 6.10 p.401y. ex. Siuulay p.m.. • 8.11 p,new, " •' Iv. KWh." • Ly. &retied, 4 Ar.Goderide " 10. Buffet -parlor carasafirst ia each cihaction. Entir• tufa rues F. P. LAWRIENC0 ''Own Passenger end Ticket, Theme P 4 s How. the Udder of a valuable cow wa$ saved . •Chas X. Reese*. ol Chtboynt Point: Yarmouth, N.S. writes:- patent experience in -reilairning of *Induct& cow's udder kaitjjeinen- what. wassuppoted to be a lost scction Ideated again the ttat *lath of D,inatd's Liniment. 1 C14 MOILItnend it in the hightat team toad who have , * herd of cow*, "For Yen.1 have never considered my householdeck c Ade Without a hook of hnkard'e, °ITil'Or burns. bruise*. Sneak,. frostbiter.orchilidainsitexcelL 0 And I knew of so better remedy for a semis cell "I OA* t am safe insolpg that ansang " all the went' rnedfpner there is none Veletill is large a,fitld 01 tirefsdnert tdeen Idinard's Liniment. A teal Wan -Gaud for 1%6 and Pave: 11114 AR 0" S LINIM E. I. Varmoue104S. • 8 CANADA 'BUSINESS; COLLEGE • SIRATFORD Phone 12G BO tOti KNOW • That we heve Lower cost Of Tul. tion. That we have *Wider Range of Sun,. Jed& • Thet we Have Courtesy combined With. Servka • , abitelitere are, just one-half is • many lessons in Gregg Short- • hitild ae in Pitmannici • That Tvelittleth Gesture BoOkkeeta In tit fifteen years Newsa • than riedietoish . , That we have, twenty..Bye young people suceessifully taking emir- Ses by MG? • , atoms , Gregg Shorthand • . Twentieth Century Bookkeeping Vouch• Typewriting Pitmannie Shorthand McIntosh Bookkeeping Seereterial Vocal and Plano Mush, '111ITION IS $i3,00 PErt MONTH • Typewriters tor rent or tale. LOREN tawny. Prt'p. Argonauts defeated the . Granite seniors, 7 to, 4, in au 0. H. .4.*: fixture. Rev. Alex. White, Baptist pastor at itenfre'w, dies after a 'week's illness. A coroner's jury at roronto passes g . censureon police of countY. It Sltfot, pastor or Knox. Presbeterian Church, IVIldiand, drops dead.. , • • Two aviators were killed at Pen- sacola,. Fla., when their *plane crash- ed' to earth. s' • Ontario's population 18 2.020404, growth. of . 401,762, or 1549 aer cent.. in ten years.• Dr. A. W. "Wakefield,. of Lake Megantic, Que., to join Britielialouut Everest mtpedition. • • Increased taxes on liquor passed to public by Ontario .dispensariere The price of 'whiskey goes Bp. • rive were 'redly hurt and oeveral others were injured in, an .aatto-bus masa, oe the Torontd-Itamiltoa high- Seiren survivors of the crew Ofthe fishing schooner , Rene Deemer's, of St Pierre, Nada *Were .picked up bY • U. S. steelier Hudson. • • • • . • ,Ledies Mary and Elizabeth Byng, grandnieces of the GoverninaGefteral, operated the press which Made the Met two Canadian nickels. • • ' OtS401106$506.16.180 T sliVARTS. • I s ,loar I' .urvery and Hack Stables • Moistoestl Street just off the Squere 41Ales. Besse* Meet all Trate* aod MOO Pesesotera felled far le gay beet et the Wei ter sti tones at S. T. R. or C. P. It. lilipete. Prompt Service and Caretid Attetsciance.i. Sr Lhery sad Sock hertrice will be footed tip•Pridete 1* *Wiry resect. Ass.Sis. Mar Patteriele SWART8 Mese 107 Meeltessi Street , • , lialbiiwrmat, 1311:YRSDAY. • • HamiltOn defeated CanadienS kY 4 to 2. •• • St. 1$0,tri9k's beat Ottawa Senators, to -2. " Prestert intermediates defeated Ayr, 5 to 2. An ice bridge has formed ,below atiegata Palle. ' • High prohibition officials ;weaset of liquor plot. Experts finish work at WaShingion • on naval terms. .• • Arnie littileY6 nearing: Moe; plea - 7 eesslon soon. •' • •Sugar drops half a cent a Pound in wholesale market. • Province of Ontario borrows $15,- 000,000 New York. • - • De • Valera moves proposals aa amendment to treaty. • Partiee in. Great Britain are lining mei trade. 'up for general elections.- Niagara District Grape Grewers, • Ethibition at Toronto of Canadian- Ltd., made groins" turnover of $892, - made toys plapned for next month. 20e itt 1921, • William Young, veteran C. P. It •New Brunswick to isaile $1•000,- • employe, dies !suddenly at Renfrew. 1 000 bonds for Hydro devellipment • Hon. E. Lapointe denies story that and highwaYa • Quebec Liberals desire reissuitnee of Archbishop Thorneioe of Algoma titles. highly honored op 25th anniversary Preventive officers locitte place of Consecration. where they believe stile' were manta Jena Interpational, Commission re- factUred. commends building of St. Lawrence °Imre/Imbuing majority against 'waterway. aemena-a ministers being Voted by Galt intermediates, Ontario charia, Methodists. )The• death occurred en Dee. :1st at the residenee. of her MeV. Mrs. Ilia - Vi. Orediton. of a former well-thown • resident of Exeter, In the person of •ains. Martha a'etit, in her 'Stith year. Born hi Olid London, the came to Can- " • Pour persons were Burt while coasting on High ark (Toronto) slide, - - ' sLaber eonvention, may •thane whole political orgartizetiou of tue movement.' • Judge Landis hes made an *Mend meat' to the major -•minor draft •agreemeat • . St, Patrick's defeated Hananten. 5 to 2, and are tied for the N, 11. leederahas. ss _ •- Palling in front of 254 Zan' street, Torouto, .ort Saturday eight, Miss JennialGreer fractured iter leg, WINTER WEATHER. trou-tir,nroNE Our Canadian mAnters are exceeding- ly bard mt. lite itcalth of 'little ones. The weather is often so seVere that the mother canna lakb the tittle one out for an airing. Tire eousequenee is that baby is connned to overheated badly ventilat0" rooms; take% cold's •and loceornefs cross and pecvislt. Ba hy's Own Tablets should bo• given to keep. the tittle one healthy. They are a mild laxative. which regulate the stomach boWels and thus,prevent colds, "lbw Tablets are •saki by raedi- cite dealers or hYs mati .it '2'4 cents a • box. from The Dr. Williams' :Medicine =I C1111111 IIIUWIIII o., Breicaville, (int. • sif you must have wrinales„ get them .from laughleg. • • . • A Trip at This Stasa* ts cuiev.blIn A' son ars atria sasar ear Li lit getel esettlea id fire,t 1.tat4 MEW,: fag' ittrti fr:ii.4 few as, It up. '• Wee tY)t itO,N, Ili fAerteictl It Flu- :. ife70 1001 fOati, rig...IN.:1 eassa tear .heit ziatl lest Et out foe yiet: 11 maz7 I 'exert a ii,di&c,?.ms .tmitivoi kialt-1.11:-., • aim grestee onsieive Lite'*. , • . •• We titeleastital sill naive; sale as .. vapert %sera In . , mala as a ehthld and ;waned in *Anton. Sites her Inishamrs death WIWI% oes mined a few years after her marriage. she mined to Eves, where she awe for many years and was well ittee lastly Ames n. Motorist, •' When you lay up your car this Winter what are you going to do with your Battery) Experience has shown us that a Battery that stands all Winter in a run -clown con- dition, depreciates more than in the eight or nine months of Summer use and you know what a season means to you, Why not have it taken care of in a gar age properly heated for the purpose, and where experiencehail -taught us -how to -take- are of Batteries, . • Corike-arouncl-axid7seo.ourItinter.° - quarterS, or give us a call and we will look after the rest. All kinds of Batteries `taken care. of -or repaired, • • T. F. HOLLAND. SATTAITM.Y. • John O'Neill, M.P.P. for SOuth To - 'route, is dead. De Valera resigns Visit Presidency, but has string on it. • Seven thousand armed hooligans said to be in Belfast. • Supreme Connell of Allies calls Economia Confeiance. • Delegates to European rinandial Conferapee to meet in Genosas • Viscount Okdnia. twice Prime Min - later a Japan, dies In Tokio. A boy ort a sleigh ptunges to death Over a, river_beek at Toronto. . Torrnce* assessment has increas- ed1$221,181,878 in ten: years. Argonauts lost to the University of Toronto senior sextet, 12 to 2. New Brunswick Government con- sidering control of liquor sale. . •• Health of the province has shown great improvement during 1921, Skidding automobile crushes wol man to death againot pole at Toronto: . Rev. Francis .Chishohn.,.; veterah Seetirodiet ministers, dies at ',hanks - AUTOMOBILE REPAIR REG. WILLIAM* East *trout Ostoosio Phone WI* wieweasseeseveitieveoweesisetew Have Your car Overhauled 'Novi Then you won't be de layed when :the fisst spring days come and the spring rush is on. • Lhasa taken over the iatr .departiiient THE PEOPLE'S GARAGE YICTORiA STREET and run ready to dotal! Gortna -:•rooalir -work, overhauling • notterie8 stored for the uktr,. tor tuna kept in good 4luttss. . Give IN A Cell L J. BAKER ville. • Louis Philippe Sire's, noted Que- 'bee notary and Laval professor,. is e d . The Western Criteria interscholas- tic•Basketball Assoelation has been store but ifs suftletent to demonetrate torn:led.i•bot just as. soap and hot water Mg. Glen succeeds col. Gordon cleleses, sweetens and freshens the officer comraanding Camp Borden Air ekln, to bot water end litneetorie Phoc. Station. pliatettet on the blood arid internal or - Hamilton contractors pleed to gone. Those who ere eubjeet to con - take discounts to help resferdge nor- stipation, attaeltancid stomach, rheumatie twinges, also those whose gkitt end eoropleaden Pallid. are assured tbat ono emelt et inside bathing will have them bot)r looking and feeling better in every way. HAVE. ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS • A DAISTRY THIS! gays glee* of hot water. with • phosphate before breakfast washes out pelmet, To see the tinge of healthy bloom your face, to See your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up with- out' a headache, backache; coated tongue or. a nasty breath, ins fact to feel /our best, day in and day out, Jett *try inside -bathing everyannt morning for oneNeeek. Before breakfast eachniaVirdrink 11 glass of real hot water with a teaspoen- ful of limestone phosphate in. it as a harmless means of Washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bower the previous day's. Indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetentug and purifying the' entire. alimentary catinf.:before putting more, food intokthe The action el hot 'water and limestone phosphate en an empty stomach is wonderfully• In- vigorating. It cleave out Atll the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives One a. splendid spectate for break* • • wteirRettifd of limestone Arnie elude will Vest very little at the drug Piens, won their first game of the Peace is restored In North Belfast. season froih..Woodsteck,,g to 5. Lenitte's powier in Russia reabrtn- 7110741)A.Y. ed bY Beds. British ' troops to quit Ireland Toronto Separate School Board shortly. may not appoint mentberra to Board The Dial Eireann adopts Angie - of Education. • ., Irish treaty. • Petition by Moderation League in De' Valera resigns Presideney of .Vanitoba asks for reforend UM on Governnient eontrol. The little son of J. X. Kellar of Wilton, tear Kineston, chokes to death on apale peel, Jack Britton van meet Jaek Perry on Jae. '7, for the welterweigat Germans to Cannes. and the mussy mixing at horse. All hamplouship of the world. Genoa Conference to aid trade re- drug storm, sell the reedrtonse product, "Daughters of Empire to give Galt vital In mid - Europe. imprevislly the addition of other legit& kindergarten scholars half pint of Washington Conference bans use ichts, otilea ww/ethfo 8,86 and suipbut milk daily. and note termite. or eoirsen Om in war. Compound"' for about GO cents it bottle. Captain Munro of Nova Scotian John c. mutter, narrate:in, drops It is very popular because nthody ens sehoone: Alexandra, oa through dead while Wiving, discover it 'has been spplied. Simply KY waters to the shore with a late- Woodstoelt, Ont., had ow burslam woistos your comb or * soft brush w-itb rine told saves the trew. tilling the year 1921.it ritd draw this through your hair, tat:- Inunikr. • Recount granted in. Port Arthur- lug one small strand at *time; by morn. Remilton is to hate a tivie golf Xenon 'Oder*, eketion.. . , lag the gray hair disappesra, but what tourer., Liberals to prosecute protest delights the ladled with Wyethis Sligo Ante Lee defeated latehener s' -n• against election in Kingston. and Sulphur Compound, is that, besides ibre. 1 to 3. • Ex-liayor Josepe Oliver of Toror,to leatevrialpfulloyestarionktelloteglidteso,,p‘hrealruhlaftlitetrIlitt till/own herniae. Tsabes to Oprtadint, in wake a dies after n lengtles illness, The oldrst Masonic lodge in To- trait luttre and 1117'64" "ee - a`"8L.311`: 5itrivford Midgets lost for th*, PC0t rebto celebfat4s its 10t1.1 birthday. raid: is sa littrattive. Tel* ready.te at VsolosPinflosilliOnoilibloil.11000. U�UIUIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIhIIIIUIUIHUIIIIIII THE GREATEST CAR VALUE ON THE MARKET, M BIG REDUCTION COMB SAGE TEA IN • HMR TO DARKEN IT 't Grandmother's Recipe to • keep her Locks Dark, Glossy., Beantiftd. The old.time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and. faded hair Is grandmother% recipe, and folks are *gin using it to keep their Irish Itcpublic,• • Severe ire& deaths at Montreal hair a good, even color, which is quite ever week -end, - Ottawa. defeated Canadians at Montreal, i,to 2. Allied Supreme `Counell summon* seasible, as we are living in an, age when youthfill eppcaranee is of the greatest advantage. . Newedays though, we don't Lae the trotiblesomestitek of gathering the lisp me 1* four years. Ile,uxecd ee r ts ,en iyw daathpreparation t*a. delrgbtfal tegetrcteusiie Tire at Hartlepool. England, did. while weredeppiegitt Tea -onto eenereia, for these 1h1bWtO dtsireit. more youttful sp. it damsrf 1 •�� 41101 Tip, I' Cite reify of Teronto senior 014 61-'•ct''''''r'tteta'd ., Anatrivik FA..cores pi.10,renef tar= beskti-bali 14 ani 't0 Sys.pc,riv, 2o mitggies 0:1):etuatio* AIL FOR PRICES The new prices for Ford Cars, effective September 3rd, puts this famous e.ar down in price almost to pre-war prices, and eon- sidering the irnproiements on the Ford Car of today over tlte. Forel Car of pre-war days purchasers are given even greater' 'values than. ever before. • THE Toiring Car Runabout '- Coupe - Truck ••• a - • NEW PRICES • WITHOU1 STARTER F.O.E. DELIVERED AT • FORD • OODERIER $565.00 $606.00 15.00 555.004 • 1 • WITH STARTER F.O.B.. DELIVERED AT • MID • WEAN ° $650.00' $693.09 600.00 641.85 890.00 • ..945.00 990.00 1048.00 • 700.00 745.00 .615.00 658.00 • CARS DELIVERED IN GODERICH HAVE FREIGHT AND ,SALES TAX PAID Considering the high quality' of the Ford Car und its many advantages, such as service, low running cost, etc.. the Ford offers values equalled by none. •55 • Call and talk it over with • P. J. MACEWAN So GARAGE HAMILTON GODERICH QUALITY SERVICE es PRICE N. THEY'RE ALL RI 1