HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-12, Page 47'liital �iV', J:L , 4Ytii. Mee, GodericWs New Town Council Gets TQ Work 00. yrr ilnrtlictll .I1tiwIM ef Nrw ladagtrial Era la Godiridt So New Winces Free Electrical Fewer Wedel II IGite-•'Terlt'hei* ea Noy Matte's la His Ielargeral J STMWI$C COMMITTEES NAMED -APPOINTMENTS MADE Isobar Nei* Te Assistaat Assessor -1M Stlgtests Bettor Mositlipal Offices; Saks. Sekliera Deal Wart Statue Fer Memorial. ;r- , a , .y The :inaugut'al meeting of lire town COnncii se -a9, held qtr 1iotlday. cont stencing at 11 o"clock. with ail the members +1f the sew council present,' ef- ter the Mayr Ilan not ltstred bis until 'itddrett. After the Council assembled the Mark ita4.ttre result of the elections. Then the mayor eatled on Rev. Oh. Meycraft to lead : in Drayer. "Gentlemen of the eminent" said 1114 Worship, "I •congratulate 7011 MI your .acieptatnce of office and :aur anrlarilfe t tlesiro to serve the people. Ilse Finances a HurnlnOQ,uestiou "The finances t)t the town. 117:e ilio iarift In Federal affairseare a turning' attention and reach one of you should study -the finances, r-.0 that when the dkne for eritietarn comes round the council' dire, not lie misconstrued. Financial experts, es never before. are Milling on giivernmants to curtail ex- Pendituree. There will ,be ort'ain cx- penditures tan eapltal that will 1)e ab- .O3utely mrlessary, but then again dean0rnlea4 :may .. t3QF;a,eet thetnsetvee In your administration. • • ""There are certain departments Hiatt vire the large fon-Whig departments. Thereis the public Works. comllttee. We were told on 'nomination night that etre controllable expenditure of itte ,tot ed Watt anent, n26,000, and nearly half of that Was spent- by the pub3tc mot -0 -committee. But this commit tree, with our .good Judgment may *eon be placed vv verge it, may curtail. "Then there. is the Goon Beads, 'Wry ilttge 'has 'been 'expended here. There is about 88,000' accrued 'to the credit of the town In the county treas- urn. - Last year the county--rnunell. /toted $1,500 out of tills by special bye (few, :not there this was -groat difference of "'pinta* OS to tow r s shoddbe iex- ' vended.' "You each should, give your isot is tit bud io h to tl 1 and beet thought t , B wppe&r'that 1110 cutting dower gof Batt - ford hill .to not tete best seliemo `lot two anend, the money On thetheconnecting• • buy from our 00111111581011 mane' Iaoreepower rind pIwe It at' the (aspera' of new Industries. if we could ar- range for 1000' 1t. p. :or even 500 b. p. Iva would reduce the cost by Increas- ing tho load; Anil the advantage of Oils sort of deal ds that when vvc use t ilio power ever pay for It and .0 we don't use it we dont. If this seems a workable eclieme mo might advertise in American papers. "We should have a scheme of adver- tieing the town. A little !markt t might be gotten out outlining the roads say from Cleveland and Buffalo and Toronto to Ooderleh. It would note be very ,expensive .and -might de- velop our tourist and Rummer trade. "About 03300 was required i.at pion on She financial statement) for bank interest. T have given ethics a •good deal -of thought but have •rot been able to reduce it. One of .the eouneil fathered a schema last year to collect lhc 'taxers t'w•tce-a year, but tills wag net eonelttdett• for some res- explained •that it' was hone so that the lic The ]bran of ti. New Era "llrintrtcr atrtsletlt� for -general discus- :� ;; ;r ,Q. t. '. :e 7 i11it, year wey� III have some ma c tt f Vie t i o 1 � i 1 e U t Ott 15 the b .x til v .• dal 'will) :1t cit tic. ' no rlt.an- .1,58_0 e l 1 r1! t m . fI V II have date several a mat - town.We- w added s n. h � varks, and I don't think wt' noelet doed 'up last` Yoar. There are the (lode- better 'titan 4111140 "Vita tite Ilorticut.'rich 3larcantlle Co. anti IN National testi tstteiene and b ave the henetit-of SliipbuildtnR ;o,: I am pleased tosay aid Weiner Seltel. t$ oidonlutnd to per Hires', ut tilc.ittta fee tine y.or. I:aliRerliwr }ivlMi.'i SWAM 1 3N *wine memo 4VtW: trial aNt+c.iR:,xi members of vw it.warat remise of itt'. 8eleter, with ?Meteor.. etei..au anal 'tiaftcl. einuucit• ter Hill wotoorcl•'•t lien. no' (manor Hotness wire in favor of lit* s omitte t gnat 4' w11caltor number for hie. '171e Reeve end the Mayor al. *Mod n word 4% to iir. Holoter'r ywltffcrttioui. 11 u exptatience in fry. gkne, eke. et wintery Campo, aireulsl be of value. "Pit? dnfrrhisa iii fern,, all voting for it but Cemacillore !lumber and ;story and rhe, Deputy Reeve. Air. J. W. 1 neon was oe.*ppolnteii on %be 4, C. I. board /Or the yearn 19211. 23 anti el. Ah'. O. A, Held :to She public Merin beard for the sante tern' and Mr. t.. A. Nairn to the Housing Commies/don for the years 1922 and 23, Councillor Mtimber Surtot Appoiatrtaeut of A*i.lrtent Assentor Tile sitlpolntment &.f en asttessor and rolleetor and the matter of an assist,- ant ssistant assessor caused no little-Mears- attn. Councillor Holmes. moved, seconded by Reeve Gatlow that Mr. Campbell br, appointed Rsseesor ant eullt'etor. Councillor Iiuir,ber esker! It the ap- pointment Tenet away wan necessary. "Nilo will receive your taxes?" ask- ed rho Mayor. Councillor number said the appoint- ment of an assistant ~rate rrwfk' for pncyouar to get ewer a difficulty. "I don't think It nese ry Itt spent} 3500 far an assistant, If Mr. Campbell is, incapable he shOulti.. ay 4111 asslIiant, or drop to some other ilosition, or drop our I don't thilnk the town position,. a right to pay two. Tht8 man Is get- ting .500 for six weeks' avork." Councillor (Lill enquired why an 'as- sistant eves appointed, and the Mayor son or other. This of course 'would nssessntent could be made Laidler. one save Interest and maim It easier for men going out to do the outside work" "Another some of er'to. pay. while the man in the office could ft' r nastier X found 111 tmy re eer+VO 'payments tin orrear'r of tarns cent canvass there wcra as ne derail and at the- same'timb attend to income agitation for was 'the establishment ofassessmiints. 'JII 111is wvay vile roll was ar market. If it, is possible to try this completed pretty closely on time, 'cif out for :an (expenditure of tft,000 1 you appoint a new man could you gat would' be in favor of that. 1 am not the ye It done for Senn?" in frivol' Of a n20.000 expenditure us eve Councillor llitl cc mmentCd f o 'ilia • were told would-be Necessary to as tablish Market faculties. effect that it, by the appointment of "Wo have had cattalo local im'rave. on assistant the taxes were got in nt 1uesewers constructed, '131e deben- more quickly, bank interest would be turas for these sliuuld •11e sold as seen saved and it might be good 'business. oat possible. Councillor Bailin said be was ready "I notice oleo rtlicut I dal accused, or to vote for Mr. Campbell but needed the 'Inference as drawn, that certain' more light before he could vote for oritaanlzation$ have not my support, an assistant: The roll was supposed Well I can say this, as far as the Board to bit clip„ *WA tat y est, of_iiTrado is concerned,': in any matter nnunc111or •llollnes '481(<1'481(<1that Mr. Mon Board of Trade has asked' for my Campbell be heard. Article from any co-operation 1t'Ihas had may co -'opera- Other ttsideration, .a..'man grown old WM. AB far OS I aun,'concor'nett .'rho in ,the to'wn's slenee and with 'Mr, h becon- e-oil' out( C .Brie o s. alive branch goes: out to dltein' and .re CaN►pbcil's experience e ill prlwe to them that e-' w nt their 114 61nd system worked out satistactoril'y.c •oleetto1 asnever before. Councillor rite1;wcn asked if 4helr good jurlgmene lin, beautifying we are at tho dawn of: a new era, and -those parks. em one or two occasions It looks like a year of cautious oiptl- x bane Mtlggcaited a cemetery ani m'ism.. Too turn of the aide Is femme.. oommiselon-and this year T more; firm- I am • pleased .to announce that the ly bakes* ni 'ver that 4:commission .2061'1'1611 .Salt Go. Is. planning 'to' dou- • would` 110 U noon mimeo for the leas" bio .or treble its rapacity In table salt. that tho council Iy almost completely About 'shirty men -aro already fin- citanirrl6, out tvitit ,'r cotrtnl195ton wfc ploeei1 at the .work at the (lod•'rten would hires all .1esuranee of a1 con- l;levator extension snit 11' the corn-' itnu0U1 program, natty:s' saicinu.goes throuj Ii Mer' will' Soldiers' 1101303 Itotl, gratuity and Memorial ''b'.Ve have had for, t110 last three yeates ti soldiers honor roll in prcpart- lion. This was_ eoitllaleted s'ecently but unfortunately so1ne names 'were' : left oft min eve will have to 11111e 1' .new riot made. 1 mould ;tike to sea. tilts completer as soon as Miss -title. "Then we hlive had 'au agitation. anti rightly s0, for Horne.' gratulty . for the '. 'I+I!tu'rrterl 'soldiers. it 'a cash gretulty' Is decided on }'+a bylaw• will have to bo (submitted to 1336 peoplre.: If some. lltttle ;rrmenitlrunco Is 'ghat that will'. not run Into iinu'h money It ,night be dont-without: . t"There is also the soldiers' wall0r- 1*1. Tito touiictt ,Is hitt .direct l toe ssponslble for this. as it is being Irani(=. Melt by ern' outaldo earnmtttee and the triode collected for this purpose oro loveetetl lir' Vietory Bond'.. One t'ea- men why this Wats not Completed was; that on the advice of pave al members; of the. eommittce'end °oUta1ders, it Was. • felt that, We wain( obtain better value' for our money and cit Ilime that same - tress of design, by wailing, and I fore one agreed ed •want ., that view. Prices: "' have now dept. a 0tect and I Think we could very advantageously te1rmplete . this now. No iltuitt, wall 'theme sol- (Mees on the 'eoutnell this mettt-r will nave intention. ?'iso Vaeinploynicnt Question "The qurgtl0i1 of . unemployment. aline not 110 (mute xg !Lovas o cauplo. +of weeks, ago. was sufficient to tell, to. Kehler no later than last Week a meet - lag of mien wanting work. In the pre- ppaetl making of open air rinks %Vf Gould use. smote uhiemplo3ed.. "It has also been 4iropo.ed to re- anote tam town scales to tire property in the mat' •of 31ra town hall. I think this 'would' b.'`ory adventege0us. We' have rxperienred difficulty .in geetttng . some 'one (o took triter ilia 663104 but. with them TNmoled 'there would al. ways be eomoonc at bend to attend to weighing. ""There tray be petitions Coming in for 6esvv'rs and the Government pays one-third of Ilio excess cost of 'geese s.; "I see by the moss Were is 80111i3 19respect of a boat acr1ice. I bolos this: is true. 1 1;rllov; 1110 Town of 4;ode- rieli could well copy tho exampl0 Or (haven Sound what they Were atter this. north shore Raffle and formed h, Com. darty and thought a boat. Mayor Proposes' titreeing il'reit . Pauer for Industrleta' "In 'the matter of amour;)1,1lh-Eat to industries. Wo pay about q:r0 n novae ptlw'c' foe hydro. 1 hrileen we mould lass about two years`. work. - "I hope that at the eloec of the Sear bor. and. I lave thought,' and I thought our vanes 'will say at l0lst -that .wtj so lest ;coir, than for six wa'eke". work the C. C. L The renewing ea'tip . stan,hing £±f t:_. r "laetlaa. tee 7tr1 $itafia �t .n fon �,.i r � ,� tit t. :1Oveiot er etre li • ....'.. r. The new i,$riadinw. re Luir< :e ,,D Iger rent, in rani cubic t entry»iit Orly inlidounu tagreec gine. Teem r.pert Nitres the pere('ntaee of the n.,gl•<gete ).tat the tlieyures atter the moues c,t ti< me cttielente indicates the moaner of ersi jcrts fielewv 50 per cent. Form Averege Honors, ' 1tutr. Gig Pass. ,i. livor H. Meteor 13 NI. 13anititti;tr E. hunt fig Coe uanataison a4) P. Stokeit 3). t,.. 'xanley r 4l. It. Munro t2 1.. Gamlen. (2) N. tAllsan it.) °:wt. Origin til V. Seagrove (1) 4 . iVhtte1 (2)' II. McLean • (2) L• Snetgrove •''J) • 1►let:ariliy {4) • J. Farr (4) L. Jeffrey (4) O. 'ken CO) P. ltowraa (3) ..:...... Below 50,.. Banked. T. Crunchy Mlle Mayor' a started io -reply affrm- af,Ively. 'evidently meaning this t the pianai'rear.otg": h'aOt ,taxVing anes. assistant .was sada-. faactory, but hesitated for fear ills an- swer :might he taken as approval of Councillor' Lumber said, "Certainty the system Is not satisfactory." Councillor ?•iolmcs 'pointed out ttlat: it should not be taken to metro that '.ilia men we -ere "not ,attstaetOrt: Per - baps people did not, 'have the money to pay their taxes at +owe.; The • 1ay'Or pointed out that with an assistant the town wag ready to rr- c'olve taxes two months earlier 'titan :before. "1 think like Councillor Horn - tried to do fair verybest for (the town of (loderieb. " • Ab 111' S9lyor `eeneludett: 4111111ar1se was beard tram dim Members of the snuffed. • The Standing Committees. A striking committ)C, rOnslstiirq of. tete Slayor, tho Deputy Iteev.o .and Councillors Starry, nettle and dumber. .Vas appointed 10 draw tip the stand- ing committees for Vie year, awl file •council adjourned tor: 13 minutes for tine• comniltte0 to prepare tts report. On reassembling stle- eontmittee pre - Salted the following raft or comtnit- flees, wilieli, was adopted, the first Peened on rateh committee to bo claatr- nian lllnanee_•ilr. Oaliow..- G. 1i. number, J.. J. Moser. k: IL +11111 and W, Balite. • Public 'Works -J. J. t3ioscr,. Dr. (tal- low, W. nettle, J. J. AIcLonen and It. /Whites. .Cemetery -.and Parks - W. 'Bailie, J. J. A.tcEwen, I3r. fialtow, D. llolrnee and, B. II. 0111. Market -•3..J. b1eEwven,• J. J. looser, C. 11. 'lion -Men. J. Story a11d t). OHolmes, Special and etcher --G. 41, Humber. tar. Gallo% 17. 11, 11111, SV. Baine and J. Story. Fire -J. Story, E. II. 11111, D. Mimes, J. J. We1wen and 3.. J. Moser. Court of ttevlsion••I.t. #Holmes. W. Bailie, C. 1I. Bonbon J. J. Olet von and J. Story. - M'atcr Light and Iiar'ber-.t:. 11. 12311, J. J. Moser, J. Story, C. IH. Huta ber and Dr. Oaa110.v. • 8enve (callow, who had in the mean- time cone in, objeetl d 10 being. Put Wenn aro. 6hatrman taf f1nanee, Ile would like '10 pee eome0ne More vers- ed in ilnanee :sap chairman. The Mayr*" "Yon, just keep thatt. bore you all the agsistaue' you. need. The Reeve's explanation Is not accepted by the ..Iayor." . ' '1'ht1 'CtUI*ar meeting Welds of the teunell were bared for the lint and thirst Fridrls of each month at 8 Tt. M. as heretofore. • Appointments Made The Atay°O1C was appointee' as alive. for on talo board of the *30deriel1 Ele- vator heir an.1 Transit [+o. for the year. un- der arrantemelit' provided for by le. gielation. Aiajut *Dunlop liaving intimated his desire to retire from this Hoar.1 of Health. l aiuue'illcu' Member„,nuvetl._"- 6nndr'd by +Deputy 13.61.' Moser. teat Mr. Frank Marlin rte taka ewer. stun-. lout's placer and 31rsat'e. ,1. 11. Atcl.ea1'. $500.11 n let at, money." (louneillor Number, "1 think If. coy Memory serves, me, I was the plover of -the appointment of the assistant, Tito ' arrangement was [hat if :lir. Wat- son continued this 8500 would `be part of ;tris salary' of $1000 for the ,year.. We certainty 'thought he \valid drop. in, before +the end, of the, year, es ors•. sessar :and c011eetor" . , Counoillor. Bailie, "I think this is. a eery very -stranger proceeding, The irxea•..of ;hiring a man at $500' on ouch conditions. When he toot that 9500' You were done with him," • • •Caunctllor (lumber., "Had `t been in the counell last year be would note have' iron hired with my vole" Mr. Campbell Tells the Counell Some, • Things Air: Campbell was Hien -allowed to', speak. He said, "I 'am eery much surprised at. 'the posilton 'taken by Councillor (lumber hi this Matter. I can say 3hls,..it is simply ,impossible ,for one man to do the two works,, especially since le 11ewV lawv went in- to force. With part 11I, added to the oesessment roll we havo about 1500 or motel. names to add to the ae- scsement roll: °'There is also a great deal of dIIfl1lty In our taxation, rte. 'Watson slid 'the outside work and I 'v as''loing as much as he, as to in- come,••cindi Liy my special understtand- ang . of 'the utcame tax matters 1 din creased the assessment on income enough• to mora than pay the assist- writ's salary and pretty clearly: my own. As to collecting I might say to 'the council I ani doing about three times tate work I' ought .to' do. The council tisk the e011eetor 'to collect ail Soon es the tato is struck. Not an- other man but myself could do it, 1 have no collector's roll 1,311431 'I start ro143ctlhg. It Is for the elerk to make out lint 'zone end there is six weeks or two months' .work In that, 111ave *50,1)000 or OG0,000 of taxes collected be- fore the roll is in my hands. 11 is Jmp isstble ander the 'caniihtions to get the tax ••isoview out. I have no right to collect st 't111 tine roll Is in my hands. The cleric is DOI required, urn less speetaily ordered by the council, to have the cell completed before Oct. 1st, and In' would have to have anoth- er man to help him to get it out soon 41'. 1 leave no right atter that to col 1eet till i seri 1 out notices lir every in. sllwicival. holy Is it ppssuale to bet those Out1 T was ato6 'even able to 77,0 71.3. ,4.M 73 4.0 00.6 69.4 68.3 652 65.4 63 7 113.5 57.8 57 50.1 54.8 52;0 02,2 -„`♦ C1'4:44n1. ....,..4,.........•,'. • ,. . 113. Be11.,•.•...« . ,.•..,•. *Form 10e Averaage1 C35% Olonors, C. 'Droves (1)...... ..... .79.3 N. Johnston (1)• ..., ,.....,. • f 114 131ctherington« .... , *. ::..76.7 A. Oram (1)..... ::.. •....7G°! .,'Clark (t)•. 4 ...•.., •,......i5 Below 75%, - >• Flet(* '1t` (.I, lYilsinger (2) .,....,_,•,......,74.. Ii, Moyer (I) - .72,8 7., Kinahan - - .... . .,..'12.3 13. (farrow (1),,....,...•.,,,. ...722 Si'. Wagner.-. .4714 03 -Gravest '613•.•••• . • ..... • • -••69-3 . Garrow ,, •69 L. Mack -.,.,,........,....,01•..,6$,1 0. 'Breekow ,..67 J. ;,hei)ermld (4)..• ...•...'.:,...66.8 rel. Clark (2y.', ,, .,..•. 66.47 -0. Brownlea ..... ..,.. 65,8 I►,' Reyeraft (0••••••••.4,4414,11•...65.4 bred D!okson (I). . «........8 E. .iiia (1)...... .., ..Y...,.,.«64,13 Of. "TJgeert (i),.,,, E. Ponder (le J. Pinder (2) )EI. !Crawford (2) 61.1- E. 710b1nson.. (2) -ver. W. . • 5 ur6Aonaldsdn31 (1) ........:......... ,..59.8• M. 'Sanderson (2)..........,...%•••58,1 a1. 'Nevins • (31 •., ,..",5.5 r .54.3 B uce (2): • � tt. Finnigan (4), •. 51,4 .1111 Poster (5) ..: , . ...', : , :..504 Below _,50 0, ttanl ed.• • AGOOD RESOLUTION To buy your Men's rt Wear and Tailorr` ratimats at Meek't . MX *TORS WORM WHIMS CHAS. BLACK Th. o?" .b77.7-1.7111' .•-- , ii.. .btshton : , A. JOiinston., ., ,. Form 111 Avetnoe G7.7% 2, honors. • collected SO0,000 of money last eear and no troll In my hands until IDIO. ID emir Own interest you must hews an lee% ot the tome time as tolesshig. Mr. Wation worked bard, and at nights. to get the work none." Couttallor 11111 Suggests Setter Olin*. •YF. Wlriter:,;. . • • • .gt • KV"ilhoii. ,,1'/,3 Below 754Ia..: - t nt. ' Jolhnxtoii. . (. ,Humber. d„ :'. .:74,7 During the discussion that fo)towed the ;Mayor aslred,:"Does It not spinner nova' to 'a aiuesttofl at the appoiilte meat of all assistant assessor?" Councillor number, "No." Ole had in mind tho whole matter of the ap- pilintlnent 'c3 assessor andcollector, assistant assessor, collection of taxes twice: ar year, ate. Mr. Campbell said, '-You 01111't'eoln lect taxes' twice .a year till you pass a bylaw: pass al bylaw this. year -to col- 1 1ect twice next year." • Councillor Ilumber made some ; 're- mark about thle being the WAY they were always blocked, and 231r. Caoip- bell said the whole trouble Ie you lion't puss a thylaw. • 'Phortly Councillor' Thml see Moved, seconded by Councilior Savile that the appointment of ,an assessor and col- Ieotor and all assistant assessor be referred to a committee of the whole council to report to the council at the first regular meeting, trod this carried' unanimously:. T11e. making• arrangements with, thebank to Anenco the town was referred to the chairman: of finance committee wvith the. Mayor 'and Treasurer. The question of -getting a new sup- ply at the rules '31111 regulations and, it advisable, revising than before printed, wee, referred to •the special committee. Councillor '1ICEwen' Disked if each councillor should not have a copy of, tho ` Municipal Act. The Mayor said they would cost 60 or 70 emits a pleee, and '.vide it might be all right for the council to have them, he thought The letunieipal 'World titled the bill. The matter vias referred to the spa- Bial' committee to report at next meet The insurance on tho National Ship- building *3o:s ;protection. plant 'lead' expired. A of, ar,aarr+,w. ...a........v•.• 432 It, McLeod b4,.......1,2 J tltaapnuall• .......,0- 7,2.1 •. _ a2 1 L Oiaenenxiat 71.k' 3114:reltatr.-...............,let in- - Elliott 69.5 1(. t tea)to * t2;) 63 i 6' sF Pants (.11,. , 67 in Sinclair (1:t 610 0 4 , VVareene" II. .1HcCarthe- et) ei,7 4f Esher- it) 61.3 A. footle 81)-......._ A. Brown 42) •X 62.0 t7. W. Andrews (2) 62:= L, Johnston ' 62 It.• West (2) .. 613 T. freeman (I) 59.3 A. l+raser 4,2) 59 A. nays (3) 14. {1lurney (4) , 55.6 P. it/allow (5)., •185 Form 10. R. Average Monson, R. R. Martin 884 To Outt 82.3 H Bell. E. 'noble . •. ....,10',3 M. McIntosh ;........,,'i7 T.And.. erson ........... 75.7 Belowv 15%. A. i8taftortt • 74.7 L. Cool►e 74 a J...Young ..................,•71.5 O.. Speer (i) .....,....,91,4 E. Doak (1). .. . ...... ......:.11.1 .--Venison,...6G88 M. Baker (1) f^ -,'. •• -66.5P !1,V. Maker..(1) . . 63,x'. M. Reyoraft• (1) . 63 13. (Hunter (2).......:„... .,.... J' ,Jefferson . (2) 60. 1.. Here (1).••••••...,,._. 597j IL. -Dalton (4)...... 58.5 0. Finnigan (4) .57,8 Fe. Dougherty (2).,.,. $6.5 11. Howrle (2) ... ...,. •,•50,6 •L, • Wattle (2)Y ,..... ....52,8 IH. ;hurray (3)......... .. ..50;1 13elow'.50%. ranked _ . IL Cooper J•. Mowers -• Form Il. A. Arope .. t ve e 04" < . lionott 1 ' Browne, 82,7 D,. 'Woolleembe.. . ...,77,4 L. Brown ..(1)„ t,. . 7o,8 Below 15%. L Mae tenzie (ft....., Y . 74,5 iii.3efferson, . , 71.7 R• 'Hamilton . ,. ,. • . 11,4 t 0. t11e14�eod,.. ,..,,..... ' 70.8 D. Gatttiwatte (4)..............,. , 69.2 R. Graham (i) 61,4 M. Stowell (2) • ,67.4 A. (Hetherington (it .64.0 E,. '4Y,h.itelY (2) 62.4 iL. Autorson (1) . ..,....,.,62:3 11.• Galt ,(3) 60.3 D.,':'tiars'hall. (4).,...°........,:..,60.2 M. Edwards (2),...........:.,:59.1. J. hunter (i), ... ... ..... 58.5 0. Murray (3)..... • 57.9 5: .7. Wallace (5)_....:.,,.,,.. ,6,2 , B. Murphy (21, , ...: ,:.1t ..:544,7 T. neyoratt -'(3) , , - e4.3 J Cooke' (2) 31.6 ' E. Shepperd (5) .15,4 Form IV. Average.07. H'ollors • It, IKilpatr'ick , • .,::,.:; Ti.. Tay;iol'« . .e3.? � E. Washington ;1). .:..:.,.30,., Below 75%, 1i1, 4baper. ...70.1 bn y, 6: le.. NICK, :NValson ,.� . ..63,.t -E. Inter (2). 632 J. O. ()arrow 13) 59.9. It. t'Vilson (1)..,...; .,.58.8 Below' 500, F. "peev+ero.:.. Sr-, commercial. Form. Avrraelte G3 C: Bowra'«.. • a1.t Ni,' Camper:11 . . 69.1 :3.'1: Mul'hollOiul:.A. ..67;7: It. Westbrook.. - 66.3 The. Rexall Weather Chart Calendar for 1922, Th ,as now arrived This is the kind of a lendar we have given you for the last few years. Call and .Bet yours for �192a at . Stoie ReiH. C. DUNLOP TIN ntmust give, a The thing a merchant � customer cherishes.: We p quality the tryto give it. h. MAR ,E J N F. ° Tailolr�. V. 'Austin, hompson- (I). .64.6 14. . ust n 60.6 A. Buchanan - (2) 60.6 A. B001100a0 (2) 60.6 T. Murray (3).....-- ... 59.9 .....,119.2 C. Afc,Crearth (2).�..';: D. Fidler (2)' 59 M. 'McLean (5) 53.2 Parents are asked to call -un the n + r and I the Principal ' to canter c6 !7 standing of those bolow - the' *eras. ,n'ar'k .of 5Q%. . 3. P. Inteln, Print' p:ii, t table l'tothel ,Graavefs' �rw ,,t and palatable, c lw1 ce Ie ?,o � Worm ];7xterminator is sac c rr�t� .I CS Q td clitItirt*u, and ,;,,�; l 1. t and prcmp � teniporary ranged 'until lbat day, eked the matter of proteetiou to the extent of nthe. titteavnnesse einottnermeSittoNs;Anooreferred to the The elerle auggested that the sol - '80417111e. 'Mayor mental Counelllors tee, and the 'Reeves. name was added later, when Dr. Callow • moved that, 83M0 -eoltlinittee take op with the memorial eommittee the matter of a Opinions monerial :town: The tiring -was et o, standstill end the tout - 'unfree 'would like Mime aesistanee. ot this point that the -Reeve's name Wee added to Om committee. The Moot oMd snake' designs ot a memorial lord teen mecured and o meeting was. to be held either 'this week or next Of subscribe -ea to tho turd to oeleet, one. "Do yon want Ong Couttellatie Hilt reeeited ate effIrMative answer au4 Councillor Intl *aid he had telked to returned men ond did not Imow of row eoldier seta wanted to see a sta- and Transit Company asnal tor eou- iliwation of their iderpretation of the !qtAw (it /910,„ Nit VIP (iltMtiatig end anti/leas tre their Plant 'wand 001 mean additional aetteeimenn , Tide wet Softened te tho spreial erten to the nand liealtto 0. C. I. reetnnorien owl a loamy authorising Pro het:melon WI* to PAY the kelt sear* introvert (tet nhe Weet ?here meeting- of the rontion were resent ant the eeertell odieurteed. • After Nits. Campbell had epokete, what he •wao fining to *ay %el% the stenitient that be litel wet been talk- irtg either with !Mr. Knox or ntr. Camp- bell. but simple' from ine natt Orr - not soe !env Mr. Campbell could 410 work eillineotly in tho space in Itie earlier". In this day of . Oleo • tin emney etoeffilog stand nit done to' sPeed up the -nets /nye Mr. (Mont feet squere to wink 201 '',:lourfrIP,i)t _Belie ho dial not feel the ecomett tan tett linto to eigifitIrt .plrAIOtt, 1t• wooM like this left s1 et, ed with Councillor Bente en thin A non of the eellertien of• Vexes tante a entr Neat St9ok Taking anti Clearing will portikituses REGARD 'ESS OF GOSt WE WILL CLEAR ALL •BROKEN LINES ININTE...voq SNARE THESE' SPECIAL ..VALUES : .111E.Ri4'S BooT .SHOR ....EXTEN ON SALE NOW 'P... yoiwctiocE. son mity me Mar; he may be far away,lat a good - Portrait Of You tofil sing- ly, be .appreciatml and may bring one in return.' Special Clearing in I Mackinaw Coats' and Von's Flefleg.Lined linderwear is Men's, Black Mackinaw Coats, single breasted, deep shawl storm collar and all round belt, with buckle,- s pockets with flaps, leathers stayed, sizes, regular $ro.5o, clearing at $6.95 • We Need eritO Mosey Yeii,leked The Merchandise Select Ladies' Readyeto,Wear Co. have decided to extend their sale for another week. 'Hundreds' of people have nOt seen Our great bargains yet \ .0 We are going to give you thepportunity for ,another week so come and see the specials offered Consider the values. Then let- your sense of • economY guide you in making'a liberal purchase. !laments and Misses' $27.50 to $53.00 Coils $21095 to $43.95 Dressy Coats of deep -piled Velour and Bolivia, richly trimmed with convertible and shawl collars of French Beaver, silk lined throughout, no two alike, Men's Fleece Lined 'Under- weari.Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Pentnan's and Tiger make, clearing at 119c per garment, or per suit $1.76 PA ROBIN !NINO and Misses/ Inch $10.50 to $39.010 Cleverly tailored Tricotines, fussy Satins Canton Crer and Crepe de Chines. Bach dress has just that trick of trimming that makes it unusual and just appeals to women who pride themselves in wearing 'frocks that are different: $7.00 to $29.75. Our specially priced pleated or plain alwool serge and tricotitte skirts, $4.95 to $6.95. Children's Coats, regular $8.so to $18.50, great variety to choose from, to clear $4.95 to $6.95. Children's Dresses, Ss 75 Sale priced Hose, a pair for 39ey 69e, 75e, Sr.1 and St 55. Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Ca. GOODUCH