HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-02, Page 71 THL 20. net WIERS IRON ALL Nu TELL RON BURDOC B1,00 B/PTFRS RELIEVES STSPEPSIA Asoorg any oi Sete vase have writs lea tia 110 lerr* A. Bernier, Seettreid• Alta. lie says in ists ktter:-"I Uwe beat troubled with tlyspep 'sit" for amen years,1 tried several utediciame hat cooly got relief for ashort time. I su- ed with Pains to ley Steleerhf oulothering feeling atter eat*, end estedd net eat any meat at *IL I got nria elgwe. end was very steak frcw rob- loke stomach of its accessary wants. I a suffered from pans in my sheet which would run up ee bath ewes Into ray heed causing terrible iteadatites. I used several bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and now am completely relieved." • B. B. 11 -Stas been ell the market for the past 42 rt,eis; mmufaetured °alp by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Torentos Oat. WMTER TERNfrom JAlI 3 CENTRAL garelarrtroRth ON?. Western Ontario's beet commer- cial. Shod with „Couudercial. Shorthand mei TelegraPhy depart - meats. Wo give individual Matrix - tion, !hence "Entrance" Standing is ot necesSary. sGraduates, assisted to positions. Get otte free cats:sloe gue farcaeca and other particulars,- . D._At itelAtilLAN, Principal. -, RANO TRUNK 7,',''fIrEAr% improved,Train Semite BETWEEN Goolejrich and Toronto Ly. Glekticit No, 26. 6.00 s.es,. Dirt or. Salk Ly. Stratford, ". 7.45 s.es., * Lva Kihtear, 8,25 • Lv. dosipt. " 8.50 a.m.; " Ar. Tomtit, ""- " `" tr. TOrsilte* No. 37. 6.101 'My. or•Sentar Lv. Ge,Iph1 " 7.43; Lv. EiteMarr, 8.I1 p, 1.v. Stritford, " 9.04 Ar.Cadoricit. s " 10. p Buffet -parlor car tool fir ti le each direction. Stairs Ir • the Udder. of a valuable cow was . F. ft •fht. Town ' tiger and ' • 'Phone 8, NEWS TIFICSOF Important Events Which Have Occurred Outing the Week. v • va The Rea, Worklra ithiggpoilager Cow help ttangiled end telt bit* Maid, mod Atareoelve Shape for the Readers et Our Paper A Solid lifoarhe Illatepteat. TUIRSIOAY. British naval IOUs guard Egyptiau ports. Labor outlook Reproving IR Great Britain. Reds accept tesiluele' etelJeaMIC • Jkligli tits* Arra stand on Shan- tuag issue Many Onterlo muoicipalities have iterainettons. university ot Torouto beat hate - burg by, 7 to 2. The soccer season in Toronto has 0 yes suffer from 1 alw I.Iuiesalomly. I y It I rely herbal, y eases the gall= CICIIMINCH STAR Vt. Is etb* 4510 streng and the; to be vie irritation and I emu* le pulse read sperecietiets in ft short of others; to lutaute worthy uw time coo- lives even to istnu*; to give without petty and expectetlee of retura ; to practice hu' ✓ telemeter and selareetretut; t Mrs, C. PopIar. ILC.asys: "I tanned for years with WeIpfleL Tice pain was often so had road hardlywalk. 1 tried remedy after remedy, and finality t onto tO a doseunderwent are steer- Pretuler Briand visits Lloyd. sake, but only get George at Paris. tenmormy relief. At• King • Albert of Beiglem to visit tat I tried ehorn-Buk. Italian monarch. . Perseverance with this Veterans Plan to held Joint eon- completely, cured me and Terence n. •J'anuery. there has been no rouse of • United States may agree to cell the 'trouble." Economic, Contereuce. • 444 box. ail welds sel Many exhibition hockey games • *were played yeeterday. • Calgary Tigers lead the,. Western Canada 'Hoeitey League.• ' George Ward, well-knowu /3rant- tOrd Citizen, died 'suddenly. • A. mystery surrounds an attempted burglary in the west end ot Toronto. An automobile and radial ter •trellted. near threat/4rd and eereral biured. • Five hundred veteraheswere enter- tained at diluter at the'lring Edward, Toronto. Rumors at Ottawa indicate , uo Progreseives Will be included tit the new Oehluet. 0.' We Mary Hendereon, Toionto, found. dead in leer home by het *0n1. who"teas brInging • her Clarietnatte Oneonta. WEDNESDAY, • .. The 0. kr. A. playing season opens, • Auto a in'tretrelt killed 1,692 Iters - Pie in 1921. ••• • - United States bankers to send gold to Switzeristud. Irigereoll Watch. Co" New 'York, adraite insolvency. Toronto Gas COmPessy celettrated goth anniversary. • Thurlow township mart elected for 43rd term as reeve. Lloyd George h'ass big plan efor European restoration. • Proposer Or establish. European. Finaucial Corporation. , • , British Government preparers to hais.ct over rule to Irish. '• Arms Conference decides to in- eressee Chinese tariff levy. George . Tate • Blacktitoek, K. 0., dies at hie home in Toronto. • Majority vote given • Premier Briand of .Frande by deputies. The University. of Toronto hockey team defeated Pittsburg,'2 to 1. F. H. Goldicott. Hamilton,. dies on doorstets on returning troni Waj • aler West of Tilleonburg oats his eye. &4y injured .when struck by a Capt. st., Ratette; ne of •oldest puck. C.. P. R. eniployes.hlies at Montreal, aged 86. ; Noted eeieptists from ail over the continent .gather in Toronto for con- ventiott, •laieut.sCol.thq L. .Nenl/ es, fenne. G. T. X. freight gent, Toronto, died , suddenly,. Austria may Mortgage the famous Gobelin • art • collection, • valued at •$60,000,000. . • 'Lieut. -Col. Hendrie will establish .• a large stock term on the WoOdland farm tit Appleby. Win. eMcLelland was killed near Nenainto, BO., when motor,' car trashee into pole. Great_ •Lake e navigation sesteon ends, Shaughnessy making latest as also earliest trip. • THURSDAY. • „Lithuania .rejects League plan for 'lima • •' " Gisandhi playing fol aid of - mod- erates. SL Patrick's Iron from Hamilton, e to 3.• , • , Cannibalism occurs in famine area in .Rusela. ,•a, • Freneh fatly reject lisnation of shbinarines.• ' ! Detroit police arrest suspected mail -bandits. A motor,' truck hit tiro Younrstero at Torouto. • ' Manitoba Legislature will conveoe •on Jan. 12. Premier Drury stares Bret Power atChippewa.s PI/Uncial embargo �n Greece reli- • ed by Britain. •. Delegations on unemployment met Premier Drury. • • a "Johnny" Duff is goingtoEng- • land, where he will WA. • Santee• R. Steele appoleted post- master at Woodstock, Ont ' Officers were installed in nittliY. pe Rae • t 1 y Make the hest use of time and upper C it , tunny; to keep the mind pure and the zalassai 1 judgment charitable; its extend Intei. f emme, Hent et/tepidity to throe in distrees; Meyer,• to cultivate guletnees mut noorteist. his. awe; to spook little and listen emelt; to" edhetre always to a high standard ee rhoueht, purpose and conduct; te grow In ;rat*, goodness and gratttude; to seek truth and tighteousueett to work, lOve. orIty and serve daily teto aspire greedy, labor cheerfully and talte God at IUs word this is to travel iseavenwarsi.-ee Kleleer in Y. M. C. C. Central. vestibbde coatht tire4 Aa shop. • SONS tients saved Ch;.. K. Robtim. Cheboyne !chit: Yarmouth, VS., •"A recent esperleoce in reclatrolug What was supposed to be a lost itecfion of a valuable cow's udder,bas demon. atIgTth:rPt""tntituasLImen«sis nl It in the 'highest tams to all who hoc. • a herd of cows. yearol• have never confideted my household stock complete "About a bottle ef Millard's. For butoo.bnifee, *prams. rostbitee, or cluiblsinsitotelo, •,Anel I know of no better monody kr serve cold. • "1 think lam Nieto saying that among , • all thapatent medicines there is none that covers as istsc afield of uoefulnefo as does Minara's Liniment. A seal truism -Good not Mon aid south Yarnieuth, • CANADA BUSINESO,GOELEGE • STNATFOItir Philter* Do YOU KNOW That we have Lower cost Of' Tut- •. tion.' •What we have•WIder Ranie of &de. jeets. • SW we have Courtety Combined with Service. •. Mat there are just one-half as • Many lessons In Gregg Sheri - hand as in That TWentleth Centhry BOOkheeir• Mg is fifteenyears DIEWP1 •• than lefolutosh• Tlfat 'Vve have twenty -2,e young people auccesetullY taking onto • sett by mail? * coussgs Gregg Shorthand . TWentleth Century Bookkeepina Touoh Typewriting , • Pitaninnid Shorthand - • tfelntosh Bookkeeping Secretarial Weal and Plano Mush, TUITION, IS $13.00 PER MONTH Typewriters for rent or tale. tOREN sEverrr, Pres. WOW 4ssssi:ssssommosiosomseart r B T. SWART'S' I 'us, Livery Fin, -4 Hack Stab1i Part of the tow* floe sit 46,,e4e, 0111$141$ Meet olitrobto asd Patisseegetegte Possoosors coned ler litan• y trellis at G. Ta R. er C-Iretra halloostrestil Street tasted the keit* Desoto. prompt Stevie* and Careful AtttodauCc. , Osr t.tvity aod Mott asevieo writ be too*. ositoodoto to overy roopoot.o 46.110110 Yaw Patriots stasedt.4 T. SWAM Philo. 107 fillostreall Stow* lesitlersbaritfelfriustr !Meas. ' „ U.. of T. senior hockey team de- ,teated Philadelphia, le VI 5, • Toronto single duke curling tour- nament coatmenees Jan. 10. .. Cetataittee of experts at Washing- ton report Mk air craft in War. . . Germans play Cannes conference 'against Reparation. Commission. London carting bonspiei wilt be held during the week of an. 9, Argonauts, jeadors defeated Gran - 'tea in an 0. IL A. fixture, 6 to 3. • : Publieitr Bureau formed. to make • Totonto tourist and convention centre: • , Theft of ever- ;1,000,000 supplies. from. the' prooalyn 'stead yarOs, bas been diselesea, • Stowe Houses the seat ot • the Dukes Of, Buctin4bam, has been ofs fermi as an educational site. • - Trapped. on a bridge at Wilkes. bur% Pa., two boys hug the ties while train passes over them.' and 'escape. death, • • - ' • . ' ' - • Rev. tr. s. %tor:, pastor eg. Talbot Street .Baptlst.Vhurch,.London, Ont,. will drop the '"Rev.", as being worn out hod obsolete. ' ' •'• . , • SATURDAY. • - .eine-year-old boy is killed by an mite in Toronto, • Continuous eight record! broken by • Mineola 'aviator,: : ' - - Sterling at Toronto, $4,43.te ; at New York, '$C21. • ' .!' - . s rapartese army threatening Far Eastern Republietes. • . Manitoba wheat broke 2 tee to '314• cents at Winnipeg. • . t . Onekilled and 35 injured. in New York elevated trick. • ' . Wage eat .of `six cents an hod at Poretipine gold camp. * IL' of T. basketball team won at Corning. /4.Y., •25 to - 14. !: Mayor Matthews, Port. Arthur, as last year, refuses salaiy. . ' President Harding' calls a national manterence,on Agricalture. ... Trish Connty °bundle .are Passing resolutions favoring treaty_ Granites defeated Eitchener in an „Calt,A. messier .gatite, 3 to 1, ! •-Coinmisaign report on St, Law- • rence route needy completed. • Montreal man, after three • days' caroussal, goeS insane and dies:. .. Oldsliste. Taxies pianning Dominion Convention to !clean .gut deridWood. St, Mares juniors defeated St. Heim:hie 12 to 0, in an O.H.A. game. ' "Johnny" thiedee boxed "Willie" Jackson to a draw att.Madlson Square Gar4en. .. Four-yearaold ' Hamilton boy in- stantly killed, by • motorcar- when coasting.. AfcGill-Unieersity receives $1,000,- 40 promised . from Rockefeller Foundation. . . Watson Hungerford, Mettford, dies of broken neck three mortals after injury received. . . Three men at Speyside, near Mil- ton, tut 60-cettle of 16 -tach hard- wood .in six hour sht • • • • A . sixteen -year-old boy - foisnd drowned in swimming tank at Cen- tral YMCA, Torontos Masonic lodges be Tomato. . . ! teseoroner's jury in Toronto brings Chatham 'it give free industrial in a verdict againet Man In custody tuition to unemployed men. • - • tor killing- Petebosian. • The 11. of T. senior basketball team . • . Won frOm Niagara Falls, 42 to 27. . - Shot While Hunting; • 0 • • Teachers in convention in Toronto I SARNIA, Ont., San. 2. - aohn refuse to. endorse plan for strike Smith, aged /9, farmer, of the second • fund., line "ot Moore Township, Lambton U. or T. senior hockey team de- County, died in bospital here last feated St. Nicholas of Philadelphia, Thersday as a result of a' gunshot ;Wound received, when the shotgun of his brother Lyle was accidentally dis- charged while the two were hunting rabbits near their honse.:on Monday last. - . • The shot enfered the bip from a distance of twelve feet, fracturing all the bones of the -leg and hestrorina the hip joint Reenters. ; Illood-poison- lug set in and resulted in death. The aecldent Was •not stated to be due • to carelessness and no inquest will To 'Welcome the New Year. aPRETTY Ceremony handed • dowo trozu the past Is trt open the front door prompt- •ly on the stroke of tuldniget for the passiug of the old year to join the /centuries of • the past, and for the entrance of the baby new year, who is hist about to .cominenest his earthly career. NEW YEAR'S EGGS. .1.1•41.• The Persians still exchange preseats of eggs at New Year's Just as we do at Doter. 'But the rest of us tow do our giving, of presents •at Christmas parties, though ave assay give to each other on January 1. TO Scotland and England everybody calls on everybody' else New Torte day, and drinks punch. t fere in Amerka caUIng itas gone out ot style, but If we do notbtng more, we at least shout' "Happy Now Year" to everybody we meet on New Year's morning. \Viten we shout that, we mien geed luck to them to all the new year through. , The renew who used to look a free gift horse in the mouth now loota at the tireg. 5to3,• British biologist" tells American Atssodation Darwin's theory is out- dated. ' 'Ottawa says not more than 500 Mennonites have left Canada or con• - template doing no. • Port Athur, with 15,629 Ooltelat tion, has 34 nationalities and IS" re- •ligious denominations. Cordner'e jury censures Montreal pollee hit not having witnesses at in- quest ou auto fatality. •. be held. FRIDAY. • Dail Eireann is unable to ratify . Pearson MentOrlal rend. ' LONDON, Jan. 2. --Lady ptrath. Parlance Italiana closes its doom at eerie has given £1,000 to the Sir Ate Rome. thur Pearson Memorial Fund. The • Trotsky rails ftsh inmost' ot the Sfr Arthur Pearson 'fiffinaliFFund; vIet arraieet at the suggestion of Lady Pearson. Arerniine troops eaPtoro: Path- is to be divided as follows: One-third gonia robber band. of the stilmeriptioo will be devoted "Crippled" beggar in Montreal ess •to St. Dunstats's, the noted institution Posed by pollee. foe the blind founded by Sir Arthur; Sarnia curfew whistle discontinued otte-titird to the National Inetitute after pew Yterha, for the and one•third to be • arils. Powers look ' favor Ms new divided amarigbt all other blind chu- • nks of the sea. Subscriptions to the fund are A Toronto grocer wee the victim open to all parte of the Britioh Em- ef two hold-up men. • Dire. The memorial fund is intended Memorial HOW of elms trees drell- as a perpetual eneoutaGetatnt for oil fated at Port Dover.• she dwell in !darkness: Elmira won from U. of T. senior • basketball team, „ • Me. Jorelt Itetspe, ot Ittrktoa, • Cadet cores being ergertixed, in utilsitly on Wedraealay. Me. dist, Windsor Public Sehools. fee3lin heart trouble. la the morning Community Halt for Evanturet he was Issued. tisad on Ilse ritchen tewnship opened at timely Geer. having alligal beet dinrinx Ileft7bas 1, liberals yriii dame & lisa Waist wad d' shed. DUCHI litBACIBUB. Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." "A via 4' eat ••• A Trip at Tki* Season 11 enjetehles tf aou are cure aaur In in "hood couditiort aud *SOU wan'', Meet with annoying delays toting it Up. Why. ,not hare us overhaul It hes tore you read, tighten every loose belt and test it out for jou? It may avert a dangerous eceltiehte and !save yon greater expense later. Wo undersieml all mates nndti pert work in • AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING svivmwelvw.oevs REG. WIWAM$ Meat *treat GOON.. Phone nes • Have Your Cat Overhauled Now Then you wont be la.yed when :the Ara • spring days come and the spring rush is Ion. • 1, have taken Over Ibe repair department or THE PEOPLE'S GARAGE VICTORIA STREET • and ant ready toll) fan orte of repair work, overhauling of ears, ete, • a(13atteries etOred fOr the win- ter an& kept ingood Shape. ' Us A-Calt •• L. J. BAKER 114 PAM MO= The Bluebird Walter ea 11 -act a sleittorestatiosi ot the F Waih:oh Mach- in Oa the matter. We are agouti. Ijsisten the ihuagety ItOnsetee0vgtiene (4' that* easy -planing ar-tehicei,, vat It save ?JP': and r: ciet-ve itesitk •4n1 good tctuper. •r.MSON :NIAZD,I. LIMPS, Qre the standard up-to-dat* eleetrle light. 'We have r‘lso all MO* o Eioetricei Goods for Itoesa, atom, °Wee m,orkilhop. , • EsUrnatea made and Lentmets taken tor eleetrio uk Gala other electrical votk, A. J. LAITHWAM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, HAMILTON STREET Memo for Your Note Book "Buy no Tires for the Car until have seen the stock of K. 8z S. TIRES which -i. a. Arxv:.4. is carrying. Equip with It. & S. Tires and keep Free from Tire trouble. EVERY TIRP, GUARANTEED • Ask to see the K. it S. Rgo TUBE • You'll, use no other.. AVM REPAIRING • ALL- WORIC GUARANTEED YOU WILL FIND OCR' PRICES VERT MODERATE INDEED J. S. ALLENT OPPOSITE. MASONIC TEMPLE BVILbING Anti/Tires, AccetteritiCITir4iriliCSIlizist, Auto itepoiriegs. mumeommoommoommeemellemmemeememeelumemeeeminiumememeuelive r'whigLY:otits.beittels. osr9rerilaeunind attain: • , 14:11:tYIi111114141.1114'311"1.4 GettjE ON. THE MARKET .in your band and rub it rtt , . • , • • Tilt. GREATEST .CAR VAL et! anyelr4 si'storet pont 1 on your aching back, and by the t e you count fifty, the soreness and lame- E ' Imre. It takes the pain right out and penetrating oil needs to be used only I= , Don't stay crippled! This 'soothing, M st REDUCTION ZOOS is gone. ends the misery. it is magical, yet 7 absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skim, _:!.• •I' N - 'Nothing else steps lumbago, 'sciatica, backache or rheumatism so promptly. It never disappoints! kt1. _ . IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Mathes soot if =toys fool like load or )ladder botheriroox-liost formwork acid. Mast folks forget that the kidney"; like the bowels, get sluggish and dossed and nose a flushing occasionally, els. we hoe liackacise end dull misery in the kiclaey region, revere heids.ches, rheu- matic twinges, torpid liver, acishst,osatele eleepleasness andell.sorta of bledderelies bran& - You simply must kap your kidneyr active and clam,and the meatetta 70* fed an ache or pain la the Maley regime get About four enures of Jed Salta from any good drug store heti, tisk. a tablespoonful in•ss glass of water before *breekleot for a, for days and your kidneys will thee net Jae, This. frilM01111 salt* is made fro* the acid of SuPtt and lemon juice, siondohted with titbit, and is barmiest to fliish *dogged kidneys and stimulate theta to normal activity. It *ha neutralizers. thte adds the urine .0 it ao longer kfitates. Om ending bladder disorder'. Jed, Salts ie hermits"; inespeadvat mak* o. delightful efferteseent ItUdes greet drink which everybody should Ram now and then to keep their kidneys dune thus avoiding serious eompliestions. A wellskrtoem, local, drugersh stye he sidle lots of JadBeite tafollas Whotelieve la oremoinktg kidney trouble while it is nnly trouble. GRANDMA NEVER. LET HER HAM CET GRAY $14 _Kept Her Locks Dark and Mem, vrithlage Tes and Sulphur. vacs yoll darken your hair With Sege -Tea mitt Sulphur, no one ears till, lee tames it's done ea natursilys to swede. Preparieg this mixture, thousla at. tense is musty and trOublesome. For 50 aide you can buy at any drug More the ready - house prrperation, improved by the addi- tion of otber ingredientsittelled "Witth's Sage atel Sulphur Cempound." You just dampen a 'sponge or eon, brush with it steel draw tide through your hair, taking cote' small strata at s. time. Be ;netting all gray hair diseppeers, and, *Rat an - Mot applicition or two, your heir be. corn beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. GM. faded hair, though to ditgreee, it a sign of old age, and es we de. sirs It -youthful and athrective weir - item get butsy et omit -with Wyeth's Sege end aulpleir Ceispottai and took $eiTi reneger. 1 ready -taw preparation Is a delightful tenet regaisliesead Set a reolitisie. It Is sot iettedellot tint rare, *OW*T it4I,C,0014410-11e0* 1 1 1 mmaielairVAAV, FORD.PRICES • • The new prices for Ford Cars, effective September 3rcl, puts this famouscar down u price almost to pre-war prices, and con- siclering the improvements on the Ford Car of today over the Ford Car of pre-war clays purchasers are given even greater values than ever before. ' e ' THE • NEW PRICES WITHOUT STARTER •WITH STARTER FORD •SODERICH Touring Car " $565.00 $606.00 Runabout 515.00 555.00 Coupe - - Sedan Truck 15.00 658.00 CARS DELIVERED IN GODERICH HAVE FREIGHT AND SALES TAX .PAID • Considering the high quality of the Ford Car and its many advantages, such as servicef low running- cost, etc., the Foicl offers. values equalled by none. , 4 • V • • F*0110 SOSERICII $650.00 $693.09 600.00 641.85 890.00 ° 945.00 990.00- 1048.00 700.00 745.00 C II and talk h over with P. MAcEWAN GARAGE • HAMILTON GOD RICH QUALITY SERVICE - PRICE - THEY'RE 1 • tiarveY • inessiar. e • ' ". tloms . Alex. ets Jessie Itatuter riday, 62•0* • s $ . eon • 4 CAP* 400(13:Y1 ANT 91 M /care.. • rm Tues' • tlatiserine •e Richard • t from the Pridesy,.. p, rn. id -at, the - *ea • above. • ary 111 res..ete.