HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-01-02, Page 2PAG MO ERW YEAR 1921 IN REVIEW ,�wQD aOTACLE EFelDRriftl GO 001.4 f'' 011,M Pe301.311.D•:^2a• Slee tet ease macro nave at D as Found IRDSn Wiefetn IPtr micro to Qvt rag Peeve to 8»Dae09 and aero j Atrtaae=ept Categteeetree att 117Gota- DEn uses Veal f3Dgrelelccnt Ile Rao 1 Keeneatae of gram© Il©a¢xoatrarnet 1 il+;err trattora. IlQ neema probable that 1921 w111 to remembered the year that naw the commencemeet of a return to a Career- aanity following the Great War. For two ➢caro after the ait7n- Rne of the armlcUce. It ocemed aS tlsotagh mankind had gone mad. There nen( months of the reconotruc- tlilora period Showed human nature at tit wort. Social uoreot and Inter- oational Intolerance were in evidence everywhere, and Individuals devoted Qhenanelves to pleasure neehine aid, Am the eras of the prot3teera, the en- loyment of their ill-gotten gaina. 'teen timer began to become hard again, and Individuals Settled back tato their old routine of Me. The narked nodal unreal disappeared gradually. But the two outstanding features of the year 1921 were in ¢he 1eld of world politico. One wan rho patient effort of the Brltioh to solve the Irlob problem, and the oth- er was the endeavor of the chief ltowero to end a Solution of the epieation of armaments. The Dinh problem was one that only wioe and patient statesmen llhe "boas who have of late yearn ruled Great Britain could hope to deal. They had to consider the national aspirations of Southern Ireland; they had to remember the loyalty in peace and war of tinter; they had to protects the rights of the Proteot- ant minority in the North; they had to atone for the wrongs to the an- cient nation, and to meet the balredo "catered by self -Deviling polltictana. The progreao made towards peace In Ireland during 11121 war greater Span anyone could have hoped a year ago. The conference at. Waohington Weeano to have done much, also, for the preservation of international peace. The people of the united tbtatoa, after their Delilah action in standing aloof from the League of flJattonn, had found out that only the eo-operation of the powerful nations could prevent future warn. By com- ing forward and standing by the lerillsh In the large and humane un- dertahingo that are the part of International endeavor, the Amer- icana bave commenced to win bath the esteem of other nations. You no longer hear the e•xpreeslons of eon - tempt in Canada That were no com- mon when stemtifnp; of the Americans u year ago. That is so mucll to tbe good. The armament ag'eernent and the Pacific pact p••omlae much for the future peace of the world. The three moat notable people in the world of art to die during the year were Camille Salnt•Saena, the French composer; Enrico Cartiao, the greatest of living tenors, and Auatln I)obaon, the English poet. A seember of tvell-Ltnown Europfana also pas -- ed away, (lite the ex -Empresa of Ger- many, who died in exile, and en- ing Peter of Serbia; and, on the whole, the death role of notabilities Las not been as Targe as in several of the recent years. The chief event in the political life of Canada woo the overwhelming de- feat at the polls of ibt' Meighen Government. Tbe leader of the Con- iyervativo .Party returned 9.o the House with fewer followers than either iHon. W. L. Mackenaie King, the Premier -elect, or Hon. T. A. Crerar,lbo leader of the Progressive Party. During the year. the Farm- ers' party won power In Alberta by defeating the existing, Liberal Gov- ernment. len the Held of International oports the United Stateo bad things pretty Duet their owtn way. The nations that bore the brunt of the war and had the pick of their young MOD tilled before the Americans entered the coniilet cannot hope for Borne years to find athletes who will make a showing against the youth of the 6epublle, The Americans captured and suecetsfully defended the Dacia Ole In tennDe. It might he added. However. that In the international race for fishing smacks, the Cana- dians had the katisfaetlon of wil- ding with the isle. The nation sporting ceau)plon- Sh➢ps in Can da leave all boon cor- nered by Tonto. Tbe 'Verslty Paekey tease woe the O. H. A.. and then wen the Donainlott bonore and the Allen Cup by defeating the !Veatere ehanipiono- Tho chief la- crosse elaarnpionshtp wan won by the Riversides of Toronto. to rugby, the Argonauts won the majlor bonorn by defeating Per&dale, the Ontario ebatmplona, 'Varsity. the college ebarplono: and the En&linos of Com:melon, the Western ehatnpionn. JM JAIIT. 1. Tilden and Johnston, reprenent- Ing the United States, won the Davie Cup from 13rooko and Pat - lemon, representing Australia. thea taking tennlo laurelo bask to the United States. II Dr. TYaeobal0 von '-*tlnonnnn-lDoll- were, Ger'rsran in. pial Chancel- lor during the war. pacaod away. Loot American balloonist° were found at Movie G'aetory. Theme heroes" became laugbtng stock of ('anada. D Mule. Jeanne LapenaQ. known In literature an Daniel Leeeur, died In Parke. 4 Sir bVillintan Peterson, former Pilne,pol of McGill 1'atieeratty. died in D3ngtand. Cahi bele d'Anunalo and his le- 1{ylonaries began to evacua Flume. d Lord Reading ap▪ pointed Viceroy of Indio. Sir Edward Carron onnouaCerl intention to retire from Ulstor leadership. 7.IDIn Honor Judge 1111. S. P3ek1ot- old tie eminent ('unudlan /meet. died u, 1lrncitvtlle. lord 0 once resigned his wart- ime() 1, 10 rs for 1..' Colo- at,n in 'he tarillab Cabinet. D l'nrinaer Pronialeel Paul DPachanel of G ranee won sleeked a Cetanter, Li me. Dee lriee LapalrIO. the farorn o lerf+neh-Canadicta grand opa'rn prima doano. died in elonarem. 5. Bev. near Tote elites, nuthor of ' D3eulaln Lard" and ©tteetr became. died nit t'npe 11ar. N.S. ID. Japan non000eed witedrnwnl oT forme From t bansane to the Goren. DD. rereneh deolroycee cone ,ratemoft eaeceeb g m2meiao eeviet troops to TrCbll>�xnd. la. Sir Will ors Gago died in Tomato. Alltco romercac:d remelt, paper pubtiOteg tee Count 117raat von Reventiove. 16 En- Premier Larlatiee I'iriana again hecomea Pecroter oe Franco, 17 Turtilob NatimeRDiatn deesalted the Greek° to pttched battle at F:ohlabobr. 21. Hon. A. L. t lfton. Canada's Sec- retary of State, Med in Ottawa. 26 ltev. Dr. W. electing elected Btahop of New Stork. alth.Ougb bitterly attached by &$caret eras because he wan British Lore. 31. Roman Catholic Church OfIlelally denounced tbo campaign of mur- der carried on by Dine !Polo In Heeled 1 Marion Hunter, noted ecottlah artlot, died In Edinburgh. 2 Sarah Bernhardt wan made a Ineniber of the French Legion of Honor 4 Lord Dunnany, Irtoh playwright. lined for having ammo In MD pun - session but declared blanooln op- posed to Sinn Feelers. Sir James Craig wao oeleeted by Ulmer Ostomate ao sueceoaor to Sir Edward l'araon an leader in Northern Ireland 6 Lenlne'o "Courier" Jailed for try - Ing to ate up asocial unrest 1n !Paris. Lord Lee presented fine old man- sion In the Chiltern 11111e, Bueh- ingbomshire, to be home of Brlt- leh Premiere. Darn. Charles etewart Parnell, famous an Mrs, Kitty U'tihea. and wife of famous Binh leader, died in Brighton, Englaud- 8 (len Smuts triumphed In South Atricau elee:Ion, defeating dis- loyal element moot decisively. Prince Peter Kropathin, tins Inn author and i-etoiuLion ist, died in Mmem w- 10. President-elect Harding of 1'. S. speaks In fatur of world disarma• ,neat. 11. Desmond Veep raid, the Sinn Fein '•leininter of Propaganda," war arrested in Dublin. 17. Prince Htutus of Bourbon and Parma was expelled from Italy because of his book, "Austria's Offer of Separate Pence," which wan offensive to Italiana. 18 A. Kalachmidt wan deported from United Staten after serving sen- tence for attempting dynamite outrages in Canada during war. 20. Capt- Tom Wallace, M.P. for West York and non of the late Hon. N. Clark Wallace, died of pneumonia. Ignatia Lincoln, famous Intee- national opy, arrested in Vienna. 24 itev. J. O. L. Spraehlin, pastor - license Inopector, who shot Bev- erley Trumble of Sandwich dur Ing liquor raid, found "not guilty" of manalaughter. 27 Bolshevittl capture TISIa, the capital of Republic of Georgia. MARCH. 1, King Nicholas of Montenegro, who lost his thione as result of Great War, died In Paris. 2 United States Congress decided to imitate Great Britain and bury "Unknown Soldier" In Arlingtou cemetery on Armtntice Day. Hon. Champ Clark, for many years Speuker of t'. S. Congress. passed away. 4 Warren G. Harding assumed posi tion of President of the United rdtatee. Varsity won Senior Hocttey cham- pionship of Ontario by defeating the Granites by a acore of 7 to 3 on the round. 7 War Minister Trotzky of Russia appointed dictator of Bolshevik Government of Russia, 8. Premier Eduardo Dato of Spain wan aoaaeolnated while returning from the Cortes In a motor car. Several shote were tired at bio. Allies make further advanceo fo Rhineland to Dhow Germans that lndemnitleo must be paid. 10. Crown Prince Carol of Roumania married Princes° Helen of Greece. Wineten Spencer Churchill, new Secretary of tbo Colonies, in suc- cession to Lord Milner, visited the near East. Florence Barclay, novelist, who wrote "Tho Rosary." died at Limpsfield Court, Surrey, Eng. 13. Canadian authors form an association. 14. Former`•Premier Salanar of Spain took control as sueceseor to the late Pretaier Data. 17. Rt . lion. Omar Law reeignedi Government leadership oe British House of Commons owing to 111- bealtb. 18. Austen Chamberlain eboaen to lead British Conservatives, in place of Bonar Law. Bermuda declined to ratify trade agreement with: Canada. 21, University of Toronto hockey team lifted Allen Cup by defeat- ing Drandora, 8 to II on round. 23. Jean Paul Laurent, famous Freneb artist, died. 29. Cardinal Gibbons of Multi -More died In 87th year. 24. Mro. Mary Snaith, A3.P.P., was °worn in as Preaident of the Council of the British Colunalila Cabinet. Col. Geo- B. 1.1'. Harvey appointee U. G. Anabanoador to England. en. Charlen Haddon Cbambers, noted Engiialh playwright. died midden- ly, ao result of Stroke. 29. John E3urrongbo, the famous nat- urallot. nrlled suddenly In New York Central train at Iiingavflle, Obio. 31. Minora IDirltlob Inld down tools and big coal otrtlto stance, APlI L. 1. Lord 114lmun0 Talbot, nephow 02 1llt ko of Norfolk. appdtnted Vice- roy oft IIrelnnd, to suceoed Lord Norfolk. The Council of Ambaooadorn noQi- flee ;iluelapaat Government that Alines Vetoed not permit former Emperor O1ac3rle to reaueao Hun- Ca:elat't OPO WO. 4. Gemmed Grattan Eacaonde, the Sinn Fein "envoy" arrested in Veltleouvor charged with sedition. 6. ret -Emperor Charioa lett Hun - 1 ary enteemettnrteed to Italy. Eti lct!lard, for mane years ehalrmeat of T. & 23. 0. Railway Commieedotl. died in Petrone.. 7. For'tnelt hoes Prince Elupprceet • off Li1v2,i 2a i'?'iarrieal Princess An- toinetteoft Larxetnberg. 8. l3 r'lett'lee Olatanartel teatime Pre- Mier of Greet:M. 5.ldoto. Sydney Fisher. fortnorly Mlnieter of Atir•tculentse in the Leueler 0overmtnnent, dicel at Otlawr3. D. 4tIgneta 4 ietoric, ilO3 3Sel Fete- }}Get~3 oft GeeMeny, died at Deena. i/tollldtd, where et o had lived With the Culled Estee amts the eevcr- 1titiOn in G;2e1 eeel '- .40 • 2 The Railway& of Canada Draw to YOUT Attelintion the NEW RAILWAY RATES! JL'M PASSENGERS The advaille on sleeping and parlor car tickets authorized in il sst 0 has been cert in half -the advanco made on ordinary fares at that time having beein•completely taken off many months ago. bra* OR S 1 i uPPERS The percentage of advance granted to the Railways in 1920 has been reduced teen palints. iq addition to a five point drop at the first of the year. "These changes became effective December Ist. 0 Your cost of Living YOUR cost of living should be directly affected. If it is not it is because (l) as the railways have pointed out before, the actual money paid for their services is an almost negligible factor in making prices, and because (2) even the huge sum now cut out of the railways' revenues and amounting to'approximately- $25,000,000.00 ry 'annually -becomes a very small fraction of a cent when split up among the billions upon billions of small and large•articles which constitute the freight traffic of Canada during a year. _-And because - a (3) the Court which has the power to control railway rates is not able to direct who is or is not to get the benefit of reductions. In other words, whether these savings in railway charges are passed on to you -or whether they are absorbed in marketing, cannot be controlled either by the railways or the public. BUT this fact remains: a very great sum of money - enough to build every year a small city, or a Que- bec Bridge, or four hundred and fifty of the newest and most powerful locomotives -is now removed from the revenues of the Canadian Railways and should be reflected, at least to some extent, in the family budgets of all Canadians ! 0 wHETHER your railways can continue to function without the revenue thus lost to them, is an experimental problem facing the various managements. It depends largely on whether traffic keeps up or falls ofd' -and whetheNosts rise or decline. But the managements are attempting the problem cheerfully and with determination to keep Canada's railway service the cheapest, mile for mile, and among the most efficient in the world! Eatimatrd. The RAILWAY ASSOCIATION of Canada 263 St. James Street, 306 Union Station, - Montreal, P.Q. Winnipeg, Man. i" a e,5 1, xi , 13. ten. J. S. Gallfeill, former Min- ister of War and defender of Parts in 1114, grants )c post- bumous dignity of a Marehal of France. Ho died in Versailles in 1916. 18. Ontario voters declared for bone-dry province by means referendum. 20. Paul Uyaointbo Loyaen, editor of "Tho Eights of Mao," died in Paris. 21, F. C. Pbilipe, Engllsb author and playwright, died in London. 22. Lord Derby paid visit to Ireland in the ➢ntereste of peace. Queen Elteabeth of Belgtum east a municipal vote in Brussels, be- ing tbo first monarch to do so In history. 38. School teachers of Edmonton, Alta.. who went on strike for sal- ary fnereaaes, decided to return to work. Elev. Dr. H..11. Cody of St. "Paul's. Toronto, refused tho offer to be- come Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia. 25. 1121. Hon. J. W. Lowther. Speaker of Britiah Mouao of Commons tot nnany year°, realgned his seat In Parliament. Charles Suraguo, "the oldeat Point in France," veteran of Franco-Pruantan and the Groat War, died In Paris. MAV. 2. fcateAdunral Henry Hpntage iiebughy died in Leedom a. urian Nationalists tried to der Str Janice Craig, Unionist leader in Ulster. 6. President. Heeding (Melded that United States will bo represeeted to ADlied Connells. German QMelee neat rca7gr cd, and it war not eaey to end rsaa to Term Cabinel 8. Town of Liaxvillo, Get.. Lae beas▪ t - Dene stetter destroyed by titre, !'ranee Hirohito, heir -apparent to libel Japanese throne. [strayed in 6ng➢afnd 46La a visit Nto the Beitinb royal fraise$. 9. I3eiehotae favored acceptance of A1DICe ler©e to ovoid invaslen 02 leubr c118122e1. 10. d;)ert*uan GOVOTIMICaI raeceptetl Allem" eelititndQnem on advice oft now t'i'Ianetetior aIle f0110WGt1� a of vote of the 17.e7 r ro.- Droffirtla announced the forma- tionWf new German Government to carry out Allied decrees. 10. Rainmaker Hatfield started his sensational effort to supply mots' turo in the drought visited dis- trict of Medicine Hat, Atkerta. • He proved succc!astul. Col. George Harvey, newly ap- pointed American Ambassador to Great Britain, arrived in London. 11. Mme. Curie, the Freneb scientist who discovered radium, "visited America. 12. Joseph Charles Franebers0 A.lt- C.A., noted Canadian painter, died in Montreal. 18. Absolute divorce pronounced by llritish courts of Duke and Duch- ess of Marlborough, formerly Consuelo Vanderbilt, of New York. 15.1gnatiub Lincoln, notoroua inter- national spy, net at liberty by Austrian authorities. Seriouo fore°t firer near quenched by rain. Sian Fein trebugs raided London and Liverpool, netting many places on fire. 16. Drummond Cantle, Scottish warfare and ted by fire. Grave disorders during elections in Italy. Socialists and Roman Catholics both loot ground when Government headed by Giolotti waa retureed to power. Premier Lloyd George mads of- fer to confer with do Valera, 18 Franklin It, Lame. Minister of tbe Interior in tbo 'Milson Cabinet, died in Rochester. He was born ie Charlottetown. P.E.le 20. lion. J. W. Lowthee p13 Amsted to the Canadian house of Commune the new Gpeakerei chair, the .gift of the Imperial Parliament. 22. Nova Scotia towns threatened by forest Hats. Another revolution started in POT2.t2gal. 23. Rest 0?? Oerrzaan war erintiteals placed on trial at Derain. These Wet eaten Fero tried by b+reitelie- cd sorter and resulted farcically. 24. Mechem!) rere held in troland ander new act ma tt g North autl ouaQL aelaarate inanemesa=-=-Vnif kan- 2 o via to Moor. , Sudbury famous in poetry, gut - 0 o r--- i Iii to D>a 0,744 Cin iv eetatel tion, eat Dy Ile. lle:a AeMil al Clete U. S. Ce reteee aZ the Navy, on RC%er'nt Of hila "Pro-Deitiab" eeeeeta Eivieg; . Grcdit to 8lritinh e atee NQS' Beeing eiedetion in rho Qrkatr Wads, o Zuei t eIlin nu. Fear eo receival /UM f v'm (.,anent Me reault of Pence `Ttreety, eelfeinete to , JAN„ v1i1, eteeL t;6.-Sensalion' 1$Gtt1ee on streets of Dublin When raiders burned beau- tiful 35,000.000 Customs House. Sir Arthur Wilson, First Sea Lewd of the Admiralty from 1809 to 1512, died in London. 26. "Pussyfoot" Johnson announced intention to start prohibition campaign in India. 27. British envoy to Kemalites woo hanged by Turks as a opy. 20. Chief J. W:- M. Elliott, an out- standing -figure of the Six Nations Indians, died at Brantford. Dusts of George Washington were unveiled in London,' Liverpool and Sulgrave Manor. JUNE. 1. Printers go on strike for a 44 - hour week. Rev. C. W. Gordon, better known under his penname of "Ralph Connor," chosen head of Presby- terian Church in Canada. 2. Hon. N. W. Rowell and J. A. Maharg retire from Canadian House of Commons. 3. The Appointment of Lord Dyne of Vimy os Governor-General of Canada, in succession to the Duke of Devonshire, was ofilcially an- e nounced in London. 6. Mice Laura Bromwell, bolder of loop -the -loop and speed records of female aviators, eve instantly killed to airplane c:'a°h at Min- eola. L.T. 6. Georgea iveydeau, the French Ora - leaflet, a Chevalier of the Legion of Donor, died in Paris. 8. Presbyterian, General Amenable recorded ito tzpprot'ril of Chetah • Union by a vote of 414 to 107, e. Dr. Arthur Jukes Johnston. chief coreiner o? Irorento and Menet-is as mapelt witness in many nnerder Wale. died at his ;totae. Premier Martin of :aekatehewan was teturned to Power With a lat'go majority behind Dnica. Lord Curzon replied td Soviet note, telling lleraiano that two - posed ari:at%enient witta Croat Britain mats o na6ceptablo. 20.Itehr-Atltl1bid Cites of Ai'�Crcean navy teat tendered no aTc ttoo ice London. • aeivea 4o bo r'enely iP lt'a dtltei' Doth pl Zdere,7';'13 zt;1Lni 1:'0r.fot 300 r a t(A r Kcal of �'o.otl , Rv ;Lic�a7� E. O. &' veteran ole tate war with c' 1codid eltavy record, killed hirecelf to ;Weld, being cemented is ons e- tion with shortage in aceounto. 1e. Dire, W. E. eaaford re-cicetcd prcaident of Canadian National Comet➢ of Women. 39. Bandit gitue in New Ontario was rouaded up near Calireol atter a offer eblessing. oEtsoltw.1, yefresbg ARE YOU ONE OF TM CAN'T SLEEP CROWD? Many gtt'c13)2 , Gtfi tare 'country ni>?l3t alto It *tom ilt me ti 51 Fit tt lop n wi tt4trinlecl t weak Saaue , ..te �gtb,erang i pdJ �, Gtb er$, 1}allittatitlR ei an heart; others leave Stir MONS etastrung, but wbateeter ,the cause - MiL 11J*$'.$ HEART AND NERVE PILLS vi eta el he heart butt nes - 21. gd3gbt. ves anal totrimiz lap. thG whole system. 21, >3a 1 of Dan don was kidnapped C. L, J .:kctt, �hntwi h. nut.,, by Sino Felnern and hit reoidence yme: s:- '"7 have used dearly -twit Ltixei in SiWrit nn ret er fire ei lyldburn's lresist an7d Nerve !'ills stud mow they Imre dour* inn good. ` I 'Ivan for- mally Metaled by Klieg troubled with' MY heart atui biteabat H. 4;. Griffith, frissons rugby m my bead. .'uukl Icor sleet) nigbttr, and sometiane1 :uuld 'hardly get my breath. The dol;t1)L 11f llted acne tO A Or - taut point;. said it war my heart. 1 want to that* you for what your great medicine has done for Price 5Ce. a bob at all dealers, Olt mailed direct on 1-ceeipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., ,Liu ited,'1'oronto, met. 22. Met Motet' Perliament was for- • George V. coach, appointed headmaster of Bishop Ridley • College• 24. Duke of Gladys Deacon, who had rh Mios been bridesmaid of former Duchess. 26. Premier Lloyd George invited Sinn Fein leaders to conference in hopes of Solving Irish problem. 27. Agreement reached between Brit- ish coal miners and mine owners by which men resume work on July 4th, following big strike. 28. Parliament wag, inaugurated in South of Ireland but few mem- bers attended. Sir Ernest Shackleton announced preparation of another expedition to explore uncharted seas. 29. Hon. W. H. Taft, former Presi- dent of United States, appointed Chief Justice of United States Supreme Court. 29. Lady Randolph Churchill passed away in London. 30. Sir Robert Nathan, famous Brit- ish secret service agent, called by death. JULY. 2. Edward Marquis, well-known amateur baseball player, killed when bit on the head by ball during a game. Gen. Smuts, South African Pre- mier, visited Dublin in an effort to help along cause of peace. Newfoundland budget showed de- ficit in accounts or that Overseas Dominion. 4. Big bush fire caused heavy loss in Gatineau Valley. 5. Three -power conference decided upon to discuss problems of Paci- fic Ocean. 6. Sinn Fein honored Prince of Wales during bis visit to Liver- pool. Fire destroyed large part of chief business street of Guelph. 6. Lord Balfour of Burleigh died in London. 8. De Valera accepted invitation to attend conference in London. 10. President Harding made first move for disarmament agree- ment. Earl of Craven was drowned at' Cowes. ee Douglas Story, author and -r correspondent, found deli i in train near Kotab, in RajIt' ana, India. 11. Truce between warring factions in Ireland started at noon. England visited bythotteat wave in history. Heat al i pst tropical. 12. Lenine appealed to United States for food for stare g Russia. •, 14. Disarmament of ,,ermany declar- ed to be almost omplete. 15. Harry G. Hawker, famous aviator who flew arose Atlantic Ocean, killed when he crashed as reault of sudden stroke of paralysis. 17. Dynamiters made unsuccessful attempt to blow up building in St. Catharines, Ont. 18. Liberal Government of Alberta defeated and Farmers assumed reins of power. 20. Armed bandits held up bank at Petite Cote, a village six miles from Windsor. Japan decides to be represented at disarmament conference. 21. Fordney Tariff Bill, whim is di- rected at Canada, passed U. S. House of Representatives. 25. The Mauretania, the pride of the Atlantic, ravaged by lire in docks at Southampton. 27. Herbert Greenfield, United Farm- ers' leader, selected Premier of r Alberta. 28. Lord Northcliffe snubbed et Brit- ish Embassy In Washington, as result of Lord Curzon's orders. Rt. Hon. Wm. L. Ashmead Bart- lett Burdett -Coutts died in Lon- don. He was a newspaperman and married -the richest woman in England. 30. Senator Domville, one of the last survivors of the public men of the Confederation period, died at Rothsey, N.B. AUGUST. 1. For first time in 30 diens staged tribal Brantford re -union. 2. Enrico Caruso, the famous tenor, died in Naples, following an oper- ation. leaving a fortune of 310,- 000,000 made by singing. Mrs. J. W. Lindsay convicted and shot by Sinn Feinero for giv- ing evidence against Irish ass&aninn- 1. Opening of tercentenary celebra- tion at Penetanguishene. Iroquois and Huron chiefs meet in formal settlement of age -long feud. 5. Spanish troops maosaered by tribesmen in Morocco, who object to domination of Spatn. 7. Lenin° asked perrpioslon to pay visit to London. Chriatabel Pankhurst, noted Eng- lish radical. arrived in Canada. Deputation of Indiana left re- serve at Brantford to pay visit to King George to protest against treattneht by Indian Department. Indiana claim that they are inde- pendent allies of the crown, not eit)zenel of Canada. 8. Largest lumber yard in Great Britain destroyed by fire; loss of $f,000,000. 10. Arrangeriaenta made whereby Bri talti and United Stateo undertake to direct Russian relief. Lord Mate arrives at Quebec. 11. Lord tllynglfof Verne' took oath of office as new Governor-General of m Canada. Spanish Cabinet resigned and Premier Mauro tataciertook task of neltit1g ayltdation in Morocco. VS. De Valera asked for outside Arbi. tra t2Otat ta>Y Irish (iuestion, but Hirable refused alien interference, 'fat -Xing Peter. of Serbia died in Beigra 1o. eetlntle 1i elasQl y , WIUItaet'fut Ilyl°etett te01'8X°«,i j3ta c , brae down *Lae. , thus int; ribs 116110rv. M.ttleat trothY Dame eltllil�iifastx rlf t:hti &in3lihGln; 61)11tt3' 1.3st"LD t1't3 eft *omit nom, `tlt2U to G en to ,y : ns, years, In - dance at 17. fiitveisrty of Koenigsberg con- ferred degree on Field Marshall Ludendorff, 18. -'Sports' Banit" in Cirel roaitl ' which bettor's swamped 'wltk money, went bZ ko atter e0,reet' of three months. 19. Demetrojs Rhellys, Premier of Greece, died 5ttt Athon,i, Rev, A. ASe�gAt."chos�rt, Pro- vost oY Trinity College, To ontte 22. Italian Gover:nlnent discovered and frustrated plot of Gi►briele d'Annunzto . to start areother rebellion, - King Alexander, who was Reg during last years of father's liceent, proclaimed King' of Serbla.' 24. Sir Sam Hughes died et his noise in LindsaBrityi. Huge sh dirigible exploode1; • 42 killed: Grave rioting among fatatieal Indians on Malabar coat. 16. Cal adizn Club of Great Britain organized in London. r 28. Greek army defeated by Turkish Nationalists in Apia Minor, 29. Lionel H. Clar e, Lieutenant- ' Governor „f- Ontario, called by d \ 30. One billio g41.d marks paid to Allies by t ermany. 31. Fieldeath. l&ar hal voila; Boelow, eom- mander-in-; ' lei of- brerman army during earl stage of war, ,dlt:d. s 1. Premier M tendon to r and appeal 2. Six Nation leave storyl 4. De ' rima re ofi;eJIfi1 'by Lloyd ,:keel /t. Pyke, Canada's leadin ry designer, killed in race at route Exhibitidn. Premier Lloyd George, announced the Irish problem could. `list be settled unless Erin accepted the King's sovereignty. 7. One-third of Annapolite Royal, N.S., wiped out by fire. 9. Five great powers decide to ap- point four men each to discus's ' disarmament question at Wash- ington conference. 10. ('ol. Henry ('ockshutt of Brant- ford appointed Lieutenant-Cov- ernor of Ontario. 11. Roscoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle, ar- rested on charge of manslaughter in San Francisco... 12. Gigantic revolutionary plot dis- covered in Constantinople. 13."Puksyfoot" 'Johnson ar_ives is Aus-ralie to start prohibit! in Antipodes. 14.:;ix hundredth anniversary .of I)ante's death honored In Geneva. 18, Sir Ernest Shackleton, sailed from London for the Antarctic. 21. New Meighen - Cabinet sworn in at Ottawa. Allied Council orders Hungarlars, .0 evacuate Bu-geulnnd, awardede to Austria by Treaty of Triagnon„ in ten days. 22. Explosion of chemical works in• injured 4,000; town was Coin-- pietely wrecked. wrecked. SirErnest Cassel, financal ad- viser of late King Edward VII., Bled in London. 29. Lady Laurier refuses to Min for. Parliament in Liberal interests. EMBER. hen announces in- r-ganize his Cabinet the country. bans visit King and their grievances. ease tensa e oat OCTOBER. 2. Forme King William Il. of Wurttemberg died at Stuttgart. e. Spanish troops won decisive vie - 4. Morocco- Pacifi, u won by-elections held in France. 4. Foch chosen to head Freneb -party to Washington. 6. HArth.Baselected 10 Bs ingtonon, Confereurnce.lfour 7. Dr. Graham Chambers, of Toron- to. head 10et inritiwoods.hdelegation u: Wash - SI.. Robert Borden, selected at Canadian delegate to Washington. 8. Riversides lacrosse team won the senior championship of Ontario. 11. Dr. Chambers found In the bush alive, but in, a weak condition. 13. New Yorlt Giants won baseball championahip. 16. Crucial phase of Irish Peace ne- gotiations reached• 17. Lady. Beck, wife of Sir Adana Beck, died in Toronto hospital. 18. Former King Ludwig IiI of Bap va-la died. 19 11. 11. Dewart resigned leadership of Lihoral pard in Ontario and eras succeeded by Wellingtna Hay, 9 22. Wirth ('abinet in Grrmany re signed to result or Silicas crisis. 23. Rx -King Charles of Austria-Hnn- gaiy attempts cony to seize Hnri- garian throne. 24. Former Itmpf:ror rharlmO captgr- ed by 't➢overnmelit hoops and in' terned in Budapest John B. Dunlop, isvCntor of tiro that revolutionized road transpor- tation, in London - Prince of Wales lett F-ngiand to pay elan to In Ila. 25. Joseph Wirth under.ates basic el forming neer German Cabinet. 26• Premier ne;we e of France ncores triumph o4 career when ole of e00000000 carried he 339 to 178. 27, lintt2d staters railway ntrbk lverte(i, 8. Jt➢lied d'Fefl0 tta intern Tilt'l of Austria 00 Madeira. 30. Aiouutaiq eocd went away town, of tritatnnia Btaeln in 18. C. raua Intl p'r'at fiea0lgtion and loss of life, 1. L ry L8 bulb d ldAli'7f+*tln 1Ldie• ied, in Ottawa a� al3ulGe. llal" ; of japan aSGata- d �liila l ;1 g 1.P'