HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-23, Page 5'Itt:lanDE Y JUNE' 2.3r treinAorlorentstansetiWerneerereinot KODAKS BROWNIES seei.ation asked permleelen to place a 1from Anttlesee tt3 Vicl aria stied be re-'SOCIALYW +MASSOCIA TION tcwtl0rery woeden platform front terred to the eneieece to -eosin; in Da' which to shoot et the Westerly line% of Rich street, also eine on, Bennet street immediately north et the one on Inch street, to be Mica during practice or Government shoot. only. The request was granted, the placing of the platforms and tate use of the ► street to be under the 'supervision of the street inspector. The fallowing applications for buflll- ing penults were referred to the lire iCommittee; A request from Mr. ,Edward Earn; asking that a tree 1n front ot Itis pro- perty telt Albert Street bo removed was referred tit the public works commie. tee with power to act., A letter from Mr. A. M. Robertson eomplainllaa; of the flooding of his cel- lar •froiu Victoria ytreet sewer was read and >•ceferred to the public works Committee with ,power to act. A letter from the Old Home Week. Exeeuti.ve asking the use ot Agrieul ,tural Park and street privileges was referred to the speel*i committee. The Dominion Fire Chiefs Associa- tion asked the town to be represented at the eonvention Aug. 11 to 12 ,at Three Rivers,, Que. Thle Was referred to the Tiro committee, `. A letter from Mr. M. G. Canteen. solicitor stir the 'London and western Trusts Company, gave notice of the as- signment of the Goderiele Mercantile Co. This was referred to ttie special ceremtttee with power to eonsult_the solicitor and to be represented at the meeting of ,the creditors if • thought advisable,• + A letter. from the Hydro Eleetrtc Railway Association • requesting pay- ment of membership fee was referred to the finance committee. A letter from the'town solieltor an- nounced the enlargement of the mo- tion to continue the injunction taken by air. R. J. Acheson to prevent the town passing•. the National 'Shipliuild- ing Co.bylawto the following Thurs- day,—Filed. G, present the Reeve, the Deputy r The special committee reported in matter of the request of the Baer'ba Club for the otBrand eland atpege thel9 griculturaltrPart, recommended that the privilege be granted at the pleasure have f the use con- ly. and except on days and times that the council desires the grounds. The lire committee reported having passed the following applications for building permits; Maitland bolt Club, Smith's Art Store, E. C. Belcher, Ct. M. Elliott, Jno. Sturdy, -Jas. E. Drennan and T R Wallis {Keep a Kallak Story : of the DHOW ' is title of a picture is window of llitipbeI!'s Drug Store &, THE FEMUR STORE 94#> tI" Swam, Seas "lots nenntanadenelenweetormeatestereeteeinle • 'OWN COUNCIL ses Another Borrowing Bylaw-- educes ylaw—educes Teamsters from 8Oe to 60o ,an Hour Ile '.regular meeting of the town ncil was held on' Frlday afternoon HUN* t'Aunt3 T Asasoeiatlea Teats m mot litwatier Feetalems They finance committee reported that 8ii00 of i43i Victory Rem% had been, purchased with O. NV. tee It funds and a cheque for 4143639 had been issued; that the committee had arranged with of or en ssecd *MOO hn the necessary additional law is passed and approved by the bank's solicitor. These reports were adopted. It was decided to meet on Tuesday,. June Rist, at8 o'clock, for the purpose of preparing the estimates for the year. A cheque trout the Government for the use of the Assessor's °Hiee for the holding of the advance poll in cameo - tion the recent referendum vote, was endorsed over to fir. Campbell by the treasurer. Atoved by Councillor Cutt, seconded h by be paid atatheilrate ottQrs 60 cents 'per hour and be required to haul 1% yards of gravel in a load, the reduction to take place at. once, Carried, the De- puty Reeve voting nay. Bylaw No. 18; a bylaw to authorize the borrowing of a further sum of -$8,- 000 for current -+expenses was passed, and the council then adjourned. we, and Councillors. Story, Mltehell, ser, knight and Cutt. le• the at, ee of the :Mayor, Reeve Davis was ved•to. the chair, until ;the Mayor nein.: 'he street inspector's .report was re - red to the public .works committee, t a report from Mr. Campbell, tax lector, shoevinga list of arrears of nes waas,read and referred to the fn- ce-Committee. 'etitions for applying .roach ail on intreal street,': on Wellington' Street St, George'e Crescent, and West met, 'were referred to the public' srks >committee with powerto act, nether ,'leith any other petitions that ay come In. A tetter from: the Goderieh the matter of ` the request from . the Goderieh Old--IIi the -Week Committee forthe privileges and cantata of booths during"OId Ham Week celebration, in eluding use of Agricultural Park, your. eommittee recommend that the cele- bration executive be granted the pri- vileges asked for, 'but all to be under the supervision of, .and to meet with the approval of,the town council, and recommended that the Cltairmart.'of ttre committee ubtaln"prices on pollee uni- Messrs, Olt ,.1 Fo1'd. Rev. Moyer. A. M. Rolta'rtsou. +1. at,Elliott, ,.1tr.' Einmt1 oI S. Ball. aim, Aitken, ;`firs 43ouitt, oto+i uthsrtt • Mttdkti the annual convention of Hums adenty Temper ance Ata%caciattola hind in 1lntaria St. Mtthi)dlst ehurelt, Mato, .. i wee. nesday of this (seek. Iiavinl3 done It* snare in obtaining prohibitory legielattorta In Ontario, the lksfieitatrgn IS IIWkI* far new worlds to. conquer, and deemed, after' mucl, dlseileelon. to /mina out into motel service work. To OM end the organi- zation will, In future. be known as ".iiurot, Countyy Brittle of the Social Service Council, Mad will be linked up with the Ontario $u'ti(il Service Conn- ell. while \h Western Huron ateiation least, to l he taken. it Maley, ol xireeted. b similar corresponds orgenizatians elsewhere: in the pro- vinee. Irl addition to supervision oe enforcement tit' the Ontario 'Temper- ance Act the branch will new brin{t. its tortes to bear in efforts to do away: iwith gambling, questionable auntie - 'meats. obseene litereturc and other soclel VMS which new engage thi, at- tention of the &Willd Service Couneit. 9 ,.Vnuo. .. .. The public works committee report- ed that a bink ear of approxlrlately 6000 gallons of.liquld asphalt had been ordered from the Imperial 011 Co. for immediate delivery; recommended that Rifle As thepetition for a sewer on Napier. St. Quality maintains economy. You may pay less "Per piton" for other lubricating oils, but you get more lubrication "per dollar" when you buy ttitperiat Polarine Motor Oils -• . WATER FILTRATION Engineer Darling Reports end, Is in-. strueted to Prepare Plans' and Speettteatton.. )engineer Darling, who is in Gude-- e'en- in-- eonneetion with. Jim .Altretien system to be installed In connection with the town water "supply, 'made a verbal report to the Water and Light Commission on Friday night last, suggesting .two alternate plans of con- struction, • • - Plan A., as we understand It, wrs to erect the filtration plant on top of what is now The sedimentations haste, allowing the water •.to now from the lake' into .oete side of the eedltnenta- ,tlon; basin, pumping it. to the filters, and lining the other side of what is Ilr. A. J. Irwin. of Winghani, was re- elected ,:honorary presldent and A. J, Irtvin, of oilman, president. The flrst vice-president is O. M. Elliott, of Godes rich; riecontt vies -1 .hent, Rev, E. r W. 'Edwards; ;af .Bafforth ,and third vice-president, James B. AiiLeanl of IKippen.'r9te fo11oWtntf lady `tee -pre- sidents were named; s rs. T. ? Iagtrire', Brussels; AICs. A. T. COoper, Clinton, and Mrs. S. SittOn; Exeter. W. Il, 'wit. \Vioehann is again secretary and A. ' M. Robertson, t orlerleh, treasurer, A. T, Cooper; of tlinten,continues its dell .'eretary. 'Riding representativea are; North Horan, S. Bennett,' Wing - earn; Centre Huron, J. Cowan, Sea - forth; South Huron, 0,Harvey. Themeetingpassed a strong resolu- tion n fergstand torptWF Ry,inregardof k gentling and alsoasked for somemin- or amendments to the t). '', A. Rev, :George C. Pigeon, Toronto, of the social service 'department of* the Presbyterian.. church, addressed the gatheringal both afternoon and even- ing sessions. J. A. Irwin, in his address as. press- Tient, reviewed briellythe work of the year, and particularly the referendum victory, Ile, referred 10. \V. T. Petiole, • OPERAT1 ' THE economy of u s in g Imperial Polarine ,Mot Oils extends over practically every item ofmotor operation.' The lubrication afforded. at every friction .pointana -the gas-tight piston -to -cylinder seal means a big saving in fuel bills 'and a noticeable increase of -power. '•. Through perfect protection of all motor parts, undue repair - bills are avoided and depreciation is greatly reduced. Byusing Imperial Polarine Motor Oils y you Can's -Eve dollars this year on. maintenance alone. . Besides; you realize more profit and greater usefulriess from your car. Always use the grade of Imperial Polarine recon - mended pn otfr Charts for your type of motor. See Charts at..ypur dealer's or write to 56 Church Street, Toronto, for a. copy of our interesting booklet, "Automotive Lubrication," which contains the corn plete Chart of;Recornmendatians. • IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES CRANK -EASE ASE SERVICE Far a. Clean,' Efficient Motor Dealers di -!,laying this eian will. thorough) clean the old aril and the grit and the dirt out of your crank - Case; will flush your motor crank - se with Ilnperia eaFlushing Oil and Refill it with .fresh lubricating oil. Your erank.case should be cleaned eve ly 1,000 Miles or fess. It means ,moue economy and more eatisfae- tion to employ Imperial Palatine Craisk-Case Cleaning Service. n.inv the sedimentation basin for a of Ooderielb license inspector for the clear . avater . basin, from which the co unt ty,'and former rmersp ecial ()Meer of ater wuld be pumped up fawn. the t u, as "the 'most elclent Plan B. was to build the'illtration license, inspector In the province; or. plant alongside or at the end of ills; present sedimentation basin, rniaktfg if a separate huiiding, using the whole of the ;present Sedimentation basin for a clear water basin. The raw'+water •would be pumped to the niters, and now by gravity into the eleer; •water welt; trot whichit would •t1e pumped up town. This Plan would give twice; the; storage space of thother, that reasonWas. apeioedf !r storage wohld be' sufficient , for , ten hours' uee. The proposal is to put in tette tit- tering units, with a capacity of• •a mil- lion 'gallons a day, or double the .pre- sent requirements of the town.. In :practice probably two of theunits would be used and the. third be 'brought 'let°. requisition when one of the others was, being :cleaned out. It wilt benote* that the water will haven th'b0°'purl1,0d''balled :;•underrettte new nary'to and l..back- Onto haVe an1 On of re re- pairs to one pump, there should be two in the nitration building, Mr. Darling gave an estimate of the cost of the filtration plant as .$45,000,: with an additional r'I0,000 for the two new pumps, making • a• total of 855,000. He 'was instructed to get out plans and specifications for. Plan B. stanEngineer Kelly gives its to . under- d that the proposal to eubStltute• gasoline pumping; in place of steam as an auxiliary In ease of fire, woultt Fire Un- derwriters �F[r, 8 the • n,4 pumps, , all for P . asking for a second'• eler.trio pump, as well a,; a gasoline pump If steam is to be done away ,with, What Is -ail this going to meanrin the way 'of increased water rat The answer seems• to be, '''Vtrait and See." ' 'one of. ahem at any 'rate., The repoit of A. T. Cooper, field Bee-, ;retary, gave particulate of the success ful.etfort of .the assoetation .to obtain. suspension o f the Canad a Temperance ciaoc i :Act In Huron, bringing 'the county un- der the provisions of the 0. 'r. A. In stead. The work of haw enforcement. was :revlewed and idle Information elv- en that Inspector Pell`ow had prose- cuted some 60 cases. "The- eounte Jail has been empty since the ist of June," said Mr. Cooper. nand it may not be long until eve do as in Kansas and. let our Jetts out for hen -houses. 'Addresses were given by.Rev. 1. 11. Peters, 13elgrave, on "The Community Mind." arid. Rev. b`. k. Clysdale,•, of Fordwielr., on "Community Plans." A .banquet was herd et 6: aeloek. OBrrIJ Y THE SrH STORE OOLER UNDERWEAR warm weather means Cooler" • Undergarments. No person needs to dread the warm weather if they would select the proper undergarments. Women's Natural Pongee Bloomers $2.95 Women's tailor•utnde bloomers made from extra quality natural pongee silk, special $2.05. Women's Lisle Vests 39c to $1 ._-. Women's fine quality lislle vests in Cumty Iout, opera and short sleeves lb a variety of • vaeavOs. Women's Lisle Combinations BSc to $2.501 There ie. a greater demand eaelt season fox•, combinations. Wo *A"? $41. styles in sleeveless and knee length, shoit sleeves knee and a k .length; many styles, t35o to $2.5O. Woolen's Pink Bloomers 50c SP ec nal valva in -Women -41-0A lisle bloom. " ere; very special 50c. Children's Vests, Drawers and Combinations in AltSizes Special Values in Worn' en's Night Gowns, Dra;sers, Undersk ir ts and Corset Covers. Kayser Italian Silk Underwear The Underwear Superb" erb. ' P PULAR PRICES WOMEN S SMART. BL�;USES AT 0 a Women's Japan Silk Blouse 3..50 This is anextra smart blouse made from Jap •Silk, pin tucks, roll collar, lou►g.sieovee,. $s.60 each: Pullover and. Back frons $1,54 • 'F Dile Blouses. in all the new styles, • Iirothen.." s Georgette Blouses 6.50 A .very smart dressy blouse Mae from o d quality French georgette in navy and sand, round nook and short sleeves, special $6.50. i c.. u s at 1.50 per sq. yd Chance to BuyNairn Scotch L>�nole In 5 A gtrl i Five pieces "only, Nairn's celebrated Softball Linentla Ars, 4 yards wide til r v:in block and tloue deaf •na auittubltl fon every 'rat7til. in the : lionise.. Seethe a room length while they last, cog a . $2.2ifor Sl'.50per sq. yard. • New `' Goods Arriving .. This Week Shadow Proof Silk Underskirts•for Wearing with Organdy Dresses' Bew Camisoles New .Organdies New Sweiterse New Dresses The Coolest Shopping Place in frowln- • S.1LICEnD.—The death of firs. Jp1111 Selkctd oeeurrcd on Sunday, ,Tune't2ttr, at the residence of her son-in-law. Atr. F. fi. Lawrence, Market street, at the good ase of eighty-one years and seueil months. The deceased; whose Maiden name. was Ellen ile$t, vas .a native of Cumberland County, • 'England,, anis came to Canada in 1856, at the age tyf seventeen years. In 4865 ,she married the late Mr. John Salkeld,. Bayne road, Sir. Salltetd : predeceased wife by about nine .years, A,fancily +!f. .four children survi este xs fellows;. Mrs.F • V. H. Taylor, r Pickford, Labelle Winnipeg; r W ri t tit, . Mrs.. las. ,Mer t, nn P H. Lawrenl'e, of tOWvn; and Harry Le on the home,+toad in Goderleir town ship.. Three. brothers also survive, William, of eitebitran Joshua, of ohm, arid J. M. Best, barrister, of e'eatorth. The funeral tnnk phi's on Thursday M and •� .r. P rl es of 1 residence last from th. 1 Airs. F H.. Latvr' nci' to Maitland 1erne - trrv.. The services were conducted b Rev. H. 1).. MOM and the poll -bearers were 'air. Rebell Andres% Mr. 1 sae r\Ii' . Rees krl'd 6a1 1: Frank Salkeld, nephews. hPvs. Mendsnd s from outside points attending the "funeral in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salkeld, nil•• o lsn Mr, Wilson Monteith, to Met. and '1t .Salkeld, Mrs. !plan 1luneniore and Mr.. and Mrs.. Baxter R n t l f Seal ►rt of ail , Straford; Mr..1. M. Mr. and Mrs. 'l'hos. Snowden, Bayl1 i't; Mr, and Mrs. Jo'. Washington and Airs, E. A;rratt, 1uhurn, and ;:sirs John Jenkins, Mrs. (,. J. \Vainly; Mr. Rees' nl. •tlrit ,Ta s - f" (. " nkl o Jenkins and 1hsH 1e n . Some years ago Mr-. Salkeld f aet er edhPr hiPanlh ad for seine time been '''b'earing-•the tntiMitles of ate.. She was a .staunch Member of North street Mcthodi"+t elietelt and was mole to' rlleet her Master W110111 stir. had faithfully. served so long and althf 1 Y. her naemory twill be fetidly. ehi'ri, ii'd uti al u .r and by her family ttr➢ "f kind n, nrrlthi.'r. - AMONG THE CHURCHES next the k nn• t'4'r.1n••ri'day everente iii - DOCTORS' ti CRUSADE DE AGAINSTlisT THE HOUSEFLY: HO E kttrht hundred Bronx physicians re- cently ' joined Dr. Arthur J. O'Leary,, cru- sade in a Lacer of the , ►IIit. alt G .Health i 11na tion Pl n the r• • for n,5 against de a sa gra of diphtheria and ether contagious +/W - eases. COY FORS FLETCHER S CASTOR I .• MODEL� THEATRE Beat Photo Plays .. with.Cool Comfort eammemmoommanal For Weak—June 27 to duly 2 'Phone 56 TC STORE- 'oboes sG.: p...m„ public worship. :'it .the. morn- ing selviees Rei Wv.. E. Milison 1'irl't1 SPcrttary iif • Evangelism and . Sweat Service of .the ,Methodist churr h, •>,s ill •t• .t , I t t t 1 •I l and r sae e � 1r, t eht 1 • ai tt explain n p ties in thin 'department, Every tG•tho•• dist:end, lo' or• iif hts•fellmv .ui[In +ta,n11t1 hear 'lhe $erretaaryea wonderful story. An offering for. this, ftrnrr tv1l1 be re-- ceIVPll. The pastor's• ,venin- theme will be. "Counting the Cunt." NEW HONOR FOR DR. SEALER Monday anti Tuesday Matinee Monday at 1:I5' p. m. • for' Monday 1' (Irl 4 Y 1 of the Pat The name. n and Tuesday has ,not arrived yet, hut. womethinp unusual 1e promised; also. A Two -reel Comedy Wednesday and Thursday Matinee Wednesday at 4.13 p. ere REX BEACH'S Famous Story - "The North Wind's Malice" 9150 A Tsvo. heel Christie Comedy `Don't Blame the Stork' Atilt � est M'1dPr , t Goderieh B IP oder t Native of ('. '41Pe-tllianrdlor .Of Trintt.y (ollrtlP stead of Friday •urine to the holiday. with lrer • 1)111•nts', ',Ir. and` 11rit Ile.)., rt (I1 ;It a spiry of ,mise(3. • r' ,:1fr, an"1 Winnipeg E,r•entng 'rril n, lie►lytln ND'','it: L. `4* al anit .Mini'' dtaghtl'r, -ilii 1r!) '4l 1111,1 3IId Nellie Grattan; �tY{vId: 1't'l4(4811 rl,"11,' tint:, en route to . ,;ail f.rienh \rt'<,York fir. 1'1!)) , i:rate,, ,life a: el; • '�isrtt'It V Iftf; en . ('1 't/11r where ' r .; 011 a411rspout. the summer ,ues18 of 'tr: .liaikrld Eitel Air 4 a ° 11 alt. P' • '.1 i 'hit, A � d urr a ,• , A. A4 With their Hunt, • .lar ;las{ >tt'rritt. (lrlttty r►'r .11. �Irs: ,t:apt.i Wtu. ii,rsl"r 'amt Ali'ar there th, y rrretvPd ii •tvlre taitr` tine. AtiV ' ire: soil- Eiaxler hem r t.t,tllt'' 11.13"tt4 if '.ir. 4Ltikeld`,t nurttr"r's O'"at'z house Ste ter the simmer .and: Have which '11 e,,elonnt 'their tnlnaY'dm, :' wltli tllirtt as ltacir gw"lt: Air+. Meets, ewe tat 9nr, . . l rirri l honor has come1 Rev:tr sewer, bun of " Crown •• •Attorn" t' and Airs.. --,leer,, of town., in' his elation . ' nd 4, P l v ti a f 1'ro pl+ 0 position r tit P to Ghaneellor of Trinity College In see e!e$lion to ilea'. Ar. Macklefrr, who •re signed this • position.. over a year ego and "`whose resignation •takes effect dept, 30th next. Thr Pleotfon as rn;tlP 7ta K 1 r t1a t meeting:_Of _the eorperation et Trinity I:allies; on II'ursday atU rnooli- 1)r: Seager conies ora eleriral fain - 1'' 'V its . r th attl .r 'a df rn , Maternal g Il y. his ,lames paamaa, halms been one of ,the I rrh of piiineer::missionarlPs of the uh , EJngland:,in the Bay of Quint+, district and -for many years rector of iiurf+lyd, (l t. n lir •tv'1is a lrradunle of I -inion t:ulli'u', hrrrravin3r t;ik"'dr his hist "1 >,i,'' in is 8,, lie was ordained hr 111e 13i I 414"0/ of Toronto in 11t n, •tile) Ata,+ _rnr f olrifee1 'i4 it'Y re,'tul "f ',t= •I t3!t'ialett• Ghua`lh. Toronto...hi 1(811 he welt to yl rn"n, 13. 1..: ,rod :1 y, ar or. lino later 14,1.1141' i rinr'ipa+l nP 'at- \1.arls tl:(A in the alleit''n •'rhenlnu;'•:11 lege id of iiri1 tt 4,otnrllht.t: 11r aear.le''' returned 141 I ,1 id ' ,II e'r. {MI, 11 te• Vh" ap3"•t14t T 1a. 111. 141p l t lIit 144• now 11..14,• .% .r st. Matthew," 3 ;moven I ,,r"I/t". Beira: 1 •enee •n., tit noselelan ? end .. I [ ti erne. :n lot. flee it in••,ill" r .,f It"' 13.',8.x'1 of 11.1,e- e.114 K"111e.liio1', .11I'1 et 111Y• 1'1'leani at and tient-rat erree1,: of Hie etnlrrh. ;ttl't ••f matzo wiper:Aid e.ou meta•-, h'- 1- ,tet'"r'I••'I .1 1"'' . 0) nt' r+'ruptu'!••'i• bean -Alp. It le •f'•it- 11)81' lay 1n,a a a'"* 111 a high 4I19t1e. Ili'' 4111.1 lale,+ • n,•,.41" 11 (or 111'•r' ap„n, ltil' 11•'. taitilm 1,4 )t11101 to, Ili WM. 1-.111„t :",•.Jai.t. ring rice• "fr, 1' but flat, ,i)nt..t- 6,, 1 May 141 4''t'I'''•Yl. (:'Immuntirn the tlr-t sabbath, of July.) Next Similay. morning Mtdaitlantt•• Ledge lin, XI, 1.. r ,v A. M., will at- tend divine sessile in St. George's t i br I Iee1 n. rhurrtt, alum:: alttl isltn K 1 ntrt al t , t3 it.+post ebur+ 14 11. A vette,' • if 1,VOOd5tllcte will preen' at•t3rrth ,eracee4, 11 n. 10.:11n! , III.p. fin. Bihie Selina ;it 10 0.-nl., .1n' 1 • P. U. at s 1, en. .Knox leinrrh: Dame worstl'Ip next Sabbath r,nduete'1 by the minister. Plower Heroin, In tie• rneeek'en elle, )Pets if 1a. nr , `'P14e a,savi'ra 044d flair;" i p. nt., ."l'i,., lamps that Pail: The. preparatory .04116* twill be held tin Tu:'ada.y evening next at it 'neon; the night Reverend Lord Dlvh0,Y of Huron will be at 1;eAtt'e'ta a'hutv.11 for the purpose of adn,Inlster➢ng (0. rite of ,'.,nftrn►ation. The memorial tablet to net•. Robert Frames i.:t7rrlt- ben: tlr.-t r,rter 0f teiderlete w111 14'' una'•il''t at tins, sort,,, 1115,. htitas Helen Strang sa'riyi'it home from. New York en l4utttr'tly t'i xlir.nd a ')',.l, o9 at 1181111.. 1 111 1Y, a','"'It111,11►i041 f*tett n fry •tfriend,Al�� J ,” fr Yuck: A . " , EL , e it Rt Mr. and �Irr+ .1nlr tt ] ire tip from atilt -ago a nulnitt s '.0 u er, c,atun, 11r. 1lreekl,r idi:v'at . nr, til , .i 1► e n I Ili , i ttiint r h Spent t who t t to . p , ' here -beset. W. i1. hllt1tt 0f.'{11. Fre,•=prem') %taw' + d ;t.t•.< � 11 Wednesday. . d r.. t;1 n In torsi) . on tenant • the Liberal • i:onsentl/+n in Winglenn and wt nt down to the tem, prance ronventinn in. Clint,rn. Mr. it. N. eterritt, prine►p,ll of the ()%'i!n Sound Collegiate In'trtut ar111..4 n •ti, (': I !Rapti,. ,former 1114.1141344r of eth, 1, inl ,irtaff, lroo lien;;tppt•i/lest pl r,rejtl.11 of .the Kitchener and Waterloo. 1.011e. t:,pt. and MI'S. I3'rttcr, of the ; . t .. •� ,�. - Sett ,lli .0 Army. 11a+•,• rise's"i•rl 4E•r1'•1 from headquarter'+ '•t their n►o.• b, Flfiday and Saturday bra°ustlt. They lane tett: Thitinel• fur tltr•ir n1'ty, +•h,true. trar,•acci[ �,'�•. EUGENEOBRIEN t vle•r+ trill i)r th,1lli at th+• t:ltad.4 „n 41N. Y vini,l.la et. sing. Capt. ar4'1 Hr ti➢t- „ "yty�•,lt, 1,f �1'af"rlMr, ;,t 01 rime, 1„ r,,.,i s`'Vlorld's Apart rust. coupled with a real l tie snappy !'tGeP4 '(11 NoFilc 'tl. 11t'tgllell'•l ('uIlori°tl 1,e'Xt :'methg• hilt lie: 10 ;1. (0, it rt I.ra- +� to e'a (edit and Mi!!elhl3► Select 'Comedy Vic topi� for ilicrustittn in the oh•u',+ You will notice the drop In tempers. /alb c53't i "'El's INC *Wye in gip `t { as soon as now style Jtl.tdt Bibi "" iatrd c' 111 tra-s inti .e'1 It Mr. PEOPLE WE KNOW �1rarla t9+ 7I''il ':.II ,'Id, �, iii -4 'I,r,u '• 4011184,1 0,,t„ -w It 40 41ltr••tiat t,W7 Gee, ' el/ 'dirt. }. }'�•,,,•."•R, '•f it►r; her 'nelson. the Mose-, e 0; e% 'Mrd.. ®4.141. Beeplo ,4 %,eeei w 43 - t I,ra4P 4:,nllhla, llluhta41'1 Vol. -is tl_ t Why fro. -not+ 1- tc - %tiv' Hattie llnrt.t0h. ACh„ It 8I(,•:thrto ,[Y jnCmtt.at 1+i et,•01i,• M,Ss lt,+d n1/;,19+ j,i 4( t,•f Y➢Y Y.,' thin faith rel (tit.•'. at tee..t t 1131141 311'1 "4o•% Nide tato . H1'% lir,•sites 411.1 tla• M3' ' 71430 1.:3rnt,Ytlttl, t,f Toronto. t/ i4 i. - Ll 1 /! Y eteleia a feetait1lit'ts 1"sh'layts w NAMA QTS. HALF PRICE (3enuitie Okinamsa 1'tauaarn t Hag. bought to sell at St;.ti0. reduced tt, $3.95' 11')ugl►t tosell at $"i, reduced to $3.25 GODERICH E25. ONE DAY ONLY %slight to sell at $4, reduced tt, $2.85 101°41?ilitlir° tOtria 5t4 Oeft�p I'1,IA.(3 07141 111ta Litt yattr aeleet- z®t; 8401110 tile% last. ,840 1,14 a 4144)11 Htry1.'8.(4 OA!➢ Nl ,.0 4 111-1 t It1 eyettt l rl'i" fr. 3 , ,'I ol'- 1 ire 11001t5 OPEN A1' 7ria P. iK. . fy Itobett`aoorl. At it e• Ie. and. i t,1a41, p ...r ROBIN- ', Open Evenings i4_Y r- tb� 1900,000..00 aIq It`lett DA one :UM .'°X ) MAX., M., DO PEO 2-8101 Pill. WAIS Plidctt • Seat Sale at Dunlop's Drug Store Satre price 'as charged at Pair Gr,utuis. F a