HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-23, Page 4THURSDAY, JUNE. 23rd, Mt
Black Pailette japan Taffeta
Japan Taffeta or Furey Willow Silk, in °
Iustre &n pidai, goodSik heavy wovenva ge it black and navy. Hellos and very., liana.
lustre and. pnareRt Silk, green edge it Yard has and every yard is stamped "Imperial in pre sod durable.
e to ler yard, Yard wVat). Reduced
Fe ilette.° This cipalityi�aat sold et $2.75.
Un 4rpo41 sale, at per yard, $1.45
Natural Shantung
Satire Duchess
000 yards, OS and 3t inches wide, natural
3apau Silk, purest Silk it is, was es
• •'! lwrd ',silo► exquisite nudity, sxtra heavy, Used for dresses, skirt*,
•'� Imperial Duchess.' wear war- wears to no Fendt
inert d.tin Imps ' snits, blouses, shirts, curtains, draperies.
rax►tea. Foix coatna, suits'' dresses, ,'kirks. ° 006•3044.,p_____:::!:......._..
' Formerly $,l.50. At per ya i $2«95
Clearingall Curtains, Rugs, Linoleums, at\Special June Prices
evils, Nottingham Lice Curtains, all thisiwewn's bu him:and beautiful many of them are.
Swiss Curtains,. made to 001 atm:0 d $10,00.. On sale, $3.75
Nottingham Curtains, $3,00 to $0,00.-At'per pair, $1.25 to $2:5O • . .
uetiativiiiil-fleet, irusaele, Wiltot7at Tapestries,' in everf size up'
to -21 r4.
IZ r ..i r ka. made between the Clinton end the,
a•4 Goderieh Hospitals , that the Clinton
`‘ hospital was self sustaining and Dr.
TlitlitSDAyi 23rd, 1921. \ (Sandler even made that statement in
The .ladies who havehave -Interested
themselves In Hospital matters Jn and
around Goderieh- naturally. feel, tbsap-`
'Pointed at the outcome of the vote in
the eounty ebnnell on the matter nt
Bcalits /or Hospital eonstruction, but,
one of the eouneillare put it to us,
the echo ore. getting edueated:along
'the line �trk_ttntt nacet*sttyltaistnf lr ,
snore qulekiy than the eounty council.
til Is dittleult.to understand they vote
of Warden Doig on •this matter. .1.11 lile
Opening address ' ht; IMO sires*. on the.
'teller'' that the time had come for doing
something along' the lines the ladies'
•T deputation asked for, and . again, after
ieering the tiefeatation, the assured
tem his bedewed something satisfac-
tory would be done by the rouneil. 1n
^view oto these statements one. cannot
help asking what changed his mind
- hen the time for the vote ° came:
Counting his tote the way. Ms expres-
would Justify one In doing not
_would male ►tx toe H, encu combined %ivt h Practical demon-
'”"•'11 wh elr Wgiiald trte'arr-tirat'-it�- {heir --opposition to the report of then. &tlm, s b hof to 0
ofl,�to'1r �
ry d have Been necessary to ohanl�o special hospital �commtltte e
the council, hut had prolfiptly to M-
ilt' In Answer to Mrs. Cameron's guns '
tion,•that what to meant Was y
veld thin,
-pec }
h the grants
t � t
were free of debt, xo that as a.. matter
of fat t, there, Is nothing unique -about
this po iitien at all; Councillor: Tse-.
wantha, o a previous meeting of .the
countysop cil •brought up the same
coMparison V Ittt the Clinton hospital.
The comparison is an unfair' one, and
the time will surely tonin' sooner or'
later when Clinton wilt bo in the same
• osition as some: of the other tc4n5
'which have reached'' the point where
large expansion and Improvement. is
necessary, For' man,,, years the Code -
rich hospital has been run,,,+ith much,
leas • county grant than the., Hospitals
are now getting and it -to only: at late
that a grant for construction p:pd ex-
is being sought..
Some et the representst�tives ..from { anuntona' of ,:tyntarrio, the Ontario Re -
Council and the '
tention of
er countries
tenet'. The
of Trail
boys' ore*
of its fatal.-
Includes tl?o'vorThe ton solicitor is in Toronto tom
site 't'r,xis ua,”„' day attending the proceedings in coir -
for boys of the nectiom With R. J. Acheson's Injune-
'teen age. tion.
Details of the Ultram •for the camp The Goderieti quota attending the
at Goderich eat ar plains for eltasing upoadvn !unitary carne returned at
registration .rape gonn ,nYo. SEL:
Dickson, hi masK snit be sat the Swami, noon on >:aturday looking healthy aril
A. Porter and T. McDermott won the
local Wednesday afternoon tournament
this week. The second event was not
y tt i •;l; Kelly and !Chairman Mur-
ney.,of the Water and Light Commis-
ston intend attending the convention
of hydra engineers in Niagara, on Sat-
To the Mar.
The. Tow* at Gad.rteh ba advantages
that very row saw towns la Ontaxia
bows, hut, sit le She oily town In Ok
tarso,. ar city , that bas any em
heine00--sod ti ate ray. What lit
Oa romat ► population 11400 lees
(haat It woo rho Year* 140. Thio ebou ld
sot 4e, »,csu.e ii WillC4l etrang;
•If any outsider wisher to *tart business,
sit be bac M aM tato ask for twenty or
eisn an kW ss ss hundred sad silty
thol isatud, OXEN le granted. ilafortun,
ately this the other wad with
our old oild� i! they want any help
it's tdraetE With a bang, or their
ftrxes raised.
Take. ter biLNAEMae, the Bnanolo a.
They hair any • thousands on
the Labe jEinpk sm inletmucb to the
town; they p+b even get an extra
street light. That they cleaned np anti
repaired t a cwt "C Colborne Hetet, turn.
in K it trona ai t trys eex'e into a bandgouxe
Bp9ifortf'hts 1toys'VWorkow �Trainin'Received
a r Camp'
mock. Instes4 out tieing enconrsged to.L tsined goad' assessment was reduce
do more of aha Wm improving to other liained
properties, which they bad intended, The appeal of. Mr. d:" G. Reinhart:4-
taxea wyou. ,(red two thousand galnst •his .income• assessmenttof $1,280
dollats. mime them to for the. year, 1921, was dismissed and
fueling to iso oast With any further im• the assessment was confirmed.
pr in pleas
eata7 • , The appeal of .the ..Roman Catholic
r rof lake, which of
Separate School Board against the 1921
carhop and tape. which ,are drawing assessment of the Western Canada
cards very few gets
pis hahe, (the whale Flour Mills Co. was considered. lair.'
of tlwitsse n o unci rich on its tourist Killoran and Mr. Campbell were heard.
large n) one money,lt insist e� votinghtThe assessment was. confirmed and the
hese ane behind
.dt •tfie agate,.School Boatd appeal was •dis-
and gone lrshlnd a ale or to the ars, 1 m ssed , The W. C. tel. M. Co. was as -
.and dollars to the past live years. a a ed as public <Schcol p
period in which every industry prosper-
ed. How can they expect to keep going
in the lean ears we are facing?
The me rcbattta alhop1d club together
and save the town from bankruptcy ;
they know where their best customers
COMB frena. Wore taxes keep out more
ratepayers. tfimy' are trying to sell out
tb 10
e•.` 4 '• .v
. •t•
P 1• ,� • • .
IThe adiourped .meeting of the Court
df Revision as held on June 9th, with
all the members present, and Assessor
Campbell and: Mr. Darrow, town soli
Biter. present.
The appeal of Mr. A. J. Cooper was
sustained and his 1921 income assess-
ment was struck off •the roll.
The appeal of the Goderlch Knitting
Co. against their 192i income assess-
ment• was considered, i%Ir. Wallace
presenting a statement from the Bank
of Commerce .showing the amount
charged for carrying Victory Bonds.
The appeal of the Company' against in-
come assessment of $1150 was sus -
Registrations are being received by
N, Meikle, secretary of the Sunset
Training Camp Committee (Box 537,
• train-
tint,) for this summer n
ing camp for.. ,boys" work leaders and:
�praspective leaders, which will be held
at Point Farm, 'near 'Coderiot,..Point
Farm has an unrivalled bathing •beach
and ample grounds for any game, in
,fact it would be hard to imagine st
more ideal spot for the camp • than J • t
the spot 'selected,
. The camp is intended for Sunday
school . superintendents,,. teachers and
leaders of boys' -classes, lovers of boys.
who 'want t2„ learn something' of at
boy's nature and methods of character.
building; and also for older boys( over
17. years . of age) who may want . to
learn how to become Trail Rangers or the • other and prevent, as far as Os -
Texts leaders. This is one 'of the On -t sable the. over -lapping,,. of dates of fall
tario Summer Training Camps,. and f soh sty t . The follows: : o the. conn dy.
Promoted by a co -Operative commit-
.11" in'affiliation with . the Ontario E. Ellis; vied' .president, air. Mcataugh-
Rays' Work Board, 'composed of re-'101%4410eeretnray.1 'dMetall;lliott��$ecct
presentatives of the Protestant corn- Wing :, ; Muldoon, Brussels; McKee,
llgious Education ounc Sea , tli; Flunking, Exeter. ,This or-
tlonal Council of the. Y. ;tt. ft. A;, and izatlon will meet in Gllntoh in Oc-
i designed to serve the Counties of ober, the date. to be set by the prest-�
se s •su porters.
We understand that by 'resolution the
directors of a .company can : transfer a
proportion of their school taxation to
the separate school board (such pro-
portion to be not greater than the pro-
portion of Roman Catholic sharehold-
ers -to
harehold-ers`-to the total number of sharehold-
:Mr, Gi<mpbell required evidence.
that such action had been•taken by the'
directors,. but this was. not torthcom-.
ing.. ,
The appeals of shareholders of the
W. C. F. M. Co. against assessment on
income derived from dividends from
the company were dismissed and the
assessment confirmed.,
The;1921 assessment roll as amended
was adopted and confirmed.:
Following: the deputation 'which
waited' on the county eou:►oil asking.
for larger grants to Agricultural So-
cieties the delegation assembled at the.
Bedford Hotel and formed what is .to
be known as lluroon County; Agricul-
tural Society, the purpose. of which Is
to create a nnore friendly spirit among'
the Agricultural Societies pi the Coun-
ty -•-to enable them to confer • one with
other which are not yet, ready
to use: A grant for hospital• construe
tion seemed to he afraid they' would
fed opinion ug Y . get their share when the time
t1 t 18 to' 1u' instead came and' Inc this reason: annontnced 1
e, and alis in aulted :Classes along the i nes rof
Canadian stall
xtnl � vates� to retake a win . for t'� spite,. stn proitrarn, and f
sitsiclple of # ' trout for hospital �`. tbes0 places and tiles rei?ort wee sat- t '
artatYdtipis• .' athletics, a,luaiie6, hilt',, games, lee -
Duren, Perth and^ the `southern partIn the way of. cornparlson qtr.' Bilis,'
et hie will be a,., r at 'oaunping exper- of Blyth, who, 'it 'spokesmen racy.
of Clinton,
the deputation, ',pminted• out .: that i
'Huron County With 10., Societies. each
,-e wing 1t2a,ux 'total, grant to: such
rietleti was while the tallow
g aunounts w aid `in. the cgnntic%
Maw' . c nduet Biiyte Ur
otF that the eommltte
dare Efficien • Training
y 11► et the taut .--urea of'tii+r P t*Mll
f 1 ital eon had intervlowe 1 the hospital board b Bible'#al*dy medicos of bo *1
s t Bairnin
1►a s 1 g
r cit �� iti -
�o e i es a stae ,
.lad .fi g ii
, ca t'
1 tutee ,
► ,' dsiactory to tern.
Pay the petutity of being one of the vd 1 ha a
first places _ ready for hospital expan-
sion. Why , sttould • Ooderdeb and
. was 'lytnttit:tni neve to welt Until Ciinto�
We believe the feet that�t;tintan . F,xcter ora ready to ,(eke
1 and.
r[ ►
not a!aiciin(t for n;grant" for ronstruci[on a '
e meh'in to etc with ere of a. grant for conrtructio .
may have bad K r t g
Now that the ladles aro taking 1 oa
pital .matters Itt hand to an even great-
er extent than• before, It .is likely they
will bo heartf front again.
how oes t1Y ifoirat5, There v 1
staff of . efficient leaders for instruct -
esnal . and .work; ork; in :addl-
on to the following camp leaders:
Rev. S. S. hardy, Goderleh, Anglican
representative risento
he and p
r •
T. Atkins, Parry Sound:liaptist repro -
t nb
sentative; •Rev. T. .
''Methodist representative; ev. W. R.
McIntosh, London, Presbyter an rcpre
sentative Rev. W. D. Fletche 'Toron-
ito, National Boys' Work Boa u .
The dates of the camp are from
July pith to lith, 1921, and the tee S2.
for registration, and $7 for board d
tent lodging. Register today, by sen
Ing in your application to Mr. aleikle,
4 oderich. , Arrangements will be made
to meet you at the . train and convey
you to the camp. ,
.\tr. Dickson, successor to Mr..; Cook
as Boys' Work Secretary. was up from
Torulnto on. 'Tuesday. and met .Some of
the canna eonimittec and others In
'Knox church lecture room on/Tues-
day night, and laid emphasis on '.tile
value of seth camps as the one pro-
posed at Point Farm. • • •
This year there are five such train-
ing camps :being held in Ontario, in
placeof only• one the previous. year.
It was' intended to hold nine, but tate
others proposed in western Ontario
have,, fallen through. These camps.,ar
made 'possible' - through . the eo_opera-
non of various. denominational groups,
.the Y. M. C. A. figuring as one such
group, and'-- vh - ensoperation faiis
the imine cannot be carried- out.
The work is .clang the lines of the
Canadian Standard ot. Efneleney Train-
ing. a program which was adopted In
1913 and which Is attracting the at-
the -defeat of the proposal, No one'Is born :short-sighted, but the
The unfair. 'comparison has been , tendency may be inherited erited
ug. 7., 8, 9,
10 11,1921
Decorations Will BO Lavish
Special Attractions
Lots of ,...
Plenty of the. Best Band .Mulsic.
Preparatie*$ ars Oleg ahead'aicely.
Talk it up ammo your trends (tad help sake tlLis the biggest
eelehrativa G.Jerii h ever flaw
Don't forget to sena names and .addresses of former residents
to W. S. BOWIilN, Secretary, Board of Trade Booms, at the
• i�arlical vtossiblo date.
Warm Weather 'Wear
Tra.Keit Underwear Ortieg Trousers Matti Shirts
Straw Hats Belts
Get Tour Summer Suit
lltulale hy.ear expert tailors, sad' lark right.
'Phone 219 The Men's Store
PeNo. Sae. Anrount
f 235
`i2.�rth t7. 1,5}i;
La'mbton t9`• 2, 90
Grey 20 5,405
Waterloo • J. 1,243
Essex 9
3 • 2,4b0
5 f
Peterborti /;