HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-23, Page 3¶111.11S»%Y„ HYNE eelril, iett. UHT VEAIC IMES MUM& It you are in this eo.ditot Ones is aely one thing to do; take & course tit MILINUStifS. I , Hun at Nava I , • PILLS I( see tow tpdslity *Ye wilt elligshille fit.rellithill the heart and motor* 1"1"eriermslateorraditioollYlle "nl to 4 IwtabillY Wm W. W. Peoria, IA Soto St., Utrita, Oats Wifftell:-.7"I If** left * weak hoot and in e ltill.4101116 5tiou from, the liar gyeptires badly iltatterat, aid I hat sigh in iv ht0q I 000141 aet*eep muck 1104ight. I seek einieraleloctort midi-, without gottiegillrjaitter. Mr cot .tfitiArf Mji*Ars.'111 Mart I tii: ; It erternorkaa, if . Ire anti ilbton's Heart and Nerve 1110n. a box at al'idesders or mo receipt of price by The T. Limitild, Toronto, Ont. MAMIKIMMI. Mosenalhe Wheat fie Mere, in. Wilifeua) No. northern. 41.24. no. 2 northern. $1.43. Grown 1118110/Al4ff,, Osteeledias specialist ip women'a and cai es. Acute, chronte and 'bellow( throat, Adenoids removed Isitt% s. partial deafness, eye, ear. IhIi knife. Consultation tree. Mc, *pit ence,. Nelson and et. Andrewl litree* *at Temperance Rail, North *rem Ofgeht.bours 0 to 12 a. 0., 1 to 6 p: m. ifeadare, ,Thisrsdays anct Sliturnitys. TM/nines by speoiermakt. • EGM. Cams CHIARLES OAIIRO'W. Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. Corner !tore.' street and Square. Ooerich. out. No. 3 northern. $1.77. Me. 4 wiscit, OS?. Oans (la Store. rt. iirtlidam) I. 2 C.W.. 4714c. Ina 2 C W.. &ilia. *tire 116. 1. 4$36c. Na, i teed, 41.4no. No. 2 teed. 44%0. Manitoba none, Oa 4i1 1' Ne. CIC, /Sio. Na. 4 iC.W.. Rsdected, Or, Weed, ale. alsitieste.Mash. No. NAL "t 44 ' 190- 1P4ster, t -$91. NO. .geoso,waeist. isint, • CHAS. SEAGER , OlflCb t Court- Renee. Godertell. ' celpts at the VaionStook TsZcds try- ease* 'rame% 4.1 No, 3. yItov. ,Ite. eaiiiraili ea* =Or /*OW Me, * White. 42* 40 err.- ...•••••••••• • • • Attna.. a . DISTRICT GLEANINGS 1aad Moe J. r John Mr. Will Weese*, Eltillee, focehrea uoggik ot kitig Ids degeee of Ehnel. reeently- Sea, co MooleY Ifr. sod Mrs. John Mort*, of l's- 400400,14 wok a borne, have removed to Eeeter. rogge, *..L Hos. Win. X. Martin. renleeteid by two sees. Dr. Wender a Stulketehewes, is 0 Exeter load Cola e C.. old boy. *rot4t1e Six large etiecks ot ilex, cont*Isieg httiAlke.. * Mote aquae 109 tons et materiel, went Me ha Itre. w ' smoke in the lard ot the Canada Flax Clued hw in Male, Ltd., fitotiforth, on Eekley, Znue WOO le 10th. •••••••••••-ee Olt tewiresreeew lershrhatikeasesilot SOW/4V' aliff tit 4 - It= 44**iviii, buin..wra.rve*T-T- , • • - Verna (Areineilenli: No,. 2,. peens!!! est, (Asse_sert4,41-46. o 'No. 2. nominal, *lint t5 • • 117•. No. 2. 41.40. affilfeed (Cor Lots delivered, Torrillid 11331tosnriareArt°:4;1!2$526Wt0123Tie. white middlings, 421 to in. reed flour, 1140 to 12,10, 0AtTLIN MARKETS lifte. EMU* *iitiort, budbury, an - now** the eligegetuent ot bayous*, diugbter. Amelia kiarrietie *Mr. Hobert MalreY. Otters, younifeet itoto of Igr$. Hobert A. McElroy, SeittOrthe• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glazier Minimum the ettgagentent- of their eldefit deught- er, Ella Iterniee, to Mr. William John Gloushr, of Blyth. The 'marriage will take Placelhe latter pert of June. Mrs. George Meter. a eledericla i0Wasilip. ennouriees the engagement of her daughter. Edne, to Mr. Bobbie, of Kitebener, the mafriage to take Piece quietly at her Mame ou ThuredeY. June t3rd. r • TORONTO LIVII SIT041K. 13"TaigiarrAteitirefi-- 1•1•7---" - TORONTO. Jane .20. -Live stock • re. to -day's- ;market were 171 cars s. SOS • . ' Tim°3 304'. 3.330; calves. ITT; hem 1.1,e0; alai% ' • • • • •1 *TM ,BUrFALO, Junel,20..--Cattle receiPta. Mr. and Mrs:" Albert Townshend, of The wordage took piece on Wednes. day. ens of Margaret McDoneld, youngeit daughter at Mr, andKrs .3 ohm Torrance, of Clinton, to Mr. Geo. Par - Peen Foote, son ot Mr. end Mrs. G. S. EbOto, ot Rod Arthur, Ont. The engegemeht is announced ot Miss Lets B. Senders, second daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders. ot Stephen. to Mr. Rufus W. Retitle. son ot Mr. And Mrs. Edward ICestle, of Valorise, the saarriagitto take place this roonth. years ha Breaaels, sol Ise* oe he taught et Myth. Teelaleitint Celliner004,1. Ile wal is his *Mkt 701111 sod tor yowl peee skso resesiese ktilsort Cliotoi. ma of Mr. away at the • W. &maw. Chi. of last week, The 'W. lt. of Brumals Hi its survived W. 'thaw. CLUMP, eld, 0.. and by thei Mare, loth- , Viniallnel. And . Show ok HOS tows- . Int over lit Public wheel at ALMOST 1111.1USS MON vrrus DANCE Illarrister. Solictior, Notare • Public Etc. SOFFILLO LIVE, STOOK. 'Office Hamilton St., sterling Ionic Bloc* • Reil ,Estate, • Loans, Insurance • • • riONVETANCING AND NOTARY N./ MADE Z 'efitzENSLAGE, es**eld,uCon. reviewing end Notary lie • pROGDPOOT; oarristers, Notarps __Btu. omee-on Arse Square, led door Imp el'atiirreentrtinstTotteirg::' id. lowest Tates ." W. vnOUDF•00T, IC. C.. L. KILLORAN. OGGLEV nOtHES, Jur. AIJCTIONEERING THOMAS ellNARY. Live Stack' end -General Auctioneer, Hinnilton street, Ofiderich. Sales made everywhere and oil efforts • Mall* to^ five you saneractiore Farmers sale notes -Warm:Merl. Avery quiet wedding was isolemnieed at the Aehlield manse on WednesdeVi June fith, at 9 sane when Mary Jane, eldest daughter of kir, and Mrs, 'Samuel MeNain. was united in holy bonds of matrimony. to Mr. Wesley C. Ittobb, son Or Mr& armee Robb, of A.shlield.' .1011•••••• The Maori* el the Heads, Foe end sogy Uettr4. drOlt.10•4•1 • Si. Vibes de*oe 4it aetlipease of the forties brought olt by a morbid. eon. (talon Of the blame It le einumoni welt children, end Attacks girls mere frequently than tow: Irritability is first signs noted. quarrelsome and The jerky Move- erize the disease, limbs and body 4erks spas - '14xls• 0. B. -ot Winnipeg, whose maiden name Was Mary M. Tewsley, died at the home of her son in Cleveland, Ohio, on PridaY, June tette The deceased wad a daughter of the late Henry Tewsley, and spent her girlhood in Clinton, • frequently one The ehild frets. does- net. Sleep meats „ that 11121 cense at little sometimes Rte 31 nindleellee And Severe eases the power of sperelt144 affected. Stott a, child should Sot le allowed to study, but *mild be WOK Viet, giving a nu- tse,lees diet riligent out of doers much as possible; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will, help the blood restore the shattered nereele The value of these Pills in- etaSes Ot *hi kind is shown. by the following statemept from Mr. Frank Rtlynoldist Windsor, N. S. who bays: "When a TOM gir 1 Isuffered very severely fro $L Vitus dance. I could not keep stilt, for a moment. If I tried tO handle dishes I broke them, and could not Odell attempt to hold a thing in My hazels. No matter what was done for me I could not content the twitching in me face and body. My parents gave Me several remedies, but they did not help me. Then one day my father brOught home a hall dozen boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Atter two boxes had been taken there -wes an improvement In my con- dition. By the time the last box was gone, to my own great toy.; and relief to our family, my condition was nor - mei. anti J have since' mile:fed good health. I never lose an opportunity to say a good wont' for Dr. Pink Pills:' You can get Dr. Vinland's' Atilt pals through any dealer in medliene or liy mall at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Ntedieine Co., Brockville. Oat. Elmclole Perm Goderieh tosvnshiP.. Noss 1.200; 210 to 50c higher; heavy, flounce the engagement of their only Calves, 310; *Wady; 36 to 312.50. *Leo to se; mixed. 42 to 89.35; orkers: daughtrr, Eleanor L., to Mr. J. 0, Nel- light yorkers and pine. 49.25; routtlaro son Cr eh, e est son of Mr, and Mrs. Sheep and lambs, 20e; slow; lower: ,..,,,11050- -ail,' ,t:IrcerriZt3algents11.nontrtt.le stage.tci, Joseph cri iambi., 86 to $121 yearlings, 16 to ifs 11", A• quiet but pretty Wedding was sol. others unchanged. CHWAGIO ,11.1VM 11Zracia• ' emnized at the home of Mr. and Mee CHICA.GO; june 30. -Cattle receipta. George Twamley, Ashileld, on Rattly. 1.000; compared with a week ago. beet eteerso 15c to 210 lower;'she-stocit gap,- day, June 1Ith, When their only &With- er:illy Mc to 41 lower; spota off more: ter, Rota: Merle, became the bride of boor, canners and cutters, 25e lower: Mr. Rairmond H. CI, Fiunigae, youngest calveso 60c to 26c lower. Mows, SOO g litc to lic high - son of _Mr. and the late Mrs. Hugh Fin. openin er; one load sorted *lights. $1,110; prim. mon, 0; Mal top. 06.26; bullt..111 to $1.20: reed , Mr, John Hackett. a cousin. Of Mr. clearance; piee etronfi...1?soitly 27.76 to milm thieutt of zuoutow. so, alio. INSURANCE • mdrICILLOP MUTUAL, , INEWItteCk Warps sad haste* Tows Property insure*. Vilue iltraverty ,insured up to January,, okiogris.4eme's• PresIdont.' ilerieeten4 Se. v ics-PYssidens sts• 11101010WOOd.i."1.,g,f-dieril.:t4.64k.:1f0061440e -4041iCTOlid-D, F. ./epereser,__sestorth; ann. J. O. Orley.. WitilbrOp Wm. rlfl, Con •• stance ; George SicCartneY, Tuclersmins • /an- rerriS. Hallo* John Rennewise. sirosdhinan; Nisicolni HcEwan,-_,Bruceneld. AO NTS --J. atiderien Sandy staitl t c er„-, Policl Holders eau pal their Assessments .,34 It. ri. Caws Goderich, A. *or. c.J4thine store, t3inton, or J. H. • ilienrs; Bayileld. ., • .• • NOTARY PUIILIC, noTAnv PUBLIC General Conveyancina-Ootur Oood Companies Represented P11000 No. 298, cionerich. Ont. UNDERTAKING er.so. , , - • Ashlreld, died at Tsdre Sheen asses receipte to -day all paekera_direct; compared with a don Oit alum ilth. Me bed week afro. iambs, Si to 21.26 lower; Win ensSnvaIId ter a tienlber Of /elm. spcitO off more; yearlings. • 'fic 104' heing lifflieted Wilk palsy. , tre lower. Sheep, to llo er. ball a .Y.08 OP st Hinkett "town, Mildialti,• sad ashore going to London "Wild West" In Parts. toide hie moo at whittot,:k. PARIS, June .20. -- Five autonlo- A very. peaty wedding wee solentitiz- , bile bandits looted the shiny win- 414 4:41;•Areossogdak„.juria ,fitht at the BrOphea BrOS. GopErnom The Lending . Funeral DiregeOrb and E,Mbalmera Orders carefully attended to at all hours -night or •-day, For . SORE THROAT -COLD IN *CHEST etc. chis. F. Tilton. Faireille, writes: 'I wish to inform you that we .consider your •on, MINARDS LIN- IMENT a very :rtrilitand •'""t e"' t sure rellefforsorettroat and chest. 1 would net without it if the price ss one dollar a bottle. - • A man went lame the other evening noct found his louse locked Up. At - ter a great deal Of trouble he got in at the window and found on the . table a note from his Wife:, "I „have. gone to in'eollew,',! it read. "You will Arid the key at theeside et the •dcorstep,"... •• - • dows-of well-itoCked4ewelry:stera h"0300 '1St Ilir;limE .itulattu4 in .the Boulevard St. Martin Sunda? , poinderibdie. Isitininse forenoon, r.etiCaldni• with, VAIL ;101161r. dim•ter e'Pellalterielle Malted hi DOUBLY BEAUTIFUL • are the lavalliere* and itereiled lockets in our ex. Whit of high 011643 idwelry, There is the beauty of design and finish MA the beauty of quality that in- sures lasting satistactiou. Yet our jewelry is not r•ensive. Price moderation as Much a feature of our bueillees as the char- acter of our merchandise. EC. ROBERTSON Watehiteker & ,Ieweler .Cr East Str4o.ssil *ere Ceded& FARM COLD STORAGE nave an Upsto.date Eqtlipmant. for Family Purposes. tol.i•••••*••••••• 'The Berm Itefrlgerater a, Great Boo* • -.Yon May Put the Hatted -Teem • Oat . of nounde EstrIY After • Harvest thaltivatir. (Contributed by Ontario Departinent of . • Agrirulture. Toronto.). There mey. be other. corn lemovere, but you wilt not be completely 'oat's- ited until you .beve used' 'Holloway's and t *ea ranted at SO.- the • holy 'beads of rattriMMay *GO& torn Remover. . • . ettO ;raisin. Scores . of onlooker' teenier,. to cover front reel:slyer and carbine fire pened by three or the men who °re- mained in • the nutOmoblie, . vehicle drew up in trout of the Jewelry swop 'while the two others mashed the windows and gathered up the booty. The Watchman who was guarding the store emptied his revolver at the robbers, but without perceptible effect, and the bandits drove off With their loot, clearing the street meanwhile with renewed firing, • Given Lite Sentence. DETROIT, Mich., June 20. - , Elizabeth Lewen was found guilty.df first degree murder of six-verix-old Max Ernest after an hour's deliber- ation by a jury here on Saturday. 'Fifteen minutes later she was iten- teneed to spend th.e remainder of her life in the Detroli House of Cor- rection. The crime for' which Lewen was convicted was the shocking mur- der of the Ernest boy a month ,a ago. Evidence showed that she bad enticed the boy to se lonely spot on the outskirte of the city and killed him by stuffing his mouth and nostrils with wet -earth. A grudge against the boys father for an allev ed injustice in a real estate deal wee the motive for the crime. Vanninsthe 14.8• . Villeneuve, aged 61 years, ot Mont- real, was instantly killed near Glen Robertson Saturday when buggy' in which she was riding. was hit by G.T.R. tralte No. 2, bound tor Mont- real. Her nephew, Eugene Ville- rtaave, aged 16 Yearn, who wits With Was seller* inbred. Woman Wins Test. LONDON, June 20. -The out- standing feature of the triposes (the examination for elassleal hamr11). published at Cambridge oil Satur day, was the brilllaut success of Miss K. Snell, of Girton. To her falls the distinction of being at the head of the law tripos above sar the men. There were only three woMete dldates. Miss Eineli's achievement will long be remembered, and will be coupled With .those of • Miss P. G. Psercett of •Newnham, who in 1890 was placed above the SeniOr-Wrang- ler, and of Miss A. F. Ramsay, who in 1$67 was the only candidate of either sex to secure the firet-elass honors' in the classical tiripOs. Sir Louis Dories Will Act. OTTAWA. June 20. -It is prob- able that Sir Louis . Davies, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Deputy Governor-General of Canada, or one of the other Supreme Court justices, will be called upon to sign otters -in -council and other docu- ments on behalf of the Governor- General until the arrival of Itatent Byng in Canada. Train „lilts Buggy.. OTTAWA, •June 20.-e-Mi5s Phoebe 5 HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLO Say's Cress Applied la Neetriled optirdLtiearriseses Ugh, Ur. 41441.4"14441+4 • "beteg VelliettO Waiting. - ;Note biome& nostrils 'Open right up; the s'r passages of your held deer and you MI 1,hreathe freely, more hawking, enuf. ling, Islowing; headache, dryness. Hi. ,struggling' for 'broth at ilightiaryzt. Get a bottle of Eless;Cialini Zahn from your druggist neer. Apply a: little et this fragrant, antiseptic, Nestling cretin in your nostrils. It pen. erste. through every air passim of the (heti, soothes the inflamed or swollen Orleans 'Membrane atti relief comes it olantly. It's jast'llne. 'beet stay aludatlif Fitbss,,,colker tasty catarrk, 4.•1 TYLD to 71O% The following securities are exceptionally attractive - investments in every reel:met-411e Interest Yleld le High, the , security unquestIonabie--an et at maturity , these- bends will return handsome profits to the holders: PROVINCE OF. ALBERTA 404 BONDS -,,,_,,,,_ Due -Feb. ts; 1942. Principal and Interest piyi, Ws. 'id- - ^ abie In New York Funds. Price 74.84 and - i • in ss r e it.. Profit at maturity ,33‘7, In addition tO 6.15 7„, , • interest and premium on New York funds . . .... -.... • to, . • • PROVINCE, OF ALBERTA 60 BONDS • . • Due April 1, 1936. Denominations of $1,000• . . . .- Price 97.59 and accrued intereit.m In addition • . , to the Interest earned, these securities' will shovf .6 25 r. - a profit of2.45 en principal at maturity 41 0 . . „„ PROVINCE OF ALBERTA GUARANTEED SO °. • COUPON BEARER BONDS - , . Due Jan.- 1, 1959.-- Denominations, 31,000. Price, . - ' .. 73.52, and accrued interest., Profit in addition • - • to annual interest about 351. 'Thistle an oz. -•75r ceptional. (ippon:inky • 0 ,•• .1 6 . CITY OF EDMONTO,N 41/21fo BONDS r • , Maturing In MO, 1931, 1932. Prato to yield. . ' . • . 7.10%. In addition to the annual. Interest, the . ,.. . ' holder will hove an additional profit of about 7 my. . 250 at maturity ... • ' k W. strongly recomniend*the purchase of these securities at present . ., prices. They are really bargains. (sonde may be .purchased on our partial. payment Man. This plan • enables Investors to take full advantage of •.peclail ill, ylifort_unith, s - such as the above. - • Littarrato G. A.. STINISOK 86 CO. MMus& • Isustment deters 3$-$ Mg Ilt. L Tsrsits. thus 111. UN - • J Palml.°11.1* Cold storage practice en far, haa been con:laded With. the large -pea. • duce warelioures in ourT,towns and: cities. •Theie establishment* could not do etteceitsful bedtime if their plant*. were not provided with lute storage chaMbers kept coot and - other partiaelers imitable for the long storage of perishable product* of the brut, inch res eggs. better. chtiesatubit, 'and so torth. Some day, , *01 50 jar distant etteff all, A* *ear may becotne Oft- 0141E4 *ell eritinixed to build and • It I cold its/rags wars- ot 01 own, "'whereby they 1s th hake cerogairte cot. joreasete sit OW 03111 hot sr are disetosed et to t e- natter public. The extent to Which intylilluel ferret:Tx may mike • use of IMO:cold storage pliiite on rine to fteceeserili limited be- 'MICR E,VERY MIEN. Sint leaf. eeitermint ha - 4101111 JUICY fruit. !OW lijrag IS S iptt soot! sweet tooth,' tied all Srit woolly Nod tor you. Teeth. seeetite and digestion all benefit. Your nerves will say "thank • You:* your vim will meson& WRIGLEY'S -la 1110 1Or. What • it does as wet( as tor It* value -at -ths Small cost of 5c......... The Flavor Lasts '17.'e're----..... ' te il• ill'ffe • e •Lefeeil e ...-• .. a fel 3 o '''"----asitiossele4"eassie yi 7 , ,,,.....c-1.- utitill1;!*;,,,:l., 5171-A 4'N MIT '•1..:1.1•::..L.s " ;-...1r, , ......... ,I.11.747CV1iltorl-c ' ;70. I, 21 I J U I C.,Y F R I T • • l• • • el • • Nallon-wide l'entee-There le 'scarce- ir a corner of this great Beinlinion where the Merits of Br. Thomas' Ee- leetrie Oil have not been trie.1 and proved. It Is one of the world's roost efficient rentedles• for sore threat. lame back and many other ailments arising 'from intiamMaIlona Pedalled, on .the skin its healing -power la' readily tab - sorbed, and it On else be taken in- ternally. "Are your hove tastes eatiensivel 'Not always,' said Partner Corrado-. set, hopefully. "I have noticed that, Josh would rather hear* he -rent Jezn record then the highest larked sped . opera that ,the phono*raph affords." The tows are In the corn, and there' they browse,. • • Out if your fence' was down, dorek blaine the °owe. • their a • „cause the aimitities of products re- quiring to, be stored at any one tints are small. The exceptions are ,reiy large fruit or dairy farmers," and even in these epeeist' lines or farm- ing it might not be a paying pro- position 10 all cases to erect an expensive cold storage &ult. Per- sonally, I believe the problees of cold storage on the farms should ba handled through co-operattvely own- ed warehouses provided with *de - quote cold storage facilities. Apart, howevere from the clues - tion of a cold storage with up-to-date mechanical equipment for the farm or farmers* apinclatIOn as suggested above, there is the problem on al - meat every farm pertaining to the storage for a hew days of small euin- ettres of various foods used on the table from day to day, such as but- ter, meat, milk, ete. It is eertalnly.a great saving and matter of convene ienee to have on the farm' a small cold storage chamber or refrigerator in which to keep there very perisbe able article* of food In a good fresh and wholeeoMe condition for use on the table during the warm season of the year. This le, made possible by the use of ice, end as It is procur- able In almost every district of this country at a reasonable cost, there is no excuse for farmers not tieing by in the winter season a few' tons in some cheap format ictehoulle. In -Wlio's sour twist, Jut lto lookg struelc It: lie's a haetall istoPim platinum i. await, eon" Mose peewee than pelt. riga or taterrh*diaippears. I like a nian of tioeisien." DAVEY•ItallatiltS11 NM Ele$ .....„,„,_ let 1.1 co trammed t'-‘,.J0*- iatsa.Sestitryesesnis ursteritt Ettittrm.A1 anciStonost." Zoo fa* Ilesiasio. Mot awl 11114/6y,. Write ter F tee Zee Casella*, Mein gnaw* CO tait Mikiltellit*MM r • 1 yr...own and Offer tie Putrid Balance pt King Edward Construction Co ILI Limited. MM. MOM MOO MOW 1 , 8% Preferred Stock Price. $100 and accrued dividend, car- rying a bonus of 30% of Common 1 - • Stock, making this investment yield . 1 1.1% with- safety The dividend on the preferred stock in ise. conditionelly and irrevocably rearanSeed by the United Hotels Company of Awasaisas, The dividend of 8% on the preforail awl 1O% on the common stock ere asesited under the terms of the lease of the isaaie ins to the King Edward Hote1 Conspeart Limited. Therefore to those who lirs, at 1 these favorable terms This investmenhvill yield 11% 1 Write for Descriptive titcultir----Addrese W.A.MACKENZIE &CO. 1 1 1 1 L ..............., .......................,„..„, ....„„..,„..., ........., .. ,, :43,,,,,,,,,,, ., 1I1E S14.11 LIMIT** Government and Municipal, Bonds4 Corporetlen Settititics 42 King Street West, 'Vicente* the 'summer time this he will be found most useful for cooling. the milk and create, supplying an Ice -box or refrigerator' in which the butter, for example, may be kept Arm, the milk and cream sweet, and the foOdei in good condition for the table day by day. With lee alecays so handy and th g best of cream available; It Is posaible for the housewlle to milie such delicious and wholesome deli - cedes as ice-treat:I, sherbets, and many dellgbtful and cool drinks, all of which .are most refreshing and stimulating to the folks on the farm in the hot and busy season of the yeat. In ease of sickness, too, ice is. eometfines a neceesity. There Is DO doubt then about the fact that every farmer would hail a supply of good ice a great advantage In many ways, whether % It be stored In some bin from which it Is removed as re- quired or in some form at small lee- cold storage where it pools automati- cally a an1311 retridertor room ad- joining the lee atorage room. There are several types of small lee.eold storagea suitable tor use on the fartn. In using these small fee -cold stOr- .ago9,. however. IL Muni kept mind alwaye that Ito temperature cannot be maletateed lower than about 40 or 45 degrees'. Fahrenheit scale. which of ktitir.,:i3 la not low enough to keep perishable products like freak meat lonmo4 than a tow days, and !argil quantittos o1 Dor. ishahlo aritclioi moat not be ol.ovt<I SIR a swan hatubc.r. nor too, many, kiwis at on,. tilao In onito of tblo limitation itt will nay any tatmor tol` orinn. of sa.o. pirotorabb in a tALialli fttldThlrar•T.tst 1 11,4 4:1 etre IN a se beiseeset artwio tow of the tsit 4.,.1141411,1,1 ,,1 pilioiratilo 101-949 43141111 v!‘)1 etoraeiel too* tbe farm. I: u A Lease eo, eeetiela The Bluebird Washer Call *and see a demonotration of the hest Wasi)ing , ire on the market.. We are agents. , Lighten the drudgery of honsekeeping with one of these easy.running rdaehines, which Save labor and preserve health and good tempei. • -,EDISON MAZDA are the the sto.ndaia up4o-dole elecqia light. We have them. Also all kinds of Eiectridai400ds for ",Ouse, store. °ale(' orEvIal:tuate rkah7.ruhah and:contracts take n tor eleetrio' wiring and other electrical work, • A. J. LAITHWAITE . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. HAMILTON STREET • - TM* Way --to Broader Markets Right at your elbow is your Long Distance telephone.' With it, you can talk With any of 12,000000 telephone3 in Canada and the United States. . 'Clear the Way" Long 1)istance sem3o: say an important message! ' . . For there leienstliing impremive about a Long Distance call. .Tite custonwr le faverably imprec.eed leetore be kttows what ti) teessage is aoat, And Lng Distaitee, gives you the riebt of wayf nto every etetee nilie. Ile Calk I Vii t7e Pets n3verfialle. eine lettr. or even your travar,. but tiesire a Louis leeatiee Lill? bra,kinttivoty tte readtn for the tte plel..e. . • . I ' . Keep tiown.vlling eupeese. "Use the 'Bell' ta Sell."You will tp. Imamt to lied itiNmany wim!G can be crtil euer reoduct be long lereeeee..qiiel.ly --cconorrneallk. . ••.• If Y1 Le e averal i ;IN 1.) matee giur to(ai ' • ML4-:t.i,,,.. 11'30 azratigo t.eluvetnietoliaw tip 41.0.it4 (Ali. Thin% ef him as the letell,2er off i.k. your t:cprl.te• ulvtce. Ho Curt C112c„T -4 v,,..t. .q.. 01( tsili, IttZ, 'otattnto-tatzun cconie t.A.4 y• Y,.1:: barIlliCC.,...:. Pvcry. Nit Tokplaorze a Lopg triolcuzza • Sludiutt '1(44 • " , __.dillillairemostweressorwordifiliesisiffrwPall'