HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-23, Page 2• TlNL ttSVA'6 Jt'Nt ti A u ttidebak. and G`ays* Motor Owe Cars before you Qom rAr�>si� and see butt• )low about that we TGE BATS vou were We the tr *ins.tridbr Etattery for eaioMwrhotOars i may be. Our WON !rg tight sada Ibis l snaraahlad. . lr gecko( Tliws Ws hal *wag .hiliar- POW o'Carla 1r fahrica If you are eonuiaerind buying s "" _ FARM TRACTOR atcbiniie, this spring let us show the qualities' of the Case re •Tlie 10.18 Standard Farads Tractor sells at *19!0. Used Cars. For Sale 1 ileo, thoroughly overhauled. With gobd tires. 1 Overland, 83, in good shape. A bargain. 1 Chevrolet, 'CVO. Ovtrbauled, Good tires. 1 Studebaker, in frat.clase running 1 cora Delivery, Street dill new tires and worth the prise. East Q Garage., P%* 243 ' T. F. °Eiolleati>td. ' Proth lhall t • Cores��ation t THEmember ee MANY HM aiire,iwi,Pa otastipatioa is ens wt tit masa o sail*ikaaumastiaisasaili moved It,e 01 Os* mise' sastaita l onaa++iue lliv° atalla* t 1 that ave „houist iaa the side ovary las a that Las -old at .eormee h t*s�*' 6otteti0 Nov *tow* e bast *tariailar. raptse o Ste to I'X tlis Urn stIliltllll�ftais salt e tie b. to es eifMw. fttx seats A. ties - sib ib bawl* aotN frith Ger revieloas oil and i&iwral buiiirees$ t. approved,of Each taking and cube c:risi, uritth. The ram. E.., arO € cos rs. Tilers taeti' leech and ,Campbell be paid. Allowed by heen, and carried. paid two dollars and on ,notion of Jamlc-_ I;rauta3 at 111a non Agricultural to the ,school. lair til - 'S Md and Humane. Soeiettt W ! motion of i napbr1t sun. the foitawtng account, able .rdered paid: Afrin cl pal'VVor pes. i -i.50; Ed. fl11 Tag; drn nit and role: It+.d'NN-. 1, 1#; Alf. uai. rep° road $2,°.$52: o. 2, 141 C. rep• road No. 2, 15; ino. Kilpiasegle grading Road No. 2, 4r3. repairs gander t2; Jas. Cook. salary as diad postage, tlio2.T►5: Wilfred le hal. on dragging road' i and 2, tit hn Bradley, team on grader Road. t,• 113' Cordon Jamieson, ME WEEK bratloe and also to meet old friends OLD � once more, but we find !t quite int- possible to cross the Atlantic; this a rest le Hislne Uaiiy-!Hang Write summer, much • as wenstii to like -e oot•do x so, I deet one evening tom ,arty' They are Coming dean lady and gentleman, and In The Goderich Old Home Week prom- course the conversation wad interested nter Pod tags to be a rouser and many letters to findtold bele rat till' Old home 1Veek keep coming to the seeretairy from bu former, residents of the town'. Among but forgot at the time that it. was' a Ahem are the following: town ` and not a County celebration. limy W. Symonds, New Liskeard, The Bey. Mr. Smtltic and,blisa Smillto ie, invitation n haat o�rl attendh thanks d Home Weeksnd at Canada hoped to were On yir be in Iiensall dufrom ring �i;od rich, to attend Ol . reunion week. Owle- t* Aug. 7-I0. I shall no doubt Auguz�dri�� ��t passiblY be In i;o C-, tit+ there,and I ism endeavoring to get hearty cod'\wishes for the success of othersh who I think may stear y g iaa-iaoucttr�,ith the ee1ebratlone.• - tame." those IL M. - tatmu ease toluol cave v: d yinvion Keewatin, r. Ont.,tttGo e- k•I was much pleased to Ccfe - ens i your me eek and was delight, rich t3lrt Home 1N y v ti kind invitation to - eek the fes- you. Nothing i les .mot Old Home Week in erode. I'd at the inritat�tthA if poestblo tie t Mydaughter and t are looking will be there fisha visit to my home , town would please Inc better Aran putting* a 9tOn a to Oen and will write your diy secure in Canada,n' weeks alwaya prettiest aid the townr tsetses asking a dhlo in kindly : g our Erie g rlalso. I . have always had a -Oe us board - most yearss our t to heart for old Gode- I l t. GIt isodo almost sixteen years slush rich Whaling you • every success I tort Goderich, but I" am looking for Ward to .our visit to my old home ow11. Again thanking you."' „;l'.tlias M. Carlyle, . Edinburgh, SOL. t thank you for your kind invitatton to the Goderlch Old home Week in August. It would. have been a .gree. tY.°" * .1 heaNri. Uditarel' Arles Pairmwisk, Os$., writ*a"---"1 hay* 's rear .Prion, 2 s. a vial at &sle a,: • oil ailed direct. on receipt by T. Milburn Co., L+taaated, oroatt, Il "Pahl: ro.,t1M►WSe ,1" Wad that did ant edit ,. • thanking you:" The publicity committee .held a meeting Vie other day and made ar- rangements :tar' the purehaso .of . pen- nants for automobiles, also for wind bb(etd streamers for gars, ete. The special issue of the "Golden Gate" is bent mailed out to all .the addresses on file, and this will help to stir _up Lnterest,ln the big, event. Five thou- sand souvenir buttons .have been or- dered. • - Bev. Mr, Barrett has been, appoint- ed chairman of the program commit- tee,:In place of 1[r. G. L. Parson6. re- sigeed. • PUBLIC $PEAKING. , (Copyrighted.) NO. 19. DIGNITY. • Not, )ong ago T found a venerable friend of mine in, a reminiscent mood. His memory extended, into the early lyceum daffy'.. Ile had heard many of e- the ntrii terrvals recalled byose names tithe re i indus- trious compilers of anthologies' of "Great Orations." Among the many anecdotes and de- scriptiens of public speakers of other doe, within. his personal experience, I. wee .particularly ;interested in his vivid contrast of the platform attitude of team: on ararrK', Bead i, $19 0 Frank Hamilton, twin •on grader, AO I and 2, Sia: •Jae. Iialarieaara, team on grader, roads i snit a, eclo; Ewart Jame.. toxin dry gam, roads t and 2, Jno. Wadley, *prating grader, roads i and 2, tie; (Gordon Jamieson, repairing hill, road t, ti3.50; Manley Hayden, draggle*, road'"t, $3:k'; Bert McWhin- ney, repairing culvert, road 6,. $1,25; Thos. 'Mulley, repairing road and bridge, rood 4, #0. 25; three culverts, road 7, $1..35; Angus Gordon, repairing road, road 6, $6,00; herb Pentland, repaeiring road, road 6, 16; Jno. Bennett, repairing hill, road 7, $4.30; Wilfred Famish, gravel; road 2, #: dna. C. Dalton, grading and tiling, Road 4, tt; Frank tVillis. g av- eling and repairing bridge, road �, $10; Thos. Garvey, grading, road 3,J no. S.. Dalton, the and ditch, P. Murphy, drawing tile and grading hill, 'road 3, 111; .Ina, Tigert, tile, ro ,04&.90: Jno. Kilpatrick, repair Ikte culvert, road 4, Si; John 11, Rel pairing, fpr ,.-road 5, 15 cent motion of Johnston and Sullivan, oil adjou�►ed to meet June 20tt p. tn. O. E. lieDONAC}I, IS TII BABY i • ROM e. va�. ... start of the design, the, NEW STUDEBAIK, : LIGHT -SIX was belt to live: f what a light six. o etude I�exK's_ - 9., . - . �" should and - and the .new low ' pric der- car.'. , . - . a result. of .Studer akers manufacturing . Ys' �ncrely • • • eatl increased volume. aT` •fa sties and gr y This is a Studebaker Year .re - .,On scan at i IN YOUR 110 ? Is.there a baby or young children' in your 'home? • If there is you should not he without- a box of ahrs Own Table a• Chtidhood ailiments • conte e a two orators of international reputa Ta lea and Means ;should ttl�yays be tion, aaseratio.hr authorityso ago. at hand to promptly fight theses One was.a was Ptonic social to Baby's Own.Tablets .: are . the ideal pies. He v?sry particular' about home remedy. They regulate the bow- site platform es stags settings. mr Ise ne-in- els; sva+eetcn ,the stomach; banish eQn- si-ted that these section a arranged ata t.on atl+j indigestion; . break up eat - cording to. his. rel' oo sand simple :.. e c . e directions. Then he re- stir .0 f - r it iaot they that the lighting should be sO the minor fps of i e mite. Concerning quested relieve ell adjusted as to bring him into the high Concerning thein airs: Meese Cadotte, •Makatnik.:; Que., writes "Beby's' Own b is are • the .best t!emetiy . fn .the Tablets for little' ones: My baby suffer- ed terribly from indigestion and voin sting, but the -Tablets soon' set •iter. right and now she is in perfect health." 'rhe Tablets are sold by: me- dicine &Al or by mail at e5 cents .a Dr. Ott//Iiattas' Alediv ine 11 Ont.; , ., .• r S warm Opo • 2 ecess !n . ,. ,light. His appearance before the au - 'MUM (Johns;. i daenee��bad; alt the ;;pomp and °Ireto - (Johnson.) ,rein, capon, Ohio,. tance of the. stage entry .of the star w i;tittle {Jo ) e vtany--thanks to you for the kind. M- of a tragedy, When 'more melodramatic vitation to spend Aug. I to ii ,with the tieatre oid boys' c and girls' ratlnion ..in Gode- rieh, but aan very sorry to say cannot come, as we aro', going to remodel our home and so •cannot . leave, . .Again pleasure to my husband and myse to take part. in so interesting a tele- traseveteetweeen~wwwweeveniaineweeene,77. r LD GARAG n Old Stand Under . New "Management First-class work by a catglaeteat soedstaic.:` Goalies, • Oils' awl Accessories. Complete stock of • Genuine Ford Repairs YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED evartommirousworma G. E. _ RET iE EY. NEAR THE .BRIDGE, RAYFIELD, ONTARIO Opsa Evesiats traditions obtained in be "ilraWing himself ups proportlons," he - )v ward the Audience' ponderous gravitY" thri :. earefniLy-sole.. Wilt i he proposed stand, thrutit his breast, of his . a* uliwasi*ily . sively at the in a heavy, orotund 'educe and .a boot beetle style, True, 'he was a man of real ability, and he impressed his au - (Hence, but in spite et hhis.style rather than. by means of it. The other was one of the greatest pulpit orators of his generation. He was a man of 'rare apirltuality and winning personality. ire walked eas- ilyanand as it.were, 'took the audiencean the by the hand. His position on the plat- form, latforin, caused him no concern. He spoke from anywhere. He did not seek' the spotlight. He began in a simple, tletlbetlate.> straightforward. way., He conversed with his audience intimately but not familiarly, and upon the plane of the average hearer. It.was as if he said, "Come, let us mason' together." His simple" manliness, self -Poise, dir- ertness and honesty. Of purpose capti- vated any audienee. Ile always com- manded such •respeet that when he fin- ishedhts hearers with one accord felt s "Thee elements (were) so mixed inhim that nature might• stand up and say to All the world, "This was a man.'" "The first speaker's soltettude was a"IIO'v do I look? "Ho* do 1 sound?" "How do I act?" ° The second speaker's concern was, "Have I something to say?" ' lave I eontkience, in It?" "!Can I persuade my hearer to accept it " I need scarcely ask myreader, which represent true dignity. on the platform or else •here, the formalism, the ponderous bearing, the stilted man- nerof traigt forwarr t type, ners and sOr the earnest- ness, trot f"thcsecond. May 1 east, before concluding this article, have you ever seen a Speaker approach the audience In that humble and self-deprceatory manner, as it he were apologizing for daring to open his Mouth in ppilblic, Or have you ever seen, one of those speakers, who, in- spired either by an excess of nervous exeitabtttty or animal Welts, wildly those -who, or have by o' a oot ne of emotionalism, loudly rant Hid any, of these •types of delivery eominand your respect?" But dignity ever com- mands respect. The Inference is ob- viaus. his toftitst ranee to- emn and roaehed'. from old box front Co., Hivel ,A e the ,044I Air. )*Aster' i a big time at the old sawv Mil. the. tiara e..anilton Street Special Sale 10F Dear gar_, 'want tO tell you about other day, In the turst place, there was a big racket. In the loner ilimints were Tata in it. 'Tilers was i ag�gine ai not skadue. In the furast piase the skale man skated over the' togs to- a safer Place. Then Jaek,,'the carriage man. sloped. T1hen -Noe, the saw man, to safety 'bust, Then Tom the edger maid Inc the rail •rode for thesite- hound train, and Jin, the log roller,, thot it was time to lave. Task of Tom ll:ongbOtol He; Was ..not vin it with Harry as he made his adieu. Then Jack, the block 'stinger, stood"behind the cut of the saw to see What trans- pired, And. Dick, he jumped the .roll - way. 'talk of activity! It %Vas there. Well, Jack, the niekanik, and Bill the engineer,brought the thing to a full stop. I don'tknow hew katohin' the fly wheel or not or throttling , the throttle., Then there was a second ex plosin sone "time later and another exodus, both on account of, a pulley breaking. Well when Jack and -Hilt stopped the: mill they ell kerne baek. Well, when they made their skadue in the forst exeloshin Jack and Diek stood on the howltn dike whin iodiae keinell backthem had fled: Whin they they said, \Vhy stand ye there whin danger's o'er? "\bratneed we fear?"• they both. replied,. "whin lack and Bill are: at the he►tu k abs they say "There is nae gude t� sit. • he !Mere is nae Ode look ava when•^ our gado hose is awa. P. S.—ell rite ye agane whin eny- thing hapin "Harry, dear,. prottiise me that if I die you wilt Marry Jane J'one's;' Otte said thoughtfully. "Jane Joust" he exclaimed• in ast- anishment. "Why, I thought you hat- ed her." do."I.lte. I most otlhe average girl's face now is beneath tri' surface. 111 Motor + f . �' �t#�Service; i-- mita-s , ashy k s• -or if k a a mew car,c..1e to us. We erre equipped sits supplyir , ,rear steads sato Osie rot tlee most Isri%;•. portant , factors Psis the eitacac*t epatatioii si year ear Is cerrtettailxicatiot. We have the three racks 44 iinperiai Mao. fee. *ad the Imperil, Clot .t Itectwasheatiab t`ittrs which sp,die. the tweet sir.ads Letvery atatawillow shethe chart ami � offside, rely time, Buy'in talion Lots 11111111111111111111 11 We have a large supply ''T`ireson hand, all make Goodyear . . Dunlop Dominion loyal Oak Goodrich Maltese Cross Standard eItywSipriogf ieId Cu*rsentted for 3sot tai :uu1e3, of.. s. Sweet and palatable. Mother drives' Worm Exterminator is acceptable to children, and It .dogs its work suroly. and promptly. MteSKOKA LAMAS 'Phe Muskoka region of the distil» lands of Ontario was for centuries the rhosen hunting grounds of the Ilur- ons. It was the red 'man who gave the musical name Muskoka (signify., int: "clear sky") to airs !amt which held supremacy oVCr all otherit in his effcetions, and he christened the ie- lattil'. promontories, massive reeks. /ekes and rivers In a manner that shaved his appreciation of the beau- ties of his forest haeme. No happier appellation than "clear sky" could have: been adopter!, as the altitude of the region—one thousand feet ashore. sea, leael-=gicea splendid atmospheric +«onditi'ns. Muskets spreads its mania told Slams to blue skies flecked with soft white 010114$, it is a delectable anai. brilliant with rich coloring, its Dungan with the fra_#ran. a of the air him', attaladi of meal? nieasitr -, otter' beg a'stale variety of liclithcgieing dap en Ate spr,rts and pastimes suitainle to all ages. 'til �e;aptadian National.. Grand Trunk itatlewa'a have just is - toil ae ltian• emo illustrated= booklet te1!E you s ebaut Bt with melt octal list of hotels. Write any •gtnt of tither' tarentiltV el' ai►p1y to t . r. tIttelt sea 3, ID. F" t , `retrtstrxt.3, flint, -iiii Ii year ter ready for that Holiday Trip skis Sxta• rat are .�i Id fiat and Bitildie the't vogywell lar flat* dal ti10M yo le, tta potIt good Vii. fast, ho tho Goderich Olde Boys start esuies. 'noir Pears aro sutra to mod Nolo attsstiI L, alai th rsmi poi any s• REG. WILLIAMS East 'tramp nom 342 :144 • s HOLLAND Phone 243 ' ' EAST STREET GARAGE ' Goderich •,t • NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES ... i. Wdtk.nrilte, Ontsri.,,, ef%ti a Juno lo 1921 f sod TourCare,��r..C.w� arra ..i.Si Simians GT.5x 2 -PASS. ROA .ROADSTEs- ..$1460 LIGHTSVC COUPE ROADSTER 1. $ uCHTOWING CA tab UGH SX 24AS . SEDAr..:.a t SPECIAL -31X 2 -PASS. ROADSTER 2274 iSPEdSALSIX 4 -PASS. COUPE . �E . ECIA.S7Xrouli CAR 2325 , srEaAtfsix 5 -PASS. SEDAN Aa 5.L....PASS. ROADSTER • 232. SIG -SX 4 -BASS. COUPE ,••:c• ••sot: ino-six TOutIG CAR .................... 232$ sria-SIX 7ASS. SEDAN. , --, AL L STUifEBAXER CARS ARE. EQUIPPED .IetTII cORD TIRES I�--Ir.,"rAaatds�icc 1. � 0' z o 7omJrLCosts,.. n' 9_ . Usually you pay for comfort and -style. tl ° But not in Goodyear Cord Tires. The coinfort from resiliency of these fine tires is a bonus. On the. basis of :mileage alone they -cost less to use. The 'saving in car -depreciation, the saving in gasoline, the easier riding, are all clear, profit to you. Ask any motorist who uses Goodyear Cords if you. want to know what real comfort is. Look over the... • cars which have been rue thousands of miles on Goodyear Cords and no,Wi their good .mechanical condition. Inquire regarding Goodyear Cord Tire mileage for economy's sake. Note the.. tremendous in- crease in sales of these tires ---because they cost less to use. Certainly truck -owners are not mueh influenced by on fort or looks in buying tires. But Goodyear, rds dominate the pneumatic truck tire field. That's because both truck and tires cost less u the end. 4il.u'eather Tread Tires Art Ailielieel Tier Cher 4.04)0 Coodyear Dealer* in Canar7it, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Calmat, Limited 4113•00010 MADE N CANADA CORD TIRES 9