HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-23, Page 1GEO: GRAHAM, East Steet.
TIMIITED TO RE:O.-Furnished room.
TV First Poor front; board If desired.'
Amity to BOX A, STAR Orme.
Tadno•aloidyolelo.eTr. *in U. atter and see wlia.t could be
"Ctmie and See" ,
•"The God -mien Star rails against the
person: who, -Insists on mowing • the
lawn at seven o'cick in the ntoning,
We are surprised. We should have
thought any editor would itave been
awake and stirring by seven o'clek,
• and in lun, too. S'uch sluggard nab -
its astonish anti pain nt useaCtinton
Ne.es-Record, The • Star man he gii to
call the•attention of its conirere%o tIO6
tact • that • this journal. wag not the
Goderich paper it saw that •item in.
We have been known to be on thie
mowing Jb at 6 a. m, and we Invite
Brother Ilan' to pay e %tell to the
oheeltidest and prettleet town in 4a-
ada" ind see for himself. '
'At Hotel Sunset
WOR SALE -A fetv choice registered Potted
AOKUP Abdrdeen Balla. :All fit for Mr-
vice.-APPlYUi. VARCOE, B. No.
AOITIC SCOre guesle ate at Hotel
Suoset at present. Outing th, e Grey -
15 some of --the!business, men ot town and •iet,er. The. other". were ; numb ,
At the meeting lif the Board of Trade ..t.) . ...t, i , ye e..,,, I_ • , . , _,
. . . CiVell tip town. n 1 1( III v cl mi. of Colborne tow nsnip; (mai. tierrow,
Canoe Ceuta rooms a. number of the of etorris Townehip; W. H. Feaser, al-
exeeutive on Monday night, gr. C. L.
business Olen et the IOWA gathered so of 'Morris; Me. Poplestone,' or Myth;
Lee referred to the groat deeirantlity
of baying a boat tine connection eat
GoderIch and stated That the 1). & C.
Co. was offering, Inc sale a good boat smaelinenrsed albs);
aonf domoedtertileitet otoltelaals..boTohte iiirorfe%citotieNsvitaes le.erinna.; toLtie,n.‘00,,f ott:01,1vboinifcnb4m3.; 114.1.3.Ncie>,/ighb :
NslprokNoi.00:srfer. and Sit. !kin. ooff 14tiondgearininho:n ;A.51.11 1r0,10(plasirioef oltil.ro. Ntis.0.80.:„.
at ,a very -reasonable price. He 'advo-
cated .teeing to arrange a local -core_
reely, stated that the company had no John MeNab, of Grey, end W. IL Rob.
pony to purchase Bile .teiat and estab- Immediate plans Inc tioderieh. At the. ertson, of Goderieh. They .all :With-
Heft headquarters at Godericia.': This present time.eondittons were, in a state drew hitt Messrs. Hill, it if:Orison and
was supported generally and the pre -Fraser. Nile iloberteun was enroll*
eondlitions. returned •to normal it was eft oh the first ballot, and t.,n ilie se -
of 'flux, hut if' at a-- tater- time when
found poselble to put- on .a4boat .ftervice
to Goderieti, the matter would •rer.eive when the vote stood 48 to. 45. • #
cond Mr. Fruiter was deelared-elecied,
kis very sympathetir interest. . • -Mr. Fraser cairlett the Liberal start- .
• Huron County Breeders' Assoelatkin dard in two Provincial' elections, win'
The annual Ill6Pting of the Dutton Ding in iiii8 and being defeated in 1919
County Breeders' • Association was in a 1(11 0, light. lie was • •
held in the Lownenati • in Wingham on .born In Morris tow neltip 52 Years ago, •
Saturday, June 18th. About fifty were served as tow fish i ii councillor for six
present, 'mewling. members and ,those Years and as eeevit one year, anti Is a
In terested in The breeding of Purebred asol-knewri ferin'er tit atorris. •
live stock: Prof. O. I. Da, secretary' Y. F. Pollee, NI. P.. for West taltinbee
of the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' tell.'.addres4e11. ale amendlon. ee
Asseriation,-was present anti lose an '
address Oil the Gutlook and Peogppet,s, • S'earu0% II -Fisher
A IlrOttY 114u*. evedding took plate '
.1 --4-
fOr IIII' Purebred -Live. Stoek industry at Sarnia. ea
of Canada. Following this- the annuel "n!' ....edllesdale, June 15th, at.
.'f tile Assoeiation • ONO 111111 LI Ig...",11"n' 1„1" corttraCting Partirs
hospital. • Altai, Mich,.
folleivIe: Progdent, Oliver Turnbull; nurse at' "he)*
and the election of oflicees resulted as u°i'ug oss,8„1" .ltaz.P1 Plotter
and daughter .or Sir. and -Mrs. A. D. • .
vice-preeident, Thos. letTr; .seeretary,
Fisher, Simla, to Mr. yornon A. Shear- ...,"
S. IL Stothers; dirrelora -Arthur Cul-
dortn, a, former popular yeung .Man Of '''• •
bed (Dungannon), M. H. 'Henry Mei-
grave1. at: II. Taylor • ieleigrave), Wm. town- lin' hritic. who Sv05 given. ill
Webster tfaucknowi, Thos. pierce merriage by her father, looked very
her travelling . suit . of ..
(Brueselse Alex. Mt -Ewing ttilaitO, C. charming in
• match, anti, wearing a %tentage bouquet
0 •
1. .'.'o (vertu), vv, 11. crew 1,6 in._ navy serge, with large picture hat. • to
• • .2
hound eye -melon 1Pre were a latee
SALB.-.Re-mndellett frame house' .ori• number out at lhe botel, and a Proud
.1: Pork St, modern conveniences.' number have registrd shier, Jaeieitid-
easy . among others, . Carling, T.
Newty decorted. selon
Apply to T. It. ALLIS, 17t
terms)ng -et°!,* Carling anti wife, leindon; 'W. S. Shar-
man, Toronto; Mrs. John IL Callahan
and/Mis Jane J. Callahan, of Bridge-
port, Conn.; Mr. rind Mrs. P. 11. Titzel,
Greenville, Pa.- Mr. and Mrs; Otto le
STIles, Akron, O.: A. Eldon, Wetman,
London; S. 0. Hymns; Montreal ; .1.- 5.
Heal, John ti• Northcutt, IL- M. Bor-
land, S. It. McCully, Toronte Mrs.t P.
Gerrie, St. Pain, Minn.: Mrs. lee De, is,
W. it.- Hay, Mr.'. !ind Mr. Scn2lri4t,
Miss' Wright, E. Wakelingl London,
,anti -many -others trom •iele,iit, Wind-
sor, ete.
hist a Week to Dominion Day
8111* annOun0Ing • the attrietions
Goderieh for DOnlinilth lity hate been
distributed throughout the district tta
past week. This sear- pairiotie , de.
monstvition with 'An address he Rev.
J. le iteyeraft will precede the usual
parade. Mr. iteyeraft win .gis'
• minut adilrecti starting at 111 .tie-loki
-s flaw a* about the Imo& Ifire; 1084
theft take place in spite of the utmost care. 144
Secure ebsolute protection for your surplus
d fonds in a Stee, Bank Saints Account:,
" Your money-instsed of being idle -will be
MU** YOU *profit. It can be reedily obtained
if eseded. You will have the convenience a(
mins accounts by cheque.
• Any Sterling Bank Branch wili begied to open
• au account for you.
I le eleipped. for Iii Medi of Jon Priuting frOTa
a, Bill to s.•Book.
ateoltie Teeing* Suildiag ePasnii 71
KO. W-1921. lArlIOLE rtUAlagit 3117.
Setil it to itheMit raetelbeee Gi eel fns aria
First Ulster Parliamsnt Formally Opened by Kin
The Sun Lite of Oanada, iS the largest Lite Company operatin
under charter frank the Dominion Governtnent. It ;sada all other Can
Mian life companies in• amount "or A:stlets,_Preminna Ineome, Annuity •
Income, Interest Income,' TOUR. Incorne, NOW Assurances ',aid for in
Cash, Assurances in Force, Surplus Earnings andNet Surplus over al
• Liabilities ard Capital.
Policies in 'Jim Sun Lite of Canada are safe and profitable Policies to
H. R, LONG. District ,Agent
talc and Aural Hospital, assistant at Ateore- •
Late Rouse Surgeon New York Op_htital-1
No Sum Too S
We cordially invite
gladly owed Well
son* to•Your account, We
posits of even $1.00 a• wear,.
ladorest at % compouidau
• totals $280.20 in five yea•rs.
copy a air iposivosora.liasa et
fog Ttensfsies Depeltiter nate etiee.,
every Thurienieeestto 111 Year RIM Pub'.
.911 tr swim eaneeerkft k itain Altra41011.
To Sall For Canada August 4th.
in MitC11C11 1311. Weelitereday teeing to which•smelled of tattier Voneettited • aosenAL $ULLETLN
Thev were down 11 stiots ou the having a Plisee Other than bis
lift the Feill Trophy, but felled to. era the evidence en Whit% a ettarge of
atteraotni's 51AryS, priaate reehtenee wee hitt tifil 5
tlitition. Stratford, Seatotth. anti Wile. Sweets.' A couple ot caneictlons tor
Melt Wi've' the, •relaielitants. The !lode- being intoxicated arlitog out of the
ride plaeeett easted at ateedene party -Itiat night were registered in
ell, Jos. Brophey. It. Sharman and 5, the Pence court Viet week end on
' 7-4roBleht* and r•Ihint.Ceti. Nairn. W. ,TneedaY afternoon of the present weelt
• T le a fine of $200 met (9818 WAS linposed
J. •wt
A eperial meeting tat the town eotto.tdefence.
eit INAS held on Tueeday evening to •gle
.sent Were the Mayor, the Beinity BY a eininge in life O. T. t. tune
eleee, and aounettwes. msqe„, Netieet itable effeetivt* June 2701.•the trein
Every eear there are from tea hut
aired to two hundred and lifts patients
treated la your hoelfital.
Of those grated eeate bnla 01,
teen Wilt per ee'llt) Provided Clem-
SeiVel with likentberallip. tiekets. entie•
ling then to -one week's free tend -
w with th ke•;on Swart Tile. tlrevat Attorney alto. matt.
, • • res 1 e ,s zee s scented and B' liallnes*eted t"lr 'the otTledtSirrnprrtiSentthallialteilleP-efxap7ctilecd? Itlegat.
• Bin WOtilef iJO ordered to the hospiled,
Godcricit Breen* FW
•T OT; -A. large brow% purse continuing
14 sum, or inOney. Milder WM be re-'
warded by waving Ono at CAMPBELL'S
a" ()ST. -Lady% biaricslik band bait, eon.
.1-1• tattling sum of money. Kindly leave
oV.STAlt OFFICE,. and • receive reward.
C_iOLDEN •OATE it B. P, No. to34, Meeta
first Thursday or eaten month' in For-
• esters' flail; Boderieb. • Visiting Sir
• Knights weicome.
J. McNEVIN,,' •R. Pr. MEW.
Registrar, W. P
IITOOD IURNINO.-Alt kinds of turning
'TV done., vgr. J. cARTEit, south St.
IVAriTE0.-TO'plirche-Se or rent a good
VT modern house, 'medium Mae; no
children, Temp.% cash. • THOS. YoONG
Elgin Ave
' Yield's -Eye Hospital. and • Golder. Satiate
Throat Hospital,London, EDS,
53 terfor) •St. •Siratfore
otionta 207.
• At Redford 110111,.• Goderieh,' retina 'Wed-
..Sratin JulyPath, at T,31)...P.'nuflo
NAY, lY t m.
• • • DR. s. WItU.HT 8131tOSS
Chlreptacita Speciatist .
:Wittig *Vets •811•4145"
5Pllittiwerit); ,
• '
HobsES TiornuSEs t • • . .
New red brlek furnished house to
trent,.•near lake bank, on Elgin Ave.,
'for summer months, Immediate pose
• •
session. • . .
• • P. I. RYAN ••- '
• • Real Estate and Ideoranee.
a F. CAREY •
Real Estate and Insurance
Dwelling on East Street
Village of Burlington. 8 building. '
lots.'5 minutes' walk to Beach and
.to.the Toronto and Hamilton High- .
way. Sidewalk and sewerage. 5
minutes' walk to Public School
and Electric Line. $400 a lot for
quick sale.
• Other PropertieS.
Also Ontario &Ws for Sila is yiall 6.45%
OTICE.--A lady with live years'• exper-
**nee in care or old people offers to
rout old ladies a comfOrtable home and
best of care. Terrus reasonable, Or
Would; take situatiori caring for oid peo-
ple. Address replies to 110x-10, STAR OF.
VY atootalt
-*L. ems. meant unwereirso •
Teacher's Diatoms Plena sad Theory
Teacher's Diploma
pupils prepared ter eXiminations. For
terms apply Studio, Montreal St., opposite
Public Library.
MUSIC ST1.11)I0.
OoderIcit Society Orchestra Music -Stud*,
entrance -betWeen F. H. Wood's futd J. H.
Lauder's ewes.
MR. C, HENRY (violinist), tultiOn jive*
on violin tor beginners and. those WM-
1r informItinion %my at .
&Aerial" Society Orchesra, 3 pieces the ear a Orte.T_
. (Professional}• Montreal Ittrellt
with a eoupet,
emanate ittieleteET . ' ed tevo Gr
into the einineatee for the var ana iillthdi) th'Ilbk 1(1"°"thrn 1/11444 Asr*
sante Progress was made. Those pre. I ena9e4
a d Cutt. 'We tmderstand there are a leaving' BOO) at 430 will leave at
number of appeals ito be heard by the 3.53 it, tn. and eonneet at Strattord
eounty Judge trona the Ilittlinee of the with train•No, -37 arriving et tioderich
Court of Revieron, including the caves at 10130 P. In. This will make lit 110:4.
of assessment of inetnne tram W. II eible tOr StiMtnee visitotea to.run to
M. dividends, and school bowel re. (lotierich In the evening and INIII be ot
tiudrenients tare not in yet, so that tie, ,sPeelal advantage for instance for bust-
etriking of tfie rete outlet be eone niitroxelline'llre- evtirste‘onflaentintipesiornleoln,be.tivielso.k
Just )'et. . ee4eatnsegen - over Inc Week end, from allY 'Pointe
along the line •bettevnt here mei Bute
An early illOrning wedding took
place at Victoria St. Methodist ebureh tala' Me' 11°1111414 the I)" P. klr
e on Wedneeday, June Tath, when the the tl' '11' R. ti vetting' lqe" rmwdeh'
e in" Rev. J. le Beyeraft united In marriage secretary cif the Board ot Trade, ode's -
used bY the ldise Minnie ben, daughter or- mr$.
INT of the ellenge of lime regrets that
Muth eYmit
Meese and
an, who pa
The funeral will
afternoon frOrd
Wright Street.
$2,000 ill IMMO
ne* races, ext
Home Week. Four
of $I100
program. The
will be run eft
the 2;22 and 233
Aug. tith,
' SI
011 .Rtnedelf •
adaynie eminent,.
et of Mr, And Mil.
Bognor. Grey c
Med to Mr.
Stratford. The
at the North
Rev. 11.1). M
It is not elvea
v dins re aired. • ridges trued, Wind- fine ota eats
Pests Bet- tind. viOlin beWs relished etc,
•• *manias St ormota Aornolo! clkorm, reacue.' The-
Pletio, Pipe Orem. *41700 Insteetctien.
, Five -piece Orelaeldrai • :5P.!'g°":-* 41u,
For totes apply:* MA*. St: Plitriett^
WV1911104,14. 03, 'rho Pella
Litentlate Louden dollimik or Wale. 4101r1 0 r
140d. Organist eitd. coca Dlretear ot nesds, night
North 11. •
furittstted bootie ler %Ice titan Si tire
or •
autatint three bedrooms ' a. -
L. IL ter, 91 rildotit S,L, Plait% prep
to vi Week.; increase your laconic
Wham in your spare time. You can earn
$10 to Ho each week writing show cards at
home or Qualifying ror a position paying', a
good salary. each week. Nd canvassing or
soliciting. we teach you how and supply
you steady work. Write today for rue
SCHOOL, LTD.. Room 42, 44 Adelaide St
W., Toronto, Canada.
WANTED.-tady or gentleman in
" . the Town a Godenich to .handle
the Gentline Watkins' Products. Big
profits. All or spare time. ,Write us
today. "Tiept. .11-2, THE J..• R. WAT-
KINs COMpANY, Hamilton, Ont.
Men wanted who are willing to ac-
cept positions .paying from 86 to e10
per day: Men who are tired of lab-
•orIng for in existence, .this Is your one
geed chance. We are training men
Inc positions as farm tractioneers; gar
age mechanics- truck Meters, •sales.
men, vulcanizers, welders, battery ex-
perts, dz.,. or ,will ,help you start a
garage business of your -own. If you
are. out of employment .or dissatistied
with your present poor paying acib,,
call or write immediately for full par-
ticulars regarding our special plan to
nod few men enrolling. Day and ev-
ening ellasseS.' Apilly-ligNIPHILL AU-
Craigie's Real Estate Bargains
Na. 1-2e3tory, white brick liaise garage. This. is a very deeirable,
• fully modern, 8 rooms, •situated property, situated on 'the corner
on. Newgate Street. This is one of Elgin Ave. and Stanley St.
of the best buys ini Ooderice. Price $4,000.
Price $3,000. •No. 5-2. story, brick, fully modern
No. 2 -Story arid a half. frame, house, hot water heating, 4 fire -
large verandah, situated
eight -roomed house, electekt light„ PlaSes,
olf the east side of Montreal St,
water'and sevver connection, Price $5000. e
newly decorated thraughout, full
lot, fruit trees, chicken house, 81- No. 6-tia. story, frame, 6 -roomed
tuated on West side of Cameron house; full lot, •situated ort the
St. Fake. seep°. , east side of Warren St. Price
No. 3 -Two story frame house, 8 No. 7 -40 -dere farm, with one -
rooms, electric tight and 'bath, and -a -half stbry, eight roomed
. large verandah, east side. et, elle-•e
frame -dwelling, full size base -
torte Street. Price M700. meet Bathroom. Good barn.
No. 4, -story red brick eight- Elegant location Inc poultry farm.
roomed, fully modern house. Situated. on the west, side of El -
Fire place ie den. Good stable or don St. Price $4,250.
Mr Li:ONO Nay Be Had en Application at the Othe,
' . RONDS itotmirr AND SOLD ' --
•J. AN. 'CRAIGIE ,. , •
honors. For term *POW "dal tecrIlbe.
west st. (dm doory•tikit eicaltinif rtnIt). Golf Overfill" '
noderich. • •
Ineure yotirseit and family ageing. ,
this chance, bY DilY108 a Dianber8410
ticket,. when the ladles call oft yOU.
hOpe you may not !VIVO so to
tap hoepital, bet your live dollars Will
help pay ow* weeles expense for yeur •
neighbor, who may not be so tertl.M.
After all, Dila is your.hospit4
" ahould you -tint become -a -mem:.
ber, Quit 1,(Utst an waive Interest an flee
At a meeline of the LAI Aid., of
the . Alexandra, Marine •and General
Hospital, heldon 50ne tist, 1021, it wee
deeltled to canvase for tint membership
eertlilteetes Inc the Hospital Aesoela.
Hon. These are lite $5 benefit pekes.
tee 0, le is enable to nee anti entitle the holder to one w Oka
'other request of the Board and male, free treatment In •the hospital. Mid se. •
any Change in the conneetion at Cline so voto.at the annual meeting.
ton with the morning trein, owing ht The carwassere are -expected to meet
eonnections at other pointe Stith tlit tlio Beard nt---Trade-l'oonte Thele
hooks, w r
Meeting Lora* Attended k t rade t'
The meeting at whieli Ude election Everyone interested 10 the hospital
0110Ulfi parettase elle of Weer eertitl.
. JAS. Stanitans Sarah Bell, Nelson St., and Mr. 30111eS
Wednesday. 'Wiggins., of town, Their attendants
un .Frelay Were Miss Ittiby l'<flight and Mr. Dan
BY item (01 Waggine, The bride wee married in
her travelling suit of nave blue,' with
net, to enatett, and carried a *bouquet
ot pink roses, alr, and •Ntre. Wiggins
t•• the allay C P. H. train ter
fOr the har-
during -OM
with et purse
• Ler 00 the
tit8 •elasses
..Aug. Oth, and
en TtlUraday.
Olean Grotteing, ete. . day June 30, at 4100 P. me when ihn
Torontos•Detrolt and other points. And was male WaS very "largely attended
on their return' wilt reside on East Sa. by oembers from out of- town as will
• *tie by 'those 'who dye in Toronto'.
thAe Ioarrofniatgite doisfparf g a anonlooduyttrsoilstil ftahneht:h tall:h:tei:;eshhoto- %0Yreeireo'lrepinet'o,J;:n..
Worrell, K. G., eitaneelittr, ',Alio was In
tatrod.a,r,.ot olint000nti,
daughter of Mr. and Mts. Gee.
i ed by Rev. Lawrence Newton, Strathy, Dr, W, it. Peeler, Lieut. -Cot.
HenryBrock Dee, Dr. Orchard, Head.
master of Trinity College School, Port
Hope; F. Gordon Osier, J. A. Houston, The std pereon and tile outrest were
inspector of IOW Sehools; De. Albert alt wele0016 as one'. though experience
liame Rev. Canen PluMptre, Very liev, showed that there.were fewer Old per-
- A It teens who Joined this 'Moiety than '
June 8th, Miss
hoe . datlifdInte`‘ 4 Ale At the home of the brides uncle,
0144541/4., ersei-en- a -re -Mr a.' 1.• 'Sour() -Spadini Road,' Tor.
smog" of 'onto,. 'The hrithe who was unattended.
•ittOpOoktioliiirig • wore white ttitterrs ear crepe over
Wee..given away by her -fatter. She
• . . . -White- satin and curled a, large hone
to beCome a member a Man lied to he
ot sound physical health. 'and good
morals. But there Walt.tt larger tater•
nal organilatIon than any ot theee so,t
elates, with, n.,'i bare to Memberehip. •
Alt tint was necessary to 10' admitted
by the Grand Master this
then Waff t'8 feet -Ones need of help,
quet of- shower run's. Mr. end -111re. I,.
tfrllialligtillbi, 41allani Campbeil, D. ir. thete were young People.
culideen in. near 00teeetete, Carlini Petherhigitana, BrallifOrtil Rev, Otte, the enoir giving a gate/ lead .111
en in it ain't- • .1, II. Dixon, Ottawa; F. W. l'ea: Ot.. tile Mullin hymns Whit% were used, ,
Rev. Calton Oroughati, Toronto* Bee. 011ritherft.
r.aopmpatroonoti,,;,, dogttLint%rittityrI,01:13:011prair11:4.11.6ifioconflomeosirporlatlirhetaetra Do. abnlioan, .Rlieaoriutaittoalni;,„Rot.o, rd0*aot,tinairtieniediVan.ltAi: tircere. os.vetsre, ty?vierneetfpolirtyttknoteln:botortl °tit
soda e'vettinff DusinesS
the tar in- tett; Angus. allaedorteldi ettee. ' end trent tile elautell. . •
done. , paHOr Windt hike Jest been °Pelted up Plummer, Reit. ne. BiSeY, Pent Ilene; W, H. Vase**, Mattis, Liberal Condi..
lit the t Of Vittoria and Hamilton Bc. A. 44. 10005, PreveSt ?Sitehtellit Vt- date I -
Duobar left later' for a short wedding. spoons, E. 0„ Dr, D. T. a Ogg in nev, 'tile singing Inc.this servige was very
leAve the. en- trIP, and on their return will reeide
king aereee: young Geterieh ,e,,eeee Goemainte itAws3 E, fr. 4,,Ightbouitoi otako4net as 'well .rendoing tither Musical
.1r0 pure hie croon is W4, NiarICY* . * .., Willi II Fraser. II N '3 Mor'
04 street =eeat any Dine and total V. P. Re Preeident snit WP Petgdatent
' rift ToWnsnip Will be the Liberal eene
ani . rasee,, R. a, 0. ,...
being served ule bY Visit Goderielt dilate lit the 'riding or leortit !Won Ot
the..eominte Federal election. ily a ma. -
106t1' Of one, when Di vOtee were cost •
ontoutea ttINMitgerblilONnii". igike 111'..,0Pcostotw"'"'
t •,,,,:t.
et ere suede rte Wing one,
women, Niles E. 'Hazelwood. of Wrox-
of •officers
d Veda
the e
r le;
Wednesday. July, 640, bee been fixed
for the grand oPening Of the club
house of the Maitland Golf Club, and it
is .expected Mate some Canadian MAO -
tette enampions will be here to demon-.
strata. the game. Tile elute house has
been completed and the work of • fur-
nishing Is going on, and things look
very promisiog for pie future of the
club. ,
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed up to 8 o'clock p. tn. on Tuesday.
June 28th, for refreshment booth pri-
vilege al Agricultural Park on July 1St.
renders for sale privileges or for one pri-
vilege will he considered.
The highest or any ,tender not necea•
sarily accepted.
Seetir• July 14 V.om. •
Tenders wilt be received untiI•12 o'clock
nocm on Tuesday. June 28th. 1021, for the
construction of the following cement
Otto sixteemloot span on Side Road 3 and
4, Con.
One eight -Mot span on Con. t.
One ten -root span on side Road, 12 and
la. Con. it
Tenders ror the MA two will be re'reiv.
ed by MO. P.:synthenDungannon, and
for the last'int4:Zmed by Jim Jamieson,
it. R. No. 3. Lurknow.
SpecilleationS may be seen with the
Councillors to whom the tenders are to be
seTntate lowest or any tender not necessarily
Re -opens Saturday
C. E. McDONA(111, l'ownshiff Clerk.
The rnatTlage tbok place) on Wednee- ,sident appointed a ,specla cOni
o is Vie PrOffrle4refs Presitienk E. W. Beanie; Vire pre.
Ihintnee'llibiel Malt Grant Rath D. &Irma, Den-
..eltstOlawm tau evil Superintendent, Toroeto; M. 11.
Menke welt Dern Freight Agate Tor.,
eltd train 011, Wednesday, eirtn-
seat tor Geseeteebet her, lend evert* met at the s
• day June feth, at the Pro-Cathedeal composed of Meeses. C. C, Lee, J. w.
Church .of theRedeenierCalgary, he
the Bishop of CalgaryD. D., of Col.
Evans Greenwood Davis, C. M. 0., Of
Ottawa, second son of the late Dean
Davis of Huron, D. D.; and Mrs. Davis,
to S. ,Bernice ()wen, elder 'daughter of
• Mfeect T: Davis, M. A., of Cal-
gary, formerly of Ooderich, Ont.
Two_rinks of Caiderich bowlers were
FOR bALE Oa TO rxr ••
VOA SALL.-1914 Ford T0UTO1F•
very good conditiofl:. new tires -51111
fully equipped. price reaoneiee. Apply
3.0. REINHART, at OMets of ,Natiottal Shin.
TO RENT. -Furnished romps. MRS.
Corm to the
.4 •
• to be held od the grounds of
•on •
Friday, June 24th
under auspieed ot the
Wks' AiJ.I Alesaaslra Marae
arta General Hospital
Mask by Mackstooe‘llockley
Also a good program'
Boothil on the grounds for the sale
of various articles.
Gates open at 7:30 p.m.
Ahoission, 25c; O'Hare*, lee
-........s.- -.
Qva el ir 30Ilso, GuohLt obEl at 1St:: ibl. C tyTol istilI owSi Nt.kattst igoro:.: .41 *itj oWas taaetNi ensgeloiltpIl iseEgt iflireiLioe svn Ina
11.. Ft. No. 5, GOderich.
kiln -dried. That means 20 per cent
more servie. If this meting anything
ehlngles because they are guar -
anted to ilast a lifetime. Why are
freight. Shingles m their natural state
weigh 20 lbs. Mere per bunch than
shingles eciin-driedee.Siniply to save
FARM Fon seta. -lit •Coltioile Town
hip. coneertion 8, eOfttistitifc of 134
Mon. 3 fovea of birth, 3 iteres of orchard,
mOstly %tinter fruit. Preston steel trutoi
barn 00g33 ft.. with sten cattle stable- and
IInter carrier Nan cement silo met, ft.
did 10eation. only . mime from ifolerteh.
Good drive shed, hen house, arid pig pen.
Two never failing wellS. (Mod 0 room
farm house. This rlroperty is In a ahm.
s i•S miles from Merestv Station; Pingo to
chorea and ceitool. APply to gO. IF.
BEAN, 00derien R. R. \id. Rfiral phone
10 R 11.
Going Down
This is absolutely the best buy offered •
for some years in shingles.
xxxx x. (5x) C. .11.. Shingles.
$1 .25 bunch
They will go fast . Get rats eurly
-Phone. '41 Moot le •
Santierson (Fordwlelt); 4U -
of rovet and sweet peree, entered t e
'Mora- W. .1. Currie. Wingliam; Robe
.• drawing room. to the strains of tbe Lo-
ert iruicashanks, Wingtiam.
• hengrin wedding march, anti took her
Were at the Merey tioderieh plaee beside the grocinl mold a pro.
1-'rorn Zurieh etore of fusion of palms and oeenge baossome.
1114 • the game in Zurich; . The. maid of honor was Mies Jean.
On Yriday evening the. eirtiedutcli Fisher, sieter1 of the- bride, Mr. Max
League. game •betwern Goderleh and Fisher, brother of the bride, assisting
groom, • The Rev. J. D. Hall was
Pditii.Y.vf.ads'uantettn"diedi"baY1 'hall-
.tolfilwela.ting clergyman. After the sin-
ow) people, who were. alt very anxiety; the If Div register the company set
to see their favorite teant Myin'; BY down le ,, sunip.tuous dinner, after
whIell the ilaPPY couPle, amid show*
ttsertem.gdr to lilt:lel. o(jutt tab: 11.11°Ae71.8f.ortlitPlri::
visiting team as for elle IMO, !Milt many frientle, left for Marta, aiming
ere et eonfetti and well wishes of their
Grey hound to Goderich
IVIleleye ,1.).trigantilltelAt,t 11:naitti I .1tilitTeedITitat6t IfItifnitntl:. banYd ''41ttli'lltionryinl'g to,,,Lontion, Port Baron,
when ;fur efiamPhilr-1 '.4 I1' nip mer- ifierieT. to•W'indsor;-where they wilt ire -
ey of the yisitors, and "Mew hp'' P11" at 11**111r, 1.1) their Marty friends atter
tirely and in it short time had no 10914 .1111 (Mb, M. their residenee, 105 Wet
than If • erritre marked againgt them, 11ngt4,11 me, e
Ale guests attending the
anti the a leitoee toidt good advantege wediling froat a distance 1,4ii:TO Mrs. J.
of Ode eiggea loose playing If, tom. 45'l 101.4, bendlin; Sir. M. taster, New
tiling 31X /111,11 *Mel' 1111. flillrill hoe. Orleans; Ntr. and alrS. J. Crimes, 1,46' •
Dowel. yr thy L131 Inning' l'"r 7, toleil outing ; Mr. aryl Mrs. Lei. Ott, Lodon;
1,1olicil rot if 0, mietit he tie when the e(te J. C. teeelebeen, winds,,. (10(14'.
1):impp .00,rp toil of nom awl Int one out. melt frietete join in wieltine Me. anj.
but hero' afilin foie bo14 1.%Ylltehotl. Ntr.a. Storied/eon a hag anti peoSperfurt
Bain, Silo% at 11)20..-ind tti' 4414(141
a4hltc13'-d,iratt'.1o,e:17ea•9o.n1;s:elp:"i.n ..e.:IL,:etie' -1`191
' 4Is
h a t. (littVlAlmtiei ireititre,tell,
F, a; irr. tI eo' ,Ilt40
e;iitil41filin1::, t
h"m'alPir;4:reP.PnVllr1ti:;'1:1::anil1' I1i'r‘SiiParZ4i
Aba4,b111 tr1halll'itvitl:Str4d47;• 8iIi.:"":ti;:1l1::tit:; Iantleorgents,A.Stzl14
Zuri1 00103 anPurity rttii1ttttiee'e811:1111:11:ttSenic:ek tilve .144078tors east of za.
qnsierieh ladebtier feature iiii011 fi"1:11pf'Il;5'1il'::l:":Renaallpbuibtng t.onicesWm
;aY-it4111";;13ite:::ii.r,iieiortt;:41i ttit11rttpPr,113rqiaq1dttle0ratitIS
2 14111 limit i:ewar114-eltur:iitbasetheaIrig)104 tp11"444n4tttittrje1xir4,40raneod
"1'11Plithumpians.diwortedautos;:(,,tie,'thegame,tleas. It seeiiim
nd dee,,rated bictelP4Stall from dere am tm n -l. NEW WI.IPAPEa SAMPLES
Vietorri Park at (1) ::o. 1;1'.t".IIIIIn'the 4.B.RodneCo., Tore
ailmilt.Irv"-fl• ln elnietemel 1 41 /11.HO lb
here r 1,11111)1, ee, la XORN
tt matelot townhip. an 4-441.4e1 rueit 41.441 '.1 I11110E11
111,, Jitc.a* loth. 11, Me. and MIO. Miltoa
Ides14. a itsuariter.
1405 I,ttti' 441, A 1.11 Part%) god a lint Vine • mette,„eet etifit.„11 awl eeknee t„ ,,,„ taleMitefe. tu Sie,Pale cettieiet) Totenship. oa
,. em 115113. tit 'dr. anti ,k1 it rank
tple..or. 1 thii .44 1/... nichTh
t .,1 e pip ..1,,n1 110 '11 by 14, Mc, 11,!%.-E art ocilandw-. a ',AM, 11(4014.1.1541,0if
.174th lit Juno IIDC.- P. 1 till; I C.king' Wle
I e - the 1141.' MI .0.'t"4 ilitrilM DIED •
1 114111 Jo .o.• ,..r rp• e- ioi4 il ite' ilPti , I 'I to, lostiportry iniatioal .454-o..141e . 141 i 0.5‘ 4', 111 111 1
trI A, 4
bOr1 III4`0,011 ,
0I,, t .I.O' ..1k . C:. 0%0 1* I'J'• 1,:', 41..'" ,',1 ei 1•111)-)e)atierit mei. thy pew eeet,, ean'eteine ms,,,4411114:41trili
alid (mei 1.1r P. f...10:1.:, ...,I \Art', leZ.I ley ..e.i 41.1 eiiet....te ott, ie- eyeeeth,. a ,r Mi 510.. It. Outinati, lit nor rfAil Scar.
ItIo' 11',,,It l'I I.' t:'.40 I0,..1111I' eer wind t . ..11!1.,0„,,,,v1,0 1.,„„p1 11, &It, w ..I,q t4,•1, 4-4114 4\ 111 1,ClOrgill. Ca We4550413,V,
11111018' 41 tift, 5,1111 A naimlf• v ,•1 ilelt • t,,L,,,lt ,!......f fr 41, until •,44,,•10., ‘..fiif (.4 - (i.: 4(44 44,4404 Inacian. 3.4 41
youttu nett 1,,wit,d1 14.,.• ;,..mi dalcur 1,110 1:,,, 4-•,,, 0,• 1,-, vr.b,14 ;'.-4'.' 1!"rt 411441- tho f•Ato:,al will (alto, 1.181, 14„11, talq
',, f •• ••, 4(.':t.,,,cat.rit-mtt 4 hut ,iatt .0el tolt1e,rtVPt,l15
l,2, gT`el51 gattudtv
'11‘1";ani lae.
.b,1411.5. ,,,,
deafvoffih•t•MIta04:-4!-•i4,14414.8 ,,,,,tl.le, ,v,414.!.Hq410"41v!tri;,,r,tn,,s%,1,
45, I4101. 4111 4 410 A0.11„tAli eii:c$
• • •
It 0. t"... esscs-,