HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-16, Page 6r- xanAKs BROWNIES ' ate of the people. Then atter the ether side of the world, you will Tea - tole of the property owners apPra' lie') that it ,s no eaey Matter to return the bylaw, the council, in the ordinary to America„ Aliheugh my intentions courie of events, peewit the third read- are at the present to return to 4.lude ins of the bylaw, and thie, it it is done rich within the cc+uree of the next two ,.t all, must be done within six weePke years, present c onditiori$ will not Pm' afterthe vote of the people. The re- mit an rasher return. gular meeting of the Mown council For the part year eret a halt I have held on June 3rd Was the feet regOlar been travelling throughout China, Ja- iieetlug' at which the ,bylaw could pan, and the Philippines. It Is new to have Been Paaecd and Mr. Hutchinson inc and one secs strange and wondrous made the vera fair Offer to pay, the sights, but the same story as usual, cost of a 'valuation of his plant If it nothing like Sour• old home town, and Should heppen that the 'valuation of C I will be glad when I have the oppor• 31X0,940 required by the bylaw should tunny te return. not be found.Therefore I thank you for your most The 'Mayor, however, was very de- kind Invitation and beg to remain an tooriegie'd to enforce his way of thiplk- old Goderich boy. y truly yours, toe on the couiacll and from his fleet Very Ii, Fr a presiding odhcer told the outfit eek $ Kodiak Stery of tlls arse" is, title tif'a'picture la a window of mpbell's Drug Store THE PENSLAR STORE- •- irbsse es - Th. *WO, eaderielo tial e. had ,fade up hie gibed to "go , nrregidoe Island, sloevrtlapd: succeeded in having theez .;,Prov'Inee of Cavite, passing of the bylaw deferred. The Philippine Island, 'go slow" policy Weil worked to such Manila Bay P. I, May '8, Mt. are extent that it wee only at the last Bowling committee appointt ed to port of consult the In Wednesday" bowling tournament ,Solicitor was presented, and, in the Ctias..Blaek and Fred Toole even ,lest meantime a new way of stopping thein tour straight games. The second passing of the bylaw was opted the place went to Messrs. Pridhanl and injunction plan—so that instead tit ev- Paltridge, who won out. from Messrs. en "going slow" the council cannot Broplrey and Chapman, the final yram*. now go at all. being concluded about midnight: At least such was'thc opinion of the The second ahnual tuornament of town solicitor. tv1r. Wit. l:ampbell, the oderich Bowling Club- will be town assessor and collector and rival held n Wednesday, July t3tho cern- authority On municipal law, claimed mene at ti a. m. There will be two that the injunction was not worth the events, the Purity Flour trophy and peper It was written on and expressed the Dr, :Meldrum contest. the belief 'that thecouncil should go•Clutton :#dares • ahead, pass the bylaw and take chane- Avery pretty wedding took place at Cc on the injunction being dissolved, 'y, lonue Pleasant,w" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKay Adams, Colborne t eonsh-ip,,.on Wednesday, June the Sth,' when their eldest daughter, largaret, Hume became thq bride of Mr.•'t� m. Hu Clutton, :also of Colborne, Rev. J. F. Reycraft 'ofllelating, the ceremony tell- ing place in the parlor before a bank or ferns and orange blossoms. The bride, vas given in marrlage by her father, wore a `lovely'- gown of white embroidered,georgette, with bridal veil, and evertd a shower bou- quet of bridalrosea and maiden *hair fern. The brldesmald was Miss ivy Elliott, the bride`s cousin, who• wore a pretty gown of orchid organdie, with hat tp inatc'h.• Mr. Ed. Shaw was the groomsman, and Miss Giles, of Wood- stock, played the wedding match. During the sighing of the register, Mr. Eric Wilson sang "'the Bens of St. Marys." Afterward the wedding par- ty, including about 40 guests, repaired to the dining room, where luncheon was served by..sir girls and boys, _inti- mate friends of the bride. Later Mr. and Mrs. Glutton left by motor on their wedding trip, the bride travelling in a smart tailored snit of navy blue gabardine and black mohair hat. The groom"a gift to : the bride was a pend- ant set with diamonds. The brides- maid, groomsman, pianist, and Mr. Wilsofi: were also presented,+ with preto ty'and suitable gifts. The beide was one ofthe most populae Colborne girls and ,among the" many handsome gifts eh° received wasa shower of valuable presents from the neighbors, who sur- prised t he before evens n a. fewevenings her prt8ed wedding, when all ' gathered at hei home, and expressed their -best wishes In a practical and•eoelal way. The to'w'n solicitor,. however, pointed _,::out liuttowhatever might be the final. CAN'T GO AT ALL Town Courted. Told by the Mayor to Go Slow on National Shipbuilding Co. Bylaw sad° Now Cau't Go at MI. A special meeting of tlie•town coun- cil was held on 'Monday muffing at if o'clock,' called supposedly to .give the third reading to the N'a'tionai Ship- bufiding 00. bylaw, but, as It turned out, in efteet to ilisten to an injunction taken mei. by Mr. R. J:. Acheson re- straining the council from passing the bylaw or carrying. it out. This was an interim .Injunction. extending to Fri- day of this week granted by {ifs Honor Judge Dickson pending proceedings at Toronto . on Friday when an applica- tion for a permanent injunction will be made to the Supreme Court. The • injuhetion . will Hien either be dissoly- ed, or the permanent injunctionssued or an Injunction granted extending •td the time of trial, Mr. • Acheson'ss pro ceedings being really In the nature of the beginning of a.euit.. The council were all present at the meeting on ;Monday: meriting. The re- port of the special'. committee appoint- ed to interview the`town solicitor as to the position of the town•in coffee • tion with this bylaw in view of the fire . which destroyed the boiler shots of the National' Shipbuilding Co.,' re - eildcoli council co . thetown ted that 0 ther pass the byfew of net; either 'course would be legal.: This opinion of ,course, was given prior :to the t- suing of•, the injunction. lr1r. •Darrow, wlto was •asked. to come :overto the council. fneeting Monday morning when • the. council found Itself -confronted ned iaf n lien andaffidavit, eXp vvpth tn,iu c . that the injunction altered the whdle !rt`atter. The •council. could'•do nothing Snow withoutrendering themselves iia- file to Imprisonment for contempt of Oat, e q : pn•, that*the e� lamed he �,ixt might 'be fell ;• two readings of elicit' a. bylaw. a.e ret r...�..,e fate of the Injunction, in the ineantime could was good, and the council do nothing more .than consider whether the town ehbuld be represented at Toronto on Friday. And this it decid- .ed should be done, a motion by Coun- clllor _Mitchell, seconded by Councillor Walker, authorizing the town 13o110tor to attend the court in. Toronto on Fri- day being carried, the Reeve and Coun- cillor Moser voting nay. • The ..only -way the bylaw could now be. passed by the council would be to make ".a .successful appeal to the Muni- cipal Board for authority to do so, and this it is unlikely the counoll would; do.. The opponents of the bylaw'en and out of the ewuneil claimthat the boil er ship and .machinery constituted a large, and perhaps the main, asset • of the National Shipbuilding Co„ •and that since it was destroyed by fire the com- pany's assets would have 4o be over- valded • or valued at; a going .concern to reach the 0.20,000, and that the aid by way 'of guarantee of bonds should not be given, since.: the boiler strop is gone. to 0 or to OBITUARY SAIr11 LD. --Many friends, heard with rregret of the death on :Sunday of Mrs. John Salkeld at •the residence ofher son-in-law, Mr, F. H. Lawrence, Mar- ket street. The funer>ut took place this afternoon.. • 3,ESTEIL. 'Pito :body of Mrs. Satoh atali :Ann Lester, wife of , air• Jos. Lester, was brought to town today, the ifuneraL taking place- this 'afternoon froth-Brophey Bros,' undertaking pare fors. The deceased wasformerly mar- ried to the late Mr. John Harniltan, Hugh Hamilton, Bedford, and her. son H 8' and two daughters accompanied the re- mains to Goderich; Mrs. Lester died at Ai herstburg on Wednesday and was 74 years of rage. She was born in Wawanosh near Dungannon, and TMe- e srs. Robert. and Jethn' •Baafty, . of gannono of bu igannott, .are brothers. the d # . �y�tli. pti , +tf fr uffft lltlt!#ili'Kttitxr ta� � , en's Suds OF RIGHT QUAUU Ae well $$ our young owe* style we carry s, large aei com- plete st eel, of the moreeon- oe,rvatiye model* for both Yount aua old,, ranging in pries from $16.50 to $38.50. SPECIAL FOR $UOMI AO WO 15 .film's English worsted suits in blue and fancy main.fele, all new patterns, while they last, $22.50 All wool blue vergers,"guaran. teed indigodye, pure' wool, single and double breasted styles, while they Net, $35.50 Special 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.71`i. M. ROBINS Open EvepilidN - Idly 18th to .2eth. Some "flash lights" from the London Conference was giv- en, afterwards a -soetal half hour over the tea cups. Next Sunday In North. St: Methodist church will be, Fidwer •Sunday, The ,Sunday school will Mad At i0.45 in the school -roomy for. registration • and to receive their papers and then assemble in the auditorium for public worship. There will be flowers in profusion, bright music end an inspiring address by Dr. McKenzie Smith, or the govern- ment medical- :inspection stalf. .Ile,' subject .will be 'India: Having been a resident of this • wonderful country for soros years she alas a meet Inter- esting ih'stohand story' to ten.: The children, their parents and everybody who doves children, music and flowers,. will' be cordially evelcometj. The Men's Sunday Club will meet at 10 e. m. The topic 'Should u Worker in- love with alis worl.V''will be ln. ducal by^ Mtn J ...WT. -Moore. Next we , . instead of the regularb, Wednesday night pray- er-serr'iee, there evill be a ,special W. M. -S. jubilee service held on, Thursday night; this day. June . 3rd, being the fortieth anniversaryet the organiza tion of the W. M. S. of .lite Methodist church. Mrs. diel,,- organizer for Goderich ' district, Will tonduet the,:ser- lvicet Use t 1 rgaret lto'bertsan will give a eovdensed .review 0f the history. and e organization ^ ry of 11 t h and growth f e 8 tGh '0 th �vI I give a lto 1frs. Colborne I, North St; Auxiliary, which was the second to he organized after the found.. Ing of the parent ssooiety. Others will give reminlseenees of the work in ,Its Pioneer stag,'*, The eongresatihon . and the public generitj,I.ir PI -receive a m- itre ' :infer — -'A. " '.. ` . .c. BEASTS SL ON ORARACTER FACES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Why is It that a tion instinctively as- 'snrnes' an expression • of majestic aloof, fess and J'nvian benignity when the oamera man shows up? They are'the best posers in ttie world, are the lions, and they take better ".eloee-nps" than nine -tenths the celluloid tempera. The of windsor,: and Mr: Adan, iiamilton. in Alberta,• are some and, Mrs. Pa3sin ham,.4? :Sarnia,'and•.Ms. Friburg , of 'Kitchener, daughters. 'She wa mar- ried three times, her first- husband being Mr. Jahn Harnift n, her second ;Mr. Wm. Crosiey and9her third Mr. 'os.' Lester. She agent most of her married. life in ,Sanford and Goderich; but' for ;theepast seven months' had- lived ad lived in Alrfiierstburg. 'Phe funeral screw•es..'r-r'rere;.ci)1lrlucted by Rev. Mr. • Beyer LOCAL TOWN, TOPICS (Continued from page I): ptioi'd has been driven out from being a city disease, to being a disease af- fecting the smaller places more. Hence the value of such a survey as •,has been made the past week. These gentlemen 'arrived in Goderich on Sat- urday, have matte -• a survey of Blythe and Lucknow the, early part. of the week, and expected to complete their survey of Goderich .b'y tonight, going to .Exeter from here. • ' ' The survey includes location of wells,, privies, etc. Samples of water from•'the various wells .are taken. _,A survey of the ' water front was also: made to determine the pollution of 'the •front. Speaking .Of our present chlor- ination of the town water, Mr. Dela- porte•saitl 1(0 would ,npt; eonsider11 as a- •satisfactory system. because, while chlorinagtion might be constant, pump - age and degree of pollution would vary, from day to flay. The filtration and chlorination to ter. The be installed here, how- ever, would glue 'us $cad. water,' information these gentlemen will se- cure should be of considerable value, and no doubt a full report will be a- vailable.later. • For Week -June 20 to. Monday and Tuesday— matinee uesdaywmatinee liondity at fe:f5 p. tn• W. S. HART IN. -. ,`The Cradle of Courage' .: also IIURTON . H LMES-A\D IRGPZiNE PAR AliOUNT• Wednesday and Thursday: afatinee Wednesday at 3e.15 p. .WILL ROGER IN. "Honest Hutch , coupled with a too -reel comedy "He Takes the Cocke" Friday and Saturday Matinee Saturday at 3t00 p. nr, : • -VO V y"i ROfiEI ti' + M.%' TER PICTt'ttE 'The . Devil's Pass, Key Old Mone Week Executive.:.. The -executive eoinanittce of'•the Old Horne" ,,Week .ce'lebration met in• the. ev- ening. s:on . Tuesda room y e ofTrade Board a. ening:. . The request of the finatrce' and pro- gramq asking the- 'town . committees ,,a council for exel�Sive privileges of us- ing the streets, the' Square,, the Agri= cultural Bark or any other -property uwf ei _ ,w.,... be -ode owned -Sty'. alto, tu)rrsq 'Wi7fc12 may otittliteotOrT:t 0tee'`t 'oPet' eXeetit1nfi Ibis picture will be ,lir 'talk of the town and to Miss it means to a left out of countless cantersatlen. also A. LIVELY 'SUREFIRE • COMER A week's program of Unusual .Merit Colne and investipatg our theatre rooting system. Prom the Philippine Wands A Goderich Old Boy at Manila Bay writes to Secretary Bowden of tete 4lodericlt tied Home Week as fe><l►r,w s: W. 5. Bowden, • See.• l xeeutire Committee, tlocenieh Old Horne Week, • (,oderich, one,' Canada. Dear Bin• -Your most kind invitation to be present at the Goderich old Bonne Werk celebration received this date, but sorry to say it is impossible Por. ne to bepresent in my,' old home, inuel't -as I would like to. Being ten housane miles from home, on the 011ie Program, with, permission to the Okt Honie. Week Association to retain any fees received• from attradtlons lo- cated • in any part •of the town during the reunion, rec0ived the: endorsation. of the exeoutive, to be submitted to the toren council.. : ' .The draft of the program: submitted at :the last meeting of the •program committee -was read .and matters re- lating thereto -were discussed at some length, with the chairman of the pro -graiii.:cotn1Hltt-r the • ckaaiirrmmanOc f the, finance committee and 'other members present. The ,,armee and program eontmlttees; were ' rrciuested• to : ineet to consider the program presented, with power to act according to the elnding of the -hyo 'eoniinittr.es. The matter of boat oerviec was re-. forced backtothe transportation Nom- mittee with a view'of securing a dou- bir trip eervice from the White Star Line, and to submit to them a proposi- tion for:. a two-way trip should they see. Pt to, do so. 'rile White Star Line had .asked foe a guarantee for the trip and proposed making only one trip. What the committer,' had sought to, secure . was to 'have one of the Waite Star Steatnrrs rime up, lie over here and give 'excursions on -the lake during the Old home Week .and make the re- turn trip at the Anse of the celebrra- tion. The matter of parking of autniobileai Was -referred back. to _.kite Aratl4.p..orta,.. tion .eommitteo, a - The report of the corrunittppuint `rd tv make recommendatlons for a souvenir button; recommended i but- ton with a picture of the Court House In the centre and, suitable .wording around..- Tug was adopted • The speri tl Issue of "The Golden Gate" is to be proeee'ded with at once.. • An appropriation of ll. -s0 was made. to .the secretary for postage. The executive ronunitte0 then ad- journed ..to meet attain, 00 •Monday at 8 o'clock P. ns. ESTAB'L•.SHtD 1872 2 fon itt either-a,:aupretne tonr•liusber-or he is pretty nearly what he baa been termed by the nature tossers --the Ring of Beasts; The lions of the John Robin- son circus aro the pick of years of sole°• tion, from "literally hundreds of *peel, mens' Inbreds in this menagerie are. killed. Many cubs are given away year ly, but aIways a ebote0 specimen is held. When John Robinson's .circus cloves Perris* OIsoy Imo Stern 1I..rs t• R 1.N. to 6 p.m., Saturdays 9 p•*. Plum Slop Early. if Poesible THE SCOTCH ST0RE Great •Reduction in Knitting Yarns Just at u t a► rtune - time, - when knitting is so popu r, there is a big reduction in price of our weil*known Monarch Wools at, Monarch Floss,all colors, 25c per oz. ball, ° Monarch Down, all colors, 3$c per °2 oz, ball. ITonarcli Butterfly (silk- and wool), all: colors, 65c per 2 OZ. ball. 'These Yarns are now below are -war prices,' onsiorpismoimormiimmiimomok Women's 1 l-W0o1 Bathing: $sits: $7.50 . You Will enjoy your dip much more if you '. aro ,%reseed in one of out special all -wool Bath. - ing - Suits. Wear pure wool and avoid colds. They come in a great :variety of colors. Com- binatione in the smartest styles, at. $7.50.._ . . Many other styles from $1.50 up. Silk loves are Po ular Lon Sil � p Women's 12 and 16 button length Italian Sills .Gloves - are greatly in dtimaud by good dressers, In .blank and. white, Kayser and • Queen .Quality. $1.75,12.25 and $2.50. Women's . 2 -dome Silk Gloves, black` ai i color, $1.00 to $2.35 per pair. Buy -Your White Skirts Now White Wash, Exceedingly---stkiart- 'Skirts made from extra quality Bedford' coral,: saber. dine and rep t, --with crush belts, slash pockets, - iintton trimmed. Prom $2.50 to p8,95. Choose Your V'eraritdah • Mats . . Saturday 1 This. is Verandah time. To enjoy•it• to its limit a.. new Mat will go .a long way. The Wearever Coeoa Mat is rain and sun proof and lie flat without fastening.. Natural color, with colored borders. 4 36 x 63 -in. at $3.76. " 4 feet x 6 feet, at $5.00. d feet.x 9 feet, $0.00. $1,50. 6 feet x 9 foot, at. • New - Goads in all Departments - Town Coolest Shopping The C PP gin T Place x 'Phone 56 MILLAR'S,GO ci�E . GHST, T comes: to Goderieb on Saturday. Juno its s ys. t e "Lizzie," 25th, 9u,1l notice lzthetv•mile.par. Prom L i - ziea the gu on e ahf m m - ale audio the menagerie tont that this elephant, whose nee mUllon� jiectple ginCe'the Is true of all the Cat atitmais—lions, ed over three the rs Royal Bengal'. leopards. puniest shimmy . crate hit Broadway, Lige ► S inthe live herds, and tsoattare, to Om nothing of the ua+trnll t.emalieetbaby elephantNo of her jangle beasts. 'the elephants are keen pertOfo at�ep. o n ax 3 eve wItlt, J h Iite 3n.::MlEctl�ia .ytx>dt aohn�nlril�hanti :Is crtxia`c1 tor ali T obl aoho_. .... exteirchf :'to vonilfry. ,on'9 ' fretw—Itie'y' ' s+ el Iwi pb nts s d` the he h too,are actorp. , p e pi Tilsit, the heroes, '.I' e9 of *COM" .n scores In every . And the horses.. The llobineon high the plait tiro e Pd ore knistunoe, for has not this ,;Irons had, school horses pretty Kiri �riidorw throouph a sty -eight years in which to perfect carry, p • many intricate- dances, evolutions and • r^• . o . ns.. p° s1 b. - Cheapest of Alt Gilt,.,-•tlansitteripg.'ttI. qualities of Dr. `Vttoiitati'. telectri�'' oil it is the cheapest ail pt'eparattttns, offerer p i ;to the public, 11 is to be troust.-- - • In (%"ry +Wittig i+trrs' lit: t3anada mart +anarisl.>t,i I'UJ�t-aiit. alt_ e40tflh ::n,t.a'- ebanie 'keep it foi' stile. So, being r'as- fly prorurahle ;Jost Aextrrinely inodrr,.te in price', no mie rhoulst he without a botkie' O,f it. ODERIC11. E25 ONE DAY ONLY '1tYOUR money 4e sited in the 1 Bank of Hann ton is less like- ly to he spent that if you keep it in the house. It is Iso earning interest for you while ,it marl - Isttes. Deposits may lf by trail if it is not coevenienhfor you to call personally. 'r BANK OF HA 60;hill[ MOM ICH. A. J. lf'tKs', !tanager. AMONG Tie CHURCHES • i HIS NEW LIGHT -SIX Baptist church, Montreal St.:, Itev. li 1., arklankl, of 'Woodstock, .will prem.!' 'at troth services, 11 a. tn. aim. 7 p. in. Bible ;School 10 a.ni.; B. Y. P. U•.,at S p. nt. , Vietoria street Methodist church Next Sunday ~Horning the 47anadian order of Foresters will attend divine service in this rhureli. Sunday even- ing subject, "Things Worth While at the Recent, rmferenee." Knox (introit: Divine worship .. next Sabbath' cendueted by the minister. Subjeets of sermons, 11 " a. tn., Mille Gross;" 7 p. in., -The Meaning of Ser- vice." - Sabbath Sehuut,and., teen age Masses at 9.t3 o. m. Adult Bible Class at 3 p. ill. ,. The , members of the .Arthur circle are giving a tea on the ehureh.iawn on June 20th at G.30 p, nt. ,Is'aett member is expected to bring a friend. After the lunch the regular meeting will be held in the leleture room at the usual' hour. The 'terrier • wilt he talten 'by Mrs. Meflnrmid and Miss Lillie John- ston. The price of the tea will be 2sc. A large attendance is hoped for as tiro Proceeds are to. -go towards nnklna up the bale. Mr. Vanot7onw, Angele=Hca Sto etfter- tained the members of the Ladle(,,' Aid - of Vietoria St. entire?) • at their June meeting. The viee president, Mrs. iteyeraft. took tite brat half iinur. It ttas decided to hold a sale of fancy work and aprons, dur=ing July, and the Seelety is planning to Reeve meals to the Suitirnel° Seloyol, v hiieh meet; here k. -bt low rice of• the•newand vomer a � PTHE NEW LIGHT -Six is due to greatly increased production, low overhead, small profit per' car, and the fact that itiscompletely manufactured by Studebaker in its own factories. Thtis, ,is a Stageba Ser Year I?ItE 'Weil MUMS Seat Sale,at Dodges Aro, 5t rsl4i 1 Same price all ehargei at hltiit 1 Grommis. T. F. HOLLAND Phone 243 EAST 'STREET GARAGE Goderich q .• . sr NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES f. ar. 1. Weflirstt fife, Ontario, .wietittiis ./rat 1, 1121 res +dada. LIGHT -SIX COUPE ROADS' I.JGIiT•SVX S.Pes$. t,*DAN *Sll SPECIAL41X 4•PASS. COUPS: n° Me sracrAL•SiX S•PASS, Si DAt1 ma SWAM 111G-SIX7 PASSCOUPE SEDAN,.. EQUZFPSD WITH CO1t» Ti lt15S Iforrias (a,a red K..irt•r. $18114e UIIGNT>JUX 2.PASS. ROAD�C GIT MX TOURING CAR. g ,rrsCaAl,s/X arASs. ROADSTER.. 7s; At-S1X TOURING CAR MG.SIXMAIMpCARADSt)rJt 2700 Alt, r,TttbEhIAkEtt CAtatd ARI 4 0 O 0 • • • G