HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-16, Page 5• • a
7111,1italainif. JUNE liana. Ittl.
R ,
364nelles good blowy weight, deep
lustre *Jed pUrast. Silk, own WOVen edge it
has, Ana every yard is stamped "Imperial
Pailette," This quality bee sold at 4215,
On special sale, at per yard, 51.0
• Satin Duchess
i Yard wide., exquisite extra NAM
best satin Imperial Duellist" Weir war.
a ranted. For etaats, suits dresses,
Formerly $4.50. At per. ;ma, $2.115
japan Taffeta
Joan ToitOto or Pussy Willow Silk in
black and navy, Heavy and very hand.
seine and durable. Yard wide. Seduced
hi price to per yard, $1.25
Natural Shantung
500 yards, 33 and 34 inches wide, natural
Japan Silk, purest Bilk, it is. washes awl
wears to no end; "Deed for dresses, eldrte,
suits, blousest shirts, curtains, drap0SiOo.
giP0Cial este price, 9$c
Clearing all Curtains, Rugs; Linoleum, at Special June' Prices
Swiss and NOttinahana Leo Curtains, all this season's buying, andbeautiful many ofthem ire
Swiss CUrOalttli, inad030 411 at 58,00 and $10.00. On sale, $3.75
Nottingham Curtain, $3.00 to $5.00. At per pair, 5115 to$2.50 6
Seductions in ill Bugs, Brussels, Tapeetrite, every size tip tet 21 x 4,
COUNTY COUNCIL I hodse be painted.
recommend Oust these repairs be Imade.
Since our January meeting ,Mr.
Lona, caretaker, resigned. We Weer,-
fised in the loot papers for caretaker,
giving preference to married returned
soldiers. We received Wall 12 appli-
- Ile report of the boiler inspeetor, VQ
aContiroued from page 3)
'etreels,• Myth, we recommend the
•same be made. •tin •council this was
eitraelt pun. •
We recotnmend the passing' of a by:
comity highways amounting lo $179,- isalanY. We engaged. a returned sole
ler, Sergteatajor Oeo. Jainat $800
1Ve reeonunend tbat an assessment
f two mills the dollar for good
evade purposes be raised from the
Whole aottnta, and the following
tial rates: Ashaeld, one anal; Col-
borne, one mill; Stephen, one tn111;
• Ternberry one ntill• Exeter. one-half
The repornwatt adonted.
Friday morning.
Caretaker Seines Mal,Ino Good
law for erpentliture on the astern of e4101101 rouging front $8°0 to 0+200
county property •committee re-
• - ported as follows
We visited the property under our
JOrisdiellori and Mut general eonditions
slouch the Saint', its they were when re-
' . Ported ott at the last :meting of the
•° °outsell.
The repairs to the jail- wall and also
# the registry °nice building 'reeome
Per Year, who Nis been performing the
duties very satisfaetorily and +recom-
mend 'that the appointment be cone
At the Children's Shelter we find con-
thnons clean, tidy and Itornelhee. Sev-
en children are being eared for at the
present time. leour•of them are at..
lending School, The papering recom-
mended and adopted January is not
yet done. It should be done this sum -
neer We also reeonunend painting
the balls and beirOoms upstairs. A
very good garden is being lateen care
of at title institution. We recomniena
that Dr. Clark and tbe cheirman of
this commithee be authorized to carry
Out the recOnimendatiene Centelned ln
this report.
No Ledy Asaistant for Aorieultural
' • . °Mee.. ,
Prim edueatton kornmittee reported
r. T. nregklio traushat an, ered Toronto duriug the early part
of the week and TburidaY. Juno tnii, ufilvii=serviee the church at 4 o'cloek. commenced their Journey
oaste.j he yea, sone and blue, to the coaet, aletube'siding uortit
the their loft wee a, purple it lama& entrained et Newmarket,
with the /entering iu vbite 'Barrie, Orillia, North Ray. Cobalt,
Liveth for Evermore."
-seder of the church, Res.
clod tio3 sentees. Rev.
o r . e W.
At Cochrane, where only a helfehour
stop ‘Na.s. made. the maY0r. the Kell -
W. Finitimale,M. A.. B. Da pas- dent and inner ot the Ward of
e Minitea Preabyterian church. Trade and eitiaens met the pe' party
if wee a the returned men. et the depot. Cochrane was gaily de-
thureit's heron* roll, delivered eorated with bunting end large flap
oriel sermo11, And Major Ora- were flying from several et its build -
London. who happened to be lugs In honor •of King Oeorge's birth -
in Auburn. :aisu gave 30 ad. day. Weyer waS offered by Rev, A.
2 ff. Moore, et the St. JAW* (Qoebee)
Iles churolt was croasided ao flu' News, followed by the singing ot Me
doges ' many were unable to, gain National All them,
admit ,ia. Tile Service Opriled with The mayor of Cochrane, wile is also
!at ding et the bugle eall, "gall the editor* of the paper there, was
11.- up which a number of soldiers, Pleased' to Meet the members of the
who weie preeeute Med up, the stairs C. aV. N. A. Coettrene 'Wait the gate.,
from **basement and tot* Melt pia. way to a vaster Ontario that now is,
en at tar froattot the church. with agricultural, mining, timber, and
Than seine the singing of 'Lite 23rd power possibilities greater than the
Pm* su the rePention ot the Lord's older positions of the province had or
Prayer. Slitter which a mixed quartette could hope to attain. The extension of
from Item church, Goderich 00nalete the 'la and N. 0, Railway System to
1111 sot Mrs. Dunlop, Miss Nairn and James Bay, close al hand. Would open
Aiwa. 4.P.. Thomson and C. K. Saun-, up the country north and provide a
diti::2 girrioltektred "crossing the Bar" svith short route to and from the Old Land
Markets for the interehenge of trade in
Mier poeyer, the.41)TMD, "0 God, 010 the unlimited products of the regioo.
HeYis in Ages Past,' was sung. For The train in which the members of
*MOM reeding the selection was the the Weekly Newspaper Association are
*tory of the burntrig bugh, which, was makiog their transcontinental trip re-
mit realleneined. ,• . -- - . prefients the last word in "travel. eom-
The* Jane a male ,quartette Curiae- tort."
compomisda by Messrs. Kenyon, Italie- The Canadian National Ilailwase and
mann, lamtridere and Thomson. The Canadian Pacific Railway have each
semiltheettiyalt‘ostea.v.a,s "Remember me, 0 supplied their latest type of equipment
for the train, which consists of six
After litsegairiouneetrients and the of- standard drawing (roam sleeping earfs,
tering Cali* the sermon by Cepa Flog- defies car, tourist car and baggage
land. Then the a:Welling of the tab- ear. , e
let, jatitor I. Hetherington and Corpor- The .noseepaper peopSe were very
al Oen. MacEwan pulling aide 'the much Interested! in inspecting the
flags widen wereadraped over the tab- aanrlieW-features introduced -4n- -th
tett type of Canadian National Eileen-
le'kfidor; Graham gave hie address. ing oars comprised In the train.
deuce of the pupil • .•
•The Mast Post" WAS soundedCapt. These steel 'ears are the latest,' expres-
Re amount asked from liarrieon gred allatell„ of Clinton, uncle Of the sion of the Railway Car Builders, Act,
High School of $61.6:85 for education- of one to whom the tablet Was erected. quietly but luxuriously uPholetend—
Huron County pupas, we recommend The hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" have individual heating control which
wee ellng, followed by- the National can be utilized from each berth; ther-
mos bottles in drawing roorlie, age)
several other N.devices caloulatei to.
make a transcontinental journey as
Pleasurable as possible.
• Tbe dining' car is also of the most
modern •Canadian National type, pan-
elled in quarter-eut, oalt. .The Cana-
dian National Hallways took advantage
of •the 'Canadian ;Weekly NewspaPer
I'fen' s trip over their lines to the Pa-
cific' Coast to place in service their
new dining car, menus, on which are
described in text and illustrations the
various. stages of Canada's develop -
that as a list Of the pupas. from ebtroa
attending the Iterriston Ili& School Anthem and, Benediction.
Is not given, the list be asiced for and
the matter be left to- the December
sessions •
'rhe report was adopted,
• County, Rate is and taie Milis
The finance eteumittee reported on
the accounte; recommended aecept-
mice of .3. W. Smith's lender for bread
at' 11 cents a loaf and of salloo. W.
Legg's tender for meat at 1.6 .cents per
lb.; recommended payment of Ellea- WAS the Otory of the allied armies in
the great war. Thotigh ttirousande,
even Millions log their. nee% 'yet , he
that IOsetla his life saall save it, • and
the ineptelle of their service and'eaeri-
flee won go on as a rnOtiVii to high
coatis aotiona Slept, ^Ping-.
Revingly on the names of
who had been balled to
Capt. gingiand spoke on the subject
of the lona ush, which wae. not
consunfed:— hie was the. emblem ad-
opted by the Waldenstans .and by the
Huguenots the bone of their pease -
cations. It was adopted by the' Scote
Dab covenanters and it was still.used
on the Polinterian publications. The
idea of *Wog through' a fleey trial
hut not being overcome brit was tee
Idea COL girigland brought out. This
Elizabeth Kennedy's claim for $22 for nurs-
sing Mabel Roberts; recommended ae-
ceptance of the anditors' report; re-
commended a rate of 3 8-10 mills on
the dollar to raise e161,505.32 for gen-
eral county purposes; and recommen -
ed ehat all orders be signed by the tLfl1L 1!
Warden serra-nmothly on or about the land
1st and lath of each month and that eomn
the different patrol man throughout tillimatato.. tramloperaeacthseacarplapcaeifinatrl loss
the county be notified to this effect so
as •to ensure proraPt naymentalltin to lihfee rtithtn;kvead'r dust ,e0htlatibleed.tnhuut.nyieauititeodf
be substituted for the -olause of the
att4lihrsrrvalpArtop. 04. • • aninaotzmionbaeltuettputellefiovNeved r woreataldb..e'stfetrinegivit
. ° mended and ;adopted at• the jenuary The specie' .conamittee recOmnienaett,
, • Meeting have not 'been attended to.. 'ea follows— that the petition re Jackson, Scott and
This splendid train' wilt be .• the
home of Canada's Vneehla Newspaper
Men for eighteen days, and nothing. is
being left .undone • by . the railways to
make the trip enjoyeble, and at the
aame time show them en route the
many striking indications •of the agri-
ctrltural and industrial progress of the
Included in the 'equipment whieh the
Canadlan National Hallways has, pro -
sided for this trip are baggage, diner
button than the world bad known, and three sleeping cars, which are .on
just as.- stecording! to the legend,. a :the road their first trip, having just
- comolletileation. tron1 (he Ontario [McLean be referred to the counell for wonderful anemone sprang up out of been turned out of the ear plant .at
Associated Boucle of .Trade asking for further consideration, and that, re aloe the mingled dusteof Italyand the Holy. Montreal. • ,
a resolution to be passed favoring- th
of McNa11J and Armstrong, all pa- Land on the sitenf a 'church. tor:which The baggage ear is especially. atted
erlotio money be Paid by this council' the builders. brought shiploads - of; up for the convenience of the lime
tothe different munitipalities 10' ells- 'earth from Jerusalem. The spirit of paper people. There aro shelves, on
of by the reeves- and councils service endakacrlfice of our soldierseach side of the ear on which eon-
es.they aec necessary. " • must he, carried en by us,- eases and bag e are placeds, for which
Moved by ' A. %Piing, seconded by "Alajor Grove eapreagea hi pieeie 1special baggage checks were prepared;
John Douglas, *Mettle matter or 4ac1p. ure atbeing AUbtirx1 andbaing able and the baggage' I5. available to the
son, Sentt *and. Metean, as referred to to take •
the eounell. as a 'whalea by the eteeplert the so
Of $1* notelet etimmitteet, be left 0i* le* .strire
hand* of the reeve. of Mullett, • aa the. ratherahan the
property le in that townehiPee-Carried. late tlay ot the tie
recominelat tbat these repairs be
• lett in eharge of the tornrnittee's chair -
mean end Dr. Clark.
We and no prisoners in the Jail.
Under the rules governing the Jail
officers the turnkey is 'entitled to two
*Amelia' h011slays each year. Nat bay-
ing talten any holidays for tour years.
WO recommend thet tlile 'year Ite tu
ranted ecu' month.
We taeonitnenet that the coal sited be
eaddrolosa al elite 'a feet of hose be
tio'Skied the jail.
Se request ot alts. D. altiedonald fm,
appointment of a lady assistant to e
agricultural office to look after Wom-
en's Institute work, medical inspection
a schools and courses In home nurs-
tug and bousehold .selence, morn -
Mend 00. itetiOn.
Re amount due Parkhill Iligh" School
we' reeornmend that rePort be referred
bola **it la ttiooMPlete. ,
fte soled from GitesleY 2411
School for 'education or one Mist+ Nate
the gerviee, and saki Party at all times, a man ate ng as-
• 1
?retitle:1g Ute 'lobe signed in charge. of the baggage for the
, entire trip,
hero. 11,.V. *toward I* rib-
let was a fine one araln, repreeenting the menegement a
and many from the surrounding eotni- the Canadian National Railways, and
a new typewriting maehine, we meet*. Geiger, et Stephen townshiti, We re- Moved by re me Dae s, see /I y
mend that this be granted anet that The comotemi no payment, as this sehool A. B. Erwin that the chairman. of the
old machine be disposed of or applied Is not an adjoining schoot to the rest- property committee be instructed to
on payment a the new machine. deuce orthe.pupil. - decorate the eotirt house for the.Old
'rhe eave troughs and eoliduetOre on Re amount asked from Woodtock Ileum Week to be held in. Coderich
• the court tiontee nerd attention also High School for the educatiou of one. Aug. 7, $, 9, 10 and it. --Carried.
the cupola ever' tile court houeo needs Perd Steadman, of Dungannon, we re- Moved by T. M. Davie, seconded by
• t TO is s 11001
• - - painting. 'We reeommend that the eommetu , W, P. Clark, that ehe..liuron County
woodwoeit on the outside of the eourt Is not arreetioining school le the real- Home .rienronitteca intilelatille. arab .gatel
and sign for the Huron Coutatr itome.
which was passed by this council in
1010, --Carried,
• An unofficial le -gore of the elosing
session came when Cdtinty Treasurer
Lane• and Reeve Plating went forward.
It was a minutte.or two before Clerk
• Dolonan'became aware that an address
was being read and that he was the
one addressed. It was wonth a lot to
eee •Ms surprised expression as he
raised his eyes from his mindless and
worth atilt more ,to bear the fun which
the address caused. A Teddy bear and
a•squeaky dolt were the gifts, intend-
. ed for Clerk Holman's, son and beir.
The dohore of these gifts said they
had not much money and so eould not
I b te resentation and
Old Home
in' Goderich
Aug. 7, 8, 9, 10 & 1 1,1921
DecoraiionsWilll Lavish
Lots of SpeCialAttractioils
Plenty -4 the Best- Band littusic
Preparation are going shout oleely.
Talk it up smolt your Mods owl kelp nuke this the biggest
celebration Gollerielt ever saw.
• Don't forget to Jima names and addresses of former residents
to W. S. BOWDEN, Secretary; Board of Trade Seems, at the
earliest possible date.
make any e a ora P
they hoped Mr. Holman would not Put
them to a. similar expense again.
Mr. Holman, recovering 'from bis sur.
Prise, Was equal to the oeeaston and
assured the vouncillors he had no in-
telltiOn of wagoning theta further
expense, that he would see that the
gifts were kept until his son was old
enough to appreelate from whom they
calm, and that' he. had decided to
name his boy "Huron" in honor of the
County.. ' ••
Jr.•i.1. NI% Govenioela ExeWarden and
member ot the.begistature, was pre-
sent and addressed 411e omen, gomo
200 bills inil been passed at the recant
session. Some were correcting. the ea.
roes ot legislation of the previous ses-
sion. Others were a rnistake. in taking
away from County • Councils powers
that properly belonged to them and
eentralizing control in Toronto).
• On the eutneet of Good Roads Mr.
ilovenloek pointed out that Ituron
County bad not elie same mileage 0
Provincial Highways as other emialle,s
, °tan 33 finites) and shoulcleapply for
more. Such applleations wore endive.
Iually coming in anit Huron Cavity
should nee that it got its share.
After the passing lit a number of ba -
laws giving effeet to the action ot the
cottnell the counted adjourned.
i - e
Trianit Ihulenrear Ootiog Trousers Fisi
Straw Hate Ms
Get Your Sumner Suit
•*We Iry our apart toilet% moil look right.
J.• • •
fires Toblet to W. J. Carter Cittelled
In Impressive i4rvire on Sunday
To have twenty-five nanieti otti its
honor roll oat those who went to the
War and to haves lost only one PI the
rend, •Posgibly 'unique, ot Knox
church, Auburn. The good people of
the congregation have ereeted, a tine
carved elk honoe toll displaying the
naives of item% %atie enlisted. amt. on
Sunday afternoon last, a very ampeo-
priate and impressise aerYiee wag lirld
et the ellurott In eetroileelion with the
unveiling of a line brags paratorbl lebe
let oreeteet in honor of itte, one Who
did not came !nett, Pte. William: J.
Carter. The names of thoeo on tlie
honeroil arc' as talloceal Eart
IlarsaY Ikritity, Russel Bentley,
i:to J. Carter. tlarewe Cax. Ilalph
bialey nx, 1rank t. Dobie„ William ti
Plughtul, IMarray Anglin& Prank
VinSlanol. Wellirgtan flood, E. A. Ilan -
Alex. Manning., tisnf"go
Nieman J. Nett, taiarleg iNitailith,b
W. Pattersttl. T. Roy Patteraen. Nelson
IL Ilabisee, Jelin Steuart Itedger. Th11*.
,,i44arav llskir,
try and more Meat points were in at- is accomPanfed b S•eeretary M. J. L.
Mr 11. J. Lambain, inspector„ of
THE PRESS PARTY EN ROUTE spin ond dining cars, is an charge
on this train, The dining car is i
s •
tendance. Wilespie. •
Some Notes,of the Trip Written by Mr. charge of Stevvard J. J. Kelly. Mr. NV.
Vanatter 4 life Ooderleh Star
The Canadian Weekiy lieWspaper
„assoelation bent Jis ' annual meeting. at
Vancouver, 13. C., the latter'part of last
week. As already mentioned in The
Star, Mi'. J. W. Vanatter, one of the
proprietors ot thIS journal, le among
the party. 11'' has met many former
flodeeleh peopee en route and at, Van-
couver, our former townsman, Mr. R.
Megaw, WAS at the station to meet
nos especial train an which the prises
party are travelling. The party are
now On the homewardjourney, anei
expect to have sotne interesting
notee of the tel to the coast from the
pen Of Mr. Vanatter: In, the meantime
the following notes from air. Vannater,
writtete on the trip out, between Coeh-
rane atia Hearst (which is 673 :idles
past of Winnipeg) in the early part of
the trip will be reaki with Interest:
'Members from the Maritime Pro-
vinces, Quebee' and Ontaria, foregiith-
9Thomson, pubileity agent bf the
Grand_ Trunk pailway„ 1%..also,'_accom-
nanying the Press Party.
Special attention is being Paid to the
handling at the train, the superinten-
dent and master mechanicof each di-
vision accompanying the train over
their_aerritory. There is also an elec.-
trjelan on board who looks after the
lighting, ventilating and"Cooling fans,
• .1n fact everything is being done. for
the comfdrt of the party while en
Among those on board area Mr. and
Mrs. Southeott, Exeter Times; Mr. and
Mrs. Davis and daughter, leinebel Ad-
voette; Mr. and Mrs. Kerr,
Post; Mr. A. W. Wright anddaughter,
Mount Ferest; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hun-
ter, Kinewrdihe Reporter; Mr. Irwin,
Durliairi Chronicle; Mr. and ides, leilt-
ehell, Hanover Post; Mr. McDonald and
aaughter. Chesley Enterprise, and jno.
NV. Vanatter, Ooderich Star,
so=tow• u:sim=zrounor 4onctos===tozo
will be held in the
Town Hall, Wingham ell
Saturday, June 18th .
at 13 o'clock p.m. .
P1t(W. G. E. DAY. Secretary of the Canadian Shorthorn Asso-
ciation will be present and give an address. 11 is also hoped to
have H. It Smith, of the Canadian Hereford Association present.
0 Member' alai all interested in pure-bred cattle are invited to
° attend.
tiW iing World
There is great temptation today
to cheapen clothes, either cloth
trimmings or skill in making.
With 'Martin Clothes' qual-
ity comes first
Leave your order with us and rest assur-
ed that nothing will be slighted. •
• Martin
Secretary norm County Breeders' Association.
• 0
ott1==i10=01:11==t01:101 (01=Ok (00I
Reliabie Outing Footwear
O The Life -Buoy proposition. is one, of compelling
intenseg. The variety of models coMprising the range
is most ettensive. They cOver gYellj need in the line
of Bowling, Venolit and Onting Shoes. They are most
popular because they Are:Stylish, Comfortable, Service-
able and Eeonomical. Nowhere will you find wider
.sielection or better values.
Lot Us bo Yost Shoo %patio
10L0.111111ORMINIWlik P
owl Rove It Doss Itigkr
North SW S,
estern universi
Loodon, Ome?
Suriit'i\r School
it8 .and Scenes
le; Atiiiirif
For Information and Calendar write
• K. P. R. NEVILLF, Registrar
A reliable brokerage house is in a position to underwrite
an issa of from $100,000 to .$1,000.000 ofan'establifibed and
growing Canadian .Corporation.
.. •
Communicate with us by wire or 'phone at our' expense.
• Corporation and Conoral Investments, Limited
35 Klag Street L, Totonto. 'Phone 5016-7.
Select Ladies' Readyto- ear
The only exclusive Ladies' ReasiptuMear'
\ Store that sells goods direct from manufac-
• turer to customer in Goderich.
• This includes, a new line of House and
• Porch Dresses, Middy Waists, Organdies
• and Voiles, of the latest designs. These
are selling, ht very low prices.
We are offering a fine assortment of House
and Porch Dresses at P.95 and $2.95.
A special lineyof Ladies' White Polka
dies, at $1.95. '
We invite inspection. Ne troulple to skew goosis.
Satisfaction gonrooteoi sr sooty refuosiet
liklikt the kure
ilsegarters aad Fashry, 401 Iwo it. 1 Tashi