HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1921-04-16, Page 1LSI a Tinkly Latter NISINNS 1MtlMatta $ tharY barsdie--i1, 1 Year trUP-, IMA, Wee u is Arrow's, vanattnet1. DAFT adromass Hoboken Penis— Eaters Kaap up the Nordar Campaign # 8 mimeo, o THE LEADER rl The Sun Lite of Canada is the .larfieeli Lire CePeeN e under charter tr. the Dominion Gotrerament. IC leads eh *ditto lite comPlinieaa °tn atiiount or Mote,. Prettlin at 1110014111 Income, Interest Xacofne, Tonal /aeonia', New .Aestirs oeai E" Gass, AaaiuranceA ire. Force, Sarpiue Earnings"and Net Surpiu abtlittaar i rll _CAijtal. : . Pollciaa in libation ;Lite'of Carted* tine date' *Bid •,''tibia holy. R. LO, ha *JP ;root De- tl0fi. The Beard twat en Tuea?h' n'ai'l rich :monde) eve Ata l :I:rlded til make AO iuera'solet, 6 u'eloek end *II' l:,lnwt°Ituently Nle* Aaderaiiu has as. alt Monday evening ..cePted the Walkerton position and the e moonlight ex. wires of the 33ttt enjoyed the tet ti` d4ueittg in the earner, one of 'the Pas providing the tiy morning lila 'I' trip t© Hctrott, assengetee aboard. i l'hurthleaJ on the IIvee again Friday Mr, elclntan Deo t of the.line, and Moog the passim. ,at .Me.- etet,ean re. he fact that many lag to visit Oodo- ome \Veek 'rather )laid have been a: iitore in town this tV;l guests at hotel Oattognd exeuraion t is to be in ellarge llottkl, came 'tip on • nit Restate., lecithin •ts, nearly' la in raising salty. •commercial spe- tieh t.lolteglate In- talfived an offer of kerion and asked • efe Wishes is the :Miees Anderson to art'aaston , difficulties staff here who atera \underpaid .10 aeeretary of the ' nice,- %vas• Instrlt. ne'eonsent of throe t for no lnerease,' Dr, Robertson and edof 6100 to . Mimi r And Miss Ooven- •te of 81.30 to • alIss. ti upon among the dory.This would c et ons salary Steffi iacol board %Sill hole to lnok tog at► new cututitrrcial °e1Periattlat. `31'1'13 till' tlerirtind there are, onl 40 eommerrlal s p..ecialist% In the leroclnee 01,119ide tie cities anti of these only nine are ceivint' less than the *salary given liwe, and by the raising of the standard ie- 1uiring to university rlrgreo tot' the speeirtlists' standing hereafter the sgtt PIY Or, new eernmerciet Rpeciaileild I:t very much reduced. so hat Ow boiled rutty have ttiA entity In f►tling tnc po- sition. _ S n Lary Inspection or the Town Mea5r-. A, . V, Delaparte, O. 11. Barn, A. W. Johnston and B. Il, (laoke have been la town this. week mealrt�t aA aianitary inepeetiolt of tho town. A1r. ilelaporte is the elteinist` In charge If the experimental station of the ,Amitril of Health. to Tomlin and lite other, work of 1ni~peetion. has been conduit the past few years at aa, colt of Ogle 010110 anattally.the `Pruvlitee, brut hag had marked resuto. lts In lowering tht3 death rate from typhoid. Mr, Detit- Norte states that in 11)10-thegleath rate of the Province from typhoid atone wad; 40' per handfed thousand, now the av- erage is, about OF the city death ratio being 4,8 the town death• rate; 1) and the country death rate • .0." Thus tine • (Continued on page 5) • BONN Aid alWAY.a..ou ;Thursday. June' 9th, at: l obi.* hospital to Mr, and DIM A. 111. sy, a eon (Herold NIIIer). PeriniiiGTO f. --Ing rotlerithw on' Imes - day, tuna 7th. to Ilr. anti Mrs. :Charlet: .. l'fnnlnatan, Trafalgar lit., to son (Murray). JONI:S....To lir: and MM. t'aalntorttt 'pours, on Sunday, June ilia, o Private avtlton, Toronto dencrst MoepIIIS. a 'ton. EMI SALkEI,D.--.1n (ioderiel on Sut►dtalr Jane 11th. Ellent, widow of this l 0101 Salkeld,. agId i1, yaar8 Ind 7 moIfW. • 'a • UO 1i GUM& ,(sal; I•Travel Ake rellewlag Route .---WIiI. , leave Ilia. own. 1,•tllralt Miles Wes; or p to Graham '%boas . Clinto wieiNtal bY, WAY or Moron R eed . yv• of MMI `0 heaaT utt's for claai�ohn Durats• for 0on^° senaatner aaadl aauron Ho ea';'tar trigh ' LEMURS OF i motto • y�,,,,rwlt waw MiM tiiiivicioti tow twiestorotinse *totter OtCtitlitiossod Itrilsetwak Pordoklows may bit•,. Alfth.Banks 11 TarTS ' 1 HOUSES ( ALL ICI"iDS FOR SUE AT' VERY ItEl1Sori-' ABLE PRIORS. SOUTH "ST New red beck furnished liouee to ,AtIICTION' • rent, nedr (lake bank, on Elgin Ave.,,,., _- Orsummer 11190the. luianediate_,.pea i.EARING_ AUCTION seS6ton. T+' 'ABLE HOUSEHOLD P. i now ' eurrisft1NGs. Ileal Estate and Inatraaee. - I stn• tnstruCted by lis son St Godertch on° 0.V. CAREY Real Estate' and 108m:ance F61; RENT T DweWng on East Street ECR SALE . , Two stOry trams `Modern dwel•- ling, about two blocks from the egnttre, San be bought cheep,; for quick sale. Large lot on West Street. raging lake, great building lot. • • Other Properties., Also (Mario Roads tar Salo to yieli 6.05% TUESDAY, by pu lie auction, at I, - . °° JUN WEDNESDAY, J • Commencing, each d all the contents otthe 'Morse) drawing room,living room, dining room bedroom and itchen furniture. , This Is a very large house and it is folly furnished with everything in splendid con- dition. There is a Helntzman player piano, that cost St,209. a number or -valuable rugs, carpets, curtains, eliina, glaroom e, cut- lery, refrigerator, garden hose, garden• tools kitchen range oil stove, eta. This will be the range, auction sale of furniture and furnishings held In Gode- rlch In years.. • Everything must .be disposed of. TERMS.—Cash. Nothing to. be taken from premises until settled'for, • T. GUNIMIY, Auctioneer. ::CraigIe!s TReal. Estate. Bargains No. 1--2- tory,w white brick house garage. This is a %ery, desirable Tully modern, 8 rooms, situated property, situated' on the +corner on Newgate Street. This is one • of Elgin Ave, and • Stanley 'St.• ofe thebeat buys in Goderie'i. Price 84,000. .Fri . Price �,OQO. No../. -2 story, brick, : fully modern. Na 2 --Story and - a ,alf, frame, house, hot water heating, 4 Bre.* w' eight•.ropmedhouse, • eleetr„ light, places, large verandah, situated water and sewer connection, on the east side of Montreal St. newly decorated throughout, full Pelee 1%00. lot, fruit trees, chicken house, si- No. 6-1% story, frame, 6 -roomed tunted on West side of Cameron, house, full lot, situated Olt the St. 1 rice 81500. - east side of Warren 'St. Prlee °No 3—Two story frame house, 8 8�'�' moms, 'electric •light and bath. No. 2- 10 -acre farm; veittl . one - mad " and -a --half story, eight roomed large verandah, east ,side of Vic- . frame dwelling, full size %ruse- toria Street. Price 81700. ment. Bathroom. Good barn. No. 4. -2 -story red brick eight- Elegant location for poultry farm. roomed, fully modern house. Situated on the west aide of 1•:t- Vireplace in den. Good stable or don St. Price $4,230. Ofher Listings May Bs Had of Applliatisn at thea Olflce. HONDS 11OC(:i1'r A's1) SOED , • J. W C RA G I E. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE DANCE THE PAVILION 11 Open Every Evening GODERICH AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Limited Uad.I aurae et, wase olol. VMS • Modulen 25c. Moron County - Temperance Association ANNUAL CONVENTION will be bald in ONTARIO STREET METHODIST CHURCH, CLINTON' on WEDNESDAY, JANE 22nd' Commencing at 1:30 p.m, ' Addressee will be given by Mt.. GEORGE C. °PIDGEON, Of To- ronto, President of the Social Ser. vice Council of Ontario, Airtt'I prom.‘ Went County Workers. 6 p.m. Banquet and atter•dinner !Speeches, TiCKETI 10 CENT!' THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED X. A.IRWIN, Clinton, President. W. li. WILLIS, Winghedii, Sec. GEO. KE N. "L. Mils. scant University" Teacher's Dlrtopls Plano rat '1heorp Teacher's Diploma Olaf* Poppe ipppreparect tor' eiaininstions. For Publicrpply.Libraudio, Montreal St„ opposite MUSIC STUDIO. Ooderlch SocietyO C estra Music Studtp. entrance between F. H. Weed's and J. It Lauder's stores. MR. C. V. HENRY (violinist), tuition tile!' on Violin for beginners and those suvan. For information apply at attune. Violins repaired,. bridges toted, sound. posta set and violin bows rehalred, etC Goderiek Society Orchestra, i Piece, (PrOteaslonall) ` CHARLES BUCYLET. " Organtet Bt, George's Anglican Chiiek Plano, pipe Organ and vocal lnatrtlptton. Flve-pleee Orchestra For terms apply to Studio. St, Patti* k 8t. U. FL WESTON, L. L. C. M. (Licentiate London College of Russo, Ing land. organist end CIolr //tractor of. Noris St. Metbodist church. TgACKERo8' Mira lupiis prepared for examinations' ti con. nectlon with Toronto •University, Toronto conservatory, etc. Every pnptl entered for plunged exams exams has passed, Maar wpbs honors. For terms apply et rMtdence, Weft St. (lira door west of tdtatifilk rink), foderlch. When fishi g for a husband in The matrimonial brao1,.. A maiden often wonders how She'll get hirn oft the took. NEW 'WALLPAPER SAIEPLEfl The C. 13. Routley +:o„ Toronto: \\'all Paper Sample Dool;s or in tile. hands of our • agents, A. (:'Stet and :ton, iiroek St., five doors easier Na. tional Shipbuilding (10. offices. We do your paper hanging and decorating at right price", Work guaranteed, Going Down - ' SHINGLES This is absolutely the best btty offered= tor some years in shingles. x x x x x (5 x) C. E. Shingles AT $1.25 per bunch They will Ha fait Get yours ell,tly 0CCEGICH PLANING MILLS COMPANY, Li Phone 47 iIIto* 1* 11.111,13. - alu+A u.' u.., vy a. «..: New Citizenship'". Thereports of the officers wi11 review the, •work of .the past year and outline plans for Die fu-: ture. An 'Interesting stent of the pro- gram isa. banquet at 6 o'clock, foibusv .ed by after dinner speeches. All the .churches, of the: county are entitled to• 'send delegates and any :perason will bt' made welcome. Your minister hes, re- ceived programs. Moon GountY stands well to the front "In aggressive social service 'work, ° and should be kept there. Letter of Thaniis front 00 .11.1410p of Dirminpltam In connection With the drawing for fancy wearing apparot recently hieid by Mrs. Potter, which realized $7163, o f which amount was remitted to the Bishop of •Birmiiigtiain for 'the relief of poor and, deserving children hi. that Meese, Mr. Williams, manager of the •Canadaian Bans. of Commerce, through whom the money was forwarded, has received the following letter from the Blslioi: �• Bishop's Croft, 1)irminarhanr, Juno 'dna', 11121. ',Vile dear Sir,-- . Will you exprrro•,my wapiti thanks to Mrs. Nellie Potter for. her 'kart. which becomes. anthe more valuable because of its beim; realized s;leri- ifee on her part. I v%iit ttlai• rare that what is. best 1s done earth' her gilt.' 1 Nope that I- may ane 44 have the pleasure of again visiiing Canada and possibly of getting into tours► with (Iolierirh. Yours %„ry !•inrerey, fl. R. Ttttte11N(.i(A\f. Dominfon Day "Vile executive enrtunittee or the 1)o- ininion Day cefabration in ttuderieh have outlined the program fur. the day, tvhtOli wilt be found elurtsbpre in .thi.t issue. The opening feature of the thy will be a patriotic demonatratinu at 10 n. m. on the Square with Rami mi sic and an address by Rev. Mr. 1leyer,4t on Canada's it1rlhetru, At 1020 Isle Baby Shaw enmpetitturl lath tato' pi iee At 10:30 a parade of ilrrorated autos and b;eyeles 1,1411 hike piece, 'prizes trying ghee sur theme. This '44 ill be followed by the rlehlren's games. At agricultural', park etre lira' as law „t the tr.+4••ball tournament wilt h.' Ada:, ed rullltrl•'n$e it at 11 .1.1.11,f14.- Stratford. 111,tli:Stratford, %ttrirh. Giinten anti (wav- elets - rielt te.trn4 wilt be Hi'' i'unapetdo,rs in. thr tourn.itient. The Htennd . Gartroe • %Gklf tie id,*,•if the ;afteriltiun veils- rtaencltta •t 't ,, yf+orf#. 140 'tat, nln ai 1210,' ho t'% i tt tae' witaners.of the tevri furtaa••r Lane's .%IU fa,iin,t%, $tae•taayr ;at(a,nP'lull sit the via in tie, ;afieeie,•:n ViItt 1•.•'thr• Stow :;aauCer a aye'. its Iii' r' ctua:: °tics r•• tia1v1 1w .a 01101 , Obi e• •t .,0 fru., ..:,in➢.ari'•". 'flan Wolfhound E aPit':lonv • 1-' 06 r. ,r. s4 ,r LAW 015 .lea„ I' t.r... 1r,.tao t , , 0 u 1 fu:i �t, *tau, .' 1ilr� �oe.•ls ti' r a 1 g ..h.l as . c,a elf -. 1, a 1•• art ) 'fees, 1V PI' a61'. '�`t,•nd leis •1e, -,..¢au• 1'`4. (PRI AY JULY lot, 1921) .testa. BE CELEBRATED IN �D�RICH AS.USUAL PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION on the Square at 10 a.m. including Band Selections and -Address byRev. J. F. Rey- . y . - craft on `Canada's Birthday.! Baby Show at 10:20 .. Parade of Deco: ed Autos ,: and Bicycles y fear for prizes a( 10:30 Children's Games BASEBALL TOURNAMENT at AGRICULTURAL. PARK . The competing -teams -will-b STRATFORD, CLINTON, ZURICH & PURITY .LOUR (Sodcrii:Mk First game at E I a.m,, 2 tui.gani at ap.1n:-final gatne following. • SLOW AUYOMOBILE RACE C in the afternoon Once around the track.,; Cars to be driven iu high gear. Last ear in wins the race. ADMISSION o AGRICULTURAL PARK MORNING AFTERNOON Adults 25c' Children 15c E Adults°50c' Children 250 334 Regimental Band in Attendance BAND CONCERT IN THE SQUARE IN THE EVENING See $ttiia11 bills for detallief the day's program Mayor Wigle, ChthelAB C. A. Reid, J. P. Reyeraft, W. Line 'bite-ChaiTIM3s SecretorTreasurer 5.