HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-20, Page 8I4 titt *etanders Wanted. The undersigned would be pleased to. take a number of boarders.—Lad tee ex Gentlemen. First class acme: mode ti.on.. Terms reasonable. Apply at the Leese opposite Commerical Hotel. T1. Buete ; alfa t LOCAL ,JOTTXNOS Today (Thursday) is Ascension Day, Don't forget the ball gatue ou the moruiug of May. 240, Masons are busy at work on Mr. W. T. Carliog's new residence widen wi'l Goon be ready for roofing. There was a rather heavy frost Mon- day night, but not severe enough W do any damage to the fruit. Don't forget to go to the concert in Gidlos s Opera House, on Tuesday evening, 1Iay 24th. To miss the races here .dilly 24th, will he to .miss the best in the history of the Association aud that eoesiderab1e. Robert Sanders sold twenty -live acres of swamp land is Hay toe, zaeiii),• to Richard Eiworthv, of Usborue, las: week. Have you cleaned your yards and cellars tints season? if not, do so at once or. the Board of Health wilt be af teryou- Villagecows were allowed to rue at large last Sunday, and the town has again . ssurned au agrieulturat appearance, The Western Lacressoe League will consist of Parkhill, Exeter, and St. Marys, J. b ottani, of Pati:hill, will be Secretary of the League, The election expenses of the caudi dates its the West .Huron election are giyee as follows:—Josepb Beet~, $175. 30;J. T. Harrow, 441.50, The etas a ie s for the raeees berg el t% o a -� n, - r % '. t e a :e %r 24th are ravel , cntrla � t . atal a 1, out a doubtwe will have the largest list GOeau, cents pays for the AnvooAa° t V Jau, i st, 1890. Without a doubt .Exeter will see ono of the largest crowds at the races, May 21th that has ever been here. Try Wiaan's Octangle Balsam* for coughs, colds, and bronchial troubles, So'.e agcat for Dreak's Lung Syrup. C. Lterz, Druggist. The Poet Master General bas recall- ed all the uusold setts ofJubilee stamps, but any person d'siring• to procure a sett or setts may obtain same by ap plying at their respective post office. Miss. Whitney, Sopranoist, Miss Fasber, Eiocutiouist, and Miss Cam pat] ;ne, Pianist, of Goderiel, in Gidleys Opera kiouse, Tuesday eveniug, May 24th. See ad. in another column. Mr. 11 I insmau. had a bone, In his left band broken on Tuesday evening while wee:Atliig laeresse but the in jured member will not incapaciate him from rate uding to his usu ai acute] dunes, 11r. Aaron Sutton, London Road, bas purehasece from Mr, Nathaniel Corbett, 5.t. hen ,-, land p , the an and premises situated on the west side of the London Road, between the properties of Francis And erson and Thos. Neaman. On Tuesday night last while Mr, John Livinestooe was working around his stallion at the Commercial liouaa, they animal stepped on one of .his feet, bruising it very badly. Be will he able to continue his route, but it will he with diflleulty, t The fast thil.g on the program to open the leg day's sport eley 24th, will be an interesting baseball match be- tween the Lucan Irish line and the Exeter Spaldings. The game will be called at 10 o'clock and promises to be interesting from srart to finish. o Peath o flora, •W nil. I.ieelevtu. Probably no more nathetieoccurrent has been recorded than the almost sad den death of Lisette Zeller, beloy wife of Mr. 1� m Melee vin, At leas tette faets are petbetie, bat it is hard t put such a burden of patinae on; Pape m a way to make manifest the fu weight of so sad a blow to the busban and motherless fi u. moth r e tile children, Th deeeaeed was taken eudcienly ill tion day eveuzn, aud grew radeatl worse till she was seized with eouvu sior^s. and about 12 o'clock that dgh she was dead. She had been doing; he usual household duties ue to, the tem she was takeu ill, and in facet the emu afternoon had done some light wor around the garden. Deceased was daughter of Mr. Aiiohael Zeller, of Zur ich,and moved to Exeter with her hus- band and family some four or live years ago. She wail of akind disposi- tion and was eery highly esteemed by ail who had the pleasure of her as quaietanee. nhe leaves a sorrowing husband and three small children— one son and two daughters to mourn her demise, and while hearts are sad. dened at the event, a genuinesy npathc will go out to those who she has. left in, deep afilictiou at the sudden. loss of a sobie wife and loving, mother, The slaty concert. The concert given under the aus- pices of the Exeter Lacrosse team ou Monday evening last, was a very pleas- aut and creditable affair. Unfortun ately they were not treated to a full house, nevertheless those present had the pleasure of listening to and seeing! one of the best entertalntneuts of the kind ever given in Exeter., Air. Maes, of New York, is unit( ubtedly one 0 best humorists and entertainers we have ever listened to, Fila splendid elocu- tion and power of nimeery gresatly ole lighted his atttttieuee anti drew term teem ,r a, t again amt. again� d outbursts b u i, us of most genult.e applause, IXis re ed�.'r- iug of the different selectious showed that he had thoroughly mastered the mysteries and prineip!es of his calling and .it would be heard to say whether at, excepted in the pathetic or hutnor- felts selections. In hie character d.ec- t tie,ns, his ural,e•up stee;ech and actions were an enure portrayal of the eh gra:; tiers hat was itnp.rstmaating, The eine a ing by Mrs- Biliinags and Mr. Jas, Seeier, tate local talent, was well rt eived and ree_eived naa.rited applause, '.hiss le read i Melte la:ad sn heavy duty in acting as itccoeapauisr, aud performed her duties in a highly satisfactory. manuer, 'tin the whole. tate eoueert was of a high order and the eonunfttee deserve much praisefor .their selection of talint. of home %.e haves ever had. ,t The Irisin Schoolmaster," a comic! drama. will be played by • the Goderich Comedy Cor r, atty, in Willey's Clara };louse, Tuesday evening:, May 24:11. A. rue etitag of the members of the Turf Ciuh was held on Tuesday list + and in e:alit busitetee in eo;anee •aria with the 'Athol M;a;- ea-It-bra:nen was transacted Housetteel airs are warned to be car the loieket,s f.'r a glib all/ilea and Aid: appearit: g etanaig man who is vetlieg a ligbt1:irr " yeast at 50 Bents a bottle. l Re is a frattd. Judgment in the Division Court suit' of flay as vs Lang for breach of torr tract, tried at rho Belleville i)ivis:ran, Court Sittings, fru elotelty, was dis missed with costs. Mr Thomas Fitton has dispeoe tt the land and premises situ eted ou thy' west side of Audrew street, eompnse'd of Lot No. Ilia to Mrs, Mat.nirr , Lon don It,,:tdtee:saileratiora 10'1). Owing to n recent enactment of the Ontario Le„iteature, iudgmetnt sutra mouses tvi!1 l'a've special day's set apert', for their trial and will not form part of the regular 1)1rie?ion Court dockets. A earefulsy edited renalene per iN di cal says: " Mormonism is sg.reeditet most alarmingly in Ontario. At this presetat rate over 100,000 perverts will be made to m ern,sui-am before they year ends. The Minister of Agriculture is about W issue to farmers t most complete compendium of Agricultural itifornaa- tion, It will spectatly advise how per., duets skeuld be preparea for the British market Rev. J. E. Ford, of Lucan, will preach in James Street Methodist Chureli, next Sunday morning. His subject will be "The present outlook of the British na• tion under the reign of the Christian Queen Victoria" Reports from all parts of the Province are rife concerning the large numbers of caterpillars and other insects which destroy fruit. The explanation given is that the winter was so mild that the germs were not killed. "Ionkon," the horse that ran away and caused the death of D'Alton Mc- Carthy, will probably be shot. This is his second runaway, and his nervous side is so highly developed tbat it will not b' safe to put him in the shafts again. The Acton Free Press is warning the people of that vicinity to beware of the soap agent who offers a premium oe, a Brussels rug with every ono hundred bars of soap purchased. The soap is no good and the premiums are nut de- livered. Where do you intend spending May 24th? Don't think you cnn strike any thing better than the races to be held in Exeter that day. The crowd will 'be here and you should not fail to be with them if you wish to share in a god day's sport. The town Band held their first open air concert on Friday evening last and although it threatened rain a very. large crowd was in attendance and the choice selections rendered were highly appreciated. We have a band second: to none for a town of this size, and our citizens feel proud of their efforts. The Exeter District meeting of the Methodist church was held in the Hen salt Methodist church, on Tuesday and Wednesday, to review the work of the various circuits during the year, prey stoitbein h i„a submitted g' dtothe an weal Conference which is to be held in Chatham during the first week in June. 1t wilt be well for fruit trees .owners to bear in mind that they are subject to a heavy fine for spraying their trees while they are out in bloom. This is for the preservation of honey bees, and the law should ; be strictly enforced. We have already heard:of several com- plaints of bees dying which without a doubt is from this cause. Mr. James Mellen bat lost a 1;srge number of .his bees, Next Sunder eevening the Rev. Chas- gmith trill prea.h the third of his series 1 ofh' c. Widow." ;Y- rm ..sou "The i,, `l'le. adoiz•, In the. tart t sermon of the series lie spoke of Tee l*• + f i 9)¢!5 1 Te:a 1, a ea +� :� Troubles" In bis ond. which was discoursed on Sunday t last, be enlarged on at.d illus twat a The \S Irl,ew's Tributes." The 1 next ntxel third p' pr as pre•anttoutset( fr, m bis pull it at the close of his ad ree54 t::s' Sueday evening, i- to be '\Vitiaw's Trtutnt:hs." ue , ay w be the 7801 ansri-. versary of kler Majesty's birthday tend. e still be fittingly celebrated here with below( races. When in toes u on the Queen's Birth- . +lay, star for nett coi:cert in Gidley's Opera House in the evening, which is up to date, supported by the best of talent. r 11 d ti Lxerosse. A meeting of the Western District of w the 0. L. A, was held in Toucan on 1-1 Friday last Representatives from Ex- t eter, Parkhill and St, Marys were pre' • sent. ,J Leonard, of Parkhill, was a elected District Secretary. The: follow - e fog sehedule was adopted for the sea k sea of 1898: --June 3, St. Marys at a Parkhill; June 9, Exeter at St, :barye; Julie 17, Parkhill at Exeter; June 24, Exeter at Parkhill; June 28, St. Marys at Exeter; July 7, Parkhill at St, etarys; July 15, Esceter at Parkhill; July 2•a, St Marys at Exeter; July 28, Parkhill et St. Marys; Aug. 5, Parkhill at Exeter; Aug. 12, Sr Marys at Park- hill; Aug. 15, Exeter at St. Marys. fleeter Itaees. e The races to take place here on Tues- day next bids fair to be the most suc- cessful eyer held in the county. re- tries are being received daily by the Secretary and already a large number have been enrolled, among whie•h are same of the best trotters and pacers in Western Ontario The managers are determined to have nothing but high class raeing.,,They deserve muchtcredit for the. efforts they are putting forth to make This the best and most enjoyable celebration of tier Majesty's birthday that bas heretofore takeu place in fait ter and we sincerely hot o that the tom f l mittee's efforts well be appreciate by the country people turning out in large numbers to witness An excellent day's sport. The, coutert ht the (weettin premises to be one of the haat literary, musieal and dramatic entertainments that has visited the town for some time and on the whole visitors racy expect a good del.'s enjoyment. Pont mists gg it. ' Ata neether of the dlu etotu of the ;you^it Martel Agricultural Society, held as Ifo ns- 1. en Saturday. arrange. mans were matin tier the hr iding of a nulata show at Exeter, in cenjunetiou with the Stephen a i'sbnrne branch e eelety. t►ve'ttures were made bs the peaielte e''f Hensen with the view of lee ldteag ttv titInte show in that village next tall, but they were not able to guaraante:' 0 stieu enlliel entl4 large to iea:ric tt► vita;} in taking the, risk of tinkling they chow theere.'--Seaforth Ex- positor Potatoes Mr. W. G. Bissett 1, s just received two car toads of thnie,' potatoes They are eece•lleit; f.'r tither seed or eookiug pnrpr""os S' nice, Pease tine notice that a meeting of the t-1.,..elte y-rs; of t'e Recur Salt Works C e:npany will be. held Monetay, June 6th, t a so pan., in the Town Hall, Exeter, T. B. Caunxxo, tiecy-Treas, ,leant,. €trent txtethe tiwt Claure1l, The services next Sunday morning and evening will be appropriate to the anniversary of the Queen's birthday. The choir will sing the National An- them and ether patriotic hymns. Dr, Willoughby's address will be on the sante theme. Tn the evening "Britain's Queen and Flag " will be the subject, Camille- to ia•:xeter. " On the Queen's. Birthday the Godes rieb Amateurs will play "The Irish Schoolmaster" as the second part of an entertainment in Exeter. The first part will be taken by our Miss Fisher, elocutionist, and our Miss Whitney, soloist, hence the bill of fare will be one of the best ever presented in the Coun- ty of Huron."— Goderich Signal. Farm Purchased. Mr. R. B. Ross, horse dealer, of Rod gervilie, has purchased the one hund- red acre farm owned by Mr. Adam Whiteford.situated on the Loudon Road, being lot 11, The price paid was in the neighborhood of $6.000. This is a splendid farm, well located, and Mr. Ross has now two of the best farms in Western Ontario. Look out for Burglars. The Clinton News Record says Chief Wheatley of that town has been notified by the Stratford police to be on the look- out for housebreakers who are supposed to have struck out in that direction. The, suspects number three, one of whom is a boy of abort eighteen years of age who hawks about wares from house to house, presumably spying out the land. Presbytery or elueon. The Presbytery met in Clinton on the 10th inst. Rends. D. R. Fraser, M. A., and Murdock McKay being present were invited to sit and deliberate. Mr. Acheson was appointed convener of the Home Mission committee. Two stu- dents were reported residing within the bounds, viz : Messrs. R. W. Dickie; B A., assistant to Dr. McDonald, and Finlay Matheson, B. A., who is supply- ing Mr. Muir's place in his ,' absence. The former is to be licensed forthwith. and the latter is expected to read a discourse at a future meeting of Pres- bytery. Mr. Fraser, on being asked, addressed the court in the interests of Westminsto r .church Per, w paper, when the Presbytery expressed its satisfac- tion with Mr. Fraser's address, and commended the " Westminster. to the interests of our people. Mr.' James Hamilton, B. A., was appointed a mem: ber of the Assembly's committee on hills and overtures. Mr. J. It..Hamil- ton, M. A presented the report of the finance committee On the returns of fast year, showing an increase in the contributions of the congregations over those of ,the preceding year. Next meeting is 40 be held in Qoderfrh on 12th July, at fel. a,m. Carly l wormer Number. The Jane number of the Doliue:star is called, the E-trly Summer Nurufer. It has three dun Dates ittustratiot-s of Sperling Costumes, and is exeoptiveal- ly strong in every department. The College fates In May appear to have strati: a popular note, that legal et'l.,r adding to the natural he:ertest in the developemeta of the etorhes. This mot.eh there are three excellent sleeting t,f Lifte at eVesitese •. A realistic bit of negro humor is to be found in the story of De Big Steele, by Jessie Beene Winston. MIs, Mee -Lees series an Children's Ways eouclnded with a paper on Memories Dr, elurray's ar title an Billiousuoss is sensible, praeti cal and authoritative. The housekeeper is well eonsidatedin special contribu- tions appropriate to the season. Clos- ing the house for the summer, sugges• tion for picnics, new and delicious ways of serving dates, figs, etc. Edith M. Phomas writes interestingly on Woman as a Traveller, and Mrs. Jones, in her department of social observance, treats. the subject of what women should do when travelling atone A page. on Earls' Interests and Occupations, by Lafayette MeLaws, will be found sug- gestive for club work, Address The Delineator Publishing Co, Toronto $1.00 a year, single copies 15c. Grauoitthie vs. Prank. An exchauge gives some informa- tion about sidewalks, which, if reliable, should revolutionize the present meth- od of making sidewalks in towns and cities of Canada. Nobody denies the granolithic sidewalks are superior to plank sidewalks. The chief objection to e•ranolithic or permanent cement sidewalk is that it is alleged to bo so much dearer than piauk. But what if granolithic can be laid down at as low cost as plank ? In Ottawa it has been discovered that this can be done. As a matter of fact it has been ascertained after studying the tenders submitted for the construction of sidewalks, that granolithic will be cheaper than planks as sidewalk material this year. 'The Ottawa Journal gives these compara- tive figures showiug the cost of the two classes of walks :—Last year a five foot plank sidewalk cost 4e cents,and granolithic iron facing' 4 3-5 cents per toot frontage. This year the figures are: Plank 44.5 cents; granolithic 4 1.12 cents. A six foot sidewalk;, plank, last year cost 6 cents, and granolithic iron facing, 6 1-6 cents. This year punk costs 6 1-6 cents and granolithic 5i cents. An eight foot plank side- walk last year cost 8 cents, and .arti ficial stone curb facing, 10 1-5 cents. This year the figures for both are the. same, 8 3.5 cents. While the plank sidewalk is only guaranteed for five years and granolithic for twenty years. If Ottawa can get'granolithic at as low. cost as plank there scorns to be no rea• son wh y the same thing CALit be done elsewhere, And if it can be done, not another plank should be laid in the construction of new sidewalks. Of course as satisfactory results as to prices can hardly be expected to be secured in small towns as in the cities, but with experience ago methods, etc., the permanent pavements can soon be built, in fact, are now being laid at a very low cost. It is evident from the Ottawa Journal's figures .that plank walks, as well as the ,granolithic, are laid in Ottawa on the fruitage tax system. entsteet tt'ersoznai newton Mrs. I,aadmau is visiting friends in AMeG illivray . Mr A J. Radius returned from Sar- nia on Tuesday. Ittspeetor Tom, of G ed,erleh, %las Ari town last week, John Wal+.on, V. el, of Witighanet sweat Tuesd +y in town., Miffs Mahal Fttltno, of lHemet:1, is vis lung at the Metropolitan. Y\'tu. I;:twetea wail in 0ode:r:eli oia Wednesday of la; t week. Tram, Either, of Crediton, emit Tues- day with friet:ds in town, ;ter I1 Thome, of t..tareticsz,t;p w't Sun day Willi Itis uncle, Mr. D. Mill, Mrs. John eiitehell, who was quite ill last wii-e, has almostreervert'd, Mr, P C. Lutz, druggist, of St, Pilule Mitt , ist visiting his brittle, Dr, Lutz Mr. ;teed Alt's. Jelin 't'ay lean drove+ to Getllericlt Tuesday and returned home \1'tdnesday. 'Phos. Wood, who was visitiztg his rekvives here, has returned to his home In I trglai d. Mr. Macdovalti, of Messrs. Carrow eG Proudfo.•T, 1 ttz a iters, Goderich, wee in town era Tuesday. Mrs. M. A, Fanson left Tuesday for Detroit where she will visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. (1)r) Harrison Wtn, Xlawksbaw and sister, Jennie, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with rela- tives and friends In town, Mr. L R Carlin„ returned from the Toronto University eaturday where he recently %trate on bis final law exam. ination Mr. D. Davis, who has been confined to his bed through a severe and pain- ful accident for some time, is able to be out again. After a very pleasant and prolonged visit with friends in Ridgetown, Miss Polly Bawden returned home on Satur- day evening. Mrs. Zuefle, of Shipka, and Mrs S. Lamport of Crediton, visited at Mr. Wm. Baker's, Huron steet, a few days during the week. Mr. Andrew'Truemner and wife, of Petrolea, who visited friends in and around Exeter last week, returned home last Saturday, Rev. Dr. Willoughby, of James street churcb, and Rev. W M. Martin, of Caven Presbyterian church, exchanged pulpits .Sund ay morning last, Mr, A. Coffiu, who has been indite posed for several weeks but not eon• tined to his bed, has resumed his duties with Mr Trott, as shoemaker. Dr. Homer Kinsman, of Sarnia, who was -a short time ago, aopoioted Lieu- tenant of the Lamhton Hussars, is tak- ing a course in the Military School, To- ronto. • Rev. Rural Dean Bodging, of Sea - forth, and Rev. Bray of the Trivitt Memorial church, exchanged pulpits 'on Sunday last. Rev I3odgins preached two powerful and practical sermons to large and appreciative congregations Dr. A. R. Kinsman wheeled to Mitch. ell on Friday last for the, purpose of securing the services of Dr. Gerry, of that place, for the Lacrosse concert. Owing to a previous engagement it was impcssiblo :for Mr, Gerry to en- gage for the concert. Mr, James Abbott was ie London n on Friday'last endeavoring to securea suitable place of residence for himself and family, who intend malting London their permanent home:in the near fu- ture. Mr. Abbott will he engaged in, the produce bus'ness with his brother, Charles. Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Harris, of Waits - burg, Washington, are here visiting, friends and relatives, Mrs, Harris is a. sister of Ms. James Atkinson and Mrs. Thotnas Sweet, both of whore she has not seen for over forty years. It is needless to say that the -meeting was a joyous one after so long a separation. THE BIG CASH STORE, .. OAS111 OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE TO ALL Nti^e•+.v .•,.Y'-ti�^Mr_-..-r-, �.�u: �.'s�..v..-W�',.A/,��,A/,.1tiY�'A.-,.v.+v'4wxw+Wr.✓4'wv�.^h.^,.�*lw-�,ev�-..�.. Xothing lila Cash and One Price. We like it, the 73eo/ale who have tried it, like it, rind yow wilt like it too, This week we have about fifty Tweed Suit ends, which must be cleared out uick. Now, here's how we are going to motire them. We will make to order your choice of thelot S X91" $10.75 Fit guaranteed, workmanship guaranted and trimmed with. A 1 trimmings. This is a chance that don't occur very often. Some of these suits are worth $1.0.00. Come and get an early y peek as the best sometimes go lifer, Remember, your choice of fifty good d SI.FIta, made to your own measure for only $10.'7 a, res close 6:3o except Wednesday and Saturday. A. EIN T yvRT 0 1 1,iteee of F e'ster's "Silk 11 teih , `sE'aa"i a*�'i� 25 a :care, teew ,5.1,. at 41 i a. Ladies' Blouse Wanes, din:esrert fratre'rns Lam e% bat aro ge'nur ally ;town. Ladle,' B.aeeto:; `r.' s itr sileer;tett geld. silk and Tafette titaiae's in al ttie neer, t,hanie bs. Perrin and Feres Kia t=lt,vcaa. ,e Prieestti'y's " I.nress (lard; in DIae•k..- l eest Press ;coda now made and guaranteed to keep black as long as were, u ver a ittittli or ercee Real ale ane e• 1: mos' like kV IV'. Cnre,eis--...i) & A, II ,t;: 0., 55, t►kria for ladies anti ahlldret', :3: el Iteateh *t'on'g etetaeliie. ;111 eta: t]ard mahe'e of Cnn t t.a, New Miilttuery in stt,ele every few days. 1 p-to•date gouda alwa%s tu our. blew mums, r Sa li Rill's Bieck, Exeter The Creat Ready i ide Clothing x°mouse. if You Want BEEF, VEAL, LAMB, PORE, S.>ITs- AGE, OR BOLOGNA I Call at the Family Butcher Shop, LOWEST CASH PRICES. One Door South of CENTRAL HOTEL, LOUIS DAY Also Dealer 1,t Ilide8 Sheep and Calf Skins. WE TRY TO SUgT EVEYBODY. IN Come and See lis. LOO through our two-story building will convince you that we are carrying a fine assortment. Take a look at onr stock before buying. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE UNDERTAKING , . R. N. ROWE The 'i o sons Banks. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital ..... .. , $2,000,000 Best Fund . 1,500,000 Ilsad office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN 'THOMAS, Esq, GENERAL MANAGER. Money advanced to rood. Farmer's on their own notes wi 1, one or more endorsers at 7 percent per ali.num. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful clay from IO a. m. to 3 p m., Saturdays lO a, m. to 1 p. Ageneralbantring. business transacted CIIRRENTRATESallowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. D. HURDON Manager, NW RUM SHOP, IIavinh ope.ue 1. out rt well equipped Shop, I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing tench as BICYCLES, SE INg MACHINES, LAWN MOWERS, .In fact everything and anything. We snake a specialty of remodelling Bier- cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at this time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH, One door north Mr. Stewart's store. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. "The Hang -dog Expression" looks of a " ready made,," hand- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince ;of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO ` GOOD. A tailor•made suit, cut. made and fatted to the contour of your ANDm is certain ttoo, lok right. AlV D vV EAR --'z" Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vero service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do. the rest. Prices: small as stitches. Bert. Knight. 6� gg a COMMERCIAL Hail' AL LIVERY. First-class Rigs. and Horses Orders left atHawksl]aw's Hotel or at the Liver. y Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. Terms Reasonable Telephone Connection,