HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-08, Page 8Wok -0 49".
t Street Garage
Phone 243
Let us give a demonctratiOn •of thee() rim before spot
decide on yoUr.spring iiurehire. ,
Leave Your Battery With Us
to he assured of a good Battery when you need it iu the
You had better Wive that ear of youra oveihauleil thin
winter. You know that it Ilse not eliven you the nereiree
that it shollid this fall, and ib Should he put into Flinty° for
Spring. •
Satisfaction Guaranteed „
If wan. ere still erring your ea r, don't tole chances with
..,. .
vow Ba4attW U it freezes it if; expenciVe. ITave it
.111104 with
Arctic Antio.Firdeze
. and bo sate.". -
East Street Garage
T. P. Holland, Prop.
e cattle O the
'• this, was hn-
SWAT THE SCRUB BUIL trentuteCeeitnntsee.t.)tAtt
ished, meetings were 11 Id in diffet-
ent parts of the county and discus-
, Shansi -in the -value of• good-IWth. were
held. In order to give the campaign
Big kimpaign On for unproven
• Type of Cattle. o. starting impetus the different breed
The Scrub Bula *Menace to the Cattle
Industry -4,11m Begets yelke--ejse.
Pureobred itulis • WIth, firemen
(Contributed by Ontario Pepaettnent 01
'Agriculture. Toronto.)
' Bel great subjeet of convex.-
sation among the rural peo-
ple • tezday • the Present
scrub eamp.at g n.
AlreadY. Meetings are being held in
a great me.ny of the comities -1n cert.
nection with it and at everY agrleul-
lural meeting of any Importance at
associations decided to donate purez.
fildelys Tieublod ihri;
'Tito ep-eleraic of -elits" has a great dela
to, te. reepuvello for. In nearly every
ex..e. it, haa !eft, vox.° bad eftee eftecte,
areti i t guest many enses it is the
k1die ee thee have waved.
itel tt.e. kideeys have been left hi a
weab,, red rotate, very often some aerious
kldnev trouble win f How if not attended
-to. Doane; Nedut e. Pills will prove to
be jus t the remedy you requiret.0 strength.
en them.
Mien. Flarence Burled -law, palley, Ont.,
writeio--"Last vt-Inter, after I bed the
"He I was truabbil with my klelneye.
back ached so I could pet eleep, and
anklee were oo ;.i Ili d I. could not
walk. .A.neiejibor told roe about. Dowel
Kidney ill. I got, two boxes, and
before It hadRha first one taken I felt
a change. I cannot retiorriniend your
medicine eneughe
Be sure and 'get Doan's Kidney Pills
when you ask for them. .An oblong gray
box; a maple leaf the trade mark; price
50c. a box at all:dealers, or mailed
direct on reeeipt of priee by The T.
Milburn Coe Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Iloevard Kelley, President Of.Orand Thank Hallway, awl licaty
Pre;;Ident of -41P it, , at euxiferT'e • alt mon 1. dion and elethict in T,Ironto,
• If you ere nervous, -it your nerees . •
are 'weak, if yea are rim dawn, no life,
Just try Vital Tiblets, the Frenelf ile-' Farmers and Townsfolk
isilv Have Their Own..
no• ot,r‘ win be made:
.strense •tiad all nervousness will dis-
t •
at, all. drug storte, Seobell !true A Nutritive and IneXpensive. Food—
flompany, Monii Q1.1,% May Be • Made • Prom Sour or
ei • Skirnived Milk ideibods of
41anaphell's Deno Store.
Preparation Described.
appear. Price 'Me. a.
box, • t •
taidted; Using abette an 'ourite of
salt to four of five pounds or cheese.
If the cheese were made from skint -
milk it will be necessary to a,tild a
tittle cream. About an ounce Of
ereani for each pound of cheese
be sufficient.
Atter' thorougbly mixing allow it
to stand a little while for tife salt
to- dissolve befpre putting it up• in
• If a person were making a quantity
.it might, be put up in pound pack-
ages by printing it with the butter -
printer and wrapping in parchment
paper. This is an inexpensive way of
handling cottage cheese, but it is not
as •attractive as the little ilbre con-
tainers coated with paraffin%
A person who is making butter on
Ate feral Might increase the returna
freralthe.slairy. by making some cot-
tage cheese each week, as there are
many people who like cottage cheese
but do hot know' where to get it.
Cottage cheese is a food that is
nutritious yet inexpensive and much
more of it might be used.
Like all other foods, we find peo-
ple who like it and those who do not,
but in many cases the addition of
some flavoring has made it accept -
The' Asitfichi '1ovffigliip- courleil- nteti--rarr:, 4 ,,,,
%rk..f.,..,t-itTtrisy-Ontarto.laepertment Di.
an . per atijourntitent NoN.. lith. The . T
,. Agriculture, °route.)
tninutes of the tletotter orteeting were • • •,
bred sires to a comMon Cause. t „„ ' I, on motion, ot Councillors HEIM` aro a great many
pure-bred sires were given to a farm- Setnieson and litobardsone wore op- kInda ot. cheese made in the
world, but . the easiest to
et. In exchanges, for 'WS scrub pure- tpreeved. :Solite re kSeltool inepeetion
bred or grade efte, which Was in tarn 'was ' Tail mei Ira to ute Beam of '
sold for beet and ihe money re- Health o deal with. .t lei'esvith , . .ake Is cottage cheese.
ceived, used to, carry on the cam- reterenee o reforestation, from Agri- A person living on a farm wheee
Paign to a greater extent. In this wey eneural Ile esentative s. 1-1; Sieillers, there is a supply of milli can make
there was no Money exchanged be- was rteul (nut left over for fature vote not only for their own table but for
p ea d, campaign authorities; Jamieson and Jaltnston, the f011OVIIIP
inert' market as well, While the town-
tween the farmen receiving the good, sidendton. on motion of eoune
the farmer thereby getting a good to.; were ortirred pattit Atter- dweller who'buys intik by the quart
bull:for the price of beef,. and a Hon of Jurors, $12; 'Thoty,. pereesee can mot uei emall amounts left over
the Influence on hie herd. The Cem.
surety of reaping some benefit from wore. MI Uaries MU, $8: J. W. Petrie in exactly the same *ay.
paign WAS carried on very energeti-
cally and systematically and gave exe
gellent resat". Other counties end
itates have adapted their general
'Methods and are carrying on warn -
'patios In different lecalities " with
tile end putting.. in •elth•prt, , ent
Parrish, graveling N. It. 3••1 west, exiti
ii• -11, $55.40: Jive MeWlanney, army.
lege plank .411(1 repairs to theee,,bree
ores, - 8-17:The -John 'Bennett, , drew-
Ingeilank and repairs to a bridgee, $
all, the send/ hull is ben "ceased Hugh Stewart, VS fele plank,
and discussed with` .a... VIM and Vela good results, Bert Tester, grading' am' grcivel. S. It.
seance that peep% bite seldom put that it the ruralpeople°oat °this pro- 34, . *27; ' Wm. llawl‘ins, • • repairing
into otter branchee of their Wok, vine are as easy to teach, and there I bridge, Si.15; A. galeee dritevleg plaali
• •
It seems., as if the Veil of mystery Is no reason why they Shouldn't be, and repairing'. bridge. S. It. • 3-1,
the campeign In Ontario should bee. -Wel, . Brown, frelellt, oll iron,
has 'suddenly lifted and PeOPle have huge success. . • 3i: Jna, 111.1(1, repairing bridge, S. D.
aiples In breeditt that e 'sten', 'Part tylv rave "0 1 s" •
g are °Leib' W 'aminston., *regail alillio.4v'atin4. l;' l'alle'
On the stock of the country. . hended by all owners of Oillefe• The
_understood, and ishould be contuse:4e:
good individuality and breeding has
It is also true that a great Mae, old saying Wet "like begets like"
goes to a certsdn extent, but in
are taking exception tie the • cian.
bean enabledt0 see rgetinctly the 'feet In dealing with the Scrub bull or 1)-10, .fet ; enti, Kilpatricle rePair bridge
jegportatice that a pure bred mire .0 grade sire/there are one or two D.
anti • break iv;tter, NO; . Mehl" Jobn•
There -is no need of wasting milk
in the home just because it has_ be-
come sour. It is true that small
amounts et edur milk are often egad
when baking, bat a person mai not
dh, to use all of it in that way.
is. not necessary to ewe whole
milk tor "making cottage cheese.
Skimanilk ..is quite satisfactory, and
a small ardeunt Of cream. may be
added to the curd at the time of add-
ing the emit.
There are two methods used in
Cottage cheese .may be used' in
many ways. It may. be eaten with
cream and. sugar, preserves or Maple
Syrup; or.an attractive dish 'ma.* be
made. by Malting a fleet of cottage
cheese *and ,placing . a bit. of jelly in
the centre, Or it may be'flavored by.
the • addition of eltopPed nuts, olives
itt; Plineatos-and- moulded into any
desired shape, - • • • _.
If a person' has mot a mould, eel
small box•may :be lined with waxed
paper 'and the cheese packed in with
a knife or spoon. When filled, told
Over the ends of the papers and shake
the cheese out of the box. • • :
:Cottage cheese salads are popular.
A very 'simple Salad is madeanbym.paluaied-
ing on a lettuce leaf a sm
• or a heaping tablespoonful of cottage
day dbrees
`Pewee gravel, 4iiiiktri'; K. Mel.ennant method" and the "ordinary". Or "heat- o°1reaegine intrheen:taneyadding sal a dattMa
bY making the cheese into small balls'
2: H. Twataley, gravel, 1.431.11., • no. making cottage cheese, the ren. 0
'graveling; eon. 12, $13:15: 1\1,11r..11"Pic ink meth 4." We will s eak of the
and rolling them. in chopped nuts.
McLeod, cheat for sheep . 1,:im;u by, ° '', • SP
(logs, ?In: li. tivani, trGontror bridgc beating Metbod,. as' it is' the one moat •
Cottage cheese may also be nosed
and -bal. en 'Mealy loreige, seeell.elle cemreenly used ire Ontario. . . . las a sandwich tilling by mixing it
with.chopped nuts,eelery or. datee or
for bridge., NM Ai: ii.. I iratit, fOr gra- -,- . ' •
.._ .
To melte. solid flavored cheese. it.1
Triisced coneret I. SM. II.' CO,' „tor - 5feel ,1: 0 .. , • any other• flavoring that may be
HaviugAaken over the business of "The People's
Garage," Mr. J. L, DEMERLING announces that be
is ready for
Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his
time both as machinist and auto repairer; he
FREE-AIR for all. GASOLINE, Guaranteed Measure
Gars Stored for Winter at Reasonable Rates
ilgonquin„ Park provides an autumn
and winter holiday ground -that -is in a� -
cord with Medical science. Two thous-
and feet above the level of the sea and
its 'confines covered with pine and
bele= ithas invigorating climatic con-
ditions that are a panacea for those who
are run down or those who desire to ...'sitp:tati„liptInle)(i t inttarreouldipnpcilito;
build up atter a siege of illness. "The
Highland Inn" (steam heated) offers children. . the
ilemtei-)ble accommodation-at-moder• ft had a nose but It could not-"
ate rated. It is owned and operated by 4Vrno Ilrgrolilea-aa-cathuslaslie
. pupil. ,
. Ohildrene.Ory
The teacher was teachltnogstai9ltwi-tndielar; ''
garten .ciass 'and Nvat4 making her pu- ,
• , . •
PthtlesYtinuingdhe:sateol,isisenetver?(-I"The 1461.• had
eyes,". she said, •"lell it could note- • .
eesee," cried the Atildren. . ,, . •.
"It had :ears but it Need. not ....) -
"near," was the atrewer,
the Grand Trunk Railway who ay
issued an'intereeting illuetrated booelet
descriptive of the hotel and the Park.
A copy oan be bad free upon application
t� Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. B.
Binning, Dis. Passenger Agent, Toronto.
le• grand sire one is one always sure of
Salan and they raise isome objections
What one los going to get in the off-
spring because, in the use of an ani-
mal with several hafasions of blood,
there is always breaking up and
Segregation of characters which does
not get anybody any place in the de-
velopment ot their herd. Whereas, in
the use of the pure-bred ot good qual-
ity there is always a chance of any
resulting service being better than
theo parents. Pure-bred sires of good
b ding are endowed with a' char -
'which they think are perfectly leg -
timate, but which do not bold water
whew anatysacy by tile practical mitt,
Who has made sUecese of Ill:Ye stock
by the of *.pure.lired "ire of good
breeding. Solae fellners are saying
that the GovernMent hat no right to
try to Make there diseard. their *grub
sire and nee a Imre-bred ot good qual-
ity. The GOvernMerit is not, In any
way, trying to foree•anybody to 018-
p015 of hit herd Sire for a better one;
everybody has it right to use IMO
' kind of an animal that be wants to
and it ill nebodelt affair but hitt own.
But what they are doing, is to Make
plain to the owners of grade end
'scrub tetre-bred sires the value 'of
a„. bull that lute a reasonable autount
of indiVidualism and breeding behind
him, and then leave the whole Ones.
tion tube turned over and threetted
, out in the farmer's own mind.
Although the present campaign in
Ontario is a oew idea in provinee,
such work, has been going on 'tor
Monte time Au different parts„of the
United State*, ,Pertlenterly In Wie-
eonsin. Width le one of the banner
states of that country. In that shit.
they are going about it in'a 111115
different manner than is being adopt-
ed Ontario. Instead .of the state
Government doing the ,greater part
of it, the different breed aliSociatiOnil
'Sre the "men behind the gun." They
• gut„the school ebildren Interested in
• • , 1 neceseary to have good e ease flax- deeiree..
.‘“(r1,t.s3t.1,11:ct iii!litIN.111121:, 1titteNti! ;12,1 : s. Nene eyed milk tree from taints or odors.. Many recipes could be g yen
soininisap:1,,eunla,iivit,)1,111s,,ninng,,,r i4rilridsxl,g,,otte.,11:1,.;:ci, Rteamvpoeratthuore forres6hs tookir?nekg. at ' TE: litlatgolzieleetsbei,sbduatirsyniaboyi-eiitproductbas„ been
rail, st.20. Nell Melton:dd. dram, ..!' -- mid to suggest its peasibilties,—
an be an"ed to 999r natura"Y( 9r I Miss 13elle Millar, 0, A. College,
ing iron, tee: M. .teconner, lining. at .
Moe ,Ino. ee'ellece, elenkilve bridge, el2e to hasten the _Flouring an• d help con- ------ 'e---- •
bridge, *To Joe \h.'1 1131, meNenzie hill a Mall amount oe good devorea sour t'a ucipli,
and temittirary bridge at, i 14 .1111111 shimmilk or buttermilk May be added •
Allow the milk to stand undisturbe, MB S E TB II!
trol the flavor. • • rill
it will be rem* for the next: step of
ed until it has nicely thickened when .:,. FAllE0 0 . ...". 6 a
to bVeak it up evenly, then ear'etully CRAT-IIM•
heat it to separate the.curd from the • • --w-----‘ , • ,
acter or power ealled prepoteney, r. enemy. lit an.
which means that an animal has the f go1,114.hnim
power tO stamp -an his offspr lag 90 1110
desirable cbaractetistle more than
eletne other. When we eonsider thaf•
the grade sire Is likely to throw euey-
thing in the way of calves, and the
scrub pure-bred has no .prepoteneY,
there is a reason that this elass of
animal should be dischrded as soon
as eiretutiStances will pernilt and good
eines eubstitUted.--.I. C. MeBeatie
0. A. • College, Guelph.
(Ready -mule Medtrine.-Nott fltL'14 12)4
1111.VSieiall far ortlinere ille„mhen, Sou
16ke at. band a bottle of Pr. Thouta-,!
Eelo.trie Pot, :eottgli4, robbi, sore
throat, bronrilial trotthieg, •t -i in.
valuable., for 'scalds,' burns, Itenieee
sprains it 'As unstirpas,ed; fot
stire4t and .the lite it
unquestionable beater, it need.
temituouiat other than 1111. use,' am,
that will sailt,)fy tin,) one .1.1 to • ik
repthipao,s4, •
We specialize ht Wiriog of all kinds, Let*
us give you on estimate for wiring your
• house or garage
Private Telephones
Electric. Bells and
Burglar Alarm Systems
etiok, Iron and Toastlby
We have an etoortmott of the hest Eltdrig
!root ma Toasters mit it Gawk
tinel, • advertising. si: Erring:ton ,
gravel, _ Wm. 'N. !Vomit, bride,
tr1:111;112. re •=•illotl roads, V1.
reed the fleet, seeend and •third 111114
(trod finally paesed in open oilmen.
on motion of cotineillors Sullivan and
to.trardslin couneil adjourned. lo
meet liee.
E. Nielti NACU; Geri:
• .
_Sari CreereApplied in Noserlin
Iteliesee IIMId-Colde at Once.
If 'your mostrils aro clogged and your
Bead is stuffed and you can't breathe
freely because of a told .or catarrh, just
*et a small •bottle of Ely's Cteam Balm
at anyfdrug store. Apply a' little of
thit fragrant, antiseptic ereata Into
you& nootrila and let it penetrate
Doan& every air passage of your head,
soothing' and healing the inflamed, swot,
lentrnucousymernbrane and you get in*
Ahr 'how.g00',1 tool& your go& rack or strainer.
When the free whey has drained
More hawking, snuffliog, hlowinal away 1111 the eleth at one side and
trila.tare open, your head it clear, no
.2tore headache, dame or strum/um allow theurd to roll,to the,centre,
for breath, Met ores= Iwo io rust then do the sante with the other side.
edtat.aufterers trout head coda uud-ric This will hasten the drainage. When
asattaitat.044.4•44+44,44,444. 4.4404•44emsatow.e.1444i
the proeess. Stir the coagulated Milk
'whey. U Nixed with Sulphur it Darkezti
heated it may boplacedIn a double SO #sturallY Nobod3"
If only a small amount O being
boiler. A larger quantity may be can gra •
heated in a can or pail, while a
. • • ' •
Acetylene Welding
Repair .and Maateirie. Work
. , DONS EIV • -
Farmers and -others having broken castings can have same repaired
good IV new on short notice, a,t modoro,te cost. -
, •
cheesevat, is suitable for large quan- Grandntother kept her hair,beautifnlly
titles. If the *water in the 'Vessel sur -
140 and 15 0 deg. P. tltere will not ever ber li ir took on thet till,' faded or
be the danger of overheatiug or heat-..
lug too quickly. witielt le often the 048 appii with wonderful effect. By
eereaked alrearance, this sinrple nit:Oa
ease when Gt., water le toileate, ' I asking at any drug store for "Wyethrs
it is heated to Sage and° Sulphur -Compound," you will
There lS usually a gaud separation
of eur4 and whey when get a large bottle of this old-time recipe,
lvtet'eenshould not be lents, all ready. to use, for about 50 cents.
90 aml lu'v I 'improved by the addition of other ingred-
aedleetirraitwill).eltreranttuttliee bwteetitu perature reaches This simple mix' ture can be depended
100 deg. do not beat Metter, but al- upon to restore natural color and beauty
low the ean to sterol. The e 'hey will , to the hair,
likely beceind clear In a few mlnuteq. I A well-known downtown druggist ails
Mold Overheating* the curd as it everybody oses Wyet,h's Sage and Bal-
ances the cheese to be dry and phur Compound neer because it darkeas
erumbly. 'so naturally and evenly that nobody stn
Nexf, drein the ettrd. It may be , tell it has been applied -it's so•esity to
hung up in rotten bags or it may tee uee, too. You simply dampen a, comb on
drained on cheeoecloth placed over a soft brnsla and draw it through your hair,
taking one strand at a time. By morning
the ply hair disappearet after another
application or two, it is restored to its
natural•color and looks glossy, eon and
beautiful. This preparation is o delight-
ful toilet requisite. It is not intended for
the cute, mitigation or prettentien of dis-
darkened. 'glossy and attractive with a
rounding lite mill: I.; kept betWeen brew of •sre area and starlit. when.
Austhi poetic 15*. 04 jedletbee auftleiently dreineet the eure, should
•Moe S2 or 19.1
Is essential for a Good Battery for next Spring
Your Battery
ean be Properly Stored and Kept Charged by
F. R. M11..L.ER
`1540 r.;7.1,*.o tt4o ,b132t)r miakNo ti ih3 ti CII -Ch tlacit %21.su123 3110111 the grave of the net
viatela. 9)
clisaiollawareralarrlik .4massaporarvir •
. J. MacEVVE
Garage--Harnitton Street.
111 Motor Caw
IF tea a rook pluirt
14' tUbt..41'"rePtirS Of
*ay kizid—or if it's a new
ear. caste to 0e.
We are equipped to
supply all your mediae
fair prices.
o One of the meet Int;
portant factors iw the
elScient operations( your
ear is correct lubrication.
We have the three
stades of Imperial Polar -
me, and the imperial
Chart of Reeommendas
dons which_soecifoes the
comet grade for eVerY
mike of car. Jet us show
you the chart and explein
• the Importance of getting
therightgradeof Itni•
battier every time.
Buy in
Special Sale
We have a larg.0 supply of
Tires 011' band, all makes.
Royal Oak,
Maltese: Cross
Guaranteed Lfor 350 t°
• atir --••• 4- 4. -