HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-08, Page 7More Than 2,000 Deaths 'are • Taking
Place pally
LONDON, Dec. Seeee. ealamity of
the first magnitude bas befallen tie
Cb#nese people in the form. - of the
wotat !amine in forty years. ' More
than fifty-eight - millions of people
are affected over a territory seven
hundred males long and three hun-
dred Ind tiny miles wide. -
There are -nearly, two thouaand
deaths ,daily and the situation is
%r0 W1ng worse hourly. The outtdok
for a etlie winter in; appalling and'
t$reatena.,*,.;•}llonumental tragedy.
. The Pamine area-cdsuet"sisof three'
•hundred and - fifty-two •districts .in
the . Provinces of Obih-.Li, .Shantung.
Bonen and. Shansi. ' Theworst suf.
terese are in Chih-Ll and 'Ronan,
where., .m forty millions 'are, starving
with fourteenlltans at the point of.
death • whom nothieg will be able to
gave. c
The above inforiatioti coulee Creel
a- very -authentic source In "'ere
clone touch with,eonditiotib Ir China.
The deepest and most poignant
tragedy prevails in the stricken area"
despite the repent series et soaking
t'a'ns • -which have. transformed the,
countryside,,, in -which, -. however,
nothing edible is growing. -
The crops :of the 'entire country.
have fatled, and there is . no
hope for relief. from the ground'lintil
next June at the earliest. •,
•The.`peasants are selling their !stat'
remaining bats of clothes !red furni-
furer•and even their -children for a'
few dollars in• order topurchase seed,
fog the new crop. Authentic cases
toe recorded in the village offiwang
Lo, in which one. hundred !armlets re-
sided,. and which is now almost de-
serted, iu which fioys, :girls and in-
fants in arms have been sold, the
'boys 'for two, dollars and the girls
for two dollars and fifty cents. The
remainder of the people are - eating
roots, husks, chaff, bark thistle,
leaves.`and the meat of mules too -old
to be "sold, Cholera. is prevalent:
eelrseab. Explosiottta in Spain.
MADRID, Dec. 6.—Bomb explo-
sions.are reported in many sections
of Spain. considerable ;damage being
done in various cities Friday ;evening.
At midnight an infernal machine ex.'
ploded•tdn'the'window silt of the pal.
ace del/eldest by the Archbishop of_
Seville," I --blew' a large hale: In, the
'wale but -injured no. one. '
ellemi a 'were thrown at the house
X0!4 a land bwner'in the Village of
Pincepuente, near Granada, and the
building 'was; "Severely damaged. - •
•"Pwv dour milts to this -city were
shattered by explosions, the outrage
being attributed to striking bakers.
Reports front Verona state a gen-
eral strike has ;begun there,',- - -• -
ellelielsee fieeeseffEll Jill. lee),
l'el• `tq,.,t. W000ddc. if .4., Preaches
at :74ib.:17:::,Lwamti: b tinnday
'R�,it ra ,tetir-
Pr,'tt., pini sttn,tlt 1,,..a at Tinos Mould'
by heti It, A, ti\ oudeee, \t. '4., of mals
church, Itrater„ d, on the occasion of
the eightieth ,moi t r acy of presby.
leeianiktn in ttodeci,•tr: Mr. Woodside
is one of the pr„ntinrtit prealhem'ut
the Pre,bYterfin rhnreit in Canada and
It was most att,m;:ae congregations
which Welled to into at both services
1`he regret et t:..' dee n.'" that the
:Sinister of thea , tart _,tion, Itt'v. it,
1:, 1te'ttertuid. a,., flit eblc lel he pre-
- rent at th,--se hippy anniversary ser-
vices, on areuitra „f indispOsitlun.
The account a f' the return of th
disciples .to dere,aleis after the oxer
s+tnn and of ttu' ,:rarueter Ht the Iittlt
`blind of ilteife�•ei'., ro'°ineit the ba 'iia of
tho preaeho•r's remark.; in the morn-
ing. The main cia:u'aetertstie of this
hand of belimer. be pointed out, was
that they "eontiotwit V Aft one 4e-
eord." \tie here oat bdil that Chert'
MIS any ,treat, Int tetter,` tie any ter.
nom at all; wo w,,.r,' not, told that
there was :int• tin,` mush'. but what
held this ve,a•ty (fiurett together .was
their t3nanimity.
After, the ,seen,ion they went bael;
• to Jerusalem to carry but ttte work
they, had been minion -whined. to and.
.ea doing, they rtteisest the gift of the
Holy Spirit. so great mora, victory
must condo :in our carrying out the
lioly Spirit's program for us. Apd in
carrying out the program, the pottier
• .was received.
rhe ""one tumor. of the disciples was
a.. sour c uT Power.-_-L.vers:one� in that
band. had the proelatmint of the gos=
pal, :as his line chief aim. The. lack of
• sueh unanimity was too often a source
of .weakness in •a Church. The absence
of the dozen or sty rhembers of `a •con-
gregation by whom the i lnisti'r . ':new
his message wont(' he rea;eh•ed wi
Salt accord and sympathy, often. rob•
bed hint of the ,power with, which he
• had expected 'to deliver that message,
The continuailre In the long' farrow
the carrying out of the spirit's pro-
gram for its was our task, and. out
Sntlref ef:power tor the task.
Tile antes of ,this early church with
,referepet+, io, tht' land , purchased_ by,
'1'uda . clifih 'the thirty Pieees of sili•ot.
canslituta'd a .valuable -lessen. The
'other eleven might* very well. have Said
ihiS'land belonged to one ,of Otic nom.
bee and therefore the it -i11 claim it, and
it wfll add to our means for: the
e utrch'S work,. bitt;_no,• this was tttht:t:
ed' money and limy Would :have •nota-
inh'to'do 'tvittt it..
in the evening Mr,' Woodside -•spoke.
on he
t story of . the fi1y-terse meM[t5g.
the Samaritan woman who had pont
to draw Water at the. well and, in eon.
Sidering• this story, drew tfany ies-
_--sons,. "'tie Measure :or Gmice", was
the speaker's; subject.' ..
The• shortest road teem one .duty to
another was;. always the path. of the
. y avlour, hence Ile "mus't needs piss,
• through-,Gamaria. There • ire snot this
woman who had become 'a jest and
byword' in the, city', whose very; syn
...bad driven her to�Yish:to bf,:tway-lrern
I.he3fonstant reminder et; It in tite no
jn',t. of her "sinftt companions,.. and 6
she went to lite. wells up 'in 'nip itis
in place of going to ;the nearby `wells
to draw Water. , -
When the diseipfes ret16/ ted from
the city; whither they cert to .buy
bread they were amaze( to see their
Master' talking with , ch a wornan<-
' too often the attitud •of ehurelt 'nem --
hers toward those vho fell into a lite
or shame. But ;,t! e. aeeentatlee of the
food 'Willett (WA, woman and. iter com-
panions had/maybe, helped ;.to pre:
pare, invoIfed a duty to, those who
'ha(1 renderer! this service, anti, .in • our
daily erre, .the accept&nce_pf sertiee
,frorn`ttpise' Who ogntributed one, want's
tri�Iilieii a duty we (owed them.
/i,hrist's method with., the. woman
:-!was; to open her past life to her and
v� e'nnvic't. het vrf its emptit1ess. Then
site teas ready to. say,. This blest be the'
�t;h riot.
Very approttriately. .ths hymn Poly.
lotting:. the .sermon was,: "Thi~ .Ninety
. and .Ninia;"':
The music for the anniversary .ser-
vices was very appropriate and 'vel)
rendered. In the morning Mrs. Frank
Saunders redered. a solo and ins the
` N'venin there was 0 eluartette by Mise
"tire,, Mrs. Isunlop; \,r: C. Saunders
and ,'11r. Jas, Thomson, in addition :to
appropriate. anthems at both services
Por the posthldo in the morning Mr.
Kenyon piayed Vic llaltelu,la'h Chorus.
and in the evenfti Worthy 'is the
Learn!!, Hondo).
' ttu ntailagers of the church asked
foe an offering to pay off eine „pities
t'ipal and °Interest: all the organ ae,
'count, leaving a Lalt elle v stall of Wee
OQCA. and, watt the amount the Ladles'
11d agreed to raise, Glatt with further
sulbseriptiuns to eowo le, the amount
tsi t Probably he reaehcie
Well Werth 's O.nd Cltssce
Front Far rs.
Creauxe and M. tilt' Pus haelag. --Deg
e f 00
andgeal deSheep l tion, Sole 'of
u•-l�wpttl�att of Mee Diseases,
ketleg si-
(Contributed by Onterie Deetitnleet et'
riculture. *reroute.)
Cookomen. qaenoe
You bare a cold, or your child .
hasas cold; a cough; 'a tight, feel -
lag across the chest; a sorenessin.
the breathing tubes
• in the past how have you treated
Muter You here bought' comb
eouith yt1xture, and swallowed this
down Into Your stomach. Now.
Thy? Your atormich was not call-
- Ing; and there is no direct connee-
tiea between your chest (where
the trouble Is) and your stomach,
' Then wile swallow into 'your
At.Mach nese mistture when., the '
trouble is in your hinge "i[frtf;arbb=
phial tubeslt -
It'R a mistake;, and Peps is the
remedy provided to correct this
tin=commonseitee - treitment, ' Pel's
.+at'e little tablets, which contain
highly beneficial Flue e:senees,
eoreldeed wltis other medicinal ex-
' `•s. These healing extracts are
lta prepared that as goon its you put
it Pep Into Petr mouth they are lit.
crated In the form of healing v. p-
orn. YOU breathe •these vapora
down to the throat and bungs. and
thus treat the sra#ans that ere in.
3leined, Wrest in a way, it Is like
breathing frotr a vaporiser or
bronchitis kettle, except that there -
is no apparatcs needed, the little
Pepe providing *venoms tieedlul
for the treater t! The very sniaell
portion of Tape which roe swallow
lass a slightly tsnlc .fleet neon the
aatomach sued gots you good, but
'the utse of Peet la not for atontatieh
"troub;'e, but fee lung, meow; ani
brontbisl troubles. Peers reliever Mtge
es no ardivary tlsatteent can.
Children like Peps end they vu
best for the little titles'lierattse
cantata Ito morphine, 1' udia-
*nm Or other Poison foetid In se
many of the 014 teiIgh Mixtures.
Iyruggists *1I4 stores everywhere
all Peps airy• box or from Peps (5 .
Tor(suta, ter Patti . Eetuttanber the
Saint • -four letters oaiy►: —
OLLOWING are brier outltiees
of some of the provisions of
certain bills Passed at the last
session of the Legislater, find
Which tench very dimly the tiritereeta
of farmers of the Province, furnished
by - the Agricultural (htzotte '40f
Canada: . , •
Crease and Milk Parcheoe Act.
Th1 is a measuredesigned to' pro,
teat the producers of :- creaait in ,\?he
matter of test. It ittr4Tidea'tit ell<
cream purchased in a wholesale W Y
shall be-PUtcltasted, On a litislts of .the
butter -?at content, and that all '*ilk
that. ie -paid for on it bUtter-fate bails
shall be tetted by . the 1ab+to0k
method.. At • the 'Present time. of
course, practically' all eream•purchas-
ed bay wholesale 11 bought On a
tter-fat content„ eo-that the
chief purpose is to standardise the
test and see 'that the producer dets a
fair teat. The Act and Regulations
Prescribe the method (if teatime, and
also Provide thayt the shipper shall
"be entitled to a statement in detail
of the gnanttties of etTa
Tap. zaceita�ed
and -.th;e. amount witch e&eb tinted.'
The inspectors are given ;authority to
enter factories at all hours and Make
tests, and Also look- meet the'boOks
of the companies, and. check up the
quantities, of creases received 'and the
manner iri "which it is'dieposed of. '
!avert • '+au and Protection.
Qndseae t Acta-
The dog nufs Ceiss hyo general! atnd
to. serious to hers o! sheep t
hero lea r
n o
�t almost every Hest-
sloe to fuether.strenethe*, the legis-
lation t protect sheep owners from
tomes ,y dogs, The yet Introduced
at e recent'eeasion provides that
a • doge . In . the province shall wear
es, .to be. secured Irene .the °Meets
of .the, municipality. Any- dog: tound.
o he poomises of -ifs .owner and not
un e . the control of any person and.
not wearing a,taar may-,be-akilled by
any person, and there -Is edge'a fine
to the extent of at least ;10. for those
who fail to-seeure tags. This section,',
however, does not come into effect.;
until April 1,•1921, e0'ait to give pec-
ple Ooncerned'proper notice. ; "•
Another aiuendment gives the
councils of counties power to take
aver all dog taxes collected and to
.pay out the losses which may be ie-
curred through. damage 'to sheep. At
the present' -time these. lessee are
borne .entirely ..by the' townshees,.
which • able reeelre and .control the
revenue from the dog tax.
The Sale' of. Ifortrr.aldebyde.
.Por, volae years past thetDepart
went ot• Agriculture and r early lead-
ing farmers have been advocating the
use of . formaldehyde for • the treat«
mentof seed grainfor smut. Fre-
quent coinplaintti were
fortsidd de'was onlyhaaledin
drugstores, it was not convenient he
many rural sections where drug
stores were often ten or twelve miles
apart. It wee found that.all that was.
needed 'was- a slight change in the
pharmacy Act which world put tor-
realdehyde in the same class its ;Paris
green and other poisons , that`' are
handled by hardware stores or gen-:
eral stores. • It is, of course, provided
that fortitaldehyde tan only be sold
in sealed packages carefully labelled
"Poison" to that the handling tntiaey be-
properly sate;,sarded.
The ilikeketing Loan .Abet,
This is an important measure in-
tended'. to grant financial asslstaltce
.to organizations 'of producers tacor-
poreted tinder _theComp'atiieu Act
who desire to conetruet and operate
seed centres or potato warehouses. A
loan `hp to fifty per cant. of the value
of the land; buliding, and equfprnent
may be Invade, provtded"that such loan
does not exceed, the ,suns . of '$3,000
in any' one cane., ''Phis loan is tree
of interest for a period of two yeaurs,
but My- per. cent. must be repaid ini
five years, and the balance at the Mad,
of a further period ot'iire years. The
act provldes the usual Machinery for
the safeguarding of the itrveetment.
This measure Is introduced.,. in re-;
sponse to an indication that there fe
a real aced In Ontario for encoura g-
lng the development of local seed
centres where modernequipment fc:
cleaning seed grain can be esta'b-
lfehed; and in thiii way a market
secured for the good seed prodttlted
auany sections. ,Situ 1arli', tksr. *re
indications that 'aieferal sectlonsl
would like to erect potiato waraehoarrses
l0 order to carry their product for
a longer period,.leetead of faorcing it
all an the markei , in . a *Wirt thele,
thereby placing the stook udder eon -
trot of the dealer and appculatot
Better Prevention ,Dlspsae Artier*
Az measure passed haring tot :lta
object 'tire pt'aitei tion of the spread.
of diseaalies tlrabilg bee:' provides for
thle enl*rgearient of the «dtlet of the
act which has been on tate ntatate
books for some time. The old act,
hoverer, isr esnitened, to foul brood.
Willie *Witt items of the most Serious;
Meditate* of bees, there are other that -
have deteloiied litter~ that requires'
the attention of the inspeetor. The
aitastmded act also provides that lees
or alapplfamiret from, apiaries where
disease bas teased. MOX be Thee** +obi
esr#ieetats *Out !!talc Ptrnrillellt1 Altiiar-
Ist. c entot#,r there wrest pirohibitistie
atg a1nst mo ing beet ir itp
wader ai►y toadattlorte
"I ODnls feed upon the vitality ,of
eitibilMa end endanger' thole lives. A,
temple and Ofteetive remedy i0 Mother
Iltare ' 'Worm Etterminator.
Toachtr--"',Lila} 3 & penthlerf"
/Aim (i,lt` nitutiiy--."A pantile
Ilfi snarl that' nlaktelet lltslil6lrn
in the boot finish possible,
Good and 110( 1i6liabio Work.
Give. us at trial. -
Ordere reeoivld O. R.. ieut'y's
qiielitlenee, Cambria �BI•oaxi, North,'
tltr's \a, ` IIENR%& SON
r`iikltl alititie
ittttaa1 #uvatistown stop nava. tit
itis the broucl of tobta, kite
tar of quiet sleep; conuties tea
•fs roe! dr., *Liar at your dog.
t'N. Thai *teat our ekea.reofrwrite,
.pistons, 142 la`►tag W., '1'+aroutt.
Lars! Altera • if. C. DUNLOP
e Soot Vlaall tact to potlio
1t�t1ilil isr'v11eie SIINOSOMat tke Pru
vilo r is. so Yoe know. tis *mV oon-
data ssie44es *ado to eittld welfare
work Moder* science ve nattier
Wok to the apsetwet proven. that "Art
onaoe et erstreeetiell is earth aR
Pricere of cure." it eas been telt
erieliege of the HMeptttll ter Sidi
t°atiatrera-*-,lee dre9test tartitntion of
its k'iad area tate tentitient-ete Sod
Mot ciliate of preventi!en.
it lull Mor
t hi.MMi a la 'Mielauge Welt
, Now.
adios theta Is at eiaser parteerehip
between, the plidietrielint end Deme
1\ia0re, Rheas NUS (eteetioat of our
Baby's Ward tete the ostablhhtbatent
or *ell Sables, eliabtea the infant
mortality to Toronto alone has been
r(tdueed from 145 to At per tbuusand.
rattler.ht*tt*ttlea whieli 'Sleight be
giv'ent*Auld Inerely carreboraate the
setuel lifesaving Valeta 0!. the !los,
pltal's° work, And it to titineeesaary
to explain to yoo that the tntorltisl-
tion as to the researbheat which brake
such a 'rceord potable to at odes
conunuatctted to the health -Offi-
cers and - practising physlci*nl
throuifbout Onterie. .
s'rr ly a claim SIVA the bee
time generostty`ul every friend of Ili,
tie children. Au Institution which is
securing the newborn child twice
.the chance, not , merely of good
health; -but; of lite "itself, Is entitled to
the abundant support of the public.
During the past financial year,
revenue from all soirees fell one
hundred dollars a day behind nous-
sary expenditures.
It has always been the ambition of
the Hospital 'for Sieli ' Children to
gain not only the support hunt the
sympathy of the people of .Toronto,
Mad Ise le -day, With a debt exceeding
1150,000, 1 appoaia to your readers to
help along with Borate gift, whether
It begreat or small. A eontributlon
of ;2,000 from, en individual or a
society gives the privilege of naming
a cot for all time; a donation of 25
rents wi11;run tire hale 'tlositiitai:for
half a minute. Between these • two
amounts. there Is surely some sum
which ecu be sent by everybody to"
the seeretary-treasurer at 69 College
street, Toronto, as a token of interest
In a charity whose field Is as large
as this province. The Hospital for
Sick Children is one of the largest
andmost highly regarded In. the
World, It is an Institution in which
the people of Ontario may take
legitimate #Imato Pri
de !or
It Is br
atenet'asityy that suceess has
been possible.'
Two hundred and fifty children,
Dale of cheek or with twisted limberr,
will be the Immediate beneficiaries!
of the Yuletide remembrances of your
readers. Thousands more throughout
the coming year will benefit, by tbeia"
Chalrwan of Appeal Committee,
Just push
back the rugs
.and start 'the
- Viola
Then --•-"On with the
daance4 "t ''bei bele .
easy it is to "put Life in*
to the evening" when
you have a. ictrotd. -
And good dance music
is only one of the endless
joys it brings,
iia ve.you'a Victrolal You
+tan have --on, the eas.cst of
term*, -
Prey %IP Christmas Roc.
orris on a VICTROLA
too *Y.
;THE N E10 STORE, -.�
U R. tIdDERililt
ruits and
We have a flee, fresh stook of Vie,
Currants, Peels, Nuts, Spices, eta, oe., for
Your Christmas Baking.
Choice Family. Groc
�.,* .4
• P11ON1 91
WEst etl'tltt
1?ic.o De lain's • F enc a Pilo
A. reliable itegutattnt, eel for Women:
Se a box. Sold at at
Prue Stores, of
mallet to any adttata
on receipt of
price. 'eke rieelooln thew l'4., Sl.. reth.
Orbit*. that* $11•
Restores Vint and Vitality; for Nervi.
and Brain; increases ,gray Matte±`•;' a
Tonle—. will build you up, $s• a ,)ax, or
two for $G, at drug, stores, or by omit
on receipt of mice. !►ke stool ibetaaa
t•u., St, ( tharlat., Batavia.
SIMO ft1EN!ri9litid• t4((IittRIQdltMON, 00391711911 ONONEas
TAKE - z
F ., �1QT�CE-
ts• S . l
I Cured by a reliable maker who 'le
I has had a number of years wiper- w
ta!a Janco in melting thin wholesome
tin artlolo. Sols' its • any quantity
from stilltof fa
t, barrel at a reason- N9
el able pricy'. -
>A . UOOd Solid Winter r Csbiog4 ref
I $1.O4. a dsuo! or Iyi the hundred st «:,11 /e:
f�i a hundred s
ea .fiesereMut 'a ISM N MONOBaANAMi attittClitllts99ftiti
c. 9
PttotI\\(9 hilly dMflhNli
line Jan, 15, 11100. Pr'itteltt4i :alias 1MsIt•
Yearly Interest Untie 10 Clad;
151 payabl,' • at 'roraate or
Price S9it."4 ..4 tIllt?,14etl,
PROVI 'l 4VP ° Al~i", -
IIONii.S, due 0(1. 1, MO. =mewland hair -yearly' Iodate*Moteg a tai
April #1 peptide .et Tor'oato, Mofttr"est
or iteglna.
Prim, f904ad* ' hit llredta
BONiiS, guaranteed mine 1fl1ltltasllyi Mir
the Provinr,t of Manitoba, doer Maopie, 1910, intet'eett 'iutyalble 1t$lf-yteiar"ly
ill Canada or New York.
Pelee $91.50 wad .isilet'elttf " ffiehliMalt
Gale,,, .
issued by the Gratut 'I'fitltik .
+^o n
Y t»a f'Y'
n d
rl a � +
and tistif'
p ytilurlY EMl6k'iii'.
't and July t)r tbsttrtJrle a1 'Masiiralll,
New fork or London, •.F`.
Pelee 407.341 esti **Ogg, ` P111000
111 1 �.•if
(lover tnebt,,lknlikilpat444100****,
obs Work Nisbet hd,
10.104 •
The ' Town has been ordered
to reduce the amount of electric
current Weft: by 25 per, went and
rho toeal consumers are reque9t-
ed to reduce their load accord-
' 1. Olseontititto use of all elee-
lrie •apparatus where possible.
2. aTteduee the number of y001'
lights and, always turn elf schen
not al$Oluteiy required.
3. Do Most economleal in uosi
of electric current In every way
That one rets light ieerrases
our feral -tun it off.
Glen further &elite eleelrle
Irons *re 10 be used only be.
twee* the hours of Ib ss. s». vasal
3 1t• re. or he the t' elee% after
R o'elett,
INTER *KD mit 1cO I8$raN
ROB NS is so delighted with the :remarka
• Slaughter Sale that he �s� all the more encouraged #�r4�•y�.
even more wonderful reductions in the Wayof values ndfes ]] 't{
mentsthan originally intended. Read the offer!ngs a . be here 004y
MOre:...$11itt...._tut.Ovete0a..ts.„ •
• To Clear at. '
Men's` Caps
Regular $2.50 to $3.o b. Good pally and ;tilts es'
-To efear . at
Gloves1 10 Choice of 'high rallcle,`ilt neat ` hind Mot►tIt pateaa
Splendidfor' manes %rear. oTo clear
Regular $2.5o to $3 o . Gre Suede, nattirnl
moeba tan cape. Sale price
t Hitt sud colontt.
Proton sizes. w'f1`'are
Non's Wsill
$1.7 , $1.951 $2, 5
and $2.85 .
Men's Trousers
A splendid variety Of plain and fancy t orated;, tweeds and urges. To clear at
$3,75 and : $4.$5
Now is the time to buy your Winter oats and Suits, .Boots,
• and -Rubbers for -Mei: aid Boys