HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-08, Page 4L• • sae .,e THE GODERICII STAR AR ' litrR'LL , liFeiniBkK 9iit. nee Revised Prices ! fest Quality.! Largest Choice Bungalow Aprons 50 dozen ,voreeu's leasee Overall Aprons, '(almost o regular wrapper) in best light and dark prints. Splendidly Tilade. R a- iar $1.33. ..e......e:.»... kid _ lov'ies Pexrian's beat quality, %•button French Iid - 141oves._Tans.•bleep, wliito, a�;Ea MI sizes. At -per 'pair +a. M. Children's Rid Gloves, xagulo $2. Ei'. n 6l1 for x..... x.. x.....r.,.., Chatnir3atte Gloves. xiawystir"s best. All colors. All sires. ° ,4t per 1 25 Pair .x,. or.., ....... 1.... ,.... Moe,..x • Coats a: ;Dresses Outs,+ mire stock of all this season's °m)ake, anti the choice is ladle and quality atgarment the best. Clearing at from 20 to 50 per vent. under regular values, Flushes, Velours, Silvoitonets. 1iangipg now $12.00 t ''$35.00 Print est quality Tadrga-Prints, in Mat'pnta `/. terns.. At per yaril,R......,.,.. .}. 54 Flannelettes' Yard wide. At per yard 2$e - ;50e, 40c .osa itCorsets We have «ill styles, for all figaree,, 'Tlie .Corset which gives universe/ • satisfaction. -They lace )n fr.ont...,••*•.M.«.x+ {',,.n 52.50; •Sit.00, '$350, 55:00 and up Window Blind Best Oil Blind,'ftlil size wad complo With brack- ets and best Hartshorn :rollers '- Green buff, Ivory:an!d'w1nte, Begular 2.501 ',tit ea,o11. •, x,.,'..xr Y,.• ',disc 'Mufflers Hetivy wide Scarfs for men of wreitien, Pat.' terns are of dark heather mix and some are plain with border, and others are of gay Roman stripes of most beautiful. patterns and soft colors. Prieee are..,....:..,. $2.50, $2.75, $3.50 a*d$3.95 Men's Hose AU wool cashmere Hose, seamless ane good �g tght, to, .io , 1l. A,t per ... pair. lac . Men's Underwear. - STANFIELD"S G/Tl')tr'atiTL/(et i' �� t1 WLAIn) re;r'..:.t.k Stanfield. make, and warranted, labeled and - stamped. Purest alt wool, unsbrinkable.. Heavy weight, ,A11 sixes. At 64) en per garment...—. ,. ft e.m Dress SilkaL Ext raol, ilad`ry Yard wide oetra• heavy 'D Ties:::Silk, quality warranted. A silk a ltable for dresses, coats,' capes, etc., iri'black ail navy Woe.' Our regular price s $3.25 Pe- 04. tie cetnher sato. At pa'ryd. °(N° tax) AliaLoOttr AC;tl'ESON so, 1 LOCAL TOWN TOPICS .Continued tram page t) ir. A itreat-in-hie .till ha and d me a quite fund, of humor and eel keen appreci- ation of the good qualities ot hies native) nee mere noticeable its the speaker's retitatkre The home. the school and the echorcb Were threeiasttteskies about *which the lite of the . Scot •oeuteied. Alttbongb a great lover . of home, : the Scot was also quite a travellers .but, in oIYar than his native and, was' net elareeterieed by any feeling ot • ainper- leritly over the people of the land of his adoption. but rather fitted hate $hs lite Of Mee sorer lased ga efull credit lotboss. whom be came to live etnong and by kis swan henne..ety and inteitrityr won a place et esteem. Scotland wart the eosly eooastry with a national musical inakut. aaest, he pointed out. '•No,e' he staid. "tier harp le act the natioruul mu.R)t tnMruMeet Of /retread but ot the b$ter cenatr, Shore," and commented What sera attrtrages la Ireland 'erre a trate** Inst ties most condoclve to the a!lielse .mart of that better 1e4. •"+ Tim staging of the Naittomil aesthete closes the evenielt's p Dori*« Mr. Father ate?* 'lilt utf ItiftyaSeVenth street, New York, in' tewpr be w*s s;asst: at tbs rresideaes eels'rw'titell Mrs. boswcll-Iteid and, tear sic - aid Mrs. O. L.. Paraofnb. 1 ter.. Mrs. Jenkins, lost their' lives, a PUBIC SPEAKING AMONG THE CHURCHES 4 All l aiglat.A; 1 rani: }tome ibirl,patrieh `v--toneer'Pttonat tandard. 'p Lau accepted standard 19 necessay in the consideration of the subject el public spealeng. IIn the intro(netory article of this series this statement wag , made,. "Speaking to a eaueber of per. Eons to net essentially .aiiftereet from conversing with ouo it:41040h 1." This'; will give the reader an Inlaling of tiro ptrauderd 'Mull advocate. iletore mate1ug a statement of stand - and 1C will tntere:gete en imaginary pert- who may, represent any of my readers. 1 ant sire that the conclusions r*xebeel win be within the experience of anyone who tray -reed this article. "I will draw your attention to three tepee of delivery in itireaebing which you may have heard. Ifo you recall ltstentag teo one wbosedellvery,� teemed. to bared been decided dip. .i on to they' 'min• nteet detail In"' gearture end vo• calization before be entered the pulpit I" "Yost' - ._. . "what was the effectu' p it n yo It" seemed to ine,afeeted and .stilted. He was as conscious of his delivery as First Whinier Grain 'Carbo lies Arrived The' steamer :Midland lying arrivent *on Wednesday whit a cargo of 300,000 bushels et oats. which oho 'win carry as winter storage to be unloaded of ih ea aGlty of ho Tr aiit elevator r' ww and The P, eb a a warrants, 7 est m � strap a Ag Glcneairn are due today at the 'Pransit elevator svitit eargoe>e of *wheat and sv liar, and 'wheat, respectively. A f e more 'boats will _ yet bring. in cargoes on their regular season's business, and. It le expe.eted there will he four or Ave" grain cateiers to :winter here. • ltofrkey Mayers, Attentto - Entries for both Junior and i rose.• diate : lroekey teams from Go Were made on Saturday rhast by 11. Preston Strang, the btoderieli Ciub'x representative at the (). 11. A, meeting. in Toronto, and a meeting Is called for Friday night this week at •the Bri- tish Exchange hotel at 8115 which all posesiblo players are earnestly request.. ;ed 10 attend so that" the teams can be formed. The Giub is trying to make arrangements for training quarters for the boys until there is lee and may. �, e't the We of the G. C. I. gymnasinml Jewels tort and Found • in connection with the fire In the apartment building at 'No. "20, West WhyPay the Price For Imitation Tailoring ? That Satisfied e, Expression . Comes from Wearing BLACK'S Hand - Tailored Clothes ode. in our own shop ky Expert Tailors See our _.rices before bayinga.and don't let themPut It Over You "KEEP Chas. Black "Titer 11 eiM'r Sten 'none 219 a . young gimp. '-- 8.- Ktrkpatrlek-_tioniate' "Do you recollect another who early, drifted into an uncontrolled emotional - Ism P„• teWhat was the efteet of ibis type of delivery upon you ?" "et first I was.attracteit by the sin- cerity of a man, but the matter ,of the sermo soon • becaame incoherent, and third !very distracting and mono! tonus. was linable to follow him, and ev tna]Iy lost interest." "DO you remember still another whop spoke -quite -us totally ??", ._,• - "Yes. "What was the effect of this speaker. upon you ?" • "It was as if lie wero talking' inti- mately with me." "•"Was the delivery not con neon -place mod uninteresting a" "Not at all. The speaker was, at times, very intense. One moment he would metre us by his Pathos,at another, arouse us through his indignation. Always he was animated and arresting," Then it did not grew monotonous ?" "On the contrary, thinking that the Bermon was exceedingly short, I took out my watch et its; conclusion, and to my surprise found that •he had been speaking over an hour " "Would you say this . sermon was effective ?'a - *'what do yew eman.hy.effective ?" "In the first place, 'lid the speaker impress the matter of his -sermon upon you 7" - _ • "Yes. I could readily ontl[ne it for you now;", -"In the secondplace,•riince one of the purposes of sermonizing is to move to right action,, diel this speaker. so move you ?". "Well, hie sermon was In. the. nature of a financial appeal. x subscribed .more than I could really afford."- • .�Then I' would certainly' say that he was effective ,uat,one more:question.' Could yen newel-Abe',Ibiza- . speaker- distinctly??- peaker distinctly.?". "Quite.. On'wthe `other hand,.the second speaker to confused the with his abouttn and vehemence- that i could not tell exactla-what he did say." The caths now Dirt of the bag, head, body and tail. Effective public speak- ing eak- In; is characterized by naturalness. . The natural means for the comfnunica• tion of ideas --and one of the chief ends of public speaking is to_ eommuaicate ideas—is conversation. - As in pulpit oratory, so in all other phases of publlo speaking, the stettndard for effective public speaking et the con- versational standard. �. (Next artiole : "Public Speaking,a 'Talk.' ") large amount of. Jewelry,' valued at $*0,040, belonging : to 'Mrs.' Boswell. Reid, . in addition to some belonginS.' to etre. Jenkins, disappeared, but a' large portion. has since been rce er- ed Atter the.fire the eww b in of o J w ha 1 collection w whe this v lush a Go le ion vac ch 1 a c kept wads found broken open as it y. an alae, and the Jewelry was go e. Be ea i e. were at onto put o e t .tvqn Job' lid subsequently several' vain le pieees were discovered among the de- e:nes in 'varlous rooms, the strange feature being that the Jewelry was all .in the box .at the 'time ot the Are, 1t looks very much as 1f some partim. had stolen the gems and,finding an investsigati0n was .being 'made, reptae ed them, coneealing them among the debris. A tiara valued at some 8100 000, a pearl neeklaee valued. at .nearly as much, and ei. Coupler diamone rings, each worth .. sever'a thousand dollars, have been .recovered. and it le !roped the balance of the Jewell may yet come to .light. Goilerlch' Masai Section So far very'aatistactory progress has been made in °rankling the now sig- nal company in Military District 'No. 1. The company is in "charge ot Major Mi L. Maitland, M. C.,. of London. The company consiitts Of seven sections. three •in Loniten, and the remaining. dour distributed as follows: TM. I Section, St,'Thomas: Pio. 2 Section, Chatham; No. a Section, Ingersoll: Nol. 4 Section, Cloderieb,' The London' See - Cons are tate most advanced, the other' sections .being impeded because of the. difllculty of seeur1ng suitable quarters/ Captain 111. Carey. M. M., Is to coin mand the Goderleh eee?tion, and started recrditing •tor the same. last Mondavi Very satisfactory progress has been made, and the section will shortly be up to full strength. The tlovernrneni is doing all in its power to make the work as interesting and attractive as possible., The signalling will be based upon -the methods and experience .ob- fained during the war. All equipment has been cent from Ieranee. Courses will be given at intervals by permanent signalling insttuetors. andt utill fentbreee All the different methods of Signalling. A great deal of the time will be given to wireless tele - raptly. The Bret course in Cioderich .will emalmef0f on .Tanuare 3rd, IMI. and will be held three nights per von.'. tar three weeks in the gymnasium of the Goderiell Collegiate Institute. The Government, lir addition to gi. OW the eertlileatee to those. sucee.ssful .;t"y.assint cxam!nstions, is at pres.'r;t v19ie4e'ring' the matter of giving a boilrs to each signell'cr. "lehis is a gran ppnrtuntty for young men velie�: aro d" irons of learning wireless tel.,. a raphy. As many ex.servie.e leen as Possible -ible "are required,but past exlaer. feces is rmeresettry, and any young matt can tat a advantage tat these tour. P.e^s. il'::- tint a fair has 1.'(:n very sue..:;stun, so it could bet advisable for those "weho. &sir le Join. to do s0 ahs 'soon os po tihlk Muncie Mutt lie handed to Capt. lt. Cartyy, or to Harold Currie.. at the t'nit"sn Bank. 8ia'nsilttlrr ills always appealed to Touter mets "..a oro active both mentally and pity. Aeally. and. Judging from the re'erutts 3 tae, wcr titlm t;t make the Eiockrlele suction the :nest effielent 'in the die. triet. Ge act Setskte llresestte4 The tones** Weer et ori has beets rsetived ay Kr. T. To Leell;ire et ally t•trerleoes ria as1r!atheytereaettrre'!i' ct the &Way wheel a % ll t)t� Manz tiiitr:'h remillorriest to Leath* le/roc " bs Mneli missed. Kr. Leoble Ad* 'belt* for a 1'"a 1107,14 'eerie of 'Thera s.. lie el naiil carr 7. f e,©e.....7 eB n rsiee � '" fust %• .'rarer r,^1 SaLT.,14. fro + in'. Nana Tel 1 a uncut tiie 1.p —:::i. League ';'still epee a naec tins of the Nein v.:ti::- .i. She g+t"'1-D'¢r, are rioreli�l' lh i:r. diet. The data of the annual Christmas festival is connection rich St. George's church has been Axed for Thors+iay, December 30th. e:onsidereele interest is being been in the we"'h'a mission sw lile'la is ii) tree erese at anon Defeo sallet iedthe* mei dont. Rev. Baptist church, rdtontrcai St., i~iin• 11:34, Dee. 12th, pastor, Rev. J. E. Me. dello!: 11 a. 'm:, "lldligion 'sin the Home Life:" 7'P. eta.. "What Must I I)eI?" 3 p. ne, Bible Seated; $ p. 'm.: IL Y. P. U.. The e~liole of. North St. alettiudist church 1.1.7111 held their .annual festival of sacred sung on Sunday evening', Aeel 20.. This year they will render a fhristmas cantata entitled. "The Light of Ages." This number promises to be one of the finest of the. choir's of- feringe.. The annual meeting at the Mission Band of St. George's church was held on Friday - afternoon last. The follow•' Ing are the otneere for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. McKim ; assistants, ]Mea E. Neftel and ]suss Violet Taylor ; direr• tor of seniors, Mrs. Felker ; secretary. Miss Emily Huntalvy ; assistant•secret ary, lediss-E, Sault$ ; treasurer, Dorothea Felker. .: ,&lass Middleton's Sunday School .cleats in St. George's chinch school -has become an :organized class with the fol. lowing- officers:—President, Miss -.L. Brophey ; 'Vice-president, Miss '1). Fel- ker secretary, Miss A. kinnfaly ; treasurer. Miss L. Anderson. The girls have week -night meetings twice a,month and are preparing a -play for present- ation at the S. S. Festival. Next 'Sunday's services in' North Si, Methodist chareh will be ns follolvsil II a. m. and 7 p. m., public Worship: special offering will be taken at hotly' services for relief work for the starve ling ernItions of Central Europe.. 10 a._m.,..+ Glasses. Mission Band and Men'sr• Club. The club topio win be "What is Friendship? 'what value should be: placed on' it and what use made of it 7" Mr. Bert efenielly -will introduce the subject,* 3 p. rn,, Sunday schooland e.r sanixed classes. number of years on the public library board and had served on tithee public` boards In town end Mrs. Leckie het been settee as an taco bearer and Member In the Daughters nt the Empire'. and in the Missionary Society of Knox church. The letter referred to above fs as follows : • Godetioh.blovember, 1920 We. the teachers and ()Misers of Knox church Sabbath School, Goderich,here. by plait on record our &rpreciation'or the long sad valued servitsees rendered by Mr. T. T. Leckie as secretary-trean. tater of our Sabbath ,school. For many years Mr, Leckie, has been a faithful, unq W inti on to t a1111 oonoe�rneod. We desire to express our regret and our feelings alba loss ,we .have sustained his sti - - b removal of hi and s d m e ixx r � able family from our congregation end school. We ,pray that God's richest bitesings Meet acoompany them in their new home ; and that among the many? good things to store for then% may be long years pMa VnyardWe k tf faithful btthey wirtil do their part for the uplift of the community where they may reside. asfelgped on behalf' of Knox Church Sabbath School a8ab J 1r,te1N TOM, Superintendent. MAW lit. iiTRAe UAltr NL"T,1f,A Me$oNAi n Cl'r,.Atts. Gloderieb, Ont., November BRIEF TOWN TOPICS The; regular monthly meeting of the, Children's :fid Society .viii be Meld on Tuesday afternoon at 435 at the court la"uuse. • The regular monthly meeting of the General &rough Chapter. I.O.11. E'.. Will be held in the hoard of Trade toms en Monday. Dec. 13th, at 4:15 p. M. The corner of the old • OoTaterne House teeing the wtuare is being fixed up as a atop and ;trnold l;iiawvatte Intends oc,U1►yttet it wvltiI , stock ell electrical goads. At the .Scout C(incrrt in'ule Salvation Army tali last Friday ll§fv. Mr. 11»:- craft oeeupted the clap, and s. lengthy pratrrafn "wast given. a Scout ban. err 'wee presented lett Staff Captain lt:tcltte,. of Lo))1- l'. The W. C. 'r, t . bw111,hold their meet. io Monday, Dec. 1311, in the Temper. once hall, at 3 P. )11 • Will you kindly remember the invr Sic)n you got from the pl'esi-le111 last tiursday night, in "Victoria St. chorea. P1IEa"1 8lT,1'T. "wise Awns1we . ie111lfa asked, enc atatb oat of anot rr. ...Wasn't he the t!tap `rhe was *ways reknit `'No" said the wise Student. "that Wes Zero. another gay altoaethtr.`i ju 'ae a tip curtest atur-dta*lr enesnenu "That an "ltlttla lfe'er has mach ire Say NA always brans abet be** add It • 1r, x .• PEOPLE WE .KNOW 'Mrs. 0, Atkinson, of Detroit, Is with her aunt and uncle, 'Anse 'Walton and• Mr. P. L, Walton. Sir,;'Capt.) Bogie, of ,lreppardtGn, was visiting her daughter, alts., G. B. (treen, et. town, the pat week:. - The many friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Steep will be pleased le learn that- she is .able ''tq:.be out onee. more. .She wishes to thank her . friends for the kindness shown to her and her Terrell through her Illness ' Mr, :and• ,firs, T. C,, MCltenfie, Miss Rutherford and Mr. A C. MaeVicar, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R: J. McCormick and Miss Carlyle; of. Brantford; and Mr. and :wires. N;..Dietrich, of FPoradale,' were in ,town for the funeral of the late Mrs. James ataci'ieear. - 5 X-mas Gifts Iiiiisomaimmommoorge RE., T care has ut been taken in the selection, of these Xmas Gifts and we know you - will greatly appre- ciate our efforts when you have in- , spected them. - French Ivory - E.very 'wanted piece of Ivory to complete your seta er -start a- new .collection._ have,it. If you have decided on Ivory, we EbonyMirrors, Hair Brushes, Hat Brushes, dc. Also ,sets of Brush Comb and Mirror'in dainty Gases.` A wonderful neat Hand Bags. and, 1 xSe5: line of Hand Bags and Purses has just' arrived:.The st ey s are >aew snit priats. moderate. Pit Either in Bulk or in Fancy Packages. ' Also erfumes Toilet Waters, Sachets, etc. • easSpiecacye TehcooealaxadFanBoxes. large assort - • nulk Chocolates, ° We carry many other lines for. �+t •c such as Safety Raz' ° kill iS,- ors, Stationery,Ther- mos Bot1'es anal Kits, Pipes and Cigars. • " u ris t Stock We' ask you to inspect our r Ch fol as.early; ..while we have the.large a assortment. Pum. The. Renal! Drug Store, Goderich pgtEICEICI rEitiiiakI ®111ris®Ki11313 4 3 4 4. 4. 3" 4. 4 .1. t• d• -" .1 4. .y •4. •l• 4. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4. 4, 4* 4. 4' 4. •1• .1• ristmas uggestion: K. F . GRANITE SALEq� ONE WEE • It "is the early shopper .that gets the advantage of our .Best - r Christmas Bar ains. 'Are e you l o • er." Our • t hris an early Sh pp mas'gdoods . are all out on dis- b. n play for you to look at. Let us make , a few Christmas suggest-, ions for you now i r Hand Painted China, all pices Genuine Cut Glass, choice - $1.00' to $20.00 Chn tmae Writing Papers 25o to $4.00 Handkerchiefs, from • :........,do up Smoking Stands and Trays.. .......51:00 nil Serving Trays, all kinds • $►t:89 up Ladies'l' Pura lull line sae 75c up English Art Prames...... ° 150 to $3.00 Vacuum Sweeperrr.,...... $6.76 each Fancy Teapots.....,....;. .... ..w.. x1.00 to $4.00 -- Pyrex Cooking Ware, full lines - Thermos Latins mite..».,.». - .$5.75 Granite Sale for One :Week•....._ .... _. We are making Lig redttctioeit sari one of our coaplete lines of Granite Ware, We are giving fro* • _ _. 25 to 50 per cent. off the ''entire line. Come early Saturday . Poinsetta Velvet 15 each Gift Boxes, from -Sc to 25e Christmas Cards 4o, 5ee, up to 15c ChristmasTao- . 25 for:So Christmas il+ells:a......................2 for On up Christmas. Rope (decorating) 6 yds for lOc Silver Tinsel, 6 yards for "/y� 20e Poinrletta........ .... s -.,..RV .............. ..... each A large shipment of . Fancy? Baskets just arrived. Thesct make a fine Christmas Gift. - Toilet Sets, in Ebony anti French Ivory. Manicure Rolls, in Franc'h-Ivory. We have a large range to choose from. Aluminum •-Ware Sale 1S pelducrlit.relf all Altuttie*tit Warr for ice Weelr, stern* Soterday. December 11th. Oar lammed is jset fall 44 Toys for the Wilk**. We have evm ytitiag that you milli think of to plaice do kilt* happy. Oriag them dement to Toylaiti. ;t: PARSONS' FAIR SYNDICATE ars 11111111111.1111111