HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-08, Page 3T10,ittessiled VW., SW OGINISICM STM PAILIOWII A IltAGICEVENT T� E FLL willesprflot Setessiothe Elielted The enidenrie of "fitt" left in it tram: railwv we* Meseta ani. ierieue eerie* trouble*. • Mrs. L. Wileon, 6.3 Ridout. i'4tth Rini* etas, Ont., writea:,--"Over two Team eget wae taken very ill with Swat) influent% followed by neuriti* of the headbigb hloodoircasure and colgeetiore of the brain, and I was left in a very weak state. My' heart and- nerves 'were so terribly had 1 would have week, falotialfispcUi solnetinles twice keley. to raw my heart ivould, itqp beau*: I doctored, and they seethed to d°all they could for rue, but I grew so bed, day after day, they thought 1eeuld slot Pt better. I had given up all hopeii of ever getting well, u I was faili very It seemed to me it wart o wile* 1 looked to the paper and adabout Milbureel Beat and Nerve, Pills. I thought that there wase a little bops where there wee * .park or. 114 lett* agnmerseed taking than rts me and. I am now on ney fifth mue safely say I. ea& ot leet4r. truly Abu& that it Reboot not loam for your Wonderful medicine A woux no tee been here now." * Pelee 500, se box et all , or ailed..dirct, by. TM 4..,as Lrniited, Toronto. Ont. orgierane flR.unatoir Mamie. specialist On women's and children's diseases. Acute, chronic and nervous dia. orders, partial (Warm/55. eye. tar. DOS. • *Id throat, Adenoid.% removed I/MUM mut knife. Consultation, Rm. (Ace Se* residence, Nelson and at. Andrelvis Otneele back or Temperance Hoeft% taloa,. Orrice hours 9 to 19 o. t to 4 p. m, Vondays. Thursdaya end Saurd$Ylio • Voodoos by appoOstment. • A& LEGCARDS rwaRkEs ()ARROW, Barrister,' SOlicitof, Boderich Corner ?not; Street and •SqL.lOre, . ont.. Welk of Ifia0 tiedererk Ladies la New ital. Eiro Seldom), it brear-, IS the nauti of at- afflictien been laid eie homily open a family ese 'Wee 210, eat^e laet week tie the terrible tragedy winch befell the fit' ily of Mr. knit Mrs: D. McMartin A. toric street, when two daughters. Lews E. (Mrs. Doswell -Witt and Jeesto Nrs. Jenthitisi lost Metelives In an tenartnient house the in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins had been U4Cali- tornla the WA summer and had re- turned 134 September, visiting ter e time in Cioderieh that Month. Mil eenirine then event to visit hiS Peonle In Samna ond his wife went to niw York to be with her elater, Mrs. Boa- loe114tele, who wAS oultering with a nervoue realideieve. 'which VIOS eliow the two' elstere were together at Ole One of the trettedy. Mee. Doewelli Reid was living -on the tlfth floor et the 5 -store y ,apartment house. and *ere were no Ore eticapes. And WO stare/ay& the, eTeeatdre being ttw only meals' ot getting up aid down. roof, those living on the two top floors The the started on the Ant floor ot the buildeng -Roped up the elumb waiter ethat, mushroomed et the roof and -then worked downward. Cadet' by the sodden ',rush or flames to tete roof • those Irving. on the top floor* were forced to try to escape by the ernoke.4111ed hall and all failed. Mak Boswell...Reid and her sister were not found together and apparently the former had turned back to tind her Sister, when they wore overcome. The bodies were badly burned amt. were Ideptined by Mr. Millerosalanee ,Of Sirs. Doswell -Wilds daughter, Het. en Howard, in 'one ease by the teeth and in 'the other by the wedding eine of the terrible catastrophe*. took place last Thursday, WAS= , worn. ! NoOkiS "which lIAS. SEAGO roeeived in Goderictias Tho tar was -",,' . ' on the press.' In addition te the two •., Barrister, lo-notor, Hoary Public Goderiets •ladies there were three oth- „•and• Lon eyancer odertcliers who met their deaths In the fire) Unice : C urt litaise. G and tbe eoliee immedlately begat ax R C. JIAYS . . Phone eft. InOestlsaTinti of ,,tile tragedy. ' caritstor„ collator, Nottlry public Etc. mrs. Boswell -Reid ..liad beers married • • twice, her elret Iiiisband having been. oracte Hamilton st,, sterilise' Bank Hitter „,_„„,,,,00derieu, , .„ „et._ , e_. Itavid-Dratit,„ who, tita..satil,,avas.- an . - Real Estate. Leans, Insurance English nobleman, who was. disinhere CONVEYANCING AND.P0TARY . ited by leis frardlye After the. eire the bodies lay in a GE0EDE E oREENoLitoD, ayneld, Con. Preebyterian enapel in New York sin' •,, ,, , vevaucing and Notary Public til they were sent oh to eiodericii. They arrevedt here on Monday ynight ROODFOOT, KILI.OliA St COOKE, pub, aiul the .fuoerae ;took:place ort-Tuesdart • oarristerse Solicitor , eiotariee tioEtc. itter110011 tO Militland eernetery, the , Hamilton street °otter' a. 011ice-On Me Stpiarii 2110 door from services welng conducted by Rev. JAs. Hamilton Tao Pelt -bearers for etre' Private rends to Jo n in lowest rotes. OOT fr • C BOSWel KILLORA , IL I. D. OGEE. THOMAS GIJNDR 1.4hre Stock a d General Auctioneer, Ilamilton street, CiOdericb. Sales made everywllere and ilt. efforts made to sire you .PerMers* Safe note* fflecountea.• INSURANCE - • Mertes. P. MUTUAL FIRE lOiStIRANCE • Warm a Isolated Tow') Properly leeured. I7 Value or property insured up to January', o)10, $ .049,975.0a).. OFFICERS-Iames ' convoy. President, • • tiOdefich • Jas, EW vans, e -President. Oleeebooto'd ; T. E-Ilays, Sec,-Treas.,. See - DIRECTORS -0, P. McGregor, Searorth; ..7. G. Grieve, 'Winthrop : Writ. Wrin, con. stance ; George McCartney._ TuckersmItti : 10int Ferris, Harlock; JOurr Bennewiso, droadhagan : Malcolm lit Brilcenela. AGENTS -J. W. '5410,dodericli ; Sandy " ',otters, Clinton ; Wm. CnesoeY, Seaforth : E. iiinchiey, Seafortn. _ . PoltcY Holders can pay their assessmehts ., at R. H. Cnii's store, °Niemen, A. 3. Mort risk's Clothing Store, Clinton, or 3. IL Reid's, nayilela. • ' NOTAKIPLIBLIC, 11'C. WM. BAILIE. • NOTARY „PUBLIC. • General COnveyaneing done Good Companies. RelireSented • • Phone No,- *OS, Gotterich, Ont. TpRONT0- 'FORONT0, 1:1ePC,Th0 isiest quo. lotions on tho Loud of 'Pie ars of follows: Otooltsilest Wheat (IN store. Et. 141111411) oto, nottleeto, 430234. Nu. 2 tforthern, No, 3 11,rtherii. No. 4 v. htllt,41.6P-4. Allooltoba Gots Via *tom Et. 10,11060) Ne. •.! (\W., 66.1,14e. No. 3 4.".W., $41hir. 1:stra No.1 tecd. eeeee. - N'o. feed. SOAc , No. feed. 46%e,. Idalsttobta 1110i5ey ibilotere No.'4 ('.W1$1.0%. No. 4 C.W.. $4. „ Rejected. $44e. Feed. 4111sie. Aelee(emei ciao <Trot*, Ifeaossalse. ere* Jibtosaimit.) No. 2 yelaw, 41.16 nornitiat. ealtai Iriteesielltoo to "'Mahe thetaIdelo • Oro. wits. 4$e to 44e. • Oats**.*1mot tInaidis 4440,4104 robs* , Ao00040414 tit Irow1011**). No. 2. Winter. per iciar lot, 31.70.Is 9 Ne‘t 10 ea *duel visit peeleolt stet to the Mks at haw, is' these relitivri tyke rare utast aboutSat *I* be most weleentee-wIll sive Ike setae."' plate - are. Bloke the appieetweed trodey. $1.14. No. 3 ;prier, toot; car lot. *tele to *ease trutereitteereett -teimiarlaseF Ositnadle Ne. $144 to 11.10. ?Awaits**, litartaiie (4keeeirdisig Ifirehtlati 00040 ' Sec to Vie. • thelawberit IA4.'4.01464 to ,Orrelskte distelole).• No. 2 $1 to 41.06. *To (4teeorittrig Veeillate• Oatisideb No. 3. ;1.4b to 41.40. $tootioba Floor. 'First patent, 51.1.10. sooOnO Potent. 510,60. Toronto. • Oatarlo MeV, <Prompt IllOpoteeith Government standard. oombagt, to Jute bag $. KOntreal; nominee to jute •Joega. Toronto; 37.36,,' bulit seaboard. MillItsed <Car Leto, Elellveoett tatesitreist ioreigatio. WM* • Good feed hour, ;2,76 to 43. cA.T.trix „ ToitoNTO TORONTO. Dec, 6,-1 leta of 1101 estoeseeettetbe union. Yard up to 10 o'ctoett met too -total receipts at the Unto a to be aroutid 2,300 ^ eattle,_ S., sheep and lambs, 1,000 itogs, tom about 200 calves, • IntiEVALO 1,18 B:CFPALci N.Y., Dee. 6.--Cattio- Receipts, .50 dun.. The Ileliews elre. Morrison wee. woM*11 et re* '.markably strong colistitUtiott soul bad, neyee buttered an ilinees usitil a tew month* neto, Whet! siteetontinelfeete t() tall, and during the • past Montle sloe had been eentinee to bed. Lucknowes Pasha School Prineipal, Mr.• Elliott, mado o sudden &appear. ance on NOV. Roth, leaving en his automphile,; and nut being Soon at' Lueknow- since, The • trustees have been successful in `seettrizig . the -sev. vices of Mrs. Seikeld, a former high school toacber, to .tnttirme .the re. manlier* or the term. Mr,,:,,,$alizOkt and her husband have recently 'nosed e the McDonald fano, which• theeeeteur. Chased Otioot a Mlle east of TA":1<i)VOt. .Mie. ()metro; •Criele, 'a suemi;t _. of • .f Well-known' Teekersitilth taint -ee, who however, bed resided in Clinton foe a good inanyyears, pewit away Nov. 211 arid' funeol took plaeo on Tuesday apt:moon to the Clinton cemetery. tle was lifty-live years of age. .ite is Sur rived be a .frontly of Mree sons, in, ad dition to • ills ;wife. The sons are Clif- ford, of London; James, of .Coettrane, and Virtue, who te teaching at Wire. Bay: .Nir:Grieti-was 'bed and bls wife. lying tit an tibeOn- selous tOndittOn In another . room. There was a strong odor .of gee in the .house. Dr: Shaw.,•coroper, wag called THE Slippers we are towing this season should appeal powerMy to every one who vvishes to give something that will be acceptable and sppreciata . ed throughout the year. . They linclude the best soles and colors that can be procured in. Felt, Cosy and Juliets, with artd without tritiming. Our Boudoir SliPpers, in Suede leathers, are here in the most popular colors. • For Men, there is * very' ,large assortment to choose from in both Fele rind Leather. ., • Don't forget the children, we have their sizes lust as good ss for the grown.* people. - . ... .v The. prices for all these goods are very Low and the quality'the Isest that can• Ise procureri from the leading manufactmers. Orergaiters, Moccasinst‘ Skating Shoes and Rubber Boots , 41Sp make very acceptable gifts for Christmas. SEE OUR WINDOVVS FOR- DISFLA\t Calves -Receipts, 116; 504.1 lo•wer; ;4 to 516.60. • I -logs -Receipts, . 4.000; Nmw; 16c to 26c lower; heavy, $10.ite; york? era, light do. 6310 P?,g'S, §10.4 to 00.85; 3, Sheep and Lanms.-iteceipts,1001 I -Reid were four unelOs tee roughs, 59.25 to 49.1m; sto.gs,. 57 to $ decease Messre. Meetur were Is ele; • eelleine towe,. norner them s Cluipte Plre, o been e Tiros town Mr. •Ja eavect of. the of Wes ton; IS eleCin Clure. d, Dr. Aretile MeMurcele, and slow; Aeatiy to 60e. Jewel.. Lambs, $6 JONI, Thomas and Alexandee to nut; Yearlings. $0.50 to 'PM; Ir.. Samuel NleMtirehle; an tint wethere, 56 to $6.50; ewes. 52 to 96.50; chic; and for elre: Jenkins they lessrs. Joho and Jas. eleCbare '' mixed stomp, 45.61) to 4s, • ... • CilICA,G0 LIMO STOCK. t, and eir. Care Worsen, of emeeano, Dee, • 6,-Hoee--eteeetets. The flora- tributes were very t5h°;.t'eir l'rrnidaat:Ykeet tiefretiraiel,°calot:inig5e stergollnegf. ' Ous .and beautiful, and among Balk of sates, 410 to $10.36; top. $10.40, r of die Daughters of the • Ern. heavyweights, $10.16 to $10.10; medium. Vas a spray frOna. the Aluneee f -which eirte Boswells -Reid, had weed to o10.40; lightweihts, W44 to h51e0ti,v3 y5 ; .plarcgithitc.,,c.licgchwtsc,..1119.0sOottit,o 11.60 Lo Wordier, ' .. `„, 410; rough, ee.,40 to 59.95) Pigs, $0.25 to e who were, here •frona otit of SiNt4ite-Recelpts, - 30,000,_ cornoared for the funeral were Nfr.. Ralph with a week ago, most grades of or.. and hie fiancee, Miss HOwardi tire beef steers Irregularly, 1$to $3 bOsband •a one 04 the vietime 'lower; medium and good core reds de- clining most; butcher cows and heifers s. J. eenkins, of •Sarnia, the bor. IA ;aiiciner43, ittrfiut14elicisyl; bulls, disaster; Mr. nose Molvlorchim a d lo er vealcal tr. to $1.60 fr. Samuel. MeCllure and Mr. Je newer; western Otters, 600 to- 51 lower, lower; 413 tockers and feeders, 21e to Stie tone Mrs. ,las. Cameron, (It Weei re, of Toronto; •eir. Wm.• Me- o seligir :Err:el:Wei' iTir =VII= of Woodbridge; Mr. John Med Bi. to 51.25 bigher; matured sheep, 50e to 75c higher; feeders steady. , Bropitoa BrOS. • ottoertiCH • The Lcallitg • Funeral Direaor$ • and, Embowers (Wars carefully attended, to at all houra-night or .daY• >Until elite Mrs„ • and M • Mrs. cease Best se, of Thornbury; Dr. MOWN and his s.on, Donald, • of North Mr. Alex, Meefurchie, of !tinted" 1. McClure, of Nobleton; and Birt rs Harry Worsell, of Torontoi VorsIl.beIng sister of the tlio des the parents two brou ler S. KEMP. )(PERT ViiitCHNIAKEB *roma Watches, Clads, sta., timid pati RepairstSatisfectsillyt, 36 year* prostleal atlivitionte Ile Weeeit'er Meek tee geed tO One oink Me Chigoe moderato McLNAH ItHit, aonmuctt. corr. jeRreV IOW CP Xt. 3C 10 Via Fat thr 30 Yams • Zelda the Signature . of 41 sar For SORE THROAT COLD IN CHEST Cluit. F. Theo Preact, Nit:. vvrites: *I *El t.. Warm yga teased ifctiaidtr your 11NARD'Lt- IMI-'NTT 'a very trepctiaratticte,arxi we ose it as a sore relitifes sore ti.te)t airl thee. 1 Imola Not 10 withaut it if tke plire was ate (foliar *Tattle." IMINARr) S 41111046PAIK" LINMENI v s and tM1VO. sisters of the (peened ladies ere left to mourn, Mr. Areide MeMorrhie, of Watrods, Stash... Who arriVed hi Goderfclr Tue$day evening . atter funeral: Amite* Meeltirehle. • of ' St, Paul; Minn,; Mrs. Stanard, Of Sar Francisco ; ,and :Sirs, II. -Worse% of Torun to. • • The tiede has called out, wIde- spread :sympathy •and there Was a large gathering of eympathizing friends at the house ote Tueeday after. noon on the occasion of the tinseled. Mrs„ Rosevett-Relirs daughter. Miss 'rein llewaril, who Is attending school in Nese Nettie is bereft. of the guardianship- ie" her mother by the earl event,. and it was considered best, that the ariarelage for which she had, been preparing should take Place' in Goderiett before the •return • to Nos York tied receorernelv the and her 'lathe. Mr. Ralph Mitieri were quietly united in marriage on Wednesday et Knox church manse, by Rev. R. C. 11111 permit!: Mr. Miller he a .graduate erit Westpoint College and saw sixteen months' service In the" lata war, and has the rank of Liedrenent. 7; tient. and Mrs. Miller and also Mr. Jenkins have returned to New York and exeeet ,lo be !reek in dorleriels far Christmas. Lieut. Miller was gaesed overeeas'and is drawing o 11005100 and ha's a position Winkel TPtI5t4,..o, ntsaIt- beg him. In the meantime he Is ,de- voting his energies to proseeuting in- vestlgetione In conneetion with the tire. DISTRICT GLF.ANINGS • :shirr Ann Ferguson, beetved wife of Mr. John. :Siorrieon, gea for th , died : Nov. 28t1,, aged. 76 years. George .Sehrigley, ;who .left W Ing haat a few years ago t(isettle in the, Prnfrit Provieteee, has reterned re set- tle In hie old home, again. • . • • Rev.el. S. Johnson, of 'EtostWeed, who has been appointed to the ot •lirtessele by• Bishop Williams, took up his new duties on Sunday last. • • • eine WM. Montgomery, et Wrexettet• sister of Mrs, • Edward. and .Mrs. Alex.. Bryasis, (if Brueeels, passed' away lb her dist year week before last. . Mre. NV, .11.1. learouhat, of Ii -11180i1, Sask., formerly ot .the Huron read east; near (einem,- has died. , She liad been ailing for the past three or four years. • Mother McKillop -pioneer. passed a - lin the 2111: ult. in the person; of Sr'.• O'Rourke, at the age or 81 years, at the 111,100 of her daughter Mrs. ti. Oranekter. Mr. Weil. 1 flaiIlrk died at UV Waite Of his father. etc. John R, Ilab• kirk. Seaford), on 'Thursday Nov. eetle. He was born tle }lensed Mit. molted to Seaforth twelve years ago. The Whistler» Public, School Merit 'has secured The services of Mies tiny der, 'of Teeesvater, to Unice in the printaey department or the school in place id' .51Is4 liretta Robinson wit') peas to flObalt. • „ !tarry Risco& a resident of Wing. hum tee Meek 'year/4, where ti. carried on lnisiness, has died. In. London an the Joterment Was made .irt Wing/tar» this week. it Is 20 years since Mr fliseo liVed 10 Witighani. --Theetiierii Mende 'of Capt. Hee 1(to Jas. R. Orahain, M, A., formerly 'Meat, tee at Whiterhurell and leingeitle, will be interested to learn diet he has been railed to the important charge of Francis in =the Presbytery .of Suceessful anniversary servireo were held in • :tenets, St. - Methodist church, Etetor, on Sunday. Rev. M. J. Wil- lem, thu pastor, proaelied In the morn Ina, and fto. 61.9. MPAINter, A. pastor° of Main st. Methodist churell in the the • • Mrs. W. If. Kure, arrived hodite ia4 from . Winnipeg Whither iiip went eight works ago to attend Ili, funeral of her mother. Mrs. J4 R. tirant. She .was aecompatried .40 her return by her sisters, Misses Nes- oie Kay and Jeesie theta. took plaeo NO, NtlIt at the- Mellsoiliet Paroonago. Cor.. holt, %twit MO4s... -Nita lia,y 'Jowl% ilatightee of Mr. .and Mrs. Ceeireo. Down, ,of near Grand Bend, beeatne the bride of Mr. Wiesen Gorden Penhale. son Of Mr, 4teo. Peutiale, of ttio '3rd concession of. Stephen. • • A sail death °temed in Seabirds on Thuroday, Nov. eetti, sthen. Mr. • Wm. Haider% e'ouneeet eon .of ME and Mn, J. It. italikirh, pawed away at the lionte. of Ms parade In tile 21i4 year. lie tad not enjoyed etorot health at ire tervals for two year; and about Wog morithe agoeve op file poeition- In DeWitt and eetuened home tierce. • A pretty Novenabee wedding was rob preisized Ilt TriDity Methodist thtwdt Toronto, on Thirceday afternoon, Nov - Tette, sellers Alltee Feria Metiarielit• e dairghtee of Mr. and Mee. Jame- Me.: Teeonto, woo unittedeln rage t Ile. large etiolate tee) ft Mn. A. Joliet. of Wiestem. Rev. Ne week . vrauktletwn-EP-Main.• llerierario. It ra,rottletli the reiTtitAfOl. was dritc-atc-11,,a9 a ram, 4'01 .to 1111° •A weleArteeen reeelent tee,ateetia Wet war eteta" e4 Mat c° • - 13ia'.$471 611 Stutly, Nov. eetb,hs men kneeling bra (,,s;' Liv•P, t.4.lth talno lat.-a-wart &f Mir' Argi PVIAIICAt, tNifc, egeee. len 11;PS hairji in an attititile el tr. (.4. Sr:sjeep ee„ereetee fit to-te eetta eiese, Nee.. ieveji %%VS vcr,Evr solicit -Jr $Y svotTE.-Elkcm. tie, finless% tIernien Seitifeeir dePletiel so welt in literal' • 110%14441e of lie';o:any thrOurli the teat the Grin= le -Avian - merit lititseht tie! renelekable etature and t•et It sio in teo 4I2Dis Park at • GEO. MacVICAR NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH. ONT. and a, noose was settured for MI'S. coroner's jury of death from heart fail- death of Mr. odd site Wae taken. tie the Moe ore, With coal ges poisoning as it SP , , , • pita arid recoveree. A verdict by a condare Canso. 'wee returned in *the ADVERTISE IN, Tilitie•srMit. • , 111111111MMINUESOLIFE HE -feelingthat prompts.thegivins if, worthy of. -a gift *at last5. • Gifts bought from our stock of jeweliy,IihetiWare; Cit Gla'ss,'ilt ., te 0. 01 are of the kind that endure through the years. , . \,• bo For Christmas giving we have beautiful Rings--aDiamond ,Wings, Pearl -Wings, Onyx Wfngs, .Signet and Emblematic 'Rings for Sock. ty Members, A 'very choice. gift would be a string ef La crausca Teach, or we have -Neciatets, in yellow and. white gold, which would be treasured for their worth and beauty. - - - .- - Other Suggestions: .. , , Wrist Watches, gold filled and solid gold; Gentlemen's Watches of all • ,..,--------- ---- . - descriptions. , - Diamonds Are of Exceptional QUa t Ivory and Ebony Goods in Military Brushes,. Mirrors, Manicure Sets, Jewel Cases, etc. VERY SELECT G Swan Fountain Pens A high -static Pen that gives entire satisfaction. We also have the Ink for these Pe s. • • Gillette anc.lrAuto Strop Safety Razors Umbrellas for Ladies and Gentlemen' Everything for the Hon, in Silverware and Cut Glass The Tiffany "NevallACWind" Clock , The Clock that never needs winding ancrnever runs down. COME THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS COME , J._ .... \ t / /II ,_., _,__,-,,,,-' •-,-- 'eeeeeee., "ezee ee. ri E. c4 ROBERTSON ti -Watchmaker and Jeweler •, Cot. East sit. and Square ' • GODERICH \-\\ •e -e\\