HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-20, Page 6n: neoneeeeneeeseenan 8ubeeribers who tie not receive their paper regularly will please notify us at once. Call at the office for advertising rates.. TRE EXETER ADVOCATE" THURSDAY, MAT 19, 189S. Odds and Ends. A bad spell—Phthisic. ,Aelan with a „l all" isn't pushed for *norey. It is 'very easy for a dyspeptic to act natural. Cycle skirts Lire the short cut to dress reform« Should u pri e-fhte a wear -hamnaer coats in the ring = Wealthy Alas ea, is lite many rich per- sons. Cold and dinatt. The border this deer the less it takes to naltea pian mellow. The doctor calls • on many persons who Ore really not able ee see hint. The man who truly hoe s Jesus will not be likely to antagonize ever, body else. Does sour haF;'ineee ever depend on *bat the i.eighb rs can't offend W have. 'tenant= for Ooelay is the trouble - there of." Deede borrow any from to• morrow- Leave nothing towliat is eal1ed "Met;,," send you will generally be what is called ci lucky," If you want to o° sy the divine cent - Pawl to "love your ur e a blies." jars; think What %lot of frit'rni ; cit would bane. No Uncertain Verdict The Ladies Are Continually Praising Diamond Dyes. -R CONQUEST OF THE SOUS A.N.. REVIEW OF THE SITUATION IN THEE LIGHT OF RECENT EVENTS. The Wealth. Abdullah and Ina 1Yarriora— Tire Didou wn Foreer Which Great. Britain Is Surely Conquering—C1iangee That Have Followed the Death of the l[nlidi—Effect of April, Stir Great Rattle. e pecial Correspondence.) • If the Mandi, who was by all accounts . a merciful if misguided man, were living; to -day, 11e would perhaps repent in bit-. terness that he over preached throughout. the Soudan the Jehad, orbolywar, , miss ing those marvelou hosts of fanatical, "Fuzzy Wuzzies" which shriveled the piny armies wherewith the eaverntuene of Egypt bolstered up its power along the 1, peer Nile; wbich fell upon hicks Pasha's 10,000 men and blotted them anti in a day, and which swept away within s The strong assertion can, be made. wit - jut fear of eo"1'radieti/n, that no other package dyes fur keine dyeing ever conn- mended the praise end admire:let of the millions as have the wonderful and pupa - lar Diamond Dyes. Mrs. W. F. Curtis, Albany. P.E.L. sere: "Have use:l Diamond Dyes for seve:a y» .tea and bave always had ettecese with theme' Mrs. J. H. Joh memo 'Manitoulin I-«itti, put., says: "I heave teed a •r Aaa:::ond Dyes for gauzy years with greatest enceess acid lilne them better:Lau .say other make of dyes." Mrs. Jas. McClcslltnd, Surrey Centre, B.C., says: "11;:ave nought Aiarnont1 Dees for a great. many y eera, aud they bave peeved a ail cat: i trate." Mrs. C i a-. Isseelte Arden Sratiou, Man., says : •'I asci a f a al G is wife awl stave used lots of tic/ Iii a.,,a..ti Dyes in my time ; they tlwaays masse old clothes l(eok as good As nets.,' Mrs. W. .1. flirter, Peterbero, Ont., nays: "1 nave beeu ua:ng your Diamond Dyes for years, and they do all that is claimed for them." .lire;. Aubin.$ltefiord Vale, P.f., says: "Rave used Di;intc+nd Dyes ter many years and think they aro the best; do DOG Wish to try any other make." Mrs. Chs. Gagne, eat. it hry-sostame, P. Q., says; "Your I)i:onoael Dyes are i.plen- did add should be kept in every hotue." Mrs. c:has. Lewis, liemittua, Ont., says:. "The Diamond Dyes aro far ahead of other Dyes I have tried ; they give the clearest and brightest colors. No wonder your dyes are the lust pi puter." }[inard's Liniment Relieves Neuraigia. Sweet and Innocent. bliss Passay-1 was so embarrassed last night. Mr. Hunkley aeked point blank why I had never married. Miss Cuttyng I wun'1er how he cane to do that—had he never seen you in the daytime?" Dyspepsia or Iaitl:_eet.uu is uccasioned by the want of nc:iou in the biliary ducts, loss of vitality in the stomach to secret the gastric juices, without which digestion cannot go. on ; also, tieing tae principal carneofHeadache. Pe rnielee's Vegetable Pills taken before ituitio' to 1n d,fur a while, never fail to give relief and effect a cure. Ttr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashituwn, Ont:, writes: Parmelee', Pen are taking the lead against ten other makes which I have in stock." Glad of the change. "Who gives this bride away?" asked the minister. "I do, willingly," relined her father, in- nocently, with an approving smile at the groom. TO CURE A (•OLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bmin . <;!u+aii.e Tablets. All Druggists refund the stoney tt it fails to Cure. 25e OB.. SIB HFi114.1:1' 1ttTt'Iir.�£a. single year all the traces of that; civiliza- tion which bad begun to do se Mach for equatorial Africa. :nose than fifteen years have passed olive the dominion of the Malan iu the Feudal/ began, and roughly epeaking, front then until the battle on the 8th of April last, the Mandiete or Dervishes railed in the heart of Africa * territory etre t„ht:d along a portion of the Lower Ntie and along both branches of the 'Cr er Nile, a than -and miles from vas` to wesr, a thousand smiles from north to south. and inhanit'ti try millions of peo- ple. i1stbin this territory fifteen years have seen great changes tvino;e rlfci.ViSe nature no luau in olvilizatiun exactly nuowt:. Nearly opposite the site of Khartoum bar eprung up with a rapidity swanning the growth ot the Beam towns of the West, sr new city, the capital of the daltdl and of bis succeosor, Cinderntan, More, where twenty years ago was nothing but a hudt]le of tribeemen's huts mari:ing a ferry from the western hank of the Nile to the low sand -bar at the foot of Khar- toum, has sprung up a town some three or four miles in extent, walled against invasion, dotted with tbe dotnes ot mos- ques and shining in the clear Sentiencse sun with the glittering decorations of palaces. At the heart of the town is the now shrine of toudaneso Mohamunedism, the burial place where the late Mandi was interred within a year after his great triumph over Chineee Gordon at I:har- toum by bis successor i{halifa Abdullah, who is himself still sometimes: 1stnkeniy called the Mahal, but whose real title is 3iuntazer el Mandi, or sueee_ssor of the Mabdi. The I{halifa was ono of the four generals of the late Mandi and was by the latter proclaimed before bis death as bis successor. He disposed of all his rivals and the relatives of the late Muhdi by the usual Oriental method of slaugh- ter or imprisonment. No one knows what the population of the Soudan may now bo, but it is not doubted tbat it bus decreased 50, 00, possibly even 75 per cent.. within two decades; but though less in absolute size,. It is far more concentrated, so tbat the 1ihalifa still has az his command great armies of resolute men, bound to him not less by interest than by religious fer- vor. And about his low -walled Omdur- man, he has drawn as a safeguard against attack or assassination, many thousands of desert -warriors. Thus the Khalifta is strong, but bis strength is of the sort that would yield readily to a determined attack. The fan- aticism of the followers of tbe Mandl himself, when fifteen years ago they hurled their naked bodies against the lines of the well drilled soldiery, has de- clined with the discovery that the prom- ised victory over all the world has not some to pass. While their fanatiscism has declined. the bravery of the Dervishes is still be- d Impossible. "How did Fakem, the hypnotist, get along on his last trip ?" "First-rate, until he tried. the impossi- ble. Ile hypnotized a tramp one day and tried to make him sax wood. Quickcure cures Tooth Ache. Stops all Pain. An Invitation to heap On. • -' "Oh, that I might die kissing yon i" he exclaimed. "Well, I expect papa home almost any minute now." she replied. the Soudan and the .avenging of the death of General Gordon. The British soldiers and the Egyptian troops fought with almost equal steadiness and dash, and so well was the two hours battle planned that the c'eefeat of the Dervishes was the most decisive one in the whole. history of desert campaigning. The story is not yet told is detail, but evidently this splendid, irresistible oharge directly in front of a strong intrenehod position will rank among the most brilliant noovonlents of the British arms, The road to Khartoum bus been epoxied, the pacification and redemption of the Soudan have been hastened, and the Sirdar's title to the peerage has. been established. Besides the cheering effect •ou our awn for'd's, this means that whole tribes of berried desert .dwellers may go over in nMses re the conquering ;nradng fo ce, As has aiready been remarked, the site - adieu is not what is waigs fifteen years ago. . Had the ahdlived, t is probablethee. the power of the Dervishes might now he more strongly entrenched, for to consid- erable ability the Mandi added a etiason- able degree of human kindness. For his successor. the•I halifa, no word of eacuee can no uttered; bis cbaracter as it has been rainted by Satin Pasha, Father Don Joseph Ohrwaltier and ono or two other European prisoners who have escaped to Cairo, and as it bas been re vealeil by his wholesale murders, his shameless private life, and his leen of oadinary intelligence, is utterly and it re.kewnbly hell. Its order to remove the ,legit excuse which devout Mohammedans 'nigh* seize upon to leave the country, the Khalifs has decreed that it is no longer the duty of the faithful to make pilgrimages t4 3lecea, hat to the tomb of the nowt, a small hexagonal structure, crowned with a dame, which stands in the heart of Omdurman itself. Against this entrenching of fsuatioism within its desert strongholds goes the liritish plug; - and dogged. persevering courage of thousands of men who, hav- ing the same oeea;lon, would with the brave Capt. 'Urquhart, late C'anada'a Governor's aide, exclaim with their tiy, ing breath, "Never mind tlae, lads; ge on." Can there still be doubt that the rt'eonquest of the lest pr+lvinees is inevlt- able its the etrly future: Try It. It would be a gross iu justice to confound that standard healing agent— Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil with the ordin- ary unguents, lotions and salves. They are oftentimes inflammatory and astring- ent. The Oil is, on the contrary, emin- ently cooling and soothing when applied externally to relieve pain, and powerfully remedial when swallowed. In writing for the press fashion your srrticle after a pin. Let it be properly heaved andh.uve a goodpoint to it. THOS. SABIN, of Eglington, says : "1 bave removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn. Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. It really isn't . so very dangerous to ride in a ear propelled by electricity, although it is a well -.known fact that all the pan avengers are charged. liinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Now all the grassy :summer days are o'er And the lain mower mows the lawn no more. THE FIRST IRONCLAD. Tho R'rerdttet of the Antwerp Shipbuilder of the Tear sass, The "Finis Belli." built in the year 1559 by a shipuliglis of Antwerp, was l:robattly the Airs; ertuared vessel ever coy structe:l.. Its molders thought that the formidelle cant would drive away the seldiers and ves'els of Alexander et Parma and put an end to the historic siege of .Antwerp. It w.ss launched upon yond question, but the resolute a vance of the .Anglo-Egyptian forces lute practic- ally in the brilliant victory of Gen. Kitchener, the Sirdar, and the capture of the leader, Mahmoud, brought to a close the Soudan campaign until the rising of „W A CHEAP M1P1CINF IS ONE THAT WILL PRO3iPTLY AND :EFFECTIVELY .CURE. Mr,Joian flitch "of itidgetewn, Tells How De Had Spent liollar tame Point in Vain 13eforo Pin4ing She Medicine That Cured Hina, From the Standard, Ridgetown, People who read from week to week of the marvellous cures effected by the use of Dr- Williams' Pink Pills little fettle that right in their midst exist many who have been relieved from pain end suffering by the use of these Wonderful little pits after having sur- fered untold agonies for ax ontlls, Mr. John Hitch, a man well and favorably known tluougl out thee vuunty, was ever ready wllealu oppor- tunity offered to :'peak a worn in praise of these pills and was never tired of . recommending them to his friends. .A iepreseutative of the Standard, amn- ions to know of the eause of Mr. Hitch's recommendation, called upon hiin at his hone recently and upoza telling; that gentlemen the object of his visit Mr, Ritch consented to an interview. The story in his own words is as fob. lows the winter of 1891 I was taken with a severe attack of la grippe, limn which I was confined to the house for some time, This was [Wowed by severe pains and swellings of my lower limbs. I consulted a physician anti he told the it wan acute rheuma- tism. 1 continued under- his care for about two months. I was unable to stand alone, but sometimes when 1 got started 1 was able to make a few steps unaided. The trouble wan principally in my feet and clung to ine all summer long, 1 tried most everything that friends suggested Hoping to -gain relief, but neither medicine taken inwardly Iter liniments applied externally gave Ine any relief. ".me pain was very great said 1 was only too ready to try sells thirin Stin'„een:e. I spent dollen upon dollars in doctors medicine, but all to no purpose. The last week I was attended by a physician it cost me five dollars, and having about that time read in the newspapers of the work accomplished by Dr. Williams' Pial Pills, I ceuclutled it was certain- ly worth the experiment and accord, in:gly pnarebased a boa; intern. a local fir:ig ;est an+I cc.uuueilred their use, (fiu.ontinuin the doctor's medieine, This was in June or July 1894 After ILA taken the 1irt box of the pills 1 could feel some change and after tak in;r seven boxes 1 noticed a great int, prevenient. 1 continued taking them mail 1 had. used, thirteen boxes when I must say I felt us well as I ever did i11 my life. Same a my customers wino came into my yard would ask =what 1 was doing that 1 was looking so well (knowing the Fiat, -spell that 1 had, un- iiel't;une) and 1 would always tell thein that ,lir. Wi illiutns' Pink Pills had • wrought the change. They aro the cheapest metlieine 1 ever bought," said Mr. hitch. "and if 1: had what 1 spent in other medicines I could sit at ease tide winter, Paring the interview Mrs. hitch was an occupant of tho room and she heartily concurred in what her husband said, and statedthat far one other member of the family the pills had been used with success in a ease of some nervousness. Mr. Hitch THE ruin ISONceen, 158ii. at the time ho was seen by the reporter the Seheldt, and taken across the country by means of a causal out front the river. But the heavy vevel proved unhandy, and got stuck upon a bank, where it came to an untimely ond,---k'rom the Bespinian. Engraved, from the frantislcie. a to a history of the nava'e of the world pub- lished in .Antwerp iu the latter part of the seventeenth century. a Russian Dissenters. The so-called Greek -Orthodox popula- tion of Russia is permeated with e t its of Dissenters of all possible deuonilnatiens. It is ostiivatod that ono -third part of that appeared in excellent hea tit. He as ea years of age and a uut,u who lista al- ways been used to hard work He was born in Cambridge .ire, iii%elauid, and came to this t•otu . s Iii yeti ago. Before locating in Mite :„tun, eon - ducted a brick and the yard at Long - wood's road, Mlidalesex county. He has been carrying on a successful busi- ness ustness in Ridgetown for the past ten years. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go- ing to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nervus, thus driving disease from the system, Avoid imi- tations by insisting that every box you THE CHOICEST COMPLIMENT.. • The Author o>G "'Little women'" Receivers It From, an, ;ndignant Girl.. One day a very pleasant -faced lady game in and asked for something • "very nice and new" to, tend, A,copy of "Little Women" had just coma in,, and I bad it snugly tucked up ander" nay arm, ready to send it out, I liked this woman very much; there was something about her which appealed very strongly to me, attd 1 was moved to give bee the best I had. So I took the little volume frQtia under- my ndermy grin and handed it to her, telliug her that it was the. sweetest and nicest boo!* • we had, and that I was glad to be ably to give it to her. She took it from any • it then tossed it eairee lesstydown, Saying: nt, "I've teen that before,., "isn't it just beautiful l I exclaimed, thiuking that lily enthusiasm would meet with the usual response. Judge of my surprise and dieoppaintmenti "Its a good enough thing, I dare say," avae the indifferent reply. "1'bat WAS too much for me and I' sprang to the defense of the book. For a wonder—I have never been quite sera how it happened; I think it must have been because the editor wished to get riot of the persistent schoolgirl who was bothering him to sucb an extezxt1 h..ave been given the book to review for s Bo -ton paper—and I am afraid, to nap indignation, that I quoted the entire review to my.heipless victim. She smiled sweetly, and then, oboosiug a; boot; with- out zny assistance, turned away. I went np to the desk to send my rejected volume to some one wino did Want it, when the head librarian spoke to me; "De yon know who that was whorls You were serving?" "No," 1 said, "I'm sake l: don'ts" "Well, it was the Mether of 'I,lttla Women,' alias Louisa A.leott." "Ann I hors been abusing her beeanse oho wouldu'i take tier own tool: trout the library," ,lust then I heard a ringing laugh, and 3oolial Clowns to the front ot the library 1 saw the lady to whore I had been reeding a lecture on her leek et appreota- tion of my eberlshed bout, in oleso con- versation with the proprietor. Both were laughing, anti just es I turned both leekes in ray direction and the proprietor beokeuOtl to me to %Dine to blau, 1 was unseated to Miss .Aleott, who teen Ivy band in hers and said to nae: "My dear. that was the choicest and sweetest compliment 1 have bad paid my little boob. I thank you for 1t." Mat was the beginning of the most cherished friendship of Inv whole life-- as friendship which lastcol until the object of my devoted attention passed toyond osIS earth.— ncet'se. population belongs in reality to rums purchase is enclosed iii a wrapper bear - branch of Nonconformists, Luthoraus, ing the full trademark, "Dr. Williams' Rationalists, Sabbatarians, Baptist, and Pink Pills for Pale People. If your Anabaptists aro represented in various dealer does not keep them. they will be ways among these Dissenters, many of sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six whom strive to return to the principles boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. of primitive Cbristianity, or even to still 11 iiliams' tifedicine Co., Brockville, moro ancient forms of society represented Ont, In tho Old 'Tema:neut. 'i ho right ui tyro ; interpretation of the Bible is thus earrl: i on all over Russia, and there is no lance which could limit it. Every village bas its own teachers— men and women—who interpret the Bible in their own ways, almost always hostile to the present State and to the official Church. A powerful religious movement is thus growing in Russia, and it is bound to work in a not remote time as a powerful force against autocracy,—Prince Krapotkin, in the Outlook. 844585 Ga,diaa, 5' "bp ' (soma, ffiseemsrSTRONGHOLD . C>t73110411DING AT- BABA RIVER IN THE SovuAN. the Nile gives the most competent soldier bis great opportunity of striking at Ott 'dnrman and Khartoum. Of course, extremely optimistic people believe that the defeat of the Dervishes has been so complete and overwhelming that a •sudden collapse of the Khalifa's rule is not improbable, and in whie); 'ease the advance upon Khartoum would be prompt' and unopposed. There will however, 'be s new feroe o working in favor of the n1 tow wr g a A ia4 Ugyptian troops in their reoonquerifig ffi hunter to Jenner. "Dear Jenner—I received yours, as also the cuckoo's stomach.” '" * * "Dear Jenner—I am always plaguing you with letters, but you are the only man I can apply to. I put three hedgehogs in tbe garden, and put meat in different places for them to eat as they went along; but they all died. Now, I want to know what this is owing to." * " s "Dear Jenner—I received yours with the heron's legs." Once be rushed into a bookseller's shop and said: "Mr. N., lond me n5 andnyou shall go halves 1" "Halves in what?" "Why, halves in a magnifloent tiger which is now dying in Castle street"— From S, Paget's book,, "john Hunter." A Cat Paradise. Cats are bald in great reverence in Persia. The Shah aloud has 50 of them, and each one 'bas an attendant of its own, with a special room for meals. When the Shah travels the cats go along also, being carried by men on horseback. Insect Conversation. Professor Thompson thinks that per- haps all insects communicate with eaoh other by means of some, to us, invisible radiation. This would account for the peculiar oonstruotion of the eyes of in- sects, which do not depend upon ranee - non. Asbestos in Shoe Making. The newest thing inbox toes for ladies' shoes is an article made from asbestos. This box is free from the other ingredi• ants used enforce and lowers the ees$ materially, besides keeping its shape se. The Only 1)itreronce. Little Clarence—Pa, what is the differ - once 1 etween firmness and obstinacy? dr. Callipers—Merely a matter of sex, my s Vaporize Quickcure for Cold in the Bead. The man who wastes lots of time telling what he is going to do or what he has done will never make tho most of life. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure it the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de- stroying the foundationoof the disease, and giv- ing the patient strength by building up the con- stitution onstttution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its ears: "dee powers, that they offer Ono Hundred Dol- lars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F..1. CH1ENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. ite'Sold by Address, .: = . 7.i2• COURTING INSANITY. zltliuulu„i• of ICi.,ain,;. The lass was unknown among the Aboriginal tribes of America and of Cont- rol Africa. From the nett ancient timet, however, it ha• limn familiar to the As1- atlo and European raees. Tho :Latins divided it into three forms ---the eseulum, the rasions and they Siiavioluzu--•rho first being the kiss of friendship and respect, the second et ceremony and the third of love, The Somites always employed the kiss, and Job speaks of It as part of their s tercel rites, as It is to -(lay in the Roman Catholic church. The Mongolian itis 1s not the same as that 'which prevail's with us. In is the lips do not come into tutnai contact with those of the person kissed. The nose is brought into light contact with; the cheek, forehead or hand; the breath is drawn slowly through the nostrils, and the act ends with a slight snnaok of the lips. The Chinese consider our mode of kissing most detestable. Wo on our part regard their motliod with equal disdain. Darwin and other naatlralsts have at- tempted to trace bark the kiss to the act of the lower animals who seize their prey with their teeth. Tho average man does not take a great ileal of interest in the ethnology of the subject, however.—Lon- don Mail. We are informed thus the flower called the cocks -comb has no connection with the crocus. Sleeplessnosss due to nervous excite- ment. The delicately constituted, the financier, the Business man, and those whose occupation necessitates great men- tal strain or worry, all suffer less or more from it. Sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain, and to get sleep cleanse the stomach from all impurities with a few doses of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, gela- tine coated, containing no mercury, and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or the money will be, refunded, They Go Well Together. "They are giving away life insurance policies with 'some of the cheaper wheels." "I don't wonder at that." 1 Cores. Shits. aid.. Surely Who Sleep ad Rest. Be. Cannot e O taiue PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND IS AGENT THAT TRULY REGULATES THE NERVOUS OUS SYSTEM. �_ THE ONLY 4 Medicine that Feeds the Nerves and Enriches the Blood. GIBES =EP AND REFRESHING REPOSE. Diake5. Nen and Women Healthy: Strong and nap* Thousands are in a coudition of misery and woe brought on by sleeplessness and nervousness. It is from the reeks of such people that the inmates of our insane asylums are recruited. If yon are sleep- less, nervous, despondent or irritable, act at once before year ease beeowea a serious and alarming. Use Paine's Celery Coal - pound, nature's food for the nerves, brain and blood. It is the great modern pre= seription—the heavetesent blessing that the best .physicians recommend, Who iR` RICIuABPSON Co., Doan knits: --I consider it a pleasure and duty to put en record what Paine's Celery Comm:mu l has done for ole. I have been aflieted with sieeplessnesa and nervousness, and at times have been with- out sleep for fifty hours, .M1 ordinary ntcdiciues failed, and nothing met my ease until I used Paine's Celery Com- pound. Now I never laiet a night's sleep. I feelingly recommend your medicine to all nervous snifter',. Fours gratefully Mus. Axxe, Dawsos, Wilkesport, esport, Ont. Yearn. Mrs, Flint (sl.,e;•tlr,•ally)—I'ml 'Nisi kind of a job do Su;; ..mutt' Seldunt reed (with surprising candor) —Any kind of a jai dat I can't sit, mum. The Mythology of Peas. There are eurleils myths regarding our common, little, every -day, green pea. I3y some peasants of Europe the plant is. in some way related to celestial fire. Peas aro held sacred to Thor, and in Berlin are a standing dish on Thor's day. It is also recommended that the children with the measles should be washed in water in whicb peas bave Inert boiled. The use of peas concerning love matters is accounted for by the fact that they are sacred to the patron of marriage. In Bohemia girls go into fields of peas and make a garland of diferent- colorodflowers; this they lie on and in the night hear a voice from underground which tolls them what kind of a husband they will have. In England, when the housemaid shells peas, if she chances to find a pod containing nine peas. she hangs it over the kitoben door, and the firstrustio who comes in will be her husband, or at least her sweetheart. A Cumbrian girl, when her lover proves unfaithful, is, by way of consolation, rubbed with pea straw by the neighboring labs, and when a Cumbrian youth loses his sweetheart, the same comfort is administered to him by the lasses of the village, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in oliildr.en and adults.. See that you getthe genuine when-parclis;sing. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Grx•rl,t.iturt,—While driving dovin a very steep hill lest August myborse. stumbled and .fell, cutting himself fearfully about the head and body. 1 used :ltinard's Liniment freely on him and in a few days he was as well as ever. J. B. A. LEAticfn nN. Sherbrooke. Sow Be Sold Ills Story. An author who bad been unsuccessful in getting a story accepted, though he had kept it going for three years, noticing that the manuscript was badly worn by constant transmission in the mails, forwarded it by express to the last available publication on his list, valuing it at $75. He was in luck this time. The story was lost en route, and no trace of it could be found. Some time afterward a friend, who knew the unfortunate history of the story, asked: "Did you ever get that article of yours off?" "Just sold it!" replied the joyful author. "And how much did you get for it?" "Seventy-five dollars. It was bought by the express ' company!" --Atlanta Constitution: Ills Masterpiece. Tootolight—What do you think the best thingI ever did? Sue Brette—•Why, that piece where yon died in the first net. The great lung healer is found in that exceilent,neclicine sold as Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages, and is it sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when supposed to be far advanced in consump- tion. Boxing a Bride's star. It iLithuania, a provinoo of Russia, it is customary that the bride's ears should be boxed before the marriage ceremony.. No matter how tender-hearted the mother may be, she alwaysmakes it a point et administering a hearty amuck to her daughter .in the presence at witnesses,' and a note is made; of the fact. The mo- ther's intention is a kind one, though the custom itself is bad. The reason for it it to proteot the bride should her marrlage prove an Unhappy one. Its that case she will sue for a divorce,' and her plea will be that she was forced into the marriage against her will, arae on that score the verdict of the judge will be in her Lavoy. Qualifying Himself. Bill—Isn't it strange Gill never joined a club? Jill Well, I think he's going to join one now. "What makes you think so?" "Re's been getting, married." hlfnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. A Handsome Gold Bing Set With Genuine Garnets and Pearls ,,i FREE ! You pay nothing simply send your Name and Addrees plainly written, and we w11t send fou 20 packages ii " (scented cgoth, a new discovery Senelo which far surpasses_ any other perfumeries for the, lasting, qualities of its sweet and lragraut odor. One package placed in a drawer will scent the entire contents) to sell for uss (if you eon) among friends at 100e. and we will send eyou 1 free ffor your ttrronble the -above described ring, which is stamped Solid, Gold set with „tele incGarnets and Pearls, —Send address at msec, mention this paper and STATS MAT YOH w.tsr Li Senclo� and w• will send It. No money a7 required. We take all risk. Goods returnable. and - some premiums in )1""p rtinn to amount sold. Senelo Agonoy, 84 3SeOaul St., Toronto. A NEW .WHEEL AT SMALL COST. The rainy season makes it very uncomfort- able riding with the ,". ;,,nutation of mud and the chances nt be.. for appropriating city real estate, 80 he. a ., ,. red for emergencies and arm yourself w,1:" , 111 of BOECKH'S BICYCLE BRUSHES which snakes your wheel lona; like new and does not scratch the eimniel. The QUEEN CITY 01L' CO., (Limited.) Sneeze Rooms, President, TOfrONTO. Ask your dealer for.. tbis 011. It's Cheaper and' •Better than. Water . White American Oi1. D, sr liver glade in Ca nada. T. N. II. 167 •, Thorough instruotlpn at the NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEOS.OWE?*SOW' Shorthand Course includes Shorthapd Ty7pqewritlee, Business Wrltin4, and Business Letter Writing. Ctli1 Business Coarse is the beet in Canada. Thorough Irma instals teed. C. A. FLEMING. Principal.