The Goderich Star, 1920-12-02, Page 121 •
+r"" ,.
7IBt[i8UA2, itec. teo.ii if/ilt
y1„ igloo' MariP.aira t,t a+ dived tacsa te-1
t.U.a t tscut, .'isa th6, payowiraad 4
j,vseau r Aa tea 3 at the pa.-,% f, az
eau ulna:!.
Me. awl Mea, e cfci$ta' Esse al.
OVA wwBBt c9 n ta,k pur342075 iikt�
ttide !revs fa gtprue( 4r
6taake good.
trees' its lliceMgion LOOS returned
Elders Att .fila. 4rringita9 nonce .'Avitta
talon a fins* deer from the northern
lWing ':toe,eis.
Mrs, J. IL Pentland lies lg no away
on a visit to her saris liarvicey. at Tor
Onto. The reunion will be a ,illy to
mother and ou.
A bawdy! lite of
k is wise to select them
l YS' mix MUM,
Vii' OWN
Ale oomph's linin of
Fee the Tenger
Cir&bun also is an at dh
• lion to:Nile, to whom we extend a very
cordial weicottle.
Snit} number from tier,, attended:
the ,h odist anniversary services at.
Dungannon on Sunday.
It .is. to be expected soon tt'tat the
4'ir' pp;U'iiten young ,people wilt r'-•
Dion the visit af :it
wr l League.
'lir, and Mrs. Insids and faintly are
renins' • nicely nettled In choir home
atany change' hake taken plac.* shier
• Rol left ttert.Y, . but their lreittrn is a
• 'It!! OQ •
o alar
for $6:L§.
h se
T e . Hats are fresh,
.new, and extremely
smart, ' and are selected
from our regular stock.
ryS Specially ,Reduced
for Friday siwil
Saturday '
Sell -.
• tttg at •.
Miss -
Kingston. Street'
Mrs. If. dilll returned to her home
belt week atter spending cL few weeks
with her daughter, Al's. L. Tay1orr
51e regret to .say that Mrs. Dodd is not
enjoying as good 'health as her rn ane
friends 'Mob.,
Mita. Whiten ha* hi4+1, the pleasure
of a visit porn Me and Mrs. Jacobsor
and family, of ldsdin Mrs, Jacobson
Is' Its. Wilson's daughter and is en-
Jo>riog arta °siisit borne, 'thefirst tr<
eleven years.
Mr. Gro. Ryan has sold his farm
near Nile to Mr 4 eorite Irrvin, of Pun*
ganntan., While wvo are sorry to 'lose
Mr. and, Mrs. Ryan. We are 'pleased to
weleotne Mr. •and Mrs. Irwin back to•
Nile Once Vlore.
Rev. H. Royle announces that the
follov+,ing is his -program for December
services: Dee. 0, "Is it. right to dace '
Dee. 12, "Prohibition and Mr. Sprack-
linr Dec. 10, "Validly 'nays-Varnily
Religion;' 'Dec, wl;: "Christmas."
Thu members and friends of Nile Hp.
worth League. wont to Sheppardtote,
last_ i'ticsday. and 1rbh a leagic, meet-
ing'. The young people of.:+loppard-
ton, at the end lit the :program, outer=
tamed with rttftee and other refresh.
mints.. •
laonn forgot the l i tairment`'tii be
1held In Nil
p Nilechard).chard).+in Christmas eve.
' A s lendid program 'het. being prepared...
rorrsistintx of. . the+rt2ae:z, 'recitations
sal in tr. s special r ;Apart tt ( t
dLiitF e1 i, r
of the .prnd;rstitr iy the dramatisation at
A d:itristrnas Carol." peep thin date
hi trim!, Der. tit,
iter:.1,1I n.rmituitnn,t dortt1i;vvi=
in nolo Dhow last Monday.
Mrs..;..c,ha'ries ytraushan k visiting
friends in (ndertcltthis week.
Mr. Walter Petters and Mr: William
:of. Clinton, spent :iionrit't lr,
the %Maize, .
It is t' petted that the varlotts Sun-
day srhoottt of the village are to base"
Christmas .entertainments. w .
1Tr. ;,las, W. Meddand his sistert•<•
A1tts,.:.ttntngton. and Mrs,. Phillips, paid
a short visit: to Clinton last .aturdaY.
SO1111, AA tete farmettsin this locality
are taking.:advarttakte of .the present
mild weather.:anrd securing their dor-
nips. n p.s
Tho radios of hn0& church have a
t' rd Furniture at Bargain Prices.
1 fireside leatherette rocker,
-*OW.oad�..,,..;, ..812
1"single bets: and springs 0 00
1 mat.tretis, .nearly new
1 kitchen cupboard, white enamel
Ca dandy) . 10 00
2 washstands, each.:.:. ".K.:+ 3 00
1 sofa 00
1 Aitwalriut revolving oltlee chair.. 8 00•
i goal heater self feeder • 15 00
Caned seated
1 wvnl>yttt chest : of drawers ! 50
hwitehen . chairs..... .. .•��
1 walnut chest of drawers...—12 50,
This is Your opportunity to get some.
real snaps., WANTED
site Quebec heater, 1 Chest-
erfield suite nr a leather or leatherette
ening' and two eltairs to match.
rurntturo bought and sold. ''
11AltO1,T3 B3LACKST(1NI:,
Furniture Exchange, West St.
The release of 'Victory Bonds from Govern- ."
mint Control has temporarily disarranged
'the merry market and today investments are
at bargaincounter ptiees, Your orders will
have the best of attention through your local
dealer. •
Province of Ontario .x5 year, 6 per cent.
Gold. Bond repayable Dec. xst, x955; Interest
payable zst June and 1st Dec..
.price 94.34i yielding 6.6o per cent.,
Cenral ltusiti"pti Se h 1 e et � aso • P jm 316
0.-NNz 214
is Absolutely Essential
to Bodily Health
tttNtr the sorest way to 1ktailt
Root *Art is toiiay.a visit
to Hf stsn aid yarskass
year ragoirolookts is tkat sod
Boudoir Slippers
it2 Felt and Kid, in all the new and
poenit►r ebtt+•lcs.
Felt and Loather Slippers
?art anon, wontota and children. its all colors and designs.
Spats, and Overgaiters
alkg10o-, see our Tn•eedee boot top,
AceMsieis. $'e'% $lt3c3, Jcetellose and Rubbers of all hinds, also a,
fall range of g0041.calid, Atabstautisl leather gots and $hoeet these
mods will a t3nt-o terata, dr=y, comfortable feet at all 001410.
Prepare tier tilts 'Winter mew by purchssin* sit
Sharman's Shoe Store
w t�:"�►...Mw r+...
Sii:Ale cad dello4 wiltiis
in white fats ecru, suit.
*hie for tray*, ,centres,
cusbioos, scarfs; etc.
Singer Supplies
ipltt*ht *1** k
baaaar "this week • (Friday ' evening).
Tile- proceeds ore to be' applied to the,
missionary funds.. ....
Mrs. 'John +ymington had a 'guest
front ilamlhton the •1atl,or part of icor
week and 'the former part, of thiti
The lady returned home on Monday.
• 'Mr. and Mrs:' E dwward antce;r'a and
daughter, Lille, of .Welling"ton, Nos
Zealand,' were lashing friends in the
village: the past week. They left here
last Monday zest their return to .their
home. It s thi ' •ea ti 1 2-
tom i rt , r, shirt; .le
y � 1r;
(:rex went out there and, this tis'Jag
first 31811 here since.
ionto of the Masanle, fraternity. Aver...
at Carlow last Wednesday evening
Nov. 24thl. They; report Alie follow-:
MMR officers- elected -7f nr lhre* -marling
w, art 11, D. Arunro, W. M,; • M.. Sal -
lows, S. W,: M. Ailtn, l', W. Rev. Mr.
willl t,tr, •ehaplaln; Mr: ° gttlelsi til aa.'
tt N'tinttntx. serre'tary, V. 12"ikon tv-.
lc r lir, Weir and ,loo. Wilson,' midi -
tor.,.• ,1,.•
.Mrs. Puttock, of London, is lasing
:With her niece,: »Mrs.,Solomon iffy*,: and
her family.'
Andrew Rosie is ":keesping befell" for
ah,' present and attending the stock on
his brother's farm. (the Wm, Young;
farm). •
.[tris Ida Hawkins -spent a few •days
with her aunt, 2tirs, Gov. Green, Dodi•
rich, hast week, .;lir. limen being in
Toronto on business. .
'IJtr 1 pwortb League., of ;vile, to-
gether with 'their friends of the- Shen,
pardtonr. eimgregation, spent a :social
evening at tate elturelt here last Tues-
day evening with music, singing ane.'
tuttrtt:: ,
A fine more jobs will wind up the.
threshing In this section for the sea.
situ. , \2'Ilt Brown, with the. tractor, .t5
doing the barns where it is too mud-
dy to go with the steam engine and
fid doing good work. '
Mand avec. Orfln Ralph, of thner,
,'-aa., and their three children. arrnr
cal at their .sister's, Mil. ]harry VINO:—
ins', last Thursday and will spend the
winter With thorn and. their other rela-
tives and friends In these -,parts. one}
will also visit, Mn Hatp1t's old home
in Lampton(,ounl', 1.irw: ' ttaIph.
forinet'ly Mies olive roster, was one
of our . Stteppardton school -mates
'1'1tey. have 'hist .h. en -home ;here for.
five years.
Away 'With •Depression and 111rjin.
rholy.-?these- two evilr# are --the .ac-
companiment of .a .disordered stomach
and torpid liver, and means wretched.
news to all whom they visit. The sur-
est and sprediest way to combat there
is with - Parmelee's . Vegetable Tilts.
wwb1eh will restore the healthful action
of the stomach and bring relief, 'They.
have .proved their uaefnlness in thous-
an& of eases and will continue to give
relief to the ensfering who are Wise
enoltitit to use them. - '
outside Market Reportson page 3.
Wheat, 1'65 to •1 70
Floor, per cwt., bunny 5 50 to G 00
Flour, parte"nt 6 00 to 0 50
Bran, per ton 40 00 to 45 00
Shorts, per ton ''45 00 to 47 00
outs .c 40 to 45
70 to 0 75
Buckwheat , . 0 70 to 0 80
Bay, • 25 00 to a1 00
Butter pot lb- DLttrr 0 55 to 0.55
Eggs, per dozen ,. 0 02 to 0 62
Roga + 14 75 10 14 75
(loath), butchers choice8 00 to 0 00
Cattte.butohersortilnatry 05 00 to 06 00
Bologna, Bulls,. petllb... , 5 to ' 0
Lambs, per lb. .,�. 0' 09 to 010
Potatoes, now, per bang ,,., 1 00 to 1 00
Hides 500 to 500
Shoop 0 OG t00 00
for everyone
subjects to slit all tastes
in Minton, • Ansloa', Royal,
Doulton tylia they Old Willow
ell colors in dainty , candle
++hades .
Nicely einbrt3idetetl
I*arse and choice line of
!t'e invite you all to comb
sfA -fall our pretty things,
mit':tri dare
11E11011011R STORE
WE are stilt continuing our -sale,. ,, We have gone through the
stock and have marked eyery last article lower than it was
formerly priced. Some lines are reduced 20 per cent. such as
DRESS GOODS and allREADY-TO-WEAR. Other lines are re-
duced 15 per cent. and,.some tines ro per.' cent. You will ferns bar-
gains all over the store. This is an opportunity to buy Christmas
gifts at_.a _reduced. price.
Every day our customers are
taking advantage of the big re -duo- °
tion of 2Ia per cent, .in Coats AS-
you know we handle Northway gar -
infants and they are •known. for haw
•- iii arhtes•-besides -perfect .worlem
manshi and .always ,hold ..their
shape.. It will be.a pleasure to show
thesis garments and ' they are all
reduced 20 per cent.
all BLOUSES .are reduced 20 PER.; CENT. ' It will
pay`+ou tomake an inspection of these limes. •
Dress ods
The finest of French Serin either light or
Ka g
heavy weight in navy blue, brown, green, black, .etc,
all reduced 20 per cent.
Plaid Skirtingsreduced from , a.00 to $ a
A large range of 'Cloths suitable forseparate
skirts- or. children's dresses.' Those have all. been
marked: below••eost to -clear quickly. •
Be sure and inspect our. Dress Goods. before'
making your selection,
large • ran ge
of Dresses xx serge ,
tricotine and ,Jer-
sey in the season's''
latest designs and
the cloths -are -the
finest. A large
range has: been
marked down to
$27.50 each.
People have re-
r,z arked at the
wonderful values
.. siert'
Every pair of Cashmere
Hose have been reduced in
price. Children's Cashmere.
Hoseinwhite, tan and .black.•
all reduces in price.
Ladies' Cashmere Hose
• in all sizes and qualities all
reduced. iii pride.
Silk Hose' are very a.c-
eept-able for Christmas gift
We have Silk Hose in all
wanted shades, -of brown
grey, black, white,.sand and' .'
taupe, They have been . re-
duced from the original .sell-
ing price. You will find real
bargains ; in our Silk Hose.
Glove. Silk Hose on sale
a eria s a t . e
• M deal most as�tf. W
e t •,
.have a large range in all sizes of centres and 'doilies
in oval'or round shape.
Tray wanted. . size
... Cloths and Runners�in all at s
TheseP ieces are all Pure Linen and every
- _
piece is embroidered -by hand..Be sure and. inspect
. this line early as they are soon picked over..
1 es •
Every pair of Silk! Gloves
in the store r h ve 'been n medtteed
in price.'
, We carry Niagara Maid in
whiter grey, pongee, black and
taupe, They have all been re-'
dosed for Christmas Selling. a
Chamoisette Gloves all re.
duced in price.
All Kid Gloves reduced in
A large range of Bath Towels in many sizes,,
with colored borders.
' Hand Towels in linen, cotton or a mixture,
moderately priced. ;
.A range of TABLE LINEN niodtrately
...: we are showing at "� �'` priced.
• $27.50. Inspect `
them for yourself'
• " and be convinced.
They are all
- Handkerchiefs •
This is Handil;erchief season and we have
made preparations for the demands, ,for Handker-
Brom the very finest embroidered linen to the
plain cotton, we have a large range.
A wonderful assortment of ladies' Handker-
chiefs at 25c each.
•.Another' large' assortmen%of ladies 'Handker-
chiefs at 35e each..
Crepe de clone Handkerchiefs in very pretty
designs at 25c each.
Fine embroidered Handkerchiefs at 400, Sod,
60e, 75e, $x.00 and $x.z, each. '
Children's picture Handkerchiefs at lie and
roc each. ,
Men's e*celda Handkerchiefs at 5c each.
Plain linen Handkerchiefs in -ladies' and
men's in many qualities.`
Silk Underwear
OUR Silk Underwear has all been reduced in
price. Every Camisole is marked dower. We have
a wonderful range to choose -from in white, pink and
maize. • •
Combinations in silk and satin have been
reduced in price. A range to choose from that will
make buying easy.
Boudoir Caps prettily trimmed with 'lace in
many different shapes. • .
We want the people of Ooderich and in the country to make
thisstore their headquarters for Christmas Shopping. You will
find the prices lower than formerly and the qualities up to
standard. .
THE HOUSE OF comatimamigauseimmimacimmazgramariagma