HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-02, Page 5• 3PDMIRIFT posy ewe li .tiiiirg t.t to°:a1',•! iii Slogan: Slaitliti a toe Goderirlt, t re.••lu(e ,t trio fee inetauce . 'Ile More Travel Notes marl who will bps a�.1 lever* a elawietet t•�a yen the (ietaift'd v.itrtana et a tire; IN -sten a man lands in a hyo city itP cleaartment.�T stere waUld Iii Punic* taatut'ally inks tip 1ef� frtn;i� if 1 e '4 VOW what doyens could see. in a 1115 aria there. do is sa anxious tau trip t•• -the' ithettse. Nearly every cent, - Asteel -•r >. 1 t et -e ttteiti aiF, gene.-a,l�, th3t it, t r, a pf tli�m, hotnever, r , l 3 a l$l� Firyl ;Jplt'irtarniIY- of t;e',ttili' iii frail t•i ;a good lilac° to f,it+ �,:► 1 fi+t(Ei , tame: with them. :t a rule' lie Maks nivgelf on my first everting is f tile, ti. flat everyone, et thein wishes, right getting eft an elevated tri Z guide. coan- o�r the a 7s (bt sh to ct a P A tailor and showman. to sat nothing of i �i- s well fed into �, hi� ri e e, 1 n, t see h 1 7 V s t tlae (bargain. `lbereforas it is fine, n the first place, to have a great ninny friend., and, in the second to have lits of time. This is especially the carie if the visitor has an ineatiaustible a petite ler seeing all sorts of things, •' L'ause most men are interested chief. in one or two phases tenly of a rsty's life. The man who will take you out, and ahoy you buildinaa en4� construction work w14I. possibly fairy- "I haven't thee. to bother with the eex- ftibits at the art gallery and that"sort I thing, but 1 suppose you Witt tlr, s:'e them while you're here." The pian who takes .you to the art'galleryt; and the museum of natural hlator-y ttu�lne:. i�ilfitr cf fir^ ail iii• S\+iC�.? e FO R $TOi&CH TROUBLE IFP WINTERING BEES ! a►rrC yQtitdib'a:tK 11r.ns rr.l°T ii„iv,fC , iAlrii {'massaee, acid a eintetci :eve.i>ti o1; thele (tat• •, ^ ,bat vat trett,pnRniti ' , Solite insulating �Mattrislt& and ► l'i_tila.a Their Appreciation. • lie toy seconl ptiroeso tie atiilou e tiie•i i tC+ tib Uil'1 iit.ilt t. ltd 1 all tat Tuiel t=, the f•rs,tt i + si;ti etiie''':i5. 1;^ti`•-�'.'if, vast rr791 113 r s 1 ]•e .e ,it ,1t e1 Przee eeCi. a ,ses, to Eat *tot. sett I „i�� reeteriiti metes= e;ti:ily S al pao careeteter of hero. hut all aon-£onttuetitra are not neeesterily ar Tyi: �. <el�:11 tiria:? good isa:;ulatoiaa to istach e. or, at ilna t- all dews, , t Cork bast Dried Forest LpAtcs rate, oat nlrsa53 ciesirab les +? r sats t; ti�pan.. �t + t.e':'1• eyrie'+ - .1 Yry Are Better lir:ttli:ttar.s Baron tW(i(:(l faetore. Next to noti=eott4ttettritr iv: t *Why it r e or the X T t(� xi "tFr a 0 Nom, ka R CelAa i e U•• 1 � o � rt M .. iii bP 1 . !l t 1 A RI n �; c e3 9n t �tat�) tslwvin�,sor>tiart..ii . i.s(st I to keep g'omtatativcly dry lm moult street -whither 11iai1 romta from tht �-^ iet• i•.tuI.- In the *Litelntr�rtanta , 1 l the I weather conditions, 'Experts in beet' and t bands Aa c t A EE • . Jus1:. pas .--. s 'back theru alit start the Vicb.ola. Theta, "Ijn with the --dance!"' :That's how °easlt.it-ss•to• `lput•lifer:inr:.:. to the cventng!' when you ' have a Victrola. And good , dance Music is only one of the endless joys it llrings. Have you * Vice -eta?. Yee . can have -on tile! easiest of terms, Play Your Christina*' Ro orb on, a YICIRO sow sM . NAMES F.THOMSON N ,THE YUtItC STORE, Q�i;ftiERtC mlde l t e end of tiro tart'. was s limn. ;i awl alapi' hew %was it keening Say that l:fah moisture coin iatric late, sawing to nit' lack of farriitl> mriaa_) +r, ata=i ;111 tht' lai'IV was chin, tContributed u! ureaT�ronlpto?tisvnt oe tent in ttr� liivij ea tataat to the rated a elevated system, ni a e. ee.. i, fiat ehanEret sant s It (° .t ea alyseitteiv anon! arty with Se e felly #ecause I had been given kneels. china 4tiby4 rv,�ri' as ecarcv' a� hv'n':� IIf; reseilty ot^ the irelatSrci .=isles. >C,et isiputite that the stir in r (t directions, W d to y obliged t ail ve is but I Rot ere an toot,. owl the 1. i4 hero n o idle t, very n^Oast, slaty at art ztor- found nit letend waiting. We dave.t' Hire white waitresses. The changes mai temp n: and the temperas down the. stairs leading to the street however could trot have iutpaired tile t' tune ala i down several degree* ow - down and be8ail what always sremcit cooking, for the mysterious deli art its to #iltr(leQ4ate Prote>ettotl pr la - 'Ling to' me •like an obstacle rave% vis.. get* before me was the most satisfying and teats, 14)0.beanie the standard: log about 1114444,. and hes what ting tr©m one part of the eat' to 4if palatdahi.' i %ixture 1 had eaten in a long Very one black regtanulate(i cork hritneua. The recent J. 'nett)* the nether cin Loot during the dish •bourn.'•• litre. I know there ryas chicken. spag. 0„ sante cmlldThe We MI 'have eta►`t41e. It doesn't matter At it is on1Y a icry Coars black repranulated cork. $5. air. ii[oltture• congeal* on the outside. Forest leave* (well dried). lit of the jug. and It becomes cold mid' Granulated cork, light ter. _asturat s visimtmy and the water drips tram it color. This lir the ;grade ueuxlty oiled awl. mZZ.04 st than dew sloe tanned« non -conductivity of moue bei: - laavve ambulating materials are riven below as the result a heat, tether and rome hurt of nuke in Rios farad), Li served melte* outside of t~ waiter Jug it, but there were other Oriental in- Chopped areae. 8C, s Ailed with cold Rater and set invert* gredients that 1 couldn't guess the, names of. Then we list some sort of fruit seat With a Chinese Baine aur". I would have sworn that one piece of it I put in in Mouth .was nothing less than a piece of raw carrot, but when 1 tasted it Yum, yum.. You may talk shout Erenett coolcang, and 'Italian cookleff, but when I . can't get good Canadian as a steady diet ,1 teat ready to go Chinese any day.. ° ,DERatetT OfeEVOY. blocks, there always seem to be thou• wands of people rushing in the ossa' alien direction to the one 1 am going in end. when 1 stet to * etteet croseing 1 think it is dollars to doughnuts that P11 get my nose shaved by an ilutomo- :bile going one ovay at thirty miles an hour while the calves of my leak will be brushed Witte; mud gnardra of ae nattier going at sixty miles an hour in the 'other dlreetion. ' After -five five . minutes. of desperate pal- lettation of the heart on my parts we arrived, at this portals ,of a mia;ht+*V 3iuildink,, and in we went. Thai great bap echoed as we walked aeross the marble floors. to the 'elevator. One hundred feet away on the street the noisy erovvd surged bit, but here was.; �• ypeaee, and quietness. The thousart 11 and the varied uses to which it can be or .,more people whet work on nffice put_ tnai(4 it the • poor men's-. friends - _y . , .t without complete It t4 ask is m 1 ad outs ire stook h cif time h g ivo def s p titin the e � slate swell lthe (Street '+crowds.. Only suer E+levator" marl -:-add -'t 13 e- scrub \VQmen were 'busy.. though ,the place wits lighted from garret to basement.. "I felt glad when .the elevator stopped at the toP floor,' I was afraid it WaSW&Ing to. heaven, and •1 di'dn't feel "th",ta 1 wanted to go that way. Aly, friend is proud +of his liminess,. and while be was attending to a few matters which had. accumulated: an his desk in hie 'absence be eXplained the working of - "" it tb tie. While I was listening to Get it men package Of Hamburk Abe _latest _methodr� _of, extraeetiiig t iirf _.Dr t gh,.at_any, phar'maCy.: -Tike 3 - !from the coffers of other btisiiies+s tablespoanfnl a! the regi, put a cup of men who are keen to icer v tate fol'-. boiling water upon it, pour through a4 'their money, 1 thought of a lit ,le. farm sieve and drink a :teacup toll at any back 'i (oderich etownship On email time duringthe dayer before retiring «. in -deaf that I was Baring,' It lathe most effetive way to brook a` about '"just for instance," as "a1 little cold and cure grip, its it opens the tiling 1 closed ui . today,'" messiii 'much as the vnlhe of 01x snob f and when big steals were under • sideration 1 found myself monde boys mach 1 could buy • of the to a, cold, or the.grip, it is inexpeaizivo s flip if 1 had flit money, represen ed and entirely -vegetable, therefore salt by pulling .off one of the. deals 1 h d and harmless. got nearly to Holmesville when 1 w _ wakened 'from my reverie by •.a sug :sgestion that "something to eat' was in 'order, and the question "Can you go Chinesef." Nov : a man • gets fust .as hungry'wilen- he is tramping the ""gut- ty 'pavin' stores'' as Kipling Calle there in a big city as he does ;when he. walks .. e tri 3i Ori n e The 'Pear glen's Friend. -Fut up 114 small bottles that are easily portable and sold for a very small sum. Dr Thomas' Eeleetrle Oil possesses povw'er 1 ass In Canirentratnd item. Its c ieaPtt it.. Dentia --that ,� wide ,rnOuSir, ma» dam, I shall stank outside svltile_draw• ins the tooth: IMAABAltbota an .lacking *bout 1ntported Malaga The pkyijcat raaaon fur tbMe sits grapes tar instance, g;• " neatens. is the fact that eald Mr can" • 4.10 grade Eraauleted' eork (nat- not hold ,In the lnr+lsiible or Tailor ural eo or), It looks similar to lege» form as much moisture. ad warm ate tae arms ing 'n• pores of the firma, relieving congestion. ,Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a. cold from theiiritem, .Try it tics melt time you suffer trona all, day bh d lit i iii eountrrt So '1 was reedy; to go Chinese or any other sort of cooking, Atter another obstacle race we came to a stairway, all ecorated-with gold dragons on a black 'hack ground.. at the top of which was a great big room which made me_ think of some pie•' tures 1 vad seen of a Chinese.rinand,- arin's-manslon. The chairs and tables were covered .all over with .grotesque. Chinese animals .of a pre=historie age. "'arid there vecte;an aroma of ,cooked eat- ables quite' different to anything you would expect from a Canadian kitchen .hale friend ordered two servings of what 'sounded like "young..Jew" and while we were waitingfor it to lee served, he lamented the changes that haft taken place in the restaurant since he .first began patronizing it yeariol ago. At that time a very aged China; • tBACKAGIIE AND LUMOAGO IIIGHT OUT mil ^ ending one but it Is it little eoarcer Horns or the moisture held at high is graim'and lighter in weight, 80a tsutperature Must appear as drop* 01 sawdust,very dry and tram well water at the lower temperature,or tit other Words there is a rata, and * *tenoned and clean lumber. fig. - b xreleior-grade used in paciting rain in * bee -hive Is +t omelette wet. poxes, 60. tar, but it eau be prevented by =coax Thome shavings, 60. • trotftng' the temperature• inside the • a The lesson of this table' is that. the hive, herein exists tine of the most fine Maedi cork dust is the poorest:.inneortent twee of flies insolation conductor of heat or^the hest hien about the hive, Other remota* *by' lator so far as the resistance) of theI an Insulation should not absorb mot*- paosage of heat is earlrer'ned, and ture are thgt .moisture Increases 'thee planer shavings is_tbe beat conductor eotlduet#vlty-• of thee insular oak -f of heat, and therefot'e the poorest la* heat and stem makes 'it more liable sulator of the niliee sttbstanrea tested. to . deterioration and decay. A, good The fact eiteuld be emphasized that cold mexhn regarding success saga, these results 'do Oct' tell us anything 'Keep your ,powder dry." With equal abbot the ,substances except thole emphasis 'it nlav bt} said: "Keep your power to vosaucthat if they were tried; out as lnattle» tion for bee,htves we would arrange them differently than as given abpYe. Bit Pain :and' Stiiiuesisi opwalr frith -a small bottle of. old Mutest • St :swots Oil Wb.:. your hack is Bore and lame or limb. _ •,.. sciatiCt4. -or rheumatism . has you et' i ened 'up,: don't' auger t Get a 35 cent ••tele of old, helmet SI.. Jacobs' Oil" et y drug store, pour a little: in your and and rub it right into the pain ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lameness, a>5a# UALJTY" i bila t(lthei -`; a�,i'.t? 4 ti. cyiZMI tile * tit Lt FE•BUOY RUBBERS leas hest b Ii Nu tisatteei fatavi ciittl;c-,t4t; it hilts I o to flet tato Ii.ci:er: m+Mesall or sli9lka Palin' tlte7o LAS leen tris itd>r iii' tlaolit or Werkotassii No Sit 4 y in ©rice C�:i dire the wields Rubber Footwear to lit,tll .lar owl shapes of shoes and heavy Rubbers that will wear MtK' than Mty others tin the market. The paella are most res.eorz ib)e' t r$aiteers. Fait Sit alta Shipp aro Prow is swig insolation dry ..i'1:Ant Would protect your bees' well and give theme a fair chance to isueeeed " • Of the sxl)stenres listed in the is gone. Don't eta • crippled! This 'seething, penetrating • 1 needs to - be., need only owe. It take: the aale and pain right odt of your b k and ends the' misery. It isnisgical, et• absolutely. harmless and doesn't burn the akin. Nothing else ie lumbago, sciatica and lnm .b+ •so promptly! CANADA • r• HONORS GLORIOUSGLORIOUS1)IaAI),-In all P iK . art* of the. Ibnhittnioit Citi - tens paid honiage on Armistice Day to itis menwho gave Mtge lives for the•. Empire iii F ran@e and floral tributes drrorzted ccnutapisti anal.mofronen'ts 1 in lrorit of tearable tat gfanulsitt dcork.'afoot leave* (it dried for one year *bead) Sad bsMiote .the ut•-b ramisurSad ini- tially id . tea green and dirty to rte very dry at the terry beet, and.deesy' •istd in rapidly, and chopped . straw unloose very' well ripened and cured may be olyscttouable in the Matte war aur sawdust. Then, too, rata and rite are set to bother It *eriou*1t'•, The.._ insulation:aiu*t be odorleees, else, the be14.way.)eave the hives,;_ It mag: be readily aralilabiu and reasonably chest, and in these particulars for - shaving' "Isared, •chopped straw and planer sharing are ioretnoat. It aiijo should be easy and agreeable to handle and pack- in poultion, and .not subject to *pontaneaud combustion,, Thirdly, theMath reason for insu- lating the hives, especially_ in ,tate winter *ca*on under outside condi- tions, le to ,conserve the bees 0W11 Warmth so that they_ ran live route faxtsriily iiiad WI kava `to-earrart . xtra " ordinary anioullt of feed in order to maintain a normal-temperature...The bees get their warmth and energy froth the food eaten, and it le the function of .the ltfiit And the extra insulation to keep this heat from bee lug wasted in cold weather' inthe surrounding atmosphere. , Ar ; ('eond reason ie to maintain an evert tem- perature in, thee hive, and this per. tains both to summer and, winter, or to any season in feet. 'Plies insulation. asstets in preventing extremes of temperature in Ore hive aa. a large body of water 'dote to the adjactsnt- land areas, Another' reason, end licit .the.I'eas'b beeause mentioned last, is that a good ,insulating around the hirreas; provides a drier, and therefore a healthier and. in all respeetsi a bet- ter •atmosspiterti for, the bees• then ceuld be'possible :.otlterieit;e Surely these ar' s ufitriently 'good ,reaeeoni; *by a hive tiheuld be tarot''ett•el by an efficient insulation.. flex e1}eif aril a fine exce1t13or knowit as. Woo 1 tr nett -may `:11oa prove good in atlatione tui bee-hlccrt �tl. lt• Grattan., to. lege: Gaelih: in practically every town- and city. ,Photo shows the refVtap i Toronto's City Halt: Heel Asthma Retie! !1t T t o het lugtae1';tltri(a„C1e tnr,�ty been advertised b.• rvtta',aiant stat.1nn:nts. Frim'* Perfettft. There'd *0 *tt► Mee Vat Foxtrot%» •' Nothiag eo dteb • e endurtfl sore so Te An appOil*Mssssisa# tts<r!r .o- lt'krdtlrlia amine you Portraits far fife *Mal_ time..•A.p . FJGL Photo tOttetitir Hs' K'inhne: .ei>usemitiso intle •eel when judged hy the .eller wheel it afford,,, ; Exi t of rear relief and • per- manent mitni'nt bene*it when Yoe •hu.• tide rennet). • and you is111.not have enuso for di,alipointntrent. It gheee perman- ent relief in many, eases.. E OFFER: i'f0e4I7il;k: *0` .rir mita Seo; Iti91.40a true Jana. ii>. ibd0. principal .and halt- .yearly alt.•.'arty 'interest tJotte'IS and December i;>' Payable at Toronto or identities L. Pelee S9:1.72 Sat bitereal,. 'ykitWirle Plit1V'INt'I: Ui` S .SKs%TCil$W.%N Ili 110,SO)R, Flue Oct, .1, 1940. isrinelp uta! ltutfac'arty,'interest Bitot. 1 and :1prU 'I: Payable at Toronto, Motitre lir 'lealna, Pelee, lord- end latertet, leldiwilt . G la's. t:.IN 101 AN N1lltTltl:f ? RAILWAY d#I uuNfts, guaranteed iiiteontlittotlally bp' the Province of itattit.obae flare Dans Jtl io'la. Interest payable half=yearly. to is=;dada* or NeW York. Price SMJ.it* alid. Interest, y%Cltlhsg DOMINION Or -CANttlit. .d 8O'V�lt$. s Kat, ri by' tam Grand Trunk Pae fly itti aleay Coitipainy. aloe ,Tari. 1, _�M,• I>r olepal and ltnlf*yearly Interest (den. 1 ,; tui :idly it payable at ' ti'#tlntr+err:H v" tt etielt (it" *.onion, Eng.,. Klee. �,: ,`x : kitiII. 'Aitl!irtrSt, "4� #elt/ilrstlt G.20'r,, d . • O. R. RMPERETON 4 COMPANY tioverntnent, MuntctpaI audCotrporas(t#oa BOOS ildiil Dominion Batik 10R0*10, C al • r hristrnas Suggestions-- hopping Days Before Christtna SPECIAL WEEK SALE, BEGINNING DEC. 4th • ... eco ra i rig., and Toys is complete. a carry a complete as + r Our assortment of C};�istmae,,.. � , - . merit of SATIN and TAFFETA RIBBONS � N • Genuine Cut Glass Ware Out Glass P'itohers, i pt. and 1 qt. Out Mihir.0eler1' Tray CutiGlatuii Tumblers w.$1.04 fir♦+..-«.:�i •*r.•., .19 Cut Glees Sugar Bowl, with Silver spoon' ne. Cover .. $1,04 pe"' pr. 1.00 $1.00 Cat Glass Bastard Pot witlt Silver Cover • et • . • •. •... ',89 Cut iflk lel Salt :rezrld Pepper, Silver said Pearl T Cuff Mats Bonbon Dish,. 6 in. x, Cut Glass Bonbon Disci, 2 handles .. , . • r Cut Glass Water Bottle and Tumbler, Cut Glaris Flower" Y. ase, 12u/d in. Cut 01axs Ciil or Vinegar Bottle Cut Glass Candlestick Cut Glass.- Vase, 6 -in, • , : .41.00 complete . I ' $1.00 $1„40 - .69- .69' ,39 Holly 1 reales, ' artificial - a`25r_. Poiusetta, Red Velvet 15c and 19c Ohriistrn t -crepe Paper, te0, green, white anti assorted • colors, per roll ... • .••.•..........•••••........ .15 Tint Mechanical Toys 'Wood's Airplane, 10 x 12 Runaway "'te$tfft Rollie Boal Xart, walking flay ..:.. Pangee, the /Wny dancer . • , 79 Automobile Touring Car ........ ... r 20 Automobile Limousine • ......... «, .. .89 Horse and Cart ° 1`' Tanks with Cannon ... ...... • • .... n •2b Zip., the climbing 'monkey +, . ;1.40 .19 .69 , Stuffed Dolls and Toys Shoe Button Sue, 15 . ins. . , ......... '''Buddy Cuddles Family Peter Rabbit e' - i*eter Rabbit 'liootte,, the awl 'Mete Billy POSSUM Duster Bear li itty Cat "%iopn3 Biuiny' > Flnp<sy Bunny Prickly Porky . • Grandfather Frog Nappy .lack ' hawser, the Round 9e Christinas Cards . Christmas Postcards, 6 for 50i to 3 for 25c .Christmas Tags and $eels, pkg......... - 6c 1921 Calendars, fancy .. , ..'. • .15c and 19c - Christmas Tree Decorations Christman Stockings ........ • 15c and 19c Christmas Crackers 9 for .10 Christmas Tree Candles 4 for .5 Silver Tinsel, per yd. 50, 2 for .16, .10, .15 Tinsel Tree Ornaments : 3 for So to 15c Silver Ribbon Icicles, 2 plugs....... • • • .25 Green and Red Christmas Bella*2 for .5 to .29 Green and Red Garlands 5o to 140.« Childs' Set, Kn `e, -Pork and 1 Spoon :: .. 3 i Aluminum Ware Aluminum Pudding Bowls, 3 to seta per of . r Aluminum Lip Sauce Ps.ns, sine 14 tela' ; . r ,.« . «... r, .'.ill• Aluminum Pudding Pans 11/2.qt, ., . - . , , , .,,...y» „ ,59 Aluminum Pudding . Pans, 2.qt« . , « ... « .'... ,.. • r .89 Aluminum Pudding Palls, 4.qt Aluminum Pudding 1Pans, 6.qt.. '. ...... r r •'•r « r r.• . 1,00. Aluminum Jelly Molds, 1.qt., fancy.;. ,, « . • • .: «.. « .59 Alurninum$ottp Ladled . . • « «. •.....• .. • . .39 Aluminum"Leg or Fish. Turners « . «.., , . rr • .25 .»35 Aluminum scat,, p>e. Pani, individl>id .19 • Aluminum /*astiring Cups Aluminum Funnels, 1.pt Aluminum Salt and Poppers ...:.. « .... , ..... .2 tor .10 Aluminum Jelly Molds, individuail . • . , • ...... , .. , ,2 for .15 Aluminum Cake Plates, 2 illi deep, loose bowing , .. .79 Aluminum Pie Plates, Erin., shallow . * ..1...... 9 • .39 Aluminum Pie Plates, 10.in.. deep ........ • . • ..:.. :49 .Alttininitnn Jelly Plates, 9• and 1(. in. • • ... , ..... , , . , ` ;33 Dolly's Nursing Set, • per set (Rattle, Bottle, Pacifier, Celluloid Don) 15c Our Special •boll, 0•lti., dreSeed • . 0°. a , u o • o P t a • I , el. ,Gal Boyo' Wood Sleigiit, 10 by 30 in. .10 1 y[3' Wood Sleighs. 10 by 36 in. $1.00 kw t wood: 30 int high 35 7, c.i1ble Bucks, wool ... • . , ..... .....:$1.69 i Goderic tL.Jia4r.o�.