HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-20, Page 5THE extte tt 1s published everyre ThuOfficrsday Morning, SLAIN -STREET, - EXETER. -Sy the---- AQVOCATe RUBeISHtNG COMPANY TRIMS Q1 sUI3sORU Trox. One Doiiar p t �O if not if a paid is Advance S7sa raxtes --'mates ora .4.7p1ke a„ Ito peperdieeontinnedeutil all arreerages eta laid- Advertisements without seecifse d•areetions will be publishett till forbid and ehaegeaaouoraingty. Liberal diseonnti ede e s - s rted for for transoient aa,vextesem nt nn e long eeriods. Every deneriptien a# Jol3 Pi INTIN 3 turned out iu the attest stylet and at moderate rates. Chew:tes,xnoneyinele s e. o.to a t id" i cat , o fax' advert n subscript t s&, r a n er g, p beraadopavableto •�• alias,1 ', Sanders, EDITOR Aar, PR()P reee:~SIOua Carat e. 1I, KINSMAN, L.I.B. & Dai. A. R, EINSate.N, L D. S., D.11 ti., lioinQr greivatcofToronto [:nisersity. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any rain, or an bid effects. Office in Fanson':a Bloch, west side Hain Street, Exeter. It V. % TON alaa Manors Graduate of the Toronto Lan - 'eine and Royal College of Pontal Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pace All modes of Dentistry up to (late. over Elliotlotel-Exeter. li s law office -opposite vele tea att4lianl ra, J A- ROI4LINS '1` A. AMOS, Iteseteuecs, same as formerly OF1!IOES, Spttekmatt, huiltling.'klein St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north tlooe..Dr. snow office:SAWN building --south door. ?Eras 1st- 1890 A RQUitns. M. D. T. A. Amos, li-li lllt.'1.',I', mcx,A.Utilllit f,-• MEalBRR, OF .L! the College of Phvsielans arni Surfieelta u&!eiiodstn and Acoanch=Sr O&cawo. s EXETER a iiiD) i STR4TE� Y ; Ii' iknard'sh inU ructions been xDore sweep - BOARD � � ing he could have brought the two Mee ao on the noes (Changed every Wednesday) n 1 Wbeet per bushel el11to 1.18 Flour per cwt 1larloy Oats Peas4 B tte z PAs atoes perbag Hay per ton Dried Apples per lb 3.00 TO BE ABOLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. 35 to 40 31 to 3:i 50 to. 02 a2to 13 76 to S0 7.00 to 8,00 Sse al, 1()� H, S1Ol LINS, IlAl1Lt1STFR,SOLICIT- .Lb, qui„ Couvoyauet'r, :Jotary Public. Offioo-Over O'Neire Bank, Fxet.er,Ottterio. Money to Ieeara, x U.DICRSON.BARRISTER,ROLICITOR: fi of Soprem@ (alert, Yo#Notary Pub ile, COW, vevaaeon,Qouiraieeloneen ate, Money to loan Uftice--Fatusom'sIlioolt,l Teter raLIOT ,9F OI.AI)MAN. HA.RRTaTERS, Rto , Oouveveneers, stmt dioue4 t"l moan at 5 and ele per 4E10t, R. Y.Nr.1-lo•r. F. W CsG>n'.IACt. �i►tierlosne(tr:t mise DROWN, Moensed Anot- 7,1. loner for the Counties of Perth and Ylddresex, leleo for the township ofrshorne Sales promptly atiendetltoand terms roe - eon ha,le.Seaeearranged at Post office. Win- e1 01e01 . [tttitlrane E F,IimoT, Ineurance Agent. Bute St. WANTED, Il1ELP. Iteti:Vela mau la every locality, local or travelling, to intoil nen a now di:woven, and keep our suow el ,1 tao red up air tree„ esusetsl and bridges throughout town and country. o salary, 0 nnli,aaron r r d em le ntent, c t sten A ny �3Gi per month and expenses, and money tle- osited in any bank when:starte'd. Icor ear- iculars write" rhe World Medical Electric do.," London. Ont., Canada. 0-2 03 Horrors of Dyspepsia Sour Stomach, Heart Palp%ta ■ tion, Nervous, Sleepless Po ItleHousework. Lilt AI t H ire a41 How —What Cured Her. The excellent qualities of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a stomach tonic and appetizer enable it to relieve and cure dyspepsia even when cure seems hope- less, Read Air,. Willett's letters; 440. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.: cs Gentletnon:--I have been sick for about six years with dys- Letter Pepsis with all its horrible nightmares, such as sour No. 1 stomach, flatulency, palpi- tation of the heart, insom- nia, etc., and all that time 1 have tried almost every 1 oow'n remedy and the befit doctors in the state, but nothing did me any good. 1 was very Weak and Nervous. About five mouths ago 1 commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after using Pave bottles I am tulle to do all :ley housoworkz and feel better than :1 have in several years. Also, )ay husband bad pneumonia, last win - tor and his blood got vexy bad; he had rheumatism and could scarcely walk, lie commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and an a. short time he was better in every way, his rheum - has left hills awl is in better health than fora ion time." bS:ts, W. J. 'iirrl,LETr, Aft. Holly, N. G. Still Prale ni g Hood's. 440. 1. Hood Su Co., Lowell, glass.. "Do,'w S.Irst•--1 on still praiQing Hood's Sarsaparilla for the Letter great benefit both. myself and husband derived from No. 2 its use and 1 do not lle4tate. to Fay it is the best medicine wre have ever used in our family," MRS, W. J, WIla.ia•I•a', Mt. Holly, I. C. TUE 11/131710 a 11 AMR ISDN Basin ens and Shorthand College Cor- Young and. College Sts„Toronto is an absolutely first-class Businese $ehool Inaaviduel instruction by exprerienced tete:h- ors Melding higbeetenaltfeatione. Coo re- eults. Prospectus evened free, Enter now. R. 1). Nina ma 1'`.:11,1',14. Jus. I;larrl$ou 1!rlucitlaitt 2tnder>;raduate otTornnio ot'P. n ti S. L nlyUraitw a a ' 7ooa's Phosph©di1e, The Great .English Remedy. = Sold anti recommended by all fr druggists in n C a na da, Only r ol i .�. �able medicine discovered. Si1x • packages guaranteed tocure a 1 Perms of Sexual Weakness, all clients -0i abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt of price, one package Sl, six, S5. One wilt please, saxs000h1aYso,The WdCompny,WindrOnt. o'9 PhO51 In is. sola in Exeter b y \ .hado J. W. Browing, druggist. .. FARMERS! Sarsaparilla the °he True Diced Parilier, Sold a,y nil druggists. Si; six tor,5. cure :ill liver 1113 and Hood's Pills Sink IIoauacbe, 230. FOR TWF. TY SEVEN VEaR• 7 You will find at I3isset's Warerooms the following lisle of Agricultural Implements . Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and fall Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. Thd celebrated Raymond sewing machince.... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. Gurney stoves and furnaces B TYG I S w A 0 N• S and ,kaOriii;71 THECOO SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE Ih CA -.AD .. lWerty Years' Sente:loe, Discretionary Powers to be Given to Na- val Commanders -Every Cubau Tort to Be Attacked and 1.3ombarded East Silenced anti, Gunboats Sunk -War news. New York, May 17.—A Washington sp” 1 l to.the Journal says: President McKinley has abaudoned his peaceful blockade idea. Orders were telegraphed yesterday that give Cour1naude. Watson the right to fire on forti#e crtiAs where resistance is offered. Every Cuban fort that is strongly protected will be attacked and bombarded, and kept up un•7il the L axtt batteries are silenced and the gLebo sunk. The Board of Strategy is to be Abolished and Davol officers thearsselves will reap out their line of action rand de fighting in their own way, except in so far A: the Navy Department ruay give oraels es to policies. TUE TIitiNniERUki TALI S. Spain's Ropes Revived, out There as 14'othing to. Gate by a i'rolonged rtee atence. London, May 17.-.,Tbe Times says: ^"The indecisive nature of the (milted States' Offensive measures against Cuba and Porto Rico, and the moral effect ex- ercised by the sudden appearance of the Spanish fleet, have restored the0onlIdenee of the Spanish people and encouraged there to Continua the struggle, We de not believe that Spain will gain anything by prolonging her resistance, which must be overborne by the superior power of the 'United .hates, but we are bound to re- spect the national spirit which contends more for the maintenance of honor 'than. the hope of victory. "We do not doubt that the people of the United states will be able to wrench Cuba from the grasp of Spain, when they have established their neavl ascendnnoy in West Indian wafters, but they will have to do the work mainly by them - solves, The Cuban rebels will give thorn little help, though it is possible they may be troublesome enough afterw lards. "Wbat is called the bombardment of Manila has lest to no satisfactory results whatever, The shelling of Spanish forts in Cuba and Porto Rico has not brought nearer by an hour the surrender of these islands. "The insurgents h;<wo been unwilling or unable to afford any energetle aid to the attacking force. Even small bodies of diseiplinall r 1.fisit troops hove sufficed to repel invasion when the invaders had no organized military forces at their emu mond. "This hi evidently admitted at Manila, where aggressive operations have been practically suspended, until the L'.,000 troops now bole„ mobilized at San Fran- cisco can he transported to the Philippines, "In time, of course, the United States will be able to bring out their immense, almost inexhaustible resources of nielltary r n. and naval strength, batt for the rano n@ It nothing decisive can be looked for so long as Admiral Cervora's deet is in being and while the American army is in process of reenufeeture, "Ono fact is abundantly established which must work for peace, The idea of any European intervention to coerce the ands o abandon n the fe dem United States t A upon Spain was ailwasa scouted in this country, and is now given up by almost all intelligent persons on this side of the Atlantic." Chatham, May 11.. --John 'Twohey, who attempted to kill Police Magis- trate Ileustall on Menden May 2, cared „ g L free Judge. d e L. tip for treaa.l this, meritingb f< t - Sell irealas faund guilty, and son- tet.ced to ttvetaty years in Kingston penitentiary T,vobry turned d,'i't17it 1,n1„ „l„'r• ohs a'ntentq l wee wawa. The Chatham Wagon and a full lint' of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies d ,iBILEts,pp 9 7 ■ • MADE ME A MA AJAX TABLETSPOSITIVELY CURE Norvotls'Diseases—Failing Mom. ory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, eta, caused by Abuse or other Excesses and India - orations. They o%ty ani surety' restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and fit a menhir stddy, ;business or marriage.. Prevent Insanity and Consuniption. if to en in time. Their use shows immediate improve- ment m rove-ment and effects a CUBE where all other fail In - aid upon having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They' have cured thousands and will cure you. We eve a pos- itive written guarantee to effect a cure 't� •'r . ,iu sine vw S per package; or six refund es (fulmoney.l rP package; or niwrapper. (£ell receiptof) rice. Ol0r lar mail. in plain „nae receipt of price. Circular iree.AJAX REMEDY CO.,'�ctd Yn°, Sold San ,Exeter' by C. Luta, Drnwsiift Lieut. Brainerd reports that the deeps of Havana were lined yesterday with angry peooie. Mr. Knight was advised by. Consul Collin not to land foe fear of mob violence, because he was brought over by a United States rnan-of-War. The war eor'respondeuts will likely reach Rey West this morning. STIRRIlt(, w0 Da.. 1ixr.. Chauncey ti, ])epees Tants on tlaa War e sa'.tu t[ sel�rost in'••o is n the l Il 4b 1 o of Tight Little Isle. New York, May 17.—Special Datrlotto services were held t night 1 1 the Delon Alothodise Church eu West 48th street for the Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Mr. Chauncey i ie n t, etv •e� s society, t M. D li alt c rt of the s the course often aticlress, referred to Otho proem% war situation and the friendship displayed by Great Britain for the United Status, "A• few years ago, lie said, "this country and Great Britain faced each other, ready et a nod to engage in mortal battle. To•daty the .English people stand our staunchest friends. 'We aro facing a mighty problem, and tido mighty tempta- tion of Patten:A aggrandizement. With Russia, Prance and Germany all claim- ing their share of the fay East, sbail we,. too, claim our share? My sympathy is in favor of territorial expansion, but my judgment is against it. This is problem we must settle for ourselves, however, and we have just had news of an at- tempted interference, What prevented the concert of Europe from ordering us out of the Philippines, or forcing war upon us; horn taking us by the throat as it took Turkey? Only Great Britain and the Englisa people. (Applause,) "The two great English-speaking conn- trios standing shoulder to shoulder are the, mast inspiring and magnificent Spec- tacle of the century. We spoounite as to the ultimate result of the war. Here al- ready i9 its result: The Uuiou of the Anglo• 1.. on raeo, of the only nations where there is government by the peoplo and liberty of the people; the nations shall stand together for peace, for lihertyt, for humanity, for civilization, and for the brothot'lrood of man." (Great applause.) reraticlahle w'essoie. Washington, May 17. --Tho Navy De- partment has authentic information that throe Spanish cruisers off Martinique came direct; from the Cadiz feet, and are not a part of Admiral Cervora's squad- ron. Tboy are 1181(1 to be the Princess de Austriathe Cataluna and Cardonnl Cis- neros, till first-class armored cruisers, and among the most formidable in tho Span- ish navy. a WRIiES OF spa A Book for Young and Old. OUR wEOi1RE RECInftY, ; pERYOUS ESP,.I$77 131_006' 250,0.00 RI. ; 5l't1N., q '” dISEASeD pRivAit LIEN DISEASES GHRF' • 250,000 CURED YOUNG 14F1 AN N $ave Son sinned f:6Hl® agoinst nature when ignorant of the terrible crime you wer000mmitting. Didyouonlveonsider the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? When too late to avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes opened to your peril? Did you later on in man- hood contract any PRIVATE or BLOOD disease? Woreyououred? Doyounow andthensee some alarming symptoms? s : dition? Yoknow your FATHEIR, LIKE, SON."I2 married. are you con - shinny living in droad? Is marriage a failure with you on account of any weak noes caused by early abuse or later ex- s tosses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This bookletwill point out to You the results of those crimes endpoint out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It ehowshowthousand shavebeen savedby our NE'IV TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. Wo treat and aurorEMISSIONS, V ARICOCELE , S YPHILIS, GLEET, ET, STRICTURE, IMPOTENOY,SE- CRET aRI" DRAINS'UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free le enclosing 20 stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME T1tE ATMENT. 37,5• KENNEDY& KERGAN Gar. Michigan Ave, and Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. 5 K=c K::::;K 73s K ::K 1 t,c Short of Ammunition. Washington. . May 17.—The Administra- tion bas reliable information that Gen- eral Blanco is short of ammunition. With his present supply he could not maintain a light for two days. All avail- •tble troops aro being rushed south for the intaslon of Cuba. fifteen thousand troops of :he department of the oast will ren- dezvoes at Camp Black. GONZA3.ES LISCASES. • •l IIs Saye- the Spanla.acs Aro MoreCruel Then Ever to the Cubanseelevery Able- ilodred Man :tiustlit�Itt, New York, May 17.--A Port au Prince, Hayti, special says: Francisco tionaales, a rebel leader, escaped from 13a1IVen, on the eaatcrn end of Cuba, lean open boat, i ulding rear Puerto Plata, flan Domingo, The Spaniards, lie says, are more crud than ever in Cuba, treating the poor Cu- bans as allies of the United States, and visiting upon them imprisonment, torture and starvation, Native Cubans 'will Muck to the Americas standard to fight Spain once troops land in Cuba. Tao Spaniards aro enlisting all mon capable Of bearing arms. Aid for Admiral Dewey. Washington, D.C., May 17.—Tho Navy Department issued the following bulletin at the close of office hours: "Ad°nriral Dewey was informed that officers, men and supplies would be sent out to Manila by the City of Pekin. About 12,000 troops will go. "Mr. Knight, correspondont of the London Times, having received the neces- sray permission from the Spanish Govern- ment to land at Havana, if convoyed to that port by a neutral vessel, has been granted permission by the Navy Depart- ment to_ take passage by the German Polaria, olaria, which vessel is given permission to pass the blockade. The de- partment hopes to make an exchange of peisonors at an early date." Telegraph Office Seized. Liverpool, May 17.—The telegraph office at the Island of ' Grand Canary, near the centre of The Canary Islands, the chief city of which is Las Palmas, has been seized by tho Spanish authori- ties. All telegrams, except the barest commercial messages, have been stopped. WIL.4,T 12O WA 1 7;•QIJNP. (Aloes fully bait the Sielsness in the world. Il rotates the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid iiver, iud1- eostlou, bad tastc, coated tongue, slek bra',lacho, fn- sommia, ete. hood's Pins cure consepatfon ane all its results, easily -and thoroughly. 200, A11 druggists. Prepared by C. 1. flood 4 Co., Lowelt, Mass. The 001y fills 10 take whir Hood's Sazsapar't1ia,. THE PAL CB, Bu13dto Death, eatll• "North Buxton, Kent County, May 3,2. —Aboutthree o'clock t i s morningint a house occupied by Mrs. Henderson, a widow, and her W year-old daughter, took fire and was totally destroyed., Mrs, Henderson aud the little girl were burned to death. No cause has yet been ascertained for the fire, An in- quest will be held, Dredging Goderiob Harbor. Goderiob, Out., May 17. --The Gov erument haying refused to give ordelS for dredging the, harbor until an amount is placed in thesuppkemeutary estimates to cover the ex pease. anal as the delay is causio ; meth. damage to thtselesator colnpauy, the dredge iawe- ers We commenced work, depending upon future payment when an appro. prlation 18 made. The Greed `rola officials, Measrs McGuigan., Fitzhugh, Ferguson and Manua, were here to day, closing arraogeUlOIlts for elevator and harbor track: laying, which will begirt to -morrow. VAiton NOCartiay Bead. Where wilt be 'wide spread regret throughout Canada at the untimely death of Mr. Vellum McCarthv, the well known lawyer and politician. Oa Sunday evening while driving to the Union station, Toronto, to take the train for Ottawa, his horse ran. away, and Mr. McCarthy was thrown out with. great violence and draggtd for nearly 100 yards, He was uuconseious when picked up and rallied but at in- tervals until Weduesday evening, when be died about 9 o'clock., Mel the news reached Ottawa Parliament was adjourned out of respect to hie memory, and sincere and eloquent tea timony was borne by the leaders of Rauh party to.ihe ability azld conscien- tious zeal of ono of Canada's ablest Sons, Suicide at Owen. Sound. TheDarine Licutonunt Crossed Cuba With re Single Guide. New York, May 17.—A despatch to the Tinges from Tampa, Fla., says: Lieut. A. S. Rowan has just acmpleted the re- port of his daring trip to the camp of General Garcia. The report has just been made to Col. A. S. Wagner; the head of the bureau of information of tiro army of invasion. Lieut. Rowan ventured a pass- age by sea of more than 300 mhos in an Open boat, twice running the gauntlet of the Spanish patrol boats, and going with a :eagle guide across the island, practic- ally in the presence of 40,000 Spanish soldiers. It Is said that Lieut, Rowan has brought to the army informatiau that, from a military paint of view, is invalu- able. Rept Under Close Guard. Atlanta, Ga., May 17.—The twenty Spanish officers and privates, prisoners at Fort. McPherson, are kept under olds° guard. Col. Cook expecte his present oolony to be augmented in a few days by the officers and crew of tee Spanish barque Rita, now at Savannah. Newspaper Allen Saved. New York, May 17.—A special despatch from Key West says: The World corres- in in Dort Cabanats �• i ]ri�onea , .nio:ots m, toba, are saved. General Blanco has conrtoonsiy acceded to representations made to him yesterday by 11 S. Special Government Agent, Lieut: Brainerd, U.S.A. As quickly as two Spanish otli• cors can reach Key West, they will bo taken to Havana under a white flag to be (a:olienated and tho World correspond - So Coal aal )� eliver •� St. Thanes, Daulslr West Indies, May 17.—An official announcement just issued by the Governor of the Island of St. Thomas prohibits the delivery of coal to the warships of the belligerent powers vors Without the previous permission of the Oovornor, who wilt determine the amount each vessel can receive, and will supervise. its delivery. The Spanish Cabinet. Madrid, May 17,—Senor Sagasta yes- terday afternoon visited the palace and formally handed to the Queen Regent the resignation of the Ministry. At 3.30 p.m, the Queen Regent charged Senor Sagasta to form a new Cabinet. Senor Sagasta believes the new Minis- try will bo formed by Wednesday next. Orders have been issued by Senor Sagasta countermanding the reception which was to have keen hold to• uerrow upon the occasion of the Ring's birthda•y, and he has instructed the Captains -General in all districts not to hold their usual receptions. "I AAI PIt 1Yi\G 701. YOU." One of tido Expressions in a Message to Mr. Gladstone From Princess of Wales. resulting from overwork, excesses of abuse, such as nervous debility, . ex hausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural drains and loses, lack of developement, etc., can write to him in strict eOnfi- dence and receive FREE OF CHARGE full instructions how to be thoroughly cured. NIP. Grebate himself was for a long time a' sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain mane advertised remedies, electric belts, etc,, became al- most entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided in an old Clergyman whose kind and honestadvice enabled him to speedily obtain a perfect and permanent cure. Knowing to his Bor- row, that so many poor suffers are be ing imposed upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers it his duty as an honest man and a firm be• kiever in Christain sympathy and kind ness, to give his fellow -men the benefit of his experience and assist them to a cure. Having nothing to sell, he asks for no money, the proud satisfaction of.. havilig done a great service to one in need, he rightly considers an arnplere- ward for his trouble. If you write to ,MrGraham you can rely upon being ; en red and upon absolute secrecy as r in tho Cemetery. Well, ents will be brought basil"to Key West reit vasa Address as above, enctlosing �a stamp: by the same speceel.steamer. Brantford, May 17.—While Mrs. Robert The London bines well known serves- \ etmore, aged 61, was in the cemetery pendent, Knight,. and the 13ritlsh Consul, yesterdaq afternoon, waiting for the arri• Gollin, in Havana, .anted vigorously in vel. of a funeral, slie fell dead; euppaasetl the matter. It is believed that had Iaieui)• . cause, heart• failure i 0 T H 1 r• wa. A halt must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy where he can 40 the best. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds 82.00 Suits Qvtrcoats 8.09 Mack Worsted suits a spec- ial, 512,00 Our 820 blacks Leat all Others at $23, Come and see for yourself, Owen Sound, Out., May 15. --The citi- zons of this town were startled Satur, day night to learnthat Mr. O. Mowat, for nano years cashier at the Bulk of Hamilton here, committed suicide by shooting himself yesterday. The de ceased had two bad attacks of heart failure within two mouths, the last about ten days ago, rendering him in- capable of carrying on his duties as teller. He was last seen alive Satur- day moruin;, about 6.80, when he told the porter at the Seldon house, where he bad lived for over ten years, that be was going to the bank, and net to keep breakfast for him. When he did not turn up for dinner, his Mtn twa8 searched, but he was u0t there, and everything seemed all right. .After tea the junior clerk, who sleeps at the hen:, found the place chilly-, and ed tl - tered the baserneut to put on a lira'• He was horrified to fired the dead bialy of the cashier with a ballet hole it, the temple. It was evident the decd was done before banking hours. The i u - Spector of the bank paid a visit to this branch during the week, and it is stated his books are satisfactory-. De ceased was n bout 53 sears old and un- married. He was well connected, be- ing a nephew of Sir Oliver Mowat, and was very much rt.pe-cted by the pat roes of rho baulk and all who knew AMES II, ORIENT him John Doyle, a Hamilton telegraph operator, was killed on the G, T. Ii track at Brantford. iolyc ! i Bicycles l t.Illi R • k l s x at Bicycle Pleasure, Are you seeetttug Bic'c%e pleasure if so, you should seek first a geed We 't an furnish you wheel, Zoo fu sh o anyt eo E , the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical tine. We have a ehalce lot of Pianos and organs, tell and in s1 e4 ttlemboforabu buying elsewhere A full, stock Of sewing maCbinl'F, baby cat. ridges, etc. etc, A RELIABLE OFFER. Honest Help nate To Meet. The Exeter ADVOOATE is authorized to state by Mr. D. Graham, 13ox 1313, Iiagersville:Ont., that any Dian who is nervous and debiliated or whois suffer- ing from any of the various troubles Hawarden, May 17.—Mr. Gladstone has been so much relieved during the day that no bulletin was issued last night. One of his medical attendants says that morphia is now planed beneath the tongue, Mr. Gladstone is not suffering so much pain now as he suffered last au- tumn. The Queen bas written Mrs. Gladstone, making enquiries and tendering assar- atnces of profound sympathy. Yesterday a long • telegram wits received from the Princess of Wales, in which occur the words: "I am praying or you." W7eon 7isbers nay wish. Toronto, May 17. --The close season for fish is: Bass, April 15 to Juno 15; mask - Menge, April 15 to June lo; pickerel ` speckled re A 16 to May 15; (doren April p trout, Sept. 15 to May 1; salinon trout, Nov. 1 to Nov. 30; white fish, Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. Both dates are inclusive, and fish may . not be legally caught, sold or possessed: After Juno maskinongo may be'caught in lbioe Lake:. • • How Hr. Gladstone Will Die. Hawarden, May 17.—Dr. Dovio, who is attending Mr. Gladstone, says his die- tingtuished patient may last a fortnight. The local malady will not kill him, but he will gradually get weaker aled weaker and die of heart failure, Perkins & ¢.14.1.511.1141•1.1•61.11111/...•0110.1.........0.10.,"...""••••-••••• THE 11AL 1y, Try (VI.1AN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Calas and Lronchialtroubie in old ttr young. iB e, ;Uannfaetare- t WINEB'S It1t T which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The 01(1 E:clial►le, B5'inan?s Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh:s on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLE AGENTS volt DIX LUNG SYRUP. C. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. avid refer to the Exeter ADVOCATE, No attention however will be given to 'hose writing out of mere curiosity, 1 neeefore Mete that you regally geed 'a I cure: 11 LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo oa our floors, and the new things have crowded. every tr foot of 081 large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as neat as possible the first choice of new assortments. OtIr week of Fur- niture iiiture of all kinds was never 5, more complete. Purchasers get the vas from •r us always S LOWEST PEACES ndihe ? .dvantageofall'thestntly 1 n of styles and of the most perfect . [' taste that tee can eotnt)Rrti• t• ar Ix1zlillt Dealers & thulertalcu s t,1