HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-02, Page 2A 4 t 10 0 • , • 777-1114--- • • ..• IT,V. f 1 . • ••• 1S72 E cash Dominion War taxa and Victory Lees iiiterest composts at par, sad without charge. DrAsesit your Victory Bead and War Lau ciropen is the Rank of Hamilton *ad thin save tiro moult represented until emit time as the **soy Cart be vsi t 'seat advantage. BANK OF HAMILTON *A. J. McKay, ltfatiagee, A billion dollar tariff le to be the aim of the Republicans wIten the new administration roma* 1410 power nal March, We ;me told in a dispatch front Washltagton, on increase of 1700,000,000 over the present U. S. tariff revenue, in the„ face of lisle and the already very heavy advert* balance of trade against.° Canada in aur dealings with United Stotei), the evil. ot Willeh are enhanced by 'the 'discount on the canadian •dollar in the Staten, would be worse than folly for -Giulia to tear down her torte walls, as WeStern Grain ;Growers would ia us do. it 'would simPlY Mean the alit Mg up ot the many branch factor], of united States sOncerne which, a operating In Canada, solely o acceunt orilte The extent to which United Sita manufaeturers have been drawn into starting the manufacture of their goods In Canattt. gets some not thrown upon it by the statement 04 • Air. .A. G. Scioto', manager ot the Sta. It da ve those best able to bear it. Articles f le as to place the chief burden upon owes than thex . cared to admit. IA is ta very broad and statesinon.illte statement. "A thorough. revision of the brill with a view to the adoption of, sueh reasonable measures as are necessity (a) to assist In prOviding adequate tovenues; (b) *to stabiliZe legitimate industries, (c) to encourage the estab- lishment ot new industries, essential to the reonomle development of the nation, (t!) to develop to the !allot extent, our natural reSources, (o), to prevent the abuse of the tariff -for the ;eXploitation of the consumer, and 0) to safeguard the interests of .the Gana. diet* People in the existing world struggle for commercial and industrial suPremacti. As 4 means of raising re- venue the tariff shouldbe so adjusted I13747. ..itifi fr;it 14'.:i.' 114 f,s;ling cisa (-7,1g:.1,,q .susT.`3t r.f ifv-.7,1 whi.-J (ir-,) o,!ey/kt5-" 1!-) fartaiT CFI for sill ,,7 LI ViC.I'th, litiJat is 1;tflt.7-40 t9 be ' ft,r ff.z.e ,,-..it,'G.....,N rif tiie cell -grain- '.'..'i. ..:-Z Mo. ,,.:t.al.-at.7.5 ha ailyral, will opiral ta Ur aT,r;ro,g4,, routitry politish- • CL' Eri fetzw•,, .- -.- .: bc.fure, 1;vin 13raszn-cs• up t9 htti eppl!,ritiniti•-.., What is Going AV? •• .. 11.4k-mta. Staal. . The V. V. ft. Laraor fiGvernment li a ;i.-by.charjet) affatz Nelilop the ?ranP'''.' OFt•S% Il9L' tho 1,91y3r,-, party- vlliczt 'ti:-;- cotturrel ilio tat,t° 4,iertion osaprefed t• find themselves where .they are sam,v. We havc.Vin fit, One of ttio-....e group governments in re, garit to Widid4 60111V PrdiP.S3. alarm. Willa there are one or two news, : Papers which rant outrageously •against the present government in (tit- lark,. and 41,rrybody Connected with. it, is It• not a fact known _Aorta and •frcely admitted. by the candid, that Ontario is baving a period of blessed relief front the professional polities et the two old parties-Av.-Idle ,the Iwo otel portleo occupy Dug seats, anat.it is to be hOpcd, do Some thtniting, Oct results 'of which, May he . of future-. •benetit. The Drury Govroment 'is . doing OM 0 sensible things, -ultieb, it is fair, to .ossume, would not ha*e been done for the Province by either Of the old polltleal parties. 'Even, those who. Pre. diet that the IL F.• 0, Labor Govern- ment eannot live more than one- fear - Year terrh....must, - if they know whet is toting. place, addtit that. it la likely - to make Jt o four. years. memorable ones.. , --- ,; There hi .taking place a thorough cleaning -up of Crown Lands affairs.— a housecleaning and a renovation :which:- It - Is generally --conceded,— b been needed for thirty years ;Past• Neither -of the old .parties would'or, eduld have done this thing thoroughly- -they both bad .more on their onset. 0 _when bf016 Parties are out or Luxury should be heavily taxed -office, thePr rime eon be extricated es through the -imposition ..,of customs from the mire, serape its feet clean; and owl% patell. Food compedllies and start out anew. It will be a fine re and other necessaries of life . an n duce& or manufactured in'not pro Canada There is something else going on 1 es dutIN only_ as may be neeessacy In to undertake. The V. .}". O. Labor - hotild • be —subjeeted -10. •suctt .custor indrich-noillier Of stite.old . s Partica. cared • the general national Interest to he de,- (sovernment has a Public Service Coni4 mission at work Inspecting every cog and rivet, every device and Contrap- tion, forming part of the machinery with Which, the affairs of Ontario are on prosperils of Canadian enterprise operated. A thorough stock -taking LI In the development or all our natural going on. Nothing IS' being token for k resourcesin 3a1Iss, • sorest% mines, gra»ted. The administration' of the *tletleal Department.nt the Mien Ban ef Canada, New York, Ulm gives ib ' Intormatibn that during glib Mon br. other parts of the on goods. oristna king within 'the noun tarles of -the British Commonwealth Sroday the American manufocinie • who hos 'any lar'volupie of httsine.s Canada, most :establish himself 1 flanada to • hold that business," To Morrow. If. Holm, •Nviio • would lea down our tariff had their way,44hese industries would (lose up their Cana- .: dims factories and • goneentrate their . Manufacturing ocilliles .itt the States,. -and , do not need to go outside of eur.own Ivo,» r,,r sssnimattoo or bites -statement of what the action of the inanufacturerg would be. • li'rent the ist tictoher, io Sept snto, 1020, we imported from De in- fted "Stateo goals to the total Value o$ 4918,608,0•19. For which we paid in Can. odlan weary, on the basis of our dol- lar. being worth only 00 Cents,' rind . Donors; 10 °thee .wordswo pay as findividools In the aggregatei SO to 100 ; year to the Amer!- . fan for the prwilege. ef buying goods •from him. What ts the ronedy. Ono is to spit more goods to the United Stales, but 'there are limitations to Vat. Built up by high protection, the United -tat' manufacturers are lo a strongly entrended position, and well proteeted felon !out,..ide court'. lion by their tariff, which is' (dinar' fatly. to be raIsol still Igniter, they are rosny able to defy any ;attempts VI Canadian manufaeturers. to get foots told in (Mit. marliets, exceptin a few. .",linft; suet' as pulp and paper which • the Ainerteaus must have. The see, prat yenifdy nt4e wore .gtfotts at home, thtt4 /piping to restore t1n value 4 'ti' 'falter and to .provido reats,1 6 ii10 0 Llit 'Our 'own tteca ple. But weia.- 'Iona our; nr.an sealtiog over wry many manufacturing industries • to• the other side of the line, and send- tig ever large numbers of our enigma to help operate them. Tlic platform of the National Liberal otAi Cmrsrval5v," Party ea -VIP. tariff ttrmlned after strIct. investigation from time to time, Apart 'from the question of revenue the tariff should have regard 'to maintenonee, stability o fisheries—as.. well as our agreuituro law, the courts, the magistracy, thc 0 and manufacturing Industries. pore thau SOO t'alted Statist manufac- turers ereeled or leased trianttfactur- log • buildings • in Canada. "These manufacturer,,,v :fray$ Mr. Scl#tor, "had estabilsto'd thetuselves in Can ' ado, first, to eape the ainadian tar,, lit. and' byt.oti!4to take advantage of the preferential tariff' 'treatment given WHAT OTHERS SAY (et liotiy inchitngt (Acton Free Press) The Star the other - evening- signin, rattily remarked:, "While Ontario is striving se diligently to stop rutn-runS ning, on one side of the Detroit river the usefulness pt eaelk .and ,nart wow 7,,nrhigan- equallyInisy on' of it questioned. , e tht other? It Is the duty: of thIs :The people at tarso have not as -yet country to Suppress lawlessnesS ori. nereeived the importanee of all this, •gloating within her borders,. but the the economies anti refori Federal authorities of 'the ;-upIted will result. frorn••it. Sir. NV.111). Greg. States 'are 'supposed to exert . them- ory, the elialrman of this el 'lminissfoli, s Rives to pre‘ent smogglInft.'! has zeal for reforin i.trol enough. cour- grand Juries and the petit* juries, the work .done by coroners, the registry offices, and the land titles system, the, sheriffs and what they do, the eounty Jails, the asylums for the in. sane, the rural schools, the raunielpal councils—the wit olo ;Machinery,. much of it cumbrous and some of it obso.. Me, by whicl1. we are governed, is being" gorre over piece by piece and GppositIon%Leader's Salary • 'am' avati°fit 4n11 ;rePort " rarnters' A grateful eountry paid -.McKenzie le tioN• 'hyhtell lie and' his associates, Nir.. Son). v • merville and 1/r.. Brittain will maim,' to King ,110,000 a Mr salary • as leader of O (Pr OPPosition—probably Tor the great *mirk tie diti during wart It •ls surely a fool pulley to pay the leader of a. part' to obstrtiet business. Gid You ever bear of one General paying UZO leader ofan opposing army a isat., ary? Yet that Is Just about as sea. fa siblo as tor a Covernment INay the Ir leader ot thes4Opposilli4o. 11 "Oleothen vs. Christian , „ .tAtiantio Missionary! . A returnrtnissionary trona Chinm a einent, wit* he an important It Is suet) A staek4a uc'h an opproisal• and valuation of the public service witieli the people get for their000iey, money, as Ontario has,realty stood In need et for a geoeration and would ot have got now were it not for the et that new, people fire in (Are with Ce hands and aft outfit Of new Ideatt is a bit of luck, and Ontario. twill el inclined to make tire niost. of IA title the Making is good. ititYa that 't 0 heathen, in that country never go to their temples to worship without carrying an Oftorlog of some SAGE AND SULPHUR ' kind to prove 'their sincerity. When they becomeChristlans this conviction DABKnug p.Div Imo wernato no Intensified. They increase the Offering in proportion As. ehristkoatv LOU 11111111 MI Is regartled as superior to heathenism. Their gifts have often been so proOigal I n to mil forth a remonstrance from the toissionary, who reminded them of the dutles which they owed to their own homes, 0, for et few tboutAnd converted beithen in this ettristiair (9) land of ours 1' • • Independence In .CountrY Press * ,Pentbrobe Standord • The unfair treatment • whIeli the Weekly newspapers.. have received gen- (Tally froin political patties has creat- ed a spirit of true independence in the country pyess_ not. hitherto existent in Canada. No 'onset will the, newspap- er" be controlled by politleians and polltle41 parties. rrae average country oewspaper Publisher hos: got bwIsed up" to the real seOpe tot a local news paper, and will not arcept Its politiCal wis;lont front any follow who may be, by occident '44r demgal,--tlae chosen re. peeientative m? aparty, or from the eity Principles, not party, will henceforth 1»' the watchword of rout. abie weeklies. The rural publisher Is beginning to learn more than being a lackey ter self-seeking polltielansi and is more and aides &Voting his met?. tries 'to:vard local affairs. This is . alt quite evident from 'the lone of many weekly newspape* ree,eisvdet thfs et - • ries Grandmother'e - Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. Almost everyone now that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings bask the natural rotor and lustre to the hair -when laded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixtUro was to make it at home, which is mosey and troublesome. Novradaye, by asking At any drug store for "Wyeth's sage and Sulphur C, te tund,” you will get a large bottle, of ,to famous ,oht recipe, improved by the addition of other in (Rents, for abont,50 cents, n't stay gratyl Try itt No one can possibly tell Oat you. darkened vont ).air, *a it floes it so naturally and evenly. You dampen * sponge, or soft hrtith with 'it and draw Ohs through your buir, taking one small *trona. a Unto; by morning the grey heir tits - appears, and atter another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully* dub, glossy and attractive. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightint toilet requisite for Abase .tsho desire dark hair and £ youthful stp-. profaner.. It is not Intended for the cures tultiiratioil or privation .f ditime • uz More Tobacco d 41. 111111111111IIIIINI he Money ••• 4oltk ton.. • vll7 71911111111PH-1971°11,111111.r ''' Trillseatr7tsassts- -r.s........s triIsIrrs.i)A't„ Dec. trod. Jeri) 0 • ****r .0001•1190101010111••••••••••••• OF, 4 OWN go prices to prewar days. - Present stocks must is sold 'regardless of loss. Here are the prices you have been waiting for. Read this lid and be con. `Amid With these genuine bargains: TAVpxylla1.0 atiirday, Iornmg,•-•December . 4th FOR TWO WEEKS We are taking hundreds of dolitXrs of losses in providing this sale on the principle that the first loss is the best loss and so without reserve our entire stock of Clothing, Boots,. Shoes and Furnishings for men, is cut to Oieces that will stagger the clothes trade. uatity and Honest Dealing is Our Watchword The Proof is Right -Here* Share the Benefits: - Police Braces Very $peplitit Regular $x and Sx.25, tt.; clear 65c per pair, or 2 Pair for $L25 is Na more than 2, pair toeach- customer. , Fine Braoes, cord ends to olear 65c tokistviortovv...Note",.....k.wrv. • Men's Overcoats to clear $13.50: $1.8•00 $22.50 $26.50 Men's Su xo,snits, while they Young wen's Suits, reg. $5o and $55, to clear its last to clear at $13.50 $25.50 Men's Pants A:beautiful range, ,well rade with 5 Dockets, cuft bottoms,. regular $4.5o and $5.oct clear at Corduroy Pants, belt -loops„ five pockets, cuff bottoms, regular p and $7.5o, to clear t$$.25 its ° mien v vomits Black, blue, Mlle ana white • stripe), with elastic bib, to clear at . $1 95 Peabody's in stock,'Clear at...‘ 43 00 Boy's Overalls, all sizes,. to clear at.— ° 95c Men's Underwear Meds, heavy ribbed combin- ations fegniar $5.00 clear at $2,45 Ale's fleece -lined Shirtsand Drawers, mostly all sjzer clear at. if • 01/ +.4t • Men'swool fleece -lined tom- lairtation,- all sizes clear at__$2,45 sosssosesSisosseseassrssososolosissas."0,,,,,Ap.'" Boots &Shoe$ Mahogany and brown calf, Good; .year welt, Neolin soles and rubber beets, reg. 58, to clear at $5.65 Working Shoes Leos than .wholosale, sizes 9 to 11, • to olear at 2.75, $3.25 Men's* Felt Shoes ogular a6.00. rasss than wholesale. • "litaltnee taw,, to clear at...44.50 Arrow Collars -- 25c All Styles All Sizes "isssessysssososo.Asseesosw Men's Work Shirts AT A SWING Blue Chambray and black, " clear Khaki Shirts, regular $2.25, clear Min's Negligee Shirts Regular $2.50 and $2.75 clear -$1.95 Fine Shirts with collar to, °math, beautiful designs clear ....$1.65 . at Reduction in Men's Neckwear Pure Silk Neckwear • . Regular $x.00 clear at.. 69c • $x.25 " ...... 89c $2.00 " ....$1.49 Men's Gloves leather Gloves flinecl, regular 75c clear at lien's, canvas Gloves c1ear at 2 pairs 25c Men's Working Socks clear at per pair__J___25c MEN'S AND BON 8111T8 AND OVERCOATS WILL BE SOLD RE- , GODLESS OF 00871. BE SURE TO SEE THEM. Man• y other line* not !feted. Come In end *es for youfteit Svorything cannot be listed hero as there Hundreds of Bargains. WATCH OUR WINDOWS mber Slaughter Begins Saturday, iith. • • ROBINS OPEN EVENINGS • • • et• IP I 40 04** ***A **IP 4010-44.4 444 .5"1.11°14.1.11111re _111111111