HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-12-02, Page 1o • • A THE COIERICH STU le equipped for 1.0 kiwi* of Joh Poiutine frein a Bill to a Boole eteeoele Tettaph3 Ruthless -1Preone 71 THE HONE OF NOD PINTOS at THE NIERICII ST Seed eo *theme, Itintidielle tlo jog.* rad frsUflSikes an oiled hotelay Like a Weekly Letter No isms SIXTIETH YEAR, Vs 4d-Picee. WHOLE NinEll 300i, GOMM ONTARIO. CLNADA, THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1920 , 41tamoyagirmtrttioratriveitxr Four Thousand Delegates Registered at First Day's Session et Ontario Courvativo 'Convention* An Enthusiastic Gatherings 12 TOWN TOPICS Pages This Week ead f•3 • 1 FARMERS Why run the risk of kook* utusecessery essb. , about the house -hi oousteat dengsc or *sit and Ore. , Solve the prObleas by °peals* *Sista. wow in the neerest breach of the Sterling Iles& Bills may be paid by ehturt*--doinsi away with, the peed of kaspIisigesums et WOW 6114114 the b01141, --W4 tit the *we On% your nteaey will beat/wag inter** at siorresst rates. .11you *moot. irt'll POrittea to COM/ to town re - Wait 'write our local Manager regardinnt the advantages of opening an 044,401011t by man. . 111E STERUN6 BANK OF CANADA • •••••-- I • 1 • 1: . 4. , • , Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada THOSE WHO NEED LIFE INSURANCE 1. The Rich 11tau-to e'ffeet inheritance Mites, thull conserving his estate. ' ti. The Poor Man -to lend his growing family a helping hand watii they • , oan support themselves. •, . 3. The Married Igain-bo assure hiS fatally .thei benefit of a 'permanent • insane.... . 4. The Single Man -to provide for his old age.' • • 5. Everybody -to aid thrift avid: create Ilnancla1 independence. A Sus Life Policywill provide for all emergencies. : H. R. LONG, District Agent RAILMIAY TIME TABILE • Goderich-Leave 6.00e.ra. 1.25 p.m. Eiansitton -Arrive 11.10 a.m. ' 8.24 P.M. Toronto-- " 10,35 sem. 0.80 p.m. l'orentore-Leave '7.40 a.m. 5.10 p.m. flarailton- " 7,20 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Goderich.zArrive 12.35 -pan. 9.00 p.m. Goderich-Leave 13,05 a.m. 2.20 pen. " 7.45 a.m. Toronto- Arrive 11.10 A.M.' 7.35 p. Hatnilton-Arave 11,22 a.m. 6.53p. Toronto -Leave 6.30 a.m. 12.05 0. . 6.30 p. Hamilton -Leave. 1.15 a.in. 7.15 p. GOderleh-leriVell.45 a.m, 1.10 p. In - m. It. P. ,L.R. VdtilliTER, ' ., CILEARING -A.IICTION SALE OP °FARM ro.• .11.-•- -- - kJ/ STOCK, ' IMPLEMENTS, HAY, (MAI. in EYE, EAR, NOSE. ToRGAN. AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, . . Lax House Surgeon 'New York ellOttleilmio .:' ' MB. -ll." 11' PAllil°W ' • m. , Igye Roepital and Golden Square Throea Hos- ",' u y.711,4x1 •SedIll bY POW! auction at Lot 27, On Au Jtr0) pitat_1400100, En* _ e N„iltrwancisli, (3 1.2 miles 11 1111 a alio Aural Ilopit-al, aseistaut at Moorefield's At Bedford Hotel, Goderieb, front Wed- .„,.,. Till'RSIntY, DEC. • 16th eommencing „at I o'clock sharp 63 waterloo elt. s... Stratford. leleoborie sin. Cariadian Wheat Board Participation C per 1::* i• • mule to bolder* of theessiedisio Whims Bear* Pessislaetkos Cestificates. Up* pressaletiou el Ames Po. Certifieest** leb laer sI Otte bramettent 111411 be sled . le isteilisete powwow 4* Miss Yllitort Reek With the fleet of the intaith bOrte elite toed lute Merited tie Isar duties at the • reotielliette /MOW her leave at Stweitee her tee,wuWoo very atedeptably by iasX.Uy, Of 1144ittf Ord, The studied% it the 0. O./. are now 441Ite eitotted wetted Ot. inkill2114310$11, 111,eaiteeee Illeosliter Dies Stiddeely Onderich friends read the •m91011004 tneot Oe thndden death on ISunday lad of Reim Utriteeke wife of Bee liktfe• glee George, at her bootee *III St. Clair Menne Went, Toronto. The deceased_ Wing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est, Ueatux of TorOnto, fertnerly of ,liodeelell. " MAYOR Presbytery At . a speelal meeting Of the Ilitron Presbytery at Clinton on Tuesday...tin tafl of the Ireppen V011gregati011 tO Rev. ..R. A. Lundy. of Walton. *was seetaille ed. Rev. A. ltleParlatle, ot Daylleld, Is interim ntoderatiir, • The. regular meet- -leg of Atte Presbieere Will be hole next ,Tnesday, • • . • The. Week's Arrivals of Grain Cargoes. UNION BANK OF CAN UNION BANK OF Coderich Branch • Woolcomb, t1 EDUCATIONAL (11.,OVERNMIENT POSITIONS WANTED. -- IA Steady detnand for- competent ment Inspectors -Factories, Fisheries. N.Ve18142 and IneasureS, nurolgration. CuStorits Railway Mail Excise, postomee, all grades. Write for particulars how to secure com- petency. CANADIAN CIVIL SERvICE INI ST1TUTE, Correspondence Box 00, !form-, to. tresisissitsosanniesessinssial Si VI AUCTION SALES • ACCITO1C-SAL,,e; --• — Jas, Sennett, Lot 1, Con. 6,1V. 11, Ash4 field, will have an unreserved auction sale (e Perin stock and implements On Dee. 14 commencing at one o'clock P. in. See bill's for large list 01' stock and Maple- Ments,PURVIS, Atietioneer. • AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK. , ' MR. OILLIES BAINES will gen by public auction at Lot 12, Coni 4, Township ef Ainitleld, gravel road, eau mile south or the Village of Dungannon, on t SATUnDAY. DEC. 11th, DM commencing-a-tWo .O'clock P. In. Horaes.-1'horse, 0 years old; 1 genera' r,T10E. • Cons, Grades -1 Red Durham. cow, 1 purpose mare, 6 years old. MEETING OF 110102 1 COUNTY COUNCIL , years old, clue Feb. Snot 1 Durham, cow 4 years old, clue Apal an; 1 Durham ow 4 yeare due April lob; 1 Durham cOw 4 The •Council of the Corporation Of Nur-. years, due march 18th; 1 Ayrshire cow 5 on will rneet In the C.outien Chamber years, (1ee mareh ith,- Young cattle grades Goderieh, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ol -3 'choirs Minna steers, 20 months; 2 All ,accounts against the- County must 6 Hr. choice Durban stners. 18 months; 2 Hero' Tuesday; the 71b day of December, in the bands or the Clerk not later ttian ford , heifers, 18 •months. Calves -3 steell calv months/Monday preceaing the council meeting. es 8 nrionths; 3 heifer ealves 7 aleriat, Nov. 15t1t,4 102e, PIs. --4 pure 3 months. d . ,- TERMS, -320 and under ash; over that • -..GEORGE,W. HOLMAN, amount 10 Months' credit on furnishing all , County Clerk. proven joint notes, or 5 per cent. for e3s1/1 GILLIES HAINES, THOS. GuNDRY, • SPECIALIST Proprietor. . Auctioneer' en, . • 3.1..4-5 P.m* , •••••••• "STRAYED • - THAYED.-To my prenliseg on or about •• Ow7r „pan have sanie by proving,. property • • and paying for expenses. Wel. STEVENS' Inalland Con.. Colborne Tp. 'Phone -colt , bonae Mun. 621 . . • nesday, Jan, 5th, at 730 D. tO Thure. •S Nov. 15th. a red, yearling steer. A* ARTICLES. FOR SALE day, Jan, 6th, at 1 p. M. • ,INSUIRANCE AND.REAL ESTATE •ricrouses uerses .1.1.— • • A)1. KINDS FOR SOX A.T VERY REASON- .'•AltIE PRICES.- • • If .•.ou Intend Buying a nonkata7,111 be '.to yoUr Interest to see me, .as have • lust what .you are looking for. No Mu- • ms ,show rot the places have for sale. A targe 114 ehouse Team Call in • aqd -ee me. •P..• 4L-MleAfe, •• -. • Ilea Estate antinsnranee. ern— O. F. CAREY House to Rent on East street. For Sale. Two Houses on Regent • etreet, one story frame, $900 each ' For Sale, Two Houses on Oxford • street, one and a halt story, 900 each. For bale, One and 3, half story lionse, corner (Umbria road and Gloucester Terrace, $1000. ' „SEVEMESESAVINNEENS811VISMONIIISKInli ME11311 al 111 SI ORAIGIE'S •. to im : 1 ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE i er a : MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE : •a a a 2 p, §tor l fettne house 'with •fur: 34 .i mice, **vire' light, bath and gat, sim ' it roue Sitextel on the cornet of SI • Wellington 'and Pitton street.S. ...81 • ilaradiat. i osgesslon. • tritig is B Nery lie -liable, home and will IN ei , sold cheep. • if •• Story house with 8 ea al moms. Eieetrie light and water ,e,* I lot et% Decherd.. Situated ; * on the Mlle of Cameron St 15 • Vertory pends bought and seld. 0.4:4•11.M• e. INVESTMENT SECI2ItITIE•S -retort. 11:143 bought and sold. el o y, e c. Y P P • AI • • 10I' musical examg has Passed MallY wttli i gelding rising 2 years old; 1 welt -bra' 1. set of sleighs; 1 set of ttearey double harness; 1 set of light „doilble harness: 1 ' set Of plough harness; hay ',rack; 1 root punier; I set of 1600-111scales; 1 fanning M111; i buggy pole; gasoline barrel (44 gal.): 1 eoal oil- barrel (22 gal.); 1 grass seeder; ,,No. 12 De La Val sepgratoin, VOR- SALE. --.4)200 diamond ring hee- l' gain price, et35. Box 25. • Galeria) wmmemies. eity k • chants, s ovels% , ne o es. forks, hoes and other ertIcles. 15 Mos ol els f oats, 250 bushels oi SALE. -Set f grey wolf furs, in, brigie (1..,M50131istitl0 inelsor buckwheat; 500 bill VOR og A: Box 25, Goderleh Star. sheis of turnips. 1 Daisy churn; 1 wean Star. , '1 1' Porn coolie. In good ing machine (new); I cook stove; 1 beating 1: mall refrigerator; a running order,• good • tires --or ° •g xi uantity of stove .pipes, and florae 011101'Stove; 1 table; 1 s ehange ror good Ford touring car. Box, household effects, • 25, Godericti Star. TERMS. --All slung of IMO and under rash; over that amount ten Months' credit SALD.--r-A quantity 01. hand picket} will be given on furnisning approved Joint .a.' winter apples. Baldwins and Spiesnotes, or a discount of 5. per cent. per am No. 3 grade. Suitable for 'Rattily use, num allowed on credit arnounes. flay. Write to 10fiel SOWERIlY, R. R. No: .2 grain and roots, (Ash. Ooderteb, or phone is on 604. 111 Everything In the above list Is in good •-:•'•:••`• a. a condition. and Must be dIsposed,Or,7-losthr won *tax OR' To LET ,peropetetor bas rented the farn_i. • W. II. FARROW, 'THOS. GUNORY, .2.: Apply,. at STAR OFFICE. AnetiOneer. -V011. SO.E.-Freme house on Wells St. Proprietor. ------- ir1LEARING AUCTION • SALE,' OP FAI1M. 011 sALE ori TO RENT. -That two-. Li slorey red brick house on Elgin 'Avenue near the Square, large veranda. 7 rooms, also 3-plece bath,..Ititenenette, mote 0(1 attle, full basement in 3 parts, -maim attached to furnace. Oarage for 2 *autos/ Chicken yardj Beery bushes. Extra log for blinding. As the owner Is leaving town, this line property Is for gale or lo rent to suitable party. Apply to T. T1 LECKIE, • - horse. 6 : , STOCK, ENSILAGE ANT) HAY. -- - MR. 13ENSON ine.GULLOUGIt . will sell by eiublie auction at Lot .23, man. land Couression, Goderich Townshipg (Hur- on Roadi On WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8th coMmencing cit 1 o'clock sharp I matted learn, 5 and 6 years old; 1 yearsold. cow . 8 years old% due Abill 14; 1 cow . years old, due aunt mUslc " .. 25; 1 eOw 4 years old, due May 2; 1 co, ,...A.,.........,*.A.,,,,,a.a....,.. 3 years old, due AprIl 27; 1 cow, 6 yeare GEO. KENYON. — old, due May. 10 1 heifer 3 years old; 1. two-year-old steers; 2 spring calves; 7 "I,. Mug. McGill University" one -year-old eteere; 3 one -year-old heir- Teener's Diploma Plano and Theory erg; 1 sotv; 2 geese 'dun 1 .gander; 1 atik, Teseher's Diploma Singing full of srood ensilage; emu% hay; 1 MasaeY- Pupile' prepared . for examlnatione. For. Harris binder 7.1't. out. complete; 1 Mae. • oe; eeer ir terms apply Studio, Markel St., oppoeite c'S'''Iltirris r . (1 111 13 h I i in mower Pithlic Library. .• 9 -ft. Ent; I Frost ft Wood rake, 10 ft., new. 1 man cultivator; 1 Ntocon (Ilse, 12 plate; 1 EUCHRE LUNCHEON ri and DANCE under the auspice• s of, the to G. W V A 3 • 11 tiq 1110, ' • • EN . Ni MasonicHall Dederich- Oliver riding scuMer; 1 Deering roller, 9. TO OPEN NOV. ist. • on December 10$.1920 Si SI JOHNSTON 'ORCHESTRA , ' " ilsmaiiimmessietaiON: •WANTED WANTED.--Seconcl Meld tuttinr box, • v'T Reply giving particulate to P. 0. 00X 54, doderich. " tWANTED,-Clogn cOolt, Mellen Wages, .1, V housemaid kept, two in fanny, Ap- ply 10 MRS. WURTELE St. doctorial. TEACHER weNTED......ror & S. No. en Aslifteld and West Walvanosh Tee. seconcr clips prefessional. Duties tei corn- menee January ist, 1921. Apply, stating salary, to JAMES SPROULE, 11,, It, No. 3t Auburn, din. • . TITANT•eneettePRESENTATIVE WANTED VT For 00dericli lain Huron County 10 represent "The 010, Reliable .FOnthUl Nur- seriel." Big money is to be Made.sellIng NurSerst stock during the reconstructiori peeled. A splendid oPPortUnitar• for a llvesalesman. Highest commissions paid, handsolue free equifinient large line of fruit and ornarnental stock to Offer. STONE ANL) WELLINGTON, :reroute, Ont. UTANTED.-Anto 'Trainor • '91-echanics • Vturanizing. ta+ te stii, pee day. Men wanted Mt present deranrid autolno- bIle mechanics, driving, tractor .operating tire vuleanizing , oxyaeetylene welding • sterna battery electrient work, practical training. Only. few- weeks required. Day and ingot classes. 'Watt* tree cata- logue. Blg wages. Steady employment 'HEMPHILL'S A.1.10 AND 11AS- TRACT011 SCHOOLS,. 103. King St. West, l'oronto. • GIRLS WANTED HIGHEST WAGES PAID Apply te • • GODERICH KNITTING CO., Ltd. Eait Street. ammg amm omee maloalmam *Nam WE WANT • 131 is• • a reliable agent for every unre- eel Presented distriet, to ,gell our it ; sten-known fruit and ornamental eg trees, shrub% * GOOD .PAY, ELCLUSIVE TERRI- * °g• TORY HIGIffS. • ES Our agency is valuable under Si *e., present eonditions 110 ACRES OF NURSERY MAD. es L1811E0-40 YEA1RS ' 51 ].i Write for partieulars to Agency a3, Department, • I - et PELEE/1M NURSERY CO., be ei •TORONTO, ONT. 2,1 111811(filKIIIISIDIDEV3131113811613EDEVIDEVR12031213Enintil In hat Are you Most Interested? The steamer Franz arrived on .Satine It with -140,000 bustle* of wheat .for the 'Transit 'elevator and 60,000 bushels for the W. CeM.* the Glencalen. on Sunday. AVitit 101,060 bushels wheat and oats for the Trensit elevator: the elartian on Tttesday with. 215,000 bte• slues of wheat, oats and flax for the Transit, and the 'Winona Is due tido- Iteam.,111:1,1,* 44'1 -VI*" I"" tth* with a cargo, part for the Traestt • ne"• "'", • • Nator. arni-liart.tor the W. 4,1, IP, Wein. ' Lodge Elections • • "Proutifoot, Killoran rout Themes" . the intuiting NininlaY night oi YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO Tms Right Day Mission 1,, $t Cairo's Church, Goclorrich Cossowsocing Sissolay taming& Doc« Sib, at sod conehmihur Sunder Cvoilings Holy Colegetiniondnity at 8 Cert., exceetZilieleleeeleIr. DO. Sae thoeiewill be eidebretkote at 0, 1 a le ium. Siete Routine en4 Intonations daily at 4.16 lime, eieeett** eagorailli Ilth. • • 'Minion Service daily at 8 pen., exceptive feetrialty, Bee. 1111a. The biletileet le toe the upbulltling of the moral end splattWill life ke cootinuatien of the Forwiird Movelneitie. • Missionarethe Re14/, Conon' Oroltihall, M.A. eOtittion in %I r. Pr,outlfoo't Torouto ot- ni,y.e. For a number of yeare she hue been an elltelent member. Ot stag lif the Clodeelete ()Mee and We'Wlish het eontinued sneeess in Iter new sphere. Miss Campbell lute had en aettve share in the wore, of the clodeetiet Rebekah whieli Ow is a past -grand and one evening' last week the teem. bera of . the lodge.. dropped in to eee Press their appreciation or her blotore her departure from 1,0),N11, arul pre* Seated ber With an Onyx rine met with (talon,. II In be tern doe:n and diallotoos ed of. At a meeting of the rolneralie- tion on Mendae evening the program If the work v9ii esplatoeiL and g re- . port of Ole catwags bin& 10 , Mr the. new oestem watt glyeu, eanvaes is not yet eoMpleted and It- ie eepeeted, that the _full amount svill yet be neeured,, inducting the 111000 rtInt ' RIM has (loped to :rabic. The cost or - the low Syetent is 183,400. The follownor train the Herald. of Whitessookeeaelie wilt be read With interest by frIcifile. Of the faMilY the bride in tiotterieht. A quiet Wed - tette. is ae at the Rector/. - • Such is now tile title of the old 'Neu)/ leehte No. 112. 1. O. le le, the Goderich law fleue of which Senator tolio'Mnle offirere 131"eted tliP tl Proudfoot Is the bead, Mr...Dudley le ensuing term: Pred Eralgio. N.. it.; 1101Inet,. tiOn nt „Mr. Dudley 'Holmes Alex. Stratton, V. O.: lie. (earlier: Se K. O., of Wingham, baying become a G. A. Med, IL tee; Jas. Carrie, treasur- . Wernher of • the Ilan Ilret or the Pr. Tee • see011ti degree.. wits -put , on. menet. elle. merge; Is a native et .Severai appllealloale fer • mentlrersitlp eleee ejta bake to eis terteptace, aue ellittland Lothei.•NO. 33, ie M. wish Wei till success in his- profeestinee reeenti,* eteeted oincers for the . nekt eareer. •Me. Holmes. gianuated from term ,as follows.: Wm. .1.. )40Nevin Osgoode tbe 'past summer, , W. Itt.;•10..K. 1,101011Mth'S. W.; II. P. M Tiebbourne, J. W.: R, O. Reynolds , (1.- D. E. Engage it Good Week treasurer; Jobe eieitay seereteree The . Atimeek .Chapter: L LI, F.:, nese R. C. Meiterniliti, eitt;plain; telet. bas adopted ohe of the many Europium A. Halting. • • • • • 1 set of sP111040081 larro‘ 11. -1 Ask. (MY young nein in . ilederich title ooderieh Society Grehootrit itasio studio, tionS; 1 Frost SE 'Wood piough, No. eite question and if lie tells the. truth entrance between F. H. 'Wood's and J. If Cocicshutt rng plough. nevv; tined all lie will State that the one subjeet Lander% stores. • ning mIll; 1 set or 2000.1b, seines; 1 Itarnilf settle!). takes up meet of his time and GENE 0. noNsiGN ipisiuste), tuition even ton incubator, 120 .egics; 1 e0111 raek; 1 apt on pleno. ple barrel presS; 1 pig crate; 1 gravel bo X thOnedit Is himself. MIL C. V. HENRY (v101Inist), tuition given On violin for beginners and those actvan. Itarne88. • Iron; 1 Set plough harriese; 1 Set tearr 1 Dan Wagon; 1 stone boat; 1 pile of scrap Every nese equipment. 11311 111' 18 a cold - man is tete * t el * t 144 I i te s i 111 1 RIO - ted. blooded reposition. ,,T114)1T 1811.1 Por infortnation a)?)ply at audio. Eve7thing must he disposed of, eti 'Mr.. But they should be, for competition TEhms.-All stone of 810 anel under. is fair. lt is the drily thing that MOM'S . irroressionan' cash; over that 'amount 12 itiontlie' reedit a man tereW anti ntlt bin liest foot for- .— IIARLES 13UCKLEY Goderich and the people 'of town wet. reeeive1.1. • war orpbans and a series of entertain- Liteury Toe meets will be given In thee homes of • Mr. Huller, a Otivernmetit auditor 01 anent:tiers, to raise tbe funds neeesgePe: the retern for. luxury 'tee. by merehaete for ihre-vare or the child. The first os and -Others In the !Andel] divisiont eves thee(' wilt be held on :Friday at- the is Iswrtett il.,040u, of dais thts je.,„ otioeter..artofareolrusg.h.econheasp-tneartermastealsoThac: ts(otte:tv111(111.1;11)retiet.)brgoeeds tit!! Its;rilviietrarli'mpiii., d001ed • an orphan, • a thild of Indite one .ef tro many forewitomean nPPeal sevitterao.enedrittsllo•fisiceant.iltafts'i,linY. the Zenana • Violins repaired, ridge$ trued, sound. MeCul moth bas sold the farth. An the 111801 8ent 11111114 111 it. PArrYlonlY le posts set and violin bows rehaired, et0. Implements _are good: several or them art arrayed against Via', anti It is right eoderieh Sodas* Orchestra 5 Wes' I IlearlY • C. P. -11. --and Com- anissioners Coming • . A banquet to Inaugurate. the winter eeason's work in eonnection With Ilan • board . Trade or town he being or - ranged • for Wednesday " evening, bee. 8111, 171, 1107 elasenle Hale, at width Mete srs, 112P. Tinatneeton and W111. P. Fitz - amnions, induetrial eontriessionere • of • the C.• le R. and u. T, it respeetively will be guests, 'giving addreeees ono, dinner: In addition to .inembers of the 13oard ,ether eitizens weivoiee ed. Tickets arei. Ooderieb Girl Wine First. Carice 14(4101, •"Orsiilp " . • The announcement of the awards of tbe Garter scholarships VW Huron • GOtintY is out and we are pleased to fl,ete that the nest schelarship goes te a tioderieli young' lady, Miss M. Jean elacEsvae. The second goes to Wm 'Wallace,. of Wiegham and the to John IL Townsend, iof Clinton. The •.valticie of tbeeeeholarships_pre,,$100, $64, and $40 respeetively. The seholates ships are given by Mee Carter; the salt trumpraettirer of Ranee ond are °Peet in some 25 counties and pities. Con sTattillithins to . MiSs Maelgwon. ' • Two Teaehere itt Car Aceident • In a 0,31 artident, at Dunlop MI Mow day morning, Mies Ntainn1J11, iMur teaeltem sehoul tat Lake Shore. lIelbortie., sustained a .brolten leg and Wirer. Injuries. She was returning te her aecompanied by elise. Me. Arthur, with whom. she had spent the week -end. A rut in the reed wae •the cense of en itioset of the ear, white' WS driven by a (loderich eletuffeur and lite.topent.the ear was badly dam- aged.. Mies :McArthur and the delver of the car got on! with a few betiluee. and the fieght. bet Wee Whitman 'is at the iheletteti hesplial, • lettere she wee taken after the aceident. furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per Ward. rent. allowed for ccieh (111 reedit amounts .41rktungt St. Oeorgtea- Attglicatieeburett °. 13114,i4),;:letlge'ct 1•1'n1."Ir4 .1% neer etano,•Pipe.Orgail and Vocal InstrtictiOn. k St. A (TION 'ALE 01" FARM STOilli AND IMPLEMEN1'S. • There is a growing demand for men eive-oiece orchestra For terms apply to Studio. St. Petrie Your. Futute is Exactly What You Make It eiPlIPped with exeentite ability 11 D. WESTON, L. L. Yin. HENRY FREEMAN •hnsiness. Instead of a Lieeritiate Emden College of "Music. trig- seli by public. (maim at itia prem part of a busbies,' men who ran truO laid. organist and Cnoir Director of Ne.4. (south era of 1.44 11. Lake Shore eunertise instead of veleta:eye , super - e • North St. methodist clauten.• Joule colborrie Tp.,- is 111149 north of visual from . real, broadsuitivii maga. - • TEACIIER OF MUSIC --. ooderleny, on gers. Helotilrly few mon earl' ittla(i- Puling prepared for examinations In con- .11°N151).• 11};(:. 13111, ilYi 'fy, berait.c.e. most men hove devoted nection with. Toronto university, Toronto, • commenting at • 1 O'clock sharp Hoer entire little to learning their ar t titular work. J. W. CRAIGIE ; 'tonere. Foe terrine eppiy ai residence, Demur* row 4 Yearn old. suPPOSen bt . • • West St. (nrst floor west of skeane rink), In entre t grade row 4 years out, seppost • lemEgeeestieeeeleianiteiteteassalEnneetiss to oodertes. be in calf; 1 gradrs e cow 0 yeaold eupposed toApril be In ealf; 1 grade eoW 7 5/031,:•• old, dUn nth; 5,steerS Wittig 2 years old: 2 heifers Vino!: 1 year old; 4 facer, 4 4 1 COLD FACTS FrEtt IS ,VERY' HIGH /li PRICE AND Map. To GET Storm Sash , ill Sale &large atnotint of vent fuel account. We ate making • a, large number UP within the next few daygs. ORDER NOW CUT DOWN. EXPENSE $ The Goderich Planing Milt Co., Ltd. PEIGNE 47 P. O. BOX 18 rielng Vaal old; pigs weighing snout 122 lbs.. to pip warning about tad lbsi neerilig binder, 6.fL eut; 1 MaKey liar Whitewood, on Thursday', Novernbee 4th; at 8 e. 'evben 'nitrite Fisher, fourth 4.1•10st datiebter Of eir. and Nire., Thee. Cousins, Nvaas united In Mar, ewe, te Jelin; eldest NOR Of Mr- 141_114 Mrs. nailer Ilev. A. E. Avery Ow *slating. 'elle grooneti gift to die Wide %Anti a pearl OW, the bride's gift ti the Itrourn was a signet ring- Thee young couple ;Were tile reelpient* many useful presents, idenw* the high esterni. III Willett the couple are held be. their friends. They left the following morning for Regina, VS111,1'1, ' n0000000 WWI speat. and returned to WWII Olt Monday. Nov. sth, \All take up their resi- dent'', on a teem fuer MID'S. Soil* ot - Own, • • • , 'The Iterate aria eittaexia or Whttel. wood' and stirroitnding5 dtsulet eetenil their eintere WISILM Witte eoungecOu4 pre for their sureess and halniineo$ in. itte metre: tames for this tax. in meet eases _ .01,11101 wo newt t,u14 the return, the law is being well. in- ' Nhe reliteNing enntritintliks I". terpreted. There are, howeviv, a mini British War Relief . Fund have been - bee wito hli,Ve not yet made any return forelved 111) 1110, 1st by 1110 wettt (L;r::41ruiCI:10%1141; eetati- 10081 •wItiett tee' timid be paid. Hurler Ledo. No, Mk 1, 0. 11. 48t in,174 at: NO‘0.181i4111• 1,,o 411:11,,tetel,lailt4 sue i4141:11%;1111i,•11 TP. Coedit ry AVOlitettei tOion MI.'', .1. 1111,1°.r1efi..1 g o-ilisit 7t -117s-- 77- e!t4o;11.: 11201'4.'2617.1: In Newer tine With tie -sloes]. Wore 11111110111e1 eid.'"Eintln" or tee Salvation Army a awns of "Life- P.n.. Sill. 810 .. .. Oa Saving Sebuts," whieb Was. erannizeel where those Who are regularly making . leder* Pretenres 'tiordett Doe, eerested at 'Strathirti by the oll anformetion from Chief Postlethwaile, woe ...4.41-eniglit boa( to tottn this week and flue .4 *10 (11141 costs was Impuged 011 o idiom,. of • obtaining Money under L.tise pretenete. Mr. 1A0110 Slav. 14.3141111 froines in loWn; it wan HAM- eil, %PPP .71441 • 08 represented, being eincipositiOn iniltaitionts fat VarioUn tweel.., and not the acquit( 'Amid. ',Nit* Leila, we Lore gitlit 144 innieretonii, ttje Oat Inientionelly tanating false pre - t14119"., but apparently deserilled th. frames Irs, thy Dane, of wood rewse. Cioupben (ioe4 Ito Toronto Erhin flaticpbell. left on Wee. eesee!„. for Teepee.. where the Like. Li VE 11171 With ambition avid Iieee.sarY quad:Meat:Ione' LaSalle Extension Trmit- versk offers a setitem of training Which has helped ilteueands of Men to Canada and the United- State.e.i to bet, Ler pegitions and bettor solirieS btisiness. ris corn Meier. 1 maese3 . sr s 2-roj LaSalle DusitieS3 Adtilinfatration COnriar- (Ion scuMer; 0 Magsey.ilaerla env, new and Service offera apractical-not • It Nato; 1 Mosey -naivete al11e•deUVer5f theoretleale-tralning in Personal Elle rake; 1 nevring mower, a -ft, enti t teem. eiency, salesman si p. Busules9 pypeb. gleig11; Gibon t fer• riding mow; ce.t•roarnserninogwemrtitotwinetem ()logy,. Business Law, RtlidlieSS English introu ig.tarn alio Mier with Pipes. new. ,ana Gorrekpondence, 14LISi0e69 .ivatAa Lear 8-ine11 ettopperi t o.iner mieg, iirganizallua and Pinanee, Retail Dower emery 7;tone4.. 204net eircuien Store efutagerrient, Ceedits and Callee- ftW gauge 19, new: t C.,1fie11 time, preteteke ee Areetnateue Gem rubber belt, newt set of plough ligtrietee Areeennine, Orephic Gents, Analytee Doming bay; I tens or belted straw; ut Nt Una et erignaget W Donets gete seed °Mee Organization and Managenient• bailey o. A, in._ arid 17131177 °MCP fcalurcs not approach. Everything' tenet no diep0;ced GL pro. ed by 011ie? triPtliculo Of 1311, Tenmee-iat etorte a so an1 n Nt_tr or !If`i ItELTgr., 01.461, has rola farrn. :FSS/1; over iltid arneunt 12 mistne' erect' it . • •.. given on furnishing erpreve4 toltit untie mak(' goon aro Men PK Ller•Iff5. niltin.Int et 4 nerent. 811114rh1 fel 01111 Int.EM8N* 7110?- fd.•Snnir- Extension university rforaCettr. Auctioneer 4. • 11 pine pint alio 14x22 ft • Pr lona of eid tat cr0.33 4191,Sunts. Pori %nu bo efee tee LaSalk • • 10 Solltemlwr, is Making Waal progrese • . • "' • $31.1.40 • and . en Friday evening an, ptitoptIon. liemitliel 444 (311(11144•lied (Voss " meet es to be given ie tee ai •• stoesett, . Vete ()Or "him 1,4tair captain of tout. _ This fund. is. for relief' in • European e • • don,• is to present the ('11 49 •,‘Villl. l'""Illlyo'c's !Or the 111000.006 banner. It, is expeeted Tat ewer., !NA, erphoilS or tientrat Europe,. Thq feint Seeforlit. ;deo will it. preeent. Famine 'Flied fOr China is neearate. Mr. Henry Rates. ie Scout master and •'fee Gotettan Presbncriatt and. there are some .in the rerps pe- eat eliorelies are receiving eontribtte te„1. ,mpt. !limos eesl,r,re,s let tome 'for Mira latter fund. 138 they levee - gueiptesned:wittlestaan,:iti,04;ntiouerttiehtii.triture4s,101h,,,;f4e. 111?i,t) ,Ifiro:741atirstarinio 1rIteethloalnronineertIlAstkrti,eitrts.mtn: en Wednesday. Beeeteher 1st. • the . has boon made, • 'The- • Life -Sat • • eecoute, are iirgaelzed elmur lines 5100. lee to the .113.1100 -Powell Seions, hue, the mote...client ie under S. A. ale -wee. though menitiersitip in die Semite te oPen Di any boy. , Sortie: To ellE0I10118 "Vol 11.1.; 10 t;RE011-011o, . ..04' Pt THE MATTER GP 'OIL EnTATL OF 13, I. fa. corsolit. LAIC OE 'lilt Tiotiti-43 OF nObtillidt, IN THE Cot Sill' •Ity 111.11. . ON. nAlt11151%11-AT-LAW, OLCE,0.91.11if 11. T. 1. Mine Into full operationein. 41).•• i:4)00tY of Huron, replacing ihe. I,„•T. hitherto foree.but ..reerhily se -vendee by order in coning!. ' ere 11. T. A. is a nmeh more restrict. • Pollee Magistrate 014p0e0e of Ohl Caste euttlinied on page „ TH.. came, .1_0:mo. • ..1 being intexi • • voted in a publie plate*, ulitett rsa. • BLIND IIESIIANDS•' heart" some nine ago les Megietratee Ralph*• and 'Laithwaite. and In whirl, FreidaY PVP0Ing, Dee.' 10111, 1:n1, the magistratee pot agree 11,- W. eiletire,. supper "and' iiiuittur. ii„ fitily...• You enjoyed tbe last one. day morninir try Manistr,iii 'I ha, '0,111 tie another.. enjoyable even. 11011, NOM linionseil a title id 520 and ;ere 1111111 •Joillaston'e Ore 00.4ts, 10 114, paid loriliwith, ' 4. In jail. The tote of tine and eeeCe amounted' to See eft. The ..t.ildrig .inii • MOSEY TALK.,.+04 • tra ri se rib i ng of the ei elenee in (In- er° eraY "Money Talk9." It's ee, ease, solve mao au Lapin 11E101,0 Ner. 1111, duly • thing vier beard It dI:it-101:104111114(1•11:3411:47i10.eattitliot‘pligioibrilit1101111t1i..ai iliantte7drit bear 111.4, ease 111 the fire! pLiee, *et. nip "or, Ill11211.116 friellid ta spgna *ratan& lifs tee of e3; IA11111E1 11,1%.. INA• "171411ala 'win), volt. ere Ilia Ir4a1:1 tie. 1•74e lei.' reciirdina .elleit 911111111A”, 411 1110 1°Vilif'fll'e, (14 IP. fflUrift XII•ei.,•)79/• ' '[ho NeW IleatIno *Item te ed. Gan.. • • , 01,04 im the Itiff11 ',1 eet. 'teem:nee eiturett prieve..10:: der coristerietien the boiler been Iii,terel, arid it 2 Pkit befaire. UW1411010 30y'?.tf. ' 1,1 11 N. wally (fir fijierlifV1I.' '.! the 1.110 '1101<111Y Mo. r,t,..r.10‘, ,(44), • 11 ill be ref ini.•41 for leo, I PE 1100,1 • Va. 114•1' ,if#44 OUP the 10'41` 411 (.0•.7, •144 to 101111 filr ilif• %int/ r Mee tip) fire 110 01117101'2. i(LS1 11449 foiracee ot prk Ina • lice etioireir. 'row .oriop 514 furnace. is: not in 40 4a.`•••1 I • '61 p • The briehwerit for -the rotative is• M. • 'NOTME is hereby given. purguant to tile tictuoa 4tat45t,1 ot Onterlo, 1014, thiptei tete Viet an Graviton au geit:pia baying moms *gannet eMit,3 01 83u1 11. J. 1) Co0130, ctbo 011. to -,t3 uaa ost deg of Ortober, A. D., • required, IrM or before nit+ mu ,einter. A. 1020, M newt by •' loud, dol *20! ,to Prot:dr( Eteentee 61 trie Eetate et ttao if Voir i4vIstiap and envexanc-1.. e34Irel1e4 cunt deaeriptlanal teo tan Cartiadars ,of their eateml. t 4tattifina Le' their aterierate 41:11 111.0 nate GP et tee reeuvittea anyo /arm by Mem. AN!) 14 town TAKE Nte1114E tacit eftcv awn teat Menthol/et . Otto' tee gem Eteen ne Patel aerated' anating Cul parto rn. tor Will toGreen to Msteibote VUe asc,,et4,1 fiticd thereto //airing regtrid ()al!7 to tuf oatioa c.t winch nei Fuel men 'have notleo tin tbs.!. tho taid EXcent6r .bc liable my tuo gad isSets, Gr any par, 1:0:0 .5. fo am/ peven or ,vPrglitrA et wtinso 7:.! 014 nct boa begl rerelvcd by Dun as tee time er stele 0114 It vita nr41 otrl 44to you villt 4'810 EXCELSIOR LIFE "BUILDING c'Eig11:?1° tpullr'197nidoVr., ;7:7 •Dept. S. A. A 11. 100 ‹.>p,oz, 8511 den*, Temente, Oat. •Elerut, •a. IIORN nollIEQ -In Toronto, at 41 iturtineld onemovembee zeal, Mai, to nee. dor* doll end ilotruei. a sine (10110 q1200111 ‘V,L.ON-Iiltl'alliERIIT1418° IL . -,At Metbodlit 1fat(onage, cabri. Rook. oitt WeileteclaY. 411taelle Wilson. ot Conti. Six!** VAN AIIIIAN_AlePEt"bille.--At Detolf. 01 ;e•;dify. y2y. WAIL hy the nev. ie. E. Gen leout. tae. an Arnreleomn. et 11050 1418rIer (1. !la'15141( 441 Gorlet,;(411111,0'4.01114‘:::fitenvel,.1131.:. .‘,1, • '4 TL.4:01, f::::::111111,4kUt%ecrniatf'14: tr,offit 4710 farntly borne. Mugs sit. 00 1.1•0 1151 lovrtrihrr Orn, 1P40. at 3 te'elnek to.Dtt, 7. tia,.itand eetneterV, cc:5iilo:3, at tale 1.01.113 • -*A SAVINGS ACCOUNT, • it is always well to have a Sevin is - Account upon ',Ilia inikertet is• y paid and from which you are free to drew • at any time should you hat a good tliAcncounitY ttlabRuyeadstyocilkoltortr***14 tali 86 •THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE • . A PAID.UP CAPITAL • 4 $15,000.000 RESERVE FUND • $15.000.000 GOMMICIE MANCH, O. WItHstat, %maim 4 A a.' r