HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 9THURMAN. NeIna tate tort Double Track Route, swirrsatit. autd (WAG° needled dtaiag OM Jerriee. roping tare on eight trains aud per- lor ears on principal do trains. 1 L4 ler CID Th*eiimease "amine like a simple ceiti he the head that tepidly lore to the eked The meet le et fest short sod 11 information from and ' drawl sharp, but toreloallr lorrooto 1* stry.r'll rutin Ticket, Agent, Or O. E. Horning, District passenger Aeent, Toronto. fere, v. F. Lwow= 44 noso ,o,wa peaseibser 01/11 TKO .40,041 'Pluelet reeeeseeteseeseeettimagrol • Kew Tem filo Nev. 10 CENTRAL 1111nearpOleDe ONT, The 16404 Conarnerelel School of Western Ontario. Somoratil, Shorthand Rod Tole graph Sopartmeon, orianitea vs.lea in positients, Stutlents may enter at any • thee. Get aur free mealtime • •1 teLtemstv, priscipst., Dr. Wood's! Norway pine tz,iii aid /enure 1* sudden wawa sates. vostitise 1411knos * severe attack ef cougitiog, end orenetimm there II was- bloo41.. *Owe should never meted the treatment, or •wbooplag etnala for it ill meth *ore merlon' then Itteetpeople think, 1. tsy be foliovred by mate Breve tratrate, Audi so breadth* potsmoms, or coneuraption, since the M1IIJSWriter et aosistalie lon Osteo gettetly.iressietted by the violent and ellittittet****1"' On the 'first eiv "whoop",..Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup abated be eduihfietered .as it help* to chew the broelldt, Oben of the collected mucous avid phlegm. ' rateitetil. OretNitiOVillect Miller of New.York I •Ist• isesatiorigly eepotted to tbis k pooled Brisoelielatletey buut, fl' 18 pr y ask for tbe repeal or the W Bening Low. A. rtotitt; nig Mine Kos viae stad 'beer merelmate. vase post to jell for twelve mesa• s IWO lobar alid. need 42.9110 oath P. Charge ot fable trade marks. TWIERSIOAY. ARUM* is reported eullet, but tiOOPS ere patrolliag the streets. • It is Mimed in China. that Jo*** la shame Wort ant to Gen, Seutelarat. It le said Lieed thierge berme Print* George an the mot Rini of Clrea•it. - Want Ititreitlf Illest !fluter horse ter es/ the Maxon was Mid on Weil- nalater. A Galles,* Itemufactiarers' Wet ia routing with ipertaits to *ell geode la Canada. A. E. Copelated will *Weed to the a R A Z 4411AII . A lissitliebuildist moody. pt of is capsules, sw*Rowen, dieters, acid by Wei $1.00 a boa. Aik oar seaseit agent or whose for free tried package. Telnitiottioos see jag Wean Toronto. Letitia Attest -4- R. C. ilt'SLOP Pro.1114007 Pr -the t441•1111e *leek" are being ree:oteeri lelmith *IV Amoclatioa. does, Suite, Della* the euew-levele4.,,,..,,e4-e,-; Mr.. Mon Sheath of Elethermr Trentor Bonbon 'team* — • was stricken with apoplexy while •• • • neeltureh *ad, Med. In it lew • Tees Northern' senior ;roue at the minutete N.0,11.A.. will °•Pelt „Ito •selk$014 414t Lb* Cebbutt of a. Ithallie, tile new December 30.• Greekerreeder, intends to centinue DN. MeCordiatir. ex.nattyer, Pro- the foreign pollee ot the Veulieles testa *garage the extra sssessmott roll Mlnistry. in Renfrew. Us.Pontabitaix1141, _New Ro.i NS.," Unguided with isber trouble In the 'writes:--"M'three children bad the Old goentry, many immigrants are rthootnit collet so bst"tinter/ I arriving in Canada. thou' t they would choke. Ilene" miny The Retail Merchants' Assoeletion different remedies, but- none of them of Toronto are framing a preterit aseemtvl to help. At lest I got * bottle egeenee the Dewey tax. Dr- Wood. NorwaysPine. Benny Leonard, lightweight boxing. vreenreetlitillrenset to ow tiotrioY chatripion, 'stopped Harlem Eddie it helped them. I shall always room- h fIftle round mend.your, wonderful remedy to other*" filres. add 00e. * bottle at idt into tINATfoN0 iiilhUrn Co.. ted. °Kato, Ont. CANADA JOWL% COLLEGE and dealer*. Put up onli by Th. T. " DO 'you KNOW , * • That we have 'Lower cost of Till- irhat we twee. Wider Range of Sub- jects. • • That we have Cotirtesy ecentined _• with- Service, • !Itblat thore lliarbireeholf -se many lessons en Gregg. Siert hand as Pitmannio? , • That Tweritieth Century liookkeet- • ing is fifteen years NEWER than lefelntosh That we have' twenty -live young • peciple .sttocessfully•' taking °our! • se*by Mall? • • AtO1JRSES ' . Gregg 'Shorthand • •Twentieth Ceetury -Bookkeeping • Teach Typewriting Pitananialo Shorthand • •- eintosh. •Beekkeepine, • Secretarial • Vocal 'and Plano Muele. ' • '1'13ITION IS gi3.00 PER MONTH lynnverLoinEterss HfoErwrient orriesalet THE SAULTS COAL 00.1 Successors to McDonagh & RECLUS1VB AGENTS BOR EWSIOPICS0 'WEL. liril0ortaint Events Which Have 10teureetttruntig.the Week- - Three • numbers 'of Fort William Booed efer•ducatiert and seventy wo• awn teachers have resigned over the salary intention. The Canadian Harvester was •leunelied` by the ,Port „Other SlilP* building -Co. SistertlaY, *ad the keel is laid for "No, Argonautts. Interprovincial Foote. bell Union elleMplone. beat Torontos. The in Yprice of bread dropped from ,,,,e,:a...e. _ie.—a...a...a —. 17 -to- 14 cent* ;At 'Port -Arthuri and '4,14 411ex;a11:114'4707 .t.ior ,,winiu. mrs,,,w..-s. Carr died of emulous Thomas, introduced a fellowebto idekneeta at her home on the fourth rally, with =Maio and ilkbt refreeh- coneeseion, countY. Enniskillen, lethabton -, The Unlyereity of Toronto football menus utter the evening eervIce. Bea simpsou at Hamilton, ha* been from 17 tO cent0 at 43ttawa• Central Methodlet •Churelt, St. eilettee is. en excellent retiedy foe gossip. AllrellatTIKE IN THE $T** SAYS HOT WATER WASHESVOISONS FROM THE LIVER uMpire the•DoMinton bloboan tthiengIrtmteoGreitl,tegniaatesaUdndietann. appointed as. series•setni-linal •betweett ArRoItotttfo eeere game at- XiMoton by 14 to '6. and Toronties. • - • Revid Rogere, eget& $2, died at The lirst,exclusively rabbit bantenet ham- by the Rabbit Breedera". Asaa- retit_e In the province ids served at Chat- WilaniPeg from shock, it le said, due to the mufder,44 his son-itelaw. X%, specter lame ; Pew dation to business men. November 11. • FRIDAY.. •• Queen Marie of Rounattillit le in The Busy 'World's. Happenings Care. LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES Ve dee in Haid siu6oft CoiriaLlme Conient, Fire Frick: Fire Cbre, also Vara and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabe, Fresh , Cars Of Lithe and ement just received Met Pewee • • • •- .75 B, Sezens' Resinveten • 275 W. W. SeasErs, Restonerat • 202 fulip„Corepiled end Pat Into 'Hard coal in HItchener and Water.; Lucerne, in connectionwith the an Handy and Attractive Shape for too dropped trona .322. to $20. . nouncentent of the tegsseinient of a tree Reeder” lee Gueepepea premier' Drury issues• a Statement Crown Prince Charles of . Reuntenia on .the questiOne of unemployment.. ' to Pdneess Helene ot Greece. • • •Soli& awns Enjoyment.. Altew Gtriernment has been ferrite • - TUESDAY. • ell in Greece., yeniselos 1144 left for the year with, a profit "veritLext-0kabirseertiinv'imagheaaotithiet•yle till:till:art Toronto Housing Company finishee • Mr. E„ Id. Trowern yowls out ir- physichus.••. regularities, of luxury• tax. . • . • A seat on; the New Teri Stock •EX - Atlantic Sugar, atter an emelt . change was •sold on Thursday for movement, closed 3 points higher, 05,000', ._ • • . ' _,, The ,D.R.F.U. executivo• bas sus- . The " erst cheques under Motherie '-,--rilrade :union officials .sdy labor On- Thuradoy. • • . Allowances Act. were forwarded on 'tended the Sarnia intermediate team. • ditions are quite. normal for this sea- Windsor Will Sell .coal toadze son,,• • ' • ' .• at .6T8.50, the dealers charging no Di •/' W. IL edotlinse has 'been 'ILP-- 424 • to 426.- -,, .--- - - '`,.‘ • . - - '-'• • : ,..• pointed Director of the Geological Sir. George Foster has .been. elected Sur/0y. •.: , , • . • . • .: a *Ice-preeirlent of the League- of The Home Rule bill was read,. on Nations ansembly. ' • " Monday in the first:time. • The poultry and *Pigeon elbow, House of Leeds for the rout hundred thousand dob4-rii held in Toronto, reported the Ines t successful on record. added to Methodist ministers' salaries . . Tenders for the .erection of apve result oalaysaien's appeal. ' •. ' itock4rena In Toronto are more than Victor Sheppard, miming trent his a Million over.eitimates. • • • home in Toronto 'since October 19, : , The Toronto Board of Edu-cation has been found ib Elmira. . , favors two doctors to administer to. . . A successor to Sir Reginald Tower 'teachers as Well as von's. '..e. May be appointed' as WO &Adis./ Leonard Stracitani -aged. eight, stoner ofethe city -of Danzig. !ries drowned, in the Red River at . The senior Meds football team Winnipeg, breaking through th43.1ce. qualified to play. in the '.Mulock Cane The University of Toronto is ' en final by beating CLAM..• 27 to 1. . deavering to arrange a bilirard league Edward Fish, C.N.R. ' agent, ,and to -embrace Queen'i and. , Western in the ;railway service,for thirty-one thliVersities1 • •• years, died at Belleville, aged 49. ' • •• Victor Parket was killed and M. G. Theresult of the Greek elections Whitman dangerously injured in a is stiltia doubt, but the Government's motoring accident . in a fog • near eepeciations, 'have not been fulfilled. Emerson, Man, • George Slater, living near Thomson . Victoria college beat senior MedS Hill, Renfrew county, died as a re- 18 to 6 in the final game of thd, U. of sult of arsenic eoisentagehrough his .T, .interfaculty compatition for the, Own nPatake, •• e , • ' • Mulock Cup. . , ' • The crew et the steel • freighter Burlington reports that a mile race Francis ' 3. Widlar, wrecked on Pan-, ' gatirse will be constructed at that calu Shoat; off Whitefish' Point. TAO ..town, and op.erated, it is• expected, Superior, was reseped. -- under, a 'charter acquired in Hamil- ton ' Salter of Oxford; N.S. ton. T. swim:its' 'Bus, Livery and Hack Stables' • ' tilltantrostt Utmost ' jest off the Square ',4441.44; *Busses Meet alt Trope eke PasSenger Beats Passeagers called 351 1* eity .., Part of the tow* ler all trefoil at 0. T. R..or C. P. R. Dee. 011071111e.Sitould drink hot Water wlth phosphate In it, before breaktiet. *Tr feel tut fine as the preeeeble Wo must beep. littereteethed also, almost mere Morning, to pro. osut its spougallks pores from clog• fug • with indigestible Ineteriel, sour Ile and poleonous toxixte. Ma a noted It you get headacbes, it's your' icier. It you catch cola easily, it's yonraliver. If youerake up with s. bad tasteeterrett tonguenasty breath or stomach be- d/MSS tench; it's your liver. Sellow Skin, muddy Complexion, Water/ *Yee all denote neer Unclearaliness. Your liver is the most important, also the must abused and neglected organ of the body., Few know ite function or bow to release the damtnedeM body waste, bileand toxins, Moist Wks retort to violent calomel, which Is a Iidangertnus:-Beltratitig ellen:deal which canonly be used occasionally because it accumulates In- the tissues, also attackt the bones. Everr, men and woinsta, Sickor well, should, drink • each morning morning be- fore breakfast a /glass ot bot Water with a teaspoontul- of limestone phos- phate in 4g -to -wash from the liverand. bowels the preelous day's indigestible nrateriale' the poleous, 'sour bile -and tutus; thus cleansing', sweeteing and freshening the eatirealimentary canal •before putting zero food into the stomach. - Limestone phospbate • does not 're: strict the diet like calomel, because it can not salivate, for it Is harnalese and gpti can eat .anything afterward'. It is Mexpettialve and almost tee -tenses, tasd any pharmacist will sell you ,a quarter pountiglwhich Is suilicidit' fur a. aem- onstration of how hot water and lime- stone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keening von feeling et 410' in and day out. • • leeeej etieleeleol e . L 0 0 K 4.• . . P I A N 0 S LADIES and GENTLEMEN Thraiigh arrangements with The Belt -Piano - Co., of Guelph, t will act as their Agent for Goderich and surrounding territory, and' will efl. deavor to, serve you in a business manner if you are in thednarket for a Pianb °which is worthy of yourh home. ' My system of selling CU% -OW any high cern missionecl salesmen, and many heavy expenses wit' add -much to- the cost tif most Pianos -sold, sr,d_s northing to the quality whatever. Make it your ness to have -me call on you before you boy, .firopping a line to my address. Bell At Pianos are endorsed by -musioi the world over and take second place to nothin the market. They are the first makers of • • Player -Pianos in Canada irid, are also the oldest and largest faeturers of pianos in the British Empire. Full VAltin given for used pianos, o pehr:isnorogtrhaepirhs..! you deal wi!h is,1 have ..,As prices are rising. don't wait any l'cin give you terms and get. your' goods' once, which will mean $50.00 on all .Pian * • through early orders placed at the factory. Yours.for `business,- address , JONATHAN E. HUbILL ,13olt:2P Seaforth, Qpt. EffleigiE.tffitarg-116;SSER-g.-IMMERERV-PliAln re - Poe' t 4 - yet 'the t or di of with ly Of Wed/ „ tuber leher, MN. Mar and y °Me bride 's girt The te of IshOWs eouple ey tett ' Regina, • Spent. ay, NOV. eir rest - eolith Of f et, extend ou- planes In 0..• ••••••••••.*:•••*•;m61600••••••••*66.6•606......6666• 66=,..,.67trm•:„..66.6.6,**6666•6666,.....2.- 646•666.••••1•474V:My..161160•61.0".„; • Prompt Service and. Careful Attendance. 016/ Gibe Otir Livery sad thick Service • will be fousof op -to -doss it levery r • Your Patronagettolleited • T. SWARTS Plisse 107 ••Meatrell Street *Anew -a -W.* trying in his motorecar to making a .croming near -Weer nine aheadOf a SATURDAY., ' • -•1 • . EARL TO MAKE CANADIAN GIRL Ins BIUDE--Earrtnoto, who legatee to !navy -a Canadian girlt Miss Marion Cook, ef. Montreal. - • • ALGONQUIN PARK Judge B. M. Britton is dead, aged train, was struck and killed. . „„ ..„re. . There is a possibility of the Faicon gt :°"'Mayor Gordthr tits been appointed hockey team, amateur ehamplens of ,,..eiController or Bridgthurg. the world, representing Camp Borden z' " St. 'Catharines proposes a unique in the 0.1LA. senior series this memorial to her heroes in every wan season. -' • • WEDNESDAY • • •j • cier Halifax, is d . Y. Payrant, it prominent Span- */ • Of tr. • ,1 • ° , • ••. "Oree • a -tee . • , Algonquin Park provides an autumn and winter holiday grettod•that is in ao. cord with reedited AelePce. Two thous- and feet above the level of the sea and us confines Coveted with pine Jind ui it has invigorating clinassticecofl. thht are a panacea, for these who down or those who desire to - Bancroft Town was Hall ., destroyed Rhodes Ave. Presb terian Church,Highland Inn" (stems heated) offers • b 1 P after i‘ sifge a Illness' e by fire, with its contents` / Toronto, is now clear of debt. British warships in the Black Sea Premier eljthen spoke laoleassey ate ratescomfortable amoranindation at Moder- lI will observe strict neutrality. • Hall, Toronto, on Friday night. - . It is owned and operated by •V. C. Drury, Who reeigned as fire York county's highways are to be the Grand Trunk Railway' who frame ettiet at Haileybury, bas resumed that decorated by long avenues of trees, issued an interesting illustrated booklet pOsition. descriptive of the hotel and the Park, Single tax will he an lame In the • ration to Mr. C. TA. Bowman yester- A. copy can be bad tree upon appliestion to Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Ike Ontario Club made a Meson- Horeing, Dia. Passenger Agent, Toronto. LIFE • 1 f OACK HURLS IISE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS 311itlimites•t Zitlasys fool toad roe bstlitts yoa.-Xmit • brim it& mill *••••••aloodoloi • January municipal elections at Sault Ste. Marie. The French Ministry has approved the principle of compulsory military gervice. •• • .- • Ted Ray, famous golfer, received a great welcome on his arrival „in England. • TOtorito trade unions will issue de- claration of volley oe threatened wage reductions.' . / • The British Food Ministry hopes that Can da's harvest will help to re- duce br d prices. • St. Catharifses City Council hag have teefl. completed to erect a soccer adopted a drastic cluthge in the meth- Otadlorn in Toronto. ' od of tax collection. Thomas rindlee Hamilton's War Memorial Commit - reeves a's general tee Will ask for a plebiscite.* to the manager of the Meesey•Harris Co., re- form of the memorial. is, Withal' middle - tatting the presidenc"Ted" Lew y. . weight boxing tbampion, knocked out Commissioner Forman of Tortaittx .tohnny Benham in the 19th rotind. attacks the ptopontd tax. exemption Crowds of angry demonstrators id proposals in Abet city. Belgrade dignified their objeetiots to 'Robert I,Viley, of Toronto, bralte- Jugo•Slav-Italian Treaty ,of man. on the Hydro -freight-line. was the almost instantly killed at •Lundyn ,tvitP0110. • = Greece he notified the League of Lane. the League aseeably et Geneva „en conventions adopted by the Washing - ' Mot Mks 4orgot OM The kidney, elm tas bowels, Bet sluggish ond elorgoi all sold et II measimus' Ilys is tee eve. day. , Manitoba Independett Farnaers' Party puts out e," platfrom of 24 plataks. . • The authorittee claim rum -running at Windsor is tamed; expect outbreak elsewhere. • Premier Toesehereati approves plan of new bridge across the St. Lawrence at Montreal. The Turkish Nationalists have edit an Ultimatum to the Georgians to evacuate Batum. It is announced that arrangements. Nay surface amend and c1144° and we* the cost -df frequent Count von Dernetorff -will attend Neelott of 'ratifications of the Labor ton Conference. representing Germans who &Sire- A bill providing for a tompulsory their coontry admiesion to member- day of rest weekly for newspaper workers Will be diseueised in the rreneb, Parliament. handl atLeod, Gore of Downie, stged 64, died suddenle in a physl cin' a take at Tavistock, as a ressult ovr•xrtion. hese boirkeehe dull inieery e s'illiD. an in Walt region, aerate Itereiselses, rho- Rev. i. O. ie Sptaekila ban given amok wogs, torsi liver, seedatoreaeh, up his Watts for a Montlee vaeatien oim�f pliommoto sad oil forts of bladder die- and bastened back to Windsor to help hie brother in fighting the rd - e ve, 1111•44 ItinipLIset keep year eidneye e,eeeeeeeee...edeeee.meeeeee.......e., te end $ end 114 4140111414 YOU *--- - - - -- - - - ' .., iteite" or pail* is the kidney / get *set four emcee of dad . ... WM • labltai ID 44 OM 4 water 1)101)10°S afro* stlY /nod drag Moro litre, , ... WINS lets lot a few days Mel ic1 ONEY F' L L. Yew Ithisteett Will 4161 tet This limasest mitt it mods from tlac AA& ot sad boos juke, teething with Sad 1. leerialisit te ioalt &set k1* -aa. .lbstle twit So *mud ostirk. 0 ilio satirslitto -the tekts im Oho *rm us it no kart inlistos• lbw NW* blmblor &smarm lisitt s Isimkost Wilma** who * istisikitst sitorttotest 10011414r kb& Willa *SOO* should to* mar modi ibm so bop their k•loys thole term ovollios Immisso eoriptieetemos. A soslikamoo Mal firossitt *ma bo mills his at asit *ohs lo folkiiIasobelieve avoroomilsr Wog troubis OW it sa moo ompaini - - goilalieuer=e, • • A short time to 'sleep, A short lime to eat, • Lots /the bitter. Less the sweet Mora good , Abundance of survey nigh homes today, Down hearted tomorrosa. Remorse for. our failures, 0mo-ether and forgiving. The stnienine .of eitutners, .And true friende, tial living. • Pet yeare Mother times' Werra Ex- terminator has, ranked as a reliable worm preparation and 'it alweye main- Iline it reputetion. Woman's sphere i5 no longer flatten/ . ell at the polls.--Norfollt Virginian/Pe' lot. f. • 4t 14414; SPillitielik‘le ‘1148 fiat : tradAure and resists reaf from. ireather conditions' without Pari-mutuel betting mathines at the Woodbine race track, Toronto, receipts amounted to $,S46itt Ing the spring meeting. 'motrair. Sterling exclrange in New York Is quoted at $3.46%. The Stage -lav ettibiltet ham retitled the Treaty of Rapalio. Hareard Inaletrsity footbell lova belle Yale by 7 to 0. Mehl. MeCatre. °weft' Sound, nide ed thee strewberriess elaterniy. Window, Ott.. Is to twee a new daily parer, making the third In the eite. • 1ti;14t ILeitele rant weather. large crone% *Hred 9131,911'6We eeectr gamest in Vaned& • The striven large checked -retie foreottreviele •(.11 Ecif*IXt Versate:agar e ,4-1#, • ▪ II* • V • ' ?Mat Paint a tong time, 40 -end hems cheapvii paint • 'USE "DIAMOND DYES" - 'Dye riglati Dont risk Vow autteriat Each pack- age of "Dimmed Dyes' F refi- tting direetions tso simple OM any 'woman 41111 diattionddy4 4 new, rkk eolor nsto old garments drperies, Col/triage, evey- thing, whether stoat silk, linen, tette* Or mixed goodts. Stry "Diameed Dyes"--ne otter Itintl-ethea 'effect re• tete are Ottarenteed even if Ode have *ever dyed before. Doe/gist hes "Diamond Dees Color Cotreeelli rich colors. • 7 • OS; • Ptr .4067thingabou that ntedi tar be bed or lade • "The Nearest; Griddea cZkaier • • or wivite Th, Glidden Cti. Ltd., l'atmate, Ord.